using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Unity.Burst
/// The burst compiler runtime frontend.
public static class BurstCompiler
/// Check if the LoadAdditionalLibrary API is supported by the current version of Unity
/// True if the LoadAdditionalLibrary API can be used by the current version of Unity
public static bool IsLoadAdditionalLibrarySupported()
return IsApiAvailable("LoadBurstLibrary");
static unsafe BurstCompiler()
// Store pointers to Log and Compile callback methods.
// For more info about why we need to do this, see comments in CallbackStubManager.
string GetFunctionPointer(TDelegate callback)
GCHandle.Alloc(callback); // Ensure delegate is never garbage-collected.
var callbackFunctionPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callback);
return "0x" + callbackFunctionPointer.ToInt64().ToString("X16");
EagerCompileLogCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(EagerCompileLogCallback);
ManagedResolverFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ManagedResolverFunction);
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
ProgressCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ProgressCallback);
ProfileBeginCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ProfileBeginCallback);
ProfileEndCallbackFunctionPointer = GetFunctionPointer(ProfileEndCallback);
ProgressCallbackFunctionPointer = "";
private class CommandBuilder
private StringBuilder _builder;
private bool _hasArgs;
public CommandBuilder()
_builder = new StringBuilder();
_hasArgs = false;
public CommandBuilder Begin(string cmd)
_hasArgs = false;
return this;
public CommandBuilder With(string arg)
if (!_hasArgs) _builder.Append(' ');
_hasArgs = true;
return this;
public CommandBuilder With(IntPtr arg)
if (!_hasArgs) _builder.Append(' ');
_hasArgs = true;
_builder.AppendFormat("0x{0:X16}", arg.ToInt64());
return this;
public CommandBuilder And(char sep = '|')
return this;
public string SendToCompiler()
return SendRawCommandToCompiler(_builder.ToString());
private static CommandBuilder _cmdBuilder;
private static CommandBuilder BeginCompilerCommand(string cmd)
if (_cmdBuilder == null)
_cmdBuilder = new CommandBuilder();
return _cmdBuilder.Begin(cmd);
public static Func InternalCompiler;
/// Internal variable setup by BurstCompilerOptions.
[ThreadStatic] // As we are changing this boolean via BurstCompilerOptions in btests and we are running multithread tests
// we would change a global and it would generate random errors, so specifically for btests, we are using a TLS.
static bool _IsEnabled;
/// Gets a value indicating whether Burst is enabled.
public static bool IsEnabled => _IsEnabled;
public static bool IsEnabled => _IsEnabled && BurstCompilerHelper.IsBurstGenerated;
/// Gets the global options for the burst compiler.
public static readonly BurstCompilerOptions Options = new BurstCompilerOptions(true);
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
/// Sets the execution mode for all jobs spawned from now on.
/// Specifiy the required execution mode
public static void SetExecutionMode(BurstExecutionEnvironment mode)
/// Retrieve the current execution mode that is configured.
/// Currently configured execution mode
public static BurstExecutionEnvironment GetExecutionMode()
return (BurstExecutionEnvironment)Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetCurrentExecutionMode();
/// Compile the following delegate with burst and return a new delegate.
/// NOT AVAILABLE, unsafe to use
internal static unsafe T CompileDelegate(T delegateMethod) where T : class
// We have added support for runtime CompileDelegate in 2018.2+
void* function = Compile(delegateMethod, false);
object res = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)function, delegateMethod.GetType());
return (T)res;
private static void VerifyDelegateIsNotMulticast(T delegateMethod) where T : class
var delegateKind = delegateMethod as Delegate;
if (delegateKind.GetInvocationList().Length > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst does not support multicast delegates, please use a regular delegate for `{delegateMethod}'");
private static void VerifyDelegateHasCorrectUnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute(T delegateMethod) where T : class
var attrib = delegateMethod.GetType().GetCustomAttribute();
if (attrib == null || attrib.CallingConvention != CallingConvention.Cdecl)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"The delegate type {delegateMethod.GetType().FullName} should be decorated with [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] to ensure runtime interoperabilty between managed code and Burst-compiled code.");
/// DO NOT USE - deprecated.
/// The Burst method to compile.
/// The fallback managed method to use.
/// The type of the delegate used to execute these methods.
/// Nothing
[Obsolete("This method will be removed in a future version of Burst")]
public static unsafe IntPtr CompileILPPMethod(RuntimeMethodHandle burstMethodHandle, RuntimeMethodHandle managedMethodHandle, RuntimeTypeHandle delegateTypeHandle)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// Compile an IL Post-Processed method.
/// The Burst method to compile.
/// A token that must be passed to to get an actual executable function pointer.
public static unsafe IntPtr CompileILPPMethod2(RuntimeMethodHandle burstMethodHandle)
if (burstMethodHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(burstMethodHandle));
var burstMethod = (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(burstMethodHandle);
return (IntPtr)Compile(new FakeDelegate(burstMethod), burstMethod, isFunctionPointer: true, isILPostProcessing: true);
internal static Action OnCompileILPPMethod2;
/// DO NOT USE - deprecated.
/// The result of a previous call to .
/// Nothing.
[Obsolete("This method will be removed in a future version of Burst")]
public static unsafe void* GetILPPMethodFunctionPointer(IntPtr ilppMethod)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// For a previous call to , get the actual executable function pointer.
/// The result of a previous call to .
/// The fallback managed method to use.
/// The type of the delegate used to execute these methods.
/// A pointer into an executable region, for running the function pointer.
public static unsafe void* GetILPPMethodFunctionPointer2(IntPtr ilppMethod, RuntimeMethodHandle managedMethodHandle, RuntimeTypeHandle delegateTypeHandle)
if (ilppMethod == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ilppMethod));
if (managedMethodHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(managedMethodHandle));
if (delegateTypeHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(delegateTypeHandle));
// If we are in the editor, we need to route a command to the compiler to start compiling the deferred ILPP compilation.
// Otherwise if we're in Burst's internal testing, or in a player build, we already actually have the actual executable
// pointer address, and we just return that.
var managedMethod = (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(managedMethodHandle);
var delegateType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(delegateTypeHandle);
var managedFallbackDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, managedMethod);
var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(managedFallbackDelegate);
var result =
return new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt64(result, 16)).ToPointer();
return ilppMethod.ToPointer();
/// DO NOT USE - deprecated.
/// A runtime method handle.
/// Nothing.
[Obsolete("This method will be removed in a future version of Burst")]
public static unsafe void* CompileUnsafeStaticMethod(RuntimeMethodHandle handle)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// Compile the following delegate into a function pointer with burst, invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#.
/// Type of the delegate of the function pointer
/// The delegate to compile
/// A function pointer invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#
public static unsafe FunctionPointer CompileFunctionPointer(T delegateMethod) where T : class
// We have added support for runtime CompileDelegate in 2018.2+
void* function = Compile(delegateMethod, true);
return new FunctionPointer(new IntPtr(function));
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
internal class StaticTypeReinitAttribute : Attribute
public readonly Type reinitType;
public StaticTypeReinitAttribute(Type toReinit)
reinitType = toReinit;
private static unsafe void* Compile(object delegateObj, bool isFunctionPointer)
if (!(delegateObj is Delegate)) throw new ArgumentException("object instance must be a System.Delegate", nameof(delegateObj));
var delegateMethod = (Delegate)delegateObj;
return Compile(delegateMethod, delegateMethod.Method, isFunctionPointer, false);
private static unsafe void* Compile(object delegateObj, MethodInfo methodInfo, bool isFunctionPointer, bool isILPostProcessing)
if (delegateObj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(delegateObj));
if (delegateObj.GetType().IsGenericType)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The delegate type `{delegateObj.GetType()}` must be a non-generic type");
if (!methodInfo.IsStatic)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The method `{methodInfo}` must be static. Instance methods are not supported");
if (methodInfo.IsGenericMethod)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The method `{methodInfo}` must be a non-generic method");
if (isFunctionPointer && !isILPostProcessing &&
methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes().All(s => s.GetType().Name != "MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute"))
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"The method `{methodInfo}` must have `MonoPInvokeCallback` attribute to be compatible with IL2CPP!");
void* function;
// Internally in Burst tests, we callback the C# method instead
function = (void*)InternalCompiler(delegateObj);
Delegate managedFallbackDelegateMethod = null;
if (!isILPostProcessing)
managedFallbackDelegateMethod = delegateObj as Delegate;
var delegateMethod = delegateObj as Delegate;
string defaultOptions;
// In case Burst is disabled entirely from the command line
if (BurstCompilerOptions.ForceDisableBurstCompilation)
if (isILPostProcessing)
return null;
function = (void*)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managedFallbackDelegateMethod);
return function;
if (isILPostProcessing)
defaultOptions = "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitIsForFunctionPointer + "\n";
else if (isFunctionPointer)
defaultOptions = "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitIsForFunctionPointer + "\n";
// Make sure that the delegate will never be collected
var delHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(managedFallbackDelegateMethod);
defaultOptions += "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitManagedDelegateHandle + "0x" + ManagedResolverFunctionPointer + "|" + "0x" + GCHandle.ToIntPtr(delHandle).ToInt64().ToString("X16");
defaultOptions = "--" + BurstCompilerOptions.OptionJitEnableSynchronousCompilation;
string extraOptions;
// The attribute is directly on the method, so we recover the underlying method here
if (Options.TryGetOptions(methodInfo, true, out extraOptions, isForILPostProcessing: isILPostProcessing))
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(extraOptions))
defaultOptions += "\n" + extraOptions;
var delegateMethodId = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateObj, defaultOptions);
function = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetAsyncCompiledAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateMethodId);
// The attribute is directly on the method, so we recover the underlying method here
if (BurstCompilerOptions.HasBurstCompileAttribute(methodInfo))
if (Options.EnableBurstCompilation && BurstCompilerHelper.IsBurstGenerated)
var delegateMethodId = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateObj, string.Empty);
function = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetAsyncCompiledAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateMethodId);
// If this is for direct-call, and we're in a player, with Burst disabled, then we should return null,
// since we don't actually have a managedFallbackDelegateMethod at this point.
if (isILPostProcessing)
return null;
// Make sure that the delegate will never be collected
// If we are in a standalone player, and burst is disabled and we are actually
// trying to load a function pointer, in that case we need to support it
// so we are then going to use the managed function directly
// NOTE: When running under IL2CPP, this could lead to a `System.NotSupportedException : To marshal a managed method, please add an attribute named 'MonoPInvokeCallback' to the method definition.`
// so in that case, the method needs to have `MonoPInvokeCallback`
// but that's a requirement for IL2CPP, not an issue with burst
function = (void*)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managedFallbackDelegateMethod);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst cannot compile the function pointer `{methodInfo}` because the `[BurstCompile]` attribute is missing");
// Should not happen but in that case, we are still trying to generated an error
// It can be null if we are trying to compile a function in a standalone player
// and the function was not compiled. In that case, we need to output an error
if (function == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst failed to compile the function pointer `{methodInfo}`");
// When burst compilation is disabled, we are still returning a valid stub function pointer (the a pointer to the managed function)
// so that CompileFunctionPointer actually returns a delegate in all cases
return function;
/// Lets the compiler service know we are shutting down, called by the event on OnDomainUnload, if EditorApplication.quitting was called
internal static void Shutdown()
internal static void SetDefaultOptions()
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandSetDefaultOptions, Options.GetOptions(true));
// We need this to be queried each domain reload in a static constructor so that it is called on the main thread only!
internal static readonly bool IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled = UnityEditor.Compilation.CompilationPipeline.IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled();
private sealed class DomainReloadStateSingleton : UnityEditor.ScriptableSingleton
public bool AlreadyLoaded = false;
public bool IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled = false;
internal static void DomainReload()
const string parameterSeparator = "***";
const string assemblySeparator = "```";
var isScriptDebugInfoEnabled = IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled;
var cmdBuilder =
.With(isScriptDebugInfoEnabled ? "Debug" : "Release")
// We need to send the list of assemblies if
// (a) we have never done that before in this Editor instance, or
// (b) we have done it before, but now the scripting code optimization mode has changed
// from Debug to Release or vice-versa.
// This is because these are the two cases in which CompilerClient will be
// destroyed and recreated.
if (!DomainReloadStateSingleton.instance.AlreadyLoaded ||
DomainReloadStateSingleton.instance.IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled != isScriptDebugInfoEnabled)
// Gather list of assemblies to compile (only actually used at Editor startup)
var assemblyNames = UnityEditor.Compilation.CompilationPipeline
.Select(x =>;
foreach (var assemblyName in assemblyNames)
DomainReloadStateSingleton.instance.AlreadyLoaded = true;
DomainReloadStateSingleton.instance.IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled = IsScriptDebugInfoEnabled;
internal static string VersionNotify(string version)
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandVersionNotification, version);
/// Cancel any compilation being processed by the JIT Compiler in the background.
internal static void Cancel()
/// Check if there is any job pending related to the last compilation ID.
internal static bool IsCurrentCompilationDone()
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandIsCurrentCompilationDone) == "True";
return true;
internal static void Enable()
internal static void Disable()
internal static bool IsHostEditorArm()
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandIsArmTestEnv)=="true";
return false;
internal static void TriggerUnsafeStaticMethodRecompilation()
foreach (var asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
var reinitAttributes = asm.GetCustomAttributes().Where(
x => x.GetType().FullName == "Unity.Burst.BurstCompiler+StaticTypeReinitAttribute"
foreach (var attribute in reinitAttributes)
var ourAttribute = attribute as StaticTypeReinitAttribute;
var type = ourAttribute.reinitType;
var method = type.GetMethod("Constructor",BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.Public);
method.Invoke(null, new object[] { });
internal static void TriggerRecompilation()
// This is done separately from CompilerCommandTriggerRecompilation below,
// because CompilerCommandTriggerRecompilation will cause all jobs to re-request
// their function pointers from Burst, and we need to have actually triggered
// compilation by that point.
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandTriggerRecompilation, Options.GetOptions(true));
internal static void UnloadAdditionalLibraries()
internal static void InitialiseDebuggerHooks()
if (IsApiAvailable("BurstManagedDebuggerPluginV1"))
internal static bool IsApiAvailable(string apiName)
return SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandIsNativeApiAvailable, apiName) == "True";
internal static int RequestSetProtocolVersion(int version)
// Ask editor for the maximum version of the protocol we support, then inform the rest of the systems the negotiated version
var editorVersion = SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandRequestSetProtocolVersionEditor, $"{version}");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorVersion) || !int.TryParse(editorVersion, out var result))
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandSetProtocolVersionBurst, $"{result}");
return result;
private unsafe delegate void LogCallbackDelegate(void* userData, int logType, byte* message, byte* fileName, int lineNumber);
private static unsafe void EagerCompileLogCallback(void* userData, int logType, byte* message, byte* fileName, int lineNumber)
if (EagerCompilationLoggingEnabled)
BurstRuntime.Log(message, logType, fileName, lineNumber);
private delegate IntPtr ManagedFnPtrResolverDelegate(IntPtr handleVal);
private static IntPtr ManagedResolverFunction(IntPtr handleVal)
var delegateObj = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleVal).Target;
var fnptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(delegateObj);
return fnptr;
internal static bool EagerCompilationLoggingEnabled = false;
private static readonly string EagerCompileLogCallbackFunctionPointer;
private static readonly string ManagedResolverFunctionPointer;
internal static void NotifyCompilationStarted()
internal static void NotifyAssemblyCompilationNotRequired(string assemblyName)
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandNotifyAssemblyCompilationNotRequired, assemblyName);
internal static void NotifyAssemblyCompilationFinished(string assemblyName)
SendCommandToCompiler(BurstCompilerOptions.CompilerCommandNotifyAssemblyCompilationFinished, assemblyName);
internal static void NotifyCompilationFinished()
internal static string AotCompilation(string[] assemblyFolders, string[] assemblyRoots, string options)
var result = "failed";
result = SendCommandToCompiler(
BurstCompilerOptions.SerialiseCompilationOptionsSafe(assemblyRoots, assemblyFolders, options));
return result;
private static readonly string ProgressCallbackFunctionPointer;
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
private delegate void ProgressCallbackDelegate(int current, int total);
private static void ProgressCallback(int current, int total)
OnProgress?.Invoke(current, total);
internal static event Action OnProgress;
internal static void SetProfilerCallbacks()
internal delegate void ProfileBeginCallbackDelegate(string markerName, string metadataName, string metadataValue);
internal delegate void ProfileEndCallbackDelegate(string markerName);
private static readonly string ProfileBeginCallbackFunctionPointer;
private static readonly string ProfileEndCallbackFunctionPointer;
private static void ProfileBeginCallback(string markerName, string metadataName, string metadataValue) => OnProfileBegin?.Invoke(markerName, metadataName, metadataValue);
private static void ProfileEndCallback(string markerName) => OnProfileEnd?.Invoke(markerName);
internal static event ProfileBeginCallbackDelegate OnProfileBegin;
internal static event ProfileEndCallbackDelegate OnProfileEnd;
private static string SendRawCommandToCompiler(string command)
var results = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetDisassembly(DummyMethodInfo, command);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results))
return results.TrimStart('\n');
return "";
private static string SendCommandToCompiler(string commandName, string commandArgs = null)
if (commandName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandName));
if (commandArgs == null)
// If there are no arguments then there's no reason to go through the builder
return SendRawCommandToCompiler(commandName);
// Otherwise use the builder for building the final command
return BeginCompilerCommand(commandName)
private static readonly MethodInfo DummyMethodInfo = typeof(BurstCompiler).GetMethod(nameof(DummyMethod), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
/// Dummy empty method for being able to send a command to the compiler
private static void DummyMethod() { }
/// Internal class to detect at standalone player time if AOT settings were enabling burst.
internal static class BurstCompilerHelper
private delegate bool IsBurstEnabledDelegate();
private static readonly IsBurstEnabledDelegate IsBurstEnabledImpl = new IsBurstEnabledDelegate(IsBurstEnabled);
private static bool IsBurstEnabled()
bool result = true;
DiscardedMethod(ref result);
return result;
private static void DiscardedMethod(ref bool value)
value = false;
private static unsafe bool IsCompiledByBurst(Delegate del)
var delegateMethodId = Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod(del, string.Empty);
// We don't try to run the method, having a pointer is already enough to tell us that burst was active for AOT settings
return Unity.Burst.LowLevel.BurstCompilerService.GetAsyncCompiledAsyncDelegateMethod(delegateMethodId) != (void*)0;
/// Gets a boolean indicating whether burst was enabled for standalone player, used only at runtime.
public static readonly bool IsBurstGenerated = IsCompiledByBurst(IsBurstEnabledImpl);
/// Fake delegate class to make BurstCompilerService.CompileAsyncDelegateMethod happy
/// so that it can access the underlying static method via the property get_Method.
/// So this class is not a delegate.
private class FakeDelegate
public FakeDelegate(MethodInfo method)
Method = method;
public MethodInfo Method { get; }
/// Compile the following delegate into a function pointer with burst, invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#.
/// Type of the delegate of the function pointer
/// The delegate to compile
/// A function pointer invokable from a Burst Job or from regular C#
public static unsafe FunctionPointer CompileFunctionPointer(T delegateMethod) where T : System.Delegate
// Make sure that the delegate will never be collected
return new FunctionPointer(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(delegateMethod));
internal static bool IsApiAvailable(string apiName)
return false;