#if UNITY_EDITOR && ENABLE_BURST_AOT using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Android; using UnityEditor.Build; using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; using UnityEditor.Compilation; using UnityEditor.Scripting; using UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation; using UnityEditor.Scripting.Compilers; using UnityEditor.UnityLinker; using UnityEditor.Utils; using UnityEngine; using CompilerMessageType = UnityEditor.Scripting.Compilers.CompilerMessageType; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX using System.ComponentModel; using Unity.Burst.LowLevel; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; #endif namespace Unity.Burst.Editor { using static BurstCompilerOptions; internal class TargetCpus { public List Cpus; public TargetCpus() { Cpus = new List(); } public TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu single) { Cpus = new List(1) { single }; } public bool IsX86() { foreach (var cpu in Cpus) { switch (cpu) { case BurstTargetCpu.X86_SSE2: case BurstTargetCpu.X86_SSE4: return true; } } return false; } public override string ToString() { var result = ""; var first = true; foreach (var cpu in Cpus) { if (first) { result += $"{cpu}"; first = false; } else { result += $", {cpu}"; } } return result; } public TargetCpus Clone() { var copy = new TargetCpus { Cpus = new List(Cpus.Count) }; foreach (var cpu in Cpus) { copy.Cpus.Add(cpu); } return copy; } } #if !ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API internal class LinkXMLGenerator : IUnityLinkerProcessor { public int callbackOrder => 1; public string GenerateAdditionalLinkXmlFile(BuildReport report, UnityLinkerBuildPipelineData data) { var linkXml = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine("Temp", BurstAotCompiler.BurstLinkXmlName)); return linkXml; } public void OnBeforeRun(BuildReport report, UnityLinkerBuildPipelineData data) { } public void OnAfterRun(BuildReport report, UnityLinkerBuildPipelineData data) { } } #endif #if ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API internal class BurstAOTCompilerPostprocessor : IGenerateNativePluginsForAssemblies #else internal class BurstAOTCompilerPostprocessor : IPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLs #endif { public int callbackOrder => 0; #if ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API public IGenerateNativePluginsForAssemblies.PrepareResult PrepareOnMainThread(IGenerateNativePluginsForAssemblies.PrepareArgs args) { if (ForceDisableBurstCompilation) return new(); DoSetup(args.report); return new() { additionalInputFiles = new[] { // Any files in this list will be scanned for changes, and any changes in these files will trigger // a rerun of the Burst compiler on the player build (even if the script assemblies have not changed). // // We add the settings so that changing any Burst setting will trigger a rebuild. BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetPath(BurstPlatformAotSettings.ResolveTarget(settings.summary.platform)), // We don't want to scan every file in the Burst package (though every file could potentially change // behavior). When working on Burst code locally, you may need to select "Clean Build" in the Build // settings window to force a rebuild to pick up the changes. // // But we add the compiler executable to have at least on file in the package. This should be good // enough for users. Because any change in Burst will come with a change of the Burst package // version, which will change the pathname for this file (which will then trigger a rebuild, even // if the contents have not changed). Path.Combine(BurstLoader.RuntimePath, BurstAotCompiler.BurstAotCompilerExecutable), }, displayName = "Running Burst Compiler" }; } public IGenerateNativePluginsForAssemblies.GenerateResult GenerateNativePluginsForAssemblies(IGenerateNativePluginsForAssemblies.GenerateArgs args) { if (ForceDisableBurstCompilation) return new (); if (Directory.Exists(BurstAotCompiler.OutputBaseFolder)) Directory.Delete(BurstAotCompiler.OutputBaseFolder, true); var assemblies = args.assemblyFiles.Select(path => new Assembly( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), path, Array.Empty(), Array.Empty(), Array.Empty(), Array.Empty(), UnityEditor.Compilation.AssemblyFlags.None)) // We don't run Burst on UnityEngine assemblies, so we skip them to save time .Where(a => !a.name.StartsWith("UnityEngine.")) .ToArray(); return new () { generatedPlugins = DoGenerate(assemblies).ToArray() }; } #else public void OnPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLs(BuildReport report) { var step = report.BeginBuildStep("burst"); try { DoSetup(report); DoGenerate(BurstAotCompiler.GetPlayerAssemblies(report)) .ToList(); // Force enumeration } finally { report.EndBuildStep(step); } } #endif private BurstAotCompiler.BurstAOTSettings settings; public void DoSetup(BuildReport report) { settings = new BurstAotCompiler.BurstAOTSettings() { summary = report.summary, productName = PlayerSettings.productName }; settings.aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(settings.summary.platform); settings.isSupported = BurstAotCompiler.IsSupportedPlatform(settings.summary.platform, settings.aotSettingsForTarget); if (settings.isSupported) { settings.targetPlatform = BurstAotCompiler.GetTargetPlatformAndDefaultCpu(settings.summary.platform, out settings.targetCpus, settings.aotSettingsForTarget); settings.combinations = BurstAotCompiler.CollectCombinations(settings.targetPlatform, settings.targetCpus, settings.summary); settings.scriptingBackend = #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER PlayerSettings.GetScriptingBackend(NamedBuildTarget.FromBuildTargetGroup(BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(settings.summary.platform))); #else PlayerSettings.GetScriptingBackend(BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(settings.summary.platform)); #endif #if UNITY_IOS if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS) { settings.extraOptions = new List(); settings.extraOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionLinkerOptions, $"min-ios-version={PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersionString}")); } #endif #if UNITY_TVOS if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.tvOS) { settings.extraOptions = new List(); settings.extraOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionLinkerOptions, $"min-tvos-version={PlayerSettings.tvOS.targetOSVersionString}")); } #endif #if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER && UNITY_ANDROID if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Android) { // Enable Armv9 security features (PAC/BTI) if needed settings.aotSettingsForTarget.EnableArmv9SecurityFeatures = PlayerSettings.Android.enableArmv9SecurityFeatures; } #endif if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.UWP) { settings.extraOptions = new List(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaUWPVisualStudioVersion)) { settings.extraOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionLinkerOptions, $"vs-version={EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaUWPVisualStudioVersion}")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaUWPSDK)) { settings.extraOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionLinkerOptions, $"target-sdk-version={EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaUWPSDK}")); } } } } public IEnumerable DoGenerate(Assembly[] assemblies) { if (!settings.isSupported) return Array.Empty(); return BurstAotCompiler.OnPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLsImpl(settings, assemblies); } } #if !ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API internal class BurstAndroidGradlePostprocessor : IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject { int IOrderedCallback.callbackOrder => 1; void IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject.OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject(string path) { var aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(BuildTarget.Android); // Early exit if burst is not activated if (BurstCompilerOptions.ForceDisableBurstCompilation || !aotSettingsForTarget.EnableBurstCompilation) { return; } // Copy bursted .so's from tempburstlibs to the actual location in the gradle project var sourceLocation = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine("Temp", "StagingArea", "tempburstlibs")); var targetLocation = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(path, "src", "main", "jniLibs")); FileUtil.CopyDirectoryRecursive(sourceLocation, targetLocation, true); } } // For static builds, there are two different approaches: // Postprocessing adds the libraries after Unity is done building, // for platforms that need to build a project file, etc. // Preprocessing simply adds the libraries to the Unity build, // for platforms where Unity can directly build an app. internal class StaticPreProcessor : IPreprocessBuildWithReport { private const string TempSourceLibrary = @"Temp/StagingArea/SourcePlugins"; public int callbackOrder { get { return 0; } } public void OnPreprocessBuild(BuildReport report) { var aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(report.summary.platform); // Early exit if burst is not activated if (BurstCompilerOptions.ForceDisableBurstCompilation || !aotSettingsForTarget.EnableBurstCompilation) { return; } if(report.summary.platform == BuildTarget.Switch) { if(!Directory.Exists(TempSourceLibrary)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TempSourceLibrary); Directory.CreateDirectory(TempSourceLibrary); } BurstAotCompiler.WriteStaticLinkCppFile(TempSourceLibrary); } } } #endif /// /// Integration of the burst AOT compiler into the Unity build player pipeline /// internal class BurstAotCompiler { internal const string BurstAotCompilerExecutable = "bcl.exe"; #if ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API // When using the new player build API, don't write to Temp/StagingArea. // We still need code in Unity to support old versions of Burst not using the new API. // for that case, we will just pick up files written to the Temp/StagingArea. // So in order to not pick up files twice, use a different output location for the new // API. internal const string OutputBaseFolder = @"Temp/BurstOutput/"; #else private const string OutputBaseFolder = @"Temp/StagingArea/"; #endif private const string TempStagingManaged = OutputBaseFolder + @"Data/Managed/"; private const string LibraryPlayerScriptAssemblies = "Library/PlayerScriptAssemblies"; private const string TempManagedSymbols = @"Temp/ManagedSymbols/"; internal const string BurstLinkXmlName = "burst.link.xml"; internal struct BurstAOTSettings { public BuildSummary summary; public BurstPlatformAotSettings aotSettingsForTarget; public TargetPlatform targetPlatform; public TargetCpus targetCpus; public List combinations; public ScriptingImplementation scriptingBackend; public string productName; public bool isSupported; public List extraOptions; } static void CopyDirectory(string sourceDir, string destinationDir, bool recursive) { // Get information about the source directory var dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir); // Check if the source directory exists if (!dir.Exists) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Source directory not found: {dir.FullName}"); // Cache directories before we start copying DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories(); // Create the destination directory Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationDir); // Get the files in the source directory and copy to the destination directory foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles()) { string targetFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationDir, file.Name); file.CopyTo(targetFilePath); } // If recursive and copying subdirectories, recursively call this method if (recursive) { foreach (DirectoryInfo subDir in dirs) { string newDestinationDir = Path.Combine(destinationDir, subDir.Name); CopyDirectory(subDir.FullName, newDestinationDir, true); } } } internal static IEnumerable OnPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLsImpl(BurstAOTSettings settings, Assembly[] playerAssemblies) { var buildTarget = settings.summary.platform; string burstMiscAlongsidePath = ""; if ((settings.summary.options & BuildOptions.InstallInBuildFolder) == 0) { burstMiscAlongsidePath = BurstPlatformAotSettings.FetchOutputPath(settings.summary); } HashSet assemblyDefines = new HashSet(); // Early exit if burst is not activated or the platform is not supported if (BurstCompilerOptions.ForceDisableBurstCompilation || !settings.aotSettingsForTarget.EnableBurstCompilation) { return Array.Empty(); } var isDevelopmentBuild = (settings.summary.options & BuildOptions.Development) != 0; var commonOptions = new List(); var stagingFolder = Path.GetFullPath(TempStagingManaged); // grab the location of the root of the player folder - for handling nda platforms that require keys var keyFolder = BuildPipeline.GetPlaybackEngineDirectory(buildTarget, BuildOptions.None); commonOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionAotKeyFolder, keyFolder)); commonOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionAotDecodeFolder, Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Library", "Burst"))); // Extract the TargetPlatform and Cpus from the current build settings commonOptions.Add(GetOption(OptionPlatform, settings.targetPlatform)); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1) Calculate AssemblyFolders // These are the folders to look for assembly resolution // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var assemblyFolders = new List { stagingFolder }; foreach (var assembly in playerAssemblies) AddAssemblyFolder(assembly.outputPath, stagingFolder, buildTarget, assemblyFolders); if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.WSAPlayer || buildTarget == BuildTarget.XboxOne #if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER || buildTarget == BuildTarget.GameCoreXboxOne || buildTarget == BuildTarget.GameCoreXboxSeries #endif ) { // On UWP, not all assemblies are copied to StagingArea, so we want to // find all directories that we can reference assemblies from // If we don't do this, we will crash with AssemblyResolutionException // when following type references. foreach (var assembly in playerAssemblies) { foreach (var assemblyRef in assembly.compiledAssemblyReferences) AddAssemblyFolder(assemblyRef, stagingFolder, buildTarget, assemblyFolders); } } if (settings.extraOptions != null) { commonOptions.AddRange(settings.extraOptions); } // Copy assembly used during staging to have a trace if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging) { try { var copyAssemblyFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Logs", "StagingAssemblies"); try { if (Directory.Exists(copyAssemblyFolder)) Directory.Delete(copyAssemblyFolder); } catch { } if (!Directory.Exists(copyAssemblyFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(copyAssemblyFolder); foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(stagingFolder)) { File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(copyAssemblyFolder, Path.GetFileName(file))); } } catch { } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2) Calculate root assemblies // These are the assemblies that the compiler will look for methods to compile // This list doesn't typically include .NET runtime assemblies but only assemblies compiled as part // of the current Unity project // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var rootAssemblies = new List(); foreach (var playerAssembly in playerAssemblies) { #if ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API var playerAssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(playerAssembly.outputPath); #else // the file at path `playerAssembly.outputPath` is actually not on the disk // while it is in the staging folder because OnPostBuildPlayerScriptDLLs is being called once the files are already // transferred to the staging folder, so we are going to work from it but we are reusing the file names that we got earlier var playerAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(stagingFolder, Path.GetFileName(playerAssembly.outputPath)); #endif if (!File.Exists(playerAssemblyPath)) { Debug.LogWarning($"Unable to find player assembly: {playerAssembly.outputPath}"); } else { rootAssemblies.Add(playerAssemblyPath); assemblyDefines.UnionWith(playerAssembly.defines); } } commonOptions.AddRange(rootAssemblies.Select(root => GetOption(OptionRootAssembly, root))); commonOptions.AddRange(assemblyDefines.Select(define => GetOption(OptionCompilationDefines, define))); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 4) Compile each combination // // Here bcl.exe is called for each target CPU combination // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string debugLogFile = null; if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging) { // Reset log files try { var logDir = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Logs"); debugLogFile = Path.Combine(logDir, "burst_bcl_editor.log"); if (!Directory.Exists(logDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(logDir); File.WriteAllText(debugLogFile, string.Empty); } catch { debugLogFile = null; } } if ((settings.summary.options & BuildOptions.InstallInBuildFolder) == 0) { CreateFolderForMiscFiles(burstMiscAlongsidePath); } // Log the targets generated by BurstReflection.FindExecuteMethods foreach (var combination in settings.combinations) { // Gets the output folder var stagingOutputFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(OutputBaseFolder, combination.OutputPath)); var outputFilePrefix = Path.Combine(stagingOutputFolder, combination.LibraryName); var options = new List(commonOptions) { GetOption(OptionAotOutputPath, outputFilePrefix), GetOption(OptionTempDirectory, Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Temp", "Burst")) }; foreach (var cpu in combination.TargetCpus.Cpus) { options.Add(GetOption(OptionTarget, cpu)); } if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.tvOS || settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Switch) { options.Add(GetOption(OptionStaticLinkage)); #if ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API WriteStaticLinkCppFile($"{OutputBaseFolder}/{combination.OutputPath}"); #endif } if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Windows) { options.Add(GetOption(OptionLinkerOptions, $"PdbAltPath=\"{settings.productName}_{combination.OutputPath}/{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(combination.LibraryName)}.pdb\"")); } #if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER && UNITY_ANDROID if (settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Android) { // Enable Armv9 security features (PAC/BTI) if needed if (settings.aotSettingsForTarget.EnableArmv9SecurityFeatures) options.Add(GetOption(OptionBranchProtection, "Standard")); } #endif options.AddRange(assemblyFolders.Select(assemblyFolder => GetOption(OptionAotAssemblyFolder, assemblyFolder))); // Set the flag to print a message on missing MonoPInvokeCallback attribute on IL2CPP only if (settings.scriptingBackend == ScriptingImplementation.IL2CPP) { options.Add(GetOption(OptionPrintLogOnMissingPInvokeCallbackAttribute)); } // Log the targets generated by BurstReflection.FindExecuteMethods if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging && debugLogFile != null) { try { var writer = new StringWriter(); writer.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------"); writer.WriteLine("Combination: " + combination); writer.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------------"); foreach (var option in options) { writer.WriteLine(option); } writer.WriteLine("Assemblies in AssemblyFolders:"); foreach (var assemblyFolder in assemblyFolders) { writer.WriteLine("|- Folder: " + assemblyFolder); foreach (var assemblyOrDll in Directory.EnumerateFiles(assemblyFolder, "*.dll")) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(assemblyOrDll); writer.WriteLine(" |- " + assemblyOrDll + " Size: " + fileInfo.Length + " Date: " + fileInfo.LastWriteTime); } } File.AppendAllText(debugLogFile, writer.ToString()); } catch { // ignored } } // Allow burst to find managed symbols in the backup location in case the symbols are stripped in the build location options.Add(GetOption(OptionAotPdbSearchPaths, TempManagedSymbols)); if (isDevelopmentBuild && Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UNITY_BURST_ENABLE_SAFETY_CHECKS_IN_PLAYER_BUILD") != null) { options.Add("--global-safety-checks-setting=ForceOn"); } options.Add(GetOption(OptionGenerateLinkXml, Path.Combine("Temp", BurstLinkXmlName))); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.aotSettingsForTarget.DisabledWarnings)) { options.Add(GetOption(OptionDisableWarnings, settings.aotSettingsForTarget.DisabledWarnings)); } if (isDevelopmentBuild || settings.aotSettingsForTarget.EnableDebugInAllBuilds) { if (!isDevelopmentBuild) { Debug.LogWarning( "Symbols are being generated for burst compiled code, please ensure you intended this - see Burst AOT settings."); } options.Add(GetOption(OptionDebug, "Full")); } if (!settings.aotSettingsForTarget.EnableOptimisations) { options.Add(GetOption(OptionDisableOpt)); } else { switch (settings.aotSettingsForTarget.OptimizeFor) { case OptimizeFor.Default: case OptimizeFor.Balanced: options.Add(GetOption(OptionOptLevel, 2)); break; case OptimizeFor.Performance: options.Add(GetOption(OptionOptLevel, 3)); break; case OptimizeFor.Size: options.Add(GetOption(OptionOptForSize)); options.Add(GetOption(OptionOptLevel, 3)); break; case OptimizeFor.FastCompilation: options.Add(GetOption(OptionOptLevel, 1)); break; } } if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging) { options.Add(GetOption("debug-logging")); } // Write current options to the response file var responseFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllLines(responseFile, options); if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging) { Debug.Log($"bcl.exe {OptionBurstcSwitch} @{responseFile}\n\nResponse File:\n" + string.Join("\n", options)); } try { var burstcSwitch = OptionBurstcSwitch; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UNITY_BURST_DISABLE_INCREMENTAL_PLAYER_BUILDS"))) { burstcSwitch = ""; } BclRunner.RunManagedProgram(Path.Combine(BurstLoader.RuntimePath, BurstAotCompilerExecutable), $"{burstcSwitch} {BclRunner.EscapeForShell("@" + responseFile)}", new BclOutputErrorParser()); // Additionally copy the pdb to the root of the player build so run in editor also locates the symbols var pdbPath = $"{Path.Combine(stagingOutputFolder, combination.LibraryName)}.pdb"; if (File.Exists(pdbPath)) { var dstPath = Path.Combine(OutputBaseFolder, $"{combination.LibraryName}.pdb"); File.Copy(pdbPath, dstPath, overwrite: true); } } catch (BuildFailedException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildFailedException(e); } } PostProcessCombinations(settings.targetPlatform, settings.combinations, settings.summary); var pdbsRemainInBuild = isDevelopmentBuild || settings.aotSettingsForTarget.EnableDebugInAllBuilds || settings.targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.UWP; // Finally move out any symbols/misc files from the final output if ((settings.summary.options & BuildOptions.InstallInBuildFolder) == 0) { return CollateMiscFiles(settings.combinations, burstMiscAlongsidePath, pdbsRemainInBuild); } return Array.Empty(); } private static void AddAssemblyFolder(string assemblyRef, string stagingFolder, BuildTarget buildTarget, List assemblyFolders) { // Exclude folders with assemblies already compiled in the `folder` var assemblyName = Path.GetFileName(assemblyRef); if (assemblyName != null && File.Exists(Path.Combine(stagingFolder, assemblyName))) { return; } var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyRef); if (directory != null) { var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(directory); if (IsMonoReferenceAssemblyDirectory(fullPath) || IsDotNetStandardAssemblyDirectory(fullPath)) { // Don't pass reference assemblies to burst because they contain methods without implementation // If burst accidentally resolves them, it will emit calls to burst_abort. fullPath = Path.Combine(EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath, "MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono"); #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER // In 2021.2 we got multiple mono distributions, per platform. fullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "unityaot-" + BuildTargetDiscovery.GetPlatformProfileSuffix(buildTarget)); #else fullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "unityaot"); #endif fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(fullPath); // GetFullPath will normalize path separators to OS native format if (!assemblyFolders.Contains(fullPath)) assemblyFolders.Add(fullPath); fullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "Facades"); if (!assemblyFolders.Contains(fullPath)) assemblyFolders.Add(fullPath); } else if (!assemblyFolders.Contains(fullPath)) { assemblyFolders.Add(fullPath); } } } private static void CreateFolderForMiscFiles(string finalFolder) { try { if (Directory.Exists(finalFolder)) Directory.Delete(finalFolder,true); } catch { } Directory.CreateDirectory(finalFolder); } private static IEnumerable CollateMiscFiles(List combinations, string finalFolder, bool retainPdbs) { foreach (var combination in combinations) { var inputPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(OutputBaseFolder, combination.OutputPath)); var outputPath = Path.Combine(finalFolder, combination.OutputPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); if (!Directory.Exists(inputPath)) continue; var files = Directory.GetFiles(inputPath); var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(inputPath); foreach (var fileName in files) { var lowerCase = fileName.ToLower(); if ( (!retainPdbs && lowerCase.EndsWith(".pdb")) || lowerCase.EndsWith(".dsym") || lowerCase.EndsWith(".txt")) { // Move the file out of the staging area so its not included in the build File.Move(fileName, Path.Combine(outputPath, Path.GetFileName(fileName))); } else if (!combination.CollateDirectory) { yield return fileName; } } foreach (var fileName in directories) { var lowerCase = fileName.ToLower(); if ( (!retainPdbs && lowerCase.EndsWith(".pdb")) || lowerCase.EndsWith(".dsym") || lowerCase.EndsWith(".txt")) { // Move the folder out of the staging area so its not included in the build Directory.Move(fileName, Path.Combine(outputPath, Path.GetFileName(fileName))); } else if (!combination.CollateDirectory) { yield return fileName; } } if (combination.CollateDirectory) yield return inputPath; } } private static bool AndroidHasX86(AndroidArchitecture architecture) { // Deal with rename that occured AndroidArchitecture val; if (AndroidArchitecture.TryParse("X86", out val)) { return (architecture & val)!=0; } else if (AndroidArchitecture.TryParse("x86", out val)) { return (architecture & val)!=0; } return false; } private static bool AndroidHasX86_64(AndroidArchitecture architecture) { // Deal with rename that occured AndroidArchitecture val; if (AndroidArchitecture.TryParse("X86_64", out val)) { return (architecture & val)!=0; } else if (AndroidArchitecture.TryParse("x86_64", out val)) { return (architecture & val)!=0; } return false; } private enum SimulatorPlatforms { iOS, tvOS } private static bool IsForSimulator(BuildTarget target) { switch (target) { case BuildTarget.iOS: return IsForSimulator(SimulatorPlatforms.iOS); case BuildTarget.tvOS: return IsForSimulator(SimulatorPlatforms.tvOS); default: return false; } } private static bool IsForSimulator(TargetPlatform targetPlatform) { switch (targetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.iOS: return IsForSimulator(SimulatorPlatforms.iOS); case TargetPlatform.tvOS: return IsForSimulator(SimulatorPlatforms.tvOS); default: return false; } } private static bool IsForSimulator(SimulatorPlatforms simulatorPlatforms) { switch (simulatorPlatforms) { case SimulatorPlatforms.iOS: return UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.sdkVersion == iOSSdkVersion.SimulatorSDK; case SimulatorPlatforms.tvOS: return UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.tvOS.sdkVersion == tvOSSdkVersion.Simulator; } return false; } public static void WriteStaticLinkCppFile(string dir) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); string cppPath = Path.Combine(dir, "lib_burst_generated.cpp"); // Additionally we need a small cpp file (weak symbols won't unfortunately override directly from the libs //presumably due to link order? File.WriteAllText(cppPath, @" extern ""C"" { void Staticburst_initialize(void* ); void* StaticBurstStaticMethodLookup(void* ); int burst_enable_static_linkage = 1; void burst_initialize(void* i) { Staticburst_initialize(i); } void* BurstStaticMethodLookup(void* i) { return StaticBurstStaticMethodLookup(i); } } "); } /// /// Collect CPU combinations for the specified TargetPlatform and TargetCPU /// /// The target platform (e.g Windows) /// The target CPUs (e.g X64_SSE4) /// Error reporting /// The list of CPU combinations internal static List CollectCombinations(TargetPlatform targetPlatform, TargetCpus targetCpus, BuildSummary summary) { var combinations = new List(); if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.macOS) { // NOTE: OSX has a special folder for the plugin // Declared in GetStagingAreaPluginsFolder // PlatformDependent\OSXPlayer\Extensions\Managed\OSXDesktopStandalonePostProcessor.cs #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER var outputPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetFileName(summary.outputPath), "Contents", "Plugins"); #else var outputPath = "UnityPlayer.app/Contents/Plugins"; #endif #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER // Based on : PlatformDependent/OSXPlayer/Extension/OSXStandaloneBuildWindowExtension.cs var aotSettings = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX); var buildTargetName = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetName(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX); var architecture = EditorUserBuildSettings.GetPlatformSettings(buildTargetName, "Architecture").ToLowerInvariant(); switch (architecture) { case "x64": combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination(outputPath, aotSettings.GetDesktopCpu64Bit())); break; case "arm64": combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination(outputPath, new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64))); break; default: combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination(Path.Combine(outputPath, "x64"), aotSettings.GetDesktopCpu64Bit())); combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination(Path.Combine(outputPath, "arm64"), new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64))); break; } #else combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination(outputPath, targetCpus)); #endif } else if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS || targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.tvOS) { if (IsForSimulator(targetPlatform)) { Debug.LogWarning("Burst Does not currently support the simulator, burst is disabled for this build."); } else if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { Debug.LogWarning("Burst Cross Compilation to iOS/tvOS for standalone player, is only supported on OSX Editor at this time, burst is disabled for this build."); } else { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("StaticLibraries", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64))); } } else if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Android) { // TODO: would be better to query AndroidNdkRoot (but thats not exposed from unity) string ndkRoot = null; var targetAPILevel = PlayerSettings.Android.GetMinTargetAPILevel(); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER && UNITY_ANDROID ndkRoot = UnityEditor.Android.AndroidExternalToolsSettings.ndkRootPath; #elif UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER // 2019.1 now has an embedded ndk if (EditorPrefs.HasKey("NdkUseEmbedded")) { if (EditorPrefs.GetBool("NdkUseEmbedded")) { ndkRoot = Path.Combine(BuildPipeline.GetPlaybackEngineDirectory(BuildTarget.Android, BuildOptions.None), "NDK"); } else { ndkRoot = EditorPrefs.GetString("AndroidNdkRootR16b"); } } #elif UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Unity 2018.3 is using NDK r16b ndkRoot = EditorPrefs.GetString("AndroidNdkRootR16b"); #endif // If we still don't have a valid root, try the old key if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ndkRoot)) { ndkRoot = EditorPrefs.GetString("AndroidNdkRoot"); } // Verify the directory at least exists, if not we fall back to ANDROID_NDK_ROOT current setting if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ndkRoot) && !Directory.Exists(ndkRoot)) { ndkRoot = null; } // Always set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT (if we got a valid result from above), so BCL knows where to find the Android toolchain and its the one the user expects if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ndkRoot)) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", ndkRoot); } Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("BURST_ANDROID_MIN_API_LEVEL", $"{targetAPILevel}"); // Setting tempburstlibs/ as the interim target directory // Don't target libs/ directly because incremental build pipeline doesn't expect the so's at that path // Rather, so's are copied to the actual location in the gradle project in BurstAndroidGradlePostprocessor var androidTargetArch = PlayerSettings.Android.targetArchitectures; if ((androidTargetArch & AndroidArchitecture.ARMv7) != 0) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("tempburstlibs/armeabi-v7a", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV7A_NEON32), collateDirectory: true)); } if ((androidTargetArch & AndroidArchitecture.ARM64) != 0) { var aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(summary.platform); combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("tempburstlibs/arm64-v8a", aotSettingsForTarget.GetAndroidCpuArm64(), collateDirectory: true)); } #if !UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER if (AndroidHasX86(androidTargetArch)) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("tempburstlibs/x86", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X86_SSE2), collateDirectory: true)); } #endif #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER if (AndroidHasX86(androidTargetArch)) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("tempburstlibs/x86", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X86_SSE4), collateDirectory: true)); } if (AndroidHasX86_64(androidTargetArch)) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("tempburstlibs/x86_64", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X64_SSE4), collateDirectory: true)); } #endif } else if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.UWP) { var aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(summary.platform); #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER if (EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaUWPBuildType == WSAUWPBuildType.ExecutableOnly) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination($"Plugins/{GetUWPTargetArchitecture()}", targetCpus, collateDirectory: true)); } else #endif { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Plugins/x64", aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu64Bit(), collateDirectory: true)); combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Plugins/x86", aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu32Bit(), collateDirectory: true)); combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Plugins/ARM", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.THUMB2_NEON32), collateDirectory: true)); combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Plugins/ARM64", new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64), collateDirectory: true)); } } #if !UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER else if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Lumin) { // Set the LUMINSDK_UNITY so bcl.exe will be able to find the SDK if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LUMINSDK_UNITY"))) { var sdkRoot = EditorPrefs.GetString("LuminSDKRoot"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdkRoot)) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LUMINSDK_UNITY", sdkRoot); } } combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Data/Plugins/", targetCpus)); } #endif else if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Switch) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("NativePlugins/", targetCpus)); } #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER else if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Stadia) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("NativePlugins", targetCpus)); } #endif else { #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.Windows) { // This is what is expected by PlatformDependent\Win\Plugins.cpp if (targetCpus.IsX86()) { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Data/Plugins/x86", targetCpus, collateDirectory: true)); } else { combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Data/Plugins/x86_64", targetCpus, collateDirectory: true)); } } else #endif { // Safeguard combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination("Data/Plugins/", targetCpus)); } } return combinations; } private static void PostProcessCombinations(TargetPlatform targetPlatform, List combinations, BuildSummary summary) { #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER if (targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.macOS && combinations.Count > 1) { // Figure out which files we need to lipo string outputSymbolsDir = null; var outputDir = Path.Combine(OutputBaseFolder, Path.GetFileName(summary.outputPath), "Contents", "Plugins"); var sliceCount = combinations.Count; var binarySlices = new string[sliceCount]; var debugSymbolSlices = new string[sliceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < sliceCount; i++) { var slice = combinations[i]; var binaryFileName = slice.LibraryName + ".bundle"; var binaryPath = Path.Combine(OutputBaseFolder, slice.OutputPath, binaryFileName); binarySlices[i] = binaryPath; // Only attempt to lipo symbols if they actually exist var dsymPath = binaryPath + ".dsym"; var debugSymbolsPath = Path.Combine(dsymPath, "Contents", "Resources", "DWARF", binaryFileName); if (File.Exists(debugSymbolsPath)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputSymbolsDir)) { // Copy over the symbols from the first combination for metadata files which we aren't merging, like Info.plist var outputDsymPath = Path.Combine(outputDir, binaryFileName + ".dsym"); CopyDirectory(dsymPath, outputDsymPath, true); outputSymbolsDir = Path.Combine(outputDsymPath, "Contents", "Resources", "DWARF"); } debugSymbolSlices[i] = debugSymbolsPath; } } // lipo combinations together var outBinaryFileName = combinations[0].LibraryName + ".bundle"; RunLipo(binarySlices, Path.Combine(outputDir, outBinaryFileName)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputSymbolsDir)) RunLipo(debugSymbolSlices, Path.Combine(outputSymbolsDir, outBinaryFileName)); // Remove single-slice binary so they don't end up in the build for (int i = 0; i < sliceCount; i++) Directory.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(binarySlices[i]), true); // Since we have combined the files, we need to adjust combinations for the next step var outFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(combinations[0].OutputPath); // remove platform folder combinations.Clear(); combinations.Add(new BurstOutputCombination(outFolder, new TargetCpus())); } #endif } private static void RunLipo(string[] inputFiles, string outputFile) { var outputDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); var cmdLine = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var input in inputFiles) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) continue; cmdLine.Append(BclRunner.EscapeForShell(input)); cmdLine.Append(' '); } cmdLine.Append("-create -output "); cmdLine.Append(BclRunner.EscapeForShell(outputFile)); string lipoPath; var currentEditorPlatform = Application.platform; switch (currentEditorPlatform) { case RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor: lipoPath = Path.Combine(BurstLoader.RuntimePath, "hostlin", "llvm-lipo"); break; case RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor: lipoPath = Path.Combine(BurstLoader.RuntimePath, "hostmac", "llvm-lipo"); break; case RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor: lipoPath = Path.Combine(BurstLoader.RuntimePath, "hostwin", "llvm-lipo.exe"); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Unity editor platform: " + currentEditorPlatform); } BclRunner.RunNativeProgram(lipoPath, cmdLine.ToString(), null); } internal static Assembly[] GetPlayerAssemblies(BuildReport report) { // We need to build the list of root assemblies based from the "PlayerScriptAssemblies" folder. // This is so we compile the versions of the library built for the individual platforms, not the editor version. var oldOutputDir = EditorCompilationInterface.GetCompileScriptsOutputDirectory(); try { EditorCompilationInterface.SetCompileScriptsOutputDirectory(LibraryPlayerScriptAssemblies); var shouldIncludeTestAssemblies = report.summary.options.HasFlag(BuildOptions.IncludeTestAssemblies); #if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER // Workaround that with 'Server Build' ticked in the build options, since there is no 'AssembliesType.Server' // enum, we need to manually add the BuildingForHeadlessPlayer compilation option. #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER var isHeadless = report.summary.subtarget == (int)StandaloneBuildSubtarget.Server; #elif UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER // A really really really gross hack - thanks Cristian Mazo! Querying the BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode is // obselete, but accessing its integer value is not... Note: this is just the temporary workaround to unblock // us (as of 1st June 2021, I say this with **much hope** that it is indeed temporary!). var isHeadless = report.summary.options.HasFlag((BuildOptions)16384); #else var isHeadless = report.summary.options.HasFlag(BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode); #endif if (isHeadless) { var compilationOptions = EditorCompilationInterface.GetAdditionalEditorScriptCompilationOptions(); compilationOptions |= EditorScriptCompilationOptions.BuildingForHeadlessPlayer; if (shouldIncludeTestAssemblies) { compilationOptions |= EditorScriptCompilationOptions.BuildingIncludingTestAssemblies; } return CompilationPipeline.ToAssemblies(CompilationPipeline.GetScriptAssemblies(EditorCompilationInterface.Instance, compilationOptions)); } else { return CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies(shouldIncludeTestAssemblies ? AssembliesType.Player : AssembliesType.PlayerWithoutTestAssemblies); } #elif UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER // Workaround that with 'Server Build' ticked in the build options, since there is no 'AssembliesType.Server' // enum, we need to manually add the 'UNITY_SERVER' define to the player assembly search list. if (report.summary.options.HasFlag(BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode)) { var compilationOptions = EditorCompilationInterface.GetAdditionalEditorScriptCompilationOptions(); if (shouldIncludeTestAssemblies) { compilationOptions |= EditorScriptCompilationOptions.BuildingIncludingTestAssemblies; } return CompilationPipeline.GetPlayerAssemblies(EditorCompilationInterface.Instance, compilationOptions, new string[] { "UNITY_SERVER" }); } else { return CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies(shouldIncludeTestAssemblies ? AssembliesType.Player : AssembliesType.PlayerWithoutTestAssemblies); } #else var compilationOptions = EditorCompilationInterface.GetAdditionalEditorScriptCompilationOptions(); if (shouldIncludeTestAssemblies) { compilationOptions |= EditorScriptCompilationOptions.BuildingIncludingTestAssemblies; } #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER return CompilationPipeline.GetPlayerAssemblies(EditorCompilationInterface.Instance, compilationOptions, null); #else return CompilationPipeline.GetPlayerAssemblies(EditorCompilationInterface.Instance, compilationOptions); #endif #endif } finally { EditorCompilationInterface.SetCompileScriptsOutputDirectory(oldOutputDir); // restore output directory back to original value } } private static bool IsMonoReferenceAssemblyDirectory(string path) { var editorDir = Path.GetFullPath(EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath); return path.IndexOf(editorDir, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 && path.IndexOf("MonoBleedingEdge", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 && path.IndexOf("-api", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1; } private static bool IsDotNetStandardAssemblyDirectory(string path) { var editorDir = Path.GetFullPath(EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath); return path.IndexOf(editorDir, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 && path.IndexOf("netstandard", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 && path.IndexOf("shims", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1; } internal static TargetPlatform GetTargetPlatformAndDefaultCpu(BuildTarget target, out TargetCpus targetCpu, BurstPlatformAotSettings aotSettingsForTarget) { var platform = TryGetTargetPlatform(target, out targetCpu, aotSettingsForTarget); if (!platform.HasValue) { throw new NotSupportedException("The target platform " + target + " is not supported by the burst compiler"); } return platform.Value; } internal static bool IsSupportedPlatform(BuildTarget target, BurstPlatformAotSettings aotSettingsForTarget) { return TryGetTargetPlatform(target, out var _, aotSettingsForTarget).HasValue; } private static TargetPlatform? TryGetTargetPlatform(BuildTarget target, out TargetCpus targetCpus, BurstPlatformAotSettings aotSettingsForTarget) { switch (target) { case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows: targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu32Bit(); return TargetPlatform.Windows; case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64: targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu64Bit(); return TargetPlatform.Windows; case BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX: targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu64Bit(); return TargetPlatform.macOS; #if !UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER // 32 bit linux support was deprecated case BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux: targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu32Bit(); return TargetPlatform.Linux; #endif case BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64: targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu64Bit(); return TargetPlatform.Linux; case BuildTarget.WSAPlayer: { var uwpArchitecture = GetUWPTargetArchitecture(); if (string.Equals(uwpArchitecture, "x64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu64Bit(); } else if (string.Equals(uwpArchitecture, "x86", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { targetCpus = aotSettingsForTarget.GetDesktopCpu32Bit(); } else if (string.Equals(uwpArchitecture, "ARM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.THUMB2_NEON32); } else if (string.Equals(uwpArchitecture, "ARM64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown UWP CPU architecture: " + uwpArchitecture); } return TargetPlatform.UWP; } case BuildTarget.XboxOne: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X64_SSE4); return TargetPlatform.XboxOne; #if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER case BuildTarget.GameCoreXboxOne: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.AVX); return TargetPlatform.GameCoreXboxOne; case BuildTarget.GameCoreXboxSeries: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.AVX2); return TargetPlatform.GameCoreXboxSeries; #endif case BuildTarget.PS4: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X64_SSE4); return TargetPlatform.PS4; case BuildTarget.Android: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV7A_NEON32); return TargetPlatform.Android; case BuildTarget.iOS: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV7A_NEON32); return TargetPlatform.iOS; case BuildTarget.tvOS: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64); return TargetPlatform.tvOS; #if !UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER case BuildTarget.Lumin: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64); return TargetPlatform.Lumin; #endif case BuildTarget.Switch: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64); return TargetPlatform.Switch; #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER case BuildTarget.Stadia: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.AVX2); return TargetPlatform.Stadia; case BuildTarget.PS5: targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.AVX2); return TargetPlatform.PS5; #endif } #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER const int qnxTarget = (int)BuildTarget.QNX; #else const int qnxTarget = 46; #endif if (qnxTarget == (int)target) { // QNX is supported on 2019.4 (shadow branch), 2020.3 (shadow branch) and 2022.1+ (official). var qnxArchitecture = GetQNXTargetArchitecture(); if ("Arm64" == qnxArchitecture) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64); } else if ("X64" == qnxArchitecture) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X64_SSE4); } else if ("X86" == qnxArchitecture) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X86_SSE4); } else if ("Arm32" == qnxArchitecture) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV7A_NEON32); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown QNX CPU architecture: " + qnxArchitecture); } return TargetPlatform.QNX; } #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER const int embeddedLinuxTarget = (int)BuildTarget.EmbeddedLinux; #else const int embeddedLinuxTarget = 45; #endif if (embeddedLinuxTarget == (int)target) { //EmbeddedLinux is supported on 2019.4 (shadow branch), 2020.3 (shadow branch) and 2021.2+ (official). var embeddedLinuxArchitecture = GetEmbeddedLinuxTargetArchitecture(); if ("Arm64" == embeddedLinuxArchitecture) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.ARMV8A_AARCH64); } else if ("X64" == embeddedLinuxArchitecture) { targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.X64_SSE2); //lowest supported for now } else if (("X86" == embeddedLinuxArchitecture) || ("Arm32" == embeddedLinuxArchitecture)) { //32bit platforms cannot be support with the current SDK/Toolchain combination. //i686-embedded-linux-gnu/8.3.0\libgcc.a(_moddi3.o + _divdi3.o): contains a compressed section, but zlib is not available //_moddi3.o + _divdi3.o are required by LLVM for 64bit operations on 32bit platforms. throw new InvalidOperationException($"No EmbeddedLinux Burst Support on {embeddedLinuxArchitecture} architecture."); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown EmbeddedLinux CPU architecture: " + embeddedLinuxArchitecture); } return TargetPlatform.EmbeddedLinux; } targetCpus = new TargetCpus(BurstTargetCpu.Auto); return null; } private static string GetUWPTargetArchitecture() { var architecture = EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaArchitecture; if (string.Equals(architecture, "x64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(architecture, "x86", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(architecture, "ARM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(architecture, "ARM64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return architecture; } // Default to x64 if editor user build setting is garbage return "x64"; } private static string GetEmbeddedLinuxTargetArchitecture() { var flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; var property = typeof(EditorUserBuildSettings).GetProperty("selectedEmbeddedLinuxArchitecture", flags); if (null == property) { return "NOT_FOUND"; } var value = (int)property.GetValue(null, null); switch (value) { case /*UnityEditor.EmbeddedLinuxArchitecture.Arm64*/ 0: return "Arm64"; case /*UnityEditor.EmbeddedLinuxArchitecture.Arm32*/ 1: return "Arm32"; case /*UnityEditor.EmbeddedLinuxArchitecture.X64*/ 2: return "X64"; case /*UnityEditor.EmbeddedLinuxArchitecture.X86*/ 3: return "X86"; default: return $"UNKNOWN_{value}"; } } private static string GetQNXTargetArchitecture() { var flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; var property = typeof(EditorUserBuildSettings).GetProperty("selectedQnxArchitecture", flags); if (null == property) { return "NOT_FOUND"; } var value = (int)property.GetValue(null, null); switch (value) { case /*UnityEditor.QNXArchitecture.Arm64*/ 0: return "Arm64"; case /*UnityEditor.QNXArchitecture.Arm32*/ 1: return "Arm32"; case /*UnityEditor.QNXArchitecture.X64*/ 2: return "X64"; case /*UnityEditor.QNXArchitecture.X86*/ 3: return "X86"; default: return $"UNKNOWN_{value}"; } } /// /// Defines an output path (for the generated code) and the target CPU /// internal struct BurstOutputCombination { public readonly TargetCpus TargetCpus; public readonly string OutputPath; public readonly string LibraryName; public readonly bool CollateDirectory; public BurstOutputCombination(string outputPath, TargetCpus targetCpus, string libraryName = DefaultLibraryName, bool collateDirectory = false) { TargetCpus = targetCpus.Clone(); OutputPath = outputPath; LibraryName = libraryName; CollateDirectory = collateDirectory; } public override string ToString() { return $"{nameof(TargetCpus)}: {TargetCpus}, {nameof(OutputPath)}: {OutputPath}, {nameof(LibraryName)}: {LibraryName}"; } } private class BclRunner { private static readonly Regex MatchVersion = new Regex(@"com.unity.burst@(\d+.*?)[\\/]"); public static void RunManagedProgram(string exe, string args, CompilerOutputParserBase parser) { RunManagedProgram(exe, args, Application.dataPath + "/..", parser); } private static void RunManagedProgram( string exe, string args, string workingDirectory, CompilerOutputParserBase parser) { Program p; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo() { Arguments = args, CreateNoWindow = true, FileName = exe }; p = new Program(si); } else { p = (Program) new ManagedProgram(MonoInstallationFinder.GetMonoInstallation("MonoBleedingEdge"), (string) null, exe, args, false, null); } RunProgram(p, exe, args, workingDirectory, parser); } public static void RunNativeProgram(string exe, string args, CompilerOutputParserBase parser) { RunNativeProgram(exe, args, Application.dataPath + "/..", parser); } private static void RunNativeProgram(string exePath, string arguments, string workingDirectory, CompilerOutputParserBase parser) { // On non Windows platform, make sure that the command is executable // This is a workaround - occasionally the execute bits are lost from our package if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor && Path.IsPathRooted(exePath)) { var escapedExePath = EscapeForShell(exePath, singleQuoteWrapped: true); var shArgs = $"-c '[ ! -x {escapedExePath} ] && chmod 755 {escapedExePath}'"; var p = new Program(new ProcessStartInfo("sh", shArgs) { CreateNoWindow = true}); p.GetProcessStartInfo().WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(); } var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exePath, arguments); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; RunProgram(new Program(startInfo), exePath, arguments, workingDirectory, parser); } public static string EscapeForShell(string s, bool singleQuoteWrapped = false) { // On Windows it's enough to enclose the path in double quotes (double quotes are not allowed in paths) if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) return $"\"{s}\""; // On non-windows platforms we enclose in single-quotes and escape any existing single quotes with: '\'': // John's Folder => 'John'\''s Folder' var sb = new StringBuilder(); var escaped = s.Replace("'", "'\\''"); sb.Append('\''); sb.Append(escaped); sb.Append('\''); // If the outer-context is already wrapped in single-quotes, we need to double escape things: // John's Folder => 'John'\''s Folder' // => '\''John'\''\'\'''\''s Folder'\'' if (singleQuoteWrapped) { // Pain return sb.ToString().Replace("'", "'\\''"); } return sb.ToString(); } public static void RunProgram( Program p, string exe, string args, string workingDirectory, CompilerOutputParserBase parser) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); using (p) { p.GetProcessStartInfo().WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} exited after {1} ms.", (object)exe, (object)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); IEnumerable compilerMessages = null; string[] errorOutput = p.GetErrorOutput(); string[] standardOutput = p.GetStandardOutput(); if (parser != null) { compilerMessages = parser.Parse(errorOutput, standardOutput, true, "n/a (burst)"); } var errorMessageBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (compilerMessages != null) { foreach (UnityEditor.Scripting.Compilers.CompilerMessage compilerMessage in compilerMessages) { switch (compilerMessage.type) { case CompilerMessageType.Warning: #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER Debug.LogWarning(compilerMessage.message, compilerMessage.file, compilerMessage.line, compilerMessage.column); #else if (compilerMessage.file != "unknown") { Debug.LogWarning($"{compilerMessage.file}({compilerMessage.line},{compilerMessage.column}): {compilerMessage.message}"); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"{compilerMessage.message}"); } #endif break; case CompilerMessageType.Error: Debug.LogPlayerBuildError(compilerMessage.message, compilerMessage.file, compilerMessage.line, compilerMessage.column); break; } } } if (p.ExitCode != 0) { // We try to output the version in the heading error if we can var matchVersion = MatchVersion.Match(exe); errorMessageBuilder.Append(matchVersion.Success ? "Burst compiler (" + matchVersion.Groups[1].Value + ") failed running" : "Burst compiler failed running"); errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine(); errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine(); // Don't output the path if we are not burst-debugging or the exe exist if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging || !File.Exists(exe)) { errorMessageBuilder.Append(exe).Append(" ").Append(args); errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine(); errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine(); } errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine("stdout:"); foreach (string str in standardOutput) errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine(str); errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine("stderr:"); foreach (string str in errorOutput) errorMessageBuilder.AppendLine(str); throw new BuildFailedException(errorMessageBuilder.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(p.GetAllOutput()); } } } /// /// Internal class used to parse bcl output errors /// private class BclOutputErrorParser : CompilerOutputParserBase { // Format of an error message: // //C:\work\burst\src\Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests\Program.cs(17,9): error: Loading a managed string literal is not supported by burst // at Buggy.NiceBug() (at C:\work\burst\src\Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests\Program.cs:17) // // // [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] // path line col type message private static readonly Regex MatchLocation = new Regex(@"^(.*?)\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\):\s*([\w\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*)"); // Matches " at " private static readonly Regex MatchAt = new Regex(@"^\s+at\s+"); public override IEnumerable Parse( string[] errorOutput, string[] standardOutput, bool compilationHadFailure, string assemblyName) { var messages = new List(); var textBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < errorOutput.Length; i++) { string line = errorOutput[i]; var message = new UnityEditor.Scripting.Compilers.CompilerMessage {assemblyName = assemblyName}; // If we are able to match a location, we can decode it including the following attached " at " lines textBuilder.Clear(); var match = MatchLocation.Match(line); if (match.Success) { var path = match.Groups[1].Value; int.TryParse(match.Groups[2].Value, out message.line); int.TryParse(match.Groups[3].Value, out message.column); if (match.Groups[4].Value.Contains("error")) { message.type = CompilerMessageType.Error; } else { message.type = CompilerMessageType.Warning; } message.file = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? path : "unknown"; // Replace '\' with '/' to let the editor open the file message.file = message.file.Replace('\\', '/'); // Make path relative to project path path var projectPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath)?.Replace('\\', '/'); if (projectPath != null && message.file.StartsWith(projectPath)) { message.file = message.file.Substring(projectPath.EndsWith("/") ? projectPath.Length : projectPath.Length + 1); } // debug // textBuilder.AppendLine("line: " + message.line + " column: " + message.column + " error: " + message.type + " file: " + message.file); textBuilder.Append(match.Groups[5].Value); } else { // Don't output any blank line if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { continue; } // Otherwise we output an error, but without source location information // so that at least the user can see it directly in the log errors message.type = CompilerMessageType.Error; message.line = 0; message.column = 0; message.file = "unknown"; textBuilder.Append(line); } // Collect attached location call context information ("at ...") // we do it for both case (as if we have an exception in bcl we want to print this in a single line) bool isFirstAt = true; for (int j = i + 1; j < errorOutput.Length; j++) { var nextLine = errorOutput[j]; // Empty lines are ignored by the stack trace parser. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextLine)) { i++; continue; } if (MatchAt.Match(nextLine).Success) { i++; if (isFirstAt) { textBuilder.AppendLine(); isFirstAt = false; } textBuilder.AppendLine(nextLine); } else { break; } } message.message = textBuilder.ToString(); messages.Add(message); } return messages; } protected override string GetErrorIdentifier() { throw new NotImplementedException(); // as we overriding the method Parse() } protected override Regex GetOutputRegex() { throw new NotImplementedException(); // as we overriding the method Parse() } } #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX && !ENABLE_GENERATE_NATIVE_PLUGINS_FOR_ASSEMBLIES_API private class StaticLibraryPostProcessor { private const string TempSourceLibrary = @"Temp/StagingArea/StaticLibraries"; [PostProcessBuildAttribute(1)] public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path) { // Early out if we are building for the simulator, as we don't //currently generate burst libraries that will work for that. if (IsForSimulator(target)) { return; } // We only support AOT compilation for ios from a macos host (we require xcrun and the apple tool chains) //for other hosts, we simply act as if burst is not being used (an error will be generated by the build aot step) //this keeps the behaviour consistent with how it was before static linkage was introduced if (target == BuildTarget.iOS) { var aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(BuildTarget.iOS); // Early exit if burst is not activated if (!aotSettingsForTarget.EnableBurstCompilation) { return; } PostAddStaticLibraries(path); } if (target == BuildTarget.tvOS) { var aotSettingsForTarget = BurstPlatformAotSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(BuildTarget.tvOS); // Early exit if burst is not activated if (!aotSettingsForTarget.EnableBurstCompilation) { return; } PostAddStaticLibraries(path); } } private static void PostAddStaticLibraries(string path) { var assm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SingleOrDefault(assembly => assembly.GetName().Name == "UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode"); Type PBXType = assm?.GetType("UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode.PBXProject"); Type PBXSourceTree = assm?.GetType("UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode.PBXSourceTree"); if (PBXType != null && PBXSourceTree != null) { var project = Activator.CreateInstance(PBXType, null); var _sGetPBXProjectPath = PBXType.GetMethod("GetPBXProjectPath"); var _ReadFromFile = PBXType.GetMethod("ReadFromFile"); var _sGetUnityTargetName = PBXType.GetMethod("GetUnityTargetName"); var _AddFileToBuild = PBXType.GetMethod("AddFileToBuild"); var _AddFile = PBXType.GetMethod("AddFile"); var _WriteToString = PBXType.GetMethod("WriteToString"); var sourcetree = new EnumConverter(PBXSourceTree).ConvertFromString("Source"); string sPath = (string)_sGetPBXProjectPath?.Invoke(null, new object[] { path }); _ReadFromFile?.Invoke(project, new object[] { sPath }); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER var _TargetGuidByName = PBXType.GetMethod("GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid"); string g = (string) _TargetGuidByName?.Invoke(project, null); #else var _TargetGuidByName = PBXType.GetMethod("TargetGuidByName"); string tn = (string) _sGetUnityTargetName?.Invoke(null, null); string g = (string) _TargetGuidByName?.Invoke(project, new object[] {tn}); #endif var srcPath = TempSourceLibrary; var dstPath = "Libraries"; var dstCopyPath = Path.Combine(path, dstPath); var burstCppLinkFile = "lib_burst_generated.cpp"; var libName = $"{DefaultLibraryName}.a"; var libSrcPath = Path.Combine(srcPath, libName); var libExists = File.Exists(libSrcPath); if (!libExists) { return; // No libs, so don't write the cpp either } File.Copy(libSrcPath, Path.Combine(dstCopyPath, libName)); AddLibToProject(project, _AddFileToBuild, _AddFile, sourcetree, g, dstPath, libName); // Additionally we need a small cpp file (weak symbols won't unfortunately override directly from the libs //presumably due to link order? WriteStaticLinkCppFile(dstCopyPath); string cppPath = Path.Combine(dstPath, burstCppLinkFile); string fileg = (string)_AddFile?.Invoke(project, new object[] { cppPath, cppPath, sourcetree }); _AddFileToBuild?.Invoke(project, new object[] { g, fileg }); string pstring = (string)_WriteToString?.Invoke(project, null); File.WriteAllText(sPath, pstring); } } private static void AddLibToProject(object project, System.Reflection.MethodInfo _AddFileToBuild, System.Reflection.MethodInfo _AddFile, object sourcetree, string g, string dstPath, string lib32Name) { string fg = (string)_AddFile?.Invoke(project, new object[] { Path.Combine(dstPath, lib32Name), Path.Combine(dstPath, lib32Name), sourcetree }); _AddFileToBuild?.Invoke(project, new object[] { g, fg }); } } #endif } } #endif