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246 lines
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246 lines
7.8 KiB
2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
using TextureDimension = UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal
public struct TextureInfo
public TextureInfo(string name, Texture texture, TextureDimension dimension)
| = name;
this.texture = texture;
this.dimension = dimension;
Debug.Assert(texture == null || texture.dimension == dimension);
public string name;
public Texture texture;
public TextureDimension dimension;
public int instanceID => texture != null ? texture.GetInstanceID() : 0;
public sealed class ShaderGraphVfxAsset : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
private class ShaderGraphVfxAssetData : JsonObject
public List<JsonData<AbstractShaderProperty>> m_Properties = new List<JsonData<AbstractShaderProperty>>();
public const int BaseColorSlotId = 1;
public const int MetallicSlotId = 2;
public const int SmoothnessSlotId = 3;
public const int NormalSlotId = 8;
public const int AlphaSlotId = 4;
public const int EmissiveSlotId = 5;
public const int ColorSlotId = 6;
public const int AlphaThresholdSlotId = 7;
public bool generatesWithShaderGraph;
public bool lit;
public bool alphaClipping;
internal ShaderStageCapability[] m_PropertiesStages;
internal GraphCompilationResult compilationResult;
internal ShaderGraphRequirements[] portRequirements;
string m_EvaluationFunctionName;
string m_InputStructName;
string m_OutputStructName;
ConcretePrecision m_ConcretePrecision = ConcretePrecision.Single;
ShaderGraphVfxAssetData m_Data = new ShaderGraphVfxAssetData();
private SerializationHelper.JSONSerializedElement m_SerializedVfxAssetData;
internal IntArray[] outputPropertyIndices;
internal ConcretePrecision concretePrecision
get => m_ConcretePrecision;
set => m_ConcretePrecision = value;
OutputMetadata[] m_Outputs;
TextureInfo[] m_TextureInfos;
public IEnumerable<TextureInfo> textureInfos { get => m_TextureInfos; }
internal void SetTextureInfos(IList<PropertyCollector.TextureInfo> textures)
m_TextureInfos = textures.Select(t => new TextureInfo(, EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(t.textureId) as Texture, t.dimension)).ToArray();
internal void SetOutputs(OutputMetadata[] outputs)
m_Outputs = outputs;
public OutputMetadata GetOutput(int id)
return m_Outputs.FirstOrDefault(t => == id);
public bool HasOutput(int id)
return m_Outputs.Any(t => == id);
public string evaluationFunctionName
get { return m_EvaluationFunctionName; }
internal set { m_EvaluationFunctionName = value; }
public string inputStructName
get { return m_InputStructName; }
internal set { m_InputStructName = value; }
public string outputStructName
get { return m_OutputStructName; }
internal set { m_OutputStructName = value; }
public List<AbstractShaderProperty> properties
return m_Data.m_Properties.SelectValue().ToList();
public List<AbstractShaderProperty> fragmentProperties
var allProperties = m_Data.m_Properties.SelectValue().ToList();
var fragProperties = new List<AbstractShaderProperty>();
for (var i = 0; i < allProperties.Count(); i++)
if ((m_PropertiesStages[i] & ShaderStageCapability.Fragment) != 0)
return fragProperties;
public List<AbstractShaderProperty> vertexProperties
var allProperties = m_Data.m_Properties.SelectValue().ToList();
var vertexProperties = new List<AbstractShaderProperty>();
for (var i = 0; i < allProperties.Count(); i++)
if ((m_PropertiesStages[i] & ShaderStageCapability.Vertex) != 0)
return vertexProperties;
internal void SetProperties(List<AbstractShaderProperty> propertiesList)
foreach (var property in propertiesList)
var json = MultiJson.Serialize(m_Data);
m_SerializedVfxAssetData = new SerializationHelper.JSONSerializedElement() { JSONnodeData = json };
m_Data = null;
void EnsureProperties()
if ((m_Data == null || m_Data.m_Properties == null || !m_Data.m_Properties.Any()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SerializedVfxAssetData.JSONnodeData))
m_Data = new ShaderGraphVfxAssetData();
MultiJson.Deserialize(m_Data, m_SerializedVfxAssetData.JSONnodeData);
foreach (var property in m_Data.m_Properties.SelectValue())
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
m_Data = null;
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { }
public GraphCode GetCode(OutputMetadata[] outputs)
var graphCode = new GraphCode();
graphCode.requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.none;
var outputIndices = new int[outputs.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
if (!outputs[i].isValid)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(OutputMetadata)} at index {i}.", nameof(outputs));
outputIndices[i] = outputs[i].index;
graphCode.requirements = graphCode.requirements.Union(portRequirements[outputs[i].index]);
graphCode.code = compilationResult.GenerateCode(outputIndices);
var propertyIndexSet = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var outputIndex in outputIndices)
foreach (var propertyIndex in outputPropertyIndices[outputIndex].array)
var propertyIndices = propertyIndexSet.ToArray();
var filteredProperties = propertyIndices.Select(i => properties[i]).ToArray();
| = filteredProperties;
return graphCode;