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2 years ago
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEvent = UnityEngine.Event;
namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Sprites
internal class SpriteUtilityWindow : EditorWindow
protected class Styles
public readonly GUIStyle dragdot = "U2D.dragDot";
public readonly GUIStyle dragdotDimmed = "U2D.dragDotDimmed";
public readonly GUIStyle dragdotactive = "U2D.dragDotActive";
public readonly GUIStyle createRect = "U2D.createRect";
public readonly GUIStyle preToolbar = "preToolbar";
public readonly GUIStyle preButton = "preButton";
public readonly GUIStyle preLabel = "preLabel";
public readonly GUIStyle preSlider = "preSlider";
public readonly GUIStyle preSliderThumb = "preSliderThumb";
public readonly GUIStyle preBackground = "preBackground";
public readonly GUIStyle pivotdotactive = "U2D.pivotDotActive";
public readonly GUIStyle pivotdot = "U2D.pivotDot";
public readonly GUIStyle dragBorderdot = new GUIStyle();
public readonly GUIStyle dragBorderDotActive = new GUIStyle();
public readonly GUIStyle toolbar;
public readonly GUIContent alphaIcon;
public readonly GUIContent RGBIcon;
public readonly GUIStyle notice;
public readonly GUIContent smallMip;
public readonly GUIContent largeMip;
public Styles()
toolbar = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.inspectorBig); = 0;
toolbar.margin.bottom = 0;
alphaIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("PreTextureAlpha");
RGBIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("PreTextureRGB"); = 0;
createRect.border = new RectOffset(3, 3, 3, 3);
notice = new GUIStyle(;
notice.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
notice.normal.textColor = Color.yellow;
dragBorderdot.fixedHeight = 5f;
dragBorderdot.fixedWidth = 5f;
dragBorderdot.normal.background = EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture;
dragBorderDotActive.fixedHeight = dragBorderdot.fixedHeight;
dragBorderDotActive.fixedWidth = dragBorderdot.fixedWidth;
dragBorderDotActive.normal.background = EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture;
smallMip = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("PreTextureMipMapLow");
largeMip = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("PreTextureMipMapHigh");
protected void InitStyles()
if (m_Styles == null)
m_Styles = new Styles();
protected Styles m_Styles;
protected const float k_BorderMargin = 10f;
protected const float k_ScrollbarMargin = 16f;
protected const float k_InspectorWindowMargin = 8f;
protected const float k_InspectorWidth = 330f;
protected const float k_MinZoomPercentage = 0.9f;
protected const float k_MaxZoom = 50f;
protected const float k_WheelZoomSpeed = 0.03f;
protected const float k_MouseZoomSpeed = 0.005f;
protected const float k_ToolbarHeight = 17f;
protected ITexture2D m_Texture;
protected ITexture2D m_TextureAlphaOverride;
Rect m_TextureViewRect;
protected Rect m_TextureRect;
protected bool m_ShowAlpha = false;
protected float m_MipLevel = 0;
protected float m_Zoom = -1f;
protected Vector2 m_ScrollPosition = new Vector2();
public float zoomLevel
get { return m_Zoom; }
set { m_Zoom = Mathf.Clamp(value, GetMinZoom(), k_MaxZoom); }
internal Rect textureViewRect
get => m_TextureViewRect;
m_TextureViewRect = value;
zoomLevel = m_Zoom; // update zoom level
public Vector2 scrollPosition
get { return m_ScrollPosition; }
if (m_Zoom < 0)
m_Zoom = GetMinZoom();
m_ScrollPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(value.x, maxScrollRect.xMin, maxScrollRect.xMax);
m_ScrollPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(value.y, maxScrollRect.yMin, maxScrollRect.yMax);
public bool showAlpha
get { return m_ShowAlpha; }
set { m_ShowAlpha = value; }
public float mipLevel
get { return m_MipLevel; }
var mipCount = 1;
if (m_Texture != null)
mipCount = Mathf.Max(mipCount, TextureUtil.GetMipmapCount(m_Texture));
m_MipLevel = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, mipCount - 1);
protected float GetMinZoom()
if (m_Texture == null)
return 1.0f;
// Case 654327: Add k_MaxZoom size to min check to ensure that min zoom is smaller than max zoom
return Mathf.Min(m_TextureViewRect.width / m_Texture.width, m_TextureViewRect.height / m_Texture.height, k_MaxZoom) * k_MinZoomPercentage;
protected void HandleZoom()
bool zoomMode = UnityEvent.current.alt && UnityEvent.current.button == 1;
if (zoomMode)
EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(m_TextureViewRect, MouseCursor.Zoom);
if (
((UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.MouseUp || UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) && zoomMode) ||
((UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.KeyUp || UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) && UnityEvent.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftAlt)
if (UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel || (UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && UnityEvent.current.alt && UnityEvent.current.button == 1))
float zoomMultiplier = 1f - * (UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel ? k_WheelZoomSpeed : -k_MouseZoomSpeed);
// Clamp zoom
float wantedZoom = m_Zoom * zoomMultiplier;
float currentZoom = Mathf.Clamp(wantedZoom, GetMinZoom(), k_MaxZoom);
if (currentZoom != m_Zoom)
m_Zoom = currentZoom;
// We need to fix zoomMultiplier if we clamped wantedZoom != currentZoom
if (wantedZoom != currentZoom)
zoomMultiplier /= wantedZoom / currentZoom;
Vector3 textureHalfSize = new Vector2(m_Texture.width, m_Texture.height) * 0.5f;
Vector3 mousePositionWorld = Handles.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(UnityEvent.current.mousePosition + m_ScrollPosition);
Vector3 delta = (mousePositionWorld - textureHalfSize) * (zoomMultiplier - 1f);
m_ScrollPosition += (Vector2)Handles.matrix.MultiplyVector(delta);
protected void HandlePanning()
// You can pan by holding ALT and using left button or NOT holding ALT and using right button. ALT + right is reserved for zooming.
bool panMode = (!UnityEvent.current.alt && UnityEvent.current.button > 0 || UnityEvent.current.alt && UnityEvent.current.button <= 0);
if (panMode && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0)
EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(m_TextureViewRect, MouseCursor.Pan);
if (UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
m_ScrollPosition -=;
//We need to repaint when entering or exiting the pan mode, so the mouse cursor gets refreshed.
if (
((UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.MouseUp || UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) && panMode) ||
(UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.KeyUp || UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) && UnityEvent.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftAlt
// Bounding values for scrollbars. Changes with zoom, because we want min/max scroll to stop at texture edges.
protected Rect maxScrollRect
float halfWidth = m_Texture.width * .5f * m_Zoom;
float halfHeight = m_Texture.height * .5f * m_Zoom;
return new Rect(-halfWidth, -halfHeight, m_TextureViewRect.width + halfWidth * 2f, m_TextureViewRect.height + halfHeight * 2f);
// Max rect in texture space that can ever be visible
protected Rect maxRect
float marginW = m_TextureViewRect.width * .5f / GetMinZoom();
float marginH = m_TextureViewRect.height * .5f / GetMinZoom();
float left = -marginW;
float top = -marginH;
float width = m_Texture.width + marginW * 2f;
float height = m_Texture.height + marginH * 2f;
return new Rect(left, top, width, height);
protected void DrawTexturespaceBackground()
float size = Mathf.Max(maxRect.width, maxRect.height);
Vector2 offset = new Vector2(maxRect.xMin, maxRect.yMin);
float halfSize = size * .5f;
float alpha = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.15f : 0.08f;
float gridSize = 8f;
SpriteEditorUtility.BeginLines(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, alpha));
for (float v = 0; v <= size; v += gridSize)
SpriteEditorUtility.DrawLine(new Vector2(-halfSize + v, halfSize + v) + offset, new Vector2(halfSize + v, -halfSize + v) + offset);
private float Log2(float x)
return (float)(System.Math.Log(x) / System.Math.Log(2));
protected void DrawTexture()
float mipLevel = Mathf.Min(m_MipLevel, TextureUtil.GetMipmapCount(m_Texture) - 1);
FilterMode oldFilter = m_Texture.filterMode;
TextureUtil.SetFilterModeNoDirty(m_Texture, FilterMode.Point);
if (m_ShowAlpha)
// check if we have a valid alpha texture
if (m_TextureAlphaOverride != null)
EditorGUI.DrawTextureTransparent(m_TextureRect, m_TextureAlphaOverride, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0, mipLevel);
// else use the original texture and display its alpha
EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(m_TextureRect, m_Texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0, mipLevel);
EditorGUI.DrawTextureTransparent(m_TextureRect, m_Texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, 0, mipLevel);
TextureUtil.SetFilterModeNoDirty(m_Texture, oldFilter);
protected void DrawScreenspaceBackground()
if (UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
m_Styles.preBackground.Draw(m_TextureViewRect, false, false, false, false);
protected void HandleScrollbars()
Rect horizontalScrollBarPosition = new Rect(m_TextureViewRect.xMin, m_TextureViewRect.yMax, m_TextureViewRect.width, k_ScrollbarMargin);
m_ScrollPosition.x = GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(horizontalScrollBarPosition, m_ScrollPosition.x, m_TextureViewRect.width, maxScrollRect.xMin, maxScrollRect.xMax);
Rect verticalScrollBarPosition = new Rect(m_TextureViewRect.xMax, m_TextureViewRect.yMin, k_ScrollbarMargin, m_TextureViewRect.height);
m_ScrollPosition.y = GUI.VerticalScrollbar(verticalScrollBarPosition, m_ScrollPosition.y, m_TextureViewRect.height, maxScrollRect.yMin, maxScrollRect.yMax);
protected void SetupHandlesMatrix()
// Offset from top left to center in view space
Vector3 handlesPos = new Vector3(m_TextureRect.x, m_TextureRect.yMax, 0f);
// We flip Y-scale because Unity texture space is bottom-up
Vector3 handlesScale = new Vector3(zoomLevel, -zoomLevel, 1f);
// Handle matrix is for converting between view and texture space coordinates, without taking account the scroll position.
// Scroll position is added separately so we can use it with GUIClip.
Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(handlesPos, Quaternion.identity, handlesScale);
protected Rect DoAlphaZoomToolbarGUI(Rect area)
int mipCount = 1;
if (m_Texture != null)
mipCount = Mathf.Max(mipCount, TextureUtil.GetMipmapCount(m_Texture));
Rect drawArea = new Rect(area.width, 0, 0, area.height);
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(mipCount == 1))
drawArea.width = m_Styles.largeMip.image.width;
drawArea.x -= drawArea.width;
GUI.Box(drawArea, m_Styles.largeMip, m_Styles.preLabel);
drawArea.width = EditorGUI.kSliderMinW;
drawArea.x -= drawArea.width;
m_MipLevel = Mathf.Round(GUI.HorizontalSlider(drawArea, m_MipLevel, mipCount - 1, 0, m_Styles.preSlider, m_Styles.preSliderThumb));
drawArea.width = m_Styles.smallMip.image.width;
drawArea.x -= drawArea.width;
GUI.Box(drawArea, m_Styles.smallMip, m_Styles.preLabel);
drawArea.width = EditorGUI.kSliderMinW;
drawArea.x -= drawArea.width;
zoomLevel = GUI.HorizontalSlider(drawArea, zoomLevel, GetMinZoom(), k_MaxZoom, m_Styles.preSlider, m_Styles.preSliderThumb);
drawArea.width = EditorGUI.kObjectFieldMiniThumbnailWidth;
drawArea.x -= drawArea.width + EditorGUI.kSpacing;
m_ShowAlpha = GUI.Toggle(drawArea, m_ShowAlpha, m_ShowAlpha ? m_Styles.alphaIcon : m_Styles.RGBIcon, "toolbarButton");
// Returns the area that is not used
return new Rect(area.x, area.y, drawArea.x, area.height);
protected void DoTextureGUI()
if (m_Texture == null)
// zoom startup init
if (m_Zoom < 0f)
m_Zoom = GetMinZoom();
// Texture rect in view space
m_TextureRect = new Rect(
m_TextureViewRect.width / 2f - (m_Texture.width * m_Zoom / 2f),
m_TextureViewRect.height / 2f - (m_Texture.height * m_Zoom / 2f),
(m_Texture.width * m_Zoom),
(m_Texture.height * m_Zoom)
GUIClip.Push(m_TextureViewRect, -m_ScrollPosition,, false);
if (UnityEvent.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
// Handle this after DoTextureGUIExtras in case user wants any event that is handled by Zoom or Panning
protected virtual void DoTextureGUIExtras()
protected virtual void DrawGizmos()
protected void SetNewTexture(Texture2D texture)
if (texture != m_Texture)
m_Texture = new Texture2DWrapper(texture);
m_Zoom = -1;
m_TextureAlphaOverride = null;
protected void SetAlphaTextureOverride(Texture2D alphaTexture)
if (alphaTexture != m_TextureAlphaOverride)
m_TextureAlphaOverride = new Texture2DWrapper(alphaTexture);
m_Zoom = -1;
internal override void OnResized()
if (m_Texture != null && UnityEvent.current != null)
internal static void DrawToolBarWidget(ref Rect drawRect, ref Rect toolbarRect, Action<Rect> drawAction)
toolbarRect.width -= drawRect.width;
if (toolbarRect.width < 0)
drawRect.width += toolbarRect.width;
if (drawRect.width > 0)
} // class