You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1691 lines
46 KiB
1691 lines
46 KiB
2 years ago
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 497c76d876ab2df45b41ef49f8eb6f1e
serializedVersion: 19301
- first:
1: 100000
second: Chest
- first:
1: 100002
second: Head
- first:
1: 100004
second: Hips
- first:
1: 100006
second: Jaw
- first:
1: 100008
second: JawEnd
- first:
1: 100010
second: LeftEye
- first:
1: 100012
second: LeftFoot
- first:
1: 100014
second: LeftHand
- first:
1: 100016
second: LeftIndexDistal
- first:
1: 100018
second: LeftIndexDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100020
second: LeftIndexIntermediate
- first:
1: 100022
second: LeftIndexProximal
- first:
1: 100024
second: LeftLowerArm
- first:
1: 100026
second: LeftLowerLeg
- first:
1: 100028
second: LeftMiddleDistal
- first:
1: 100030
second: LeftMiddleDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100032
second: LeftMiddleIntermediate
- first:
1: 100034
second: LeftMiddleProximal
- first:
1: 100036
second: LeftPinkyDistal
- first:
1: 100038
second: LeftPinkyDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100040
second: LeftPinkyIntermediate
- first:
1: 100042
second: LeftPinkyProximal
- first:
1: 100044
second: LeftRingDistal
- first:
1: 100046
second: LeftRingDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100048
second: LeftRingIntermediate
- first:
1: 100050
second: LeftRingProximal
- first:
1: 100052
second: LeftShoulder
- first:
1: 100054
second: LeftThumbDistal
- first:
1: 100056
second: LeftThumbDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100058
second: LeftThumbIntermediate
- first:
1: 100060
second: LeftThumbProximal
- first:
1: 100062
second: LeftToes
- first:
1: 100064
second: LeftToesEnd
- first:
1: 100066
second: LeftUpperArm
- first:
1: 100068
second: LeftUpperLeg
- first:
1: 100070
second: LProp_root
- first:
1: 100072
second: LProp_target
- first:
1: 100074
second: //RootNode
- first:
1: 100076
second: Neck
- first:
1: 100078
second: RightEye
- first:
1: 100080
second: RightFoot
- first:
1: 100082
second: RightHand
- first:
1: 100084
second: RightIndexDistal
- first:
1: 100086
second: RightIndexDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100088
second: RightIndexIntermediate
- first:
1: 100090
second: RightIndexProximal
- first:
1: 100092
second: RightLowerArm
- first:
1: 100094
second: RightLowerLeg
- first:
1: 100096
second: RightMiddleDistal
- first:
1: 100098
second: RightMiddleDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100100
second: RightMiddleIntermediate
- first:
1: 100102
second: RightMiddleProximal
- first:
1: 100104
second: RightPinkyDistal
- first:
1: 100106
second: RightPinkyDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100108
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- first:
1: 100110
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- first:
1: 100112
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- first:
1: 100114
second: RightRingDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100116
second: RightRingIntermediate
- first:
1: 100118
second: RightRingProximal
- first:
1: 100120
second: RightShoulder
- first:
1: 100122
second: RightThumbDistal
- first:
1: 100124
second: RightThumbDistalEnd
- first:
1: 100126
second: RightThumbIntermediate
- first:
1: 100128
second: RightThumbProximal
- first:
1: 100130
second: RightToes
- first:
1: 100132
second: RightToesEnd
- first:
1: 100134
second: RightUpperArm
- first:
1: 100136
second: RightUpperLeg
- first:
1: 100138
second: Root
- first:
1: 100140
second: RProp_root
- first:
1: 100142
second: RProp_target
- first:
1: 100144
second: Spine
- first:
1: 100146
second: UpperChest
- first:
1: 100148
second: Skeleton
- first:
4: 400000
second: Chest
- first:
4: 400002
second: Head
- first:
4: 400004
second: Hips
- first:
4: 400006
second: Jaw
- first:
4: 400008
second: JawEnd
- first:
4: 400010
second: LeftEye
- first:
4: 400012
second: LeftFoot
- first:
4: 400014
second: LeftHand
- first:
4: 400016
second: LeftIndexDistal
- first:
4: 400018
second: LeftIndexDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400020
second: LeftIndexIntermediate
- first:
4: 400022
second: LeftIndexProximal
- first:
4: 400024
second: LeftLowerArm
- first:
4: 400026
second: LeftLowerLeg
- first:
4: 400028
second: LeftMiddleDistal
- first:
4: 400030
second: LeftMiddleDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400032
second: LeftMiddleIntermediate
- first:
4: 400034
second: LeftMiddleProximal
- first:
4: 400036
second: LeftPinkyDistal
- first:
4: 400038
second: LeftPinkyDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400040
second: LeftPinkyIntermediate
- first:
4: 400042
second: LeftPinkyProximal
- first:
4: 400044
second: LeftRingDistal
- first:
4: 400046
second: LeftRingDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400048
second: LeftRingIntermediate
- first:
4: 400050
second: LeftRingProximal
- first:
4: 400052
second: LeftShoulder
- first:
4: 400054
second: LeftThumbDistal
- first:
4: 400056
second: LeftThumbDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400058
second: LeftThumbIntermediate
- first:
4: 400060
second: LeftThumbProximal
- first:
4: 400062
second: LeftToes
- first:
4: 400064
second: LeftToesEnd
- first:
4: 400066
second: LeftUpperArm
- first:
4: 400068
second: LeftUpperLeg
- first:
4: 400070
second: LProp_root
- first:
4: 400072
second: LProp_target
- first:
4: 400074
second: //RootNode
- first:
4: 400076
second: Neck
- first:
4: 400078
second: RightEye
- first:
4: 400080
second: RightFoot
- first:
4: 400082
second: RightHand
- first:
4: 400084
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- first:
4: 400086
second: RightIndexDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400088
second: RightIndexIntermediate
- first:
4: 400090
second: RightIndexProximal
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4: 400092
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- first:
4: 400094
second: RightLowerLeg
- first:
4: 400096
second: RightMiddleDistal
- first:
4: 400098
second: RightMiddleDistalEnd
- first:
4: 400100
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- first:
4: 400102
second: RightMiddleProximal
- first:
4: 400104
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- first:
4: 400106
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- first:
4: 400108
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- first:
4: 400110
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- first:
4: 400112
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- first:
4: 400114
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4: 400116
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- first:
4: 400118
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4: 400120
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4: 400122
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4: 400124
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4: 400126
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- first:
4: 400128
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4: 400130
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- first:
4: 400132
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- first:
4: 400134
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- first:
4: 400136
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- first:
4: 400138
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- first:
4: 400140
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- first:
4: 400142
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- first:
4: 400144
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- first:
4: 400146
second: UpperChest
- first:
4: 400148
second: Skeleton
- first:
74: 7400000
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- first:
74: 7400002
second: Jog
- first:
74: 7400004
second: Wk-Jog
- first:
74: 7400006
second: Jog-Wk
- first:
74: 7400008
second: Sprint
- first:
74: 7400010
second: Jog-Sprnt
- first:
74: 7400012
second: Sprnt-Jog
- first:
95: 9500000
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- first:
74: 699952086923607092
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- first:
74: 2264652635412129178
second: TurnRight
- first:
74: -290450198285507345
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- first:
74: 699952086923607092
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rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 2.906732e-32, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.99999994, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 0.9999999, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
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rotation: {x: 6.617445e-24, y: 3.3881318e-21, z: 2.0117378e-21, w: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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- name: RightRingIntermediate
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