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204 lines
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204 lines
6.5 KiB
2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline.Utilities
class KeyTraverser
float[] m_KeyCache;
int m_DirtyStamp = -1;
int m_LastHash = -1;
readonly TimelineAsset m_Asset;
readonly float m_Epsilon;
int m_LastIndex = -1;
public int lastIndex
get { return m_LastIndex; }
public static IEnumerable<float> GetClipKeyTimes(TimelineClip clip)
if (clip == null || clip.animationClip == null || clip.animationClip.empty)
return new float[0];
return AnimationClipCurveCache.Instance.GetCurveInfo(clip.animationClip).keyTimes.
Select(k => (float)clip.FromLocalTimeUnbound(k)). // convert to sequence time
Where(k => k >= clip.start && k <= clip.end); // remove non visible keys
public static IEnumerable<float> GetTrackKeyTimes(AnimationTrack track)
if (track != null)
if (track.inClipMode)
return track.clips.Where(c => c.recordable).
SelectMany(x => GetClipKeyTimes(x));
if (track.infiniteClip != null && !track.infiniteClip.empty)
return AnimationClipCurveCache.Instance.GetCurveInfo(track.infiniteClip).keyTimes;
return new float[0];
static int CalcAnimClipHash(TrackAsset asset)
int hash = 0;
if (asset != null)
AnimationTrack animTrack = asset as AnimationTrack;
if (animTrack != null)
for (var i = 0; i != animTrack.clips.Length; ++i)
hash ^= (animTrack.clips[i]).Hash();
foreach (var subTrack in asset.GetChildTracks())
if (subTrack != null)
hash ^= CalcAnimClipHash(subTrack);
return hash;
internal static int CalcAnimClipHash(TimelineAsset asset)
int hash = 0;
foreach (var t in asset.GetRootTracks())
if (t != null)
hash ^= CalcAnimClipHash(t);
return hash;
void RebuildKeyCache()
m_KeyCache = m_Asset.flattenedTracks.Where(x => (x as AnimationTrack) != null)
.SelectMany(t => GetTrackKeyTimes(t)).
OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
if (m_KeyCache.Length > 0)
float[] unique = new float[m_KeyCache.Length];
unique[0] = m_KeyCache[0];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < m_KeyCache.Length; i++)
if (m_KeyCache[i] - unique[index] > m_Epsilon)
unique[index] = m_KeyCache[i];
m_KeyCache = unique;
Array.Resize(ref m_KeyCache, index + 1);
public KeyTraverser(TimelineAsset timeline, float epsilon)
m_Asset = timeline;
m_Epsilon = epsilon;
void CheckCache(int dirtyStamp)
int hash = CalcAnimClipHash(m_Asset);
if (dirtyStamp != m_DirtyStamp || hash != m_LastHash)
m_DirtyStamp = dirtyStamp;
m_LastHash = hash;
public float GetNextKey(float key, int dirtyStamp)
if (m_KeyCache.Length > 0)
if (key < m_KeyCache.Last() - m_Epsilon)
if (key > m_KeyCache[0] - m_Epsilon)
float t = key + m_Epsilon;
// binary search
int max = m_KeyCache.Length - 1;
int min = 0;
while (max - min > 1)
int imid = (min + max) / 2;
if (t > m_KeyCache[imid])
min = imid;
max = imid;
m_LastIndex = max;
return m_KeyCache[max];
m_LastIndex = 0;
return m_KeyCache[0];
if (key < m_KeyCache.Last() + m_Epsilon)
m_LastIndex = m_KeyCache.Length - 1;
return Mathf.Max(key, m_KeyCache.Last());
m_LastIndex = -1;
return key;
public float GetPrevKey(float key, int dirtyStamp)
if (m_KeyCache.Length > 0)
if (key > m_KeyCache[0] + m_Epsilon)
if (key < m_KeyCache.Last() + m_Epsilon)
float t = key - m_Epsilon;
// binary search
int max = m_KeyCache.Length - 1;
int min = 0;
while (max - min > 1)
int imid = (min + max) / 2;
if (t < m_KeyCache[imid])
max = imid;
min = imid;
m_LastIndex = min;
return m_KeyCache[min];
m_LastIndex = m_KeyCache.Length - 1;
return m_KeyCache.Last();
if (key >= m_KeyCache[0] - m_Epsilon)
m_LastIndex = 0;
return Mathf.Min(key, m_KeyCache[0]);
m_LastIndex = -1;
return key;
public int GetKeyCount(int dirtyStamp)
return m_KeyCache.Length;