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371 lines
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2 years ago
using UnityEditor.Experimental;
using UnityEditor.StyleSheets;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
class DirectorStyles
const string k_Elipsis = "…";
const string k_ImagePath = "Packages/com.unity.timeline/Editor/StyleSheets/Images/Icons/{0}.png";
public const string resourcesPath = "Packages/com.unity.timeline/Editor/StyleSheets/res/";
//Timeline resources
public const string newTimelineDefaultNameSuffix = "Timeline";
public static readonly GUIContent referenceTrackLabel = TrTextContent("R", "This track references an external asset");
public static readonly GUIContent recordingLabel = TrTextContent("Recording...");
public static readonly GUIContent noTimelineAssetSelected = TrTextContent("To start creating a timeline, select a GameObject");
public static readonly GUIContent createTimelineOnSelection = TrTextContent("To begin a new timeline with {0}, create {1}");
public static readonly GUIContent noTimelinesInScene = TrTextContent("No timeline found in the scene");
public static readonly GUIContent createNewTimelineText = TrTextContent("Create a new Timeline and Director Component for Game Object");
public static readonly GUIContent previewContent = TrTextContent("Preview", "Enable/disable scene preview mode");
public static readonly GUIContent previewDisabledContent = L10n.TextContentWithIcon("Preview", "Scene preview is disabled for this TimelineAsset", MessageType.Info);
public static readonly GUIContent mixOff = TrIconContent("TimelineEditModeMixOFF", "Mix Mode (1)");
public static readonly GUIContent mixOn = TrIconContent("TimelineEditModeMixON", "Mix Mode (1)");
public static readonly GUIContent rippleOff = TrIconContent("TimelineEditModeRippleOFF", "Ripple Mode (2)");
public static readonly GUIContent rippleOn = TrIconContent("TimelineEditModeRippleON", "Ripple Mode (2)");
public static readonly GUIContent replaceOff = TrIconContent("TimelineEditModeReplaceOFF", "Replace Mode (3)");
public static readonly GUIContent replaceOn = TrIconContent("TimelineEditModeReplaceON", "Replace Mode (3)");
public static readonly GUIContent showMarkersOn = TrIconContent("TimelineCollapseMarkerButtonEnabled", "Show / Hide Timeline Markers");
public static readonly GUIContent showMarkersOff = TrIconContent("TimelineCollapseMarkerButtonDisabled", "Show / Hide Timeline Markers");
public static readonly GUIContent showMarkersOnTimeline = TrTextContent("Show markers");
public static readonly GUIContent timelineMarkerTrackHeader = TrTextContentWithIcon("Markers", string.Empty, "TimelineHeaderMarkerIcon");
public static readonly GUIContent signalTrackIcon = IconContent("TimelineSignal");
//Unity Default Resources
public static readonly GUIContent playContent = L10n.IconContent("Animation.Play", "Play the timeline (Space)");
public static readonly GUIContent gotoBeginingContent = L10n.IconContent("Animation.FirstKey", "Go to the beginning of the timeline (Shift+<)");
public static readonly GUIContent gotoEndContent = L10n.IconContent("Animation.LastKey", "Go to the end of the timeline (Shift+>)");
public static readonly GUIContent nextFrameContent = L10n.IconContent("Animation.NextKey", "Go to the next frame");
public static readonly GUIContent previousFrameContent = L10n.IconContent("Animation.PrevKey", "Go to the previous frame");
public static readonly GUIContent newContent = L10n.IconContent("CreateAddNew", "Add new tracks.");
public static readonly GUIContent optionsCogIcon = L10n.IconContent("_Popup", "Options");
public static readonly GUIContent animationTrackIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("AnimationClip Icon");
public static readonly GUIContent audioTrackIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("AudioSource Icon");
public static readonly GUIContent playableTrackIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("cs Script Icon");
public static readonly GUIContent timelineSelectorArrow = L10n.IconContent("icon dropdown", "Timeline Selector");
public GUIContent playrangeContent;
public static readonly float kBaseIndent = 15.0f;
public static readonly float kDurationGuiThickness = 5.0f;
// matches dark skin warning color.
public static readonly Color kClipErrorColor = new Color(0.957f, 0.737f, 0.008f, 1f);
// TODO: Make skinnable? If we do, we should probably also make the associated cursors skinnable...
public static readonly Color kMixToolColor = Color.white;
public static readonly Color kRippleToolColor = new Color(255f / 255f, 210f / 255f, 51f / 255f);
public static readonly Color kReplaceToolColor = new Color(165f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 30f / 255f);
public const string markerDefaultStyle = "MarkerItem";
public GUIStyle groupBackground;
public GUIStyle displayBackground;
public GUIStyle fontClip;
public GUIStyle fontClipLoop;
public GUIStyle trackHeaderFont;
public GUIStyle trackGroupAddButton;
public GUIStyle groupFont;
public GUIStyle timeCursor;
public GUIStyle endmarker;
public GUIStyle tinyFont;
public GUIStyle foldout;
public GUIStyle trackMuteButton;
public GUIStyle trackLockButton;
public GUIStyle trackRecordButton;
public GUIStyle playTimeRangeStart;
public GUIStyle playTimeRangeEnd;
public GUIStyle selectedStyle;
public GUIStyle trackSwatchStyle;
public GUIStyle connector;
public GUIStyle keyframe;
public GUIStyle warning;
public GUIStyle extrapolationHold;
public GUIStyle extrapolationLoop;
public GUIStyle extrapolationPingPong;
public GUIStyle extrapolationContinue;
public GUIStyle trackMarkerButton;
public GUIStyle markerMultiOverlay;
public GUIStyle bottomShadow;
public GUIStyle trackOptions;
public GUIStyle infiniteTrack;
public GUIStyle clipOut;
public GUIStyle clipIn;
public GUIStyle trackCurvesButton;
public GUIStyle trackLockOverlay;
public GUIStyle activation;
public GUIStyle playrange;
public GUIStyle timelineLockButton;
public GUIStyle trackAvatarMaskButton;
public GUIStyle markerWarning;
public GUIStyle editModeBtn;
public GUIStyle showMarkersBtn;
public GUIStyle sequenceSwitcher;
public GUIStyle inlineCurveHandle;
public GUIStyle timeReferenceButton;
public GUIStyle trackButtonSuite;
public GUIStyle previewButtonDisabled;
static internal DirectorStyles s_Instance;
DirectorNamedColor m_DarkSkinColors;
DirectorNamedColor m_LightSkinColors;
DirectorNamedColor m_DefaultSkinColors;
const string k_DarkSkinPath = resourcesPath + "Timeline_DarkSkin.txt";
const string k_LightSkinPath = resourcesPath + "Timeline_LightSkin.txt";
static readonly GUIContent s_TempContent = new GUIContent();
public static bool IsInitialized
get { return s_Instance != null; }
public static DirectorStyles Instance
if (s_Instance == null)
s_Instance = new DirectorStyles();
return s_Instance;
public static void ReloadStylesIfNeeded()
if (Instance.ShouldLoadStyles())
if (!Instance.ShouldLoadStyles())
public DirectorNamedColor customSkin
get { return EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? m_DarkSkinColors : m_LightSkinColors; }
internal set
if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin)
m_DarkSkinColors = value;
m_LightSkinColors = value;
DirectorNamedColor LoadColorSkin(string path)
var asset = EditorGUIUtility.LoadRequired(path) as TextAsset;
if (asset != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.text))
return DirectorNamedColor.CreateAndLoadFromText(asset.text);
return m_DefaultSkinColors;
static DirectorNamedColor CreateDefaultSkin()
var nc = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DirectorNamedColor>();
return nc;
public void ExportSkinToFile()
if (customSkin == m_DarkSkinColors)
if (customSkin == m_LightSkinColors)
public void ReloadSkin()
if (customSkin == m_DarkSkinColors)
m_DarkSkinColors = LoadColorSkin(k_DarkSkinPath);
else if (customSkin == m_LightSkinColors)
m_LightSkinColors = LoadColorSkin(k_LightSkinPath);
public void Initialize()
m_DefaultSkinColors = CreateDefaultSkin();
m_DarkSkinColors = LoadColorSkin(k_DarkSkinPath);
m_LightSkinColors = LoadColorSkin(k_LightSkinPath);
// add the built in colors (control track uses attribute)
// add default icons
TrackResourceCache.SetTrackIcon<ActivationTrack>(new GUIContent(GetBackgroundImage(activation)));
bool ShouldLoadStyles()
return endmarker == null ||
| ==;
void LoadStyles()
endmarker = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Endmarker");
groupBackground = GetGUIStyle("groupBackground");
displayBackground = GetGUIStyle("sequenceClip");
fontClip = GetGUIStyle("Font-Clip");
trackHeaderFont = GetGUIStyle("sequenceTrackHeaderFont");
trackGroupAddButton = GetGUIStyle("sequenceTrackGroupAddButton");
groupFont = GetGUIStyle("sequenceGroupFont");
timeCursor = GetGUIStyle("Icon-TimeCursor");
tinyFont = GetGUIStyle("tinyFont");
foldout = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Foldout");
trackMuteButton = GetGUIStyle("trackMuteButton");
trackLockButton = GetGUIStyle("trackLockButton");
trackRecordButton = GetGUIStyle("trackRecordButton");
playTimeRangeStart = GetGUIStyle("Icon-PlayAreaStart");
playTimeRangeEnd = GetGUIStyle("Icon-PlayAreaEnd");
selectedStyle = GetGUIStyle("Color-Selected");
trackSwatchStyle = GetGUIStyle("Icon-TrackHeaderSwatch");
connector = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Connector");
keyframe = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Keyframe");
warning = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Warning");
extrapolationHold = GetGUIStyle("Icon-ExtrapolationHold");
extrapolationLoop = GetGUIStyle("Icon-ExtrapolationLoop");
extrapolationPingPong = GetGUIStyle("Icon-ExtrapolationPingPong");
extrapolationContinue = GetGUIStyle("Icon-ExtrapolationContinue");
bottomShadow = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Shadow");
trackOptions = GetGUIStyle("Icon-TrackOptions");
infiniteTrack = GetGUIStyle("Icon-InfiniteTrack");
clipOut = GetGUIStyle("Icon-ClipOut");
clipIn = GetGUIStyle("Icon-ClipIn");
trackCurvesButton = GetGUIStyle("trackCurvesButton");
trackLockOverlay = GetGUIStyle("trackLockOverlay");
activation = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Activation");
playrange = GetGUIStyle("Icon-Playrange");
timelineLockButton = GetGUIStyle("IN LockButton");
trackAvatarMaskButton = GetGUIStyle("trackAvatarMaskButton");
trackMarkerButton = GetGUIStyle("trackCollapseMarkerButton");
markerMultiOverlay = GetGUIStyle("MarkerMultiOverlay");
editModeBtn = GetGUIStyle("editModeBtn");
showMarkersBtn = GetGUIStyle("showMarkerBtn");
markerWarning = GetGUIStyle("markerWarningOverlay");
sequenceSwitcher = GetGUIStyle("sequenceSwitcher");
inlineCurveHandle = GetGUIStyle("RL DragHandle");
timeReferenceButton = GetGUIStyle("timeReferenceButton");
trackButtonSuite = GetGUIStyle("trackButtonSuite");
previewButtonDisabled = GetGUIStyle("previewButtonDisabled");
playrangeContent = new GUIContent(GetBackgroundImage(playrange)) { tooltip = L10n.Tr("Toggle play range markers.") };
fontClipLoop = new GUIStyle(fontClip) { fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold };
public static GUIStyle GetGUIStyle(string s)
return EditorStyles.FromUSS(s);
public static GUIContent TrIconContent(string iconName, string tooltip = null)
return L10n.IconContent(iconName == null ? null : ResolveIcon(iconName), tooltip);
public static GUIContent IconContent(string iconName)
return EditorGUIUtility.IconContent(iconName == null ? null : ResolveIcon(iconName));
public static GUIContent TrTextContentWithIcon(string text, string tooltip, string iconName)
return L10n.TextContentWithIcon(text, tooltip, iconName == null ? null : ResolveIcon(iconName));
public static GUIContent TrTextContent(string text, string tooltip = null)
return L10n.TextContent(text, tooltip);
public static Texture2D LoadIcon(string iconName)
return EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(iconName == null ? null : ResolveIcon(iconName));
static string ResolveIcon(string icon)
return string.Format(k_ImagePath, icon);
public static string Elipsify(string label, Rect rect, GUIStyle style)
var ret = label;
if (label.Length == 0)
return ret;
s_TempContent.text = label;
float neededWidth = style.CalcSize(s_TempContent).x;
return Elipsify(label, rect.width, neededWidth);
public static string Elipsify(string label, float destinationWidth, float neededWidth)
var ret = label;
if (label.Length == 0)
return ret;
if (destinationWidth < neededWidth)
float averageWidthOfOneChar = neededWidth / label.Length;
int floor = Mathf.Max((int)Mathf.Floor(destinationWidth / averageWidthOfOneChar), 0);
if (floor < k_Elipsis.Length)
ret = string.Empty;
else if (floor == k_Elipsis.Length)
ret = k_Elipsis;
else if (floor < label.Length)
ret = label.Substring(0, floor - k_Elipsis.Length) + k_Elipsis;
return ret;
public static Texture2D GetBackgroundImage(GUIStyle style, StyleState state = StyleState.normal)
var blockName = GUIStyleExtensions.StyleNameToBlockName(, false);
var styleBlock = EditorResources.GetStyle(blockName, state);
return styleBlock.GetTexture(StyleCatalogKeyword.backgroundImage);