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309 lines
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309 lines
11 KiB
2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal
public abstract class AbstractShaderProperty : ShaderInput
public abstract PropertyType propertyType { get; }
internal override ConcreteSlotValueType concreteShaderValueType => propertyType.ToConcreteShaderValueType();
// user selected precision setting
Precision m_Precision = Precision.Inherit;
[Obsolete("AbstractShaderProperty.gpuInstanced is no longer used")]
public bool gpuInstanced
get { return false; }
set { }
internal virtual string GetHLSLVariableName(bool isSubgraphProperty, GenerationMode mode)
if (mode == GenerationMode.VFX)
// Per-element exposed properties are provided by the properties structure filled by VFX.
if (overrideHLSLDeclaration)
return $"PROP.{referenceName}";
// For un-exposed global properties, just read from the cbuffer.
return referenceName;
return referenceName;
internal string GetConnectionStateHLSLVariableName()
return GetConnectionStateVariableName(referenceName + "_" + objectId);
// NOTE: this does not tell you the HLSLDeclaration of the entire property...
// instead, it tells you what the DEFAULT HLSL Declaration would be, IF the property makes use of the default
// to check ACTUAL HLSL Declaration types, enumerate the HLSL Properties and check their HLSLDeclarations...
internal virtual HLSLDeclaration GetDefaultHLSLDeclaration()
if (overrideHLSLDeclaration)
return hlslDeclarationOverride;
// default Behavior switches between UnityPerMaterial and Global based on Exposed checkbox
if (generatePropertyBlock)
return HLSLDeclaration.UnityPerMaterial;
return HLSLDeclaration.Global;
// by default we disallow UI from choosing "DoNotDeclare"
// it needs a bit more UI support to disable property node output slots before we make it public
internal virtual bool AllowHLSLDeclaration(HLSLDeclaration decl) => (decl != HLSLDeclaration.DoNotDeclare);
internal bool overrideHLSLDeclaration = false;
internal HLSLDeclaration hlslDeclarationOverride;
internal Precision precision
get => m_Precision;
set => m_Precision = value;
ConcretePrecision m_ConcretePrecision = ConcretePrecision.Single;
public ConcretePrecision concretePrecision => m_ConcretePrecision;
internal void SetupConcretePrecision(ConcretePrecision defaultPrecision)
m_ConcretePrecision = precision.ToConcrete(defaultPrecision, defaultPrecision);
bool m_Hidden = false;
public bool hidden
get => m_Hidden;
set => m_Hidden = value;
internal string hideTagString => hidden ? "[HideInInspector]" : "";
// reference names are the HLSL declaration name / property block ref name
internal virtual void GetPropertyReferenceNames(List<string> result)
// display names are used as the UI name in the property block / show up in the Material Inspector
internal virtual void GetPropertyDisplayNames(List<string> result)
// the simple interface for simple properties
internal virtual string GetPropertyBlockString()
return string.Empty;
// the more complex interface for complex properties (defaulted for simple properties)
internal virtual void AppendPropertyBlockStrings(ShaderStringBuilder builder)
internal abstract void ForeachHLSLProperty(Action<HLSLProperty> action);
internal virtual string GetPropertyAsArgumentStringForVFX(string precisionString)
return GetPropertyAsArgumentString(precisionString);
internal abstract string GetPropertyAsArgumentString(string precisionString);
internal abstract AbstractMaterialNode ToConcreteNode();
internal abstract PreviewProperty GetPreviewMaterialProperty();
public virtual string GetPropertyTypeString()
string depString = $" (Deprecated{(ShaderGraphPreferences.allowDeprecatedBehaviors ? " V" + sgVersion : "")})";
return propertyType.ToString() + (sgVersion < latestVersion ? depString : "");
public abstract class AbstractShaderProperty<T> : AbstractShaderProperty
T m_Value;
public virtual T value
get => m_Value;
set => m_Value = value;
// class for extracting deprecated data from older versions of AbstractShaderProperty
class LegacyShaderPropertyData
// indicates user wishes to support the HYBRID renderer GPU instanced path
public bool m_GPUInstanced = false;
// converts the old m_GPUInstanced data into the new override HLSLDeclaration system.
public static void UpgradeToHLSLDeclarationOverride(string json, AbstractShaderProperty property)
// this maintains the old behavior for versioned properties:
// old exposed GPUInstanced properties are declared hybrid (becomes override in new system)
// old unexposed GPUInstanced properties are declared global (becomes override in new system)
// old exposed properties are declared UnityPerMaterial (default behavior, no override necessary)
// old unexposed properties are declared Global (default behavior, no override necessary)
// moving forward, users can use the overrides directly to control what it does
var legacyShaderPropertyData = new LegacyShaderPropertyData();
JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, legacyShaderPropertyData);
if (legacyShaderPropertyData.m_GPUInstanced)
property.overrideHLSLDeclaration = true;
if (property.generatePropertyBlock)
property.hlslDeclarationOverride = HLSLDeclaration.HybridPerInstance;
property.hlslDeclarationOverride = HLSLDeclaration.Global;
public enum HLSLType
// value types
// object types
_Texture2D = FirstObjectType,
// custom type
// describes the different ways we can generate HLSL declarations
internal enum HLSLDeclaration
DoNotDeclare, // NOT declared in HLSL
Global, // declared in the global scope, mainly for use with state coming from Shader.SetGlobal*()
UnityPerMaterial, // declared in the UnityPerMaterial cbuffer, populated by Material or MaterialPropertyBlock
HybridPerInstance, // declared using HybridRenderer path (v1 or v2) to get DOTS GPU instancing
internal struct HLSLProperty
public string name;
public HLSLType type;
public ConcretePrecision precision;
public HLSLDeclaration declaration;
public Action<ShaderStringBuilder> customDeclaration;
public HLSLProperty(HLSLType type, string name, HLSLDeclaration declaration, ConcretePrecision precision = ConcretePrecision.Single)
this.type = type;
| = name;
this.declaration = declaration;
this.precision = precision;
this.customDeclaration = null;
public bool ValueEquals(HLSLProperty other)
if ((name != ||
(type != other.type) ||
(precision != other.precision) ||
(declaration != other.declaration) ||
((customDeclaration == null) != (other.customDeclaration == null)))
return false;
else if (customDeclaration != null)
var ssb = new ShaderStringBuilder();
var ssbother = new ShaderStringBuilder();
if (ssb.ToCodeBlock() != ssbother.ToCodeBlock())
return false;
return true;
static string[,] kValueTypeStrings = new string[(int)HLSLType.FirstObjectType, 2]
{"float", "half"},
{"float2", "half2"},
{"float3", "half3"},
{"float4", "half4"},
{"float4x4", "half4x4"}
static string[] kObjectTypeStrings = new string[(int)HLSLType._CUSTOM - (int)HLSLType.FirstObjectType]
public bool IsObjectType()
return type == HLSLType._SamplerState ||
type == HLSLType._Texture2D ||
type == HLSLType._Texture3D ||
type == HLSLType._TextureCube ||
type == HLSLType._Texture2DArray;
public string GetValueTypeString()
if (type < HLSLType.FirstObjectType)
return kValueTypeStrings[(int)type, (int)precision];
return null;
public void AppendTo(ShaderStringBuilder ssb, Func<string, string> nameModifier = null)
var mName = nameModifier?.Invoke(name) ?? name;
if (type < HLSLType.FirstObjectType)
ssb.Append(kValueTypeStrings[(int)type, (int)precision]);
ssb.Append(" ");
else if (type < HLSLType._CUSTOM)
ssb.Append(kObjectTypeStrings[type - HLSLType.FirstObjectType]);
//ssb.Append(" // ");