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2 years ago
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.VFX.URP
class VFXURPLitMeshOutput : VFXAbstractParticleURPLitOutput, IVFXMultiMeshOutput
public override string name
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shaderName)
? $"Output Particle {shaderName} Mesh"
: "Output Particle URP Lit Mesh";
public override string codeGeneratorTemplate { get { return RenderPipeTemplate("VFXParticleLitMesh"); } }
public override VFXTaskType taskType { get { return VFXTaskType.ParticleMeshOutput; } }
public override bool supportsUV { get { return GetOrRefreshShaderGraphObject() == null; } }
public override bool implementsMotionVector { get { return true; } }
public override CullMode defaultCullMode { get { return CullMode.Back; } }
[VFXSetting(VFXSettingAttribute.VisibleFlags.InInspector), Range(1, 4), Tooltip("Specifies the number of different meshes (up to 4). Mesh per particle can be specified with the meshIndex attribute."), SerializeField]
private uint MeshCount = 1;
[VFXSetting(VFXSettingAttribute.VisibleFlags.InInspector), Tooltip("When enabled, screen space LOD is used to determine with meshIndex to use per particle."), SerializeField]
private bool lod = false;
public uint meshCount => HasStrips(true) ? 1 : MeshCount;
public override VFXOutputUpdate.Features outputUpdateFeatures
VFXOutputUpdate.Features features = base.outputUpdateFeatures;
if (!HasStrips(true)) // TODO make it compatible with strips
if (MeshCount > 1)
features |= VFXOutputUpdate.Features.MultiMesh;
if (lod)
features |= VFXOutputUpdate.Features.LOD;
if (HasSorting() && VFXOutputUpdate.HasFeature(features, VFXOutputUpdate.Features.IndirectDraw))
features |= VFXOutputUpdate.Features.Sort;
return features;
public override IEnumerable<VFXAttributeInfo> attributes
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.Position, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
if (colorMode != ColorMode.None)
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.Color, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.Alpha, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.Alive, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.AxisX, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.AxisY, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.AxisZ, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.AngleX, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.AngleY, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.AngleZ, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.PivotX, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.PivotY, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.PivotZ, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.Size, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.ScaleX, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.ScaleY, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.ScaleZ, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
if (usesFlipbook)
yield return new VFXAttributeInfo(VFXAttribute.TexIndex, VFXAttributeMode.Read);
protected override IEnumerable<VFXPropertyWithValue> inputProperties
foreach (var property in base.inputProperties)
yield return property;
foreach (var property in VFXMultiMeshHelper.GetInputProperties(MeshCount, outputUpdateFeatures))
yield return property;
protected override IEnumerable<string> filteredOutSettings
foreach (var s in base.filteredOutSettings)
yield return s;
// TODO Add a experimental bool to setting attribute
if (!VFXViewPreference.displayExperimentalOperator)
yield return "MeshCount";
yield return "lod";
public override VFXExpressionMapper GetExpressionMapper(VFXDeviceTarget target)
var mapper = base.GetExpressionMapper(target);
switch (target)
case VFXDeviceTarget.CPU:
foreach (var name in VFXMultiMeshHelper.GetCPUExpressionNames(MeshCount))
mapper.AddExpression(inputSlots.First(s => == name).GetExpression(), name, -1);
return mapper;