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2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Rendering;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using BIRPRendering = UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using URPRenderingEditor = UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal;
using URPRendering = UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.Converters
internal class PPv2Converter : RenderPipelineConverter
public override string name => "Post-Processing Stack v2 Converter";
public override string info =>
"Converts PPv2 Volumes, Profiles, and Layers to URP Volumes, Profiles, and Cameras.";
public override Type container => typeof(BuiltInToURPConverterContainer);
public override bool needsIndexing => true;
private IEnumerable<PostProcessEffectSettingsConverter> effectConverters = null;
private List<Object> postConversionDestroyables = null;
List<string> guids = new List<string>();
public override void OnInitialize(InitializeConverterContext context, Action callback)
// Converters should already be set to null on domain reload,
// but we're doing it here just in case anything somehow lingers.
effectConverters = null;
postConversionDestroyables = new List<Object>();
// We are using separate searchContexts here and Adding them in this order:
// - Components from Prefabs & Scenes (Volumes & Layers)
// - ScriptableObjects (Profiles)
// This allows the old objects to be both re-referenced and deleted safely as they are converted in OnRun.
// The process of converting Volumes will convert Profiles as-needed, and then the explicit followup Profile
// conversion step will convert any non-referenced assets and delete all old Profiles.
Debug.Log("Running here");
// Components First
using var componentContext =
Search.SearchService.CreateContext("asset", "urp:convert-ppv2component");
using var componentItems = Search.SearchService.Request(componentContext);
Debug.Log("First Search");
AddSearchItemsAsConverterAssetEntries(componentItems, context);
// Then ScriptableObjects
using var scriptableObjectContext =
Search.SearchService.CreateContext("asset", "urp:convert-ppv2scriptableobject");
using var scriptableObjectItems = Search.SearchService.Request(scriptableObjectContext);
Debug.Log("Second Search");
AddSearchItemsAsConverterAssetEntries(scriptableObjectItems, context);
public override void OnRun(ref RunItemContext context)
var obj = GetContextObject(ref context);
if (!obj)
context.didFail = true; = "Could not be converted because the target object was lost.";
BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume[] oldVolumes = null;
BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer[] oldLayers = null;
// TODO: Upcoming changes to GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow will allow
// this to be inverted, and the else to be deleted.
#if false
if (obj is GameObject go)
oldVolumes = go.GetComponents<BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume>();
oldLayers = go.GetComponents<BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer>();
else if (obj is MonoBehaviour mb)
oldVolumes = mb.GetComponents<BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume>();
oldLayers = mb.GetComponents<BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer>();
if (obj is GameObject go)
oldVolumes = go.GetComponentsInChildren<BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume>();
oldLayers = go.GetComponentsInChildren<BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer>();
else if (obj is MonoBehaviour mb)
oldVolumes = mb.GetComponentsInChildren<BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume>();
oldLayers = mb.GetComponentsInChildren<BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer>();
// Note: even if nothing needs to be converted, that should still count as success,
// though it shouldn't ever actually occur.
var succeeded = true;
var errorString = new StringBuilder();
if (effectConverters == null ||
effectConverters.Count() == 0 ||
effectConverters.Any(converter => converter == null))
effectConverters = GetAllBIRPConverters();
if (oldVolumes != null)
foreach (var oldVolume in oldVolumes)
ConvertVolume(oldVolume, ref succeeded, errorString);
if (oldLayers != null)
foreach (var oldLayer in oldLayers)
ConvertLayer(oldLayer, ref succeeded, errorString);
if (obj is BIRPRendering.PostProcessProfile oldProfile)
ConvertProfile(oldProfile, ref succeeded, errorString);
if (!succeeded)
context.didFail = true; = errorString.ToString();
var currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
public override void OnPostRun()
for (var i = 0; i < postConversionDestroyables.Count; i++)
Object.DestroyImmediate(postConversionDestroyables[i], allowDestroyingAssets: true);
public override void OnClicked(int index)
if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(guids[index], out var gid))
var containerPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID);
private void AddSearchItemsAsConverterAssetEntries(ISearchList searchItems, InitializeConverterContext context)
foreach (var searchItem in searchItems)
if (searchItem == null || !GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var globalId))
var description = searchItem.provider.fetchDescription(searchItem, searchItem.context);
var item = new ConverterItemDescriptor()
name = description.Split('/').Last().Split('.').First(),
info = $"{ReturnType(globalId)}",
string ReturnType(GlobalObjectId gid)
var containerPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID);
return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Object>(containerPath).GetType().ToString().Split('.').Last();
private Object GetContextObject(ref RunItemContext ctx)
var item = ctx.item;
var guid = guids[item.index];
if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(guid, out var globalId))
// Try loading the object
// TODO: Upcoming changes to GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow will allow it
// to return direct references to prefabs and their children.
// Once that change happens there are several items which should be adjusted.
var obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(globalId);
// If the object was not loaded, it is probably part of an unopened scene;
// if so, then the solution is to first load the scene here.
var objIsInSceneOrPrefab = globalId.identifierType == 2; // 2 is IdentifierType.kSceneObject
if (!obj &&
// Open the Containing Scene Asset in the Hierarchy so the Object can be manipulated
var mainAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(globalId.assetGUID);
var mainAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Object>(mainAssetPath);
// If a prefab stage was opened, then mainAsset is the root of the
// prefab that contains the target object, so reference that for now,
// until GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow is updated
if (PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage() != null)
obj = mainAsset;
// Reload object if it is still null (because it's in a previously unopened scene)
if (!obj)
obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(globalId);
if (!obj)
ctx.didFail = true; = $"Object {globalId.assetGUID} failed to load...";
return obj;
ctx.didFail = true; = $"Failed to parse Global ID {}...";
return null;
#region Conversion_Entry_Points
private void ConvertVolume(BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume oldVolume, ref bool succeeded,
StringBuilder errorString)
if (!succeeded)
if (!oldVolume)
// TODO: unless there's good way to tell the if the object is just missing because it was already
// converted as part of an earlier conversion object, then these two lines should be commented
// out or removed. It should still return though.
// succeeded = false;
// errorString.AppendLine("PPv2 PostProcessVolume failed to be converted because the original asset reference was lost during conversion.");
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(oldVolume) &&
// This is a property override on an instance of the component,
// so override the component instance with the modifications.
succeeded = ConvertVolumeInstance(oldVolume, errorString);
// The entire component is unique, so just convert it
succeeded = ConvertVolumeComponent(oldVolume, errorString);
private void ConvertLayer(BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer oldLayer, ref bool succeeded,
StringBuilder errorString)
if (!succeeded)
if (!oldLayer)
// TODO: unless there's good way to tell the if the object is just missing because it was already
// converted as part of an earlier conversion object, then these two lines should be commented
// out or removed. It should still return though.
// succeeded = false;
// errorString.AppendLine("PPv2 PostProcessLayer failed to be converted because the original asset reference was lost during conversion.");
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(oldLayer) &&
// This is a property override on an instance of the component,
// so override the component instance with the modifications.
succeeded = ConvertLayerInstance(oldLayer, errorString);
// The entire component is unique, so just convert it
succeeded = ConvertLayerComponent(oldLayer, errorString);
private void ConvertProfile(BIRPRendering.PostProcessProfile oldProfile, ref bool succeeded,
StringBuilder errorString)
if (!succeeded)
if (!oldProfile)
"PPv2 PostProcessProfile failed to be converted because the original asset reference was lost during conversion.");
ConvertVolumeProfileAsset(oldProfile, errorString, ref succeeded);
// TODO:
// - Perhaps old Profiles should only be deleted if they actually no longer have references,
// just in case some some Volume conversions are skipped and still need references for future conversion.
// - Alternatively, leave deletion of Profiles entirely to the user. (I think this is preferred)
#endregion Conversion_Entry_Points
private bool ConvertVolumeComponent(BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume oldVolume, StringBuilder errorString)
// Don't convert if it appears to already have been converted.
if (oldVolume.GetComponent<Volume>()) return true;
var gameObject = oldVolume.gameObject;
var newVolume = gameObject.AddComponent<Volume>();
newVolume.priority = oldVolume.priority;
newVolume.weight = oldVolume.weight;
newVolume.blendDistance = oldVolume.blendDistance;
newVolume.isGlobal = oldVolume.isGlobal;
newVolume.enabled = oldVolume.enabled;
var success = true;
newVolume.sharedProfile = ConvertVolumeProfileAsset(oldVolume.sharedProfile, errorString, ref success);
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(oldVolume))
Object.DestroyImmediate(oldVolume, allowDestroyingAssets: true);
return success;
private bool ConvertVolumeInstance(BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume oldVolume, StringBuilder errorString)
// First get a reference to the local instance of the converted component
// which may require immediately converting it at its origin location first.
var newVolumeInstance = oldVolume.GetComponent<Volume>();
if (!newVolumeInstance)
var oldVolumeOrigin = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(oldVolume);
if (!ConvertVolumeComponent(oldVolumeOrigin, errorString))
return false;
newVolumeInstance = oldVolume.GetComponent<Volume>();
if (!newVolumeInstance)
"PPv2 PostProcessVolume failed to be converted because the instance object did not inherit the converted Prefab source.");
return false;
bool success = true;
var oldModifications = PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications(oldVolume);
foreach (var oldModification in oldModifications)
if ( is BIRPRendering.PostProcessVolume)
if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("priority", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
newVolumeInstance.priority = oldVolume.priority;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("weight",
newVolumeInstance.weight = oldVolume.weight;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("blendDistance",
newVolumeInstance.blendDistance = oldVolume.blendDistance;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("isGlobal",
newVolumeInstance.isGlobal = oldVolume.isGlobal;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("enabled",
newVolumeInstance.enabled = oldVolume.enabled;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("sharedProfile",
newVolumeInstance.sharedProfile =
ConvertVolumeProfileAsset(oldVolume.sharedProfile, errorString, ref success);
return success;
private bool ConvertLayerComponent(BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer oldLayer, StringBuilder errorString)
var siblingCamera = oldLayer.GetComponent<Camera>().GetUniversalAdditionalCameraData();
// PostProcessLayer requires a sibling Camera component, but
// we check it here just in case something weird went happened.
if (!siblingCamera)
"PPv2 PostProcessLayer failed to be converted because the instance object was missing a required sibling Camera component.");
return false;
// The presence of a PostProcessLayer implies the Camera should render post-processes
siblingCamera.renderPostProcessing = true;
siblingCamera.volumeLayerMask = oldLayer.volumeLayer;
siblingCamera.volumeTrigger = oldLayer.volumeTrigger;
siblingCamera.stopNaN = oldLayer.stopNaNPropagation;
siblingCamera.antialiasingQuality =
switch (oldLayer.antialiasingMode)
case BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing.None:
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.None;
case BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing.FastApproximateAntialiasing:
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.FastApproximateAntialiasing;
case BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing:
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.SubpixelMorphologicalAntiAliasing;
// Default to the the most performant mode, since "None" is an explicit option.
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.FastApproximateAntialiasing;
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(oldLayer))
Object.DestroyImmediate(oldLayer, allowDestroyingAssets: true);
return true;
private bool ConvertLayerInstance(BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer oldLayer, StringBuilder errorString)
// First get a reference to the local instance of the camera (which is required by PostProcessingLayer)
var siblingCamera = oldLayer.GetComponent<Camera>().GetUniversalAdditionalCameraData();
if (!siblingCamera)
"PPv2 PostProcessLayer failed to be converted because the instance object was missing a required sibling Camera component.");
return false;
var oldModifications = PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications(oldLayer);
foreach (var oldModification in oldModifications)
if ( is BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer)
if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("volumeLayer",
siblingCamera.volumeLayerMask = oldLayer.volumeLayer;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("volumeTrigger",
siblingCamera.volumeTrigger = oldLayer.volumeTrigger;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("stopNaNPropagation",
siblingCamera.stopNaN = oldLayer.stopNaNPropagation;
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("quality",
siblingCamera.antialiasingQuality =
else if (oldModification.propertyPath.EndsWith("antialiasingMode",
switch (oldLayer.antialiasingMode)
case BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing.None:
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.None;
case BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing.FastApproximateAntialiasing:
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.FastApproximateAntialiasing;
case BIRPRendering.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing:
siblingCamera.antialiasing =
// Default to the the most performant mode, since "None" is an explicit option.
siblingCamera.antialiasing = URPRendering.AntialiasingMode.FastApproximateAntialiasing;
return true;
private VolumeProfile ConvertVolumeProfileAsset(BIRPRendering.PostProcessProfile oldProfile,
StringBuilder errorString, ref bool success)
// Don't convert if it appears to already have been converted.
if (!oldProfile) return null;
var oldPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(oldProfile);
var oldDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(oldPath);
var oldName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oldPath);
var newPath = Path.Combine(oldDirectory, $"{oldName}(URP).asset");
if (File.Exists(newPath))
return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VolumeProfile>(newPath);
var newProfile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<VolumeProfile>();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newProfile, newPath);
catch (Exception e)
errorString.AppendLine($"PPv2 PostProcessLayer failed to be converted with exception:\n{e}");
success = false;
if (!newProfile) return null;
foreach (var oldSettings in oldProfile.settings)
foreach (var effectConverter in effectConverters)
effectConverter.AddConvertedProfileSettingsToProfile(oldSettings, newProfile);
return newProfile;
public IEnumerable<PostProcessEffectSettingsConverter> GetAllBIRPConverters()
var baseType = typeof(PostProcessEffectSettingsConverter);
var assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(baseType);
var derivedTypes = assembly
.Where(t =>
t.BaseType != null &&
t.BaseType == baseType)
.Select(t => ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(t) as PostProcessEffectSettingsConverter);
return derivedTypes;