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386 lines
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386 lines
16 KiB
2 years ago
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using Unity.Burst.Editor;
using System.Text;
using Unity.Burst;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class LongTextAreaTests
private LongTextArea _textArea;
public void SetUp()
_textArea = new LongTextArea();
[TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 7, true)]
[TestCase("<color=#CCCCCC>", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 25, true)]
[TestCase("<color=#d7ba7d>", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 21 + 15 + 8 + 15, true)]
[TestCase("", "\n# hulahop hejsa\n", 5, false)]
public void GetStartingColorTagTest(string tag, string text, int textIdx, bool syntaxHighlight)
var disAssembler = new BurstDisassembler();
_textArea.SetText("", text, true, disAssembler, disAssembler.Initialize(text, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, true, syntaxHighlight));
if (!_textArea.CopyColorTags) _textArea.ChangeCopyMode();
Assert.That(_textArea.GetStartingColorTag(0, textIdx), Is.EqualTo(tag));
[TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 7, true)]
[TestCase("</color>", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 25, true)]
[TestCase("</color>", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 21 + 15 + 8 + 15, true)]
[TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 14 + 15 + 8, true)]
[TestCase("", "\n# hulahop hejsa\n", 5, false)]
public void GetEndingColorTagTest(string tag, string text, int textIdx, bool syntaxHighlight)
var disAssembler = new BurstDisassembler();
_textArea.SetText("", text, true, disAssembler, disAssembler.Initialize(text, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, true, syntaxHighlight));
if (!_textArea.CopyColorTags) _textArea.ChangeCopyMode();
Assert.That(_textArea.GetEndingColorTag(0, textIdx), Is.EqualTo(tag));
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color> <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>\n", 0, 16, 16)]
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color>\n <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>\n", 1, 40, 9)]
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color>\n <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>\n hej", 2, 67, 3)]
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color> <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>", 0, 15, 15)]
[TestCase("\n <color=#4EC9B0>je</color> <color=#d4d4d4>.LBB11_4</color>", 1, 34, 33)]
// Test cases for when on enhanced text and not coloured.
[TestCase("hulahop hejsa\n", 0, 16, 16)]
[TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n", 1, 17, 9)]
[TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 2, 21, 3)]
[TestCase("hulahop hejsa", 0, 15, 15)]
public void GetEndIndexOfColoredLineTest(string text, int line, int resTotal, int resRel)
Assert.That(_textArea.GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, line), Is.EqualTo((resTotal, resRel)));
[TestCase("hulahop hejsa\n", 0, 16, 16)]
[TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n", 1, 17, 9)]
[TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 2, 21, 3)]
[TestCase("hulahop hejsa", 0, 15, 15)]
[TestCase("\nhulahop hejsa", 1, 16, 15)]
public void GetEndIndexOfPlainLineTest(string text, int line, int resTotal, int resRel)
Assert.That(_textArea.GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, line), Is.EqualTo((resTotal, resRel)));
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color>\n <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>\n hej", 2, 2, 0)]
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color>\n <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>\n hej", 1, 5, 15)]
[TestCase("<color=#FFFF00>hulahop</color> <color=#DCDCAA>hejsa</color>:", 0, 17, 46)]
public void BumpSelectionXByColortagTest(string text, int lineNum, int charsIn, int colourTagFiller)
var (idxTotal, idxRel) = _textArea.GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, lineNum);
Assert.That(_textArea.BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, idxTotal - idxRel, charsIn), Is.EqualTo(charsIn + colourTagFiller));
[TestCase(" push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", false)]
[TestCase(" push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", true)]
public void SelectAllTest(string text, bool useDisassembler)
if (useDisassembler)
var disAssembler = new BurstDisassembler();
_textArea.SetText("", text, true, disAssembler, disAssembler.Initialize(text, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel));
_textArea.LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle.none,, true);
_textArea.SetText("", text, true, null, false);
_textArea.selectPos = new Vector2(2, 2);
// There is no inserted comments or similar in my test example, so finalAreaSize, should be equivalent for the two.
_textArea.finalAreaSize = new Vector2(7.5f * text.Length, 15.2f);
Assert.That(_textArea.selectPos, Is.EqualTo(;
Assert.That(_textArea.selectDragPos, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(7.5f * text.Length, 15.2f)));
if (!useDisassembler)
Assert.That(_textArea.textSelectionIdx, Is.EqualTo((0, text.Length)));
private BurstDisassembler GetDisassemblerandText(string compileTargetName, int debugLvl, out string textToRender)
// Get target job assembly:
var assemblies = BurstReflection.EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobs;
var result = BurstReflection.FindExecuteMethods(assemblies, BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions.None);
var compileTarget = result.CompileTargets.Find(x => x.GetDisplayName() == compileTargetName);
Assert.IsTrue(compileTarget != default, $"Could not find compile target: {compileTarget}");
BurstDisassembler disassembler = new BurstDisassembler();
var options = new StringBuilder();
compileTarget.Options.TryGetOptions(compileTarget.JobType, true, out string defaultOptions);
// Disables the 2 current warnings generated from code (since they clutter up the inspector display)
// BC1370 - throw inside code not guarded with ConditionalSafetyCheck attribute
// BC1322 - loop intrinsic on loop that has been optimised away
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDisableWarnings, "BC1370;BC1322")}");
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionTarget, BurstTargetCpu.X64_SSE4)}");
options.AppendLine($"{BurstCompilerOptions.GetOption(BurstCompilerOptions.OptionDebug, $"{debugLvl}")}");
var baseOptions = options.ToString();
var append = BurstInspectorGUI.GetDisasmOptions()[(int)DisassemblyKind.Asm];
// Setup disAssembler with the job:
compileTarget.RawDisassembly = BurstInspectorGUI.GetDisassembly(compileTarget.Method, baseOptions + append);
textToRender = compileTarget.RawDisassembly.TrimStart('\n');
return disassembler;
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", true, true, 2)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", true, true, 1)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", true, false, 2)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", true, false, 1)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", false, true, 2)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", false, true, 1)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", false, false, 2)]
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", false, false, 1)]
public void CopyAllTest(string compileTargetName, bool useDisassembler, bool coloured, int debugLvl)
// Get target job assembly:
var disassembler = GetDisassemblerandText(compileTargetName, debugLvl, out string textToRender);
if (useDisassembler)
_textArea.SetText("", textToRender, true, disassembler, disassembler.Initialize(textToRender, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, true, coloured));
var builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < disassembler.Blocks.Count; i++)
textToRender = builder.ToString();
_textArea.SetText("", textToRender, true, null, false);
_textArea.Layout(GUIStyle.none, _textArea.horizontalPad);
Assert.AreEqual(textToRender, EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer);
[TestCase("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)")]
public void CopyTextIdenticalWithAndWithoutColorTags(string compileTargetName)
// We don't wanna go messing with the users system buffer. At least if user didn't break anything.
var savedSystemBuffer = EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer;
// Get target job assembly:
var disassembler = GetDisassemblerandText(compileTargetName, 2, out var textToRender);
_textArea.SetText("", textToRender, true, disassembler,
_textArea.Layout(GUIStyle.none, _textArea.horizontalPad);
_textArea.LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle.none,, true);
for (var i=0; i<disassembler.Blocks[0].Length+50; i++) _textArea.MoveSelectionDown(, true);
_textArea.LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle.none,, true);
var copiedText1 = EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer;
var copiedText2 = EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer;
var regx = new Regex(@"(<color=#[0-9A-Za-z]*>)|(</color>)");
if (!_textArea.CopyColorTags)
(copiedText1, copiedText2) = (copiedText2, copiedText1);
copiedText2 = regx.Replace(copiedText2, "");
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = savedSystemBuffer;
Assert.AreEqual(copiedText1, copiedText2,
"Copy with color tags did not match copy without " +
"(Color tags is removed from the copy to make it comparable with the color-tag-less copy).");
public void KeepingSelectionWhenMovingTest(bool useDisassembler)
const string jobName = "BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)";
BurstDisassembler disassembler = GetDisassemblerandText(jobName, 2, out string textToRender);
Rect workingArea = new Rect();
if (useDisassembler)
_textArea.SetText(jobName, textToRender, true, disassembler, disassembler.Initialize(textToRender, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel));
_textArea.LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle.none, workingArea, true);
_textArea.SetText(jobName, textToRender, false, null, false);
_textArea.Layout(GUIStyle.none, _textArea.horizontalPad);
Vector2 start = _textArea.selectDragPos;
if (useDisassembler) start.x = _textArea.horizontalPad + _textArea.fontWidth / 2;
// Horizontal movement:
_textArea.MoveSelectionRight(workingArea, true);
Assert.AreEqual(start + new Vector2(_textArea.fontWidth, 0), _textArea.selectDragPos,
"Text selection did not match after right movement.");
_textArea.MoveSelectionLeft(workingArea, true);
Assert.AreEqual(start, _textArea.selectDragPos,
"Text selection did not match after left movement.");
// Vertical movement:
_textArea.MoveSelectionDown(workingArea, true);
Assert.AreEqual(start + new Vector2(0, _textArea.fontHeight), _textArea.selectDragPos,
"Text selection did not match after downwards movement.");
_textArea.MoveSelectionUp(workingArea, true);
Assert.AreEqual(start, _textArea.selectDragPos,
"Text selection did not match after upwards movement.");
public void GetFragNrFromBlockIdxTest()
var disassembler = GetDisassemblerandText("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", 2, out var textToRender);
_textArea.SetText("", textToRender, true, disassembler,
disassembler.Initialize(textToRender, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, false, false));
var garbageVariable = 0f;
var numBlocks = disassembler.Blocks.Count;
// Want to get the last fragment possible
var expectedFragNr = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _textArea.blocksFragmentsPlain.Length-1; i++)
expectedFragNr += _textArea.GetPlainFragments(i).Count;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedFragNr, _textArea.GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(numBlocks-1, 0, 0, ref garbageVariable));
Assert.AreEqual(3, _textArea.GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(3, 1, 1, ref garbageVariable));
public void GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdxTest()
const string jobName = "BurstJobTester2.MyJob - (IJob)";
var disassembler = GetDisassemblerandText(jobName, 2, out var textToRender);
_textArea.SetText(jobName, textToRender, true, disassembler,
disassembler.Initialize(textToRender, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, false, false));
var garbageVariable = 0f;
const int blockIdx = 2;
var fragments = _textArea.RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx);
var text = _textArea.GetText;
var expectedFrag = blockIdx + fragments.Count - 1;
var info = disassembler.BlockIdxs[blockIdx];
var extraFragLen = fragments.Count > 1
? fragments[0].text.Length + 1 // job only contains 2 fragments at max
: 0;
var idx = info.startIdx + extraFragLen + 1;
var expected = (expectedFrag, info.startIdx + extraFragLen);
var actual = _textArea.GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(idx, 0, 0, 0, ref garbageVariable);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void SearchTextEnhancedTest(bool colored)
var disassembler = GetDisassemblerandText("BurstInspectorGUITests.MyJob - (IJob)", 1, out string textToRender);
_textArea.SetText("", textToRender, true, disassembler, disassembler.Initialize(textToRender, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, true, colored));
var workingArea = new Rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
_textArea.SearchText(new SearchCriteria(".Ltmp.:", true, false, true), new Regex(@".Ltmp.:"), ref workingArea);
Assert.AreEqual(10, _textArea.NrSearchHits);
// Check that they are filled out probably
int nr = 0;
foreach (var fragHits in _textArea.searchHits.Values)
foreach (var hit in fragHits)
Assert.AreEqual((0, 7, nr++), hit);
public void SelectOnOneLineTest()
const string testCase = "\n<color=#d4d4d4>.Ltmp12</color>: ...";
var disassembler = new BurstDisassembler();
_textArea.SetText("", testCase, false, disassembler, disassembler.Initialize(testCase, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel));
// Set fontWidth and fontHeight
_textArea.Layout(GUIStyle.none, 20f);
// Set selection markers.
// Error happened when selection started at the lowest point of a line.
_textArea.selectPos = new Vector2(0, _textArea.fontHeight);
// Select further down to make sure it wont be switched with selectPos.
_textArea.selectDragPos = new Vector2(10 * _textArea.fontWidth, _textArea.fontHeight*2);
// Hopefully it wont throw anything
Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
_textArea.PrepareInfoForSelection(0, 0, _textArea.fontHeight,
new LongTextArea.Fragment() { text = testCase.TrimStart('\n'), lineCount = 1 },