You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1130 lines
42 KiB

2 years ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace Unity.Burst
internal static partial class BurstStringInternal
internal static partial class BurstString
// Prevent Format from being stripped, otherwise, the string format transform passes will fail, and code that was compileable
//before stripping, will no longer compile.
internal class PreserveAttribute : System.Attribute {}
/// <summary>
/// Copies a Burst managed UTF8 string prefixed by a ushort length to a FixedString with the specified maximum length.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Pointer to the fixed string.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum number of UTF8 the fixed string supports without including the zero character.</param>
/// <param name="src">The UTF8 Burst managed string prefixed by a ushort length and zero terminated.
/// <param name="srcLength">Number of UTF8 the fixed string supports without including the zero character.</param>
/// </param>
public static unsafe void CopyFixedString(byte* dest, int destLength, byte* src, int srcLength)
// TODO: should we throw an exception instead if the string doesn't fit?
var finalLength = srcLength > destLength ? destLength : srcLength;
// Write the length and zero null terminated
*((ushort*)dest - 1) = (ushort)finalLength;
dest[finalLength] = 0;
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dest, src, (uint)finalLength);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dest, src, finalLength);
/// <summary>
/// Format a UTF-8 string (with a specified source length) to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="src">The source buffer of the string to copy from.</param>
/// <param name="srcLength">The length of the string from the source buffer.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, byte* src, int srcLength, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
// Align left
if (AlignLeft(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, srcLength)) return;
int maxToCopy = destLength - destIndex;
int toCopyLength = srcLength > maxToCopy ? maxToCopy : srcLength;
if (toCopyLength > 0)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dest + destIndex, src, (uint)toCopyLength);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dest + destIndex, src, toCopyLength);
destIndex += toCopyLength;
// Align right
AlignRight(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, srcLength);
/// <summary>
/// Format a float value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, float value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
ConvertFloatToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format a double value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, double value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
ConvertDoubleToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format a bool value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, bool value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var length = value ? 4 : 5; // True = 4 chars, False = 5 chars
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
// Align left
if (AlignLeft(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, length)) return;
if (value)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'T';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'r';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'u';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'e';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'F';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'a';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'l';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'s';
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'e';
// Align right
AlignRight(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, length);
/// <summary>
/// Format a char value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, char value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var length = value <= 0x7f ? 1 : value <= 0x7FF ? 2 : 3;
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
// Align left - Special case for char, make the length as it was always one byte (one char)
// so that alignment is working fine (on a char basis)
if (AlignLeft(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, 1)) return;
// Basic encoding of UTF16 to UTF8, doesn't handle high/low surrogate as we are given only one char
if (length == 1)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)value;
else if (length == 2)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)((value >> 6) | 0xC0);
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)((value & 0x3F) | 0x80);
else if (length == 3)
// We don't handle high/low surrogate, so we replace the char with the replacement char
// 0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD
bool isHighOrLowSurrogate = value >= '\xD800' && value <= '\xDFFF';
if (isHighOrLowSurrogate)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = 0xEF;
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = 0xBF;
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = 0xBD;
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)((value >> 12) | 0xE0);
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)(((value >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)((value & 0x3F) | 0x80);
// Align right - Special case for char, make the length as it was always one byte (one char)
// so that alignment is working fine (on a char basis)
AlignRight(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Format a byte value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, byte value, int formatOptionsRaw)
Format(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, (ulong)value, formatOptionsRaw);
/// <summary>
/// Format an ushort value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, ushort value, int formatOptionsRaw)
Format(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, (ulong)value, formatOptionsRaw);
/// <summary>
/// Format an uint value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, uint value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format a ulong value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, ulong value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format a sbyte value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, sbyte value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
if (options.Kind == NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal)
ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, (byte)value, options);
ConvertIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format a short value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, short value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
if (options.Kind == NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal)
ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, (ushort)value, options);
ConvertIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format an int value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, int value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
if (options.Kind == NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal)
ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, (uint)value, options);
ConvertIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
/// <summary>
/// Format a long value to a destination buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dest">Destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destIndex">Current index in destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="destLength">Maximum length of destination buffer.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
/// <param name="formatOptionsRaw">Formatting options encoded in raw format.</param>
public static unsafe void Format(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, long value, int formatOptionsRaw)
var options = *(FormatOptions*)&formatOptionsRaw;
if (options.Kind == NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal)
ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, (ulong)value, options);
ConvertIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, value, options);
private static unsafe void ConvertUnsignedIntegerToString(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, ulong value, FormatOptions options)
var basis = (uint)options.GetBase();
if (basis < 2 || basis > 36) return;
// Calculate the full length (including zero padding)
int length = 0;
var tmp = value;
tmp /= basis;
} while (tmp != 0);
// Write the characters for the numbers to a temp buffer
int tmpIndex = length - 1;
byte* tmpBuffer = stackalloc byte[length + 1];
tmp = value;
tmpBuffer[tmpIndex--] = ValueToIntegerChar((int)(tmp % basis), options.Uppercase);
tmp /= basis;
} while (tmp != 0);
tmpBuffer[length] = 0;
var numberBuffer = new NumberBuffer(NumberBufferKind.Integer, tmpBuffer, length, length, false);
FormatNumber(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, ref numberBuffer, options.Specifier, options);
private static int GetLengthIntegerToString(long value, int basis, int zeroPadding)
int length = 0;
var tmp = value;
tmp /= basis;
} while (tmp != 0);
if (length < zeroPadding)
length = zeroPadding;
if (value < 0) length++;
return length;
private static unsafe void ConvertIntegerToString(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, long value, FormatOptions options)
var basis = options.GetBase();
if (basis < 2 || basis > 36) return;
// Calculate the full length (including zero padding)
int length = 0;
var tmp = value;
tmp /= basis;
} while (tmp != 0);
// Write the characters for the numbers to a temp buffer
byte* tmpBuffer = stackalloc byte[length + 1];
tmp = value;
int tmpIndex = length - 1;
tmpBuffer[tmpIndex--] = ValueToIntegerChar((int)(tmp % basis), options.Uppercase);
tmp /= basis;
} while (tmp != 0);
tmpBuffer[length] = 0;
var numberBuffer = new NumberBuffer(NumberBufferKind.Integer, tmpBuffer, length, length, value < 0);
FormatNumber(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, ref numberBuffer, options.Specifier, options);
private static unsafe void FormatNumber(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMaxDigits, FormatOptions options)
bool isCorrectlyRounded = (number.Kind == NumberBufferKind.Float);
// If we have an integer, and the rendering is the default `G`, then use Decimal rendering which is faster
if (number.Kind == NumberBufferKind.Integer && options.Kind == NumberFormatKind.General && options.Specifier == 0)
options.Kind = NumberFormatKind.Decimal;
int length;
switch (options.Kind)
case NumberFormatKind.DecimalForceSigned:
case NumberFormatKind.Decimal:
case NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal:
length = number.DigitsCount;
var zeroPadding = (int)options.Specifier;
int actualZeroPadding = 0;
if (length < zeroPadding)
actualZeroPadding = zeroPadding - length;
length = zeroPadding;
bool outputPositiveSign = options.Kind == NumberFormatKind.DecimalForceSigned;
length += number.IsNegative || outputPositiveSign ? 1 : 0;
// Perform left align
if (AlignLeft(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, length)) return;
FormatDecimalOrHexadecimal(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, ref number, actualZeroPadding, outputPositiveSign);
// Perform right align
AlignRight(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, length);
case NumberFormatKind.General:
if (nMaxDigits < 1)
// This ensures that the PAL code pads out to the correct place even when we use the default precision
nMaxDigits = number.DigitsCount;
RoundNumber(ref number, nMaxDigits, isCorrectlyRounded);
// Calculate final rendering length
length = GetLengthForFormatGeneral(ref number, nMaxDigits);
// Perform left align
if (AlignLeft(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, length)) return;
// Format using general formatting
FormatGeneral(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, ref number, nMaxDigits, options.Uppercase ? (byte)'E' : (byte)'e');
// Perform right align
AlignRight(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, options.AlignAndSize, length);
private static unsafe void FormatDecimalOrHexadecimal(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, ref NumberBuffer number, int zeroPadding, bool outputPositiveSign)
if (number.IsNegative)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'-';
else if (outputPositiveSign)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'+';
// Zero Padding
for (int i = 0; i < zeroPadding; i++)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'0';
var digitCount = number.DigitsCount;
byte* digits = number.GetDigitsPointer();
for (int i = 0; i < digitCount; i++)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = digits[i];
private static byte ValueToIntegerChar(int value, bool uppercase)
value = value < 0 ? -value : value;
if (value <= 9)
return (byte)('0' + value);
if (value < 36)
return (byte)((uppercase ? 'A' : 'a') + (value - 10));
return (byte)'?';
private static readonly char[] SplitByColon = new char[] { ':' };
private static void OptsSplit(string fullFormat, out string padding, out string format)
var split = fullFormat.Split(SplitByColon, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
format = split[0];
padding = null;
if (split.Length == 2)
padding = format;
format = split[1];
else if (split.Length == 1)
if (format[0] == ',')
padding = format;
format = null;
throw new ArgumentException($"Format `{format}` not supported. Invalid number {split.Length} of :. Expecting no more than one.");
// Tiny BCL is missing StringSplitOptions
private static void OptsSplit(string fullFormat, out string padding, out string format)
var idx0 = 0;
var idx1 = 1;
var length = 0;
var split = fullFormat.Split(SplitByColon);
for (int chk=0;chk<split.Length;chk++)
if (split[chk].Length>0)
while (idx0<split.Length)
if (split[idx0].Length>0)
while (idx1<split.Length)
if (split[idx1].Length>0)
format = split[idx0];
padding = null;
if (length == 2)
padding = format;
else if (length == 1)
if (format[0]==',')
padding = format;
format = null;
throw new ArgumentException($"Format `{format}` not supported. Invalid number {length} of :. Expecting no more than one.");
/// <summary>
/// Parse a format string as specified .NET string.Format
/// - Supports only Left/Right Padding (e.g {0,-20} {0, 8})
/// - 'G' 'g' General formatting for numbers with precision specifier (e.g G4 or g4)
/// - 'D' 'd' General formatting for numbers with precision specifier (e.g D5 or d5)
/// - 'X' 'x' General formatting for integers with precision specifier (e.g X8 or x8)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullFormat"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static FormatOptions ParseFormatToFormatOptions(string fullFormat)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullFormat)) return new FormatOptions();
OptsSplit(fullFormat, out var padding, out var format);
format = format?.Trim();
padding = padding?.Trim();
int alignAndSize = 0;
var formatKind = NumberFormatKind.General;
bool lowercase = false;
int specifier = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
switch (format[0])
case 'G':
formatKind = NumberFormatKind.General;
case 'g':
formatKind = NumberFormatKind.General;
lowercase = true;
case 'D':
formatKind = NumberFormatKind.Decimal;
case 'd':
formatKind = NumberFormatKind.Decimal;
lowercase = true;
case 'X':
formatKind = NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal;
case 'x':
formatKind = NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal;
lowercase = true;
throw new ArgumentException($"Format `{format}` not supported. Only G, g, D, d, X, x are supported.");
if (format.Length > 1)
var specifierString = format.Substring(1);
if (!uint.TryParse(specifierString, out var unsignedSpecifier))
// Tiny BCL is missing string->uint
if (!ParseUnsigned(specifierString, out var unsignedSpecifier))
throw new ArgumentException($"Expecting an unsigned integer for specifier `{format}` instead of {specifierString}.");
specifier = (int)unsignedSpecifier;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(padding))
if (padding[0] != ',')
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid padding `{padding}`, expecting to start with a leading `,` comma.");
var numberStr = padding.Substring(1);
if (!int.TryParse(numberStr, out alignAndSize))
// Tiny BCL is missing string->int
if (!ParseSigned(numberStr, out alignAndSize))
throw new ArgumentException($"Expecting an integer for align/size padding `{numberStr}`.");
return new FormatOptions(formatKind, (sbyte)alignAndSize, (byte)specifier, lowercase);
// Won't handle anything but simple ascii unsigned integers
private static bool ParseUnsigned(string inputString, out uint unsignedValue, int startIdx = 0)
var length = inputString.Length;
unsignedValue = 0;
for (int i = startIdx; i < inputString.Length; i++)
var c = inputString[i];
if (c>='0' && c<='9')
if (unsignedValue>=0x19999999) // overflow
return false;
return false;
return true;
// Won't handle anything but simple ascii signed integers
private static bool ParseSigned(string inputString, out int signedValue)
signedValue = 0;
int startIdx = 0;
bool negative = false;
if (inputString[0] == '-' || inputString[0] == '+')
negative = inputString[0] == '-';
if (!ParseUnsigned(inputString, out var unsignedValue, startIdx))
return false;
if (negative)
if (unsignedValue > 0x80000000)
return false;
signedValue = (int) ((~unsignedValue) + 1);
if (unsignedValue > 0x7FFFFFFF)
return false;
signedValue = (int) unsignedValue;
return true;
private static unsafe bool AlignRight(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, int align, int length)
// right align
if (align < 0)
align = -align;
return AlignLeft(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, align, length);
return false;
private static unsafe bool AlignLeft(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, int align, int length)
// left align
if (align > 0)
while (length < align)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return true;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)' ';
return false;
private static unsafe int GetLengthForFormatGeneral(ref NumberBuffer number, int nMaxDigits)
// NOTE: Must be kept in sync with FormatGeneral!
int length = 0;
int scale = number.Scale;
int digPos = scale;
bool scientific = false;
// Don't switch to scientific notation
if (digPos > nMaxDigits || digPos < -3)
digPos = 1;
scientific = true;
byte* dig = number.GetDigitsPointer();
if (number.IsNegative)
length++; // (byte)'-';
if (digPos > 0)
if (*dig != 0)
} while (--digPos > 0);
if (*dig != 0 || digPos < 0)
length++; // (byte)'.';
while (digPos < 0)
length++; // (byte)'0';
while (*dig != 0)
length++; // *dig++;
if (scientific)
length++; // e or E
int exponent = number.Scale - 1;
if (exponent >= 0) length++;
length += GetLengthIntegerToString(exponent, 10, 2);
return length;
private static unsafe void FormatGeneral(byte* dest, ref int destIndex, int destLength, ref NumberBuffer number, int nMaxDigits, byte expChar)
int scale = number.Scale;
int digPos = scale;
bool scientific = false;
// Don't switch to scientific notation
if (digPos > nMaxDigits || digPos < -3)
digPos = 1;
scientific = true;
byte* dig = number.GetDigitsPointer();
if (number.IsNegative)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'-';
if (digPos > 0)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (*dig != 0) ? (byte)(*dig++) : (byte)'0';
} while (--digPos > 0);
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'0';
if (*dig != 0 || digPos < 0)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'.';
while (digPos < 0)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = (byte)'0';
while (*dig != 0)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = *dig++;
if (scientific)
if (destIndex >= destLength) return;
dest[destIndex++] = expChar;
int exponent = number.Scale - 1;
var exponentFormatOptions = new FormatOptions(NumberFormatKind.DecimalForceSigned, 0, 2, false);
ConvertIntegerToString(dest, ref destIndex, destLength, exponent, exponentFormatOptions);
private static unsafe void RoundNumber(ref NumberBuffer number, int pos, bool isCorrectlyRounded)
byte* dig = number.GetDigitsPointer();
int i = 0;
while (i < pos && dig[i] != (byte)'\0')
if ((i == pos) && ShouldRoundUp(dig, i, isCorrectlyRounded))
while (i > 0 && dig[i - 1] == (byte)'9')
if (i > 0)
dig[i - 1]++;
dig[0] = (byte)('1');
i = 1;
while (i > 0 && dig[i - 1] == (byte)'0')
if (i == 0)
number.Scale = 0; // Decimals with scale ('0.00') should be rounded.
dig[i] = (byte)('\0');
number.DigitsCount = i;
private static unsafe bool ShouldRoundUp(byte* dig, int i, bool isCorrectlyRounded)
// We only want to round up if the digit is greater than or equal to 5 and we are
// not rounding a floating-point number. If we are rounding a floating-point number
// we have one of two cases.
// In the case of a standard numeric-format specifier, the exact and correctly rounded
// string will have been produced. In this scenario, pos will have pointed to the
// terminating null for the buffer and so this will return false.
// However, in the case of a custom numeric-format specifier, we currently fall back
// to generating Single/DoublePrecisionCustomFormat digits and then rely on this
// function to round correctly instead. This can unfortunately lead to double-rounding
// bugs but is the best we have right now due to back-compat concerns.
byte digit = dig[i];
if ((digit == '\0') || isCorrectlyRounded)
// Fast path for the common case with no rounding
return false;
// Values greater than or equal to 5 should round up, otherwise we round down. The IEEE
// 754 spec actually dictates that ties (exactly 5) should round to the nearest even number
// but that can have undesired behavior for custom numeric format strings. This probably
// needs further thought for .NET 5 so that we can be spec compliant and so that users
// can get the desired rounding behavior for their needs.
return digit >= '5';
private enum NumberBufferKind
/// <summary>
/// Information about a number: pointer to digit buffer, scale and if negative.
/// </summary>
private unsafe struct NumberBuffer
private readonly byte* _buffer;
public NumberBuffer(NumberBufferKind kind, byte* buffer, int digitsCount, int scale, bool isNegative)
Kind = kind;
_buffer = buffer;
DigitsCount = digitsCount;
Scale = scale;
IsNegative = isNegative;
public NumberBufferKind Kind;
public int DigitsCount;
public int Scale;
public readonly bool IsNegative;
public byte* GetDigitsPointer() => _buffer;
/// <summary>
/// Type of formatting
/// </summary>
public enum NumberFormatKind : byte
/// <summary>
/// General 'G' or 'g' formatting.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Decimal 'D' or 'd' formatting.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Internal use only. Decimal 'D' or 'd' formatting with a `+` positive in front of the decimal if positive
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Hexadecimal 'X' or 'x' formatting.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Formatting options. Must be sizeof(int)
/// </summary>
public struct FormatOptions
public FormatOptions(NumberFormatKind kind, sbyte alignAndSize, byte specifier, bool lowercase) : this()
Kind = kind;
AlignAndSize = alignAndSize;
Specifier = specifier;
Lowercase = lowercase;
public NumberFormatKind Kind;
public sbyte AlignAndSize;
public byte Specifier;
public bool Lowercase;
public bool Uppercase => !Lowercase;
/// <summary>
/// Encode this options to a single integer.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public unsafe int EncodeToRaw()
Debug.Assert(sizeof(FormatOptions) == sizeof(int));
var value = this;
return *(int*)&value;
/// <summary>
/// Get the base used for formatting this number.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetBase()
switch (Kind)
case NumberFormatKind.Hexadecimal:
return 16;
return 10;
public override string ToString()
return $"{nameof(Kind)}: {Kind}, {nameof(AlignAndSize)}: {AlignAndSize}, {nameof(Specifier)}: {Specifier}, {nameof(Uppercase)}: {Uppercase}";