You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2820 lines
111 KiB
2820 lines
111 KiB
2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Burst.Editor.Tests")]
namespace Unity.Burst.Editor
internal class LongTextArea
internal const float naturalEnhancedPad = 20f;
private const int kMaxFragment = 2048;
internal struct Fragment
public int lineCount;
public string text;
public enum Direction
internal struct Branch
public BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge Edge;
public Rect StartHorizontal;
public Rect VerticalLine;
public Rect EndHorizontal;
public Rect UpperLine;
public Rect LowerLine;
public float UpperAngle;
public float LowerAngle;
public Branch(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge edge, Rect startHorizontal, Rect verticalLine, Rect endHorizontal, Rect upperLine, Rect lowerLine, float angle1, float angle2)
Edge = edge;
StartHorizontal = startHorizontal;
VerticalLine = verticalLine;
EndHorizontal = endHorizontal;
UpperLine = upperLine;
LowerLine = lowerLine;
UpperAngle = angle1;
LowerAngle = angle2;
internal float fontHeight = 0.0f;
internal float fontWidth = 0.0f;
public string GetText => m_Text;
private string m_Text = "";
private int _mTextLines = 0;
private List<Fragment> m_Fragments = null;
private bool invalidated = true;
internal Vector2 finalAreaSize;
private static readonly Texture2D backgroundTexture = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
private static readonly GUIStyle textureStyle = new GUIStyle { normal = new GUIStyleState { background = backgroundTexture } };
internal float horizontalPad = 50.0f;
internal int[] lineDepth = null;
private bool[] _folded = null;
internal int[] blockLine = null;
private List<Fragment>[] _blocksFragments = null;
private Fragment[] _blocksFragmentsStart = null;
private Fragment GetFragmentStart(int blockIdx)
return _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx];
// Need two separate caches for start of blocks fragments, as we possibly differentiate between
// rendered line and copied.
private Fragment[] _blocksFragmentsStartPlain = null;
private Fragment GetFragmentStartPlain(int blockIdx)
return _blocksFragmentsStartPlain[blockIdx];
// Used for searching when text is colored:
internal List<Fragment>[] blocksFragmentsPlain = null;
internal List<Fragment> GetPlainFragments(int blockIdx)
blocksFragmentsPlain[blockIdx] ??= RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx, false);
return blocksFragmentsPlain[blockIdx];
private BurstDisassembler _disassembler;
private int _selectBlockStart = -1;
private float _selectStartY = -1f;
private int _selectBlockEnd = -1;
private float _selectEndY = -1f;
private float _renderStartY = 0.0f;
private int _renderBlockStart = -1;
private int _renderBlockEnd = -1;
private int _initialLineCount = -1;
private bool _mouseDown = false;
private bool _mouseOutsideBounds = true;
internal Vector2 selectPos =;
internal Vector2 selectDragPos =;
public bool HasSelection { get; private set; }
private Color _selectionColor;
private readonly Color _selectionColorDarkmode = new Color(0f, .6f, .9f, .5f);
private readonly Color _selectionColorLightmode = new Color(0f, 0f, .9f, .2f);
private Color _hoverBoxColor;
private Color _hoverTextColor;
private readonly Color _hoverBoxColorDarkMode = new Color(.33f, .33f, .33f);
private readonly Color _hoverBoxColorLightMode = new Color(.88f, .88f, .88f);
// Current active hit should just be selection color
private readonly Color _searchHitColor = new Color(.5f, .2f, .2f, .5f);
private SearchCriteria _prevCriteria;
private int _activeSearchHitIdx = -1;
internal readonly Dictionary<int, List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>> searchHits = new Dictionary<int, List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>>();
private int _nrSearchHits = 0;
public int NrSearchHits => _nrSearchHits;
public int ActiveSearchNr => _activeSearchHitIdx;
private readonly Color[] _colourWheel = new Color[]
{, Color.cyan,, Color.magenta,, Color.yellow, Color.white,};
internal (int idx, int length) textSelectionIdx = (0, 0);
private bool _textSelectionIdxValid = true;
internal (int blockIdx, int textIdx) enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, 0);
internal (int blockIdx, int textIdx) enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (0, 0);
internal bool CopyColorTags { get; private set; } = true;
private bool _oldShowBranchMarkers = false;
internal const int regLineThickness = 2;
private const int highlightLineThickness = 3;
private float _verticalPad = 0;
internal Branch hoveredBranch;
private BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge _prevHoveredEdge;
private string _jobName;
// Have this field, as NextHit needs the actual horizontal padding
// in order to have correct horizontal scroll.
private float _actualHorizontalPad = 0;
internal int MaxLineDepth;
/// <returns>
/// (idx in regards to whole <see cref="str"/> , where color tags are removed from this line, idx from this line with color tags removed)
/// </returns>
internal readonly Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfColoredLine = BurstStringSearch.GetEndIndexOfColoredLine;
internal readonly Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfPlainLine = BurstStringSearch.GetEndIndexOfPlainLine;
internal bool IsTextSet(string jobName)
return _jobName == jobName;
public void SetText(string jobName, string textToRender, bool isDarkMode, BurstDisassembler disassembler, bool useDisassembler)
selectDragPos =;
_jobName = jobName;
if (!useDisassembler)
m_Text = textToRender;
_disassembler = null;
m_Fragments = RecomputeFragments(m_Text);
horizontalPad = 0.0f;
m_Fragments = null;
(_selectionColor, _hoverBoxColor, _hoverTextColor) = isDarkMode
? (_selectionColorDarkmode, _hoverBoxColorDarkMode, _hoverBoxColorLightMode)
: (_selectionColorLightmode, _hoverBoxColorLightMode, _hoverBoxColorDarkMode);
invalidated = true;
public void ExpandAllBlocks()
int blockIdx = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
var changed = _folded[blockIdx];
var blockLongEnoughForFold = block.Length > 1;
_folded[blockIdx] = false;
if (changed && blockLongEnoughForFold)
finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
public void FocusCodeBlocks()
var blockIdx = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
bool changed = false;
switch (block.Kind)
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data:
if (!_folded[blockIdx])
changed = true;
_folded[blockIdx] = true;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code:
if (_folded[blockIdx])
changed = true;
_folded[blockIdx] = false;
if (changed)
if (_folded[blockIdx])
finalAreaSize.y -= Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
private void ComputeInitialLineCount()
var blockIdx = 0;
_initialLineCount = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
switch (block.Kind)
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data:
_folded[blockIdx] = true;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code:
_folded[blockIdx] = false;
_initialLineCount += _folded[blockIdx] ? 1 : block.Length;
public void SetDisassembler(BurstDisassembler disassembler)
_disassembler = disassembler;
if (disassembler == null)
var numBlocks = _disassembler.Blocks.Count;
var numLinesFromBlock = new int[numBlocks];
lineDepth = new int[numBlocks];
_folded = new bool[numBlocks];
blockLine = new int[numBlocks];
_blocksFragments = new List<Fragment>[numBlocks];
_blocksFragmentsStart = new Fragment[numBlocks];
_blocksFragmentsStartPlain = new Fragment[numBlocks];
blocksFragmentsPlain = new List<Fragment>[numBlocks];
// Count edges
var edgeCount = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
sb.Append(_disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(i, false));
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[i];
if (block.Edges != null)
foreach (var edge in block.Edges)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
m_Text = sb.ToString();
var edgeArray = new BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge[edgeCount];
var edgeIndex = 0;
foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks)
if (block.Edges != null)
foreach (var edge in block.Edges)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
edgeArray[edgeIndex++] = edge;
Array.Sort(edgeArray, (a, b) =>
var src1BlockIdx = a.OriginRef.BlockIndex;
var src1Line = _disassembler.Blocks[src1BlockIdx].LineIndex;
src1Line += a.OriginRef.LineIndex;
var dst1BlockIdx = a.LineRef.BlockIndex;
var dst1Line = _disassembler.Blocks[dst1BlockIdx].LineIndex;
dst1Line += a.LineRef.LineIndex;
var Len1 = Math.Abs(src1Line - dst1Line);
var src2BlockIdx = b.OriginRef.BlockIndex;
var src2Line = _disassembler.Blocks[src2BlockIdx].LineIndex;
src2Line += b.OriginRef.LineIndex;
var dst2BlockIdx = b.LineRef.BlockIndex;
var dst2Line = _disassembler.Blocks[dst2BlockIdx].LineIndex;
dst2Line += b.LineRef.LineIndex;
var Len2 = Math.Abs(src2Line - dst2Line);
return Len1 - Len2;
// Iterate through the blocks to precompute the widths for branches
var maxLine = 0;
foreach (var edge in edgeArray)
if (edge.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound) continue;
var s = edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex;
var e = edge.LineRef.BlockIndex;
if (e == s + 1)
continue; // don't render if its pointing to next line
var m = 0;
var l = s;
var le = e;
if (e < s)
l = e;
le = s;
for (; l <= le; l++)
if (m < numLinesFromBlock[l])
m = numLinesFromBlock[l];
if (maxLine < m)
maxLine = m;
lineDepth[s] = m;
MaxLineDepth = maxLine;
horizontalPad = naturalEnhancedPad + maxLine * 10;
// Changing the font size doesn't update the text field, so added this to force a recalculation
public void Invalidate()
invalidated = true;
private struct HoverBox
public Rect box;
public string info;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates start and end column of hovered token.
/// </summary>
public (int start, int end) columnRange;
public int lineNumber;
public bool valid;
private HoverBox hover;
public void Interact(Rect workingArea)
if (_disassembler == null)
var pos = GetMousePosForHover();
if (!workingArea.Contains(pos))
// Mouse position outside of assembly view
// lineNumber (absolute)
var lineNumber = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y / fontHeight);
for (int idx = 0; idx < _disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx];
if (lineNumber < block.LineIndex)
if (_folded[idx])
lineNumber += block.Length - 1;
var column = Mathf.FloorToInt((pos.x - horizontalPad) / fontWidth);
var sameToken = hover.lineNumber == lineNumber &&
BurstMath.WithinRange(hover.columnRange.start, hover.columnRange.end, column);
if (hover.valid && (sameToken ||
// Use the cached info text.
// Cached instruction info text is not valid. So try query new.
hover.valid = false;
if (column < 0 || lineNumber < 0 || lineNumber >= _disassembler.Lines.Count)
int tokIdx;
// block 0 is queried as the absolut line number is given to the function.
// This will give us the correct assembly token, as the function queries
// assembly line based on offset from block start => line lineNumber is queried.
tokIdx = _disassembler.GetTokenIndexFromColumn(0, lineNumber, column, out _);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
if (tokIdx < 0)
// Found match
var token = _disassembler.GetToken(tokIdx);
var tokenString = _disassembler.GetTokenAsText(token);
if (token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.Instruction &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.BranchInstruction &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.CallInstruction &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.FunctionBegin &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.FunctionEnd &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.JumpInstruction &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.ReturnInstruction &&
token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.InstructionSIMD)
if (_disassembler.GetInstructionInformation(tokenString, out var info))
hover.valid = true;
// Don't know the actual size needed yet.
| = new Rect(pos,;
| = info;
hover.lineNumber = lineNumber;
// Find column range of instruction:
var line = _disassembler.Lines[lineNumber];
var idx = line.ColumnIndex + (tokIdx - line.TokenIndex - 1);
var colStart = _disassembler.ColumnIndices[idx];
var colEnd = colStart + token.Length - 1;
hover.columnRange = (colStart, colEnd);
// Not clipped, so use only if you know the line will be within the UI element
private void DrawLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, int width)
var matrix = GUI.matrix;
Vector2 distance = end - start;
float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan(distance.y / distance.x);
if (distance.x < 0)
angle += 180;
int width2 = (int)Mathf.Ceil(width / 2);
Rect pos = new Rect(start.x, start.y - width2, distance.magnitude, width);
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, start);
GUI.DrawTexture(pos, backgroundTexture);
GUI.matrix = matrix; // restore initial matrix to avoid floating point inaccuracies with RotateAroundPivot(...)
private void DrawLine(Rect line, float angle)
var matrix = GUI.matrix;
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, new Vector2(line.x,;
GUI.DrawTexture(line, backgroundTexture);
GUI.matrix = matrix; // restore initial matrix to avoid floating point inaccuracies with RotateAroundPivot(...)
private void DrawHover(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea)
if (!hover.valid)
if ( ==
// Hover size has not been initialized yet.
var sizex = ( + 1.5f) * fontWidth;
var sizey = 2f * fontHeight;
var posx = + 10;
var posy =;
if (posx + sizex > workingArea.width)
// Box exceeds rightmost bound so cramp it in
var availableSpace = workingArea.xMax - posx;
var possiblyCharacters = Mathf.FloorToInt(availableSpace / fontWidth);
var neededLines = / possiblyCharacters + 2; // +2 to ensure enough lines for the label
var availableSpacey = workingArea.yMax - posy;
var possibleLines = Mathf.FloorToInt(availableSpacey / fontHeight);
var tmp = neededLines - possibleLines;
if (tmp > 0)
posy -= tmp * fontHeight;
sizey = neededLines * fontHeight + fontHeight;
sizex = availableSpace;
| = new Vector2(sizex, sizey);
| = new Vector2(posx, posy);
var col = GUI.color;
GUI.color = _hoverBoxColor;
var pos =;
var size =;
GUI.Box(, "", textureStyle);
GUI.color = _hoverTextColor;
var hoverStyle = style;
hoverStyle.wordWrap = true;
new Rect(pos.x + fontWidth * 0.5f,
pos.y + fontHeight * 0.5f,
size.x - fontWidth/2f,
size.y - fontHeight),
|, hoverStyle);
GUI.color = col;
private void MakeBranchThin(ref Branch branch)
int lineThickness = regLineThickness;
branch.StartHorizontal.height = lineThickness;
branch.VerticalLine.width = lineThickness;
branch.EndHorizontal.height = lineThickness;
branch.UpperLine.height = lineThickness;
branch.LowerLine.height = lineThickness;
// Adjusting position for arrow tip for thicker lines.
branch.UpperLine.y += (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
branch.UpperLine.position -= new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
branch.LowerLine.position -= new Vector2(.5f, -.5f);
// Make end part of arrow expand upwards.
branch.EndHorizontal.y += (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
/// <summary>
/// Use this for hover, as there is a slight visual mis-balance
/// between cursor position and visual cursor.
/// </summary>
private Vector2 GetMousePosForHover()
Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
mousePos.y -= 0.5f;
mousePos.x += 0.5f;
return mousePos;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the position and size of an edge, and return it as a branch.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="edge"> The edge to base branch on. </param>
/// <param name="x"> Start x position of branch. </param>
/// <param name="y1"> Start y position of branch. </param>
/// <param name="y2"> End y position of branch. </param>
/// <param name="w"> Depth of branch. </param>
private Branch CalculateBranch(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge edge, float x, float y1, float y2, int w)
bool isEdgeHovered = edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge);
int lineThickness = isEdgeHovered
? highlightLineThickness
: regLineThickness;
// Calculate rectangles for branch arrows:
var start = new Vector2(x, y1 + _verticalPad);
var end = start + new Vector2(-(w * 10), 0);
var branchStartPos = new Rect(end.x - lineThickness / 2, start.y - 1, start.x - end.x + lineThickness / 2, lineThickness);
start = end;
end = start + new Vector2(0, y2 - y1);
var branchVerticalPartPos = end.y < start.y
? new Rect(start.x - 1, end.y, lineThickness, start.y - end.y)
: new Rect(start.x - 1, start.y, lineThickness, end.y - start.y);
start = end;
end = start + new Vector2(w * 10, 0);
var branchEndPos = new Rect(start.x - lineThickness / 2, start.y - 1, end.x - start.x, lineThickness);
// Calculate rectangles for arrow tip.
Vector2 lowerArrowTipStart = end;
Vector2 upperArrowtipStart = end;
// Moving the arrow tips closer together.
upperArrowtipStart += new Vector2(0, 0.5f);
lowerArrowTipStart -= new Vector2(0, 0.5f);
// Upper arrow tip.
var upperArrowTipEnd = upperArrowtipStart + new Vector2(-5, -5);
var upperLine = new Rect(upperArrowtipStart.x, upperArrowtipStart.y - (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2), (upperArrowTipEnd - upperArrowtipStart).magnitude, lineThickness);
// Lower arrow tip.
var lowerArrowtipEnd = lowerArrowTipStart + new Vector2(-5, 5);
var lowerLine = new Rect(lowerArrowTipStart.x, lowerArrowTipStart.y - (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2), (lowerArrowtipEnd - lowerArrowTipStart).magnitude, lineThickness);
if (isEdgeHovered)
// Adjusting position for arrow tip for thicker lines.
upperArrowtipStart.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
upperArrowTipEnd.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
upperLine.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
upperLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
lowerLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, -.5f);
// Make end part of arrow expand upwards.
branchEndPos.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
var branch = new Branch(edge, branchStartPos, branchVerticalPartPos, branchEndPos, upperLine, lowerLine,
BurstMath.CalculateAngle(upperArrowtipStart, upperArrowTipEnd), BurstMath.CalculateAngle(lowerArrowTipStart, lowerArrowtipEnd));
// Handling whether mouse is hovering over edge.
Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosForHover();
// Rotate mousePos so it seems like lower arrow tip is not rotated.
Vector2 lowerArrowTipPivot = lowerArrowTipStart;
lowerArrowTipPivot.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 angledMouseLower = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(lowerArrowTipPivot, lowerArrowtipEnd), mousePos, new Vector2(lowerLine.x,;
angledMouseLower.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 upperArrowTipPivot = upperArrowtipStart;
upperArrowTipPivot.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 angleMouseUpper = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(upperArrowTipPivot, upperArrowTipEnd) - 360, mousePos, new Vector2(upperLine.x,;
angleMouseUpper.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
if (BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branchStartPos, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branchVerticalPartPos, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branchEndPos, mousePos)
|| BurstMath.AdjustedContains(lowerLine, angledMouseLower) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(upperLine, angleMouseUpper))
// Handling whether another branch was already made thick is done in DrawBranch(...).
if (!hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(default(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge)) && hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge))
return branch;
hoveredBranch = branch;
return branch;
/// <summary>
/// Draws a branch as a jump-able set of boxes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="branch"> The branch to draw. </param>
/// <param name="w"> Depth of the branch. </param>
/// <param name="colourWheel"> Array of possible colors for branches. </param>
/// <param name="workingArea"> Current view in inspector. </param>
private void DrawBranch(Branch branch, int w, Rect workingArea)
bool isBranchHovered = branch.Edge.Equals(hoveredBranch.Edge);
Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position;
int lineThickness = isBranchHovered
? highlightLineThickness
: regLineThickness;
GUI.color = _colourWheel[w % _colourWheel.Length];
// Check if hovered but not made thick yet:
if (isBranchHovered && !branch.Edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge))
// alter thickness as edge is hovered over.
branch.StartHorizontal.height = highlightLineThickness;
branch.VerticalLine.width = highlightLineThickness;
branch.EndHorizontal.height = highlightLineThickness;
branch.UpperLine.height = highlightLineThickness;
branch.LowerLine.height = highlightLineThickness;
// Adjusting position for arrow tip for thicker lines.
branch.UpperLine.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
branch.UpperLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
branch.LowerLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, -.5f);
// Make end part of arrow expand upwards.
branch.EndHorizontal.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness);
else if (branch.EndHorizontal.height == highlightLineThickness && !isBranchHovered)
// the branch was previously hovered, but is now hidden behind
// another branch, that is the one being visually hovered.
MakeBranchThin(ref branch);
// Render actual arrows:
GUI.Box(branch.StartHorizontal, "", textureStyle);
GUI.Box(branch.VerticalLine, "", textureStyle);
float yy = branch.EndHorizontal.y - scrollPos.y;
if (yy >= 0 && yy < workingArea.height)
GUI.Box(branch.EndHorizontal, "", textureStyle);
DrawLine(branch.UpperLine, branch.UpperAngle);
DrawLine(branch.LowerLine, branch.LowerAngle);
// Use below instead of buttons, to make the currently hovered edge the jump-able,
// and not the edge rendered first i.e. when two edges overlap.
if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && isBranchHovered)
Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosForHover();
// Rotate mousePos so it seems like lower arrow tip is not rotated.
Vector2 lowerLineEnd = branch.LowerLine.position;
lowerLineEnd.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
lowerLineEnd += new Vector2(-5, 5);
Vector2 angledMouseLower = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(branch.LowerLine.position, lowerLineEnd),
mousePos, new Vector2(branch.LowerLine.x,;
angledMouseLower.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
// Rotate mousePos so it seems like upper arrow tip isn't rotated.
Vector2 upperArrowTipPivot = branch.UpperLine.position;
upperArrowTipPivot.y += 2 * (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
Vector2 upperLineEnd = branch.UpperLine.position;
upperLineEnd.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
upperLineEnd += new Vector2(-5, -5);
Vector2 angleMouseUpper = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(upperArrowTipPivot, upperLineEnd) - 360,
Event.current.mousePosition, new Vector2(branch.UpperLine.x,;
angleMouseUpper.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2);
// Se if a jump should be made and jump.
if (BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.StartHorizontal, mousePos))
// make end arrow be at mouse cursor.
var target = branch.EndHorizontal;
target.y += branch.StartHorizontal.y < branch.EndHorizontal.y
? (workingArea.yMax - mousePos.y)
: (workingArea.yMin - mousePos.y + highlightLineThickness / 2f);
else if (BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.EndHorizontal, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.LowerLine, angledMouseLower)
|| BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.UpperLine, angleMouseUpper) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.VerticalLine, mousePos))
var target = branch.StartHorizontal;
target.y += branch.StartHorizontal.y < branch.EndHorizontal.y
? workingArea.yMin - mousePos.y + highlightLineThickness / 2
: workingArea.yMax - mousePos.y;
private bool DrawFold(float x, float y, bool state, BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind kind)
var currentBg = GUI.backgroundColor;
switch (kind)
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive:
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block:
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.grey;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code:
GUI.backgroundColor =;
case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data:
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.magenta;
var pressed = false;
if (state)
pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(x - fontWidth, y, fontWidth, fontHeight), "+");
pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(x - fontWidth, y, fontWidth, fontHeight), "-");
GUI.backgroundColor = currentBg;
return pressed;
internal void Layout(GUIStyle style, float hPad)
var oldFontHeight = fontHeight;
var oldFontWidth = fontWidth;
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
var cacheWidth0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("W"));
var cacheWidth1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("WW"));
var cacheHeight0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("\n"));
var cacheHeight1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("\n\n"));
fontHeight = cacheHeight1.y - cacheHeight0.y;
fontWidth = cacheWidth1.x - cacheWidth0.x;
var cacheSize0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("W\n"));
var cacheSize1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("WW\n\n"));
fontHeight = cacheSize1.y - cacheSize0.y;
fontWidth = cacheSize1.x - cacheSize0.x;
_verticalPad = fontHeight * 0.5f;
// oldFontWidth == 0 means we picked the first target after opening inspector.
var diffX = oldFontWidth != 0 ? fontWidth / oldFontWidth : 0.0f;
if (HasSelection && (oldFontWidth != fontWidth || oldFontHeight != fontHeight))
float diffY = fontHeight / oldFontHeight;
// We only have to take padding into account for x-axis, as it's the only one with it.
selectPos = new Vector2(((selectPos.x - hPad) * diffX) + hPad, diffY * selectPos.y);
selectDragPos = new Vector2(((selectDragPos.x - hPad) * diffX) + hPad, diffY * selectDragPos.y);
invalidated = false;
var oldFinalAreaSizeX = finalAreaSize.x;
finalAreaSize = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
if (_disassembler == null)
finalAreaSize.y = _initialLineCount * fontHeight;
finalAreaSize.x = oldFinalAreaSizeX * diffX;
/// <summary>
/// Find accumulated fragment number the block start at.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="start">Block index to start search at. Should match <see cref="acc"/>.</param>
/// <param name="acc">Accumulated fragment number that block <see cref="start"/> start at.</param>
internal int GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(int blockIdx, int start, int acc, ref float positionY)
int fragNr = acc;
for (int b = start; b < blockIdx; b++)
if (_folded[b])
fragNr += GetPlainFragments(b).Count;
positionY += fontHeight;
foreach (var frag in GetPlainFragments(b))
positionY += frag.lineCount * fontHeight;
return fragNr;
internal bool SearchText(SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Regex regx, ref Rect workingArea, bool stopFirstMatch = false, bool focusTop = false) =>
_disassembler == null
? SearchTextPlain(searchCriteria, regx, ref workingArea, stopFirstMatch, focusTop)
: SearchTextEnhanced(searchCriteria, regx, ref workingArea, stopFirstMatch, focusTop);
/// <summary>
/// Searches <see cref="m_Text"/> for every match, and saves each match in <see cref="searchHits"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="criteria">Search options.</param>
/// <param name="regx">Used if <see cref="criteria"/> specifies a regex search.</param>
/// <param name="workingArea">Inspector View.</param>
/// <param name="stopFirstMatch">Whether search should stop at first match.</param>
/// <param name="focusTop">Whether match focus should be at the top of view.</param>
private bool SearchTextEnhanced(SearchCriteria criteria, Regex regx, ref Rect workingArea, bool stopFirstMatch = false, bool focusTop = false)
var renderStartY = workingArea.y;
var renderStartX = workingArea.x;
_nrSearchHits = 0;
_activeSearchHitIdx = -1;
bool doRepaint = false;
float positionY = 0f;
int accFragNr = 0;
int accBlockNr = 0;
int accIdx;
int idx = 0;
int len;
var run = true;
while (run && idx < m_Text.Length && ((idx, len) = BurstStringSearch.FindMatch(m_Text, criteria, regx, idx)).idx != -1)
if (stopFirstMatch) run = false;
if (len <= 0)
int idxEnd = idx + len;
// Find block + fragment match starts in:
var blockStartInfo = _disassembler.GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(idx, accBlockNr, blocksFragmentsPlain.Length-1);
// search hit within a folded block => unfold block.
if (_folded[blockStartInfo.idx]) FoldUnfoldBlock(blockStartInfo.idx);
// Finds the accumulated fragment number of the first fragment in block
accFragNr = GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(blockStartInfo.idx, accBlockNr, accFragNr, ref positionY);
int fragNrStart;
// Finds actual accumulated fragment we just reached and it's index
(fragNrStart, accIdx) = GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(idx, blockStartInfo.idx, accFragNr, blockStartInfo.l, ref positionY);
var frag1Text = GetPlainFragments(blockStartInfo.idx)[fragNrStart - accFragNr].text;
// Make idx relative to fragment:
int idxStartInFrag1 = idx - accIdx;
int idxEndInFrag1 = Math.Min(idxStartInFrag1 + len, frag1Text.Length);
// positionY should be stationed at top of fragment we have hit in.
// Need to push it down to the specific line the hit is in. But keep this in a temporary variable so as to not fuck up the property of positionY!!!
int exactLineNr = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(frag1Text, idxStartInFrag1);
float exactPositionY = positionY + exactLineNr * fontHeight;
// Find block + fragment match ends in:
var blockEndInfo = _disassembler.GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(idxEnd, blockStartInfo.idx, blocksFragmentsPlain.Length-1);
// Finds the accumulated fragment number of match's last fragment
accFragNr = GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(blockEndInfo.idx, blockStartInfo.idx, accFragNr, ref positionY);
int fragNrEnd;
// Finds the actual accumulated fragment number of match last fragment
(fragNrEnd, accIdx) = GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(idxEnd, blockEndInfo.idx, accFragNr, blockEndInfo.l, ref positionY);
accBlockNr = blockEndInfo.idx;
if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>());
searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((idxStartInFrag1, idxEndInFrag1, _nrSearchHits));
if (fragNrStart < fragNrEnd)
// match span multiple fragments
fragNrStart++; // Already captured this fragment
// For every fragment in-between first and last we capture the whole fragment
for (; fragNrStart < fragNrEnd; fragNrStart++)
if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>());
searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((0, int.MaxValue, _nrSearchHits)); // Max value to indicate it's the entire fragment
int idxStartInFragN = accIdx;
int idxEndInFragN = idxEnd - idxStartInFragN;
if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>());
searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((0, idxEndInFragN, _nrSearchHits));
if (_activeSearchHitIdx < 0 && exactPositionY >= renderStartY)
workingArea = SetScrollOnView(workingArea, frag1Text, exactLineNr, idxStartInFrag1, renderStartX, exactPositionY);
doRepaint = true;
idx += len;
return doRepaint;
private Rect SetScrollOnView(Rect workingArea, string text, int lineNr, int matchIdx, float renderStartX, float goToPosY)
_activeSearchHitIdx = _nrSearchHits;
// Make it scroll to this hit
var startOfLine = lineNr > 0 ? GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineNr - 1).total + 1 : 0;
float positionX = matchIdx - startOfLine;
if (positionX * fontWidth > renderStartX) positionX += matchIdx + 3 * fontWidth;
else positionX -= 3 * fontWidth;
workingArea.x = positionX;
workingArea.y = goToPosY + 5 * fontHeight;
return workingArea;
/// <remarks>Works on non-colored text.</remarks>
/// <param name="goal">Index we want fragment number from.</param>
/// <param name="blockNrStart">Block to start search in.</param>
/// <param name="fragNrStart">Accumulated fragment number of <see cref="blockNrStart"/>.</param>
/// <param name="start">Start index of <see cref="blockNrStart"/>.</param>
/// <returns>(accumulated fragment number, total index for returning fragment number)</returns>
internal (int fragNr, int idx) GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(int goal, int blockNrStart, int fragNrStart, int start, ref float positionY)
bool goThroughfrags(int goal, int blockIdx, ref int start, ref int f, ref float positionY)
var frags = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx);
for (int i = 0; i < frags.Count; i++)
Fragment frag = frags[i];
int len = frag.text.Length;
if (start + len >= goal)
return true;
start += len + 1; // +1 because of newline
positionY += frag.lineCount * fontHeight;
return false;
int f = fragNrStart;
for (int b = blockNrStart; b < blocksFragmentsPlain.Length; b++)
if (goThroughfrags(goal, b, ref start, ref f, ref positionY)) break;
return (f, start);
/// <returns>(accumulated fragment number, total index for returning fragment number)</returns>
private (int fragNr, int idx) GetFragNrFromPlainTextIdx(int goal, int fragNrStart, int start, ref float positionY)
int i = fragNrStart;
for (; i < m_Fragments.Count; i++)
Fragment frag = m_Fragments[i];
int len = frag.text.Length;
if (start + len >= goal)
start += len + 1; // +1 because of newline
positionY += frag.lineCount * fontHeight;
return (i, start);
private bool SearchTextPlain(SearchCriteria criteria, Regex regx, ref Rect workingArea, bool stopFirstMatch = false, bool focusTop = false)
var renderStartX = workingArea.x;
var renderStartY = workingArea.y;
_nrSearchHits = 0;
_activeSearchHitIdx = -1;
bool doRepaint = false;
float positionY = 0f;
int idx = 0;
int len;
int accFragNr = 0;
int accFragIdx = 0;
var run = true;
while (run && idx < m_Text.Length && ((idx, len) = BurstStringSearch.FindMatch(m_Text, criteria, regx, idx)).idx != -1)
if (stopFirstMatch) run = false;
if (len <= 0)
int idxEnd = idx + len;
// Find fragment match start in:
(accFragNr, accFragIdx) = GetFragNrFromPlainTextIdx(idx, accFragNr, accFragIdx, ref positionY);
int fragNrStart = accFragNr;
string frag1Text = m_Fragments[fragNrStart].text;
// Get relative index in fragment:
int idxStartInFrag1 = idx - accFragIdx;
int idxEndInFrag1 = Math.Min(idxStartInFrag1 + len, frag1Text.Length);
int exactLineNr = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(frag1Text, idxStartInFrag1);
float exactPositionY = positionY + exactLineNr * fontHeight;
// Find fragment match end in:
(accFragNr, accFragIdx) = GetFragNrFromPlainTextIdx(idxEnd, accFragNr, accFragIdx, ref positionY);
int fragNrEnd = accFragNr;
if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>());
searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((idxStartInFrag1, idxEndInFrag1, _nrSearchHits));
if (fragNrStart < fragNrEnd)
// They must directly follow each other
int fragNr = fragNrStart + 1;
for (; fragNr < fragNrEnd; fragNr++)
if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNr)) searchHits.Add(fragNr, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>());
searchHits[fragNr].Add((0, m_Fragments[fragNr].text.Length, _nrSearchHits));
int idxStartInFrag2 = idxEnd - accFragIdx;
int idxEndInFrag2 = idxEnd - accFragIdx;
if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNr)) searchHits.Add(fragNr, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>());
searchHits[fragNr].Add((idxStartInFrag2, idxEndInFrag2, _nrSearchHits));
if (_activeSearchHitIdx < 0 && exactPositionY >= renderStartY)
workingArea = SetScrollOnView(workingArea, frag1Text, exactLineNr, idxStartInFrag1, renderStartX, exactPositionY);
// ScrollToDuringRepaint(frag1Text, exactLineNr, idxStartInFrag1, len, renderStartX, exactPositionY, workingArea.height, focusTop);
doRepaint = true;
idx += len;
return doRepaint;
private void LayoutPlain(GUIStyle style)
foreach (var frag in m_Fragments)
// Calculate the size as we have hidden control codes in the string
var size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(frag.text));
finalAreaSize.x = Math.Max(finalAreaSize.x, size.x);
finalAreaSize.y += frag.lineCount * fontHeight;
private void AddFoldedStringColorless(int blockIdx)
if (_blocksFragmentsStartPlain[blockIdx].lineCount != 0) return;
string text = null;
if (!_disassembler.IsColored)
_blocksFragments[blockIdx] ??= RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx);
text = _blocksFragments[blockIdx][0].text;
text = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx)[0].text;
var endOfFirstLineIdx = text.IndexOf('\n');
if (endOfFirstLineIdx == -1) endOfFirstLineIdx = text.Length;
_blocksFragmentsStartPlain[blockIdx] = new Fragment() { lineCount = 1, text = text.Substring(0, endOfFirstLineIdx) + " ..." };
private void AddFoldedString(int blockIdx)
if (_blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx].lineCount != 0) return;
// precomputing every block to avoid having runtime check at every access later on
_blocksFragments[blockIdx] ??= RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx);
// precompute string to present for folded block.
var text = _blocksFragments[blockIdx][0].text;
var endOfFirstLineIdx = text.IndexOf('\n');
if (endOfFirstLineIdx == -1) endOfFirstLineIdx = text.Length;
_blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx] = new Fragment() { lineCount = 1, text = text.Substring(0, endOfFirstLineIdx) + " ..." };
internal void LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position;
if (showBranchMarkers != _oldShowBranchMarkers)
// need to alter selection according to padding on x-axis.
if (showBranchMarkers)
selectPos.x += (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
selectDragPos.x += (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
selectPos.x -= (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
selectDragPos.x -= (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad);
_oldShowBranchMarkers = showBranchMarkers;
// Also computes the first and last blocks to render this time and ensures
float positionY = 0.0f;
int lNum = 0;
_renderBlockStart = -1;
_renderBlockEnd = -1;
_selectBlockStart = -1;
_selectStartY = -1f;
_selectBlockEnd = -1;
_selectEndY = -1f;
for (int idx = 0; idx<_disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx];
var blockHeight = block.Length * fontHeight;
var lHeight = block.Length;
if (_folded[idx])
blockHeight = fontHeight;
lHeight = 1;
blockLine[idx] = lNum;
if (_selectBlockStart == -1 && selectPos.y - blockHeight <= positionY)
_selectBlockStart = idx;
_selectStartY = positionY;
if (_selectBlockEnd == -1 && (selectDragPos.y - blockHeight <= positionY || idx == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1))
_selectBlockEnd = idx;
_selectEndY = positionY;
// Whole block is above view, or block starts below view.
// If at last block and _renderBlockStart == -1, we must have had all block above our scrollPos.
// Happens when Scroll view is at bottom and fontSize is decreased. As this forces the scroll view upwards,
// we simply set the last block as the one being rendered (avoids an indexOutOfBounds exception).
if (((positionY - scrollPos.y + blockHeight) < 0 || (positionY - scrollPos.y) > workingArea.size.y)
&& !(idx == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1 && _renderBlockStart == -1))
positionY += blockHeight;
lNum += lHeight;
if (_renderBlockStart == -1)
_renderBlockStart = idx;
_renderStartY = positionY;
_renderBlockEnd = idx;
if (_blocksFragments[idx] == null)
foreach (var fragment in _blocksFragments[idx])
style.CalcMinMaxWidth(new GUIContent(fragment.text), out _, out var maxWidth);
if (finalAreaSize.x < maxWidth)
finalAreaSize.x = maxWidth;
positionY += blockHeight;
lNum += lHeight;
// selection is below last line of assembly.
if (_selectBlockStart == -1)
_selectBlockStart = _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1;
internal string GetStartingColorTag(int blockIdx, int textIdx)
if (!CopyColorTags || !(_disassembler?.IsColored ?? false)) return "";
const int colorTagLength = 15;
var text = _folded[blockIdx]
? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text// _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx].text
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx);
var colorTagIdx = text.LastIndexOf("<color=", textIdx);
if (colorTagIdx == -1) return "";
// Checking that found tas is actually for this idx
return text.IndexOf("</color>", colorTagIdx, textIdx - colorTagIdx) == -1
? text.Substring(colorTagIdx, colorTagLength)
: "";
internal string GetEndingColorTag(int blockIdx, int textIdx)
if (!CopyColorTags || !(_disassembler?.IsColored ?? false)) return "";
var text = _folded[blockIdx]
? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text// _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx].text
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx);
var endColorTagIdx = text.IndexOf("</color>", textIdx);
if (endColorTagIdx == -1) return "";
// Check that tag actually belongs for thid idx
return text.IndexOf("<color=", textIdx, endColorTagIdx - textIdx) == -1
? "</color>"
: "";
internal void ChangeCopyMode()
CopyColorTags = !CopyColorTags;
// Need to update text selection fields as it should now ignore/use color tags
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
UpdateEnhancedSelectTextIdx(_oldShowBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad);
internal void DoSelectionCopy()
// textIdxE = -1 to indicate we want till the end of the block of text.
string GetStringFromBlock(int blockIdx, int textIdxS, int textIdxE = -1)
string text;
if (_folded[blockIdx])
text = (CopyColorTags
? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text
: GetFragmentStartPlain(blockIdx).text)
+ '\n';
return textIdxE == -1
? text.Substring(textIdxS, text.Length - textIdxS)
: text.Substring(textIdxS, textIdxE - textIdxS);
if (CopyColorTags)
text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx);
if (textIdxE == -1) textIdxE = text.Length;
text = m_Text;
// Transform textIdxS and textIdxE to absolute index into m_Text
var (blockStart, blockEnd) = _disassembler.BlockIdxs[blockIdx];
textIdxS += blockStart;
if (textIdxE == -1) textIdxE = blockEnd + 1; // +1 to take newline as well
else textIdxE += blockStart;
return text.Substring(textIdxS, textIdxE - textIdxS);
if (!HasSelection) return;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (_disassembler != null && enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart != enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd)
if (enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx < enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx)
// Multiple block selection
var blockIdx = enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx;
GetStartingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx) +
GetStringFromBlock(blockIdx++, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx));
for (; blockIdx < enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx; blockIdx++)
sb.Append(GetStringFromBlock(blockIdx, 0));
GetStringFromBlock(blockIdx, 0, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx) +
GetEndingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx));
// Single block selection
GetStartingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx) +
enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx) +
GetEndingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx));
sb.Append(m_Text.Substring(textSelectionIdx.idx, textSelectionIdx.length));
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = sb.ToString();
internal void SelectAll()
HasSelection = true;
selectPos =;
selectDragPos = finalAreaSize;
if (_disassembler != null)
enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, 0);
var blockIdx = _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1;
enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (blockIdx,
? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx).Length
: GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text.Length);
_selectBlockStart = 0;
_selectBlockEnd = blockIdx;
_selectEndY = finalAreaSize.y -
(_folded[blockIdx] ? fontHeight : _disassembler.Blocks[blockIdx].Length * fontHeight);
textSelectionIdx = (0, m_Text.Length);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
private void ScrollDownToSelection(Rect workingArea)
if (!workingArea.Contains(selectDragPos + new Vector2(fontWidth, fontHeight / 2)))
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(selectDragPos + new Vector2(fontWidth, fontHeight),;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
private void ScrollUpToSelection(Rect workingArea)
if (!workingArea.Contains(selectDragPos - new Vector2(0, fontHeight / 2)))
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(selectDragPos - new Vector2(0, fontHeight),;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
internal void MoveSelectionLeft(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
HasSelection = true;
if (_disassembler != null)
float hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad;
string text;
int prevLineIdx = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight) - 1;
if (selectDragPos.x < hPad + fontWidth)
if (prevLineIdx < 0 && _selectBlockEnd == 0)
// we are at the beginning of the text.
if (prevLineIdx < 0 && _selectBlockEnd > 0)
// get text from previous block, and do calculations for that.
_selectEndY -= _folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? fontHeight
: _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length * fontHeight;
(text, prevLineIdx) = !_folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? (_disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd), _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length - 1)
: (GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n', 0);
text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n'
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd);
var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, prevLineIdx).relative;
selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2;
selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight;
// simply move selection left.
text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n'
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd);
var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, prevLineIdx + 1).relative;
if (selectDragPos.x > charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad)
selectDragPos.x = hPad + charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2;
selectDragPos.x -= fontWidth;
int prevLineIdx = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight) - 1;
if (selectDragPos.x < fontWidth)
if (prevLineIdx < 0)
// we are at beginning of the text
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(m_Text, prevLineIdx).relative;
selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2;
selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight;
// simply move selection left.
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(m_Text, prevLineIdx+1).relative;
if (selectDragPos.x > charsInLine * fontWidth)
selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2;
selectDragPos.x -= fontWidth;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal void MoveSelectionRight(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
HasSelection = true;
if (_disassembler != null)
var hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad;
var text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n'
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd);
var thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight);
var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, thisLine).relative;
if (selectDragPos.x >= hPad + charsInLine * fontWidth)
// move down a line:
int lineCount = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? 1 : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length;
if (thisLine > lineCount && _selectBlockEnd == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1)
// We are at the end of the text
if (thisLine > lineCount)
// selected into next block.
_selectEndY += _folded[_selectBlockEnd - 1]
? fontHeight
: _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd - 1].Length * fontHeight;
selectDragPos.x = hPad + fontWidth/2;
selectDragPos.y += fontHeight;
// simply move selection right.
if (selectDragPos.x < hPad)
selectDragPos.x = hPad + fontWidth / 2;
selectDragPos.x += fontWidth;
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight);
int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(m_Text, thisLine).relative;
if (selectDragPos.x >= charsInLine*fontWidth)
if (thisLine >= _mTextLines)
// we are at end of the text
selectDragPos.x = 0f;
selectDragPos.y += fontHeight;
// simply move selection right.
selectDragPos.x += fontWidth;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal void MoveSelectionUp(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
HasSelection = true;
if (_disassembler != null)
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight);
// At the first line
if (thisLine == 0 && _selectBlockEnd == 0) return;
if (thisLine == 0)
// We are moving on to a block above
_selectEndY -= _folded[_selectBlockEnd]
? fontHeight
: _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length * fontHeight;
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight) - 1;
if (thisLine < 0) return;
selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal void MoveSelectionDown(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers)
HasSelection = true;
if (_disassembler != null)
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight) + 1;
int lineCount = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? 0 : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length - 1;
if (thisLine > lineCount)
// At the last line
if (_selectBlockEnd == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1) { return; }
// Moved into next block
_selectEndY += _folded[_selectBlockEnd - 1]
? fontHeight
: _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd - 1].Length * fontHeight;
int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(selectDragPos.y / fontHeight) + 1;
if (thisLine > _mTextLines) return;
selectDragPos.y += fontHeight;
// check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true.
internal bool MouseOutsideView(Rect workingArea, Vector2 mousePos, int controlID)
if (_mouseDown && !workingArea.Contains(mousePos))
// Mouse was dragged outside of the view.
if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp)
_mouseDown = false;
_mouseOutsideBounds = true;
return true;
_mouseOutsideBounds = false;
return false;
private Vector2 MouseClickAndClamp(bool showBranchMarkers, Vector2 mousePos)
HasSelection = true;
if (_disassembler != null)
float hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad;
// Make sure we cannot set cursor in the horizontal padding:
if (mousePos.x < hPad) mousePos.x = hPad;
return mousePos;
internal void MouseClicked(bool showBranchMarkers, bool withShift, Vector2 mousePos, int controlID)
if (_mouseOutsideBounds || mousePos.y > finalAreaSize.y) { return; }
GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID;
// FocusControl is to take keyboard focus away from the TreeView.
GUI.FocusControl("long text");
if (withShift)
mousePos = MouseClickAndClamp(showBranchMarkers, mousePos);
selectDragPos = mousePos;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
selectDragPos = mousePos;
_mouseDown = true;
internal void DragMouse(Vector2 mousePos, bool showBranchMarkers)
if (!_mouseDown || mousePos.y > finalAreaSize.y) { return; }
mousePos = MouseClickAndClamp(showBranchMarkers, mousePos);
selectDragPos = mousePos;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
internal void MouseReleased()
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
_mouseDown = false;
internal void DoScroll(Rect workingArea, float mouseRelMoveY)
if (!_mouseDown) { return; }
var movingDown = mouseRelMoveY > 0;
var room = Mathf.Max(0, movingDown
? finalAreaSize.y - workingArea.yMax
: workingArea.yMin);
// naturalEnhancedPad magic number taken from unity engine (GUI.cs under EndScrollView).
var dist = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(mouseRelMoveY * naturalEnhancedPad), room);
selectDragPos.y += movingDown ? dist : -dist;
_textSelectionIdxValid = false;
public void MoveView(Direction dir, Rect workingArea)
switch (dir)
case Direction.Left:
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.xMin - 2*fontWidth, workingArea.y, 0, 0));
case Direction.Right:
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.xMax + 2*fontWidth, workingArea.y, 0, 0));
case Direction.Up:
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.x, workingArea.yMin - 2*fontWidth, 0, 0));
case Direction.Down:
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.x, workingArea.yMax + 2*fontWidth, 0, 0));
public void StopSelection()
selectPos = selectDragPos;
textSelectionIdx = (0, 0);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
HasSelection = false;
/// <summary>
/// Renders a blue box relative to text at (positionX, positionY) from start idx to end idx.
/// </summary>
private void RenderLineSelection(float positionX, float positionY, int start, int end, bool IsSelection = true)
const int alignmentPad = 2;
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = IsSelection ? _selectionColor : _searchHitColor;
GUI.Box(new Rect(positionX + alignmentPad + start*fontWidth, positionY, (end - start)*fontWidth, fontHeight), "", textureStyle);
GUI.color = oldColor;
internal struct FragmentSelectionInfo
public float startY;
public float lastY;
public float botY;
public int startLineEndIdxRel;
public int startLine;
public int lastLine;
public int charsIn;
public int charsInDrag;
internal FragmentSelectionInfo PrepareInfoForSelection(float positionX, float positionY, float fragHeight, Fragment frag, Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfLine)
const float distanceFromBorder = 0.001f;
var text = frag.text;
var top = selectPos;
var bot = selectDragPos;
if (selectPos.y > selectDragPos.y)
top = selectDragPos;
bot = selectPos;
// fixing so we only look at things within this current fragment.
var start = top.y < positionY ? new Vector2(positionX, positionY) : top;
// `y = ... - adjustBottomSlightly` so it is within current fragments outer "border".
var last = bot.y < positionY + fragHeight ? bot : new Vector2(finalAreaSize.x, positionY + fragHeight - distanceFromBorder);
// Make sure this cannot go beyond number of lines in fragment (zero indexed).
var startLine = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - positionY) / fontHeight), frag.lineCount-1);
var lastLine = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.y - positionY) / fontHeight), frag.lineCount-1);
if (startLine == lastLine && start.x > last.x)
(start, last) = (last, start);
// Used for making sure charsIn and charsInDrag does not exceed line length.
var (_, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, startLine);
var (_, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, lastLine);
// Each fragment does not end on a newline, so we need to add one to idx.
if (startLine == frag.lineCount - 1) startLineEndIdxRel++;
if (lastLine == frag.lineCount - 1) lastLineEndIdxRel++;
var charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - positionX) / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel);
var charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.x - positionX) / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel);
charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn;
charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag;
return new FragmentSelectionInfo() {startY = start.y, lastY = last.y, botY = bot.y,
startLineEndIdxRel = startLineEndIdxRel, startLine = startLine, lastLine = lastLine,
charsIn = charsIn, charsInDrag = charsInDrag};
private void SelectText(float positionX, float positionY, float fragHeight, Fragment frag, Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfLine)
if (!HasSelection || !(BurstMath.WithinRange(selectPos.y, selectDragPos.y, positionY) ||
BurstMath.WithinRange(selectPos.y, selectDragPos.y, positionY + fragHeight)
|| BurstMath.WithinRange(positionY, positionY + fragHeight, selectPos.y)))
var inf = PrepareInfoForSelection(positionX, positionY, fragHeight, frag, GetEndIndexOfLine);
var text = frag.text;
if (BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(inf.lastY, fontHeight) > BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(inf.startY, fontHeight))
// Multi line selection in this text.
int lineEndIdx = inf.startLineEndIdxRel;
if (inf.startY != positionY)
// Selection started in this fragment.
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), inf.charsIn, lineEndIdx + 1);
for (; inf.startLine < inf.lastLine; inf.startLine++)
lineEndIdx = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, inf.startLine).relative;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), 0, lineEndIdx + 1);
if (positionY + fragHeight < inf.botY)
// select going into next fragment
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), 0, inf.charsInDrag);
// Single line selection in this text segment.
int startIdx = inf.charsIn;
int endIdx = inf.charsInDrag;
if (inf.startY == positionY)
// Selection started in text segment above.
startIdx = 0;
if (positionY + fragHeight < inf.botY)
// Selection going into next text segment.
endIdx = inf.startLineEndIdxRel + 1;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), startIdx, endIdx);
/// <summary>
/// Updates _textSelectionIdx based on the position of _selectPos and _selectDragPos.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="GetEndIndexOfLine"> either GetEndIndexOfPlainLine or GetEndIndexOfColoredLine</param>
private void UpdateSelectTextIdx(Func<string, int, (int total, int relative)> GetEndIndexOfLine)
if (!_textSelectionIdxValid && HasSelection)
var start = selectPos;
var last = selectDragPos;
if (last.y < start.y)
start = selectDragPos;
last = selectPos;
int startLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(start.y / fontHeight);
int lastLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(last.y / fontHeight);
if (startLine == lastLine && start.x > last.x)
(start, last) = (last, start);
var (startLineEndIdxTotal, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(m_Text, startLine);
var (lastLineEndIdxTotal, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(m_Text, lastLine);
int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel);
int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(last.x / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel);
charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn;
charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag;
int selectStartIdx = startLineEndIdxTotal - (startLineEndIdxRel - charsIn);
textSelectionIdx = (selectStartIdx, lastLineEndIdxTotal - (lastLineEndIdxRel - charsInDrag) - selectStartIdx);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
public void NextSearchHit(bool shift, Rect workingArea)
if (_nrSearchHits <= 0) return;
// If shift is held down: Go backwards through active search
_activeSearchHitIdx = shift
? (Math.Max(_activeSearchHitIdx, 0) - 1 + _nrSearchHits) % _nrSearchHits
: (_activeSearchHitIdx + 1) % _nrSearchHits;
// Find fragment number of _activeSearchHit
var fragIdx = 0;
int prevFragLastHitNr = -1;
var activeSearchIdx = _activeSearchHitIdx;
foreach (var key in searchHits.Keys)
var hits = searchHits[key];
var nrHits = hits.Count;
var hitsLastNr = hits.Last().nr;
// If last hit continues into this fragment we subtracted too much
if (hits.First().nr == prevFragLastHitNr) activeSearchIdx++;
if (hitsLastNr >= _activeSearchHitIdx)
fragIdx = key;
activeSearchIdx -= nrHits;
prevFragLastHitNr = hitsLastNr;
var hit = searchHits[fragIdx][activeSearchIdx];
// Find y position of _activeSearchHit.
int exactLineNumber;
string text;
var positionY = 0f;
if (_disassembler == null)
int i = 0;
for (; i < fragIdx; i++)
positionY += m_Fragments[i].lineCount * fontHeight;
text = m_Fragments[i].text;
exactLineNumber = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, hit.startIdx);
positionY += exactLineNumber * fontHeight;
int blockIdx = 0;
int innerFragIdx = 0;
int tmpFragIdx = 0;
for (; tmpFragIdx < fragIdx; blockIdx++)
var frags = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx);
if (_folded[blockIdx])
positionY += fontHeight;
tmpFragIdx += frags.Count;
for (innerFragIdx = 0; ; innerFragIdx++, tmpFragIdx++)
if (innerFragIdx >= frags.Count)
innerFragIdx = 0;
if (tmpFragIdx >= fragIdx) break;
positionY += frags[innerFragIdx].lineCount * fontHeight;
if (innerFragIdx != 0) break;
text = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx)[innerFragIdx].text;
exactLineNumber = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, hit.startIdx);
positionY += exactLineNumber * fontHeight;
int startOfLine = exactLineNumber > 0 ? GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, exactLineNumber-1).total + 1 : 0;
int hitLength = hit.endIdx - hit.startIdx;
float positionX = hit.startIdx - startOfLine;
if (positionX * fontWidth > workingArea.x) positionX += hitLength + 3 * fontWidth;
else positionX -= 3 * fontWidth;
GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(positionX * fontWidth + _actualHorizontalPad, positionY < workingArea.yMin ? positionY - 5 * fontHeight : positionY + 5 * fontHeight, 0, 0));
public void StopSearching()
_nrSearchHits = 0;
_activeSearchHitIdx = -1;
_prevCriteria.filter = String.Empty;
private void RenderMultipleLinesSelection(string text, float positionX, float positionY, int startIdx, int endIdx, bool IsSelection = true)
int lineStart = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, startIdx);
int lineEnd = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, endIdx);
// Make idx relative to line
int startOfLine = lineStart == 0 ? 0 : GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineStart-1).total + 1;
startIdx = startIdx - startOfLine;
startOfLine = lineEnd == 0 ? 0 : GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineEnd-1).total + 1;
endIdx = endIdx - startOfLine;
positionY += (lineStart * fontHeight);
if (lineStart == lineEnd)
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, startIdx, endIdx, IsSelection);
int endOfLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineStart).relative;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, startIdx, endOfLine, IsSelection);
positionY += fontHeight;
for (; lineStart < lineEnd; lineStart++)
endOfLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineStart).relative;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, 0, endOfLine, IsSelection);
positionY += fontHeight;
RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, 0, endIdx, IsSelection);
private void RenderPlainOldFragments(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool doSearch)
Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position;
float positionY = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Fragments.Count; i++)
// if fragment is below view
if ((positionY - scrollPos.y) > workingArea.size.y) break;
var fragment = m_Fragments[i];
float fragHeight = fragment.lineCount * fontHeight;
// if whole fragment is above view
if ((positionY - scrollPos.y + fragHeight) < 0)
positionY += fragHeight;
if (doSearch && searchHits.TryGetValue(i, out var lst))
foreach (var (startI, endI, nr) in lst)
bool isActive = nr == _activeSearchHitIdx;
RenderMultipleLinesSelection(fragment.text, horizontalPad, positionY, startI, endI, isActive);
// we append \n here, as we want it for the selection but not the rendering.
SelectText(horizontalPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment, GetEndIndexOfPlainLine);
GUI.Label(new Rect(horizontalPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fragHeight), fragment.text, style);
positionY += fragHeight;
/// <returns>Whether the GUI should be forced to repaint during this frame.</returns>
public bool Render(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers, bool doSearch, SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Regex regx)
_actualHorizontalPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad;
style.richText = true;
if (invalidated)
Layout(style, _actualHorizontalPad);
if (_disassembler != null)
// We always need to call this as its sets up the correct horizontal bar and block rendering
LayoutEnhanced(style, workingArea, showBranchMarkers);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout)
// working area will be valid only during repaint, for the layout event we don't draw the labels
// Add correct size Rect to GUILayoutUtillity.topLevel for retrieval with next GetRect(.) call.
GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(finalAreaSize.x + (showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : 20.0f), finalAreaSize.y);
return false;
var newSearch = doSearch && (searchCriteria.filter != "" && !searchCriteria.Equals(_prevCriteria));
_prevCriteria = searchCriteria;
var doRepaint = false;
if (newSearch)
doRepaint = SearchText(searchCriteria, regx, ref workingArea);
if (doRepaint)
// Search found at least one match, so move to the first
if (_disassembler == null)
RenderPlainOldFragments(style, workingArea, doSearch);
RenderEnhanced(style, workingArea, showBranchMarkers, _actualHorizontalPad, doSearch);
DrawHover(style, workingArea);
return doRepaint;
private void TestSelUnderscore(GUIStyle style, Vector2 scrollPos, Rect workingArea)
var current = GUI.color;
// Selection
GUI.color =;
new Rect(horizontalPad + style.padding.left + fontWidth * 8, + fontHeight * 19,
3 * fontWidth, 1 * fontHeight), "", textureStyle);
// Underscored
Vector2 start = new Vector2(horizontalPad + style.padding.left + fontWidth * 8,
| + fontHeight * 20 - 2);
Vector2 end = start + new Vector2((3 + 22) * fontWidth, 0 * fontHeight);
GUI.color =;
DrawLine(start, end, 2);
GUI.color = current;
internal void RenderBranches(Rect workingArea)
var color = GUI.color;
List<Branch> branches = new List<Branch>();
hoveredBranch = default;
for (int idx = 0;idx<_disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx];
if (block.Edges != null)
foreach (var edge in block.Edges)
if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound)
var srcLine = blockLine[idx];
if (!_folded[idx])
srcLine += edge.OriginRef.LineIndex;
var dstBlockIdx = edge.LineRef.BlockIndex;
var dstLine = blockLine[dstBlockIdx];
if (!_folded[dstBlockIdx])
dstLine += edge.LineRef.LineIndex;
int arrowMinY = srcLine;
int arrowMaxY = dstLine;
if (srcLine > dstLine)
(arrowMinY, arrowMaxY) = (dstLine, srcLine);
if ((dstBlockIdx == idx + 1 && edge.LineRef.LineIndex == 0) // pointing to next line
|| !(workingArea.yMin <= arrowMaxY * fontHeight && // Arrow not inside view.
workingArea.yMax >= arrowMinY * fontHeight))
branches.Add(CalculateBranch(edge, horizontalPad - (4 + fontWidth), srcLine * fontHeight,
dstLine * fontHeight, lineDepth[idx]));
// Drawing branches while making sure the hovered is rendered at top.
foreach (var branch in branches)
if (!branch.Edge.Equals(hoveredBranch.Edge))
DrawBranch(branch, lineDepth[branch.Edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex], workingArea);
if (!hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(default(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge)))
DrawBranch(hoveredBranch, lineDepth[hoveredBranch.Edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex], workingArea);
_prevHoveredEdge = hoveredBranch.Edge;
GUI.color = color;
internal int BumpSelectionXByColorTag(string text, int lineIdxTotal, int charsIn)
bool lastWasStart = true;
int colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("<color=", lineIdxTotal);
while (colorTagStart != -1 && colorTagStart - lineIdxTotal < charsIn)
int colorTagEnd = text.IndexOf('>', colorTagStart + 1);
// +1 as the index calculation is zero based.
charsIn += colorTagEnd - colorTagStart + 1;
if (lastWasStart)
colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("</color>", colorTagEnd + 1);
lastWasStart = false;
colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("<color=", colorTagEnd + 1);
lastWasStart = true;
return charsIn;
internal void UpdateEnhancedSelectTextIdx(float hPad)
if (_textSelectionIdxValid || !HasSelection) return;
int blockIdxStart = _selectBlockStart;
int blockIdxEnd = _selectBlockEnd;
float blockStartPosY = _selectStartY;
float blockEndPosY = _selectEndY;
var start = selectPos;
var last = selectDragPos;
if (last.y < start.y)
// we selected upwards.
(start, last) = (last, start);
(blockIdxStart, blockIdxEnd, blockStartPosY, blockEndPosY) = (blockIdxEnd, blockIdxStart, blockEndPosY, blockStartPosY);
// Math.Min to make sure line number does not exceed number of line in block (zero indexed).
var blockStartline = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - blockStartPosY) / fontHeight),
? 0
: _disassembler.Blocks[blockIdxStart].Length-1);
var blockEndLine = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.y - blockEndPosY) / fontHeight),
? 0
: _disassembler.Blocks[blockIdxEnd].Length-1);
if (blockStartline == blockEndLine && blockIdxStart == blockIdxEnd && start.x > last.x)
// _selectDragPos was above and behind _selectPos on same line.
(start, last) = (last, start);
var text = _folded[blockIdxStart]
? CopyColorTags
? GetFragmentStart(blockIdxStart).text + '\n'
: GetFragmentStartPlain(blockIdxStart).text + '\n'
: CopyColorTags
? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdxStart)
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(blockIdxStart, false);
var (startLineEndIdxTotal, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, blockStartline);
int startOfLineIdx = startLineEndIdxTotal - startLineEndIdxRel;
int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - hPad) / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel);
charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn;
// Adjust charsIn so it takes color tags into considerations.
charsIn = BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, startOfLineIdx, charsIn + 1) - 1; // +1 -1 to not bump charsIn when selecting char just after color tag.
enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (blockIdxStart, startOfLineIdx + charsIn);
if (blockIdxStart < blockIdxEnd)
text = _folded[blockIdxEnd]
? CopyColorTags
? GetFragmentStart(blockIdxEnd).text + '\n'
: GetFragmentStartPlain(blockIdxEnd).text + '\n'
: CopyColorTags
? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdxEnd)
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(blockIdxEnd, false);
var (lastLineEndIdxTotal, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, blockEndLine);
startOfLineIdx = lastLineEndIdxTotal - lastLineEndIdxRel;
int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.x - hPad) / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel);
charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag;
// Adjust charsInDrag so it takes color tags into considerations.
charsInDrag = BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, startOfLineIdx, charsInDrag);
enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (blockIdxEnd, startOfLineIdx + charsInDrag);
_textSelectionIdxValid = true;
/// <summary>
/// Updates selection based on whether <see cref="blockIdx"/> was folded or unfolded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hPad">horizontal padding.</param>
/// <param name="blockIdx">Block idx of folded/unfolded block.</param>
/// <param name="block">folded/unfolded block.</param>
/// <param name="positionY">Blocks y-position in textarea.</param>
private void UpdateSelectionByFolding(float hPad, int blockIdx, BurstDisassembler.AsmBlock block, float positionY)
// cursor start and end position of selection
var start = selectPos;
var end = selectDragPos;
// selection block start and end
var blockStart = _selectBlockStart;
var blockEnd = _selectBlockEnd;
// top y-coordinate of selections end block
var blockEndY = _selectEndY;
var rightWaySelect = true;
if (start.y > end.y)
(start, end) = (end, start);
(blockStart, blockEnd) = (blockEnd, blockStart);
blockEndY = _selectStartY;
rightWaySelect = false;
if (BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(end.y, fontHeight) - BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(start.y, fontHeight) < fontHeight
&& end.x < start.x)
(start, end) = (end, start);
rightWaySelect = !rightWaySelect;
var changeY = _folded[blockIdx]
? -Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight
: Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(
? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text + '\n'
: _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx),
var thisLineSelect = Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - positionY) / fontHeight);
var thisLineDrag = Mathf.FloorToInt((end.y - positionY) / fontHeight);
var selectPosCharsIn = Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - hPad) / fontWidth);
var selectDragPosCharsIn = Mathf.FloorToInt((end.x - hPad) / fontWidth);
if (blockStart < blockIdx)
if (blockEnd == blockIdx)
if (thisLineDrag > 0 || (end.x - hPad) / fontWidth > charsInLine)
/* selection starts above touched block but ends in the middle of it.
* b-1 _xxx b-1 _xxx
* b xxx_ => b xxx
* b+1 ____ b+1 ____
// Move selectDragPos onto end of this line.
end.y -= thisLineDrag * fontHeight;
end.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2;
else if (blockEnd > blockIdx)
/* selection starts above touched block and ends below it.
* b-1 _xxx
* b xxxx
* b+1 xx__
end.y += changeY;
blockEndY += changeY;
else if (blockStart == blockIdx)
if (blockEnd == blockIdx)
if (thisLineSelect > 0 || selectPosCharsIn > charsInLine)
/* selection starts and ends in the middle of the touched block
* b-1 ____ b-1 ____
* b _xx_ => b _
* b+1 ____ b+1 ____
// Make cursor go to the end of line
end.y -= thisLineDrag * fontHeight;
end.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2;
else if (thisLineDrag > 0 || selectDragPosCharsIn > charsInLine)
/* selection starts at first line and ends within
* b-1 ____ b-1 ____
* b _xx_ => b x
* xxx_
* b+1 ____ b+1 ____
// Move selectDragPos onto end of this line.
end.y -= thisLineDrag * fontHeight;
end.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2;
else if (blockEnd > blockIdx)
// selection starts either in first line or middle of touched block and ends below it
end.y += changeY;
if (thisLineSelect > 0 || selectPosCharsIn > charsInLine)
/* selection starts in middle of touched block and ends below it
* b-1 ____ b-1 ____
* b ____ => b ___x
* x___
* b+1 xx__ b+1 xx__
// Move selectPos onto end of this line.
start.y -= thisLineSelect * fontHeight;
start.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2;
start.y += changeY;
end.y += changeY;
// Write back changes made during folding/unfolding
if (rightWaySelect)
selectPos = start;
selectDragPos = end;
_selectEndY = blockEndY;
selectPos = end;
selectDragPos = start;
_selectStartY = blockEndY;
if (!HasSelection) selectPos = selectDragPos;
else _textSelectionIdxValid = false;
private void FoldUnfoldBlock(int blockIdx)
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[blockIdx];
_folded[blockIdx] = !_folded[blockIdx];
if (_folded[blockIdx])
finalAreaSize.y -= Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight;
private void RenderEnhanced(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers, float hPad, bool doSearch)
if (showBranchMarkers)
var positionY = _renderStartY;
var fragNr = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= _renderBlockEnd; i++)
if (i < _renderBlockStart)
if (doSearch)
foreach (var frag in GetPlainFragments(i))
var block = _disassembler.Blocks[i];
var blockLongEnoughForFold = block.Length > 1;
if (blockLongEnoughForFold)
var pressed = DrawFold(hPad - 2, positionY, _folded[i], block.Kind);
if (pressed)
// Make sure cursor and selection is updated according to the changed folding.
UpdateSelectionByFolding(hPad, i, block, positionY);
if (doSearch)
var tmpPositionY = positionY;
for (var tmp = 0; tmp < GetPlainFragments(i).Count; fragNr++, tmp++)
if (searchHits.TryGetValue(fragNr, out var hits))
if (_folded[i]) FoldUnfoldBlock(i);
foreach (var (startIdx, endIdx, nr) in hits)
var isActive = nr == _activeSearchHitIdx;
var realEndIdx = endIdx;
if (endIdx == int.MaxValue)
var text = GetPlainFragments(i)[tmp].text;
realEndIdx = text.Length;
RenderMultipleLinesSelection(text, horizontalPad, tmpPositionY, startIdx,
realEndIdx, isActive);
tmpPositionY += GetPlainFragments(i)[tmp].lineCount * fontHeight;
if (!_folded[i] || !blockLongEnoughForFold)
for (var j = 0; j < _blocksFragments[i].Count; j++)
var fragment = _blocksFragments[i][j];
var fragLineCount = fragment.lineCount;
var fragHeight = fragLineCount * fontHeight;
SelectText(hPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment,
? GetEndIndexOfColoredLine
: GetEndIndexOfPlainLine);
GUI.Label(new Rect(hPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fragHeight),
fragment.text, style);
positionY += fragHeight;
var frag = GetFragmentStart(i);
SelectText(hPad, positionY, fontHeight, frag,
? GetEndIndexOfColoredLine
: GetEndIndexOfPlainLine);
GUI.Label(new Rect(hPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fontHeight), frag.text, style);
positionY += fontHeight;
private List<Fragment> RecomputeFragments(string text)
List<Fragment> result = new List<Fragment>();
string[] pieces = text.Split('\n');
_mTextLines = pieces.Length;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
int lineCount = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < pieces.Length; a++)
if (b.Length >= kMaxFragment)
b.Remove(b.Length - 1, 1);
AddFragment(b, lineCount, result);
lineCount = 0;
if (b.Length > 0)
b.Remove(b.Length - 1, 1);
AddFragment(b, lineCount, result);
return result;
private List<Fragment> RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(int blockIdx, bool colored)
var text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(blockIdx, colored).TrimEnd('\n');
return RecomputeFragments(text);
internal List<Fragment> RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(int blockIdx)
var text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx).TrimEnd('\n');
return RecomputeFragments(text);
private static void AddFragment(StringBuilder b, int lineCount, List<Fragment> result)
result.Add(new Fragment() { text = b.ToString(), lineCount = lineCount });
b.Length = 0;