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42 lines
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42 lines
2.5 KiB
1 year ago
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print("Welcome to Treasure Island")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure.")
action = input("You stand in a clearing. There are paths that lead to the LEFT and to the RIGHT. Which way do you go? [Left, Right]")
if(action.lower == "right"):
print("You have fallen into a hole. Game Over.")
action = input("There is a small pond. You can SWIM across or you can WAIT. [Swim, Wait]")
if(action.lower == "swim"):
print("You are attacked by rabid trout. Game Over.")
input("Three doors appear on the shore of the pond. One is RED another BLUE and the last is YELLOW. What do you do? [Red, Blue, Yellow, Wait]")
if(action.lower == "red"):
print("You are burned by fire. Game Over.")
elif(action.lower == "blue"):
print("You are eaten by beasts. Game over")
elif(action.lower == "yellow"):
print("You found the treasure. You win")
print("You die of boredom. Game Over.")