You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
591 lines
44 KiB
591 lines
44 KiB
#IfMissingColumn form_encounter billing_note |
ALTER TABLE form_encounter |
ADD billing_note text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn users organization |
ADD organization varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD valedictory varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn openemr_postcalendar_events pc_facility |
ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_events |
ADD pc_facility smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'facility id for this event'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn payments encounter |
ALTER TABLE payments |
ADD encounter bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
ADD KEY pid (pid); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext1 |
ALTER TABLE patient_data |
ADD `usertext1` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext2` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userlist1` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userlist2` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `pricelevel` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'standard'; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotTable list_options |
CREATE TABLE list_options ( |
list_id varchar(31) NOT NULL, |
option_id varchar(31) NOT NULL, |
title varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
seq int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
is_default tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
option_value float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
PRIMARY KEY (list_id, option_id) |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('yesno' ,'NO' ,'NO' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('yesno' ,'YES','YES',2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('titles' ,'Mr.' ,'Mr.' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('titles' ,'Mrs.' ,'Mrs.' ,2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('titles' ,'Ms.' ,'Ms.' ,3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('titles' ,'Dr.' ,'Dr.' ,4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('sex' ,'Female','Female' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('sex' ,'Male' ,'Male' ,2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('marital','married' ,'Married' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('marital','single' ,'Single' ,2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('marital','divorced' ,'Divorced' ,3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('marital','widowed' ,'Widowed' ,4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('marital','separated' ,'Separated' ,5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('marital','domestic partner','Domestic Partner',6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('language','English','English',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('language','Spanish','Spanish',2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('ethrace','Caucasian','Caucasian',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('ethrace','Asian' ,'Asian' ,2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('ethrace','Black' ,'Black' ,3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('ethrace','Hispanic' ,'Hispanic' ,4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist1','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist2','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('pricelevel','standard','Standard',1,1,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfNotTable layout_options |
CREATE TABLE layout_options ( |
form_id varchar(31) NOT NULL, |
field_id varchar(31) NOT NULL, |
group_name varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
title varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
seq int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
data_type tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
uor tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, |
fld_length int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 15, |
max_length int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
list_id varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
titlecols tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, |
datacols tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, |
default_value varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
edit_options varchar(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
description varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
PRIMARY KEY (form_id, field_id, seq) |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','title' ,'1Who','Name' , 1, 1,1, 0, 0,'titles' ,1,1,'','' ,'Title'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','fname' ,'1Who','' , 2, 2,2,10,63,'' ,0,0,'','C','First Name'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','mname' ,'1Who','' , 3, 2,1, 2,63,'' ,0,0,'','C','Middle Name'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','lname' ,'1Who','' , 4, 2,2,10,63,'' ,0,0,'','C','Last Name'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','pubpid' ,'1Who','External ID' , 5, 2,1,10,15,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'External identifier'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','DOB' ,'1Who','DOB' , 6, 4,2,10,10,'' ,1,1,'','D','Date of Birth'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','sex' ,'1Who','Sex' , 7, 1,2, 0, 0,'sex' ,1,1,'','' ,'Sex'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','ss' ,'1Who','S.S.' , 8, 2,1,11,11,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Social Security Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','drivers_license','1Who','License/ID' , 9, 2,1,15,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Drivers License or State ID'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','status' ,'1Who','Marital Status',10, 1,1, 0, 0,'marital',1,3,'','' ,'Marital Status'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','genericname1' ,'1Who','User Defined' ,11, 2,1,15,63,'' ,1,3,'','' ,'User Defined Field'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','genericval1' ,'1Who','' ,12, 2,1,15,63,'' ,0,0,'','' ,'User Defined Field'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','genericname2' ,'1Who','' ,13, 2,1,15,63,'' ,0,0,'','' ,'User Defined Field'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','genericval2' ,'1Who','' ,14, 2,1,15,63,'' ,0,0,'','' ,'User Defined Field'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','squad' ,'1Who','Squad' ,15,13,0, 0, 0,'' ,1,3,'','' ,'Squad Membership'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','pricelevel' ,'1Who','Price Level' ,16, 1,0, 0, 0,'pricelevel',1,1,'','' ,'Discount Level'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','street' ,'2Contact','Address' , 1, 2,1,25,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','Street and Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','city' ,'2Contact','City' , 2, 2,1,15,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','City Name'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','state' ,'2Contact','State' , 3, 2,1,15,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','State/Locality'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','postal_code' ,'2Contact','Postal Code' , 4, 2,1, 6,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Postal Code'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','country_code' ,'2Contact','Country' , 5, 1,1, 0, 0,'country',1,1,'','','Country'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','contact_relationship','2Contact','Emergency Contact', 6, 2,1,10,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','Emergency Contact Person'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','phone_contact' ,'2Contact','Emergency Phone' , 7, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','P','Emergency Contact Phone Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','phone_home' ,'2Contact','Home Phone' , 8, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','P','Home Phone Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','phone_biz' ,'2Contact','Work Phone' , 9, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','P','Work Phone Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','phone_cell' ,'2Contact','Mobile Phone' ,10, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','P','Cell Phone Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','email' ,'2Contact','Contact Email' ,11, 2,1,30,95,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Contact Email Address'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','providerID' ,'3Choices','Provider' , 1,11,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,3,'','' ,'Referring Provider'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','pharmacy_id' ,'3Choices','Pharmacy' , 2,12,1, 0, 0,'' ,1,3,'','' ,'Preferred Pharmacy'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','hipaa_notice' ,'3Choices','HIPAA Notice Received', 3, 1,1, 0, 0,'yesno' ,1,1,'','' ,'Did you receive a copy of the HIPAA Notice?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','hipaa_voice' ,'3Choices','Allow Voice Message' , 4, 1,1, 0, 0,'yesno' ,1,1,'','' ,'Allow telephone messages?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','hipaa_mail' ,'3Choices','Allow Mail Message' , 5, 1,1, 0, 0,'yesno' ,1,1,'','' ,'Allow email messages?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','hipaa_message','3Choices','Leave Message With' , 6, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'With whom may we leave a message?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','occupation' ,'4Employer','Occupation' , 1, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','Occupation'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','em_name' ,'4Employer','Employer Name' , 2, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','Employer Name'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','em_street' ,'4Employer','Employer Address', 3, 2,1,25,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','Street and Number'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','em_city' ,'4Employer','City' , 4, 2,1,15,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','City Name'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','em_state' ,'4Employer','State' , 5, 2,1,15,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','State/Locality'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','em_postal_code','4Employer','Postal Code' , 6, 2,1, 6,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Postal Code'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','em_country' ,'4Employer','Country' , 7, 2,1,10,63,'' ,1,1,'','C','Country'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','language' ,'5Stats','Language' , 1, 1,1, 0, 0,'language',1,1,'','' ,'Preferred Language'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','ethnoracial' ,'5Stats','Race/Ethnicity' , 2, 1,1, 0, 0,'ethrace' ,1,1,'','' ,'Ethnicity or Race'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','financial_review','5Stats','Financial Review Date', 3, 2,1,10,10,'' ,1,1,'','D','Financial Review Date'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','family_size' ,'5Stats','Family Size' , 4, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Family Size'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','monthly_income' ,'5Stats','Monthly Income' , 5, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Monthly Income'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','homeless' ,'5Stats','Homeless, etc.' , 6, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Homeless or similar?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','interpretter' ,'5Stats','Interpreter' , 7, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Interpreter needed?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','migrantseasonal' ,'5Stats','Migrant/Seasonal' , 8, 2,1,20,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'Migrant or seasonal worker?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext1' ,'6Misc','User Defined Text 1' , 1, 2,0,10,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext2' ,'6Misc','User Defined Text 2' , 2, 2,0,10,63,'' ,1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist1' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 1' , 9, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist1',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist2' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 2' ,10, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist2',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn transactions refer_date |
ALTER TABLE transactions |
ADD `refer_date` date DEFAULT NULL, |
ADD `refer_from` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
ADD `refer_to` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
ADD `refer_diag` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `refer_risk_level` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `refer_vitals` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, |
ADD `reply_date` date DEFAULT NULL, |
ADD `reply_from` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_init_diag` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_final_diag` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_documents` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_findings` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_services` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_recommend` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `reply_rx_refer` text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_date' ,'1Referral','Referral Date' , 1, 4,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'C','D','Date of referral'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_from' ,'1Referral','Refer By' , 2,10,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Referral By'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_to' ,'1Referral','Refer To' , 3,14,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Referral To'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','body' ,'1Referral','Reason' , 4, 3,2,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Reason for referral'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_external' ,'1Referral','External Referral' , 5, 1,1, 0, 0,'boolean' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'External referral?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_diag' ,'1Referral','Referrer Diagnosis' , 6, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'X','Referrer diagnosis'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_risk_level','1Referral','Risk Level' , 7, 1,1, 0, 0,'risklevel',1,1,'' ,'' ,'Level of urgency'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_vitals' ,'1Referral','Include Vitals' , 8, 1,1, 0, 0,'boolean' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Include vitals data?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_date' ,'2Counter-Referral','Reply Date' , 9, 4,1, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'D','Date of reply'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_from' ,'2Counter-Referral','Reply From' ,10, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Who replied?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_init_diag' ,'2Counter-Referral','Presumed Diagnosis' ,11, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Presumed diagnosis by specialist'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_final_diag','2Counter-Referral','Final Diagnosis' ,12, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Final diagnosis by specialist'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_documents' ,'2Counter-Referral','Documents' ,13, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Where may related scanned or paper documents be found?'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_findings' ,'2Counter-Referral','Findings' ,14, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Findings by specialist'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_services' ,'2Counter-Referral','Services Provided' ,15, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Service provided by specialist'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_recommend' ,'2Counter-Referral','Recommendations' ,16, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Recommendations by specialist'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_rx_refer' ,'2Counter-Referral','Prescriptions/Referrals',17, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Prescriptions and/or referrals by specialist'); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('risklevel','low' ,'Low' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('risklevel','medium','Medium',2,1,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('risklevel','high' ,'High' ,3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('boolean','0','No' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('boolean','1','Yes',2,0,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn codes related_code |
ADD related_code varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'may reference a related codes.code'; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotTable prices |
CREATE TABLE prices ( |
pr_id varchar(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'references or', |
pr_selector varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'template selector for drugs, empty for codes', |
pr_level varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'price level', |
pr_price decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'price in local currency', |
PRIMARY KEY (pr_id, pr_selector, pr_level) |
INSERT INTO prices ( pr_id, pr_level, pr_price ) |
SELECT, 'standard', codes.fee FROM codes |
WHERE codes.fee IS NOT NULL AND codes.fee > 0; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn codes taxrates |
ADD taxrates varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'tax rate names delimited by colons'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn drug_templates taxrates |
ALTER TABLE drug_templates |
ADD taxrates varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'tax rate names delimited by colons'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn drug_sales billed |
ALTER TABLE drug_sales |
ADD billed tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'indicates if the sale is posted to accounting'; |
UPDATE drug_sales |
SET billed = 1 WHERE encounter > 0; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn form_encounter pc_catid |
ALTER TABLE form_encounter |
ADD pc_catid int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 COMMENT 'event category from openemr_postcalendar_categories'; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotTable fee_sheet_options |
CREATE TABLE fee_sheet_options ( |
fs_category varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Descriptive category name', |
fs_option varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Descriptive option name', |
fs_codes varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'multiple instances of type:id:selector;' |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('1New Patient','1Brief' ,'CPT4|99201|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('1New Patient','2Limited','CPT4|99202|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('1New Patient','3Detailed','CPT4|99203|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('1New Patient','4Extended','CPT4|99204|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('1New Patient','5Comprehensive','CPT4|99205|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('2Established Patient','1Brief' ,'CPT4|99211|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('2Established Patient','2Limited','CPT4|99212|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('2Established Patient','3Detailed','CPT4|99213|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('2Established Patient','4Extended','CPT4|99214|'); |
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES ('2Established Patient','5Comprehensive','CPT4|99215|'); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn users cal_ui |
ALTER TABLE `users` |
ADD COLUMN `cal_ui` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Specifies calendar display style'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn drugs related_code |
ADD related_code varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'may reference a related codes.code'; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotColumnType billing justify varchar(255) |
ALTER TABLE billing |
MODIFY `justify` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotColumnType prescriptions quantity varchar(31) |
ALTER TABLE prescriptions |
MODIFY `quantity` varchar(31) default ''; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotColumnType codes superbill varchar(31) |
MODIFY `superbill` varchar(31) default ''; |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('superbill','newpt','New Patient' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('superbill','estpt','Established Patient',2,0,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn patient_data userlist3 |
ALTER TABLE patient_data |
ADD `userlist3` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userlist4` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userlist5` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userlist6` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userlist7` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `regdate` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Registration Date'; |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist3','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist4','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist5','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist6','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('userlist7','sample','Sample',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist3' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 3' ,11, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist3',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist4' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 4' ,12, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist4',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist5' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 5' ,13, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist5',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist6' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 6' ,14, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist6',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','userlist7' ,'6Misc','User Defined List 7' ,15, 1,0, 0, 0,'userlist7',1,1,'','' ,'User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','regdate' ,'6Misc','Registration Date' ,16, 4,0,10,10,'' ,1,1,'','D','Start Date at This Clinic'); |
#EndIf |
#IfNotRow list_options list_id refsource |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Patient' ,'Patient' , 1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Employee' ,'Employee' , 2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Walk-In' ,'Walk-In' , 3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Newspaper' ,'Newspaper' , 4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Radio' ,'Radio' , 5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','T.V.' ,'T.V.' , 6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Direct Mail' ,'Direct Mail' , 7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Coupon' ,'Coupon' , 8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Referral Card','Referral Card', 9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('refsource','Other' ,'Other' ,10,0,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfNotRow list_options list_id country |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('country','USA','USA',1,0,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn patient_data contrastart |
ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD `contrastart` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Date contraceptives initially used'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','contrastart','5Stats','Contraceptives Start',9,4,0,10,10,'',1,1,'','D','Date contraceptive services initially provided'); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn transactions refer_external |
ALTER TABLE transactions |
ADD `refer_external` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn history_data exams |
ALTER TABLE history_data |
ADD `exams` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext11` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext12` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext13` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext14` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext15` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext16` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext17` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext18` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext19` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext20` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext21` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext22` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext23` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext24` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext25` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext26` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext27` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext28` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext29` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext30` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userdate11` date DEFAULT NULL, |
ADD `userdate12` date DEFAULT NULL, |
ADD `userdate13` date DEFAULT NULL, |
ADD `userdate14` date DEFAULT NULL, |
ADD `userdate15` date DEFAULT NULL; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|brs:1:', last_breast_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 1, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|brs:2:', last_breast_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 1, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|mam:1:', last_mammogram ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 2, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|mam:2:', last_mammogram ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 2, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|gyn:1:', last_gynocological_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 3, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|gyn:2:', last_gynocological_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 3, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|rec:1:', last_rectal_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 4, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|rec:2:', last_rectal_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 4, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|pro:1:', last_prostate_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 5, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|pro:2:', last_prostate_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 5, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|phy:1:', last_physical_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 6, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|phy:2:', last_physical_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 6, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|sic:1:', last_sigmoidoscopy_colonoscopy) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 7, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|sic:2:', last_sigmoidoscopy_colonoscopy) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 7, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|ecg:1:', last_ecg ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 8, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|ecg:2:', last_ecg ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 8, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|cec:1:', last_cardiac_echo ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 9, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|cec:2:', last_cardiac_echo ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 9, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|ret:1:', last_retinal ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,10, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|ret:2:', last_retinal ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,10, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|flu:1:', last_fluvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,11, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|flu:2:', last_fluvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,11, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|pne:1:', last_pneuvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,12, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|pne:2:', last_pneuvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,12, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|ldl:1:', last_ldl ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,13, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|ldl:2:', last_ldl ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,13, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|hem:1:', last_hemoglobin ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,14, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|hem:2:', last_hemoglobin ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,14, 1) = '2'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|psa:1:', last_psa ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,15, 1) = '1'; |
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, '|psa:2:', last_psa ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,15, 1) = '2'; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotRow layout_options form_id HIS |
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'HIS' AND group_name = '1General'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','usertext11','1General','Risk Factors',1,21,1,0,0,'riskfactors',1,1,'','' ,'Risk Factors'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','exams' ,'1General','Exams/Tests' ,2,23,1,0,0,'exams' ,1,1,'','' ,'Exam and test results'); |
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'HIS' AND group_name = '2Family History'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','history_father' ,'2Family History','Father' ,1, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','history_mother' ,'2Family History','Mother' ,2, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','history_siblings' ,'2Family History','Siblings' ,3, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','history_spouse' ,'2Family History','Spouse' ,4, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','history_offspring','2Family History','Offspring',5, 2,1,20,255,'',1,3,'','' ,''); |
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'HIS' AND group_name = '3Relatives'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_cancer' ,'3Relatives','Cancer' ,1, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_tuberculosis' ,'3Relatives','Tuberculosis' ,2, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_diabetes' ,'3Relatives','Diabetes' ,3, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_high_blood_pressure','3Relatives','High Blood Pressure',4, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_heart_problems' ,'3Relatives','Heart Problems' ,5, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_stroke' ,'3Relatives','Stroke' ,6, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_epilepsy' ,'3Relatives','Epilepsy' ,7, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_mental_illness' ,'3Relatives','Mental Illness' ,8, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,''); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','relatives_suicide' ,'3Relatives','Suicide' ,9, 2,1,20,255,'',1,3,'','' ,''); |
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'HIS' AND group_name = '4Lifestyle'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','coffee' ,'4Lifestyle','Coffee' ,1, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Caffeine consumption'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','tobacco' ,'4Lifestyle','Tobacco' ,2, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Tobacco use'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','alcohol' ,'4Lifestyle','Alcohol' ,3, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Alcohol consumption'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','sleep_patterns' ,'4Lifestyle','Sleep Patterns' ,4, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Sleep patterns'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','exercise_patterns' ,'4Lifestyle','Exercise Patterns' ,5, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Exercise patterns'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','seatbelt_use' ,'4Lifestyle','Seatbelt Use' ,6, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Seatbelt use'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','counseling' ,'4Lifestyle','Counseling' ,7, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Counseling activities'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','hazardous_activities','4Lifestyle','Hazardous Activities',8, 2,1,20,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Hazardous activities'); |
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'HIS' AND group_name = '5Other'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','name_1' ,'5Other','Name/Value' ,1, 2,1,10,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Name 1' ); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','value_1' ,'5Other','' ,2, 2,1,10,255,'',0,0,'','' ,'Value 1'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','name_2' ,'5Other','Name/Value' ,3, 2,1,10,255,'',1,1,'','' ,'Name 2' ); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','value_2' ,'5Other','' ,4, 2,1,10,255,'',0,0,'','' ,'Value 2'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','additional_history','5Other','Additional History',5, 3,1,30, 3,'',1,3,'' ,'' ,'Additional history notes'); |
#EndIf |
#IfNotRow list_options list_id riskfactors |
DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'riskfactors'; |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','vv' ,'Varicose Veins' , 1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','ht' ,'Hypertension' , 2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','db' ,'Diabetes' , 3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','sc' ,'Sickle Cell' , 4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','fib','Fibroids' , 5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','pid','PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)' , 6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','mig','Severe Migraine' , 7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','hd' ,'Heart Disease' , 8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','str','Thrombosis/Stroke' , 9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','hep','Hepatitis' ,10,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','gb' ,'Gall Bladder Condition' ,11,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','br' ,'Breast Disease' ,12,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','dpr','Depression' ,13,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','all','Allergies' ,14,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','inf','Infertility' ,15,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','ast','Asthma' ,16,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','ep' ,'Epilepsy' ,17,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','cl' ,'Contact Lenses' ,18,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','coc','Contraceptive Complication (specify)',19,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('riskfactors','oth','Other (specify)' ,20,0,0); |
DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'exams'; |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'brs','Breast Exam' , 1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'cec','Cardiac Echo' , 2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'ecg','ECG' , 3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'gyn','Gynecological Exam' , 4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'mam','Mammogram' , 5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'phy','Physical Exam' , 6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'pro','Prostate Exam' , 7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'rec','Rectal Exam' , 8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'sic','Sigmoid/Colonoscopy' , 9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'ret','Retinal Exam' ,10,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'flu','Flu Vaccination' ,11,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'pne','Pneumonia Vaccination',12,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'ldl','LDL' ,13,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'hem','Hemoglobin' ,14,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('exams' ,'psa','PSA' ,15,0,0); |
DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'lists'; |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'boolean' ,'Boolean' , 1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'country' ,'Country' , 2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'feesheet' ,'Fee Sheet' , 3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'language' ,'Language' , 4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'marital' ,'Marital Status' , 5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'pricelevel' ,'Price Level' , 6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'ethrace' ,'Race/Ethnicity' , 7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'refsource' ,'Referral Source' , 8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'risklevel' ,'Risk Level' , 9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'superbill' ,'Service Category' ,10,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'sex' ,'Sex' ,11,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'taxrate' ,'Tax Rate' ,13,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'titles' ,'Titles' ,14,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'yesno' ,'Yes/No' ,15,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist1' ,'User Defined List 1',16,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist2' ,'User Defined List 2',17,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist3' ,'User Defined List 3',18,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist4' ,'User Defined List 4',19,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist5' ,'User Defined List 5',20,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist6' ,'User Defined List 6',21,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'userlist7' ,'User Defined List 7',22,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'riskfactors','Risk Factors' ,23,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'exams' ,'Exams/Tests' ,24,0,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn patient_data hipaa_allowsms |
ALTER TABLE patient_data |
ADD hipaa_allowsms varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NO', |
ADD hipaa_allowemail varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NO'; |
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'hipaa_allowsms' , '3Choices', 'Allow SMS' , 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'yesno', 1, 1, '', '', 'Allow SMS (text messages)?'); |
INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'hipaa_allowemail', '3Choices', 'Allow Email', 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'yesno', 1, 1, '', '', 'Allow Email?'); |
#EndIf |
#IfNotRow list_options list_id drug_form |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','1','suspension' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','2','tablet' ,2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','3','capsule' ,3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','4','solution' ,4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','5','tsp' ,5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','6','ml' ,6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','7','units' ,7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','8','inhalations',8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_form','9','gtts(drops)',9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','1','mg' ,1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','2','mg/1cc',2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','3','mg/2cc',3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','4','mg/3cc',4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','5','mg/4cc',5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','6','mg/5cc',6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','7','grams' ,7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_units','8','mcg' ,8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '1','Per Oris' , 1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '2','Per Rectum' , 2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '3','To Skin' , 3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '4','To Affected Area' , 4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '5','Sublingual' , 5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route',' 6','OS' , 6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '7','OD' , 7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '8','OU' , 8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route', '9','SQ' , 9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route','10','IM' ,10,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route','11','IV' ,11,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_route','12','Per Nostril' ,12,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','1','b.i.d.',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','2','t.i.d.',2,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','3','q.i.d.',3,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','4','q.3h' ,4,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','5','q.4h' ,5,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','6','q.5h' ,6,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','7','q.6h' ,7,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','8','q.8h' ,8,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('drug_interval','9','q.d.' ,9,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'drug_form' ,'Drug Forms' ,24,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'drug_units' ,'Drug Units' ,25,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'drug_route' ,'Drug Routes' ,26,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'drug_interval','Drug Intervals',27,0,0); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn drugs cyp_factor |
ADD cyp_factor float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'quantity representing a years supply'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn codes cyp_factor |
ADD cyp_factor float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'quantity representing a years supply'; |
#EndIf |
#IfNotRow list_options list_id state |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('state','CA','California',1,0,0); |
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES ('lists' ,'state','State',12,0,0); |
UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 1, list_id = 'state' WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'state'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn transactions refer_related_code |
ALTER TABLE transactions |
ADD refer_related_code varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'may reference codes.code as referral reason'; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_related_code','1Referral','Requested Service',8,15,1,30,255,'',1,1,'','','Billing Code for Requested Service'); |
#EndIf |
#IfNotColumnType billing fee decimal(12,2) |
ALTER TABLE billing |
MODIFY `fee` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00; |
MODIFY `fee` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00; |
ALTER TABLE drug_sales |
MODIFY `fee` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00; |
ALTER TABLE payments |
MODIFY `amount1` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00, |
MODIFY `amount2` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00, |
MODIFY `posted1` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00, |
MODIFY `posted2` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn users taxonomy |
ADD `taxonomy` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '207Q00000X'; |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext3 |
ALTER TABLE patient_data |
ADD `usertext3` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext4` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext5` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext6` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext7` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `usertext8` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext3','6Misc','User Defined Text 3', 3,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext4','6Misc','User Defined Text 4', 4,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext5','6Misc','User Defined Text 5', 5,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext6','6Misc','User Defined Text 6', 6,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext7','6Misc','User Defined Text 7', 7,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('DEM','usertext8','6Misc','User Defined Text 8', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined'); |
#EndIf |
#IfMissingColumn history_data userarea11 |
ALTER TABLE history_data |
ADD `userarea11` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', |
ADD `userarea12` text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','userarea11','5Other','User Defined Area 11',6,3,0,30,3,'',1,3,'','','User Defined'); |
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('HIS','userarea12','5Other','User Defined Area 12',7,3,0,30,3,'',1,3,'','','User Defined'); |