You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

857 lines
42 KiB

* Modified from interface/main/calendar/add_edit_event.php for
* the patient portal.
* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Rod Roark <>
* @author Jerry Padgett <>
* @author Brady Miller <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Rod Roark <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Jerry Padgett <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Brady Miller <>
* @license GNU General Public License 3
// Will start the (patient) portal OpenEMR session/cookie.
require_once(__DIR__ . "/../src/Common/Session/SessionUtil.php");
//landing page definition -- where to go if something goes wrong
$landingpage = "index.php?site=" . urlencode($_SESSION['site_id']);
// kick out if patient not authenticated
if (isset($_SESSION['pid']) && isset($_SESSION['patient_portal_onsite_two'])) {
$pid = $_SESSION['pid'];
} else {
header('Location: ' . $landingpage . '&w');
$ignoreAuth_onsite_portal = true;
global $ignoreAuth_onsite_portal;
use OpenEMR\Core\Header;
// Things that might be passed by our opener.
$eid = $_GET['eid']; // only for existing events
$date = $_GET['date']; // this and below only for new events
$userid = $_GET['userid'];
$default_catid = $_GET['catid'] ? $_GET['catid'] : '5';
$patientid = $_GET['patid'];
if ($date) {
$date = substr($date, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($date, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($date, 6);
} else {
$date = date("Y-m-d");
$starttimem = '00';
if (isset($_GET['starttimem'])) {
$starttimem = substr('00' . $_GET['starttimem'], -2);
if (isset($_GET['starttimeh'])) {
$starttimeh = $_GET['starttimeh'];
if (isset($_GET['startampm'])) {
if ($_GET['startampm'] == '2' && $starttimeh < 12) {
$starttimeh += 12;
} else {
$starttimeh = date("G");
$startampm = '';
$info_msg = "";
// EVENTS TO FACILITIES (lemonsoftware)
//(CHEMED) get facility name
// edit event case - if there is no association made, then insert one with the first facility
if ($eid) {
$selfacil = '';
$facility = sqlQuery("SELECT pc_facility, pc_multiple, pc_aid,
FROM openemr_postcalendar_events
LEFT JOIN facility ON (openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_facility =
WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($eid));
if (!$facility['pc_facility']) {
$qmin = sqlQuery("SELECT facility_id as minId, facility FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($facility['pc_aid']));
$min = $qmin['minId'];
$min_name = $qmin['facility'];
// multiple providers case
if ($GLOBALS['select_multi_providers']) {
$mul = $facility['pc_multiple'];
sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET pc_facility = ? WHERE pc_multiple = ?", array($min, $mul));
// EOS multiple
sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET pc_facility = ? WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($min, $eid));
$e2f = $min;
$e2f_name = $min_name;
} else {
$e2f = $facility['pc_facility'];
$e2f_name = $facility['name'];
// EOS E2F
// ===========================
// If we are saving, then save and close the window.
if ($_POST['form_action'] == "save") {
$event_date = fixDate($_POST['form_date']);
// Compute start and end time strings to be saved.
if ($_POST['form_allday']) {
$tmph = 0;
$tmpm = 0;
$duration = 24 * 60;
} else {
$tmph = $_POST['form_hour'] + 0;
$tmpm = $_POST['form_minute'] + 0;
if ($_POST['form_ampm'] == '2' && $tmph < 12) {
$tmph += 12;
$duration = $_POST['form_duration'];
$starttime = "$tmph:$tmpm:00";
$tmpm += $duration;
while ($tmpm >= 60) {
$tmpm -= 60;
$endtime = "$tmph:$tmpm:00";
// Useless garbage that we must save.
$locationspec = 'a:6:{s:14:"event_location";N;s:13:"event_street1";N;' .
// More garbage, but this time 1 character of it is used to save the
// repeat type.
if ($_POST['form_repeat']) {
$recurrspec = 'a:5:{' .
's:17:"event_repeat_freq";s:1:"' . $_POST['form_repeat_freq'] . '";' .
's:22:"event_repeat_freq_type";s:1:"' . $_POST['form_repeat_type'] . '";' .
's:19:"event_repeat_on_num";s:1:"1";' .
's:19:"event_repeat_on_day";s:1:"0";' .
} else {
$recurrspec = 'a:5:{' .
's:17:"event_repeat_freq";N;' .
's:22:"event_repeat_freq_type";s:1:"0";' .
's:19:"event_repeat_on_num";s:1:"1";' .
's:19:"event_repeat_on_day";s:1:"0";' .
//The modification of the start date for events that take place on one day of the week
//for example monday, or thursday. We set the start date on the first day of the week
//that the event is scheduled. For example if you set the event to repeat on each monday
//the start date of the event will be set on the first monday after the day the event is scheduled
if ($_POST['form_repeat_type'] == 5) {
$exploded_date = explode("-", $event_date);
$edate = date("D", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2], $exploded_date[0]));
if ($edate == "Tue") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 6, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Wed") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 5, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Thu") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 4, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Fri") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 3, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sat") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 2, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sun") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 1, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($_POST['form_repeat_type'] == 6) {
$exploded_date = explode("-", $event_date);
$edate = date("D", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2], $exploded_date[0]));
if ($edate == "Wed") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 6, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Thu") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 5, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Fri") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 4, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sat") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 3, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sun") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 2, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Mon") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 1, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($_POST['form_repeat_type'] == 7) {
$exploded_date = explode("-", $event_date);
$edate = date("D", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2], $exploded_date[0]));
if ($edate == "Thu") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 6, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Fri") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 5, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sat") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 4, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sun") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 3, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Mon") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 2, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Tue") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 1, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($_POST['form_repeat_type'] == 8) {
$exploded_date = explode("-", $event_date);
$edate = date("D", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2], $exploded_date[0]));
if ($edate == "Fri") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 6, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sat") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 5, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sun") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 4, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Mon") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 3, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Tue") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 2, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Wed") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 1, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($_POST['form_repeat_type'] == 9) {
$exploded_date = explode("-", $event_date);
$edate = date("D", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2], $exploded_date[0]));
if ($edate == "Sat") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 6, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Sun") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 5, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Mon") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 4, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Tue") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 3, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Wed") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 2, $exploded_date[0]));
} elseif ($edate == "Thu") {
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exploded_date[1], $exploded_date[2] + 1, $exploded_date[0]));
}//if end
/* =======================================================
if ($eid) {
// what is multiple key around this $eid?
$row = sqlQuery("SELECT pc_multiple FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($eid));
if ($GLOBALS['select_multi_providers'] && $row['pc_multiple']) {
/* ==========================================
// multi providers BOS
// obtain current list of providers regarding the multiple key
$up = sqlStatement("SELECT pc_aid FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_multiple = ?", array($row['pc_multiple']));
while ($current = sqlFetchArray($up)) {
$providers_current[] = $current['pc_aid'];
$providers_new = $_POST['form_provider_ae'];
// this difference means that some providers from current was UNCHECKED
// so we must delete this event for them
$r1 = array_diff($providers_current, $providers_new);
if (count($r1)) {
foreach ($r1 as $to_be_removed) {
sqlQuery("DELETE FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_aid = ? AND pc_multiple = ?", array($to_be_removed, $row['pc_multiple']));
// this difference means that some providers was added
// so we must insert this event for them
$r2 = array_diff($providers_new, $providers_current);
if (count($r2)) {
foreach ($r2 as $to_be_inserted) {
sqlStatement("INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_events ( pc_catid, pc_multiple, pc_aid, pc_pid, pc_title, pc_time, pc_hometext, pc_informant, pc_eventDate, pc_endDate, pc_duration, pc_recurrtype, pc_recurrspec, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_alldayevent, pc_apptstatus, pc_prefcatid, pc_location, pc_eventstatus, pc_sharing, pc_facility)
VALUES ( " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_category']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($row['pc_multiple']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($to_be_inserted) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_pid']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_title']) . "', " .
"NOW(), " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_comments']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_SESSION['providerId']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($event_date) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom(fixDate($_POST['form_enddate'])) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom(($duration * 60)) . "', " .
"'" . ($_POST['form_repeat'] ? '1' : '0') . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($recurrspec) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($starttime) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($endtime) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_allday']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_apptstatus']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_prefcat']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($locationspec) . "', " .
"1, " .
"1, " . (int)$_POST['facility'] . " )"); // FF stuff
} // foreach
} //if count
// after the two diffs above, we must update for remaining providers
// those who are intersected in $providers_current and $providers_new
foreach ($_POST['form_provider_ae'] as $provider) {
sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET " .
"pc_catid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_category']) . "', " .
"pc_pid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_pid']) . "', " .
"pc_title = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_title']) . "', " .
"pc_time = NOW(), " .
"pc_hometext = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_comments']) . "', " .
"pc_informant = '" . add_escape_custom($_SESSION['providerId']) . "', " .
"pc_eventDate = '" . add_escape_custom($event_date) . "', " .
"pc_endDate = '" . add_escape_custom(fixDate($_POST['form_enddate'])) . "', " .
"pc_duration = '" . add_escape_custom(($duration * 60)) . "', " .
"pc_recurrtype = '" . ($_POST['form_repeat'] ? '1' : '0') . "', " .
"pc_recurrspec = '" . add_escape_custom($recurrspec) . "', " .
"pc_startTime = '" . add_escape_custom($starttime) . "', " .
"pc_endTime = '" . add_escape_custom($endtime) . "', " .
"pc_alldayevent = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_allday']) . "', " .
"pc_apptstatus = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_apptstatus']) . "', " .
"pc_prefcatid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_prefcat']) . "', " .
"pc_facility = '" . (int)$_POST['facility'] . "' " . // FF stuff
"WHERE pc_aid = '" . add_escape_custom($provider) . "' AND pc_multiple='" . add_escape_custom($row['pc_multiple']) . "'");
} // foreach
/* ==========================================
// multi providers EOS
} elseif (!$row['pc_multiple']) {
if ($GLOBALS['select_multi_providers']) {
$prov = $_POST['form_provider_ae'][0];
} else {
$prov = $_POST['form_provider_ae'];
$insert = false;
// simple provider case
sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET " .
"pc_catid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_category']) . "', " .
"pc_aid = '" . add_escape_custom($prov) . "', " .
"pc_pid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_pid']) . "', " .
"pc_title = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_title']) . "', " .
"pc_time = NOW(), " .
"pc_hometext = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_comments']) . "', " .
"pc_informant = '" . add_escape_custom($_SESSION['providerId']) . "', " .
"pc_eventDate = '" . add_escape_custom($event_date) . "', " .
"pc_endDate = '" . add_escape_custom(fixDate($_POST['form_enddate'])) . "', " .
"pc_duration = '" . add_escape_custom(($duration * 60)) . "', " .
"pc_recurrtype = '" . ($_POST['form_repeat'] ? '1' : '0') . "', " .
"pc_recurrspec = '" . add_escape_custom($recurrspec) . "', " .
"pc_startTime = '" . add_escape_custom($starttime) . "', " .
"pc_endTime = '" . add_escape_custom($endtime) . "', " .
"pc_alldayevent = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_allday']) . "', " .
"pc_apptstatus = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_apptstatus']) . "', " .
"pc_prefcatid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_prefcat']) . "', " .
"pc_facility = '" . (int)$_POST['facility'] . "' " . // FF stuff
"WHERE pc_eid = '" . add_escape_custom($eid) . "'");
// =======================================
// EOS multi providers case
// =======================================
$e2f = (int)$eid;
/* =======================================================
} else {
// =======================================
// multi providers case
// =======================================
if (is_array($_POST['form_provider_ae'])) {
// obtain the next available unique key to group multiple providers around some event
$q = sqlStatement("SELECT MAX(pc_multiple) as max FROM openemr_postcalendar_events");
$max = sqlFetchArray($q);
$new_multiple_value = $max['max'] + 1;
foreach ($_POST['form_provider_ae'] as $provider) {
sqlStatement("INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_events ( " .
"pc_catid, pc_multiple, pc_aid, pc_pid, pc_title, pc_time, pc_hometext, " .
"pc_informant, pc_eventDate, pc_endDate, pc_duration, pc_recurrtype, " .
"pc_recurrspec, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_alldayevent, " .
"pc_apptstatus, pc_prefcatid, pc_location, pc_eventstatus, pc_sharing, pc_facility " .
") VALUES ( " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_category']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($new_multiple_value) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($provider) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_pid']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_title']) . "', " .
"NOW(), " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_comments']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_SESSION['providerId']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($event_date) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom(fixDate($_POST['form_enddate'])) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom(($duration * 60)) . "', " .
"'" . ($_POST['form_repeat'] ? '1' : '0') . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($recurrspec) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($starttime) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($endtime) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_allday']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_apptstatus']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_prefcat']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($locationspec) . "', " .
"1, " .
"1, " . (int)$_POST['facility'] . " )"); // FF stuff
} // foreach
} else {
$_POST['form_apptstatus'] = '^';
$insert = true;
sqlStatement("INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_events ( " .
"pc_catid, pc_aid, pc_pid, pc_title, pc_time, pc_hometext, " .
"pc_informant, pc_eventDate, pc_endDate, pc_duration, pc_recurrtype, " .
"pc_recurrspec, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_alldayevent, " .
"pc_apptstatus, pc_prefcatid, pc_location, pc_eventstatus, pc_sharing, pc_facility " .
") VALUES ( " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_category']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_provider_ae']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_pid']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_title']) . "', " .
"NOW(), " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_comments']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_SESSION['providerId']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($event_date) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom(fixDate($_POST['form_enddate'])) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom(($duration * 60)) . "', " .
"'" . ($_POST['form_repeat'] ? '1' : '0') . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($recurrspec) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($starttime) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($endtime) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_allday']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_apptstatus']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($_POST['form_prefcat']) . "', " .
"'" . add_escape_custom($locationspec) . "', " .
"1, " .
"1, " . (int)$_POST['facility'] . ")"); // FF stuff
} // INSERT single
} // else - insert
} elseif ($_POST['form_action'] == "delete") {
// =======================================
// multi providers case
// =======================================
if ($GLOBALS['select_multi_providers']) {
// what is multiple key around this $eid?
$row = sqlQuery("SELECT pc_multiple FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($eid));
if ($row['pc_multiple']) {
sqlStatement("DELETE FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_multiple = ?", array($row['pc_multiple']));
} else {
sqlStatement("DELETE FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($eid));
// =======================================
// EOS multi providers case
// =======================================
} else {
sqlStatement("DELETE FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($eid));
if (!empty($_POST['form_action'])) {
// Leave
$type = $insert ? xl("A New Appointment") : xl("An Updated Appointment");
$note = $type . " " . xl("request was received from portal patient") . " ";
$note .= $_SESSION['ptName'] . " " . xl("regarding appointment dated") . " " . $event_date . " " . $starttime . ". ";
$note .= !empty($_POST['form_comments']) ? (xl("Reason") . " " . $_POST['form_comments']) : "";
$note .= ". " . xl("Use Portal Dashboard to confirm with patient.");
$title = xl("Patient Reminders");
$user = sqlQueryNoLog("SELECT users.username FROM users WHERE authorized = 1 And id = ?", array($_POST['form_provider_ae']));
$rtn = addPnote($_POST['form_pid'], $note, 1, 1, $title, $user['username'], '', 'New');
$_SESSION['whereto'] = '#appointmentcard';
// If we get this far then we are displaying the form.
$statuses = array(
'-' => '',
'*' => xl('* Reminder done'),
'+' => xl('+ Chart pulled'),
'x' => xl('x Cancelled'), // added Apr 2008 by JRM
'?' => xl('? No show'),
'@' => xl('@ Arrived'),
'~' => xl('~ Arrived late'),
'!' => xl('! Left w/o visit'),
'#' => xl('# Ins/fin issue'),
'<' => xl('< In exam room'),
'>' => xl('> Checked out'),
'$' => xl('$ Coding done'),
'^' => xl('^ Pending'),
$repeats = 0; // if the event repeats
$repeattype = '0';
$repeatfreq = '0';
$patienttitle = "";
$hometext = "";
$row = array();
// If we are editing an existing event, then get its data.
if ($eid) {
$row = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($eid));
$date = $row['pc_eventDate'];
$userid = $row['pc_aid'];
$patientid = $row['pc_pid'];
$starttimeh = substr($row['pc_startTime'], 0, 2) + 0;
$starttimem = substr($row['pc_startTime'], 3, 2);
$repeats = $row['pc_recurrtype'];
$multiple_value = $row['pc_multiple'];
if (preg_match('/"event_repeat_freq_type";s:1:"(\d)"/', $row['pc_recurrspec'], $matches)) {
$repeattype = $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/"event_repeat_freq";s:1:"(\d)"/', $row['pc_recurrspec'], $matches)) {
$repeatfreq = $matches[1];
$hometext = $row['pc_hometext'];
if (substr($hometext, 0, 6) == ':text:') {
$hometext = substr($hometext, 6);
} else {
$patientid = $_GET['pid'];
// If we have a patient ID, get the name and phone numbers to display.
if ($patientid) {
$prow = sqlQuery("SELECT lname, fname, phone_home, phone_biz, DOB " .
"FROM patient_data WHERE pid = ?", array($patientid));
$patientname = $prow['lname'] . ", " . $prow['fname'];
if ($prow['phone_home']) {
$patienttitle .= " H=" . $prow['phone_home'];
if ($prow['phone_biz']) {
$patienttitle .= " W=" . $prow['phone_biz'];
// Get the providers list.
$ures = sqlStatement("SELECT `id`, `username`, `fname`, `lname`, `mname` FROM `users` WHERE " .
"`authorized` != 0 AND `active` = 1 AND `username` > '' ORDER BY `lname`, `fname`");
//Set default facility for a new event based on the given 'userid'
if ($userid) {
$pref_facility = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement("SELECT facility_id, facility FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($userid)));
$e2f = $pref_facility['facility_id'];
$e2f_name = $pref_facility['facility'];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><?php echo $eid ? xlt("Edit Event") : xlt("Add New Event"); ?></title>
<?php // no header necessary. scope is home.php ?>
var durations = Array();
// Read the event categories, generate their options list, and get
// the default event duration from them if this is a new event.
$cattype = 0;
// Get event categories.
$cres = sqlStatement("SELECT pc_catid, pc_cattype, pc_catname, " .
"pc_recurrtype, pc_duration, pc_end_all_day " .
"FROM openemr_postcalendar_categories where pc_active = 1 ORDER BY pc_seq");
$catoptions = "";
$prefcat_options = " <option value='0'>-- " . xlt("None{{Category}}") . " --</option>\n";
$thisduration = 0;
if ($eid) {
$thisduration = $row['pc_alldayevent'] ? 1440 : round($row['pc_duration'] / 60);
while ($crow = sqlFetchArray($cres)) {
$duration = round($crow['pc_duration'] / 60);
if ($crow['pc_end_all_day']) {
$duration = 1440;
// This section is to build the list of preferred categories:
if ($duration) {
$prefcat_options .= " <option value='" . attr($crow['pc_catid']) . "'";
if ($eid) {
if ($crow['pc_catid'] == $row['pc_prefcatid']) {
$prefcat_options .= " selected";
$prefcat_options .= ">" . text(xl_appt_category($crow['pc_catname'])) . "</option>\n";
if ($crow['pc_cattype'] != $cattype) {
echo " durations[" . attr($crow['pc_catid']) . "] = " . attr($duration) . ";\n";
// echo " rectypes[" . $crow['pc_catid'] . "] = " . $crow['pc_recurrtype'] . "\n";
$catoptions .= " <option value='" . attr($crow['pc_catid']) . "'";
if ($eid) {
if ($crow['pc_catid'] == $row['pc_catid']) {
$catoptions .= " selected";
} else {
if ($crow['pc_catid'] == $default_catid) {
$catoptions .= " selected";
$thisduration = $duration;
$catoptions .= ">" . text(xl_appt_category($crow['pc_catname'])) . "</option>\n";
// Fix up the time format for AM/PM.
$startampm = '1';
if ($starttimeh >= 12) { // p.m. starts at noon and not 12:01
$startampm = '2';
if ($starttimeh > 12) {
$starttimeh -= 12;
<body class="skin-blue">
<div class="container-fluid">
<form method='post' name='theaddform' id='theaddform' action='add_edit_event_user.php?eid=<?php echo attr_url($eid); ?>'>
<div class="col-12">
<input type="hidden" name="form_action" id="form_action" value="" />
<input type='hidden' name='form_title' id='form_title' value='<?php echo $row['pc_catid'] ? attr($row['pc_title']) : xla("Office Visit"); ?>' />
<input type='hidden' name='form_apptstatus' id='form_apptstatus' value='<?php echo $row['pc_apptstatus'] ? attr($row['pc_apptstatus']) : "^" ?>' />
<div class="row form-group">
<div class="input-group col-12 col-md-6">
<label class="mr-2" for="form_category"><?php echo xlt('Visit'); ?>:</label>
<select class="form-control mb-1" onchange='set_category()' id='form_category' name='form_category' value='<?php echo ($row['pc_catid'] > "") ? attr($row['pc_catid']) : '5'; ?>'>
<?php echo $catoptions ?>
<div class="input-group col-12 col-md-6">
<label class="mr-2" for="form_date"><?php echo xlt('Date'); ?>:</label>
<input class="form-control mb-1" type='text' name='form_date' readonly id='form_date' value='<?php echo (isset($eid) && $eid) ? attr($row['pc_eventDate']) : attr($date); ?>' />
<div class="row">
<div class="form-group form-inline col-12">
<div class="input-group mb-1">
<label class="mr-2"><?php echo xlt('Time'); ?>:</label>
<input class="form-control col-2 col-md-3" type='text' name='form_hour' size='2' value='<?php echo (isset($eid)) ? $starttimeh : ''; ?>' title='<?php echo xla('Event start time'); ?>' readonly />
<input class="form-control col-2 col-md-3" type='text' name='form_minute' size='2' value='<?php echo (isset($eid)) ? $starttimem : ''; ?>' title='<?php echo xla('Event start time'); ?>' readonly />
<select class="form-control col-3 col-md-4" name='form_ampm' title='Note: 12:00 noon is PM, not AM' readonly>
<option value='1'><?php echo xlt('AM'); ?></option>
<option value='2'<?php echo ($startampm == '2') ? " selected" : ""; ?>><?php echo xlt('PM'); ?></option>
<div class="input-group">
<label class="mr-2" for="form_duration"><?php echo xlt('Duration'); ?></label>
<input class="form-control" type='text' size='1' id='form_duration' name='form_duration' value='<?php echo $row['pc_duration'] ? ($row['pc_duration'] * 1 / 60) : attr($thisduration) ?>' readonly />
<span class="input-group-append">
<span class="input-group-text"><?php echo "&nbsp;" . xlt('minutes'); ?></span>
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group col-12 mb-1">
<label class="mr-2" for="form_patient"><?php echo xlt('Patient'); ?>:</label>
<input class="form-control" type='text' id='form_patient' name='form_patient' value='<?php echo attr($patientname); ?>' title='Patient' readonly />
<input type='hidden' name='form_pid' value='<?php echo attr($patientid); ?>' />
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group col-12 mb-1">
<label class="mr-2" for="form_provider_ae"><?php echo xlt('Provider'); ?>:</label>
<select class="form-control" name='form_provider_ae' id='form_provider_ae' onchange='change_provider();'>
// present a list of providers to choose from
// default to the currently logged-in user
while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($ures)) {
echo "<option value='" . attr($urow['id']) . "'";
if (($urow['id'] == $_GET['userid']) || ($urow['id'] == $userid)) {
echo " selected";
echo ">" . text($urow['lname']);
if ($urow['fname']) {
echo ", " . text($urow['fname']);
echo "</option>\n";
<div class="text-right">
<input type='button' class='btn btn-success' value='<?php echo xla('Openings'); ?>' onclick='find_available()' />
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group col-12">
<label class="mr-2"><?php echo xlt('Reason'); ?>:</label>
<input class="form-control" type='text' size='40' name='form_comments' value='<?php echo attr($hometext); ?>' title='<?php echo xla('Optional information about this event'); ?>' />
<div class="row input-group my-1">
<?php if ($_GET['eid'] && $row['pc_apptstatus'] !== 'x') { ?>
<input type='button' id='form_cancel' class='btn btn-danger' onsubmit='return false' value='<?php echo xla('Cancel Appointment'); ?>' onclick="cancel_appointment()" />
<?php } ?>
<input type='button' name='form_save' class='btn btn-success' onsubmit='return false' value='<?php echo xla('Save'); ?>' onclick="validate()" />
function change_provider() {
var f = document.forms.namedItem("theaddform");
f.form_date.value = '';
f.form_hour.value = '';
f.form_minute.value = '';
function set_display() {
var f = document.forms.namedItem("theaddform");
var si = document.getElementById('form_category');
if (si.selectedIndex >= 0) {
var catid = si.options[si.selectedIndex].value;
//var style_apptstatus = document.getElementById('title_apptstatus').style;
//var style_prefcat = document.getElementById('title_prefcat').style;
// will keep this for future. not needed now.
function cancel_appointment() {
let f = document.forms.namedItem("theaddform");
let msg = <?php echo xlj("Click Okay if you are sure you want to cancel this appointment?") . "\n" .
xlj("It is prudent to follow up with provider if not contacted.") ?>;
let msg_reason = <?php echo xlj("You must enter a reason to cancel this appointment?") . "\n" .
xlj("Reason must be at least 10 characters!") ?>;
if (f.form_comments.value.length <= 10) {
return false;
let yn = confirm(msg);
if (!yn) {
return false;
document.getElementById('form_apptstatus').value = "x";
// Do whatever is needed when a new event category is selected.
// For now this means changing the event title and duration.
function set_category() {
var f = document.forms.namedItem("theaddform");
var s = f.form_category;
if (s.selectedIndex >= 0) {
var catid = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value;
f.form_title.value = s.options[s.selectedIndex].text;
f.form_duration.value = durations[catid];
// This is for callback by the find-available popup.
function setappt(year, mon, mday, hours, minutes) {
var f = document.forms.namedItem("theaddform");
f.form_date.value = '' + year + '-' +
('' + (mon + 100)).substring(1) + '-' +
('' + (mday + 100)).substring(1);
f.form_ampm.selectedIndex = (hours > 12) ? 1 : 0;
if (hours == 0) {
f.form_hour.value = 12;
} else {
f.form_hour.value = (hours >= 13) ? hours - 12 : hours;
f.form_minute.value = minutes;
function get_form_category_value() {
var catid = 0;
var f = document.forms.namedItem("theaddform");
var s = f.form_category;
if (s.selectedIndex >= 0) {
catid = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value;
return catid;
// Invoke the find-available popup.
function find_available() {
// when making an appointment for a specific provider
var catId = get_form_category_value() || 5;
var se = document.getElementById('form_provider_ae');
<?php if ($userid != 0) { ?>
s = se.value;
<?php } else {?>
s = se.options[se.selectedIndex].value;
<?php }?>
var formDate = document.getElementById('form_date');
var url = 'find_appt_popup_user.php?bypatient&providerid=' + encodeURIComponent(s) + '&catid=' + encodeURIComponent(catId)
+ '&startdate=' + encodeURIComponent(formDate.value);
var params = {
buttons: [
{text: <?php echo xlj('Cancel'); ?>, close: true, style: 'danger btn-sm'}
allowResize: true,
dialogId: 'apptDialog',
type: 'iframe'
dlgopen(url, 'apptFind', 'modal-md', 300, '', 'Find Date', params);
// Check for errors when the form is submitted.
function validate() {
var f = document.getElementById('theaddform');
if (!f.form_date.value || !f.form_hour.value || !f.form_minute.value) {
alert(<?php echo xlj('Please click on Openings to select a time.'); ?>);
return false;
if (f.form_patient.value == '') {
alert(<?php echo xlj('Your Id is missing. Cancel and try again.'); ?>);
return false;
var form_action = document.getElementById('form_action');
form_action.value = "save";
return false;
<?php if ($eid) { ?>
<?php } ?>
$(function () {