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* Functions to globally validate and prepare data for sql database insertion.
* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Rod Roark <>
* @author Brady Miller <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Rod Roark <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Brady Miller <>
* @license GNU General Public License 3
* Escape a parameter to prepare for a sql query.
* @param string $s Parameter to be escaped.
* @return string Escaped parameter.
function add_escape_custom($s)
//prepare for safe mysql insertion
$s = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], ($s ?? ''));
return $s;
* Escape a sql limit variable to prepare for a sql query.
* This will escape integers within the LIMIT ?, ? part of a sql query.
* Note that there is a maximum value to these numbers, which is why
* should only use for the LIMIT ? , ? part of the sql query and why
* this is centralized to a function (in case need to upgrade this
* function to support larger numbers in the future).
* @param string $s Limit variable to be escaped.
* @return string Escaped limit variable.
function escape_limit($s)
//prepare for safe mysql insertion
$s = (int)$s;
return $s;
* Escape/sanitize a sql sort order keyword variable to prepare for a sql query.
* This will escape/sanitize the sort order keyword. It is done by whitelisting
* only certain keywords(asc,desc). If the keyword is illegal, then will default
* to asc.
* @param string $s Sort order keyword variable to be escaped/sanitized.
* @return string Escaped sort order keyword variable.
function escape_sort_order($s)
return escape_identifier(strtolower($s), array("asc","desc"));
* If parameter string contains comma(,) delimeter
* Splits parameter string into an array, using comma(,) as delimeter
* else it returns original string
* @param string $s string to be processed
* @return array $columns an array formed by spliting $s with comma(,) delimeter
function process_cols_escape($s)
//returns an array of columns
$columns = explode(",", $s);
if (count($columns) > 1) {
return $columns;
return $s;
* Escape/sanitize a table sql column name for a sql query..
* This will escape/sanitize the sql column name for a sql query. It is done by whitelisting
* all of the current sql column names in the openemr database from a table(s). Note that if
* there is no match, then it will die() and a error message will be sent to the screen and
* the error log. This function should not be used for escaping tables outside the openemr
* database (should use escape_identifier() function below for that scenario)
* @param string|array $s sql column name(s) variable to be escaped/sanitized.
* @param array $tables The table(s) that the sql columns is from (in an array).
* @param boolean $long Use long form (ie. table.colname) vs short form (ie. colname).
* @param boolean $throwException Whether to throw a SQL exception instead of dieing
* @return string Escaped table name variable.
function escape_sql_column_name($s, $tables, $long = false, $throwException = false)
// If $s is asterisk return asterisk to select all columns
if ($s === "*") {
return "*";
// If $s is an array process then use recursion to check each column
if (is_array($s)) {
$multiple_columns = [];
foreach ($s as $column) {
$multiple_columns[] = escape_sql_column_name(trim($column), $tables);
return implode(", ", $multiple_columns);
// If the $tables is empty, then process them all
if (empty($tables)) {
$res = sqlStatementNoLog("SHOW TABLES");
$tables = array();
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$keys_return = array_keys($row);
$tables[] = $row[$keys_return[0]];
// First need to escape the $tables
$tables_escaped = array();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$tables_escaped[] = escape_table_name($table);
// Collect all the possible sql columns from the tables
$columns_options = array();
foreach ($tables_escaped as $table_escaped) {
$res = sqlStatementNoLog("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $table_escaped);
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
if ($long) {
$columns_options[] = $table_escaped . "." . $row['Field'];
} else {
$columns_options[] = $row['Field'];
// Now can escape(via whitelisting) the sql column name
$dieIfNoMatch = !$throwException;
return escape_identifier($s, $columns_options, $dieIfNoMatch, true, $throwException);
* Escape/sanitize a table name for a sql query. This function can also can be used to
* process tables that contain any upper case letters.
* This will escape/sanitize the table name for a sql query. It is done by whitelisting
* all of the current tables in the openemr database. The matching is not case sensitive,
* although it will attempt a case sensitive match before proceeding to a case insensitive
* match (see below escape_identifier() function for more details on this). Note that if
* there is no match, then it will die() and a error message will be sent to the screen
* and the error log. This function should not be used for escaping tables outside the
* openemr database (should use escape_identifier() function below for that scenario).
* Another use of this function is to deal with casing issues that arise in tables that
* contain upper case letter(s) (these tables can be huge issues when transferring databases
* from Windows to Linux and vice versa); this function can avoid this issues if run the
* table name through this function (To avoid confusion, there is a wrapper function
* entitled mitigateSqlTableUpperCase() that is used when just need to mitigate casing
* for table names that contain any uppercase letters).
* @param string $s sql table name variable to be escaped/sanitized.
* @return string Escaped table name variable.
function escape_table_name($s)
$res = sqlStatementNoLog("SHOW TABLES");
$tables_array = array();
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$keys_return = array_keys($row);
$tables_array[] = $row[$keys_return[0]];
// Now can escape(via whitelisting) the sql table name
return escape_identifier($s, $tables_array, true, false);
* Process tables that contain any upper case letters; this is simple a wrapper function of
* escape_table_name() above when using it for the sole purpose of mitigating sql table names
* that contain upper case letters.
* @param string $s sql table name variable to be escaped/sanitized.
* @return string Escaped table name variable.
function mitigateSqlTableUpperCase($s)
return escape_table_name($s);
* Escape/sanitize a sql identifier variable to prepare for a sql query.
* This will escape/sanitize a sql identifier. There are two options provided by this
* function.
* The first option is done by whitelisting ($whitelist_items is array) and in this case
* only certain identifiers (listed in the $whitelist_items array) can be used; if
* there is no match, then it will either default to the first item in the $whitelist_items
* (if $die_if_no_match is FALSE) or it will die() and send an error message to the screen
* and log (if $die_if_no_match is TRUE). Note there is an option to allow case insensitive
* matching; if this option is chosen, it will first attempt a case sensitive match and if this
* fails, then attempt a case insensitive match.
* The second option is done by checking against a regex expression, which would use as a string
* in $whitelist_items (for example, 'a-zA-Z0-9_'). If $die_if_no_match is true, then will die
* if any illegal characters are found. If $die_if_no_match is false, then will remove the illegal
* characters and send back string of only the legal characters.
* The first option is ideal if all the possible identifiers are known, however we realize this
* may not always be the case.
* @param string $s Sql identifier variable to be escaped/sanitized.
* @param array/string $whitelist_items Items used in whitelisting method (See function description for details of whitelisting method).
* Standard use is to use a array. If use a string, then should be regex expression of allowed
* characters (for example 'a-zA-Z0-9_').
* @param boolean $die_if_no_match If there is no match in the whitelist, then die and echo an error to screen and log.
* @param boolean $case_sens_match Use case sensitive match (this is default).
* @param boolean $throw_exception_if_no_match If there is no match in the whitelist then throw an exception
* @return string Escaped/sanitized sql identifier variable.
function escape_identifier($s, $whitelist_items, $die_if_no_match = false, $case_sens_match = true, $throw_exception_if_no_match = false)
if (is_array($whitelist_items)) {
// Only return an item within the whitelist_items
$ok = $whitelist_items;
// First, search for case sensitive match
$key = array_search($s, $ok);
if ($key === false) {
// No match
if (!$case_sens_match) {
// Attempt a case insensitive match
$ok_UPPER = array_map("strtoupper", $ok);
$key = array_search(strtoupper($s), $ok_UPPER);
if ($key === false) {
// Still no match
if ($die_if_no_match) {
// No match and $die_if_no_match is set, so die() and send error messages to screen and log
error_Log("ERROR: OpenEMR SQL Escaping ERROR of the following string: " . errorLogEscape($s), 0);
die("<br /><span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'>" . xlt("There was an OpenEMR SQL Escaping ERROR of the following string") . " " . text($s) . "</span><br />");
} else if ($throw_exception_if_no_match) {
throw new \OpenEMR\Common\Database\SqlQueryException("", "ERROR: OpenEMR SQL Escaping ERROR of the following string: " . errorLogEscape($s));
} else {
// Return first token since no match
$key = 0;
return $ok[$key];
} else {
if ($die_if_no_match) {
if (preg_match('/[^' . $whitelist_items . ']/', $s)) {
// Contains illegal character and $die_if_no_match is set, so die() and send error messages to screen and log
error_Log("ERROR: OpenEMR SQL Escaping ERROR of the following string: " . errorLogEscape($s), 0);
die("<br /><span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;'>" . xlt("There was an OpenEMR SQL Escaping ERROR of the following string") . " " . text($s) . "</span><br />");
} else if ($throw_exception_if_no_match) {
throw new \OpenEMR\Common\Database\SqlQueryException("", "ERROR: OpenEMR SQL Escaping ERROR of the following string: " . errorLogEscape($s));
} else {
// Contains all legal characters, so return the legal string
return $s;
} else {
// Since not using $die_if_no_match, then will remove the illegal characters and send back a legal string
return preg_replace('/[^' . $whitelist_items . ']/', '', $s);
* (Note this function is deprecated for new scripts and is only utilized to support legacy scripts)
* Function to manage POST, GET, and REQUEST variables.
* @param string $name name of the variable requested.
* @param string $type 'P', 'G' for post or get data, otherwise uses request.
* @param bool $istrim whether to use trim() on the data.
* @return string variable requested, or empty string
function formData($name, $type = 'P', $isTrim = false)
if ($type == 'P') {
$s = isset($_POST[$name]) ? $_POST[$name] : '';
} elseif ($type == 'G') {
$s = isset($_GET[$name]) ? $_GET[$name] : '';
} else {
$s = isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ? $_REQUEST[$name] : '';
return formDataCore($s, $isTrim);
* (Note this function is deprecated for new scripts and is only utilized to support legacy scripts)
* Core function that will be called by formData.
* Note it can also be called directly if preparing
* normal variables (not GET,POST, or REQUEST)
* @param string $s
* @param bool $istrim whether to use trim() on the data.
* @return string
function formDataCore($s, $isTrim = false)
//trim if selected
if ($isTrim) {
$s = trim($s);
//add escapes for safe database insertion
$s = add_escape_custom($s);
return $s;