You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1269 lines
47 KiB

* edih_segments.php
* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Kevin McCormick Longview, Texas
* @author Stephen Waite <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Kevin McCormick Longview, Texas
* @license GNU General Public License 3
* increment loop values ($lpval is a reference)
* @param $lptest the prospective loop value
* @param &$lpval the present loop value -- reassigned here
* @return integer value from strcmp()
function edih_change_loop($lptest, &$lpval)
// strcmp($str1,$str2) Returns < 0 if str1 is less than str2; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal.
if (strcmp($lptest, $lpval) > 0) {
//echo "$lptest greater than $lpval" .PHP_EOL;
$lpval = $lptest;
return strcmp($lptest, $lpval);
* format segments for display of x12 edi files
* @param array $segments
* @param string $delimiter
* return string
function edih_segments_text($segments, $delimiter)
$str_html = '';
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
// debug
csv_edihist_log('edih_generic_text: invalid argument');
$str_html = "Invalid arguments for view of x12 file text<br />";
return $str_html;
$de = $delimiter;
$loopid = " -- ";
$idx = 0;
foreach ($segments as $key => $seg) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
* identify loops and format segments for display
* of 837 (professional claim) type x12 edi files
* @param array $segments
* @param string $delimiter
* return string
function edih_837_text($segments, $delimiter, $err_seg = '')
$str_html = '';
$err_ar = array();
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
// debug
csv_edihist_log('edih_837_text: invalid argument');
$str_html .= "Invalid arguments for view of x12 file text<br />";
return $str_html;
// to highlight identified errors listed in 999/997 ack
if ($err_seg) {
$er = edih_errseg_parse($err_seg);
$erstn = (isset($er['trace'])) ? substr($er['trace'], -4) : '';
$erseg = (isset($er['err'])) ? $er['err'] : array();
} else {
$erstn = '';
$erseg = array();
$de = $delimiter;
$loopid = "0";
$idx = 0;
$stkey = 0;
$segnum = 0;
$stsegct = 0;
$bterr = 'btseg';
foreach ($segments as $key => $seg) {
$title = '';
$bterr = 'btseg';
if ($erstn && ($erstn == $stn)) {
$bterr = (in_array($stsegct, $erseg)) ? 'bterr' : 'btseg';
if (strncmp('ST' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Header';
$stkey = (int)$key;
$stsegct = 1;
$stn = explode($de, $seg)[2];
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('BHT' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Begin';
$stsegct = 2;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('HL' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
if ($sar[3] == '20') { // level code
$loopid = '2000A'; // billing provider (clinic)
} elseif ($sar[3] == '22') {
$loopid = '2000B'; // subscriber
} elseif ($sar[3] == '23' || $sar[3] == 'PT') {
$loopid = '2000C'; // dependent
$has_eb = false;
} else {
csv_edihist_log('edih_837_text: HL has no level ' . $seg);
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('CLM' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2300';
$title = 'Claim';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
if (strncmp('SBR' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
if ($loopid == '2000B') {
$title = 'Subscriber';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$title = 'Other Subscriber';
$loopid = '2320';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'> -- </td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
if (strncmp('LX' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = '2400';
$title = 'Svc Line Number';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
if (strncmp('LIN' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2410';
$title = 'Drug ID';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
if (strncmp('SVD' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2430';
$title = 'Line Adjudication';
$str_html .= "<tr></tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
if (strncmp('NM1' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
$nm101 = ( isset($sar[1]) ) ? $sar[1] : '';
if ($loopid == 'Begin' || strcmp(substr($loopid, 0, 4), '2320') < 0) {
if ($nm101 == '41') {
$loopid = '1000A';
$title = 'Submitter';
} elseif ($nm101 == '40') {
$loopid = '1000B';
$title = 'Receiver';
} elseif ($nm101 == '85') {
$loopid = '2010AA';
$title = 'Billing';
} elseif ($nm101 == '87') {
$loopid = '2010AB';
$title = 'Pay to';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'PE') {
$loopid = '2010AC';
$title = 'Pay to Plan';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'IL') {
$loopid = '2010BA';
$title = 'Subscriber';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'PR') {
$loopid = '2010BB';
$title = 'Payer';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'QC') {
$loopid = '2010CA';
$title = 'Patient';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'DN') {
$loopid = '2310A';
$title = 'Referring Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'P3') {
$loopid = '2310A';
$title = 'Primary Care Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == '82') {
$loopid = '2310B';
$title = 'Rendering Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == '77') {
$loopid = '2310C';
$title = 'Service Facility';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'DQ') {
$loopid = '2310D';
$title = 'Supervising Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'PW') {
$loopid = '2310E';
$title = 'Ambulance pickup';
} elseif ($nm101 == '45') {
$loopid = '2310F';
$title = 'Ambulance dropoff';
} elseif (strcmp(substr($loopid, 0, 4), '2400') < 0) {
if ($nm101 == 'IL') {
$loopid = '2330A';
$title = 'Other Subscriber';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'PR') {
$loopid = '2330B';
$title = 'Other Payer';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'PR') {
$loopid = '2330C';
$title = 'Other Referring Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == '82') {
$loopid = '2330D';
$title = 'Other Rendering Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == '77') {
$loopid = '2330E';
$title = 'Other Svc Facility';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'DQ') {
$loopid = '2330F';
$title = 'Other Supervising Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == '85') {
$loopid = '2330G';
$title = 'Other Billing Provider';
} else {
if ($nm101 == '82') {
$loopid = '2420A';
$title = 'Rendering Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'QB') {
$loopid = '2420B';
$title = 'Purchased Svc Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == '77') {
$loopid = '2420C';
$title = 'Service Facility';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'DQ') {
$loopid = '2420D';
$title = 'Supervising Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'DK') {
$loopid = '2420E';
$title = 'Ordering Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'DN') {
$loopid = '2420F';
$title = 'Referring Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'P3') {
$loopid = '2420F';
$title = 'Primary Care Provider';
} elseif ($nm101 == 'PW') {
$loopid = '2420G';
$title = 'Ambulance pickup';
} elseif ($nm101 == '45') {
$loopid = '2420H';
$title = 'Ambulance dropoff';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
if (strncmp('SE' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Trailer';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$title = '';
// for all the segments that do not begin loops
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'> -- </td><td class='btnum' title='" . attr($key) . "'>" . text($stsegct) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
* identify loops and format segments for display
* of 270/271 (eligibility) type x12 edi files
* @param array $segments
* @param string $delimiter
* return string
function edih_271_text($segments, $delimiter, $err_seg = '')
$str_html = '';
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
// debug
csv_edihist_log('edih_271_text: invalid argument');
$str_html .= "Invalid arguments for view of x12 file text<br />";
return $str_html;
$de = $delimiter;
$prevseg = '';
$loopid = "0";
$lx_ct = 0;
$hasst = false;
$idx = 0;
$stsegct = 0;
// to highlight identified errors listed in 999/997 ack (for 270)
if ($err_seg) {
$er = edih_errseg_parse($err_seg);
$erstn = (isset($er['trace'])) ? substr($er['trace'], -4) : '';
$erseg = (isset($er['err'])) ? $er['err'] : array();
} else {
$erstn = '';
$erseg = array();
if ($err_seg) {
$er = edih_errseg_parse($err_seg);
if (is_array($er) && count($er)) {
$err_ar = $er;
foreach ($segments as $key => $seg) {
$sar = array();
$bterr = 'btseg';
if ($erstn && ($erstn == $stn)) {
$bterr = (in_array($stsegct, $erseg)) ? 'bterr' : 'btseg';
if (strncmp('ST' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
$loopid = 'Header';
$hasst = true;
$stsegct = 1;
$sttp = (isset($seg[1])) ? $seg[1] : '';
$stn = (isset($seg[2])) ? $seg[2] : '';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('BHT' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Begin';
// 2nd seg in transaction, ST may not be included if segments are transaction slice
if ($stsegct < 2) {
$stsegct = 2;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('HL' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
if ($sar[3] == '20') { // level code
$loopid = '2000A'; // info source (payer)
} elseif ($sar[3] == '21') {
$loopid = '2000B'; // info receiver (clinic)
} elseif ($sar[3] == '22') {
$loopid = '2000C'; // subscriber
$has_eb = false;
} elseif ($sar[3] == '23') {
$loopid = '2000D'; // dependent
$has_eb = false;
} else {
csv_edihist_log('edih_271_text: HL has no level ' . $seg);
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'HL' . $de;
if (strncmp('NM1' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
if (strncmp('NM1' . $de, $prevseg, 4) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
switch ((string)$loopid) {
case '2000A':
$loopid = '2100A';
break; // edih_change_loop($lptest, &$lpval)
case '2000B':
$loopid = '2100B';
case '2000C':
$loopid = '2100C';
case '2000D':
$loopid = '2100D';
$loopid = $loopid;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'NM1' . $de;
if (strncmp('EB' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0 || strncmp('EQ' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
// EB* segment is in 271 type, EQ* is corresponding segment in 270 type
if (strncmp($seg, $prevseg, 3) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, 3);
if ($loopid = '2100C' || $loopid = '2115C' || $loopid = '2120C') {
$loopid = '2110C';
} elseif ($loopid = '2100D' || $loopid = '2115D' || $loopid = '2120D') {
$loopid = '2110D';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, 3);
$has_eb = (strncmp('EB' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0);
$has_iii = false;
if (strncmp('III' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0 && $has_eb) {
// the III segment begins a loop in 271 type, but not in 270
if ($loopid = '2110C') {
$loopid = '2115C';
if ($loopid = '2100D') {
$loopid = '2115D';
if ($has_iii) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'></td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$has_iii = true;
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, 4);
if (strncmp('LS' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
if ($loopid = '2110C' || $loopid = '2115C') {
$loopid = '2120C';
} elseif ($loopid = '2110D' || $loopid = '2115D') {
$loopid = '2120D';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('SE' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>Trailer</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$loopid = '0';
// for all the segments that do not begin loops
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, strpos($seg, $de) + 1);
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
function edih_835_text($segments, $delimiter, $err_seg = '')
$str_html = '';
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
csv_edihist_log('edih_835_text: invalid segments');
$str_html .= "Invalid arguments for view of x12 file text<br />";
return $str_html;
$de = $delimiter;
$prevseg = '';
$loopid = "0";
$lx_ct = 0;
$idx = 0;
foreach ($segments as $key => $seg) {
if (strncmp('ST' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Header';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('N1' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
if ($sar[1] == 'PR') {
$loopid = '1000A';
} elseif ($sar[1] == 'PE') {
$loopid = '1000B';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'N1' . $de;
if (strncmp('LX' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = '2000';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'LX' . $de;
if (strncmp('TS3' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
if ($loopid == '2000') {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$loopid = '2000';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'TS3' . $de;
if (strncmp('CLP' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2100';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'CLP' . $de;
if (strncmp('SVC' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2110';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'SVC' . $de;
if (strncmp('PLB' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Adjust';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'PLB' . $de;
if (strncmp('SE' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Trailer';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'SE' . $de;
// for all the segments that do not begin loops
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, 3);
$prevseg .= $de;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
* identify loops and format segments for display
* of 277 (claim status) type x12 edi files
* @param array $segments
* @param string $delimiter
* return string
function edih_277_text($segments, $delimiter, $stpos = '')
$str_html = '';
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
csv_edihist_log('edih_277_text: invlid segments');
$str_html .= "Invalid arguments for view of x12 file text<br />";
return $str_html;
// to highlight identified errors listed in 999/997 ack (for 276)
//if ($err_seg) {
//$er = edih_errseg_parse($err_seg);
//$erstn = (isset($er['trace'])) ? substr($er['trace'], -4) : '';
//$erseg = (isset($er['err'])) ? $er['err'] : array();
//} else {
//$erstn = '';
//$erseg = array();
$de = $delimiter;
$prevseg = '';
$loopid = "0";
$lx_ct = 0;
$stsegct = 0;
//$idx = 0;
foreach ($segments as $idx => $seg) {
$key = ($stpos) ? $idx - $stpos : $idx;
// if 276 transactions are parsed, 999 errors may be present
//if ($erstn && ($erstn == $stn)) {
//$bterr = (in_array($stsegct, $erseg)) ? 'bterr' : 'btseg';
if (strncmp('ST' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Header';
$stsegct = 1;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('BHT' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Begin';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('HL' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
if ($sar[3] == '20') { // level code
$loopid = '2000A'; // info source (payer)
} elseif ($sar[3] == '21') {
$loopid = '2000B'; // info receiver (clinic)
} elseif ($sar[3] == '19') {
$loopid = '2000C'; // provider
} elseif ($sar[3] == '22' || $sar[3] == 'PT') {
$loopid = '2000D'; // subscriber
} elseif ($sar[3] == '23') {
$loopid = '2000E'; // dependent
} else {
csv_edihist_log('edih_277_text: HL has no level ' . $seg);
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'HL' . $de;
if (strncmp('NM1' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
if (strncmp('NM1' . $de, $prevseg, 4) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
switch ((string)$loopid) {
case '2000A':
$loopid = '2100A';
break; // edih_change_loop($lptest, &$lpval)
case '2000B':
$loopid = '2100B';
case '2000C':
$loopid = '2100C';
case '2000D':
$loopid = '2100D';
case '2000E':
$loopid = '2100E';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'NM1';
if (strncmp('TRN' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
if (strncmp('TRN' . $de, $prevseg, 4) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
switch ((string)$loopid) {
case '2100A':
$loopid = '2200A';
case '2100B':
$loopid = '2200B';
case '2100C':
$loopid = '2200C';
case '2100D':
$loopid = '2200D';
case '2100E':
$loopid = '2200E';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'TRN';
if (strncmp('SVC' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
if (strncmp('SVC' . $de, $prevseg, 4) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
switch ((string)$loopid) {
case '2200D':
$loopid = '2220D';
case '2200E':
$loopid = '2220E';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'SVC';
if (strncmp('SE' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Trailer';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'SE';
// for all the segments that do not begin loops
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, 3);
$prevseg .= $de;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
* identify loops and format segments for display
* of 278 (authorization) type x12 edi files
* @param array $segments
* @param string $delimiter
* return string
function edih_278_text($segments, $delimiter, $err_seg = '')
$str_html = '';
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
// debug
csv_edihist_log('edih_278_text(): invalid argument');
$str_html .= "Invalid arguments for view of x12 file text<br />";
return $str_html;
$de = $delimiter;
$prevseg = '';
$loopid = "0";
$lx_ct = 0;
$hasst = false;
$err_ar = array();
$idx = 0;
$stsegct = 0;
// to highlight identified errors listed in 999/997 ack
if ($err_seg) {
$er = edih_errseg_parse($err_seg);
$erstn = (isset($er['trace'])) ? substr($er['trace'], -4) : '';
$erseg = (isset($er['err'])) ? $er['err'] : array();
} else {
$erstn = '';
$erseg = array();
foreach ($segments as $key => $seg) {
$title = '';
$bterr = 'btseg';
if ($erstn && ($erstn == $stn)) {
$bterr = (in_array($stsegct, $erseg)) ? 'bterr' : 'btseg';
if (strncmp('ST' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Header';
$hasst = true;
$stsegct = 1;
$stn = explode($de, $seg)[2];
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('BHT' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Begin';
// 2nd seg in transaction, ST may not be included if segments are transaction slice
if ($stsegct < 2) {
$stsegct = 2;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp($seg, 'HL' . $de, 3) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
$hl = $sar[1];
$hlpc = $sar[2]; // parent code
$hllc = $sar[3];
$hlcc = (isset($sar[4])) ? $sar[4] : ''; // child code
if ($sar[3] == '20') { // level code
$loopid = '2000A'; // info source (payer)
$title = 'Info Source';
} elseif ($sar[3] == '21') {
$loopid = '2000B'; // info receiver (clinic)
$title = 'Info Receiver';
} elseif ($sar[3] == '22') {
$loopid = '2000C'; // subscriber
$title = 'Subscriber';
} elseif ($sar[3] == '23') {
$loopid = '2000D'; // dependent
$title = 'Dependent';
} elseif ($sar[3] == 'EV') {
$loopid = '2000E'; // patient event
$title = 'Patient Event';
} elseif ($sar[3] == 'SS') {
$loopid = '2000F'; // service
$title = 'Service';
} else {
csv_edihist_log('edih_278_text: HL has no level ' . $seg);
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop' title='" . attr($title) . "'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'HL';
if (strncmp($seg, 'NM1' . $de, 4) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
$nm101 = $sar[1];
if ($loopid == '2000A') {
$loopid == '2010A'; // Source
} elseif ($loopid == '2000B') {
$loopid = '2010B'; // Receiver
} elseif ($loopid == '2000C') {
$loopid = '2010C'; // Subscriber
} elseif ($loopid == '2000D') {
$loopid = '2010D'; // Dependent
} elseif ($loopid == '2000E' || strpos($loopid, '010E')) { // Patient Event
$loopid = (strpos('|71|72|73|77|AAJ|DD|DK|DN|FA|G3|P3|QB|QV|SJ', $nm101) ) ? '2010EA' : $loopid;
$loopid = (strpos('|45|FS|ND|PW|R3', $nm101) ) ? '2010EB' : $loopid;
$loopid = ($nm101 == 'L5') ? '2010EC' : $loopid;
} elseif ($loopid == '2000F' || strpos($loopid, '010F')) { // Service
$loopid = (strpos('|71|72|73|77|AAJ|DD|DK|DN|FA|G3|P3|QB|QV|SJ', $nm101) ) ? '2010FA' : $loopid;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$prevseg = 'NM1';
if (strncmp('SE' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>Trailer</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$loopid = '0';
$prevseg = 'SE';
// for all the segments that do not begin loops
$prevseg = substr($seg, 0, strpos($seg, $de));
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='" . attr($bterr) . "'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
* identify loops and format segments for display
* of 997/999 (acknowledgement) type x12 edi files
* @param array $segments
* @param string $delimiter
* return string
function edih_997_text($segments, $delimiter)
$str_html = '';
if (!is_array($segments) || !count($segments) || strlen($delimiter) != 1) {
csv_edihist_log('edih_997_text(): invalid segments');
return $str_html;
$de = $delimiter;
$loopid = "0";
//echo 'edih_997_text() foreach segment count: '.count($segments).PHP_EOL;
foreach ($segments as $key => $seg) {
//echo var_dump($seg).PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('TA1' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
$rspicn = $sar[1];
$loopid = 'ACK'; // not official
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$loopid = ''; // reset loop for subsequent segments
if (strncmp('ST' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Header';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('AK1' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$sar = explode($de, $seg);
$rsptp = csv_file_type($sar[1]);
if ($rspicn && $rsptp) {
$rspfile = csv_file_by_controlnum($rsptp, $rspicn);
$title = ($rspfile) ? 'response to ' . $rspfile : '';
$loopid = '2000';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td title='" . attr($title) . "' class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('AK2' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = 'AK2';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('IK3' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0 || strncmp('AK3' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2100';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('IK4' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0 || strncmp('AK4' . $de, $seg, 4) === 0) {
$loopid = '2110';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
if (strncmp('SE' . $de, $seg, 3) === 0) {
$loopid = 'Trailer';
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'>" . text($loopid) . "</td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
// for all the segments that do not begin loops ;
$str_html .= "<tr><td class='btloop'> -- </td><td class='btnum'>" . text($key) . "</td><td class='btseg'>" . text($seg) . "</td></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
* Display of x12 edi transaction listing or all segments in the files.
* When using $err_info, you must use the filepath of the submitted file
* @param string $filepath path to desired file
* @param string $filetype used when filepath is just filename
* @param string optional $claimid CLM01, or BHT03 to identify a transaction or a trace value
* @param bool false: $claimid is pt transaction, true: $claimid is trace from 835 or 999
* @param string optional $err_info the prepared error info from a 997/999 response
* @return string html for display of file segments
function edih_display_text($filepath, $filetype = '', $claimid = '', $trace = false, $err_info = '')
$str_html = '';
$de = '';
$segments = '';
$stsegkey = '';
$ft = ($filetype) ? $filetype : '';
$errs = ( strlen($err_info) ) ? $err_info : '';
$bht03 = '';
// verify x12 file
$x12obj = csv_check_x12_obj($filepath, $ft);
if ($x12obj && 'edih_x12_file' == get_class($x12obj)) {
$ftype = $x12obj->edih_type();
$ft = csv_file_type($ftype);
$delims = $x12obj->edih_delimiters();
$de = $delims['e'];
$fn = $x12obj->edih_filename();
$segs_ar = $x12obj->edih_segments();
$env_ar = $x12obj->edih_envelopes();
if (!$de || strlen($de) != 1) {
// error in object
// debug
$str_html = 'edih_display_text(): error in delimiters<br />' . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= $x12obj->edih_message() . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
if (!is_array($segs_ar) || !count($segs_ar)) {
// unknown error
$str_html = "<p>unknown error retrieving segments for " . text($fn) . "</p>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= $x12obj->edih_message() . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
} else {
csv_edihist_log('edih_transaction_text(): invalid path ' . $filepath);
$str_html = 'edih_display_text(): error accessing file<br />' . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
if ($claimid) {
// claimid can be for transaction, payment, or error response
if ($trace && array_key_exists($claimid, $env_ar['ISA'])) {
$arg_ar = array('ISA13' => $claimid, 'keys' => true);
$segments = $x12obj->edih_x12_slice($arg_ar);
} else {
// claimid alone can be clm01 or bht03, if trace=true, expect trn02 for claimid
foreach ($env_ar['ST'] as $st) {
if ($trace && $claimid == $st['trace']) {
$arg_ar = array('ISA13' => $st['icn'], 'GS06' => $st['gsn'], 'trace' => $claimid, 'keys' => true);
$segments = $x12obj->edih_x12_slice($arg_ar);
} elseif (in_array($claimid, $st['acct'])) {
if ($errs) {
$arg_ar = array('ST02' => $st['stn'], 'ISA13' => $st['icn'], 'GS06' => $st['gsn'], 'keys' => true);
$segments = $x12obj->edih_x12_slice($arg_ar);
} else {
// request for individual transaction segments
$segments = $x12obj->edih_x12_transaction($claimid);
} elseif (in_array($claimid, $st['bht03'])) {
// also possible that bht03 number is given for claimid
// this will likely be a 27x
if ($errs) {
$arg_ar = array('ST02' => $st['stn'], 'ISA13' => $st['icn'], 'GS06' => $st['gsn'], 'keys' => true);
$segments = $x12obj->edih_x12_slice($arg_ar);
} else {
$segments = $x12obj->edih_x12_transaction($claimid);
$bht03 = $claimid;
} else {
$segments = $segs_ar;
// now check if we have segments
if (empty($segments) || !count($segments)) {
if ($claimid) {
$str_html = "<p>error: transaction " . text($claimid) . " not found in " . text($fn) . "</p>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= $x12obj->edih_message() . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
} else {
// unknown error
$str_html = "<p>unknown error retrieving segments for " . text($fn) . "</p>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= $x12obj->edih_message() . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;
// if the segments are from a slice or transaction
// a multidimensional array segs[i][j] must be flattened
$ar_sngl = csv_singlerecord_test($segments);
// false when segments are a transaction or trace only
if (!$ar_sngl) {
// append segments to single array
// keys should not duplicate since all segments
// are from the same x12 file
$trnsegs = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($segments); $i++) {
$trnsegs = array_merge($trnsegs, $segments[$i]);
$segments = $trnsegs;
$capstr = '';
$tbl_id = ($claimid) ? $claimid : $fn;
//'HB'=>'271', 'HS'=>'270', 'HR'=>'276', 'HI'=>'278','HN'=>'277', 'HP'=>'835', 'FA'=>'999', 'HC'=>'837');
switch ((string)$ftype) {
case 'HC':
$capstr = "Claim "; //$cls = "txt837";
$trn_html = edih_837_text($segments, $de, $errs);
case 'HP':
$capstr = "Payment "; //$cls = "txt835";
$trn_html = edih_835_text($segments, $de);
case 'HR':
$capstr = "Status Query "; //$cls = "txt276";
$trn_html = edih_277_text($segments, $de, $errs);
case 'HN':
$capstr = "Claim Status "; //$cls = "txt277";
$trn_html = edih_277_text($segments, $de, $stsegkey);
case 'HS':
$capstr = "Eligibility Query "; //$cls = "txt270";
$trn_html = edih_271_text($segments, $de, $errs);
case 'HB':
$capstr = "Eligibility Report "; //$cls = "txt271";
$trn_html = edih_271_text($segments, $de);
case 'HI':
$capstr = "Authorization "; //$cls = "txt278";
$trn_html = edih_278_text($segments, $de, $errs);
case 'FA':
$capstr = "Batch Acknowledgment "; //$cls = "txt997";
$trn_html = edih_997_text($segments, $de);
$capstr = "x12 $ftype "; //$cls = "txt_x12";
$trn_html = edih_segments_text($segments, $de);
$capstr .= ($claimid) ? " ID: " . text($claimid) : "";
$str_html .= "<table id=" . attr($tbl_id) . " cols=3 class='segtxt'><caption>" . text($capstr) . "</caption>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= "<thead>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= "<tr><th class='btloop'>Loop</th><th class='btloop'>Num</th>";
$str_html .= "<th class='segtxt'>Segment (<em>File:</em> " . text($fn) . ")</th></tr>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= "</thead>" . PHP_EOL . "<tbody>" . PHP_EOL;
$str_html .= $trn_html;
$str_html .= "</tbody></table>" . PHP_EOL;
return $str_html;