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define("ROOT_TYPE_ID", 1);
define("ROOT_TYPE_NAME", 2);
* class Tree
* This class is a clean implementation of a modified preorder tree traversal hierachy to relational model
* Don't use this class directly as it won't work, extend it and set the $this->_table variable, currently
* this class needs its own sequence per table. MPTT uses a lot of self referential parent child relationships
* and having ids that are more or less sequential makes human reading, fixing and reconstruction much easier.
class Tree
* This is the name of the table this tree is stored in
* @var string
var $_table;
* This is a lookup table so that you can get a node name or parent id from its id
* @var array
var $_id_name;
* This is a db abstraction object compatible with ADODB
* @var object the constructor expects it to be available as $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']
var $_db;
var $_root;
var $_root_type;
var $tree;
* The constructor takes a value and a flag determining if the value is the id of a the desired root node or the name
* @param mixed $root name or id of desired root node
* @param int $root_type optional flag indicating if $root is a name or id, defaults to id
function __construct($root, $root_type = ROOT_TYPE_ID)
$this->_db = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db'];
$this->_root = $root;
$this->_root_type = $root_type;
function should_translate_name()
return false;
function get_translated_name($name)
return $name;
function load_tree()
$root = $this->_root;
$tree = array();
$tree_tmp = array();
//get the left and right value of the root node
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->_table . " WHERE id=?";
if ($this->_root_type == ROOT_TYPE_NAME) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->_table . " WHERE name=?";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$root]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$row = array();
if ($result && !$result->EOF) {
$row = $result->fields;
} else {
$this->tree = array();
// start with an empty right stack
$right = array();
// now, retrieve all descendants of the root node
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->_table . " WHERE lft BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY parent,name ASC;";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$row['lft'], $row['rght']]);
$this->_id_name = array();
while ($result && !$result->EOF) {
$ar = array();
$row = $result->fields;
//create a lookup table of id to name for every node that will end up in this tree, this is used
//by the array building code below to find the chain of parents for each node
$id_name = [];
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
$id_name[$key] = $value;
// now handle any translations if needed
if ($this->should_translate_name()) {
$id_name['name'] = $this->get_translated_name($id_name['name']);
$this->_id_name[$id_name['id']] = $id_name;
// only check stack if there is one
if (count($right) > 0) {
// check if we should remove a node from the stack
while ($right[count($right) - 1] < $row['rght']) {
//set up necessary variables to then determine the chain of parents for each node
$parent = $row['parent'];
$loop = 0;
//this is a string that gets evaled below to create the array representing the tree
$ar_string = "[\"" . ($row['id']) . "\"] = \$row[\"value\"]";
//if parent is 0 then the node has no parents, the number of nodes in the id_name lookup always includes any nodes
//that could be the parent of any future node in the record set, the order is deterministic because of the algorithm
while ($parent != 0 && $loop < count($this->_id_name)) {
$ar_string = "[\"" . ($this->_id_name[$parent]['id']) . "\"]" . $ar_string;
$parent = $this->_id_name[$parent]['parent'];
$ar_string = '$ar' . $ar_string . ";";
//echo $ar_string;
//now eval the string to create the tree array
//there must be a more efficient way to do this than eval?
// TODO: refactor this eval out... there's tons of ways to construct trees w/o needing to do eval code.
// not sure how many nodes they needed to account for, but our category heirarchy has to be less than a few
// thousand records. An n-ary tree w/ pointers would accomplish this very quickly w/o the potential of sneaking a eval
// code execution into our category database names.
// There could be tens of thousands of documents, However, leaf nodes which are documents will not have any
// sub-chilsren and so we don't have to deal with this whole left/right nonsense and only need a parent node
// which we sort by document name order.
//merge the evaled array with all of the already exsiting tree elements,
//merge recursive is used so that no keys are replaced in other words a key
//with a specific value will not be replace but instead that value will be turned into an array
//consisting of the previous value and the new value
$tree = array_merge_n($tree, $ar);
// add this node to the stack
$right[] = $row['rght'];
$this->tree = $tree;
* This function completely rebuilds a tree starting from parent to ensure that all of its preorder values
* are integrous.
* Upside is that it fixes any kind of goofiness, downside is that it is recursive and consequently
* exponentially expensive with the size of the tree.
* On adds and deletes the tree does dynamic updates as appropriate to maintain integrity of the algorithm,
* however you can still force it to do goofy things and afterwards you will need this function to fix it.
* If you need to do a huge number of adds or deletes it will be much faster to act directly on the db and then
* call this to fix the mess than to use the add and delete functions.
* @param int $parent id of the node you would like to rebuild all nodes below
* @param int $left optional proper left value of the node you are rebuilding below, then used recursively
function rebuild_tree($parent, $left = null)
//if no left is supplied assume the existing left is proper
if ($left == null) {
$sql = "SELECT lft FROM " . $this->_table . " WHERE id=?;";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$parent]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
if ($result && !$result->EOF) {
$left = $result->fields['lft'];
} else {
//the node you are rebuilding below if goofed up and you didn't supply a proper value
//nothing we can do so error
die("Error: The node you are rebuilding from could not be found, please supply an existing node id.");
// get all children of this node
$sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->_table . " WHERE parent=? ORDER BY id;";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$parent]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
// the right value of this node is the left value + 1
$right = $left + 1;
while ($result && !$result->EOF) {
$row = $result->fields;
// recursive execution of this function for each
// child of this node
// $right is the current right value, which is
// incremented by the rebuild_tree function
$right = $this->rebuild_tree($row['id'], $right);
// we've got the left value, and now that we've processed
// the children of this node we also know the right value
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET lft=?, rght=? WHERE id=?;";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$left, $right, $parent]) or die("Error: " . text($sql) . " " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
// return the right value of this node + 1
return $right + 1;
* Call this to add a new node to the tree
* @param int $parent id of the node you would like the new node to have as its parent
* @param string $name the name of the new node, it will be used to reference its value in the tree array
* @param string $value optional value this node is to contain
* @param string $aco_spec optional ACO value in section|value format
* @param string $codes optional Medical codes to use (LOINC, SNOMED, etc) for this node.
* @return int id of newly added node
function add_node($parent_id, $name, $value = "", $aco_spec = "patients|docs", $codes = "")
$sql = "SELECT * from " . $this->_table . " where parent = ? and name=?";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$parent_id, $name]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
if ($result && !$result->EOF) {
die("You cannot add a node with the name '" . text($name) . "' because one already exists under parent " . text($parent_id) . "<br />");
$sql = "SELECT * from " . $this->_table . " where id = ?";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$parent_id]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$next_right = 0;
if ($result && !$result->EOF) {
$next_right = $result->fields['rght'];
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET rght=rght+2 WHERE rght>=?";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$next_right]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET lft=lft+2 WHERE lft>=?";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$next_right]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$id = $this->_db->GenID($this->_table . "_seq");
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->_table . " SET name=?, value=?, aco_spec=?, codes=?, lft=?, rght=?, parent=?, id=?";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$name, $value, $aco_spec, $codes, $next_right, ($next_right + 1), $parent_id, $id]) or die("Error: " . text($sql) . " :: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
return $id;
* Call this to modify a node's attributes.
* @param int $id id of the node to change
* @param string $name the new name of the new node
* @param string $value optional value this node is to contain
* @param string $aco_spec optional ACO value in section|value format
* @param string $codes optional Medical codes to use (LOINC, SNOMED, etc) for this node.
* @return int same as input id
function edit_node($id, $name, $value = "", $aco_spec = "patients|docs", $codes = "")
$sql = "SELECT FROM " . $this->_table . " AS c1, " . $this->_table . " AS c2 WHERE " .
" = ? AND != AND c2.parent = c1.parent AND = ?";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$id, $name]) or die(xlt('Error') . ": " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
if ($result && !$result->EOF) {
die(xlt('This name already exists under this parent.') . "<br />");
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET name = ?, value = ?, aco_spec = ?, codes = ? WHERE id = ?";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$name, $value, $aco_spec, $codes, $id]) or die(xlt('Error') . ": " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
return $id;
* Call this to delete a node from the tree, the nodes children (and their children, etc) will become children
* of the deleted nodes parent
* @param int $id id of the node you want to delete
function delete_node($id)
$sql = "SELECT * from " . $this->_table . " where id = ?";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$result = $this->_db->Execute($sql, [$id]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$left = 0;
$right = 1;
$new_parent = 0;
if ($result && !$result->EOF) {
$left = $result->fields['lft'];
$right = $result->fields['rght'];
$new_parent = $result->fields['parent'];
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET rght=rght-2 WHERE rght>?";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$right]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET lft=lft-2 WHERE lft>?";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$right]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET lft=lft-1, rght=rght-1 WHERE lft>? and rght < ?";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$left, $right]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
//only update the childrens parent setting if the node has children
if ($right > ($left + 1)) {
$sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET parent=? WHERE parent=?";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$new_parent, $id]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->_table . " where id=?";
//echo $sql . "<br />";
$this->_db->Execute($sql, [$id]) or die("Error: " . text($this->_db->ErrorMsg()));
return true;
function get_node_info($id)
if (!empty($this->_id_name[$id])) {
return $this->_id_name[$id];
} else {
return array();
function get_node_name($id)
if (!empty($this->_id_name[$id])) {
return $this->_id_name[$id]['name'];
} else {
return false;
function array_merge_2(&$array, &$array_i)
// For each element of the array (key => value):
foreach ($array_i as $k => $v) {
// If the value itself is an array, the process repeats recursively:
if (is_array($v)) {
if (!isset($array[$k])) {
$array[$k] = array();
array_merge_2($array[$k], $v);
// Else, the value is assigned to the current element of the resulting array:
} else {
if (isset($array[$k]) && is_array($array[$k])) {
$array[$k][0] = $v;
} else {
if (isset($array) && !is_array($array)) {
$temp = $array;
$array = array();
$array[0] = $temp;
$array[$k] = $v;
function array_merge_n()
// Initialization of the resulting array:
$array = array();
// Arrays to be merged (function's arguments):
$arrays = func_get_args();
// Merging of each array with the resulting one:
foreach ($arrays as $array_i) {
if (is_array($array_i)) {
array_merge_2($array, $array_i);
return $array;