You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

969 lines
36 KiB

* inventory_list.php
* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Rod Roark <>
* @author Brady Miller <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2021 Rod Roark <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Brady Miller <>
* @license GNU General Public License 3
use OpenEMR\Common\Acl\AclMain;
use OpenEMR\Common\Csrf\CsrfUtils;
use OpenEMR\Common\Twig\TwigContainer;
use OpenEMR\Core\Header;
if (!empty($_POST)) {
if (!CsrfUtils::verifyCsrfToken($_POST["csrf_token_form"])) {
// For each sorting option, specify the ORDER BY argument.
$ORDERHASH = array(
'name' => ', d.drug_id',
'act' => ',, d.drug_id',
'con' => 'd.consumable,, d.drug_id',
// Check permission for this report.
$auth_drug_reports = $GLOBALS['inhouse_pharmacy'] && (
AclMain::aclCheckCore('admin', 'drugs') ||
AclMain::aclCheckCore('inventory', 'reporting'));
if (!$auth_drug_reports) {
echo (new TwigContainer(null, $GLOBALS['kernel']))->getTwig()->render('core/unauthorized.html.twig', ['pageTitle' => xl("Inventory List")]);
// Note if user is restricted to any facilities and/or warehouses.
$is_user_restricted = isUserRestricted();
function addWarning($msg)
global $warnings, $form_action;
$break = $form_action != 'export' ? '<br />' : '; ';
if ($warnings) {
$warnings .= $break;
$warnings .= text($msg);
// Check if a product needs to be re-ordered, optionally for a given warehouse.
function checkReorder($drug_id, $min, $warehouse = '')
global $form_days;
if (!$min) {
return false;
$query = "SELECT " .
"SUM(s.quantity) AS sale_quantity " .
"FROM drug_sales AS s " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.inventory_id = s.inventory_id " .
"WHERE " .
"s.drug_id = ? AND " .
"s.sale_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) " .
"AND != 0";
$binds = array($drug_id, $form_days);
if ($warehouse !== '') {
$query .= " AND di.warehouse_id = ?";
$binds[] = $warehouse;
$srow = sqlQuery($query, $binds);
$sales = 0 + $srow['sale_quantity'];
$query = "SELECT SUM(on_hand) AS on_hand " .
"FROM drug_inventory AS di WHERE " .
"di.drug_id = ? AND " .
"(di.expiration IS NULL OR di.expiration > NOW()) AND " .
"di.destroy_date IS NULL";
$binds = array($drug_id);
if ($warehouse !== '') {
$query .= " AND di.warehouse_id = ?";
$binds[] = $warehouse;
$ohrow = sqlQuery($query, $binds);
$onhand = intval($ohrow['on_hand']);
if (empty($GLOBALS['gbl_min_max_months'])) {
if ($onhand <= $min) {
return true;
} else {
if ($sales != 0) {
$stock_months = sprintf('%0.1f', $onhand * ($form_days / 30.41) / $sales);
if ($stock_months <= $min) {
return true;
return false;
// Generate the list of warehouse IDs that the current user is allowed to access.
// This is used to build SQL for $uwcond.
function genUserWarehouses($userid = 0)
$list = '';
$res = sqlStatement(
"SELECT DISTINCT option_id, option_value FROM list_options WHERE " .
"list_id = 'warehouse' AND activity = 1"
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
if (isWarehouseAllowed($row['option_value'], $row['option_id'], $userid)) {
if ($list != '') {
$list .= ', ';
// Using add_escape_custom because this string is for a SQL query.
$list .= "'" . add_escape_custom($row['option_id']) . "'";
return $list;
// This counts the number of days that have a starting zero inventory for a given product
// since a given start date with given restrictions for warehouse or facility.
// End date is assumed to be the current date.
// function zeroDays($product_id, $begdate, $warehouse_id = '~', $facility_id = 0) {
function zeroDays($product_id, $begdate, $extracond, $extrabind, $min_sale = 1)
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$prodcond = '';
$prodbind = array();
if ($product_id) {
$prodcond = "AND di.drug_id = ?";
$prodbind[] = $product_id;
// This will be an array where key is date and value is quantity.
// For each date key the value represents net quantity changes for that day.
$qtys = array();
// Force it to have entries for the begin and end dates.
$qtys[$today] = 0;
$qtys[$begdate] = 0;
// Get sums of current inventory quantities.
$query = "SELECT SUM(di.on_hand) AS on_hand " .
"FROM drug_inventory AS di " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"di.destroy_date IS NULL $prodcond $extracond";
$row = sqlQuery($query, array_merge($prodbind, $extrabind));
$current_qoh = $row['on_hand'];
// Add sums of destructions done for each date (effectively a type of transaction).
$res = sqlStatement(
"SELECT di.destroy_date, SUM(di.on_hand) AS on_hand " .
"FROM drug_inventory AS di " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"di.destroy_date IS NOT NULL AND di.destroy_date >= ? " .
"$prodcond $extracond" .
"GROUP BY di.destroy_date ORDER BY di.destroy_date",
array_merge(array($begdate), $prodbind, $extrabind)
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$thisdate = substr($row['destroy_date'], 0, 10);
if (!isset($qtys[$thisdate])) {
$qtys[$thisdate] = 0;
$qtys[$thisdate] += $row['on_hand'];
// Add sums of other transactions for each date.
// Note sales are positive and purchases are negative.
$res = sqlStatement(
"SELECT ds.sale_date, SUM(ds.quantity) AS quantity " .
"FROM drug_sales AS ds, drug_inventory AS di " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"ds.sale_date >= ? AND " .
"di.inventory_id = ds.inventory_id " .
"$prodcond $extracond" .
"GROUP BY ds.sale_date ORDER BY ds.sale_date",
array_merge(array($begdate), $prodbind, $extrabind)
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$thisdate = $row['sale_date'];
if (!isset($qtys[$thisdate])) {
$qtys[$thisdate] = 0;
$qtys[$thisdate] += $row['quantity'];
// Subtract sums of transfers out for each date.
// Quantity for transfers, like purchases, is usually negative.
$res = sqlStatement(
"SELECT ds.sale_date, SUM(ds.quantity) AS quantity " .
"FROM drug_sales AS ds, drug_inventory AS di " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"ds.sale_date >= ? AND " .
"di.inventory_id = ds.xfer_inventory_id " .
"$prodcond $extracond" .
"GROUP BY ds.sale_date ORDER BY ds.sale_date",
array_merge(array($begdate), $prodbind, $extrabind)
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$thisdate = $row['sale_date'];
if (!isset($qtys[$thisdate])) {
$qtys[$thisdate] = 0;
$qtys[$thisdate] -= $row['quantity'];
// Sort by reverse date.
$lastdate = '';
$lastqty = $current_qoh;
// This will be the count of days that have zero quantity at the start of the day.
$zerodays = 0;
// Now we traverse the array in descending date order, adding a date's quantity adjustment
// to the running total to get the quantity at the beginning of that date.
foreach ($qtys as $key => $val) {
if ($lastdate && $lastqty < $min_sale) {
// The span of days from $key to start of $lastdate has zero quantity.
// Add that number of days to $zerodays.
$diff = date_diff(date_create($key), date_create($lastdate));
$zerodays += $diff->days;
$lastdate = $key;
$lastqty += $val; // giving qoh at the start of $lastdate
// The last array entry hasn't been accounted for yet, so do that.
if ($lastqty < $min_sale) {
return $zerodays;
function write_report_line(&$row)
global $form_details, $wrl_last_drug_id, $warnings, $encount, $fwcond, $fwbind, $form_days;
global $gbl_expired_lot_warning_days, $form_facility, $form_warehouse, $form_action;
$emptyvalue = $form_action != 'export' ? '&nbsp;' : '';
$drug_id = (int) $row['drug_id'];
$on_hand = (int) $row['on_hand'];
$warehouse_id = isset($row['warehouse_id']) ? $row['warehouse_id'] : '';
$facility_id = empty($row['option_value']) ? '0' : $row['option_value'];
$warnings = '';
// Get sales in the date range for this drug (and facility or warehouse if details).
if ($form_details == 1) { // facility details
$query = "SELECT " .
"SUM(s.quantity) AS sale_quantity " .
"FROM drug_sales AS s " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.inventory_id = s.inventory_id " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"s.drug_id = ? AND " .
"lo.option_value IS NOT NULL AND lo.option_value = ? AND " .
"s.sale_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($form_days) . " DAY) " .
"AND != 0 $fwcond";
$srow = sqlQuery($query, array_merge(array($drug_id, $facility_id), $fwbind));
} else if ($form_details == 2) { // warehouse details
$query = "SELECT " .
"SUM(s.quantity) AS sale_quantity " .
"FROM drug_sales AS s " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.inventory_id = s.inventory_id " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"s.drug_id = ? AND " .
"di.warehouse_id IS NOT NULL AND di.warehouse_id = ? AND " .
"s.sale_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($form_days) . " DAY) " .
"AND != 0 $fwcond";
$srow = sqlQuery($query, array_merge(array($drug_id, $warehouse_id), $fwbind));
} else {
$srow = sqlQuery(
"SUM(s.quantity) AS sale_quantity " .
"FROM drug_sales AS s " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.inventory_id = s.inventory_id " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"s.drug_id = ? AND " .
"s.sale_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($form_days) . " DAY) " .
"AND != 0 $fwcond",
array_merge(array($drug_id), $fwbind)
$sale_quantity = $srow['sale_quantity'];
// Compute the smallest quantity that might be taken from ANY lot for this product
// (and facility or warehouse if details) based on the past $form_days days of sales.
// If lot combining is allowed this is always 1.
$extracond = $fwcond;
$extrabind = $fwbind;
if ($form_details == 1) {
$extracond = "AND lo.option_value IS NOT NULL AND lo.option_value = ?";
$extrabind = array($facility_id);
if ($form_details == 2) {
$extracond = "AND di.warehouse_id = ?";
$extrabind = array($warehouse_id);
$min_sale = 1;
if (!$row['allow_combining']) {
$sminrow = sqlQuery(
"MIN(s.quantity) AS min_sale " .
"FROM drug_sales AS s " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.drug_id = s.drug_id " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"s.drug_id = ? AND " .
"s.sale_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($form_days) . " DAY) " .
"AND != 0 " .
"AND s.quantity > 0 $extracond",
array_merge(array($drug_id), $extrabind)
$min_sale = 0 + $sminrow['min_sale'];
if (!$min_sale) {
$min_sale = 1;
// Get number of days with no stock.
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$tmp_days = max($form_days - 1, 0);
$begdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$today - $tmp_days days"));
$zerodays = zeroDays($drug_id, $begdate, $extracond, $extrabind, $min_sale);
$months = $form_days / 30.41;
$monthly = ($months && $sale_quantity && $form_days > $zerodays) ?
sprintf('%0.1f', $sale_quantity / $months * $form_days / ($form_days - $zerodays))
: 0;
if ($monthly == 0.0 && $on_hand == 0) {
// The row has no QOH and no recent sales, so is deemed uninteresting.
// See CV email 2014-06-25.
if ($drug_id != $wrl_last_drug_id) {
$bgcolor = "#" . (($encount & 1) ? "ddddff" : "ffdddd");
$stock_months = 0;
if ($monthly != 0) {
$stock_months = sprintf('%0.1f', $on_hand / $monthly);
if ($stock_months < 1.0) {
addWarning(xl('QOH is less than monthly usage'));
// Check for reorder point reached, once per product.
if ($drug_id != $wrl_last_drug_id) {
if (checkReorder($drug_id, $row['reorder_point'])) {
addWarning(xl('Product-level reorder point has been reached'));
// For warehouse details mode we want the message on the line for this warehouse.
// If the warehouse is not shown because it has no QOH and no recent
// activity, then this message doesn't matter any more either.
if ($form_details == 2) {
if (checkReorder($drug_id, $row['pw_min_level'], $warehouse_id)) {
addWarning(xl("Reorder point has been reached for warehouse") .
" '" . $row['title'] . "'");
// Get all lots that we want to issue warnings about. These are lots
// expired, soon to expire, or with insufficient quantity for selling.
$gbl_expired_lot_warning_days = empty($gbl_expired_lot_warning_days) ? 0 : intval($gbl_expired_lot_warning_days);
if ($gbl_expired_lot_warning_days <= 0) {
$gbl_expired_lot_warning_days = 30;
$ires = sqlStatement(
"SELECT di.* " .
"FROM drug_inventory AS di " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"di.drug_id = ? AND " .
"di.on_hand > 0 AND " .
"di.destroy_date IS NULL AND ( " .
"di.on_hand < ? OR " .
"di.expiration IS NOT NULL AND di.expiration < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($gbl_expired_lot_warning_days) . " DAY) " .
") $extracond ORDER BY di.lot_number",
array_merge(array($drug_id, $min_sale), $extrabind)
// Generate warnings associated with individual lots.
while ($irow = sqlFetchArray($ires)) {
$lotno = $irow['lot_number'];
if ($irow['on_hand'] < $min_sale) {
addWarning(xl('Lot') . " '$lotno' " . xl('quantity seems unusable'));
if (!empty($irow['expiration'])) {
$expdays = (int) ((strtotime($irow['expiration']) - time()) / (60 * 60 * 24));
if ($expdays <= 0) {
addWarning(xl('Lot') . " '$lotno' " . xl('has expired'));
} else if ($expdays <= $gbl_expired_lot_warning_days) {
addWarning(xl('Lot') . " '$lotno' " . xl('expires in') . " $expdays " . xl('days'));
// Per CV 2014-06-20:
// Reorder Quantity should be calculated only if Stock Months is less than Months Min.
// If Stock Months is [not] less than Months Min, Reorder Quantity should be zero.
// The calculation should be: (Min Months minus Stock Months) times Avg Monthly.
// Reorder Quantity should be rounded up to a whole number.
$reorder_qty = 0;
if ($monthly > 0.00) {
// Note if facility details, this the sum of min levels for the facility's warehouses.
$min_months = 0 + ($form_details ? $row['pw_min_level'] : $row['reorder_point']);
// If min is not specified as months then compute it that way.
if (empty($GLOBALS['gbl_min_max_months'])) {
$min_months /= $monthly;
if ($stock_months < $min_months) {
$reorder_qty = ceil(($min_months - $stock_months) * $monthly);
if (empty($monthly)) {
$monthly = $emptyvalue;
if (empty($stock_months)) {
$stock_months = $emptyvalue;
$relcodes = '';
$tmp = explode(';', $row['related_code']);
foreach ($tmp as $codestring) {
if ($codestring === '') {
list($codetype, $code) = explode(':', $codestring);
// For IPPF just the IPPFCM codes are wanted.
if ($GLOBALS['ippf_specific'] && $codetype !== 'IPPFCM') {
if ($relcodes) {
$relcodes .= ';';
$relcodes .= $codestring;
$drug_form = empty($row['form']) ? '' : generate_display_field(
'data_type' => '1',
'list_id' => 'drug_form'
if ($form_action == 'export') {
echo csvEscape($row['name']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($relcodes) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['ndc_number']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['active'] ? xl('Yes') : xl('No')) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['consumable'] ? xl('Yes') : xl('No')) . ',';
echo csvEscape($drug_form) . ',';
if ($form_details) {
echo csvEscape($row['facname']) . ',';
if ($form_details == 2) { // warehouse details {
echo csvEscape($row['title']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['pw_min_level']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['pw_max_level']) . ',';
} else {
echo csvEscape($row['reorder_point']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['max_level']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($row['on_hand']) . ',';
echo csvEscape($zerodays) . ',';
echo csvEscape($monthly) . ',';
echo csvEscape($stock_months) . ',';
echo csvEscape($reorder_qty) . ',';
echo csvEscape($warnings) . '';
echo "\n";
} else { // end exporting
echo " <tr class='detail' bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n";
if ($drug_id == $wrl_last_drug_id) {
echo " <td colspan='6'>&nbsp;</td>\n";
} else {
echo " <td>" . text($row['name']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . text($relcodes) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . text($row['ndc_number']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . ($row['active'] ? xlt('Yes') : xlt('No')) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . ($row['consumable'] ? xlt('Yes') : xlt('No')) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . text($drug_form) . "</td>\n";
if ($form_details) {
echo " <td>" . text($row['facname']) . "</td>\n";
if ($form_details == 2) { // warehouse details {
echo " <td>" . text($row['title']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($row['pw_min_level']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($row['pw_max_level']) . "</td>\n";
} else {
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($row['reorder_point']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($row['max_level']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($row['on_hand']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($zerodays) . "</td>\n";
// Do not text() these next 2 lines.
echo " <td align='right'>" . $monthly . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . $stock_months . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='right'>" . text($reorder_qty) . "</td>\n";
// Do not text() the following line.
echo " <td style='color:red'>" . $warnings . "</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
} // end not exporting
$wrl_last_drug_id = $drug_id;
if (!empty($_POST['form_days'])) {
$form_days = $_POST['form_days'] + 0;
} else {
$form_days = sprintf('%d', (strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - strtotime(date('Y-01-01'))) / (60 * 60 * 24) + 1);
// this is "" or "submit".
$form_action = $_POST['form_action'] ?? '';
if (!empty($_POST['form_days'])) {
$form_days = $_POST['form_days'] + 0;
} else {
$form_days = sprintf('%d', (strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - strtotime(date('Y-01-01'))) / (60 * 60 * 24) + 1);
// this is "" or "submit" or "export".
$form_action = empty($_POST['form_action']) ? '' : $_POST['form_action'];
$form_inactive = empty($_REQUEST['form_inactive']) ? 0 : 1;
$form_details = empty($_REQUEST['form_details']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['form_details']);
$form_facility = 0 + empty($_REQUEST['form_facility']) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['form_facility'];
$form_consumable = isset($_REQUEST['form_consumable']) ? intval($_REQUEST['form_consumable']) : 0;
$form_orderby = $_REQUEST['form_orderby'] ?? 'name';
$orderby = $ORDERHASH[$form_orderby];
// Incoming form_warehouse, if not empty is in the form "warehouse/facility".
// The facility part is an attribute used by JavaScript logic.
$form_warehouse = $_REQUEST['form_warehouse'] ?? '';
$tmp = explode('/', $form_warehouse);
$form_warehouse = $tmp[0];
$mmtype = empty($GLOBALS['gbl_min_max_months']) ? xl('Units') : xl('Months');
// Compute WHERE condition for filtering on facility/warehouse.
$fwcond = '';
$fwbind = array();
if ($form_facility) {
$fwcond .= " AND lo.option_value IS NOT NULL AND lo.option_value = ?";
$fwbind[] = $form_facility;
if ($form_warehouse) {
$fwcond .= " AND di.warehouse_id IS NOT NULL AND di.warehouse_id = ?";
$fwbind[] = $form_warehouse;
if ($is_user_restricted) {
$fwcond .= "AND di.warehouse_id IS NOT NULL AND di.warehouse_id IN (" . genUserWarehouses() . ")";
// Compute WHERE condition for filtering on activity and consumability (drugs table).
$actcond = '';
if (!$form_inactive) {
$actcond .= " AND = 1";
if ($form_consumable) {
if ($form_consumable == 1) {
$actcond .= " AND d.consumable = '1'";
} else {
$actcond .= " AND d.consumable != '1'";
if ($form_details == 1) {
// Query for the main loop if facility details are wanted.
$query = "SELECT d.*, SUM(di.on_hand) AS on_hand, lo.option_value, AS facname, " .
"SUM(pw.pw_min_level) AS pw_min_level, SUM(pw.pw_max_level) AS pw_max_level " .
"FROM drugs AS d " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.drug_id = d.drug_id " .
"AND di.on_hand != 0 AND di.destroy_date IS NULL " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"LEFT JOIN facility AS fac ON = lo.option_value " .
"LEFT JOIN product_warehouse AS pw ON pw.pw_drug_id = d.drug_id AND " .
"pw.pw_warehouse = di.warehouse_id " .
"WHERE 1 = 1 $fwcond $actcond " .
"GROUP BY, d.drug_id, lo.option_value ORDER BY $orderby, lo.option_value";
} else if ($form_details == 2) {
// Query for the main loop if warehouse/lot details are wanted.
$query = "SELECT d.*, di.on_hand, di.inventory_id, di.lot_number, " .
"di.expiration, di.warehouse_id, lo.title, AS facname, " .
"pw.pw_min_level, pw.pw_max_level " .
"FROM drugs AS d " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.drug_id = d.drug_id " .
"AND di.on_hand != 0 AND di.destroy_date IS NULL " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"LEFT JOIN facility AS fac ON = lo.option_value " .
"LEFT JOIN product_warehouse AS pw ON pw.pw_drug_id = d.drug_id AND " .
"pw.pw_warehouse = di.warehouse_id " .
"WHERE 1 = 1 $fwcond $actcond " .
"ORDER BY $orderby, lo.title, di.warehouse_id, di.lot_number, di.inventory_id";
} else {
// Query for the main loop if summary report.
$query = "SELECT d.*, SUM(di.on_hand) AS on_hand " .
"FROM drugs AS d " .
"LEFT JOIN drug_inventory AS di ON di.drug_id = d.drug_id " .
"AND di.on_hand != 0 AND di.destroy_date IS NULL " .
"LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
"lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
"WHERE 1 = 1 $fwcond $actcond " .
"GROUP BY $orderby ORDER BY $orderby";
// $res = sqlStatement($query);
$res = sqlStatement($query, $fwbind);
if ($form_action == 'export') {
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download; charset=utf-8");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=inventory_list.csv");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
// Prepend a BOM (Byte Order Mark) header to mark the data as UTF-8. This is
// said to work for Excel 2007 pl3 and up and perhaps also Excel 2003 pl3. See:
echo "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
// CSV headers:
echo csvEscape(xl('Name')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Relates To')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('NDC')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Active')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Consumable')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Form')) . ',';
if ($form_details) {
echo csvEscape(xl('Facility')) . ',';
if ($form_details == 2) {
echo csvEscape(xl('Warehouse')) . ',';
echo csvEscape($mmtype . xl('Min')) . ',';
echo csvEscape($mmtype . xl('Max')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('QOH')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Zero Stock Days')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Avg Monthly')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Stock Months')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Reorder Qty')) . ',';
echo csvEscape(xl('Warnings')) . '';
echo "\n";
} else { // not exporting
<title><?php echo xlt('Inventory List'); ?></title>
<?php Header::setupHeader(['report-helper']); ?>
/* specifically include & exclude from printing */
@media print {
#report_parameters {visibility: hidden; display: none;}
#report_parameters_daterange {visibility: visible; display: inline;}
#report_results {margin-top: 30px;}
/* specifically exclude some from the screen */
@media screen {
#report_parameters_daterange {visibility: hidden; display: none;}
body { font-family:sans-serif; font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal }
tr.head { font-size:10pt; background-color:#cccccc; text-align:center; }
tr.detail { font-size:10pt; }
a, a:visited, a:hover { color:#0000cc; }
table.mymaintable, table.mymaintable td, table.mymaintable th {
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
border-collapse: collapse;
table.mymaintable td, table.mymaintable th {
padding: 1pt 4pt 1pt 4pt;
$(function () {
var win = top.printLogSetup ? top :;
function mysubmit(action) {
var f = document.forms[0];
f.form_action.value = action;
function dosort(orderby) {
var f = document.forms[0];
f.form_orderby.value = orderby;
f.form_action.value = 'submit';
return false;
// Enable/disable warehouse options depending on current facility.
function facchanged() {
var f = document.forms[0];
var facid = f.form_facility.value;
var theopts = f.form_warehouse.options;
for (var i = 1; i < theopts.length; ++i) {
var tmp = theopts[i].value.split('/');
var dis = facid && (tmp.length < 2 || tmp[1] != facid);
theopts[i].disabled = dis;
if (dis) theopts[i].selected = false;
<body leftmargin='0' topmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' class='body_top'>
<form method='post' action='inventory_list.php' name='theform' onsubmit='return top.restoreSession()'>
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token_form" value="<?php echo attr(CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); ?>" />
<!-- form_action is set to "submit" or "export" at form submit time -->
<input type='hidden' name='form_action' value='' />
<!-- Sorting key -->
<input type="hidden" name="form_orderby" value="<?php echo attr($form_orderby) ?>" />
<div id="report_parameters">
<td class='title'>
<?php echo xlt('Inventory List'); ?>
<td class='text' align='right'>
// Build a drop-down list of facilities.
$query = "SELECT id, name FROM facility ORDER BY name";
$fres = sqlStatement($query);
echo " <select name='form_facility' onchange='facchanged()'>\n";
echo " <option value=''>-- " . xlt('All Facilities') . " --\n";
while ($frow = sqlFetchArray($fres)) {
$facid = $frow['id'];
if ($is_user_restricted && !isFacilityAllowed($facid)) {
echo " <option value='" . attr($facid) . "'";
if ($facid == $form_facility) {
echo " selected";
echo ">" . text($frow['name']) . "\n";
echo " </select>&nbsp;\n";
echo " <select name='form_warehouse'>\n";
echo " <option value=''>" . xlt('All Warehouses') . "</option>\n";
$lres = sqlStatement(
"SELECT * FROM list_options " .
"WHERE list_id = 'warehouse' AND activity = 1 ORDER BY seq, title"
while ($lrow = sqlFetchArray($lres)) {
$whid = $lrow['option_id'];
$facid = $lrow['option_value'];
if ($is_user_restricted && !isWarehouseAllowed($facid, $whid)) {
echo " <option value='" . attr($whid . "/" . $facid) . "'";
echo " id='fac" . attr($facid) . "'";
if (strlen($form_warehouse) > 0 && $whid == $form_warehouse) {
echo " selected";
echo ">" . text(xl_list_label($lrow['title'])) . "</option>\n";
echo " </select>&nbsp;\n";
<?php echo xlt('For the past'); ?>
<input type="input" name="form_days" size='3' value="<?php echo attr($form_days); ?>" />
<?php echo xlt('days'); ?>&nbsp;
<select name='form_consumable'><?php
foreach (
'0' => xl('All Product Types'),
'1' => xl('Consumable Only'),
'2' => xl('Non-Consumable Only'),
) as $key => $value
) {
echo "<option value='" . attr($key) . "'";
if ($key == $form_consumable) {
echo " selected";
echo ">" . text($value) . "</option>";
<input type='checkbox' name='form_inactive' value='1'<?php if ($form_inactive) {
echo " checked";} ?>
/><?php echo xlt('Include Inactive'); ?>&nbsp;
echo " <select name='form_details'>\n";
$tmparr = array(0 => xl('Summary'), 1 => xl('Facility Details'), 2 => xl('Warehouse Details'));
foreach ($tmparr as $key => $value) {
echo " <option value='" . attr($key) . "'";
if ($key == $form_details) {
echo " selected";
echo ">" . text($value) . "\n";
echo " </select>&nbsp;\n";
<a href='#' class='btn btn-primary' onclick='mysubmit("submit")' style='margin-left:1em'>
<span><?php echo xlt('Refresh'); ?></span>
<a href='#' class='btn btn-primary' onclick='mysubmit("export")' style='margin-left:1em'>
<span><?php echo xlt('Export to CSV'); ?></span>
<a href='#' class='btn btn-primary' onclick='window.print()' style='margin-left:1em' id='printbutton'>
<span><?php echo xlt('Print'); ?></span>
if ($form_action) {
// We are not exporting and have submitted the form.
<div id="report_results">
<table width='98%' id='mymaintable' class='mymaintable'>
<thead style='display:table-header-group'>
<tr class='head'>
<a href="#" onclick="return dosort('name')"
<?php if ($form_orderby == "name") {
echo " style=\"color:#00cc00\"";} ?>>
<?php echo xlt('Name'); ?> </a>
<th><?php echo xlt('Relates To'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('NDC'); ?></th>
<a href="#" onclick="return dosort('act')"
<?php echo $form_orderby == "act" ? " style=\"color:#00cc00\"" : ""; ?>>
<?php echo xlt('Active'); ?> </a>
<a href="#" onclick="return dosort('con')"
<?php echo $form_orderby == "con" ? " style=\"color:#00cc00\"" : ""; ?>>
<?php echo xlt('Consumable'); ?> </a>
<th><?php echo xlt('Form'); ?></th>
<?php if ($form_details) { ?>
<th><?php echo xlt('Facility'); ?></th>
<?php if ($form_details == 2) { ?>
<th><?php echo xlt('Warehouse'); ?></th>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<th align='right'><?php echo text("$mmtype " . xl('Min')); ?></th>
<th align='right'><?php echo text("$mmtype " . xl('Max')); ?></th>
<th align='right'><?php echo xlt('QOH'); ?></th>
<th align='right'><?php echo xlt('Zero Stock Days'); ?></th>
<th align='right'><?php echo xlt('Avg Monthly'); ?></th>
<th align='right'><?php echo xlt('Stock Months'); ?></th>
<th align='right'><?php echo xlt('Reorder Qty'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Warnings'); ?></th>
} // end if submit
} // end not exporting
if ($form_action) { // if submit
$encount = 0;
$last_drug_id = '';
$wrl_last_drug_id = '';
$warehouse_row = array('drug_id' => 0, 'warehouse_id' => '');
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$drug_id = (int) $row['drug_id'];
if ($form_details == 2) {
if ($drug_id != $last_drug_id || $row['warehouse_id'] != $warehouse_row['warehouse_id']) {
if (!empty($warehouse_row['drug_id'])) {
$warehouse_row = $row;
$warehouse_row['on_hand'] = 0;
$warehouse_row['on_hand'] += $row['on_hand'];
} else {
$last_drug_id = $drug_id;
if ($form_details == 2) {
if (!empty($warehouse_row['drug_id'])) {
if ($form_action != 'export') {
echo " </tbody>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} // end if submit
if ($form_action != 'export') {
} // end not export