You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
8.4 KiB

* lang_manage.php script
* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Brady Miller <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Brady Miller <>
* @license GNU General Public License 3
use OpenEMR\Common\Acl\AclMain;
use OpenEMR\Common\Csrf\CsrfUtils;
// Ensure this script is not called separately
if ($langModuleFlag !== true) {
die(function_exists('xlt') ? xlt('Authentication Error') : 'Authentication Error');
// gacl control
$thisauth = AclMain::aclCheckCore('admin', 'language');
if (!$thisauth) {
echo "<html>\n<body>\n";
echo "<p>" . xlt('You are not authorized for this.') . "</p>\n";
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
if (!empty($_POST['check']) || !empty($_POST['synchronize'])) {
if (!CsrfUtils::verifyCsrfToken($_POST["csrf_token_form"])) {
// set up flag if only checking for changes (ie not performing synchronization)
$checkOnly = 0;
if (!empty($_POST['check'])) {
$checkOnly = 1;
// set up the mysql collation string to ensure case is sensitive in the mysql queries
if (!$disable_utf8_flag) {
if (!empty($sqlconf["db_encoding"]) && ($sqlconf["db_encoding"] == "utf8mb4")) {
$case_sensitive_collation = "COLLATE utf8mb4_bin";
} else {
$case_sensitive_collation = "COLLATE utf8_bin";
} else {
$case_sensitive_collation = "COLLATE latin1_bin";
$difference = 0; //flag
// collect and display(synchronize) new custom languages
$sql = "SELECT lang_description FROM lang_languages";
$res = SqlStatement($sql);
$row_main = array();
while ($row = SqlFetchArray($res)) {
$row_main[] = $row['lang_description'];
$sql = "SELECT lang_description FROM lang_custom";
$res = SqlStatement($sql);
$row_custom = array();
while ($row = SqlFetchArray($res)) {
$row_custom[] = $row['lang_description'];
$custom_languages = array_diff(array_unique($row_custom), array_unique($row_main));
foreach ($custom_languages as $var) {
if ($var == '') {
echo xlt('Following is a new custom language:') . " " . text($var) . "<br>";
if (!$checkOnly) {
// add the new language (first collect the language code)
$sql = "SELECT lang_code FROM lang_custom WHERE constant_name='' AND lang_description=? " . $case_sensitive_collation . " LIMIT 1";
$res = SqlStatement($sql, array($var));
$row = SqlFetchArray($res);
$sql = "INSERT INTO lang_languages SET lang_code=?, lang_description=?";
SqlStatement($sql, array($row['lang_code'], $var));
echo xlt('Synchronized new custom language:') . " " . text($var) . "<br><br>";
$difference = 1;
// collect and display(synchronize) new custom constants
$sql = "SELECT constant_name FROM lang_constants";
$res = SqlStatement($sql);
$row_main = array();
while ($row = SqlFetchArray($res)) {
$row_main[] = $row['constant_name'];
$sql = "SELECT constant_name FROM lang_custom";
$res = SqlStatement($sql);
$row_custom = array();
while ($row = SqlFetchArray($res)) {
$row_custom[] = $row['constant_name'];
$custom_constants = array_diff(array_unique($row_custom), array_unique($row_main));
foreach ($custom_constants as $var) {
if ($var == '') {
echo xlt('Following is a new custom constant:') . " " . text($var) . "<br>";
if (!$checkOnly) {
// add the new constant
$sql = "INSERT INTO lang_constants SET constant_name=?";
SqlStatement($sql, array($var));
echo xlt('Synchronized new custom constant:') . " " . text($var) . "<br><br>";
$difference = 1;
// collect and display(synchronize) custom definitions
$sql = "SELECT lang_description, lang_code, constant_name, definition FROM lang_custom WHERE lang_description != '' AND constant_name != ''";
$res = SqlStatement($sql);
while ($row = SqlFetchArray($res)) {
// collect language id
$sql = "SELECT lang_id FROM lang_languages WHERE lang_description=? " . $case_sensitive_collation . " LIMIT 1";
$res2 = SqlStatement($sql, array($row['lang_description']));
$row2 = SqlFetchArray($res2);
$language_id = $row2['lang_id'];
// collect constant id
$sql = "SELECT cons_id FROM lang_constants WHERE constant_name=? " . $case_sensitive_collation . " LIMIT 1";
$res2 = SqlStatement($sql, array($row['constant_name']));
$row2 = SqlFetchArray($res2);
$constant_id = $row2['cons_id'];
// collect definition id (if it exists)
$sql = "SELECT def_id FROM lang_definitions WHERE cons_id=? AND lang_id=? LIMIT 1";
$res2 = SqlStatement($sql, array($constant_id, $language_id));
$row2 = SqlFetchArray($res2);
$def_id = $row2['def_id'];
if ($def_id) {
//definition exist, so check to see if different
$sql = "SELECT * FROM lang_definitions WHERE def_id=? AND definition=? " . $case_sensitive_collation;
$res_test = SqlStatement($sql, array($def_id, $row['definition']));
if (SqlFetchArray($res_test)) {
//definition not different
} else {
//definition is different
echo xlt('Following is a new definition (Language, Constant, Definition):') .
" " . text($row['lang_description']) .
" " . text($row['constant_name']) .
" " . text($row['definition']) . "<br>";
if (!$checkOnly) {
//add new definition
$sql = "UPDATE `lang_definitions` SET `definition`=? WHERE `def_id`=? LIMIT 1";
SqlStatement($sql, array($row['definition'], $def_id));
echo xlt('Synchronized new definition (Language, Constant, Definition):') .
" " . text($row['lang_description']) .
" " . text($row['constant_name']) .
" " . text($row['definition']) . "<br><br>";
$difference = 1;
} else {
echo xlt('Following is a new definition (Language, Constant, Definition):') .
" " . text($row['lang_description']) .
" " . text($row['constant_name']) .
" " . text($row['definition']) . "<br>";
if (!$checkOnly) {
//add new definition
$sql = "INSERT INTO lang_definitions (cons_id,lang_id,definition) VALUES (?,?,?)";
SqlStatement($sql, array($constant_id, $language_id, $row['definition']));
echo xlt('Synchronized new definition (Language, Constant, Definition):') .
" " . text($row['lang_description']) .
" " . text($row['constant_name']) .
" " . text($row['definition']) . "<br><br>";
$difference = 1;
if (!$difference) {
echo xlt('The translation tables are synchronized.');
<form class="form-inline" name="manage_form" method="post" action="?m=manage&csrf_token_form=<?php echo attr_url(CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); ?>" onsubmit="return top.restoreSession()">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token_form" value="<?php echo attr(CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); ?>" />
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-2">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="check" value="<?php echo xla('Check'); ?>">
<div class="col-10">
<p class="text">(<?php echo xlt('Check for differences of translations with custom language table.'); ?>)</p>
<div class="col-2">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="synchronize" value="<?php echo xla('Synchronize'); ?>">
<div class="col-10">
<p class="text">(<?php echo xlt('Synchronize translations with custom language table.'); ?>)</p>
<?php echo activate_lang_tab('manage-link'); ?>