You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1007 lines
37 KiB

* interface/eRx_xml.php Functions for interacting with NewCrop communications.
* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Eldho Chacko <>
* @author Vinish K <>
* @author Brady Miller <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 ZMG LLC <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Brady Miller <>
* @license GNU General Public License 3
use OpenEMR\Common\Crypto\CryptoGen;
use OpenEMR\Services\FacilityService;
use OpenEMR\Services\VersionService;
$facilityService = new FacilityService();
function getErxPath()
return $GLOBALS['erx_newcrop_path'];
function getErxSoapPath()
return $GLOBALS['erx_newcrop_path_soap'];
function getErxCredentials()
$cred = array();
$cred[] = $GLOBALS['erx_account_partner_name'];
$cred[] = $GLOBALS['erx_account_name'];
$cryptoGen = new CryptoGen();
$cred[] = $cryptoGen->decryptStandard($GLOBALS['erx_account_password']);
return $cred;
function validation($val_check, $val, $msg)
if (!$val) {
$msg .= $val_check . ' ' . xl('missing') . '<br />';
return $msg;
function stripSpecialCharacterFacility($str)
$str = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 '().,#:\/\-@_%]/", "", $str);
return $str;
function stripSpecialCharacter($str)
$str = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 '().,#:\/\-@_%]/", "", $str);
return $str;
function stripPhoneSlashes($str)
$str = preg_replace('/-/', '', $str);
return $str;
function trimData($str, $length)
$str = substr($str, 0, ($length - 1));
return $str;
function stringToNumeric($str)
if (is_numeric($str)) {
return array($str,"");
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
$x = substr($str, $i, 1);
if (is_numeric($x) && !$txt) {
$num .= $x;
} else {
$txt .= $x;
return array($num,$txt);
$str = substr($str, 0, ($length - 1));
return $str;
function credentials($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$cred = getErxCredentials();
$msg = validation(xl('Partner Name'), $cred['0'], $msg);
$b = $doc->createElement("Credentials");
$partnerName = $doc->createElement("partnerName");
$msg = validation(xl('ERX Name'), $cred['1'], $msg);
$name = $doc->createElement("name");
$msg = validation(xl('ERX Password'), $cred['2'], $msg);
$password = $doc->createElement("password");
$productName = $doc->createElement("productName");
$productVersion = $doc->createElement("productVersion");
$doc->createTextNode((new VersionService())->asString())
function user_role($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$userRole = sqlQuery("select * from users where username=?", array($_SESSION['authUser']));
if (!$userRole['newcrop_user_role']) {
echo xlt('Unauthorized access to ePrescription');
$userRole['newcrop_user_role'] = preg_replace('/erx/', '', $userRole['newcrop_user_role']);
if ($userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'doctor') {
$userRole['eRxUser'] = 'LicensedPrescriber';
} elseif ($userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'admin' || $userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'manager' || $userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'nurse') {
$userRole['eRxUser'] = 'Staff';
} elseif ($userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'midlevelPrescriber') {
$userRole['eRxUser'] = 'MidlevelPrescriber';
} elseif ($userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'supervisingDoctor') {
$userRole['eRxUser'] = 'SupervisingDoctor';
$msg = validation(xl('ERX User'), $userRole['eRxUser'], $msg);
$b = $doc->createElement("UserRole");
$user = $doc->createElement("user");
$msg = validation(xl('ERX Role'), $userRole['newcrop_user_role'], $msg);
$role = $doc->createElement("role");
function destination($doc, $r, string $page = null, $pid)
global $msg,$page;
$userRole = sqlQuery("select * from users where username=?", array($_SESSION['authUser']));
$userRole['newcrop_user_role'] = preg_replace('/erx/', '', $userRole['newcrop_user_role']);
if (!$page) {
$page = 'compose';
if ($userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'admin') {
$page = 'admin';
} elseif ($userRole['newcrop_user_role'] == 'manager') {
$page = 'manager';
$b = $doc->createElement("Destination");
$requestedPage = $doc->createElement("requestedPage");
function account($doc, $r)
global $msg, $facilityService;
$erxSiteID = $facilityService->getPrimaryBusinessEntity();
if (!$erxSiteID['federal_ein']) {
echo xlt("Please select a Primary Business Entity facility with 'Tax ID' as your facility Tax ID. If you are an individual practitioner, use your tax id. This is used for identifying you in the NewCrop system.");
$b = $doc->createElement("Account");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $GLOBALS['erx_account_id']);
$erxSiteID['name'] = stripSpecialCharacterFacility($erxSiteID['name']);
$erxSiteID['name'] = trimData($erxSiteID['name'], 35);
$msg = validation(xl('Account Name'), $erxSiteID['name'], $msg);
$accountName = $doc->createElement("accountName");
$msg = validation(xl('Site ID'), $_SESSION['site_id'], $msg);
$siteID = $doc->createElement("siteID");
$erxSiteID['street'] = stripSpecialCharacterFacility($erxSiteID['street']);
$erxSiteID['street'] = trimData($erxSiteID['street'], 35);
$AccountAddress = $doc->createElement("AccountAddress");
$msg = validation(xl('Facility Street'), $erxSiteID['street'], $msg);
$address1 = $doc->createElement("address1");
$msg = validation(xl('Facility City'), $erxSiteID['city'], $msg);
$city = $doc->createElement("city");
$msg = validation(xl('Facility State'), $erxSiteID['state'], $msg);
$state = $doc->createElement("state");
$jasonbigzip = $erxSiteID['postal_code'];
$jasonbigzip = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $jasonbigzip);
if (strlen($jasonbigzip) >= 5) {
$jasonzip = substr($jasonbigzip, 0, 5);
$zip4 = substr($jasonbigzip, 5, 4);
} else {
$msg = validation(xl('Facility Zip'), $jasonzip, $msg);
$zip = $doc->createElement("zip");
if (strlen($zip4) == 4) {
$zipFour = $doc->createElement("zip4");
$msg = validation(xl('Facility Country code'), $erxSiteID['country_code'], $msg);
$county_code = substr($erxSiteID['country_code'], 0, 2);
$country = $doc->createElement("country");
$msg = validation(xl('Facility Phone'), $erxSiteID['phone'], $msg);
$accountPrimaryPhoneNumber = $doc->createElement("accountPrimaryPhoneNumber");
$erxSiteID['phone'] = stripPhoneSlashes($erxSiteID['phone']);
$msg = validation(xl('Facility Fax'), $erxSiteID['fax'], $msg);
$accountPrimaryFaxNumber = $doc->createElement("accountPrimaryFaxNumber");
$erxSiteID['fax'] = stripPhoneSlashes($erxSiteID['fax']);
function location($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$userRole = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN facility AS f ON WHERE u.username=?", array($_SESSION['authUser']));
$b = $doc->createElement("Location");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $userRole['id']);
$userRole['name'] = stripSpecialCharacterFacility($userRole['name']);
$userRole['name'] = trimData($userRole['name'], 35);
$locationName = $doc->createElement('locationName');
$userRole['street'] = stripSpecialCharacterFacility($userRole['street']);
$userRole['street'] = trimData($userRole['street'], 35);
$LocationAddress = $doc->createElement('LocationAddress');
if ($userRole['street']) {
$address1 = $doc->createElement('address1');
if ($userRole['city']) {
$city = $doc->createElement('city');
if ($userRole['state']) {
$state = $doc->createElement('state');
$jasonbigzip = $userRole['postal_code'];
$jasonbigzip = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $jasonbigzip);
if (strlen($jasonbigzip) >= 5) {
$jasonzip = substr($jasonbigzip, 0, 5);
$zip4 = substr($jasonbigzip, 5, 4);
} else {
$msg = validation(xl('Facility Zip'), $jasonzip, $msg);
$zip = $doc->createElement("zip");
if (strlen($zip4) == 4) {
$zipFour = $doc->createElement("zip4");
if ($userRole['country_code']) {
$county_code = substr($userRole['country_code'], 0, 2);
$country = $doc->createElement('country');
if ($userRole['phone']) {
$userRole['phone'] = stripPhoneSlashes($userRole['phone']);
$primaryPhoneNumber = $doc->createElement('primaryPhoneNumber');
if ($userRole['fax']) {
$userRole['fax'] = stripPhoneSlashes($userRole['fax']);
$primaryFaxNumber = $doc->createElement('primaryFaxNumber');
$pharmacyContactNumber = $doc->createElement('pharmacyContactNumber');
function LicensedPrescriber($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$user_details = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION['authUserID']));
$b = $doc->createElement("LicensedPrescriber");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $user_details['npi']);
$LicensedPrescriberName = $doc->createElement("LicensedPrescriberName");
$user_details['lname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['lname']);
$msg = validation(xl('LicensedPrescriber Last name'), $user_details['lname'], $msg);
$last = $doc->createElement("last");
$user_details['fname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['fname']);
$msg = validation(xl('User First name'), $user_details['fname'], $msg);
$first = $doc->createElement("first");
$user_details['mname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['mname']);
$middle = $doc->createElement("middle");
$msg = validation(xl('DEA'), $user_details['federaldrugid'], $msg);
$dea = $doc->createElement("dea");
if ($user_details['upin']) {
$upin = $doc->createElement("upin");
$licenseNumber = $doc->createElement("licenseNumber");
$msg = validation(xl('LicensedPrescriber NPI'), $user_details['npi'], $msg);
$npi = $doc->createElement("npi");
function Staff($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$user_details = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION['authUserID']));
$b = $doc->createElement("Staff");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $user_details['username']);
$StaffName = $doc->createElement("StaffName");
$user_details['lname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['lname']);
$last = $doc->createElement("last");
$user_details['fname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['fname']);
$first = $doc->createElement("first");
$user_details['mname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['mname']);
$middle = $doc->createElement("middle");
$license = $doc->createElement("license");
function SupervisingDoctor($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$user_details = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION['authUserID']));
$b = $doc->createElement("SupervisingDoctor");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $user_details['npi']);
$LicensedPrescriberName = $doc->createElement("LicensedPrescriberName");
$user_details['lname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['lname']);
$msg = validation(xl('Supervising Doctor Last name'), $user_details['lname'], $msg);
$last = $doc->createElement("last");
$user_details['fname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['fname']);
$msg = validation(xl('Supervising Doctor First name'), $user_details['fname'], $msg);
$first = $doc->createElement("first");
$user_details['mname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['mname']);
$middle = $doc->createElement("middle");
$msg = validation(xl('Supervising Doctor DEA'), $user_details['federaldrugid'], $msg);
$dea = $doc->createElement("dea");
if ($user_details['upin']) {
$upin = $doc->createElement("upin");
$licenseNumber = $doc->createElement("licenseNumber");
$msg = validation(xl('Supervising Doctor NPI'), $user_details['npi'], $msg);
$npi = $doc->createElement("npi");
function MidlevelPrescriber($doc, $r)
global $msg;
$user_details = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION['authUserID']));
$b = $doc->createElement("MidlevelPrescriber");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $user_details['npi']);
$LicensedPrescriberName = $doc->createElement("LicensedPrescriberName");
$user_details['lname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['lname']);
$msg = validation(xl('Midlevel Prescriber Last name'), $user_details['lname'], $msg);
$last = $doc->createElement("last");
$user_details['fname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['fname']);
$msg = validation(xl('Midlevel Prescriber First name'), $user_details['fname'], $msg);
$first = $doc->createElement("first");
$user_details['mname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($user_details['mname']);
$middle = $doc->createElement("middle");
if ($user_details['title']) {
$msg = validation(xl('Midlevel Prescriber Prefix'), $user_details['title'], $msg);
$prefix = $doc->createElement("prefix");
$msg = validation(xl('Midlevel Prescriber DEA'), $user_details['federaldrugid'], $msg);
$dea = $doc->createElement("dea");
if ($user_details['upin']) {
$upin = $doc->createElement("upin");
$licenseNumber = $doc->createElement("licenseNumber");
function Patient($doc, $r, $pid)
global $msg,$warning_msg,$dem_check;
$patient_data = sqlQuery("select *, DATE_FORMAT(DOB,'%Y%m%d') AS date_of_birth from patient_data where pid=?", array($pid));
$b = $doc->createElement("Patient");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $patient_data['pid']);
$PatientName = $doc->createElement("PatientName");
$patient_data['lname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($patient_data['lname']);
$patient_data['lname'] = trimData($patient_data['lname'], 35);
//$msg = validation(xl('Patient Last name'),$patient_data['lname'],$msg);
if ($patient_data['lname'] == '') {
$dem_check .= xlt("Patient Last name is missing") . "<br />";
$last = $doc->createElement("last");
$patient_data['fname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($patient_data['fname']);
$patient_data['fname'] = trimData($patient_data['fname'], 35);
//$msg = validation(xl('Patient First name'),$patient_data['fname'],$msg);
if ($patient_data['fname'] == '') {
$dem_check .= xlt("Patient First name is missing") . "<br />";
$first = $doc->createElement("first");
$patient_data['mname'] = stripSpecialCharacter($patient_data['mname']);
$patient_data['mname'] = trimData($patient_data['mname'], 35);
$middle = $doc->createElement("middle");
$PatientAddress = $doc->createElement("PatientAddress");
$patient_data['street'] = stripSpecialCharacter($patient_data['street']);
$patient_data['street'] = trimData($patient_data['street'], 35);
$msg = validation(xl('Patient Address'), $patient_data['street'], $msg);
if (trim($patient_data['street']) == '') {
$warning_msg .= "<br />" . xlt("Patient Address is missing");
$address1 = $doc->createElement("address1");
//$msg = validation(xl('Patient City'),$patient_data['city'],$msg);
if ($patient_data['city'] == '') {
$dem_check .= xlt("Patient City is missing") . "<br />";
$city = $doc->createElement("city");
if ($patient_data['state']) {
$state = $doc->createElement("state");
if ($patient_data['postal_code']) {
$zip = $doc->createElement("zip");
//$msg = validation(xl('Patient Country'),$patient_data['country_code'],$msg);
if (trim($patient_data['country_code']) == '' && $GLOBALS['erx_default_patient_country'] == '') {
$dem_check .= xlt("Patient Country is missing. Also you have not set default Patient Country in Global Settings") . "<br />";
} elseif (trim($patient_data['country_code']) == '') {
$patient_data['country_code'] = $GLOBALS['erx_default_patient_country'];
$county_code = substr($patient_data['country_code'], 0, 2);
$country = $doc->createElement("country");
$PatientContact = $doc->createElement("PatientContact");
$patient_data['phone_home'] = stripPhoneSlashes($patient_data['phone_home']);
if ($patient_data['phone_home']) {
$homeTelephone = $doc->createElement("homeTelephone");
$PatientCharacteristics = $doc->createElement("PatientCharacteristics");
if (trim($patient_data['date_of_birth']) == '' || $patient_data['date_of_birth'] == '00000000') {
$warning_msg .= "<br />" . xlt("Patient Date Of Birth is missing");
if ($patient_data['date_of_birth'] && $patient_data['date_of_birth'] != '00000000') {
$dob = $doc->createElement("dob");
if (trim($patient_data['sex']) == '') {
$warning_msg .= "<br />" . xlt("Patient Gender is missing");
if ($patient_data['sex']) {
$gender_val = substr($patient_data['sex'], 0, 1);
$gender = $doc->createElement("gender");
PatientFreeformHealthplans($doc, $b, $pid);
$allergyId = PatientFreeformAllergy($doc, $b, $pid);
return $allergyId;
function OutsidePrescription($doc, $r, $pid, $prescid)
global $msg;
if ($prescid) {
$prec = sqlQuery("SELECT p.note,p.dosage,p.substitute,p.per_refill,p.form,p.route,p.size,p.interval,p.drug,l1.title AS title1,l2.title AS title2,l3.title AS title3,l4.title AS title4, AS prescid,
DATE_FORMAT(date_added,'%Y%m%d') AS date_added,CONCAT_WS(fname,' ',mname,' ',lname) AS docname,p.quantity
FROM prescriptions AS p
LEFT JOIN list_options AS l1 ON l1.list_id = 'drug_form' AND l1.option_id = p.form AND l1.activity = 1
LEFT JOIN list_options AS l2 ON l2.list_id = 'drug_route' AND l2.option_id = p.route AND l2.activity = 1
LEFT JOIN list_options AS l3 ON l3.list_id = 'drug_interval' AND l3.option_id = p.interval AND l3.activity = 1
LEFT JOIN list_options AS l4 ON l4.list_id = 'drug_units' AND l4.option_id = p.unit AND l4.activity = 1
WHERE p.drug <> '' and = ?", array($prescid));
$b = $doc->createElement("OutsidePrescription");
$externalId = $doc->createElement("externalId");
$date = $doc->createElement("date");
$doctorName = $doc->createElement("doctorName");
$s = stripSpecialCharacter($prec['drug']);
$sig = $doc->createElement("drug");
$doc->createTextNode(trimData($s, 80))
$x = stringToNumeric($prec['quantity']);
$dispenseNumber = $doc->createElement("dispenseNumber");
$s = trimData($x[1] . $prec['size'] . " " . $prec['title4'] . " " . $prec['dosage'] . " In " . $prec['title1'] . " " . $prec['title2'] . " " . $prec['title3'], 140);
$s = stripSpecialCharacter($s);
$sig = $doc->createElement("sig");
$refillCount = $doc->createElement("refillCount");
$x = stringToNumeric($prec['per_refill']);
$prescriptionType = $doc->createElement("prescriptionType");
function PatientMedication($doc, $r, $pid, $med_limit)
global $msg;
$active = '';
if ($GLOBALS['erx_upload_active'] == 1) {
$active = " and (enddate is null or enddate = '' or enddate = '0000-00-00' )";
$res_med = sqlStatement("select * from lists where type='medication' and pid=? and title<>''
and erx_uploaded='0' $active order by enddate limit 0," . escape_limit($med_limit), array($pid));
$uploaded_med_arr = "";
while ($row_med = sqlFetchArray($res_med)) {
$uploaded_med_arr[] = $row_med['id'];
$b = $doc->createElement("OutsidePrescription");
$externalId = $doc->createElement("externalId");
$date = $doc->createElement("date");
$doctorName = $doc->createElement("doctorName");
$row_med['title'] = stripSpecialCharacter($row_med['title']);
$sig = $doc->createElement("drug");
$doc->createTextNode(trimData($row_med['title'], 80))
$dispenseNumber = $doc->createElement("dispenseNumber");
$sig = $doc->createElement("sig");
$refillCount = $doc->createElement("refillCount");
$prescriptionType = $doc->createElement("prescriptionType");
return $uploaded_med_arr;
function PatientFreeformAllergy($doc, $r, $pid)
$res = sqlStatement("SELECT id,l.title as title1,lo.title as title2,comments FROM lists AS l
LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON l.outcome = lo.option_id AND lo.list_id = 'outcome' AND lo.activity = 1
WHERE `type`='allergy' AND pid=? AND erx_source='0' and erx_uploaded='0' AND (enddate is null or enddate = '' or enddate = '0000-00-00')", array($pid));
$allergyId = array();
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$val = array();
$val['id'] = $row['id'];
$val['title1'] = $row['title1'];
$val['title2'] = $row['title2'];
$val['comments'] = $row['comments'];
$b = $doc->createElement("PatientFreeformAllergy");
$b->setAttribute('ID', $val['id']);
if ($val['title1']) {
$allergyName = $doc->createElement("allergyName");
$doc->createTextNode(trimData(stripSpecialCharacter($val['title1']), 70))
if ($val['title2'] && ($val['title2'] == 'Mild' || $val['title2'] == 'Moderate' || $val['title2'] == 'Severe')) {
$allergySeverityTypeID = $doc->createElement("allergySeverityTypeID");
if ($val['comments']) {
$allergyComment = $doc->createElement("allergyComment");
$doc->createTextNode(trimData(stripSpecialCharacter($val['comments']), 200))
$allergyId[] = $row['id'];
return $allergyId;
function PatientFreeformHealthplans($doc, $r, $pid)
$resource = sqlStatement(
FROM `insurance_data` AS `id`
LEFT JOIN `insurance_companies` AS `ic` ON `ic`.`id` = `id`.`provider`
WHERE `id`.`pid` = ?
AND `id`.`subscriber_relationship` = \'self\'
AND `id`.`provider` > 0
ORDER BY `id`.`date` DESC
) AS `ins`
GROUP BY `ins`.`type`;',
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($resource)) {
$healthplanName = $doc->createElement('healthplanName');
stripSpecialCharacter(trimData($row['name'], 35))
$patientFreeformHealthplans = $doc->createElement('PatientFreeformHealthplans');
function PrescriptionRenewalResponse($doc, $r, $pid)
$b = $doc->createElement("PrescriptionRenewalResponse");
$renewalRequestIdentifier = $doc->createElement("renewalRequestIdentifier");
$responseCode = $doc->createElement("responseCode");
function checkError($xml)
$ch = curl_init($xml);
$data = array('RxInput' => $xml);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, getErxPath());
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "RxInput=" . $xml);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookiefile");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookiefile");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, session_name() . '=' . session_id());
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch) or die(curl_error($ch)) ;
preg_match('/<textarea.*>(.*)Original XML:/is', $result, $error_message);
if (strpos($result, 'RxEntry.aspx')) {
$arr = explode('Error', $error_message[1]);
//echo "Te: ".count($arr);
if (count($arr) == 1) {
echo nl2br($error_message[1]);
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
echo $arr[$i] . "<br /><br />";
if (strpos($result, 'RxEntry.aspx')) {
return '1';
} else {
return '0';
function erx_error_log($message)
$date = date("Y-m-d");
if (!is_dir($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/erx_error')) {
mkdir($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/erx_error', 0777, true);
$filename = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/erx_error/erx_error" . "-" . $date . ".log";
$f = fopen($filename, 'a');
fwrite($f, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " ==========> " . $message . "\r\n");
function stripStrings($str, $pattern)
$result = $str;
foreach ($pattern as $key => $value) {
$result = preg_replace("/$key/", $value, $result);
return $result;