You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

293 lines
22 KiB

* @package OpenEMR
* @link
* @author Eldho Chacko <>
* @author Paul Simon K <>
* @author Stephen Waite <>
* @author Brady Miller <>
* @author Rod Roark <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Z&H Consultancy Services Private Limited <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Waite <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Brady Miller <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 Rod Roark <>
* @license GNU General Public License 3
use OpenEMR\Billing\SLEOB;
//Patient ajax section and listing of charges..Used in New Payment and Edit Payment screen.
if (isset($_POST["mode"])) {
if (
($_POST["mode"] == "search") || ($_POST["default_search_patient"] == "default_search_patient") &&
isset($_REQUEST['hidden_patient_code']) &&
(int)$_REQUEST['hidden_patient_code'] > 0
) {
$hidden_patient_code = $_REQUEST['hidden_patient_code'];
$RadioPaid = $_REQUEST['RadioPaid'] ?? null;
if ($RadioPaid == 'Show_Paid') {
$StringForQuery = '';
} elseif ($RadioPaid == 'Non_Paid') {
$StringForQuery = " and last_level_closed = 0 ";
} elseif ($RadioPaid == 'Show_Primary_Complete') {
$StringForQuery = " and last_level_closed >= 1 ";
$ResultSearchNew = sqlStatement("SELECT,last_level_closed,b.encounter,fe.`date`,b.code_type,b.code,b.modifier,fee
FROM billing AS b,form_encounter AS fe, code_types AS ct
WHERE b.encounter=fe.encounter AND b.code_type=ct.ct_key AND ct.ct_diag=0
AND b.activity!=0 AND =? AND =?
" . ($StringForQuery ?? '') . " ORDER BY fe.`date`, fe.encounter,b.code,b.modifier", array($hidden_patient_code, $hidden_patient_code));
$res = sqlStatement("SELECT fname,lname,mname FROM patient_data
where pid =?", array($hidden_patient_code));
$row = sqlFetchArray($res);
$fname = $row['fname'];
$lname = $row['lname'];
$mname = $row['mname'];
$NameNew = $lname . ' ' . $fname . ' ' . $mname;
<legend><?php echo xlt('Distribute')?></legend>
<div class="row pb-2" id="TablePatientPortion">
<div class="frames col-3">
<input id="hidden_ajax_patient_close_value" type="hidden" value="<?php echo (empty($Message)) ? attr($NameNew ?? '') : '' ;?>" />
<label class="control-label" for="patient_code"><?php echo xlt('Patient'); ?>:</label>
<input class="form-control" name='patient_code' class="text" id='patient_code' onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" value="<?php echo (empty($Message)) ? attr($NameNew ?? '') : '' ;?>" autocomplete="off" />
<div class="frames col-2">
<label class="control-label" for="patient_name"><?php echo xlt('Patient Id'); ?>:</label>
<div class="form-control" name="patient_name" id="patient_name">
<?php echo (empty($Message)) ? text($hidden_patient_code ?? '') : ''; ?>
<div class="frames col">
<label class="control-label" for="type_code"><?php echo xlt('Select'); ?>:</label>
<label class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" id="Non_Paid" name="RadioPaid" onclick="SearchOnceMore()" <?php echo (empty($_REQUEST['RadioPaid']) || ($_REQUEST['RadioPaid'] == 'Non_Paid')) ? 'checked' : '' ; ?> value="Non_Paid" /><?php echo xlt('Non Paid'); ?>
<label class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" id="Show_Primary_Complete" name="RadioPaid" onclick="SearchOnceMore()" <?php echo (!empty($_REQUEST['RadioPaid']) && ($_REQUEST['RadioPaid'] == 'Show_Primary_Complete')) ? 'checked' : '' ; ?> value="Show_Primary_Complete" /><?php echo xlt('Show Primary Complete'); ?>
<label class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" id="Show_Paid" name="RadioPaid" onclick="SearchOnceMore()" <?php echo (!empty($_REQUEST['RadioPaid']) && ($_REQUEST['RadioPaid'] == 'Show_Paid')) ? 'checked' : '' ; ?> value="Show_Paid" /><?php echo xlt('Show All Transactions'); ?>
<div id='ajax_div_patient_section'>
<div id='ajax_div_patient_error'>
<div id="ajax_div_patient" style="display: none;">
<?php //New distribution section
$CountIndexBelow = 0;
$PreviousEncounter = 0;
$PreviousPID = 0;
if (!empty($ResultSearchNew)) {
if ($RowSearch = sqlFetchArray($ResultSearchNew)) { ?>
<div class="overflow-auto">
<div class="table-responsive-lg">
<table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-light" id="TableDistributePortion">
<thead class="bg-dark text-light">
<th><?php echo xlt('Post For'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Service Date'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Enc#'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Service Code'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Charge'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Copay'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Bal Due'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Allowed'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Payment'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Adj Amount'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Deductible'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Takeback'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('MSP'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Follow Up'); ?></th>
<th><?php echo xlt('Follow Up Reason'); ?></th>
do {
$CountIndex = $CountIndex ?? null;
$Ins = 0;
// Determine the next insurance level to be billed.
$ferow = sqlQuery("SELECT date, last_level_closed " .
"FROM form_encounter WHERE " .
"pid = ? AND encounter = ?", array($hidden_patient_code, $RowSearch['encounter']));
$date_of_service = substr($ferow['date'], 0, 10);
$new_payer_type = 0 + $ferow['last_level_closed'];
if ($new_payer_type <= 3 && !empty($ferow['last_level_closed']) || $new_payer_type == 0) {
$new_payer_id = SLEOB::arGetPayerID($hidden_patient_code, $date_of_service, $new_payer_type);
if ($new_payer_id == 0) {
$Ins = 0;
} elseif ($new_payer_id > 0) {
$Ins = $new_payer_type;
$ServiceDateArray = explode(' ', $RowSearch['date']);
$ServiceDate = oeFormatShortDate($ServiceDateArray[0]);
$Codetype = $RowSearch['code_type'];
$Code = $RowSearch['code'];
$Modifier = $RowSearch['modifier'];
if ($Modifier != '') {
$ModifierString = ", $Modifier";
} else {
$ModifierString = "";
$Fee = $RowSearch['fee'];
$Encounter = $RowSearch['encounter'];
//Always associating the copay to a particular charge.
$BillingId = $RowSearch['id'];
$resId = sqlStatement("SELECT FROM billing AS b, code_types AS ct
WHERE b.code_type=ct.ct_key AND ct.ct_diag=0 AND AND b.encounter=?
AND b.activity!=0 ORDER BY id", array($hidden_patient_code, $Encounter));
$rowId = sqlFetchArray($resId);
$Id = $rowId['id'];
if ($BillingId != $Id) {//multiple cpt in single encounter
$Copay = 0.00;
} else {
$resCopay = sqlStatement("SELECT sum(fee) as copay FROM billing where code_type='COPAY' and
pid =? and encounter =? and billing.activity!=0", array($hidden_patient_code, $Encounter));
$rowCopay = sqlFetchArray($resCopay);
$Copay = $rowCopay['copay'] * -1;
$resMoneyGot = sqlStatement(
"SELECT sum(pay_amount) as PatientPay FROM ar_activity where " .
"deleted IS NULL AND pid = ? and encounter = ? and payer_type = 0 and " .
"account_code = 'PCP'",
array($hidden_patient_code, $Encounter)
);//new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP'
$rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot);
$PatientPay = $rowMoneyGot['PatientPay'];
$Copay = $Copay + $PatientPay;
//payer_type!=0, supports both mapped and unmapped code_type in ar_activity
$resMoneyGot = sqlStatement(
"SELECT sum(pay_amount) as MoneyGot FROM ar_activity where " .
"deleted IS NULL AND pid = ? and (code_type = ? or code_type = '') and " .
"code = ? and modifier = ? and encounter = ? and ! (payer_type = 0 and " .
"account_code = 'PCP')",
array($hidden_patient_code, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $Encounter)
);//new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP'
$rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot);
$MoneyGot = $rowMoneyGot['MoneyGot'];
//supports both mapped and unmapped code_type in ar_activity
$resMoneyAdjusted = sqlStatement(
"SELECT sum(adj_amount) as MoneyAdjusted FROM ar_activity where " .
"deleted IS NULL AND pid = ? and (code_type = ? or code_type = '') and " .
"code = ? and modifier = ? and encounter = ?",
array($hidden_patient_code, $Codetype, $Code, $Modifier, $Encounter)
$rowMoneyAdjusted = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyAdjusted);
$MoneyAdjusted = $rowMoneyAdjusted['MoneyAdjusted'];
$Remainder = $Fee - $Copay - $MoneyGot - $MoneyAdjusted;
$TotalRows = sqlNumRows($ResultSearchNew);
if ($Ins == 1) {
$bgcolor = '#ddddff';
} elseif ($Ins == 2) {
$bgcolor = '#ffdddd';
} elseif ($Ins == 3) {
$bgcolor = '#F2F1BC';
} elseif ($Ins == 0) {
$bgcolor = '#AAFFFF';
<tr class="text" bgcolor='<?php echo attr($bgcolor); ?>' id="trCharges<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>">
<td class="text-left">
<input name="HiddenIns<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="HiddenIns<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Ins); ?>" type="hidden"/>
<?php echo generate_select_list("payment_ins$CountIndex", "payment_ins", "$Ins", "Insurance/Patient", '', 'oe-payment-select form-input-sm', 'ActionOnInsPat("' . $CountIndex . '")');?>
<?php echo text($ServiceDate); ?>
<td class="text-right">
<input name="HiddenEncounter<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Encounter); ?>" type="hidden" />
<?php echo text($Encounter); ?>
<input name="HiddenCodetype<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Codetype); ?>" type="hidden" />
<input name="HiddenCode<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Code); ?>" type="hidden" />
<?php echo text($Codetype . "-" . $Code . $ModifierString); ?>
<input name="HiddenModifier<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Modifier); ?>" type="hidden" />
<td class="text-right">
<input name="HiddenChargeAmount<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="HiddenChargeAmount<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Fee); ?>" type="hidden"/>
<?php echo text($Fee); ?>
<td class="text-right">
<input name="HiddenCopayAmount<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="HiddenCopayAmount<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($Copay); ?>" type="hidden" />
<?php echo text(number_format($Copay, 2)); ?>
<td class="text-right" id="RemainderTd<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>">
<?php echo text(round($Remainder, 2)); ?>
<input name="HiddenRemainderTd<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="HiddenRemainderTd<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr(round($Remainder, 2)); ?>" type="hidden" />
<input name="Allowed<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="Allowed<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" autocomplete="off" onChange="ValidateNumeric(this);ScreenAdjustment(this,<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>);UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'Allowed','initialallowtotal');UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'Payment','initialpaymenttotal');UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'AdjAmount','initialAdjAmounttotal');RestoreValues(<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>)" type="text" class="text-right amt_input" />
<input type="text" name="Payment<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" autocomplete="off" id="Payment<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onChange="ValidateNumeric(this);ScreenAdjustment(this,<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>);UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'Payment','initialpaymenttotal');RestoreValues(<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>)" class="text-right amt_input" />
<input name="AdjAmount<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" autocomplete="off" id="AdjAmount<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onChange="ValidateNumeric(this);ScreenAdjustment(this,<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>);UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'AdjAmount','initialAdjAmounttotal');RestoreValues(<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>)" type="text" class="text-right amt_input" />
<input name="Deductible<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="Deductible<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" onChange="ValidateNumeric(this);UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'Deductible','initialdeductibletotal');" autocomplete="off" type="text" class="text-right amt_input" />
<input name="Takeback<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" autocomplete="off" id="Takeback<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onChange="ValidateNumeric(this);ScreenAdjustment(this,<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>);UpdateTotalValues(<?php echo attr_js(($CountIndexAbove ?? null) * 1 + 1); ?>,<?php echo attr_js($TotalRows); ?>,'Takeback','initialtakebacktotal');RestoreValues(<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>)" type="text" class="text-right amt_input" />
<td class="text-left">
<input name="HiddenReasonCode<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" id="HiddenReasonCode<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="<?php echo attr($ReasonCodeDB ?? ''); ?>" type="hidden" />
<?php echo generate_select_list("ReasonCode$CountIndex", "msp_remit_codes", "", "MSP Code", "--", "oe-payment-select"); ?>
<td class="text-center">
<input type="checkbox" id="FollowUp<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" name="FollowUp<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" value="y" onClick="ActionFollowUp(<?php echo attr_js($CountIndex); ?>)" />
<input name="FollowUpReason<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" onKeyDown="PreventIt(event)" id="FollowUpReason<?php echo attr($CountIndex); ?>" readonly />
} while ($RowSearch = sqlFetchArray($ResultSearchNew)); ?>
<tr class="text">
<td class="text-right text-dark text-left" colspan="7"><b><?php echo (xlt("Totals") . ": ") ?></b></td>
<td class="bg-dark text-secondary text-center" id="initialallowtotal">0</td>
<td class="bg-dark text-secondary text-center" id="initialpaymenttotal">0</td>
<td class="bg-dark text-secondary text-center" id="initialAdjAmounttotal" >0</td>
<td class="bg-dark text-secondary text-center" id="initialdeductibletotal">0</td>
<td class="bg-dark text-secondary text-center" id="initialtakebacktotal">0</td>
<td class="text-center">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="text-center">&nbsp;</td>
<?php } //if($RowSearch = sqlFetchArray($ResultSearchNew))
} //if(!empty($ResultSearchNew)) ?>