You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

281 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2005 Rod Roark <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This class exports billing information to an external billing
// system. In this case we are writing a custom CSV format, but
// it would be easy and more generally useful to write X12 (837p)
// format and then have some separate utilities for converting to
// HCFA 1500, UB-92, etc.
// To implement this feature, rename this file to BillingExport.php.
class BillingExport
// You should customize these paths. They must share the same
// physical disk partition so that the final rename will be an
// atomic operation.
var $TMP_DIR = "/home/billing/tmp";
var $TARGET_DIR = "/home/billing/ftp";
var $tmpname; // output filename including path
var $tmpfh; // output file handle
function fixString($string)
return addslashes(trim($string));
function fixMI($string)
return addslashes(substr(trim($string), 0, 1));
function fixSex($sex)
$sex = substr(strtoupper(trim($sex)), 0, 1);
if ($sex == 'M') {
return 'Male';
if ($sex == 'F') {
return 'Female';
return '';
function fixPhone($phone)
$tmparr = array();
if (preg_match("/(\d\d\d)\D*(\d\d\d)\D*(\d\d\d\d)/", $phone, $tmparr)) {
return $tmparr[1] . '-' . $tmparr[2] . '-' . $tmparr[3];
return '';
function fixSSN($ssn)
$tmparr = array();
if (preg_match("/(\d\d\d)\D*(\d\d)\D*(\d\d\d\d)/", $ssn, $tmparr)) {
return $tmparr[1] . '-' . $tmparr[2] . '-' . $tmparr[3];
return '';
function fixMStatus($status)
return ucfirst(trim($status));
function fixEStatus($employer)
$status = strtoupper(trim($employer));
if (! $status) {
return '';
if ($status == 'STUDENT') {
return 'Student';
if ($status == 'RETIRED') {
return 'Retired';
return 'Full-time';
function fixRelation($rel)
return ucfirst(trim($rel));
function fixCPT($code, $mod)
$code = trim($code);
$mod = trim($mod);
if ($mod) {
$code .= '-' . $mod;
return addslashes($code);
function fixJust($str)
return addslashes(trim(str_replace(':', ' ', $str)));
function fixDate($date)
return substr($date, 0, 10);
// Creating a BillingExport object opens the output file.
// Filename format is "transYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt".
function __construct()
$this->tmpname = $this->TMP_DIR . '/trans' . date("YmdHis") . '.txt';
$this->tmpfh = fopen($this->tmpname, 'w');
// Call this once for each claim to be processed.
function addClaim($patient_id, $encounter)
// Patient information:
$query = "SELECT p.pubpid,, p.lname, p.fname, p.mname, p.DOB, " .
"p.street,, p.state, p.postal_code, p.phone_home, p.phone_biz, " .
"p.status,, " .
"FROM patient_data AS p " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN employer_data AS e ON = ? " .
"WHERE = ? " .
"LIMIT 1";
$prow = sqlQuery($query, array($patient_id, $patient_id));
// Patient line.
fwrite($this->tmpfh, 'PT' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['pubpid']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['lname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['fname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixMI($prow['mname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['street']) . '"' .
',""' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['city']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['state']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['postal_code']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixPhone($prow['phone_home']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixPhone($prow['phone_biz']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixSex($prow['sex']) . '"' .
',"' . $prow['DOB'] . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixSSN($prow['ss']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixEStatus($prow['name']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($prow['name']) . '"' .
// Encounter information:
$query = "SELECT, e.facility, " .
", u.lname, u.fname, u.mname, u.upin, " .
"f.street,, f.state, f.postal_code, f.pos_code, " .
"f.domain_identifier AS clia_code " .
"FROM form_encounter AS e " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN forms ON forms.formdir = 'newpatient' AND " .
"forms.form_id = AND = ? " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS u ON u.username = forms.user " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN facility AS f ON = e.facility " .
"WHERE = ? AND e.encounter = ? " .
"LIMIT 1";
$erow = sqlQuery($query, array($patient_id, $patient_id, $encounter));
// Performing Provider line.
fwrite($this->tmpfh, 'PP' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['lname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['fname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixMI($erow['mname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['upin']) . '"' .
// TBD: Referring Provider line when we have such a thing.
// Insurance information, up to 3 lines:
$query = "SELECT " .
"d.type, d.policy_number, d.group_number, " .
"d.subscriber_lname, d.subscriber_fname, d.subscriber_mname, " .
"d.subscriber_street, d.subscriber_city, d.subscriber_state, " .
"d.subscriber_postal_code, d.subscriber_DOB, d.subscriber_sex, " .
"d.subscriber_relationship, " .
", " .
"a.line1, a.line2,, a.state,, " .
"p.area_code, p.prefix, p.number, " .
"n.provider_number " .
"FROM insurance_data AS d " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c ON = d.provider " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a ON a.foreign_id = " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN phone_numbers AS p ON p.foreign_id = AND p.type = 2 " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_numbers AS n ON n.provider_id = ? " .
"AND n.insurance_company_id = " .
"WHERE = ? AND d.provider != '' " .
"ORDER BY d.type ASC, DESC";
$ires = sqlStatement($query, array($erow['id'], $patient_id));
$prev_type = '?';
while ($irow = sqlFetchArray($ires)) {
if (strcmp($irow['type'], $prev_type) == 0) {
$prev_type = $irow['type'];
fwrite($this->tmpfh, 'IN' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['subscriber_lname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['subscriber_fname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixMI($irow['subscriber_mname']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['subscriber_street']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['subscriber_city']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['subscriber_state']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['subscriber_postal_code']) . '"' .
',"' . $irow['subscriber_DOB'] . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixRelation($irow['subscriber_relationship']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['policy_number']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['group_number']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['name']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['line1']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['line2']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['city']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['state']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['zip']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixPhone($irow['area_code'] . $irow['prefix'] . $irow['number']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['provider_number']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($irow['provider_number']) . '"' . // TBD: referring provider
// Procedure information:
$query = "SELECT id, code, modifier, justify " .
"FROM billing " .
"WHERE pid = ? AND encounter = ? " .
"AND activity = 1 AND code_type = 'CPT4' " .
"ORDER BY id";
$bres = sqlStatement($query, array($patient_id, $encounter));
while ($brow = sqlFetchArray($bres)) {
fwrite($this->tmpfh, 'PR' .
',"' . $this->fixCPT($brow['code'], $brow['modifier']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixJust($brow['justify']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixDate($erow['date']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['pos_code']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['clia_code']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['facility']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['street']) . '"' .
',""' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['city']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['state']) . '"' .
',"' . $this->fixString($erow['postal_code']) . '"' .
// Close the output file and move it to the ftp download area.
function close()
chmod($this->tmpname, 0666);
rename($this->tmpname, $this->TARGET_DIR . '/' . basename($this->tmpname));