You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

485 lines
16 KiB

use strict;
use Time::Local;
use DBI;
# Copyright (C) 2006 Rod Roark <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is to be run frequently via the system crontab. On
# each run it will move scanned-in documents from a shared directory
# into matching locations in the openemr/documents directory, and also
# update the database accordingly.
# Each scanned-in file must be placed into a directory corresponding
# to its category, and its name must begin with the patient's pubpid
# followed by any non-alphanumeric character. For example:
# <shared-directory>/Categories/XRay/1234-knee-xray-20060131.jpg
# NOTE: This is contributed as-is for the possible benefit of those who
# may wish to build on it. As of this writing it is not known how well
# it works, if at all, with current OpenEMR.
# Parameters that you must customize #
# Parameters for MySQL database connections:
my $DBNAME = "openemr"; # database name
my $DBUSER = "openemr"; # database user name
my $DBPASS = "secret"; # database user's password
# Log file location:
my $INSLOG = "/mnt/drive2/emr_scan_load.log";
# Shared directory base where the scanners deposit files:
my $INPATH = "/mnt/drive2/scan_docs";
# Base directory for OpenEMR documents:
# my $OUTPATH = "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/openemr/documents";
my $OUTPATH = "/mnt/drive2/documents";
# This should specify the user and group that the web server runs as:
my $CHOWN_COMMAND = "chown nobody:nogroup";
# This is the user from whom patient notes are addressed:
my $SCANNER_OPERATOR = 'ksears';
# This person gets patient notes if the doctor cannot be determined or is
# out of the office:
my $DEFAULT_PRACTITIONER = 'candroney';
# We need a SQL condition to identify encounter forms that will only be
# entered by practitioners. Yeah there's probably a better way.
"formdir = 'soap' OR formdir = 'reviewofs' OR formdir = 'ros'";
# For each day of the week (Sun-Sat), if the office is open:
my @open_days = (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
# Office closing time:
my $closing_time = '17:00:00';
# Set this to 0 for production use:
my $DEBUG = 0;
# Initialization #
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME", $DBUSER, $DBPASS)
or die $DBI::errstr;
$| = 1; # Turn on autoflushing of stdout.
# Functions #
# Write a log message.
sub tolog($$) {
my ($msg, $error) = @_;
my @tm = localtime; $tm[5] += 1900; $tm[4] += 1;
my $ts = sprintf "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u",
$tm[5], $tm[4], $tm[3], $tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[0];
if ($error) {
$msg = '***ERROR: ' . $msg;
if ($DEBUG) {
$msg = '*DEBUGGING* ' . $msg;
open LOG, ">> $INSLOG" or die "Cannot open $INSLOG: $!";
print LOG "$ts $msg\n";
close LOG;
# Determine if the designated doc is in the office at the specified time,
# or will be later that day.
sub is_doc_available($$) {
my ($practitioner, $now) = @_;
$now = time() if (! $now);
my @tm = localtime $now; $tm[5] += 1900; $tm[4] += 1;
my $current_date = sprintf "%04u-%02u-%02u", $tm[5], $tm[4], $tm[3];
my $current_time = sprintf "%02u:%02u:%02u", $tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[0];
my $daynow = int($now / (24 * 60 * 60));
my $docid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT id FROM users WHERE " .
"username = '$practitioner'");
my $query = "SELECT " .
"pc_catid, pc_eventDate, pc_endDate, pc_recurrtype, pc_recurrspec, " .
"pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_alldayevent " .
"FROM openemr_postcalendar_events " .
"WHERE pc_aid = '$docid' AND " .
"( pc_catid = 2 OR pc_catid = 3 OR pc_duration >= 21600 ) AND " .
"pc_eventDate <= '$current_date' AND pc_endDate >= '$current_date' " .
"ORDER BY pc_startTime";
my $esth = $dbh->prepare($query)
or die $dbh->errstr;
$esth->execute() or die $esth->errstr;
# &tolog($query, 0); # debugging
my $vacation = 0;
my $in_active = 0;
my $in_until = '';
# Look at each event selected.
while (my @erow = $esth->fetchrow_array()) {
my ($pc_catid, $pc_eventDate, $pc_endDate, $pc_recurrtype, $pc_recurrspec,
$pc_startTime, $pc_endTime, $pc_alldayevent) = @erow;
my $repeattype = '0';
my $repeatfreq = '0';
if ($pc_recurrspec =~ /"event_repeat_freq_type";s:1:"(\d)"/) {
# 0 = day, 1 = week, 2 = month, 3 = year, 4 = workday
$repeattype = $1;
if ($pc_recurrspec =~ /"event_repeat_freq";s:1:"(\d)"/) {
# 1 = every, 2 = every other, etc.
$repeatfreq = $1;
# If this is a repeating event, determine if it applies to today.
if ($pc_recurrtype) {
$pc_eventDate =~ /^(\d+)\D(\d+)\D(\d+)/;
my $time0 = timelocal(1, 0, 0, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900);
my $day0 = int($time0 / (24 * 60 * 60));
my $elapsed_days = $daynow - $day0;
my @tm0 = localtime $time0; $tm0[5] += 1900; $tm0[4] += 1;
if ($repeattype == 0) { # day
if ($repeatfreq > 1) {
my $quotient = sprintf('%.4f', $elapsed_days / $repeatfreq);
next if ($quotient != int($quotient));
elsif ($repeattype == 1) { # week
my $repdays = $repeatfreq * 7;
if ($repdays > 0) {
my $quotient = sprintf('%.4f', $elapsed_days / $repdays);
next if ($quotient != int($quotient));
elsif ($repeattype == 2) { # month
next if ($tm[3] != $tm0[3]); # if not same day of month
if ($repeatfreq > 1) {
my $elapsed_months = ($tm[5] - $tm0[5]) * 12 + $tm[4] - $tm0[4];
my $quotient = sprintf('%.4f', $elapsed_months / $repeatfreq);
next if ($quotient != int($quotient));
elsif ($repeattype == 3) { # year
next if ($tm[3] != $tm0[3] || $tm[4] != $tm0[4]);
if ($repeatfreq > 1) {
my $elapsed_years = $tm[5] - $tm0[5];
my $quotient = sprintf('%.4f', $elapsed_years / $repeatfreq);
next if ($quotient != int($quotient));
elsif ($repeattype == 4) { # work day (M-F)
next if ($tm0[6] == 0 || $tm0[6] == 6); # if today is not a work day
if ($repeatfreq > 1) {
my $dowdiff = $tm[6] - $tm0[6];
my $elapsed_workdays = ($elapsed_days - $dowdiff) * 5 / 7 + $dowdiff;
my $quotient = sprintf('%.4f', $elapsed_workdays / $repeatfreq);
next if ($quotient != int($quotient));
# Phew. Now we know that this event is applicable to this day.
if ($pc_catid == 2) { # In Office
$in_active = 1;
$in_until = '23:59:59';
elsif ($pc_catid == 3) { # Out of Office
if ($in_active) {
$in_until = $pc_startTime;
$in_active = 0;
else { # Vacation or equivalent
$vacation = 1;
return 1 if ($in_until && ! $vacation && $in_until gt $current_time);
return 0;
# Generate a patient note if appropriate for this top-level category.
sub generate_note($$$) {
# my ($pid, $path, $topcategory, $docid) = @_;
my ($pid, $path, $docid) = @_;
# if ($NO_NOTE_CATEGORIES{$topcategory}) {
# return;
# }
# Get the login name of the user who entered the last clinical form for
# this patient. That's who we'll send the note to.
my $fsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT user, groupname FROM forms WHERE " .
or die $dbh->errstr;
$fsth->execute() or die $fsth->errstr;
my @frow = $fsth->fetchrow_array();
my $assigned_to = $DEFAULT_PRACTITIONER;
my $groupname = '';
if (@frow) {
$assigned_to = $frow[0];
$groupname = $frow[1];
# Check the schedule to see if this doc is in today (or will be in the
# next working day if it's after hours now); if not, assign the default.
my $now = time();
my @tm = localtime $now;
my $current_time = sprintf "%02u:%02u:%02u", $tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[0];
while ($open_days[$tm[6]] == 0 || $current_time gt $closing_time) {
$current_time = '00:00:00';
$now = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5]) + (24 * 60 * 60);
@tm = localtime $now;
if (! &is_doc_available($assigned_to, $now)) {
&tolog("$assigned_to not available, using default practitioner", 0);
} else {
&tolog("Patient $pid has no clinical forms, using default practitioner", 0);
# Build the text of the note including timestamp and addressing.
# The document ID is also included, so that OpenEMR can easily
# look up and display the document when the note is viewed.
my @tm = localtime; $tm[5] += 1900; $tm[4] += 1;
my $body = sprintf "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u",
$tm[5], $tm[4], $tm[3], $tm[2], $tm[1];
$body .= " ($SCANNER_OPERATOR to $assigned_to) ";
$body .= "New scanned document $docid: $path";
# Write it to the database.
my $query = "INSERT INTO pnotes ( date, body, pid, user, groupname, " .
"authorized, activity, title, assigned_to ) VALUES ( " .
"NOW(), '$body', '$pid', '$SCANNER_OPERATOR', '$groupname', '1', '1', " .
"'New Document', '$assigned_to')";
if (! $DEBUG) {
$dbh->do($query) or die $query;
&tolog("Patient note assigned to $assigned_to", 0);
# Process a document file.
sub process_file($$) {
my ($path, $notify) = @_;
# Extract the ending filename from the path. Clean it up a bit for
# use as an output filename. Return if it's a leftover problem.
my $dname = '';
my $fname = $path;
if ($path =~ m'^(.*)/([^/]+)$') {
$dname = $1;
$fname = $2;
return if ($fname =~ /^ERR/);
$fname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]/_/g;
while ($fname =~ s/__/_/g) {}
# Get out if the source file is open by any other process. This
# normally means that it's still being written via smbd.
if (my $pr = `lsof -t '$INPATH/$path'`) {
&tolog("Temporarily skipping '$path' which is open by process $pr", 0);
# Get the chart number and look up the patient's pid.
my $pubpid = '';
if ($fname =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9]+)/) {
$pubpid = $1;
my $psth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pid FROM patient_data " .
"WHERE pubpid = '$pubpid' LIMIT 1")
or die $dbh->errstr;
$psth->execute() or die $psth->errstr;
my @prow = $psth->fetchrow_array();
if (! @prow) {
&tolog("$path: there is no patient with chart id '$pubpid'", 1);
rename "$INPATH/$path", "$INPATH/$dname/ERR-$fname" if (! $DEBUG);
if ($psth->fetchrow_array()) {
&tolog("$path: there are multiple patients with chart id '$pubpid'", 1);
rename "$INPATH/$path", "$INPATH/$dname/ERR-$fname" if (! $DEBUG);
my $pid = $prow[0];
# Look up the document category and get its ID.
my @catpath = split /\//, $dname;
my $catid = 0;
my $catname = '';
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @catpath; ++$i) {
$catname = $catpath[$i];
$catid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT id FROM categories WHERE " .
"name = '$catname' AND parent = $catid");
if (! $catid) {
&tolog("Category '$dname' does not exist", 1);
rename "$INPATH/$path", "$INPATH/$dname/ERR-$fname";
# Get the source file size; if zero, skip it. It appears this
# can be a case where the scanner software has created the
# directory entry but has not yet written the data, so we do
# not want to delete the file.
my $fsize = (stat("$INPATH/$path"))[7];
if (! $fsize) {
# &tolog("Deleting and skipping empty file '$path'", 1);
# unlink "$INPATH/$path";
&tolog("Skipping empty file '$path'", 1);
# Make sure the target directory exists.
system "mkdir -p '$OUTPATH/$pid'; $CHOWN_COMMAND '$OUTPATH/$pid'" if (! $DEBUG);
# If the target filename exists, modify it until it doesn't.
my $count = 0;
while (-e "$OUTPATH/$pid/$fname") {
my $oldfname = $fname;
my $fsuff = '';
if ($fname =~ /^(.*)(\..+)$/) {
$fname = $1;
$fsuff = $2;
if ($count++) {
$fname =~ s/_\d+$//;
$fname .= '_' . $count . $fsuff;
&tolog("File '$pid/$oldfname' already exists; trying '$pid/$fname' ...", 0);
my $target = "$OUTPATH/$pid/$fname";
# Move the file to its destination and set its owner and group.
my $movecmd = "mv '$INPATH/$path' '$target'";
if (! $DEBUG) {
my $rc = system $movecmd;
if ($rc != 0) {
&tolog("Command '$movecmd' failed with return code $rc", 1);
system "$CHOWN_COMMAND '$target'";
# Compute assorted values for the documents table.
$dbh->do("update sequences set id = id + 1") if (! $DEBUG);
my $newid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT id FROM sequences");
my @tm = localtime; $tm[5] += 1900; $tm[4] += 1;
my $ts1 = sprintf "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", $tm[5], $tm[4], $tm[3], $tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[0];
my $ts2 = $ts1;
$ts2 =~ s/\D//g;
my $mimetype = $DEBUG ? '' : `file -i $target`;
$mimetype =~ s/;.*$//; # remove trailing "; charset=..." if present
$mimetype =~ s/^.*:\s*//; # remove everything preceding the mime type
$mimetype =~ s/\s*$//; # remove any trailing line feed or other whitespace
if (! $mimetype) {
&tolog("Unable to determine MIME type using 'file -i $target'; proceeding with empty type", 1);
if (! $DEBUG) {
# Update the database.
my $query = "INSERT INTO documents ( " .
"id, type, size, date, url, mimetype, revision, foreign_id" .
" ) VALUES ( " .
"'$newid', 'file_url', '$fsize', '$ts1', 'file://$target', '$mimetype', '$ts2', $pid " .
$dbh->do($query) or die $query;
my $query = "INSERT INTO categories_to_documents ( " .
"category_id, document_id" .
" ) VALUES ( " .
"'$catid', '$newid' " .
$dbh->do($query) or die $query;
&tolog("Loaded '$path' as $mimetype", 0);
# Generate the patient note if appropriate for this category.
# &generate_note($pid, "$dname/$fname", $catpath[1], $newid);
&generate_note($pid, "$dname/$fname", $newid) if $notify;
# Scan the source directory recursively to invoke processing of each
# document file.
sub scan_dir($) {
my $path = shift;
my $notify = -f "$INPATH/$path/.notify";
opendir my $dh, "$INPATH/$path";
while (my $dirent = readdir $dh) {
next if ($dirent =~ /^\./);
my $thispath = $path ? "$path/$dirent" : $dirent;
if (-d "$INPATH/$thispath") {
} else {
&process_file($thispath, $notify);
closedir $dh;
# Processing #
&scan_dir('Categories'); # This makes everything happen.
# Shutdown #