ORDER BY `date` desc
$res = sqlStatement($sql, array($pid));
for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($res); $iter++) {
$all[$iter] = $row;
return $all;
function getPatientSentNotes($pid = '', $limit = '', $offset = 0, $search = '')
if ($limit) {
$limit = "LIMIT " . escape_limit($offset) . ", " . escape_limit($limit);
$sql = "
CONCAT(pd.lname, ' ', pd.fname)
) AS body,
'Message' as `type`
pnotes AS p
LEFT JOIN patient_data AS pd
ON =
WHERE `user` = ?
AND p.deleted != 1
AND = ?
AND p.message_status != 'Done'
ORDER BY `date` desc
$res = sqlStatement($sql, array($pid,$pid));
for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($res); $iter++) {
$all[$iter] = $row;
return $all;
/** Add a note to a patient's medical record.
* @param int $pid the ID of the patient whos medical record this note is going to be attached to.
* @param string $newtext the note contents.
* @param int $authorized
* @param int $activity
* @param string $title
* @param string $assigned_to
* @param string $datetime
* @param string $message_status
* @param string $background_user if set then the pnote is created by a background-service rather than a user
* @return int the ID of the added note.
function addPnote(
$authorized = '0',
$activity = '1',
$title = 'Unassigned',
$assigned_to = '',
$datetime = '',
$message_status = 'New',
$background_user = ""
) {
if (empty($datetime)) {
$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// make inactive if set as Done
if ($message_status == 'Done') {
$activity = 0;
$user = ($background_user != "" ? $background_user : $_SESSION['authUser']);
$body = date('Y-m-d H:i') . ' (' . $user;
if ($assigned_to) {
$body .= " to $assigned_to";
$body = $body . ') ' . $newtext;
return sqlInsert(
'INSERT INTO pnotes (date, body, pid, user, groupname, ' .
'authorized, activity, title, assigned_to, message_status, update_by, update_date) VALUES ' .
'(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())',
array($datetime, $body, $pid, $user, $_SESSION['authProvider'], $authorized, $activity, $title, $assigned_to, $message_status, $_SESSION['authUserID'])
function addMailboxPnote(
$authorized = '0',
$activity = '1',
$title = 'Unassigned',
$assigned_to = '',
$datetime = '',
$message_status = "New"
) {
if (empty($datetime)) {
$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// make inactive if set as Done
if ($message_status == "Done") {
$activity = 0;
$body = date('Y-m-d H:i') . ' (' . $pid;
if ($assigned_to) {
$body .= " to $assigned_to";
$body = $body . ') ' . $newtext;
return sqlInsert(
"INSERT INTO pnotes (date, body, pid, user, groupname, " .
"authorized, activity, title, assigned_to, message_status, update_by, update_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())",
array($datetime, $body, $pid, $pid, 'Default', $authorized, $activity, $title, $assigned_to, $message_status, $_SESSION['authUserID'])
function updatePnote($id, $newtext, $title, $assigned_to, $message_status = "", $datetime = "")
$row = getPnoteById($id);
if (! $row) {
die("updatePnote() did not find id '" . text($id) . "'");
if (empty($datetime)) {
$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$activity = $assigned_to ? '1' : '0';
// make inactive if set as Done
if ($message_status == "Done") {
$activity = 0;
$body = $row['body'] . "\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i') .
' (' . $_SESSION['authUser'];
if ($assigned_to) {
$body .= " to $assigned_to";
$body = $body . ') ' . $newtext;
$sql = "UPDATE pnotes SET " .
"body = ?, activity = ?, title= ?, " .
"assigned_to = ?, update_by = ?, update_date = NOW()";
$bindingParams = array($body, $activity, $title, $assigned_to, $_SESSION['authUserID']);
if ($message_status) {
$sql .= " ,message_status = ?";
$bindingParams[] = $message_status;
if ($GLOBALS['messages_due_date']) {
$sql .= " ,date = ?";
$bindingParams[] = $datetime;
$sql .= " WHERE id = ?";
$bindingParams[] = $id;
sqlStatement($sql, $bindingParams);
function updatePnoteMessageStatus($id, $message_status)
if ($message_status == "Done") {
sqlStatement("update pnotes set message_status = ?, activity = '0', update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() where id = ?", array($message_status, $_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
} else {
sqlStatement("update pnotes set message_status = ?, activity = '1', update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() where id = ?", array($message_status, $_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
* Set the patient id in an existing message where pid=0
* @param $id the id of the existing note
* @param $patient_id the patient id to associate with the note
* @author EMR Direct
function updatePnotePatient($id, $patient_id)
$row = getPnoteById($id);
if (! $row) {
die("updatePnotePatient() did not find id '" . text($id) . "'");
$activity = $assigned_to ? '1' : '0';
$pid = $row['pid'];
if ($pid != 0 || (int)$patient_id < 1) {
(new SystemLogger())->errorLogCaller("invalid operation", ['id' => $id, 'patient_id' => $patient_id, 'pid' => $pid]);
die("updatePnotePatient invalid operation");
$pid = (int) $patient_id;
$newtext = "\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i') . " (patient set by " . $_SESSION['authUser'] . ")";
$body = $row['body'] . $newtext;
sqlStatement("UPDATE pnotes SET pid = ?, body = ?, update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() WHERE id = ?", array($pid, $body, $_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
function authorizePnote($id, $authorized = "1")
sqlQuery("UPDATE pnotes SET authorized = ? , update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() WHERE id = ?", array ($authorized, $_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
function disappearPnote($id)
sqlStatement("UPDATE pnotes SET activity = '0', message_status = 'Done', update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() WHERE id=?", array($_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
return true;
function reappearPnote($id)
sqlStatement("UPDATE pnotes SET activity = '1', message_status = IF(message_status='Done','New',message_status), update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() WHERE id=?", array($_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
return true;
function deletePnote($id)
if (
getAssignedToById($id) == $_SESSION['authUser']
|| getMessageStatusById($id) == 'Done'
) {
sqlStatement("UPDATE pnotes SET deleted = '1', update_by = ?, update_date = NOW() WHERE id=?", array($_SESSION['authUserID'], $id));
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Note that it is assumed that html escaping has happened before this function is called
function pnoteConvertLinks($note)
$noteActiveLink = preg_replace('!(https://[-a-zA-Z()0-9@:%_+.~#?&;//=]+)!i', '$1', $note);
if (empty($noteActiveLink)) {
// something bad happened (preg_replace returned null) or the $note was empty
return $note;
} else {
return $noteActiveLink;
* Retrieve assigned_to field given the note ID
* @param string $id the ID of the note to retrieve.
function getAssignedToById($id)
$result = sqlQuery("SELECT assigned_to FROM pnotes WHERE id=?", array($id));
return $result['assigned_to'];
* Retrieve message_status field given the note ID
* @param string $id the ID of the note to retrieve.
function getMessageStatusById($id)
$result = sqlQuery("SELECT message_status FROM pnotes WHERE id=?", array($id));
return $result['message_status'];