getTwig()->render('core/unauthorized.html.twig', ['pageTitle' => xl("ACL Administration")]); exit; } require_once(''); $getAction = $_GET['action'] ?? null; switch ($getAction) { case 'Delete': //CSRF prevent if (!CsrfUtils::verifyCsrfToken($_GET["csrf_token_form"])) { CsrfUtils::csrfNotVerified(); } $gacl_api->debug_text('Delete!'); if (is_array ($_GET['delete_acl']) AND !empty($_GET['delete_acl'])) { foreach($_GET['delete_acl'] as $id) { $gacl_api->del_acl($id); } } //Return page. $gacl_api->return_page($_GET['return_page']); break; case 'Submit': $gacl_api->debug_text('Submit!!'); break; default: /* * When the user requests to filter the list, run the filter and get just the matching IDs. * Use these IDs to get the entire ACL information in the second query. * * If we just put the LIKE statements in the second query, it will match the correct ACLs * but will only return the matching rows, so it won't show the entire ACL information. * */ if (isset($getAction) AND $getAction == 'Filter') { $gacl_api->debug_text('Filtering...'); $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT FROM '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'acl a LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map ac ON LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map ar ON LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map ax ON'; if ( isset($_GET['filter_aco_section']) AND $_GET['filter_aco_section'] != '-1') { $filter_query[] = 'ac.section_value='. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_aco_section'])); } if ( isset($_GET['filter_aco']) AND $_GET['filter_aco'] != '') { $query .= ' LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'aco c ON (c.section_value=ac.section_value AND c.value=ac.value)'; $name = $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_aco'])); $filter_query[] = '(lower(c.value) LIKE '. $name .' OR lower( LIKE '. $name .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_aro_section']) AND $_GET['filter_aro_section'] != '-1') { $filter_query[] = 'ar.section_value='. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_aro_section'])); } if ( isset($_GET['filter_aro']) AND $_GET['filter_aro'] != '') { $query .= ' LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'aro r ON (r.section_value=ar.section_value AND r.value=ar.value)'; $name = $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_aro'])); $filter_query[] = '(lower(r.value) LIKE '. $name .' OR lower( LIKE '. $name .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_aro_group']) AND $_GET['filter_aro_group'] != '') { $query .= ' LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups_map arg ON LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups rg ON'; $filter_query[] = '(lower( LIKE '. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_aro_group'])) .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_axo_section']) AND $_GET['filter_axo_section'] != '-1') { $filter_query[] = 'ax.section_value='. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_axo_section'])); } if ( isset($_GET['filter_axo']) AND $_GET['filter_axo'] != '') { $query .= ' LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'axo x ON (x.section_value=ax.section_value AND x.value=ax.value)'; $name = $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_axo'])); $filter_query[] = '(lower(x.value) LIKE '. $name .' OR lower( LIKE '. $name .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_axo_group']) AND $_GET['filter_axo_group'] != '') { $query .= ' LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups_map axg ON LEFT JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups xg ON'; $filter_query[] = '(lower( LIKE '. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_axo_group'])) .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_acl_section']) AND $_GET['filter_acl_section'] != '-1') { $filter_query[] = 'a.section_value='. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_acl_section'])); } if ( isset($_GET['filter_return_value']) AND $_GET['filter_return_value'] != '') { $filter_query[] = '(lower(a.return_value) LIKE '. $db->qstr(strtolower($_GET['filter_return_value'])) .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_allow']) AND $_GET['filter_allow'] != '-1') { $filter_query[] = '(a.allow LIKE '. $db->qstr($_GET['filter_allow']) .')'; } if ( isset($_GET['filter_enabled']) AND $_GET['filter_enabled'] != '-1') { $filter_query[] = '(a.enabled LIKE '. $db->qstr($_GET['filter_enabled']) .')'; } if (isset($filter_query) AND is_array($filter_query)) { $query .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $filter_query); } } else { $query = ' SELECT FROM ' . $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'acl a'; } $query .= ' ORDER BY ASC'; $acl_ids = array(); $rs = $db->PageExecute($query, $gacl_api->_items_per_page, ($_GET['page'] ?? null)); if ( is_object($rs) ) { $smarty->assign('paging_data', $gacl_api->get_paging_data($rs)); while ( $row = $rs->FetchRow() ) { $acl_ids[] = $row[0]; } $rs->Close(); } if ( !empty($acl_ids) ) { $acl_ids_sql = implode(',', $acl_ids); } else { //This shouldn't match any ACLs, returning 0 rows. $acl_ids_sql = -1; } $acls = array(); //If the user is searching, and there are no results, don't run the query at all if ( !($getAction == 'Filter' AND $acl_ids_sql == -1) ) { // grab acl details $query = ' SELECT,,a.allow,a.enabled,a.return_value,a.note,a.updated_date FROM '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'acl a INNER JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .'acl_sections x ON x.value=a.section_value WHERE IN ('. $acl_ids_sql . ')'; $rs = $db->Execute($query); if ( is_object($rs) ) { while ( $row = $rs->FetchRow() ) { $acls[$row[0]] = array( 'id' => $row[0], // 'section_id' => $section_id, 'section_name' => $row[1], 'allow' => (bool)$row[2], 'enabled' => (bool)$row[3], 'return_value' => $row[4], 'note' => $row[5], 'updated_date' => $row[6], 'aco' => array(), 'aro' => array(), 'aro_groups' => array(), 'axo' => array(), 'axo_groups' => array() ); } } // grab ACO, ARO and AXOs foreach ( array('aco', 'aro', 'axo') as $type ) { $query = ' SELECT a.acl_id,, FROM '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . $type .'_map a INNER JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . $type .' o ON (o.section_value=a.section_value AND o.value=a.value) INNER JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . $type . '_sections s ON s.value=a.section_value WHERE a.acl_id IN ('. $acl_ids_sql . ')'; $rs = $db->Execute($query); if ( is_object($rs) ) { while ( $row = $rs->FetchRow() ) { list($acl_id, $name, $section_name) = $row; if ( isset($acls[$acl_id]) ) { $acls[$acl_id][$type][$section_name][] = $name; } } } } // grab ARO and AXO groups foreach ( array('aro', 'axo') as $type ) { $query = ' SELECT a.acl_id, FROM '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . $type .'_groups_map a INNER JOIN '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . $type .'_groups g ON WHERE a.acl_id IN ('. $acl_ids_sql . ')'; $rs = $db->Execute($query); if ( is_object($rs) ) { while ( $row = $rs->FetchRow () ) { list($acl_id, $name) = $row; if ( isset($acls[$acl_id]) ) { $acls[$acl_id][$type .'_groups'][] = $name; } } } } } $smarty->assign('acls', $acls); $smarty->assign('filter_aco', ($_GET['filter_aco'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_aco_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_aco'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_aro', ($_GET['filter_aro'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_aro_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_aro'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_aro_group', ($_GET['filter_aro_group'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_aro_group_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_aro_group'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_axo', ($_GET['filter_axo'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_axo_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_axo'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_axo_group', ($_GET['filter_axo_group'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_axo_group_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_axo_group'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_return_value', ($_GET['filter_return_value'] ?? null)); $smarty->assign('filter_return_value_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_return_value'] ?? null)); foreach(array('aco','aro','axo','acl') as $type) { // //Grab all sections for select box // $options = array ( -1 => 'Any' ); $query = ' SELECT value,name FROM '. $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix .$type .'_sections WHERE hidden=0 ORDER BY order_value,name'; $rs = $db->Execute($query); if ( is_object($rs) ) { while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { $options[attr($row[0])] = attr($row[1]); } } $smarty->assign('options_filter_'. $type . '_sections', $options); if (!isset($_GET['filter_' . $type . '_section']) OR $_GET['filter_' . $type . '_section'] == '') { $_GET['filter_' . $type . '_section'] = '-1'; } $smarty->assign('filter_' . $type . '_section', $_GET['filter_' . $type .'_section']); $smarty->assign('filter_' . $type . '_section_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_' . $type .'_section'])); } $smarty->assign('options_filter_allow', array('-1' => 'Any', 1 => 'Allow', 0 => 'Deny')); $smarty->assign('options_filter_enabled', array('-1' => 'Any', 1 => 'Yes', 0 => 'No')); if (!isset($_GET['filter_allow']) OR $_GET['filter_allow'] == '') { $_GET['filter_allow'] = '-1'; } if (!isset($_GET['filter_enabled']) OR $_GET['filter_enabled'] == '') { $_GET['filter_enabled'] = '-1'; } $smarty->assign('filter_allow', $_GET['filter_allow']); $smarty->assign('filter_allow_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_allow'])); $smarty->assign('filter_enabled', $_GET['filter_enabled']); $smarty->assign('filter_enabled_escaped', attr($_GET['filter_enabled'])); } $smarty->assign('action', $getAction); $smarty->assign('action_escaped', attr($getAction)); $smarty->assign('return_page', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $smarty->assign('current','acl_list'); $smarty->assign('page_title', 'ACL List'); $smarty->assign('phpgacl_version', $gacl_api->get_version()); $smarty->assign('phpgacl_schema_version', $gacl_api->get_schema_version()); $smarty->assign("CSRF_TOKEN_FORM", CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); $smarty->display('phpgacl/acl_list.tpl'); ?>