{% for row in datasheet %} {% if row.is_main or row.is_sub %} {% if row.is_main %} {{ row.display_field|text }} {% else %} {{ row.display_field|text }} {% endif %}{% if row.display_field_sub %}{{ row.display_field_sub|text }}{% endif %}{% if row.concatenated_label %},{{ row.concatenated_label|xlt }}{% endif %} {{ row.pass_target|text }} / {{ row.pass_filter|text }} - {{ row.percentage|text }} {# Now include the patient details results #} {% include "reports/cqm/_results-table-patient-details.html.twig" with {title: "Patients"|xl, details: row.itemized_patients, cardClass:'info'} %} {% endif %} {% if row.is_provider %} {% include 'reports/cqm/_row-provider-display-name.html.twig' with {row: row} %} {% endif %} {% if row.is_provider_group %} {% include 'reports/cqm/_row-provider-group-display-name.html.twig' with {row: row} %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}