* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Jerry Padgett * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../interface/globals.php'); use OpenEMR\Common\Crypto\CryptoGen; use OpenEMR\Common\Logging\EventAuditLogger; class ApplicationTable { public function __construct() { } /** * Function zQuery * All DB Transactions take place * * @param String $sql * SQL Query Statment * @param array $params * SQL Parameters * @param boolean $log * Logging True / False * @param boolean $error * Error Display True / False * @return type */ public function zQuery($sql, $params = '', $log = false, $error = true) { $return = false; $result = false; try { $return = sqlStatement($sql, $params); $result = true; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($error) { $this->errorHandler($e, $sql, $params); } } if ($log) { EventAuditLogger::instance()->auditSQLEvent($sql, $result, $params); } return $return; } public function getPortalAuditRec($recid) { $return = false; $result = false; try { $sql = "Select * From onsite_portal_activity Where id = ?"; $return = sqlStatementNoLog($sql, $recid); $result = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->errorHandler($e, $sql); } if ($result === true) { return sqlFetchArray($return); } else { return false; } } public function getPortalAudit($patientid, $action = 'review', $activity = 'profile', $status = 'waiting', $auditflg = 1, $rtn = 'last', $oelog = true, $error = true) { $return = false; $result = false; $audit = array ( $patientid, $activity, $auditflg, $status, $action ); try { $sql = "Select * From onsite_portal_activity As pa Where pa.patient_id = ? And pa.activity = ? And pa.require_audit = ? " . "And pa.status = ? And pa.pending_action = ? ORDER BY pa.date ASC LIMIT 1"; $return = sqlStatementNoLog($sql, $audit); $result = true; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($error) { $this->errorHandler($e, $sql, $audit); } } if ($oelog) { EventAuditLogger::instance()->auditSQLEvent($sql, $result, $audit); } if ($rtn == 'last') { return sqlFetchArray($return); } else { return $return; } } /** * Function portalAudit * All Portal audit Transactions log * Hoping to work both ends, patient and user, from one or most two tables * * @param String $sql * SQL Query Statment for actions will execute sql as normal for cases * user auth is not required. * @param array $params * Parameters for actions * @param array $auditvals * Parameters of audit * @param boolean $log * openemr Logging True / False * @param boolean $error * Error Display True / False * @param type audit array params for portal audits * $audit = Array(); * $audit['patient_id']=""; * $audit['activity']=""; * $audit['require_audit']=""; * $audit['pending_action']=""; * $audit['action_taken']=""; * $audit['status']=""; * $audit['narrative']=""; * $audit['table_action']=""; //auth user action sql to run after review * $audit['table_args']=""; //auth user action data to run after review * $audit['action_user']=""; * $audit['action_taken_time']=""; * $audit['checksum']=""; */ public function portalAudit(string $type = null, string $rec = null, array $auditvals, $oelog = true, $error = true) { $return = false; $result = false; $audit = array (); if (!$type) { $type = 'insert'; } if ($type != 'insert') { $audit['date'] = $auditvals['date'] ? $auditvals['date'] : date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $audit['patient_id'] = $auditvals['patient_id'] ? $auditvals['patient_id'] : $_SESSION['pid']; $audit['activity'] = $auditvals['activity'] ? $auditvals['activity'] : ""; $audit['require_audit'] = $auditvals['require_audit'] ? $auditvals['require_audit'] : ""; $audit['pending_action'] = $auditvals['pending_action'] ? $auditvals['pending_action'] : ""; $audit['action_taken'] = $auditvals['action_taken'] ? $auditvals['action_taken'] : ""; $audit['status'] = $auditvals['status'] ? $auditvals['status'] : "new"; $audit['narrative'] = $auditvals['narrative'] ? $auditvals['narrative'] : ""; $audit['table_action'] = $auditvals['table_action'] ? $auditvals['table_action'] : ""; if ($auditvals['activity'] == 'profile') { $audit['table_args'] = serialize($auditvals['table_args']); } else { $audit['table_args'] = $auditvals['table_args']; } $audit['action_user'] = $auditvals['action_user'] ? $auditvals['action_user'] : ""; $audit['action_taken_time'] = $auditvals['action_taken_time'] ? $auditvals['action_taken_time'] : ""; $audit['checksum'] = $auditvals['checksum'] ? $auditvals['checksum'] : ""; try { if ($type != 'update') { $logsql = "INSERT INTO onsite_portal_activity" . "( date, patient_id, activity, require_audit, pending_action, action_taken, status, narrative," . "table_action, table_args, action_user, action_taken_time, checksum) " . "VALUES (NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } else { $logsql = "update onsite_portal_activity set date=?, patient_id=?, activity=?, require_audit=?," . " pending_action=?, action_taken=?,status=?, narrative=?, table_action=?, table_args=?," . "action_user=?, action_taken_time=?, checksum=? "; $logsql .= "where id='" . add_escape_custom($rec) . "' And patient_id='" . add_escape_custom($audit['patient_id']) . "'"; } $return = sqlStatementNoLog($logsql, $audit); $result = true; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($error) { $this->errorHandler($e, $logsql, $audit); } } if ($oelog) { $this->portalLog('profile audit transaction', $audit['patient_id'], $logsql, $audit, $result, 'See portal audit activity'); //auditSQLEvent( $logsql, $result, $audit ); } return $return; } public function portalLog($event = '', $patient_id = null, $comments = "", $binds = '', $success = '1', $user_notes = '', $ccda_doc_id = 0) { $groupname = isset($GLOBALS['groupname']) ? $GLOBALS['groupname'] : 'none'; $user = isset($_SESSION['portal_username']) ? $_SESSION['portal_username'] : $_SESSION['authUser']; $log_from = isset($_SESSION['portal_username']) ? 'onsite-portal' : 'portal-dashboard'; if (!isset($_SESSION['portal_username']) && !isset($_SESSION['authUser'])) { $log_from = 'portal-login'; } $user_notes .= isset($_SESSION['whereto']) ? (' Module:' . $_SESSION['whereto']) : ""; $processed_binds = ""; if (is_array($binds)) { $first_loop = true; foreach ($binds as $value_bind) { if ($first_loop) { $processed_binds .= "'" . add_escape_custom($value_bind) . "'"; $first_loop = false; } else { $processed_binds .= ",'" . add_escape_custom($value_bind) . "'"; } } if (! empty($processed_binds)) { $processed_binds = "(" . $processed_binds . ")"; $comments .= " " . $processed_binds; } } $this->portalNewEvent($event, $user, $groupname, $success, $comments, $patient_id, $log_from, $user_notes, $ccda_doc_id); } /** * Function errorHandler * All error display and log * Display the Error, Line and File * Same behavior of HelpfulDie fuction in OpenEMR * Path /library/sql.inc * * @param type $e * @param string $sql * @param array $binds */ public function errorHandler($e, $sql, $binds = '') { $trace = $e->getTraceAsString(); $nLast = strpos($trace, '[internal function]'); $trace = substr($trace, 0, ( $nLast - 3 )); $logMsg = ''; do { $logMsg .= "\r Exception: " . self::escapeHtml($e->getMessage()); } while ($e = $e->getPrevious()); /** * List all Params */ $processedBinds = ""; if (is_array($binds)) { $firstLoop = true; foreach ($binds as $valueBind) { if ($firstLoop) { $processedBinds .= "'" . $valueBind . "'"; $firstLoop = false; } else { $processedBinds .= ",'" . $valueBind . "'"; } } if (! empty($processedBinds)) { $processedBinds = "(" . $processedBinds . ")"; } } echo '
        echo 'ERROR : ' . $logMsg;
        echo "\r\n";
        echo 'SQL statement : ' . self::escapeHtml($sql);
        echo self::escapeHtml($processedBinds);
        echo '
'; echo '
        echo $trace;
        echo '
'; /** * Error Logging */ $logMsg .= "\n SQL statement : $sql" . $processedBinds; $logMsg .= "\n $trace"; error_log("ERROR: " . htmlspecialchars($logMsg, ENT_QUOTES), 0); } public function escapeHtml($string) { return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES); } /* * Retrive the data format from GLOBALS * * @param Date format set in GLOBALS * @return Date format in PHP */ public function dateFormat($format) { if ($format == "0") { $date_format = 'yyyy/mm/dd'; } elseif ($format == 1) { $date_format = 'mm/dd/yyyy'; } elseif ($format == 2) { $date_format = 'dd/mm/yyyy'; } else { $date_format = $format; } return $date_format; } /** * fixDate - Date Conversion Between Different Formats * * @param String $input_date * Date to be converted * @param String $date_format * Target Date Format */ public function fixDate($input_date, $output_format = null, $input_format = null) { if (! $input_date) { return; } $input_date = preg_replace('/T|Z/', ' ', $input_date); $temp = explode(' ', $input_date); // split using space and consider the first portion, in case of date with time $input_date = $temp[0]; $output_format = ApplicationTable::dateFormat($output_format); $input_format = ApplicationTable::dateFormat($input_format); preg_match("/[^ymd]/", $output_format, $date_seperator_output); $seperator_output = $date_seperator_output[0]; $output_date_arr = explode($seperator_output, $output_format); preg_match("/[^ymd]/", $input_format, $date_seperator_input); $seperator_input = $date_seperator_input[0]; $input_date_array = explode($seperator_input, $input_format); preg_match("/[^1234567890]/", $input_date, $date_seperator_input); $seperator_input = $date_seperator_input[0]; $input_date_arr = explode($seperator_input, $input_date); foreach ($output_date_arr as $key => $format) { $index = array_search($format, $input_date_array); $output_date_arr[$key] = $input_date_arr[$index]; } $output_date = implode($seperator_output, $output_date_arr); $output_date = $temp[1] ? $output_date . " " . $temp[1] : $output_date; // append the time, if exists, with the new formatted date return $output_date; } /* * Using generate id function from OpenEMR sql.inc library file * @param string $seqname table name containing sequence (default is adodbseq) * @param integer $startID id to start with for a new sequence (default is 1) * @return integer returns the sequence integer */ public function generateSequenceID() { return generate_id(); } public function portalNewEvent($event, $user, $groupname, $success, $comments = "", $patient_id = null, $log_from = '', $user_notes = "", $ccda_doc_id = 0) { EventAuditLogger::instance()->recordLogItem($success, $event, $user, $groupname, $comments, $patient_id, null, $log_from, null, $ccda_doc_id, $user_notes); } }// app query class