/** * SearchHighlight plugin for jQuery * * Thanks to Scott Yang * for the original idea and some code * * @author Renato Formato * * @version 0.33 * * Options * - exact (string, default:"exact") * "exact" : find and highlight the exact words. * "whole" : find partial matches but highlight whole words * "partial": find and highlight partial matches * * - style_name (string, default:'hilite') * The class given to the span wrapping the matched words. * * - style_name_suffix (boolean, default:true) * If true a different number is added to style_name for every different matched word. * * - debug_referrer (string, default:null) * Set a referrer for debugging purpose. * * - engines (array of regex, default:null) * Add a new search engine regex to highlight searches coming from new search engines. * The first element is the regex to match the domain. * The second element is the regex to match the query string. * Ex: [/^http:\/\/my\.site\.net/i,/search=([^&]+)/i] * * - highlight (string, default:null) * A jQuery selector or object to set the elements enabled for highlight. * If null or no elements are found, all the document is enabled for highlight. * * - nohighlight (string, default:null) * A jQuery selector or object to set the elements not enabled for highlight. * This option has priority on highlight. * * - keys (string, default:null) * Disable the analisys of the referrer and search for the words given as argument * */ /** * Included in OpenEMR package on 2/28/2013: * No license/copyright/restrictions/conditions included in script or from site it was * obtained from. Additionally, the author email address no longer exists. For these * reasons, OpenEMR considers this script as public domain. */ (function($){ jQuery.fn.SearchHighlight = function(options) { var ref = options.debug_referrer || document.referrer; if(!ref && options.keys==undefined) return this; SearchHighlight.options = $.extend({exact:"exact",style_name:'hilite',style_name_suffix:true},options); if(options.engines) SearchHighlight.engines.unshift(options.engines); var q = options.keys!=undefined?options.keys.split(/[\s,\+\.]+/):SearchHighlight.decodeURL(ref,SearchHighlight.engines); if(q && q.join("")) { SearchHighlight.buildReplaceTools(q); return this.each(function(){ var el = this; if(el==document) el = $("body")[0]; SearchHighlight.hiliteElement(el, q); }) } else return this; } var SearchHighlight = { options: {}, regex: [], engines: [ [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?google\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Google [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.yahoo\./i, /p=([^&]+)/i], // Yahoo [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.msn\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // MSN [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.live\./i, /query=([^&]+)/i], // MSN Live [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.aol\./i, /userQuery=([^&]+)/i], // AOL [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?ask\.com/i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Ask.com [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?altavista\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // AltaVista [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?feedster\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Feedster [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?search\.lycos\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // Lycos [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?alltheweb\./i, /q=([^&]+)/i], // AllTheWeb [/^http:\/\/(www\.)?technorati\.com/i, /([^\?\/]+)(?:\?.*)$/i], // Technorati ], subs: {}, decodeURL: function(URL,reg) { URL = decodeURIComponent(URL); var query = null; $.each(reg,function(i,n){ if(n[0].test(URL)) { var match = URL.match(n[1]); if(match) { query = match[1]; return false; } } }) if (query) { query = query.replace(/(\'|")/, '\$1'); query = query.split(/[\s,\+\.]+/); } return query; }, regexAccent : [ [/[\xC0-\xC5\u0100-\u0105]/ig,'a'], [/[\xC7\u0106-\u010D]/ig,'c'], [/[\xC8-\xCB]/ig,'e'], [/[\xCC-\xCF]/ig,'i'], [/\xD1/ig,'n'], [/[\xD2-\xD6\xD8]/ig,'o'], [/[\u015A-\u0161]/ig,'s'], [/[\u0162-\u0167]/ig,'t'], [/[\xD9-\xDC]/ig,'u'], [/\xFF/ig,'y'], [/[\x91\x92\u2018\u2019]/ig,'\''] ], matchAccent : /[\x91\x92\xC0-\xC5\xC7-\xCF\xD1-\xD6\xD8-\xDC\xFF\u0100-\u010D\u015A-\u0167\u2018\u2019]/ig, replaceAccent: function(q) { SearchHighlight.matchAccent.lastIndex = 0; if(SearchHighlight.matchAccent.test(q)) { for(var i=0,l=SearchHighlight.regexAccent.length;i'+text.substr(match.index,match[0].length)+"";*/ newtext += text.substr(index,match.index-index)+''+text.substr(match.index,match[0].length)+""; index = match.index+match[0].length; } if(newtext) { //add the last part of the text newtext += text.substring(index); var repl = $.merge([],$(""+newtext+"")[0].childNodes); endIndex += repl.length-1; startIndex += repl.length-1; $(item).before(repl).remove(); } } else { if(item.nodeType==1 && item.nodeName.search(SearchHighlight.nosearch)==-1) SearchHighlight.hiliteTree(item,query,noHighlight); } } } } }; })(jQuery)