* @author Medical Information Integration, LLC * @author Ensofttek, LLC * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Brady Miller * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Medical Information Integration, LLC * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Ensofttek, LLC * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/patient.inc"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/forms.inc"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/options.inc.php"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/report_database.inc"); use OpenEMR\Common\Acl\AclMain; use OpenEMR\ClinicialDecisionRules\AMC\CertificationReportTypes; use OpenEMR\Common\Logging\SystemLogger; use OpenEMR\Services\FacilityService; /** * Return listing of CDR reminders in log. * * @param string $begin_date begin date (optional) * @param string $end_date end date (optional) * @return sqlret sql return query */ function listingCDRReminderLog($begin_date = '', $end_date = '') { if (empty($end_date)) { $end_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $sqlArray = array(); $sql = "SELECT `date`, `pid`, `uid`, `category`, `value`, `new_value` FROM `clinical_rules_log` WHERE `date` <= ?"; $sqlArray[] = $end_date; if (!empty($begin_date)) { $sql .= " AND `date` >= ?"; $sqlArray[] = $begin_date; } $sql .= " ORDER BY `date` DESC"; return sqlStatement($sql, $sqlArray); } /** * Display the clinical summary widget. * * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient * @param string $mode choose either 'reminders-all' or 'reminders-due' (required) * @param string $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). If blank then will test with current date as target. * @param string $organize_mode Way to organize the results (default or plans) * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see. */ function clinical_summary_widget($patient_id, $mode, $dateTarget = '', $organize_mode = 'default', $user = '') { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Collect active actions $actions = test_rules_clinic('', 'passive_alert', $dateTarget, $mode, $patient_id, '', $organize_mode, array(), 'primary', null, null, $user); // Display the actions $current_targets = array(); echo "
"; foreach ($actions as $action) { // Deal with plan names first if (isset($action['is_plan']) && $action['is_plan']) { echo "
"; echo xlt("Plan") . ": "; echo generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'clinical_plans'), $action['id']); echo "
"; continue; } echo "
"; // Collect the Rule Title, Bibliographical citation, Rule Developer, Rule Funding Source, and Rule Release and show it when hover over the item. // Show the link for Linked referential CDS (this is set via codetype:code) $tooltip = ''; if (!empty($action['rule_id'])) { $rule_title = getListItemTitle("clinical_rules", $action['rule_id']); $ruleData = sqlQuery("SELECT `bibliographic_citation`, `developer`, `funding_source`, `release_version`, `web_reference`, `linked_referential_cds` " . "FROM `clinical_rules` " . "WHERE `id`=? AND `pid`=0", array($action['rule_id'])); $bibliographic_citation = $ruleData['bibliographic_citation']; $developer = $ruleData['developer']; $funding_source = $ruleData['funding_source']; $release = $ruleData['release_version']; $web_reference = $ruleData['web_reference']; $linked_referential_cds = $ruleData['linked_referential_cds']; if (!empty($rule_title)) { $tooltip = xla('Rule Title') . ": " . attr($rule_title) . " "; } if (!empty($bibliographic_citation)) { $tooltip .= xla('Rule Bibliographic Citation') . ": " . attr($bibliographic_citation) . " "; } if (!empty($developer)) { $tooltip .= xla('Rule Developer') . ": " . attr($developer) . " "; } if (!empty($funding_source)) { $tooltip .= xla('Rule Funding Source') . ": " . attr($funding_source) . " "; } if (!empty($release)) { $tooltip .= xla('Rule Release') . ": " . attr($release); } if ((!empty($tooltip)) || (!empty($web_reference))) { if (!empty($web_reference)) { $tooltip = ""; } else { $tooltip = ""; } } if (!empty($linked_referential_cds)) { $codeParse = explode(":", $linked_referential_cds); $codetype = $codeParse[0] ?? null; $code = $codeParse[1] ?? null; if (!empty($codetype) && !empty($code)) { $tooltip .= ""; } } } if ($action['custom_flag']) { // Start link for reminders that use the custom rules input screen $url = "../rules/patient_data.php?category=" . attr_url($action['category']); $url .= "&item=" . attr_url($action['item']); echo ""; } elseif ($action['clin_rem_link']) { // Start link for reminders that use the custom rules input screen $pieces_url = parse_url($action['clin_rem_link']); $url_prefix = $pieces_url['scheme']; if ($url_prefix == 'https' || $url_prefix == 'http') { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } else { // continue since no link is needed } // Display Reminder Details echo generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action_category'), $action['category']) . ": " . generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action'), $action['item']); if ($action['custom_flag'] || $action['clin_rem_link']) { // End link for reminders that use an html link echo ""; } // Display due status if ($action['due_status']) { // Color code the status (red for past due, purple for due, green for not due and black for soon due) if ($action['due_status'] == "past_due") { echo ""; } elseif ($action['due_status'] == "due") { echo ""; } elseif ($action['due_status'] == "not_due") { echo " '1','list_id' => 'rule_reminder_due_opt'), $action['due_status']); } // Display the tooltip if (!empty($tooltip)) { echo " {$tooltip}"; } echo ""; // Add the target(and rule id and room for future elements as needed) to the $current_targets array. // Only when $mode is reminders-due if ($mode == "reminders-due" && $GLOBALS['enable_alert_log']) { $target_temp = $action['category'] . ":" . $action['item']; $current_targets[$target_temp] = array('rule_id' => $action['rule_id'],'due_status' => $action['due_status']); } echo "
"; } echo "
"; // Compare the current with most recent action log (this function will also log the current actions) // Only when $mode is reminders-due if ($mode == "reminders-due" && $GLOBALS['enable_alert_log']) { $new_targets = compare_log_alerts($patient_id, $current_targets, 'clinical_reminder_widget', $_SESSION['authUserID']); if (!empty($new_targets) && $GLOBALS['enable_cdr_new_crp']) { // If there are new action(s), then throw a popup (if the enable_cdr_new_crp global is turned on) // Note I am taking advantage of a slight hack in order to run javascript within code that // is being passed via an ajax call by using a dummy image. echo ' '1','list_id' => 'rule_action_category'), $category) . ': ' . generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action'), $item) . '\n'; } echo '\n' . '(' . xls('See the Clinical Reminders widget for more details') . ')'; echo '\');this.parentNode.removeChild(this);" />'; } } } /** * Display the active screen reminder. * * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient * @param string $mode choose either 'reminders-all' or 'reminders-due' (required) * @param string $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). If blank then will test with current date as target. * @param string $organize_mode Way to organize the results (default or plans) * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see * @param string $test Set to true when only checking if there are alerts (skips the logging then) * @return string html display output. */ function active_alert_summary($patient_id, $mode, $dateTarget = '', $organize_mode = 'default', $user = '', $test = false) { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Collect active actions $actions = test_rules_clinic('', 'active_alert', $dateTarget, $mode, $patient_id, '', $organize_mode, array(), 'primary', null, null, $user); if (empty($actions)) { return false; } $returnOutput = ""; $current_targets = array(); // Display the actions foreach ($actions as $action) { // Deal with plan names first if ($action['is_plan']) { $returnOutput .= "
"; $returnOutput .= xlt("Plan") . ": "; $returnOutput .= generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'clinical_plans'), $action['id']); $returnOutput .= "
"; continue; } // Display Reminder Details $returnOutput .= generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action_category'), $action['category']) . ": " . generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action'), $action['item']); // Display due status if ($action['due_status']) { // Color code the status (red for past due, purple for due, green for not due and black for soon due) if ($action['due_status'] == "past_due") { $returnOutput .= "  ("; } elseif ($action['due_status'] == "due") { $returnOutput .= "  ("; } elseif ($action['due_status'] == "not_due") { $returnOutput .= "  ("; } else { $returnOutput .= "  ("; } $returnOutput .= generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_reminder_due_opt'), $action['due_status']) . ")
"; } else { $returnOutput .= "
"; } // Add the target(and rule id and room for future elements as needed) to the $current_targets array. // Only when $mode is reminders-due and $test is FALSE if (($mode == "reminders-due") && ($test === false) && ($GLOBALS['enable_alert_log'])) { $target_temp = $action['category'] . ":" . $action['item']; $current_targets[$target_temp] = array('rule_id' => $action['rule_id'],'due_status' => $action['due_status']); } } // Compare the current with most recent action log (this function will also log the current actions) // Only when $mode is reminders-due and $test is FALSE if (($mode == "reminders-due") && ($test === false) && ($GLOBALS['enable_alert_log'])) { $new_targets = compare_log_alerts($patient_id, $current_targets, 'active_reminder_popup', $_SESSION['authUserID']); if (!empty($new_targets)) { $returnOutput .= "
" . xlt('New Items (see above for details)') . ":
"; foreach ($new_targets as $key => $value) { $category_item = explode(":", $key); $category = $category_item[0]; $item = $category_item[1]; $returnOutput .= generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action_category'), $category) . ': ' . generate_display_field(array('data_type' => '1','list_id' => 'rule_action'), $item) . '
'; } } } return $returnOutput; } /** * Process and return allergy conflicts (when a active medication or presciption is on allergy list). * * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient * @param string $mode either 'all' or 'new' (required) * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see * @param string $test Set to true when only checking if there are alerts (skips the logging then) * @return array/boolean Array of allergy alerts or FALSE is empty. */ function allergy_conflict($patient_id, $mode, $user, $test = false) { // Collect allergies $sqlParam = array(); $sqlParam[] = $patient_id; $res_allergies = sqlStatement("SELECT `title` FROM `lists` WHERE `type`='allergy' " . "AND `activity`=1 " . "AND ( " . dateEmptySql('enddate') . "OR `enddate` > NOW() ) " . "AND `pid`=?", $sqlParam); $allergies = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($res_allergies); $iter++) { $allergies[$iter] = $row['title']; } // Build sql element of IN for below queries $sqlParam = array(); $sqlIN = ''; $firstFlag = true; foreach ($allergies as $allergy) { $sqlParam[] = $allergy; if ($firstFlag) { $sqlIN .= "?"; $firstFlag = false; } else { $sqlIN .= ",?"; } } // Check if allergies conflict with medications or prescriptions $conflicts_unique = array(); if (!empty($sqlParam)) { $conflicts = array(); $sqlParam[] = $patient_id; $res_meds = sqlStatement("SELECT `title` FROM `lists` WHERE `type`='medication' " . "AND `activity`=1 " . "AND ( " . dateEmptySql('enddate') . "OR `enddate` > NOW() )" . "AND `title` IN (" . $sqlIN . ") AND `pid`=?", $sqlParam); while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($res_meds)) { $conflicts[] = $urow['title']; } $res_rx = sqlStatement("SELECT `drug` FROM `prescriptions` WHERE `active`=1 " . "AND `drug` IN (" . $sqlIN . ") AND `patient_id`=?", $sqlParam); while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($res_rx)) { $conflicts[] = $urow['drug']; } if (!empty($conflicts)) { $conflicts_unique = array_unique($conflicts); } } // If there are conflicts, $test is FALSE, and alert logging is on, then run through compare_log_alerts $new_conflicts = array(); if ((!empty($conflicts_unique)) && $GLOBALS['enable_alert_log'] && ($test === false)) { $new_conflicts = compare_log_alerts($patient_id, $conflicts_unique, 'allergy_alert', $_SESSION['authUserID'], $mode); } if ($mode == 'all') { if (!empty($conflicts_unique)) { return $conflicts_unique; } else { return false; } } else { // $mode = 'new' if (!empty($new_conflicts)) { return $new_conflicts; } else { return false; } } } /** * Compare current alerts with prior (in order to find new actions) * Also functions to log the actions. * * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient * @param array $current_targets array of targets * @param string $category clinical_reminder_widget, active_reminder_popup, or allergy_alert * @param integer $userid user id of user. * @param string $log_trigger if 'all', then always log. If 'new', then only trigger log when a new item noted. * @return array array with targets with associated rule. */ function compare_log_alerts($patient_id, $current_targets, $category = 'clinical_reminder_widget', $userid = '', $log_trigger = 'all') { if (empty($userid)) { $userid = $_SESSION['authUserID']; } if (empty($current_targets)) { $current_targets = array(); } // Collect most recent action_log $prior_targets_sql = sqlQuery("SELECT `value` FROM `clinical_rules_log` " . "WHERE `category` = ? AND `pid` = ? AND `uid` = ? " . "ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1", array($category,$patient_id,$userid)); $prior_targets = array(); if (!empty($prior_targets_sql['value'])) { $prior_targets = json_decode($prior_targets_sql['value'], true); } // Compare the current with most recent log if (($category == 'clinical_reminder_widget') || ($category == 'active_reminder_popup')) { //using fancy structure to store multiple elements $new_targets = array_diff_key($current_targets, $prior_targets); } else { // $category == 'allergy_alert' //using simple array $new_targets = array_diff($current_targets, $prior_targets); } // Store current action_log and the new items // If $log_trigger=='all' // or If $log_trigger=='new' and there are new items if (($log_trigger == 'all') || (($log_trigger == 'new') && (!empty($new_targets)))) { $current_targets_json = json_encode($current_targets); $new_targets_json = ''; if (!empty($new_targets)) { $new_targets_json = json_encode($new_targets); } sqlStatement("INSERT INTO `clinical_rules_log` " . "(`date`,`pid`,`uid`,`category`,`value`,`new_value`) " . "VALUES (NOW(),?,?,?,?,?)", array($patient_id,$userid,$category,$current_targets_json,$new_targets_json)); } // Return new actions (if there are any) return $new_targets; } /** * Process clinic rules via a batching method to improve performance and decrease memory overhead. * * Test the clinic rules of entire clinic and create a report or patient reminders (can also test * on one patient or patients of one provider). The structure of the returned results is dependent on the * $organize_mode and $mode parameters. *
The results are dependent on the $organize_mode parameter settings
 *   'default' organize_mode:
 *     Returns a two-dimensional array of results organized by rules (dependent on the following $mode settings):
 *       'reminders-due' mode - returns an array of reminders (action array elements plus a 'pid' and 'due_status')
 *       'reminders-all' mode - returns an array of reminders (action array elements plus a 'pid' and 'due_status')
 *       'report' mode        - returns an array of rows for the Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) report
 *   'plans' organize_mode:
 *     Returns similar to default, but organizes by the active plans
* * @param integer $provider id of a selected provider. If blank, then will test entire clinic. If 'collate_outer' or 'collate_inner', then will test each provider in entire clinic; outer will nest plans inside collated providers, while inner will nest the providers inside the plans (note inner and outer are only different if organize_mode is set to plans). * @param string $type rule filter (active_alert,passive_alert,cqm,cqm_2011,cqm_2014,amc,amc_2011,amc_2014,patient_reminder). If blank then will test all rules. * @param string/array $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). If blank then will test with current date as target. If an array, then is holding two dates ('dateBegin' and 'dateTarget'). * @param string $mode choose either 'report' or 'reminders-all' or 'reminders-due' (required) * @param string $plan test for specific plan only * @param string $organize_mode Way to organize the results (default, plans). See above for organization structure of the results. * @param array $options can hold various option (for now, used to hold the manual number of labs for the AMC report) * @param string $pat_prov_rel How to choose patients that are related to a chosen provider. 'primary' selects patients that the provider is set as primary provider. 'encounter' selectes patients that the provider has seen. This parameter is only applicable if the $provider parameter is set to a provider or collation setting. * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (default is 100; plan to optimize this default setting in the future) * @param integer $report_id id of report in database (if already bookmarked) * @return array See above for organization structure of the results. */ function test_rules_clinic_batch_method($provider = '', $type = '', $dateTarget = '', $mode = '', $plan = '', $organize_mode = 'default', $options = array(), $pat_prov_rel = 'primary', $batchSize = '', $report_id = null) { // Default to a batchsize, if empty if (empty($batchSize)) { $batchSize = 100; } // Collect total number of pertinent patients (to calculate batching parameters) // note for group_calculation we will have some inefficiencies here $totalNumPatients = (int)buildPatientArray('', $provider, $pat_prov_rel, null, null, true); // Cycle through the batches and collect/combine results if (($totalNumPatients % $batchSize) > 0) { // not perfectly divisible $totalNumberBatches = floor($totalNumPatients / $batchSize) + 1; } else { // perfectly divisible $totalNumberBatches = floor($totalNumPatients / $batchSize); } (new SystemLogger())->debug( "test_rules_clinic_batch_method()", ['totalNumPatients' => $totalNumPatients, 'totalNumberBatches' => $totalNumberBatches] ); // Fix things in the $options array(). This now stores the number of labs to be used in the denominator in the AMC report. // The problem with this variable is that is is added in every batch. So need to fix it by dividing this number by the number // of planned batches(note the fixed array will go into the test_rules_clinic function, however the original will be used // in the report storing/tracking engine. $options_modified = $options; if (!empty($options_modified['labs_manual'])) { $options_modified['labs_manual'] = $options_modified['labs_manual'] / $totalNumberBatches; } // Prepare the database to track/store results $fields = array('provider' => $provider,'mode' => $mode,'plan' => $plan,'organize_mode' => $organize_mode,'pat_prov_rel' => $pat_prov_rel); if (is_array($dateTarget)) { $fields = array_merge($fields, array('date_target' => $dateTarget['dateTarget'])); $fields = array_merge($fields, array('date_begin' => $dateTarget['dateBegin'])); } else { if (empty($dateTarget)) { $fields = array_merge($fields, array('date_target' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); } else { $fields = array_merge($fields, array('date_target' => $dateTarget)); } } if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $fields = array_merge($fields, array($key => $value)); } } $report_id = beginReportDatabase($type, $fields, $report_id); setTotalItemsReportDatabase($report_id, $totalNumPatients); // Set ability to itemize report if this feature is turned on if ( ( ($type == "active_alert" || $type == "passive_alert") && ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_standard']) ) || ( ($type == "cqm" || $type == "cqm_2011" || $type == "cqm_2014") && ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_cqm']) ) || ( (CertificationReportTypes::isAMCReportType($type)) && ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_amc']) ) ) { $GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'] = $report_id; } else { $GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'] = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $totalNumberBatches; $i++) { // If itemization is turned on, then reset the rule id iterator if ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id']) { $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'] = 1; } $dataSheet_batch = test_rules_clinic($provider, $type, $dateTarget, $mode, '', $plan, $organize_mode, $options_modified, $pat_prov_rel, (($batchSize * $i) + 1), $batchSize); $dataSheet = array(); if ($i == 0) { // For first cycle, simply copy it to dataSheet $dataSheet = $dataSheet_batch; } else { //debug //error_log("CDR: ".print_r($dataSheet,TRUE),0); //error_log("CDR: ".($batchSize*$i)." records",0); // Integrate batch results into main dataSheet foreach ($dataSheet_batch as $key => $row) { if (!$row['is_sub']) { //skip this stuff for the sub entries (and use previous main entry in percentage calculation) $total_patients = $dataSheet[$key]['total_patients'] + $row['total_patients']; $dataSheet[$key]['total_patients'] = $total_patients; $excluded = $dataSheet[$key]['excluded'] + $row['excluded']; $dataSheet[$key]['excluded'] = $excluded; $pass_filter = $dataSheet[$key]['pass_filter'] + $row['pass_filter']; $dataSheet[$key]['pass_filter'] = $pass_filter; } $pass_target = $dataSheet[$key]['pass_target'] + $row['pass_target']; $dataSheet[$key]['pass_target'] = $pass_target; $dataSheet[$key]['percentage'] = calculate_percentage($pass_filter, $excluded, $pass_target); } } //Update database to track results updateReportDatabase($report_id, ($total_patients ?? null)); } // Record results in database and send to screen, if applicable. if (!empty($dataSheet)) { finishReportDatabase($report_id, json_encode($dataSheet)); return $dataSheet; } else { // make sure the report at least completes even if we have nothing here. finishReportDatabase($report_id, json_encode([])); return []; } } function rules_clinic_get_providers($billing_facility, $pat_prov_rel) { $results = []; if ($pat_prov_rel == "encounter") { $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine( "SELECT id AS provider_id, lname, fname, npi, federaltaxid FROM users WHERE authorized = 1 AND users.id IN( " . " SELECT DISTINCT `provider_id` FROM `form_encounter` WHERE `provider_id` IS NOT NULL and `billing_facility` = ? " . " UNION SELECT DISTINCT `supervisor_id` AS `provider_id` FROM `form_encounter` WHERE `supervisor_id` " . " IS NOT NULL and `billing_facility` = ? " . ") " . " ORDER BY provider_id ", array($billing_facility, $billing_facility) ); } else if ($pat_prov_rel == "primary") { $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine( "SELECT id AS provider_id , lname, fname, npi, federaltaxid FROM users WHERE authorized = 1 AND users.id IN ( " . "SELECT DISTINCT `providerID` AS provider_id FROM `patient_data` JOIN `users` providers ON providerID=providers.id " . " WHERE `providers`.billing_facility_id = ? " . ") " . " ORDER BY provider_id ", array($billing_facility) ); } if (!empty($rez)) { while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($rez)) { $results[] = $urow; } } return $results; } /** * Process clinic rules for the group_calculation provider method. This will process clinical rules for each of the * billing facilities in the entire organization. Rules are applied to the entire facility where patients are connected * to the billing facility either through encounters or their primary care provider. Rules are then applied to each * individual provider who is connected to the billing facility. This satisifies regulatory requirements where rule * calculations must be able to group results for one or more provider NPIs to a group tax id number (TIN). One example * of this is in the United States where providers can reassign their medicaid/medicare reimbursements to another TIN and * need to report on calculations at both the group and provider group level. * * @param string $type rule filter (active_alert,passive_alert,cqm,cqm_2011,cqm_2104,amc,amc_2011,amc_2014,patient_reminder). If blank then will test all rules. * @param string/array $dateArray Date filter to run the calculation on. Should have two keys ('dateBegin' and 'dateTarget'). * @param string $mode choose either 'report' or 'reminders-all' or 'reminders-due' (required) * @param integer $patient_id pid of patient. If blank then will check all patients. * @param string $plan test for specific plan only * @param string $organize_mode Way to organize the results (default, plans). See above for organization structure of the results. * @param array $options can hold various option (for now, used to hold the manual number of labs for the AMC report) * @param string $pat_prov_rel How to choose patients that are related to a chosen provider. 'primary' selects patients that the provider is set as primary provider. 'encounter' selectes patients that the provider has seen. * @param integer $start applicable patient to start at (when batching process) * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (when batching process) * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see(only applicable for per patient and not when do reports). * @return array See above for organization structure of the results. */ function test_rules_clinic_group_calculation($type = '', array $dateArray = array(), $mode = '', $patient_id = '', $plan = '', $organize_mode = 'default', $options = array(), $pat_prov_rel = 'primary', $start = null, $batchSize = null, $user = '') { (new SystemLogger())->debug( "test_rules_clinic_group_calculation()", array_combine( ['type', 'dateArray', 'mode', 'patient_id', 'plan', 'organize_mode' , 'options', 'pat_prov_rel', 'start', 'batchSize', 'user'], func_get_args() ) ); $results = []; $facilityService = new FacilityService(); $billingLocations = $facilityService->getAllBillingLocations(); if (!empty($billingLocations)) { //Collect applicable rules // Note that due to a limitation in the this function, the patient_id is explicitly // for grouping items when not being done in real-time or for official reporting. // So for cases such as patient reminders on a clinic scale, the calling function // will actually need rather than pass in a explicit patient_id for each patient in // a separate call to this function. $rules = resolve_rules_sql($type, $patient_id, false, $plan, $user); $filteredRules = array_filter($rules, function ($rule) { return $rule['amc_flag'] || $rule['cqm_flag']; }); // TODO: @adunsulag I'd prefer to use a service here, but in order to be consistent with everything else in this file we will use sqlStatementCdrEngine $sql = "SELECT id, name, federal_ein, facility_npi, tax_id_type FROM facility WHERE facility.billing_location = 1 " . " AND id IN (SELECT DISTINCT billing_facility FROM form_encounter) " . " ORDER BY facility.id ASC"; $frez = sqlStatementCdrEngine($sql); while ($frow = sqlFetchArray($frez)) { // we run with the encounter_billing_facility $options['billing_facility_id'] = $frow['id']; $patientData = buildPatientArray($patient_id, 'group_calculation', $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, false, $frow['id']); (new SystemLogger())->debug( "test_rules_clinic_group_calculation() patientIds retrieved for facility", ['facilityId' => $frow['id'], 'patientData' => $patientData] ); if (!empty($patientData)) { $group_item = []; $group_item['is_provider_group'] = true; $group_item['name'] = $frow['name']; $group_item['npi'] = $frow['facility_npi']; $group_item['federaltaxid'] = $frow['federal_ein']; $results[] = $group_item; foreach ($filteredRules as $rowRule) { $tempResults = test_rules_clinic_cqm_amc_rule($rowRule, $patientData, $dateArray, $dateArray, $options, null, $pat_prov_rel); if (!empty($tempResults)) { $results = array_merge($results, $tempResults); } (new SystemLogger())->debug( "test_rules_clinic_group_calculation() results returned for facility", ['facilityId' => $frow['id'], 'results' => $tempResults] ); } // now we are going to do our providers $providers = rules_clinic_get_providers($frow['id'], $pat_prov_rel); if (!empty($providers)) { // should always be populated here $facility_pat_prov_rel = $pat_prov_rel . "_billing_facility"; foreach ($providers as $prov) { $newResults = test_rules_clinic($prov['provider_id'], $type, $dateArray, $mode, $patient_id, $plan, $organize_mode, $options, $facility_pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, $user); if (!empty($newResults)) { $provider_item['is_provider'] = true; $provider_item['is_provider_in_group'] = true; $provider_item['group'] = [ 'name' => $frow['name'] ,'npi' => $frow['facility_npi'] ,'federaltaxid' => $frow['federal_ein'] ]; $provider_item['prov_lname'] = $prov['lname']; $provider_item['prov_fname'] = $prov['fname']; $provider_item['npi'] = $prov['npi']; $provider_item['federaltaxid'] = $prov['federaltaxid']; $results[] = $provider_item; $results = array_merge($results, $newResults); } } } } } } return $results; } /** * Process clinic rules for the collate outer and collate inner methods * * Test the clinic rules of entire clinic and create a report or patient reminders (can also test * on one patient or patients of one provider). The structure of the returned results is dependent on the * $organize_mode and $mode parameters. *
The results are dependent on the $organize_mode parameter settings
 *   'default' organize_mode:
 *     Returns a two-dimensional array of results organized by rules (dependent on the following $mode settings):
 *       'reminders-due' mode - returns an array of reminders (action array elements plus a 'pid' and 'due_status')
 *       'reminders-all' mode - returns an array of reminders (action array elements plus a 'pid' and 'due_status')
 *       'report' mode        - returns an array of rows for the Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) report
 *   'plans' organize_mode:
 *     Returns similar to default, but organizes by the active plans
* * @param integer $provider id of a selected provider. If blank, then will test entire clinic. If 'collate_outer' or 'collate_inner', then will test each provider in entire clinic; outer will nest plans inside collated providers, while inner will nest the providers inside the plans (note inner and outer are only different if organize_mode is set to plans). * @param string $type rule filter (active_alert,passive_alert,cqm,cqm_2011,cqm_2104,amc,amc_2011,amc_2014,patient_reminder). If blank then will test all rules. * @param string/array $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). If blank then will test with current date as target. If an array, then is holding two dates ('dateBegin' and 'dateTarget'). * @param string $mode choose either 'report' or 'reminders-all' or 'reminders-due' (required) * @param integer $patient_id pid of patient. If blank then will check all patients. * @param string $plan test for specific plan only * @param string $organize_mode Way to organize the results (default, plans). See above for organization structure of the results. * @param array $options can hold various option (for now, used to hold the manual number of labs for the AMC report) * @param string $pat_prov_rel How to choose patients that are related to a chosen provider. 'primary' selects patients that the provider is set as primary provider. 'encounter' selectes patients that the provider has seen. This parameter is only applicable if the $provider parameter is set to a provider or collation setting. * @param integer $start applicable patient to start at (when batching process) * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (when batching process) * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see(only applicable for per patient and not when do reports). * @return array See above for organization structure of the results. */ function test_rules_clinic_collate($provider = '', $type = '', $dateTarget = '', $mode = '', $patient_id = '', $plan = '', $organize_mode = 'default', $options = array(), $pat_prov_rel = 'primary', $start = null, $batchSize = null, $user = '') { $results = []; // If set the $provider to collate_outer (or collate_inner without plans organize mode), // then run through this function recursively and return results. if (($provider === "collate_outer") || ($provider === "collate_inner" && $organize_mode !== 'plans')) { // First, collect an array of all providers $query = "SELECT id, lname, fname, npi, federaltaxid FROM users WHERE authorized = 1 ORDER BY lname, fname"; $ures = sqlStatementCdrEngine($query); // Second, run through each provider recursively while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($ures)) { $newResults = test_rules_clinic($urow['id'], $type, $dateTarget, $mode, $patient_id, $plan, $organize_mode, $options, $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, $user); if (!empty($newResults)) { $provider_item['is_provider'] = true; $provider_item['prov_lname'] = $urow['lname']; $provider_item['prov_fname'] = $urow['fname']; $provider_item['npi'] = $urow['npi']; $provider_item['federaltaxid'] = $urow['federaltaxid']; $results[] = $provider_item; $results = array_merge($results, $newResults); } } // done, so now can return results return $results; } // If set organize-mode to plans, then collects active plans and run through this // function recursively and return results. if ($organize_mode === "plans") { // First, collect active plans $plans_resolve = resolve_plans_sql($plan, $patient_id); // Second, run through function recursively foreach ($plans_resolve as $plan_item) { // (if collate_inner, then nest a collation of providers within each plan) if ($provider === "collate_inner") { // First, collect an array of all providers $query = "SELECT id, lname, fname, npi, federaltaxid FROM users WHERE authorized = 1 ORDER BY lname, fname"; $ures = sqlStatementCdrEngine($query); // Second, run through each provider recursively $provider_results = array(); while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($ures)) { $newResults = test_rules_clinic($urow['id'], $type, $dateTarget, $mode, $patient_id, $plan_item['id'], 'default', $options, $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, $user); if (!empty($newResults)) { $provider_item['is_provider'] = true; $provider_item['prov_lname'] = $urow['lname']; $provider_item['prov_fname'] = $urow['fname']; $provider_item['npi'] = $urow['npi']; $provider_item['federaltaxid'] = $urow['federaltaxid']; $provider_results[] = $provider_item; $provider_results = array_merge($provider_results, $newResults); } } if (!empty($provider_results)) { $plan_item['is_plan'] = true; $results[] = $plan_item; $results = array_merge($results, $provider_results); } } else { // (not collate_inner, so do not nest providers within each plan) $newResults = test_rules_clinic($provider, $type, $dateTarget, $mode, $patient_id, $plan_item['id'], 'default', $options, $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, $user); if (!empty($newResults)) { $plan_item['is_plan'] = true; $results[] = $plan_item; $results = array_merge($results, $newResults); } } } // done, so now can return results return $results; } } /** * Runs the AMC or CQM calculations for a given rule. * @param $rowRule The rule we are going to run calculcations against * @param $patientData The list of patient pids we are going to calculate our rules on * @param $dateArray The start and end date of the rule for AMC calculation purposes * @param $dateTarget The end date of the rule for CQM purposes * @param $options Any options needed for AMC/CQM processing * @return array The list of rule calculations that have been generated * @throws Exception If a rule is invalid or not found */ function test_rules_clinic_cqm_amc_rule($rowRule, $patientData, $dateArray, $dateTarget, $options, $provider, $pat_prov_rel) { // we need to give more context to some of our rules $ruleOptions = $options; $ruleOptions['pat_prov_rel'] = $pat_prov_rel; if (is_numeric($provider)) { $ruleOptions['provider_id'] = $provider; } require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/rulesets/ReportManager.php"); $manager = new ReportManager(); if ($rowRule['amc_flag']) { // Send array of dates ('dateBegin' and 'dateTarget') $tempResults = $manager->runReport($rowRule, $patientData, $dateArray, $ruleOptions); } else { // Send target date $tempResults = $manager->runReport($rowRule, $patientData, $dateTarget); } return $tempResults; } /** * Process clinic rules. * * Test the clinic rules of entire clinic and create a report or patient reminders (can also test * on one patient or patients of one provider). The structure of the returned results is dependent on the * $organize_mode and $mode parameters. *
The results are dependent on the $organize_mode parameter settings
 *   'default' organize_mode:
 *     Returns a two-dimensional array of results organized by rules (dependent on the following $mode settings):
 *       'reminders-due' mode - returns an array of reminders (action array elements plus a 'pid' and 'due_status')
 *       'reminders-all' mode - returns an array of reminders (action array elements plus a 'pid' and 'due_status')
 *       'report' mode        - returns an array of rows for the Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) report
 *   'plans' organize_mode:
 *     Returns similar to default, but organizes by the active plans
* * @param integer $provider id of a selected provider. If blank, then will test entire clinic. If 'collate_outer' or 'collate_inner', then will test each provider in entire clinic; outer will nest plans inside collated providers, while inner will nest the providers inside the plans (note inner and outer are only different if organize_mode is set to plans). * @param string $type rule filter (active_alert,passive_alert,cqm,cqm_2011,cqm_2104,amc,amc_2011,amc_2014,patient_reminder). If blank then will test all rules. * @param string/array $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). If blank then will test with current date as target. If an array, then is holding two dates ('dateBegin' and 'dateTarget'). * @param string $mode choose either 'report' or 'reminders-all' or 'reminders-due' (required) * @param integer $patient_id pid of patient. If blank then will check all patients. * @param string $plan test for specific plan only * @param string $organize_mode Way to organize the results (default, plans). See above for organization structure of the results. * @param array $options can hold various option (for now, used to hold the manual number of labs for the AMC report) * @param string $pat_prov_rel How to choose patients that are related to a chosen provider. 'primary' selects patients that the provider is set as primary provider. 'encounter' selectes patients that the provider has seen. This parameter is only applicable if the $provider parameter is set to a provider or collation setting. * @param integer $start applicable patient to start at (when batching process) * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (when batching process) * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see(only applicable for per patient and not when do reports). * @return array See above for organization structure of the results. */ function test_rules_clinic($provider = '', $type = '', $dateTarget = '', $mode = '', $patient_id = '', $plan = '', $organize_mode = 'default', $options = array(), $pat_prov_rel = 'primary', $start = null, $batchSize = null, $user = '') { // If dateTarget is an array, then organize them. if (is_array($dateTarget)) { $dateArray = $dateTarget; $dateTarget = $dateTarget['dateTarget']; } else { $dateArray = []; } // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Prepare the results array $results = array(); // we have a special mechanism for collation or plans organize method if ($provider === "collate_outer" || $organize_mode === 'plans') { return test_rules_clinic_collate($provider, $type, $dateTarget, $mode, $patient_id, $plan, $organize_mode, $options, $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, $user); } if ($provider === "group_calculation") { return test_rules_clinic_group_calculation($type, $dateArray, $mode, $patient_id, $plan, $organize_mode, $options, $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, $user); } // Collect applicable patient pids $patientData = buildPatientArray($patient_id, $provider, $pat_prov_rel, $start, $batchSize, false, $options['billing_facility_id'] ?? null); // Go through each patient(s) // // If in report mode, then tabulate for each rule: // Total Patients // Patients that pass the filter // Patients that pass the target // If in reminders mode, then create reminders for each rule: // Reminder that action is due soon // Reminder that action is due // Reminder that action is post-due //Collect applicable rules // Note that due to a limitation in the this function, the patient_id is explicitly // for grouping items when not being done in real-time or for official reporting. // So for cases such as patient reminders on a clinic scale, the calling function // will actually need rather than pass in a explicit patient_id for each patient in // a separate call to this function. $rules = resolve_rules_sql($type, $patient_id, false, $plan, $user); foreach ($rules as $rowRule) { // If using cqm or amc type, then use the hard-coded rules set. // Note these rules are only used in report mode. if ($rowRule['cqm_flag'] || $rowRule['amc_flag']) { $tempResults = test_rules_clinic_cqm_amc_rule($rowRule, $patientData, $dateArray, $dateTarget, $options, $provider, $pat_prov_rel); $results = array_merge($results, $tempResults); // Go on to the next rule continue; } // ALL OF THE BELOW RULES ARE FOR active_alert, passive_alert,patient_reminder // If in reminder mode then need to collect the measurement dates // from rule_reminder table $target_dates = array(); if ($mode != "report") { // Calculate the dates to check for if ($type == "patient_reminder") { $reminder_interval_type = "patient_reminder"; } else { // $type == "passive_alert" or $type == "active_alert" $reminder_interval_type = "clinical_reminder"; } $target_dates = calculate_reminder_dates($rowRule['id'], $dateTarget, $reminder_interval_type); } else { // $mode == "report" // Only use the target date in the report $target_dates[0] = $dateTarget; } //Reset the counters $total_patients = 0; $pass_filter = 0; $exclude_filter = 0; $pass_target = 0; // Find the number of target groups $targetGroups = returnTargetGroups($rowRule['id']); if ((count($targetGroups) == 1) || ($mode == "report")) { // If report itemization is turned on, then iterate the rule id iterator if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator']++; } //skip this section if not report and more than one target group foreach ($patientData as $rowPatient) { // First, deal with deceased patients // (for now will simply skip the patient) // If want to support rules for deceased patients then will need to migrate this below // in target_dates foreach(guessing won't ever need to do this, though). // Note using the dateTarget rather than dateFocus if (is_patient_deceased($rowPatient['pid'], $dateTarget)) { continue; } // Count the total patients $total_patients++; $dateCounter = 1; // for reminder mode to keep track of which date checking // If report itemization is turned on, reset flag. if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { $temp_track_pass = 1; } foreach ($target_dates as $dateFocus) { //Skip if date is set to SKIP if ($dateFocus == "SKIP") { $dateCounter++; continue; } //Set date counter and reminder token (applicable for reminders only) if ($dateCounter == 1) { $reminder_due = "soon_due"; } elseif ($dateCounter == 2) { $reminder_due = "due"; } else { // $dateCounter == 3 $reminder_due = "past_due"; } // Check if pass filter $passFilter = test_filter($rowPatient['pid'], $rowRule['id'], $dateFocus); if ($passFilter === "EXCLUDED") { // increment EXCLUDED and pass_filter counters // and set as FALSE for reminder functionality. $pass_filter++; $exclude_filter++; $passFilter = false; } if ($passFilter) { // increment pass filter counter $pass_filter++; // If report itemization is turned on, trigger flag. if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { $temp_track_pass = 0; } } else { $dateCounter++; continue; } // Check if pass target $passTarget = test_targets($rowPatient['pid'], $rowRule['id'], '', $dateFocus); if ($passTarget) { // increment pass target counter $pass_target++; // If report itemization is turned on, then record the "passed" item and set the flag if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { insertItemReportTracker($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'], $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'], 1, $rowPatient['pid']); $temp_track_pass = 1; } // send to reminder results if ($mode == "reminders-all") { // place the completed actions into the reminder return array $actionArray = resolve_action_sql($rowRule['id'], '1'); foreach ($actionArray as $action) { $action_plus = $action; $action_plus['due_status'] = "not_due"; $action_plus['pid'] = $rowPatient['pid']; $action_plus['rule_id'] = $rowRule['id']; $results = reminder_results_integrate($results, $action_plus); } } break; } else { // send to reminder results if ($mode != "report") { // place the uncompleted actions into the reminder return array $actionArray = resolve_action_sql($rowRule['id'], '1'); foreach ($actionArray as $action) { $action_plus = $action; $action_plus['due_status'] = $reminder_due; $action_plus['pid'] = $rowPatient['pid']; $action_plus['rule_id'] = $rowRule['id']; $results = reminder_results_integrate($results, $action_plus); } } } $dateCounter++; } // If report itemization is turned on, then record the "failed" item if it did not pass if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id']) && !($temp_track_pass)) { insertItemReportTracker($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'], $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'], 0, $rowPatient['pid']); } } } // Calculate and save the data for the rule $percentage = calculate_percentage($pass_filter, $exclude_filter, $pass_target); if ($mode == "report") { $newRow = array('is_main' => true,'total_patients' => $total_patients,'excluded' => $exclude_filter,'pass_filter' => $pass_filter,'pass_target' => $pass_target,'percentage' => $percentage); $newRow = array_merge($newRow, $rowRule); // If itemization is turned on, then record the itemized_test_id if ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id']) { $newRow = array_merge($newRow, array('itemized_test_id' => $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'])); } $results[] = $newRow; } // Now run through the target groups if more than one if (count($targetGroups) > 1) { foreach ($targetGroups as $i) { // If report itemization is turned on, then iterate the rule id iterator if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator']++; } //Reset the target counter $pass_target = 0; foreach ($patientData as $rowPatient) { // First, deal with deceased patients // (for now will simply skip the patient) // If want to support rules for deceased patients then will need to migrate this below // in target_dates foreach(guessing won't ever need to do this, though). // Note using the dateTarget rather than dateFocus if (is_patient_deceased($rowPatient['pid'], $dateTarget)) { continue; } $dateCounter = 1; // for reminder mode to keep track of which date checking // If report itemization is turned on, reset flag. if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { $temp_track_pass = 1; } foreach ($target_dates as $dateFocus) { //Skip if date is set to SKIP if ($dateFocus == "SKIP") { $dateCounter++; continue; } //Set date counter and reminder token (applicable for reminders only) if ($dateCounter == 1) { $reminder_due = "soon_due"; } elseif ($dateCounter == 2) { $reminder_due = "due"; } else { // $dateCounter == 3 $reminder_due = "past_due"; } // Check if pass filter $passFilter = test_filter($rowPatient['pid'], $rowRule['id'], $dateFocus); if ($passFilter === "EXCLUDED") { $passFilter = false; } if (!$passFilter) { $dateCounter++; continue; } else { // If report itemization is turned on, trigger flag. if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'])) { $temp_track_pass = 0; } } //Check if pass target $passTarget = test_targets($rowPatient['pid'], $rowRule['id'], $i, $dateFocus); if ($passTarget) { // increment pass target counter $pass_target++; // If report itemization is turned on, then record the "passed" item and set the flag if ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id']) { insertItemReportTracker($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'], $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'], 1, $rowPatient['pid']); $temp_track_pass = 1; } // send to reminder results if ($mode == "reminders-all") { // place the completed actions into the reminder return array $actionArray = resolve_action_sql($rowRule['id'], $i); foreach ($actionArray as $action) { $action_plus = $action; $action_plus['due_status'] = "not_due"; $action_plus['pid'] = $rowPatient['pid']; $action_plus['rule_id'] = $rowRule['id']; $results = reminder_results_integrate($results, $action_plus); } } break; } else { // send to reminder results if ($mode != "report") { // place the actions into the reminder return array $actionArray = resolve_action_sql($rowRule['id'], $i); foreach ($actionArray as $action) { $action_plus = $action; $action_plus['due_status'] = $reminder_due; $action_plus['pid'] = $rowPatient['pid']; $action_plus['rule_id'] = $rowRule['id']; $results = reminder_results_integrate($results, $action_plus); } } } $dateCounter++; } // If report itemization is turned on, then record the "failed" item if it did not pass if (!empty($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id']) && !($temp_track_pass)) { insertItemReportTracker($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id'], $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'], 0, $rowPatient['pid']); } } // Calculate and save the data for the rule $percentage = calculate_percentage($pass_filter, $exclude_filter, $pass_target); // Collect action for title (just use the first one, if more than one) $actionArray = resolve_action_sql($rowRule['id'], $i); $action = $actionArray[0]; if ($mode == "report") { $newRow = array('is_sub' => true,'action_category' => $action['category'],'action_item' => $action['item'],'total_patients' => '','excluded' => '','pass_filter' => '','pass_target' => $pass_target,'percentage' => $percentage); // If itemization is turned on, then record the itemized_test_id if ($GLOBALS['report_itemizing_temp_flag_and_id']) { $newRow = array_merge($newRow, array('itemized_test_id' => $GLOBALS['report_itemized_test_id_iterator'])); } $results[] = $newRow; } } } } // Return the data return $results; } /** * Process patient array that is to be tested. * * @param integer $provider id of a selected provider. If blank, then will test entire clinic. * @param integer $patient_id pid of patient. If blank then will check all patients. * @param string $pat_prov_rel How to choose patients that are related to a chosen provider. 'primary' selects patients that the provider is set as primary provider. 'encounter' selectes patients that the provider has seen. This parameter is only applicable if the $provider parameter is set to a provider or collation setting. * @param integer $start applicable patient to start at (when batching process) * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (when batching process) * @param boolean $onlyCount If true, then will just return the total number of applicable records (ignores batching parameters) * @param integer $billing_facility id of the billing facility to constrain patient relationships to * @return array/integer Array of patient pid values or number total pertinent patients (if $onlyCount is TRUE) */ function buildPatientArray($patient_id = '', $provider = '', $pat_prov_rel = 'primary', $start = null, $batchSize = null, $onlyCount = false, $billing_facility = null) { (new SystemLogger())->debug( "buildPatientArray()", ['patient_id' => $patient_id, 'provider' => $provider, 'pat_prov_rel' => $pat_prov_rel, 'start' => $start , 'batchSize' => $batchSize, 'onlyCount' => $onlyCount, 'billing_facility' => $billing_facility] ); $patientData = []; if (!empty($patient_id)) { // only look at the selected patient if ($onlyCount) { $patientNumber = 1; } else { $patientData[0]['pid'] = $patient_id; } } else { if (empty($provider)) { // Look at entire practice if ($start == null || $batchSize == null || $onlyCount) { $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `pid` FROM `patient_data` ORDER BY `pid`"); if ($onlyCount) { $patientNumber = sqlNumRows($rez); } } else { // batching $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `pid` FROM `patient_data` ORDER BY `pid` LIMIT ?,?", array(($start - 1),$batchSize)); } } else { // Look at an individual physician if ($provider == 'group_calculation' && $pat_prov_rel == 'encounter') { return buildPatientArrayEncounterBillingFacility($start, $batchSize, $onlyCount, $billing_facility); } else if ($provider == 'group_calculation' && $pat_prov_rel == 'primary') { return buildPatientArrayPrimaryProviderBillingFacility($start, $batchSize, $onlyCount, $billing_facility); } else if ($pat_prov_rel == 'encounter_billing_facility' && is_numeric($provider)) { return buildPatientArrayEncounterBillingFacility($start, $batchSize, $onlyCount, $billing_facility, $provider); } else if ($pat_prov_rel == 'primary_billing_facility' && is_numeric($provider)) { return buildPatientArrayPrimaryProviderBillingFacility($start, $batchSize, $onlyCount, $billing_facility, $provider); } else if ($pat_prov_rel == 'encounter') { // Choose patients that are related to specific physician by an encounter (OR the provider was a referral originator) $sql = "select DISTINCT `pid` FROM `form_encounter` WHERE `provider_id` =? OR `supervisor_id` = ? " . " UNION select DISTINCT `transactions`.`pid` FROM transactions " . " INNER JOIN lbt_data ON lbt_data.form_id = transactions.id AND lbt_data.field_id = 'refer_from' AND lbt_data.field_value = ? " . " ORDER BY `pid`"; if ($start == null || $batchSize == null || $onlyCount) { // we need to include referrals here as a referral can occur w/o there being an encounter $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine($sql, array($provider, $provider, $provider)); if ($onlyCount) { $patientNumber = sqlNumRows($rez); } } else { //batching $sql .= " LIMIT " . intval($start) - 1 . "," . intval($batchSize); $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine($sql, array($provider, $provider, $provider)); } } else { //$pat_prov_rel == 'primary' // Choose patients that are assigned to the specific physician (primary physician in patient demographics) if ($start == null || $batchSize == null || $onlyCount) { $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `pid` FROM `patient_data` " . "WHERE `providerID`=? ORDER BY `pid`", array($provider)); if ($onlyCount) { $patientNumber = sqlNumRows($rez); } } else { $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `pid` FROM `patient_data` " . "WHERE `providerID`=? ORDER BY `pid` LIMIT ?,?", array($provider,($start - 1),$batchSize)); } } } // convert the sql query results into an array if returning the array if (!$onlyCount) { for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($rez); $iter++) { $patientData[$iter] = $row; } } } if ($onlyCount) { // return the number of applicable patients return $patientNumber; } else { // return array of patient pids return $patientData; } } /** * Process patient array that is to be tested. This uses the patient relationship context of encounters linked to billing facilities * * @param integer $start applicable patient to start at (when batching process) * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (when batching process) * @param boolean $onlyCount If true, then will just return the total number of applicable records (ignores batching parameters) * @param integer $billing_facility id of the billing facility to constrain patient relationships to, if NULL it uses ALL billing facilities * @param integer|null $provider_id The id of a provider to restrict patient data to if we have one * @return array/integer Array of patient pid values or number total pertinent patients (if $onlyCount is TRUE) */ function buildPatientArrayEncounterBillingFacility($start, $batchSize, $onlyCount, $billing_facility, $provider_id = null) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `pid` FROM `form_encounter` "; $binds = []; $billing_facility = intval($billing_facility); // make sure its an integer if (empty($billing_facility)) { $sql .= "WHERE `form_encounter`.`billing_facility` IS NOT NULL "; } else { // " WHERE (`provider_id`=? OR `supervisor_id`=?) AND `billing_facility` = ? ORDER BY `pid`", array($provider,$provider, $billing_facility)); $sql .= " WHERE `form_encounter`.`billing_facility` = ? "; $binds[] = $billing_facility; } if (!empty($provider_id)) { $provider_id = intval($provider_id); // make sure we convert this to a pure int $sql .= " AND (`form_encounter`.`provider_id` = ? OR `form_encounter`.`supervisor_id` = ?)"; $binds[] = $provider_id; $binds[] = $provider_id; } $sql .= "UNION SELECT DISTINCT `transactions`.`pid` FROM `transactions` "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN `lbt_data` ON `lbt_data`.`form_id` = `transactions`.`id` AND `lbt_data`.`field_id` = 'billing_facility_id' "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN lbt_data lbt_data2 ON lbt_data.form_id = transactions.id AND lbt_data2.field_id = 'refer_from' "; if (!empty($billing_facility)) { $sql .= " WHERE `lbt_data`.`field_value` = ? "; $binds[] = $billing_facility; } if (!empty($provider_id)) { $sql .= " AND `lbt_data2`.`field_value` = ? "; $binds[] = $provider_id; } $sql .= "ORDER BY `pid`"; if (!($start == null || $batchSize == null || $onlyCount)) { $sql .= "LIMIT " . (intval($start) - 1) . "," . intval($batchSize); } $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine($sql, $binds); if ($onlyCount) { $patientNumber = sqlNumRows($rez); return $patientNumber; } $patientData = []; for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($rez); $iter++) { $patientData[$iter] = $row; } return $patientData; } /** * Process patient array that is to be tested. This uses the patient relationship context of the primary provider who is * linked to a billing facility * * @param integer $start applicable patient to start at (when batching process) * @param integer $batchSize number of patients to batch (when batching process) * @param boolean $onlyCount If true, then will just return the total number of applicable records (ignores batching parameters) * @param integer $billing_facility id of the billing facility to constrain patient relationships to, if NULL it uses ALL billing facilities * @param integer|null $provider_id The id of a provider to restrict patient data to if we have one * @return array/integer Array of patient pid values or number total pertinent patients (if $onlyCount is TRUE) */ function buildPatientArrayPrimaryProviderBillingFacility($start, $batchSize, $onlyCount, $billing_facility, $provider_id = null) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `pid` FROM `patient_data` JOIN users providers ON `patient_data`.`providerID`=providers.id "; $binds = []; $billing_facility = intval($billing_facility); // make sure its an integer if (empty($billing_facility)) { $sql .= "WHERE (`providers`.`billing_facility_id` IS NOT NULL)"; } else { $sql .= " WHERE (`providers`.`billing_facility_id`=?)"; $binds[] = $billing_facility; } if (!empty($provider_id)) { $sql .= " AND `providers.id`=?"; $binds[] = $provider_id; } $sql .= "UNION SELECT DISTINCT `transactions`.`pid` FROM `transactions` "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN lbt_data ON lbt_data.form_id = transactions.id AND lbt_data.field_id = 'refer_from' "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN `users` providers ON `lbt_data`.`form_id` = `transactions`.`id` AND `lbt_data`.`form_value` = providers.id "; if (empty($billing_facility)) { $sql .= "WHERE (`providers`.`billing_facility_id` IS NOT NULL)"; } else { $sql .= " WHERE (`providers`.`billing_facility_id`=?)"; $binds[] = $billing_facility; } if (!empty($provider_id)) { $sql .= " AND `providers.id`=?"; $binds[] = $provider_id; } $sql .= "ORDER BY `pid`"; if (!($start == null || $batchSize == null || $onlyCount)) { $sql .= "LIMIT " . (intval($start) - 1) . "," . intval($batchSize); } $rez = sqlStatementCdrEngine($sql, $binds); if ($onlyCount) { $patientNumber = sqlNumRows($rez); return $patientNumber; } $patientData = []; for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($rez); $iter++) { $patientData[$iter] = $row; } return $patientData; } /** * Test filter of a selected rule on a selected patient * * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule * @param string $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). If blank then will test with current date as target. * @return boolean/string if pass filter then TRUE; if excluded then 'EXCLUDED'; if not pass filter then FALSE */ function test_filter($patient_id, $rule, $dateTarget) { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Collect patient information $patientData = getPatientData($patient_id, "sex, DATE_FORMAT(DOB,'%Y %m %d') as DOB_TS"); // // ----------------- INCLUSIONS ----------------- // // -------- Age Filter (inclusion) ------------ // Calculate patient age in years and months $patientAgeYears = convertDobtoAgeYearDecimal($patientData['DOB_TS'], $dateTarget); $patientAgeMonths = convertDobtoAgeMonthDecimal($patientData['DOB_TS'], $dateTarget); // Min age (year) Filter (assume that there in not more than one of each) $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_age_min'); if (!empty($filter)) { $row = $filter[0]; if ($row ['method_detail'] == "year") { if ($row['value'] && ($row['value'] > $patientAgeYears)) { return false; } } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "month") { if ($row['value'] && ($row['value'] > $patientAgeMonths)) { return false; } } } // Max age (year) Filter (assume that there in not more than one of each) $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_age_max'); if (!empty($filter)) { $row = $filter[0]; if ($row ['method_detail'] == "year") { if ($row['value'] && ($row['value'] < $patientAgeYears)) { return false; } } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "month") { if ($row['value'] && ($row['value'] < $patientAgeMonths)) { return false; } } } // -------- Gender Filter (inclusion) --------- // Gender Filter (assume that there in not more than one of each) $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_sex'); if (!empty($filter)) { $row = $filter[0]; if ($row['value'] && ($row['value'] != $patientData['sex'])) { return false; } } // -------- Database Filter (inclusion) ------ // Database Filter $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_database'); if ((!empty($filter)) && !database_check($patient_id, $filter, '', $dateTarget)) { return false; } // -------- Lists Filter (inclusion) ---- // Set up lists filter, which is fully customizable and currently includes diagnoses, meds, // surgeries and allergies. $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_lists'); if ((!empty($filter)) && !lists_check($patient_id, $filter, $dateTarget)) { return false; } // -------- Procedure (labs,imaging,test,procedures,etc) Filter (inlcusion) ---- // Procedure Target (includes) (may need to include an interval in the future) $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_proc'); if ((!empty($filter)) && !procedure_check($patient_id, $filter, '', $dateTarget)) { return false; } // // ----------------- EXCLUSIONS ----------------- // // -------- Lists Filter (EXCLUSION) ---- // Set up lists EXCLUSION filter, which is fully customizable and currently includes diagnoses, meds, // surgeries and allergies. $filter = resolve_filter_sql($rule, 'filt_lists', 0); if ((!empty($filter)) && lists_check($patient_id, $filter, $dateTarget)) { return "EXCLUDED"; } // Passed all filters, so return true. return true; } /** * Return an array containing existing group ids for a rule * * @param string $rule id(string) of rule * @return array listing of group ids */ function returnTargetGroups($rule) { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT DISTINCT `group_id` FROM `rule_target` " . "WHERE `id`=?", array($rule)); $groups = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $groups[] = $row['group_id']; } return $groups; } /** * Test targets of a selected rule on a selected patient * * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule (if blank, then will ignore grouping) * @param integer $group_id group id of target group * @param string $dateTarget target date (format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @return boolean if target passes then true, otherwise false */ function test_targets($patient_id, $rule, string $group_id = null, $dateTarget = null) { // -------- Interval Target ---- $interval = resolve_target_sql($rule, $group_id, 'target_interval'); // -------- Database Target ---- // Database Target (includes) $target = resolve_target_sql($rule, $group_id, 'target_database'); if ((!empty($target)) && !database_check($patient_id, $target, $interval, $dateTarget)) { return false; } // -------- Procedure (labs,imaging,test,procedures,etc) Target ---- // Procedure Target (includes) $target = resolve_target_sql($rule, $group_id, 'target_proc'); if ((!empty($target)) && !procedure_check($patient_id, $target, $interval, $dateTarget)) { return false; } // -------- Appointment Target ---- // Appointment Target (includes) (Specialized functionality for appointment reminders) $target = resolve_target_sql($rule, $group_id, 'target_appt'); return !((!empty($target)) && appointment_check($patient_id, $dateTarget)); } /** * Function to return active plans * * @param string $type plan type filter (normal or cqm or blank) * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. (if custom plan does not exist then will use the default plan) * @param boolean $configurableOnly true if only want the configurable (per patient) plans (ie. ignore cqm plans) * @return array active plans */ function resolve_plans_sql($type = '', $patient_id = '0', $configurableOnly = false) { if ($configurableOnly) { // Collect all default, configurable (per patient) plans into an array // (ie. ignore the cqm rules) $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_plans` WHERE `pid`=0 AND `cqm_flag` !=1 ORDER BY `id`"); } else { // Collect all default plans into an array $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_plans` WHERE `pid`=0 ORDER BY `id`"); } $returnArray = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $returnArray[] = $row; } // Now collect the pertinent plans $newReturnArray = array(); // Need to select rules (use custom if exist) foreach ($returnArray as $plan) { $customPlan = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_plans` WHERE `id`=? AND `pid`=?", array($plan['id'],$patient_id)); // Decide if use default vs custom plan (preference given to custom plan) if (!empty($customPlan)) { if ($type == "cqm") { // For CQM , do not use custom plans (these are to create standard clinic wide reports) $goPlan = $plan; } else { // merge the custom plan with the default plan $mergedPlan = array(); foreach ($customPlan as $key => $value) { if ($value == null && preg_match("/_flag$/", $key)) { // use default setting $mergedPlan[$key] = $plan[$key]; } else { // use custom setting $mergedPlan[$key] = $value; } } $goPlan = $mergedPlan; } } else { $goPlan = $plan; } // Use the chosen plan if set if (!empty($type)) { if ($goPlan["${type}_flag"] == 1) { // active, so use the plan $newReturnArray[] = $goPlan; } } else { if ( $goPlan['normal_flag'] == 1 || $goPlan['cqm_flag'] == 1 ) { // active, so use the plan $newReturnArray[] = $goPlan; } } } $returnArray = $newReturnArray; return $returnArray; } /** * Function to return a specific plan * * @param string $plan id(string) of plan * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. (if set to 0, then will return the default rule). * @return array a plan */ function collect_plan($plan, $patient_id = '0') { return sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_plans` WHERE `id`=? AND `pid`=?", array($plan,$patient_id)); } /** * Function to set a specific plan activity for a specific patient * * @param string $plan id(string) of plan * @param string $type plan filter (normal,cqm) * @param string $setting activity of plan (yes,no,default) * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. */ function set_plan_activity_patient($plan, $type, $setting, $patient_id) { // Don't allow messing with the default plans here if ($patient_id == "0") { return; } // Convert setting if ($setting == "on") { $setting = 1; } elseif ($setting == "off") { $setting = 0; } else { // $setting == "default" $setting = null; } // Collect patient specific plan, if already exists. $query = "SELECT * FROM `clinical_plans` WHERE `id` = ? AND `pid` = ?"; $patient_plan = sqlQueryCdrEngine($query, array($plan,$patient_id)); if (empty($patient_plan)) { // Create a new patient specific plan with flags all set to default $query = "INSERT into `clinical_plans` (`id`, `pid`) VALUES (?,?)"; sqlStatementCdrEngine($query, array($plan, $patient_id)); } // Update patient specific row $query = "UPDATE `clinical_plans` SET `" . escape_sql_column_name($type . "_flag", array("clinical_plans")) . "`= ? WHERE id = ? AND pid = ?"; sqlStatementCdrEngine($query, array($setting,$plan,$patient_id)); } /** * Function to return active rules * * @param string $type rule filter (active_alert,passive_alert,cqm,cqm_2011,cqm_2014,amc_2011,amc_2014,patient_reminder) * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. (if custom rule does not exist then will use the default rule) * @param boolean $configurableOnly true if only want the configurable (per patient) rules (ie. ignore cqm and amc rules) * @param string $plan collect rules for specific plan * @param string $user If a user is set, then will only show rules that user has permission to see * @return array rules */ function resolve_rules_sql($type = '', $patient_id = '0', $configurableOnly = false, $plan = '', $user = '') { if ($configurableOnly) { // Collect all default, configurable (per patient) rules into an array // (ie. ignore the cqm and amc rules) $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_rules` WHERE `pid`=0 AND `cqm_flag` !=1 AND `amc_flag` !=1 ORDER BY `id`"); } else { // Collect all default rules into an array $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_rules` WHERE `pid`=0 ORDER BY `id`"); } $returnArray = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $returnArray[] = $row; } // Now filter rules for plan (if applicable) if (!empty($plan)) { $planReturnArray = array(); foreach ($returnArray as $rule) { $standardRule = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_plans_rules` " . "WHERE `plan_id`=? AND `rule_id`=?", array($plan,$rule['id'])); if (!empty($standardRule)) { $planReturnArray[] = $rule; } } $returnArray = $planReturnArray; } // Now collect the pertinent rules $newReturnArray = array(); // Need to select rules (use custom if exist) foreach ($returnArray as $rule) { // If user is set, then check if user has access to the rule if (!empty($user)) { $access_control = explode(':', $rule['access_control']); if (!empty($access_control[0]) && !empty($access_control[1])) { // Section and ACO filters are not empty, so do the test for access. if (!AclMain::aclCheckCore($access_control[0], $access_control[1], $user)) { // User does not have access to this rule, so skip the rule. continue; } } else { // Section or ACO filters are empty, so use default patients:med aco if (!AclMain::aclCheckCore('patients', 'med', $user)) { // User does not have access to this rule, so skip the rule. continue; } } } $customRule = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_rules` WHERE `id`=? AND `pid`=?", array($rule['id'],$patient_id)); // Decide if use default vs custom rule (preference given to custom rule) if (!empty($customRule)) { if ($type == "cqm" || CertificationReportTypes::isAMCReportType($type)) { // For CQM and AMC, do not use custom rules (these are to create standard clinic wide reports) $goRule = $rule; } else { // merge the custom rule with the default rule $mergedRule = array(); foreach ($customRule as $key => $value) { if ($value == null && preg_match("/_flag$/", $key)) { // use default setting $mergedRule[$key] = $rule[$key]; } else { // use custom setting $mergedRule[$key] = $value; } } $goRule = $mergedRule; } } else { $goRule = $rule; } // Use the chosen rule if set if (!empty($type)) { if ($goRule["${type}_flag"] == 1) { // active, so use the rule $newReturnArray[] = $goRule; } } else { // no filter, so return the rule $newReturnArray[] = $goRule; } } $returnArray = $newReturnArray; return $returnArray; } /** * Function to return a specific rule * * @param string $rule id(string) of rule * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. (if set to 0, then will return the default rule). * @return array rule */ function collect_rule($rule, $patient_id = '0') { return sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `clinical_rules` WHERE `id`=? AND `pid`=?", array($rule,$patient_id)); } /** * Function to set a specific rule activity for a specific patient * * @param string $rule id(string) of rule * @param string $type rule filter (active_alert,passive_alert,cqm,amc,patient_reminder) * @param string $setting activity of rule (yes,no,default) * @param integer $patient_id pid of selected patient. */ function set_rule_activity_patient($rule, $type, $setting, $patient_id) { // Don't allow messing with the default rules here if ($patient_id == "0") { return; } // Convert setting if ($setting == "on") { $setting = 1; } elseif ($setting == "off") { $setting = 0; } else { // $setting == "default" $setting = null; } //Collect main rule to allow setting of the access_control $original_query = "SELECT * FROM `clinical_rules` WHERE `id` = ? AND `pid` = 0"; $patient_rule_original = sqlQueryCdrEngine($original_query, array($rule)); // Collect patient specific rule, if already exists. $query = "SELECT * FROM `clinical_rules` WHERE `id` = ? AND `pid` = ?"; $patient_rule = sqlQueryCdrEngine($query, array($rule,$patient_id)); if (empty($patient_rule)) { // Create a new patient specific rule with flags all set to default $query = "INSERT into `clinical_rules` (`id`, `pid`, `access_control`) VALUES (?,?,?)"; sqlStatementCdrEngine($query, array($rule, $patient_id, $patient_rule_original['access_control'])); } // Update patient specific row $query = "UPDATE `clinical_rules` SET `" . escape_sql_column_name($type . "_flag", ["clinical_rules"]) . "`= ?, `access_control` = ? WHERE id = ? AND pid = ?"; sqlStatementCdrEngine($query, array($setting,$patient_rule_original['access_control'],$rule,$patient_id)); } /** * Function to return applicable reminder dates (relative) * * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule * @param string $reminder_method string label of filter type * @return array reminder features */ function resolve_reminder_sql($rule, $reminder_method) { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `method_detail`, `value` FROM `rule_reminder` " . "WHERE `id`=? AND `method`=?", array($rule, $reminder_method)); $returnArray = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $returnArray[] = $row; } return $returnArray; } /** * Function to return applicable filters * * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule * @param string $filter_method string label of filter type * @param string $include_flag to allow selection for included or excluded filters * @return array filters */ function resolve_filter_sql($rule, $filter_method, $include_flag = 1) { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `method_detail`, `value`, `required_flag` FROM `rule_filter` " . "WHERE `id`=? AND `method`=? AND `include_flag`=?", array($rule, $filter_method, $include_flag)); $returnArray = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $returnArray[] = $row; } return $returnArray; } /** * Function to return applicable targets * * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule * @param integer $group_id group id of target group (if blank, then will ignore grouping) * @param string $target_method string label of target type * @param string $include_flag to allow selection for included or excluded targets * @return array targets */ function resolve_target_sql($rule, string $group_id = null, $target_method = '', $include_flag = 1) { if ($group_id) { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `value`, `required_flag`, `interval` FROM `rule_target` " . "WHERE `id`=? AND `group_id`=? AND `method`=? AND `include_flag`=?", array($rule, $group_id, $target_method, $include_flag)); } else { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `value`, `required_flag`, `interval` FROM `rule_target` " . "WHERE `id`=? AND `method`=? AND `include_flag`=?", array($rule, $target_method, $include_flag)); } $returnArray = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $returnArray[] = $row; } return $returnArray; } /** * Function to return applicable actions * * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule * @param integer $group_id group id of target group (if blank, then will ignore grouping) * @return array actions */ function resolve_action_sql($rule, $group_id = '') { if ($group_id) { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT b.category, b.item, b.clin_rem_link, b.reminder_message, b.custom_flag " . "FROM `rule_action` as a " . "JOIN `rule_action_item` as b " . "ON a.category = b.category AND a.item = b.item " . "WHERE a.id=? AND a.group_id=?", array($rule,$group_id)); } else { $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT b.category, b.item, b.value, b.custom_flag " . "FROM `rule_action` as a " . "JOIN `rule_action_item` as b " . "ON a.category = b.category AND a.item = b.item " . "WHERE a.id=?", array($rule)); } $returnArray = array(); for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($sql); $iter++) { $returnArray[] = $row; } return $returnArray; } /** * Function to check database filters and targets * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param array $filter array containing filter/target elements * @param array $interval array containing interval elements * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). blank is current date. * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false */ function database_check($patient_id, $filter, $interval = '', $dateTarget = '') { $isMatch = false; //matching flag // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Unpackage interval information // (Assume only one for now and only pertinent for targets) $intervalType = ''; $intervalValue = ''; if (!empty($interval)) { $intervalType = $interval[0]['value']; $intervalValue = $interval[0]['interval']; } $cond_loop = 0; foreach ($filter as $row) { // Row description // [0]=>special modes $temp_df = explode("::", $row['value']); if ($temp_df[0] == "CUSTOM") { // Row description // [0]=>special modes(CUSTOM) [1]=>category [2]=>item [3]=>complete? [4]=>number of hits comparison [5]=>number of hits if (exist_custom_item($patient_id, $temp_df[1], $temp_df[2], $temp_df[3], $temp_df[4], $temp_df[5], $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget)) { // Record the match $isMatch = true; } else { // If this is a required entry then return false if ($row['required_flag']) { return false; } } } elseif ($temp_df[0] == "LIFESTYLE") { // Row description // [0]=>special modes(LIFESTYLE) [1]=>column [2]=>status if (exist_lifestyle_item($patient_id, $temp_df[1], $temp_df[2], $dateTarget)) { // Record the match $isMatch = true; } else { // If this is a required entry then return false if ($row['required_flag']) { return false; } } } else { // Default mode // Row description // [0]=>special modes(BLANK) [1]=>table [2]=>column [3]=>value comparison [4]=>value [5]=>number of hits comparison [6]=>number of hits if (exist_database_item($patient_id, $temp_df[1], $temp_df[2], $temp_df[3], $temp_df[4], $temp_df[5], $temp_df[6], $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget)) { // Record the match if ($cond_loop > 0) { // For multiple condition check $isMatch = $isMatch && 1; } else { $isMatch = true; } } else { // If this is a required entry then return false if ($row['required_flag']) { return false; } } } $cond_loop++; } // return results of check return $isMatch; } /** * Function to check procedure filters and targets * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param array $filter array containing filter/target elements * @param array $interval array containing interval elements * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). blank is current date. * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false */ function procedure_check($patient_id, $filter, $interval = '', $dateTarget = '') { $isMatch = false; //matching flag // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Unpackage interval information // (Assume only one for now and only pertinent for targets) $intervalType = ''; $intervalValue = ''; if (!empty($interval)) { $intervalType = $interval[0]['value']; $intervalValue = $interval[0]['interval']; } foreach ($filter as $row) { // Row description // [0]=>title [1]=>code [2]=>value comparison [3]=>value [4]=>number of hits comparison [5]=>number of hits // code description // :||:|| etc. $temp_df = explode("::", $row['value']); if (exist_procedure_item($patient_id, $temp_df[0], $temp_df[1], $temp_df[2], $temp_df[3], $temp_df[4], $temp_df[5], $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget)) { // Record the match $isMatch = true; } else { // If this is a required entry then return false if ($row['required_flag']) { return false; } } } // return results of check return $isMatch; } /** * Function to check for appointment * * @todo Complete this to allow appointment reminders. * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). blank is current date. * @return boolean true if appt exist, otherwise false */ function appointment_check($patient_id, $dateTarget = '') { $isMatch = false; //matching flag // Set date to current if not set (although should always be set) $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $dateTargetRound = date('Y-m-d', $dateTarget); // Set current date $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Basically, if the appointment is within the current date to the target date, // then return true. (will not send reminders on same day as appointment) $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_eid, " . "openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_title, " . "openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_eventDate, " . "openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_startTime, " . "openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_endTime " . "FROM openemr_postcalendar_events " . "WHERE openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_eventDate > ? " . "AND openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_eventDate <= ? " . "AND openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_pid = ?", array($currentDate,$dateTarget,$patient_id)); // return results of check // // TODO: Figure out how to have multiple appointment and changing appointment reminders. // Plan to send back array of appt info (eid, time, date, etc.) // to do this. if (sqlNumRows($sql) > 0) { $isMatch = true; } return $isMatch; } /** * Function to check lists filters and targets. Customizable and currently includes diagnoses, medications, allergies and surgeries. * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param array $filter array containing lists filter/target elements * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). blank is current date. * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false */ function lists_check($patient_id, $filter, $dateTarget) { $isMatch = false; //matching flag // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach ($filter as $row) { if (exist_lists_item($patient_id, $row['method_detail'], $row['value'], $dateTarget)) { // Record the match $isMatch = true; } else { // If this is a required entry then return false if ($row['required_flag']) { return false; } } } // return results of check return $isMatch; } /** * Function to check for existance of data in database for a patient * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $table selected mysql table * @param string $column selected mysql column * @param string $data_comp data comparison (eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @param string $data selected data in the mysql database (1)(2) * @param string $num_items_comp number items comparison (eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @param integer $num_items_thres number of items threshold * @param string $intervalType type of interval (ie. year) * @param integer $intervalValue searched for within this many times of the interval type * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false * * (1) If data ends with **, operators ne/eq are replaced by (NOT)LIKE operators * (2) If $data contains '#CURDATE#', then it will be converted to the current date. * */ function exist_database_item($patient_id, $table, string $column = null, $data_comp = '', string $data = null, $num_items_comp = null, $num_items_thres = null, $intervalType = '', $intervalValue = '', $dateTarget = '') { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Collect the correct column label for patient id in the table $patient_id_label = collect_database_label('pid', $table); // Get the interval sql query string $dateSql = sql_interval_string($table, $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget); // If just checking for existence (ie. data is empty), // then simply set the comparison operator to ne. if (empty($data)) { $data_comp = "ne"; } // get the appropriate sql comparison operator $compSql = convertCompSql($data_comp); // custom issues per table can be placed here $customSQL = ''; if ($table == 'immunizations') { $customSQL = " AND `added_erroneously` = '0' "; } //adding table list for where condition $whereTables = ''; if ($table == 'procedure_result') { $whereTables = ", procedure_order_code, " . "procedure_order, " . "procedure_report " ; $customSQL = " AND procedure_order.procedure_order_id = procedure_order_code.procedure_order_id AND " . "procedure_report.procedure_order_id = procedure_order.procedure_order_id AND " . "procedure_report.procedure_order_seq = procedure_order_code.procedure_order_seq AND " . "procedure_result.procedure_report_id = procedure_report.procedure_report_id "; } // check for items if (empty($column)) { // simple search for any table entries $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT * " . "FROM `" . escape_table_name($table) . "` " . " " . $whereTables . " " . "WHERE " . add_escape_custom($patient_id_label) . "=? " . $customSQL, array($patient_id)); } else { // mdsupport : Allow trailing '**' in the strings to perform LIKE searches if ((substr($data, -2) == '**') && (($compSql == "=") || ($compSql == "!="))) { $compSql = ($compSql == "!=" ? " NOT" : "") . " LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%') "; $data = substr_replace($data, '', -2); } else { $compSql = $compSql . "? "; } if ($whereTables == "" && strpos($table, 'form_') !== false) { //To handle standard forms starting with form_ //In this case, we are assuming the date field is "date" $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine( "SELECT b.`" . escape_sql_column_name($column, [$table]) . "` " . "FROM forms a " . "LEFT JOIN `" . escape_table_name($table) . "` " . " b " . "ON (a.form_id=b.id AND a.formdir LIKE '" . add_escape_custom(substr($table, 5)) . "') " . "WHERE a.deleted != '1' " . "AND b.`" . escape_sql_column_name($column, [$table]) . "`" . $compSql . "AND b." . add_escape_custom($patient_id_label) . "=? " . $customSQL . str_replace("`date`", "b.`date`", $dateSql), array($data, $patient_id) ); } else { // This allows to enter the wild card #CURDATE# in the CDR Demographics filter criteria at the value field // #CURDATE# is replace by the Current date allowing a dynamic date filtering if ($data == '#CURDATE#') { $data = date("Y-m-d"); } // search for number of specific items $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `" . escape_sql_column_name($column, [$table]) . "` " . "FROM `" . escape_table_name($table) . "` " . " " . $whereTables . " " . "WHERE `" . escape_sql_column_name($column, [$table]) . "`" . $compSql . "AND " . add_escape_custom($patient_id_label) . "=? " . $customSQL . $dateSql, array($data, $patient_id)); } } // See if number of returned items passes the comparison return itemsNumberCompare($num_items_comp, $num_items_thres, sqlNumRows($sql)); } /** * Function to check for existence of procedure(s) for a patient * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $proc_title procedure title * @param string $proc_code procedure identifier code (array of :||:|| etc.) * @param string $results_comp results comparison (eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @param string $result_data results data (1) * @param string $num_items_comp number items comparison (eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @param integer $num_items_thres number of items threshold * @param string $intervalType type of interval (ie. year) * @param integer $intervalValue searched for within this many times of the interval type * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false * * (1) If result_data ends with **, operators ne/eq are replaced by (NOT)LIKE operators * */ function exist_procedure_item($patient_id, $proc_title, $proc_code, $result_comp, string $result_data = null, $num_items_comp = null, $num_items_thres = null, $intervalType = '', $intervalValue = '', $dateTarget = '') { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Set the table exception (for looking up pertinent date and pid sql columns) $table = "PROCEDURE-EXCEPTION"; // Collect the correct column label for patient id in the table $patient_id_label = collect_database_label('pid', $table); // Get the interval sql query string $dateSql = sql_interval_string($table, $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget); // If just checking for existence (ie result_data is empty), // then simply set the comparison operator to ne. if (empty($result_data)) { $result_comp = "ne"; } // get the appropriate sql comparison operator $compSql = convertCompSql($result_comp); // explode the code array $codes = array(); if (!empty($proc_code)) { $codes = explode("||", $proc_code); } else { $codes[0] = ''; } // ensure proc_title is at least blank if (empty($proc_title)) { $proc_title = ''; } // collect specific items (use both title and/or codes) that fulfill request $sqlBindArray = array(); $sql_query = "SELECT procedure_result.result FROM " . "procedure_order_code, " . "procedure_order, " . "procedure_type, " . "procedure_report, " . "procedure_result " . "WHERE " . "procedure_order_code.procedure_code = procedure_type.procedure_code AND " . "procedure_order.procedure_order_id = procedure_order_code.procedure_order_id AND " . "procedure_order.lab_id = procedure_type.lab_id AND " . "procedure_report.procedure_order_id = procedure_order.procedure_order_id AND " . "procedure_report.procedure_order_seq = procedure_order_code.procedure_order_seq AND " . "procedure_result.procedure_report_id = procedure_report.procedure_report_id AND " . "procedure_type.procedure_type = 'ord' AND "; foreach ($codes as $tem) { $sql_query .= "( ( (procedure_type.standard_code = ? AND procedure_type.standard_code != '') " . "OR (procedure_type.procedure_code = ? AND procedure_type.procedure_code != '') ) OR "; array_push($sqlBindArray, $tem, $tem); } // mdsupport : Allow trailing '**' in the strings to perform LIKE searches if ((substr($result_data, -2) == '**') && (($compSql == "=") || ($compSql == "!="))) { $compSql = ($compSql == "!=" ? " NOT" : "") . " LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%') "; $result_data = substr_replace($result_data, '', -2); } else { $compSql = $compSql . "? "; } $sql_query .= "(procedure_type.name = ? AND procedure_type.name != '') ) " . "AND procedure_result.result " . $compSql . "AND " . add_escape_custom($patient_id_label) . " = ? " . $dateSql; array_push($sqlBindArray, $proc_title, $result_data, $patient_id); $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine($sql_query, $sqlBindArray); // See if number of returned items passes the comparison return itemsNumberCompare($num_items_comp, $num_items_thres, sqlNumRows($sql)); } /** * Function to check for existance of data for a patient in the rule_patient_data table * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $category label in category column * @param string $item label in item column * @param string $complete label in complete column (YES,NO, or blank) * @param string $num_items_comp number items comparison (eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @param integer $num_items_thres number of items threshold * @param string $intervalType type of interval (ie. year) * @param integer $intervalValue searched for within this many times of the interval type * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false */ function exist_custom_item($patient_id, $category, $item, $complete, $num_items_comp, $num_items_thres, string $intervalType = null, string $intervalValue = null, $dateTarget = null) { // Set the table $table = 'rule_patient_data'; // Collect the correct column label for patient id in the table $patient_id_label = collect_database_label('pid', $table); // Get the interval sql query string $dateSql = sql_interval_string($table, $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget); // search for number of specific items $sql = sqlStatementCdrEngine("SELECT `result` " . "FROM `" . escape_table_name($table) . "` " . "WHERE `category`=? " . "AND `item`=? " . "AND `complete`=? " . "AND `" . add_escape_custom($patient_id_label) . "`=? " . $dateSql, array($category,$item,$complete,$patient_id)); // See if number of returned items passes the comparison return itemsNumberCompare($num_items_comp, $num_items_thres, sqlNumRows($sql)); } /** * Function to check for existance of data for a patient in lifestyle section * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $lifestyle selected label of mysql column of patient history * @param string $status specific status of selected lifestyle element * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). blank is current date. * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false */ function exist_lifestyle_item($patient_id, $lifestyle, $status, $dateTarget) { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Collect pertinent history data // If illegal value in $lifestyle, then will die and report error (to prevent security vulnerabilities) escape_sql_column_name($lifestyle, ['history_data']); $history = getHistoryData($patient_id, $lifestyle, '', $dateTarget); // See if match $stringFlag = strstr(($history[$lifestyle] ?? ''), "|" . $status); if (empty($status)) { // Only ensuring any data has been entered into the field $stringFlag = true; } return !empty($history[$lifestyle]) && $history[$lifestyle] != '|0|' && $stringFlag; } /** * Function to check for lists item of a patient. Fully customizable and includes diagnoses, medications, * allergies, and surgeries. * * @param string $patient_id pid of selected patient. * @param string $type type (medical_problem, allergy, medication, etc) * @param string $value value searching for (1) * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @return boolean true if check passed, otherwise false * * (1) If value ends with **, operators ne/eq are replaced by (NOT)LIKE operators * */ function exist_lists_item($patient_id, $type, $value, $dateTarget) { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Attempt to explode the value into a code type and code (if applicable) $value_array = explode("::", $value); if (count($value_array) == 2) { // Collect the code type and code $code_type = $value_array[0]; $code = $value_array[1]; // Modify $code for both 'CUSTOM' and diagnosis searches // Note: Diagnosis is always 'LIKE' and should not have '**' if (substr($code, -2) == '**') { $sqloper = " LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%') "; $code = substr_replace($code, '', -2); } else { $sqloper = "=?"; } if ($code_type == 'CUSTOM') { // Deal with custom code type first (title column in lists table) $response = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `lists` " . "WHERE `type`=? " . "AND `pid`=? " . "AND `title` $sqloper " . "AND ( (`begdate` IS NULL AND `date`<=?) OR (`begdate` IS NOT NULL AND `begdate`<=?) ) " . "AND ( (`enddate` IS NULL) OR (`enddate` IS NOT NULL AND `enddate`>=?) )", array($type,$patient_id,$code,$dateTarget,$dateTarget,$dateTarget)); if (!empty($response)) { return true; } } else { // Deal with the set code types (diagnosis column in lists table) $response = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `lists` " . "WHERE `type`=? " . "AND `pid`=? " . "AND `diagnosis` LIKE ? " . "AND ( (`begdate` IS NULL AND `date`<=?) OR (`begdate` IS NOT NULL AND `begdate`<=?) ) " . "AND ( (`enddate` IS NULL) OR (`enddate` IS NOT NULL AND `enddate`>=?) )", array($type,$patient_id,"%" . $code_type . ":" . $code . "%",$dateTarget,$dateTarget,$dateTarget)); if (!empty($response)) { return true; } } } else { // count($value_array) == 1 // Search the title column in lists table // Yes, this is essentially the same as the code type listed as CUSTOM above. This provides flexibility and will ensure compatibility. // Check for '**' if (substr($value, -2) == '**') { $sqloper = " LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%') "; $value = substr_replace($value, '', -2); } else { $sqloper = "=?"; } $response = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `lists` " . "WHERE `type`=? " . "AND `pid`=? " . "AND `title` $sqloper " . "AND ( (`begdate` IS NULL AND `date`<=?) OR (`begdate` IS NOT NULL AND `begdate`<=?) ) " . "AND ( (`enddate` IS NULL) OR (`enddate` IS NOT NULL AND `enddate`>=?) )", array($type,$patient_id,$value,$dateTarget,$dateTarget,$dateTarget)); if (!empty($response)) { return true; } if ($type == 'medication') { // Special case needed for medication as it need to be looked into current medications (prescriptions table) from ccda import $response = sqlQueryCdrEngine("SELECT * FROM `prescriptions` where `patient_id` = ? and `drug` $sqloper and `date_added` <= ?", array($patient_id,$value,$dateTarget)); if (!empty($response)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Function to return part of sql query to deal with interval * * @param string $table selected mysql table (or EXCEPTION(s)) * @param string $intervalType type of interval (ie. year) * @param string $intervalValue searched for within this many times of the interval type * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @return string contains pertinent date interval filter for mysql query */ function sql_interval_string($table, $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget) { $dateSql = ""; // Collect the correct column label for date in the table $date_label = collect_database_label('date', $table); // Deal with interval if (!empty($intervalType)) { switch ($intervalType) { case "year": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " YEAR) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "month": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " MONTH) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "week": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " WEEK) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "day": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " DAY) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "hour": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " HOUR) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "minute": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " MINUTE) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "second": $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . escape_limit($intervalValue) . " SECOND) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') "; break; case "flu_season": // Flu season to be hard-coded as September thru February // (Should make this modifiable in the future) // ($intervalValue is not used) $dateArray = explode("-", $dateTarget); $Year = $dateArray[0]; $dateThisYear = $Year . "-09-01"; $dateLastYear = ($Year - 1) . "-09-01"; $dateSql = " " . "AND ((" . "MONTH('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') < 9 " . "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " >= '" . $dateLastYear . "' ) " . "OR (" . "MONTH('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') >= 9 " . "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " >= '" . $dateThisYear . "' ))" . "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " <= '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "' "; break; } } else { $dateSql = "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " <= '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "' "; } // return the sql interval string return $dateSql; } /** * Function to collect generic column labels from tables. It currently works for date * and pid. Will need to expand this as algorithm grows. * * @param string $label element (pid or date) * @param string $table selected mysql table (or EXCEPTION(s)) * @return string contains official label of selected element */ function collect_database_label($label, $table) { if ($table == 'PROCEDURE-EXCEPTION') { // return cell to get procedure collection // special case since reuqires joing of multiple // tables to get this value if ($label == "pid") { $returnedLabel = "procedure_order.patient_id"; } elseif ($label == "date") { $returnedLabel = "procedure_report.date_collected"; } else { // unknown label, so return the original label $returnedLabel = $label; } } elseif ($table == 'immunizations') { // return requested label for immunization table if ($label == "pid") { $returnedLabel = "patient_id"; } elseif ($label == "date") { $returnedLabel = "`administered_date`"; } else { // unknown label, so return the original label $returnedLabel = $label; } } elseif ($table == 'prescriptions') { // return requested label for prescriptions table if ($label == "pid") { $returnedLabel = "patient_id"; } elseif ($label == "date") { $returnedLabel = 'date_added'; } else { // unknown label, so return the original label $returnedLabel = $label; } } elseif ($table == 'procedure_result') { // return requested label for prescriptions table if ($label == "pid") { $returnedLabel = "procedure_order.patient_id"; } elseif ($label == "date") { $returnedLabel = "procedure_report.date_collected"; } else { // unknown label, so return the original label $returnedLabel = $label; } } elseif ($table == 'openemr_postcalendar_events') { // return requested label for prescriptions table if ($label == "pid") { $returnedLabel = "pc_pid"; } elseif ($label == "date") { $returnedLabel = "pc_eventdate"; } else { // unknown label, so return the original label $returnedLabel = $label; } } else { // return requested label for default tables if ($label == "pid") { $returnedLabel = "pid"; } elseif ($label == "date") { $returnedLabel = "`date`"; } else { // unknown label, so return the original label $returnedLabel = $label; } } return $returnedLabel; } /** * Simple function to avoid processing of duplicate actions * * @param array $actions 2-dimensional array with all current active targets * @param array $action array of selected target to test for duplicate * @return boolean true if duplicate, false if not duplicate */ function is_duplicate_action($actions, $action) { foreach ($actions as $row) { if ( $row['category'] == $action['category'] && $row['item'] == $action['item'] && $row['value'] == $action['value'] ) { // Is a duplicate return true; } } // Not a duplicate return false; } /** * Calculate the reminder dates. * * This function returns an array that contains three elements (each element is a date). *
The three dates are:
 *   first date is before the target date (past_due) (default of 1 month)
 *   second date is the target date (due)
 *   third date is after the target date (soon_due) (default of 2 weeks)
* * @param string $rule id(string) of selected rule * @param string $dateTarget target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s). * @param string $type either 'patient_reminder' or 'clinical_reminder' * @return array see above for description of returned array */ function calculate_reminder_dates($rule, string $dateTarget = null, $type = null) { // Set date to current if not set $dateTarget = ($dateTarget) ? $dateTarget : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Collect the current date settings (to ensure not skip) $res = resolve_reminder_sql($rule, $type . '_current'); if (!empty($res)) { $row = $res[0]; if ($row ['method_detail'] == "SKIP") { $dateTarget = "SKIP"; } } // Collect the past_due date $past_due_date = ""; $res = resolve_reminder_sql($rule, $type . '_post'); if (!empty($res)) { $row = $res[0]; if ($row ['method_detail'] == "week") { $past_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " -" . $row ['value'] . " week")); } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "month") { $past_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " -" . $row ['value'] . " month")); } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "hour") { $past_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " -" . $row ['value'] . " hour")); } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "SKIP") { $past_due_date = "SKIP"; } } else { // empty settings, so use default of one month $past_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " -1 month")); } // Collect the soon_due date $soon_due_date = ""; $res = resolve_reminder_sql($rule, $type . '_pre'); if (!empty($res)) { $row = $res[0]; if ($row ['method_detail'] == "week") { $soon_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " +" . $row ['value'] . " week")); } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "month") { $soon_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " +" . $row ['value'] . " month")); } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "hour") { $soon_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " -" . $row ['value'] . " hour")); } if ($row ['method_detail'] == "SKIP") { $soon_due_date = "SKIP"; } } else { // empty settings, so use default of one month $soon_due_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dateTarget . " +2 week")); } // Return the array of three dates return array($soon_due_date,$dateTarget,$past_due_date); } /** * Adds an action into the reminder array * * @param array $reminderOldArray Contains the current array of reminders * @param array $reminderNew Array of a new reminder * @return array Reminders */ function reminder_results_integrate($reminderOldArray, $reminderNew) { $results = array(); // If reminderArray is empty, then insert new reminder if (empty($reminderOldArray)) { $results[] = $reminderNew; return $results; } // If duplicate reminder, then replace the old one $duplicate = false; foreach ($reminderOldArray as $reminderOld) { if ( $reminderOld['pid'] == $reminderNew['pid'] && $reminderOld['category'] == $reminderNew['category'] && $reminderOld['item'] == $reminderNew['item'] ) { $results[] = $reminderNew; $duplicate = true; } else { $results[] = $reminderOld; } } // If a new reminder, then insert the new reminder if (!$duplicate) { $results[] = $reminderNew; } return $results; } /** * Compares number of items with requested comparison operator * * @param string $comp Comparison operator(eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @param string $thres Threshold used in comparison * @param integer $num_items Number of items * @return boolean Comparison results */ function itemsNumberCompare($comp, $thres, $num_items) { if (($comp == "eq") && ($num_items == $thres)) { return true; } elseif (($comp == "ne") && ($num_items != $thres) && ($num_items > 0)) { return true; } elseif (($comp == "gt") && ($num_items > $thres)) { return true; } elseif (($comp == "ge") && ($num_items >= $thres)) { return true; } elseif (($comp == "lt") && ($num_items < $thres) && ($num_items > 0)) { return true; } elseif (($comp == "le") && ($num_items <= $thres) && ($num_items > 0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Converts a text comparison operator to sql equivalent * * @param string $comp Comparison operator(eq,ne,gt,ge,lt,le) * @return string contains sql compatible comparison operator */ function convertCompSql($comp) { if ($comp == "eq") { return "="; } elseif ($comp == "ne") { return "!="; } elseif ($comp == "gt") { return ">"; } elseif ($comp == "ge") { return ">="; } elseif ($comp == "lt") { return "<"; } else { // ($comp == "le") return "<="; } } /** * Function to find age in years (with decimal) on the target date * * @param string $dob date of birth * @param string $target date to calculate age on * @return float years(decimal) from dob to target(date) */ function convertDobtoAgeYearDecimal($dob, $target) { $ageInfo = parseAgeInfo($dob, $target); return $ageInfo['age']; } /** * Function to find age in months (with decimal) on the target date * * @param string $dob date of birth * @param string $target date to calculate age on * @return float months(decimal) from dob to target(date) */ function convertDobtoAgeMonthDecimal($dob, $target) { $ageInfo = parseAgeInfo($dob, $target); return $ageInfo['age_in_months']; } /** * Function to calculate the percentage for reports. * * @param integer $pass_filter number of patients that pass filter * @param integer $exclude_filter number of patients that are excluded * @param integer $pass_target number of patients that pass target * @return string Number formatted into a percentage */ function calculate_percentage($pass_filt, $exclude_filt, $pass_targ) { if ($pass_filt > 0) { $perc = number_format(($pass_targ / ($pass_filt - $exclude_filt)) * 100, 4) . xl('%'); } else { $perc = "0" . xl('%'); } return $perc; }