* @author Ranganath Pathak * @author Brady Miller * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Andrew Moore * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Ranganath Pathak * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Brady Miller * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ use OpenEMR\Gacl\GaclApi; class Installer { public function __construct($cgi_variables) { // Installation variables // For a good explanation of these variables, see documentation in // the contrib/util/installScripts/InstallerAuto.php file. $this->iuser = isset($cgi_variables['iuser']) ? ($cgi_variables['iuser']) : ''; $this->iuserpass = isset($cgi_variables['iuserpass']) ? ($cgi_variables['iuserpass']) : ''; $this->iuname = isset($cgi_variables['iuname']) ? ($cgi_variables['iuname']) : ''; $this->iufname = isset($cgi_variables['iufname']) ? ($cgi_variables['iufname']) : ''; $this->igroup = isset($cgi_variables['igroup']) ? ($cgi_variables['igroup']) : ''; $this->i2faEnable = isset($cgi_variables['i2faenable']) ? ($cgi_variables['i2faenable']) : ''; $this->i2faSecret = isset($cgi_variables['i2fasecret']) ? ($cgi_variables['i2fasecret']) : ''; $this->server = isset($cgi_variables['server']) ? ($cgi_variables['server']) : ''; // mysql server (usually localhost) $this->loginhost = isset($cgi_variables['loginhost']) ? ($cgi_variables['loginhost']) : ''; // php/apache server (usually localhost) $this->port = isset($cgi_variables['port']) ? ($cgi_variables['port']) : ''; $this->root = isset($cgi_variables['root']) ? ($cgi_variables['root']) : ''; $this->rootpass = isset($cgi_variables['rootpass']) ? ($cgi_variables['rootpass']) : ''; $this->login = isset($cgi_variables['login']) ? ($cgi_variables['login']) : ''; $this->pass = isset($cgi_variables['pass']) ? ($cgi_variables['pass']) : ''; $this->dbname = isset($cgi_variables['dbname']) ? ($cgi_variables['dbname']) : ''; $this->collate = isset($cgi_variables['collate']) ? ($cgi_variables['collate']) : ''; $this->site = isset($cgi_variables['site']) ? ($cgi_variables['site']) : ''; $this->source_site_id = isset($cgi_variables['source_site_id']) ? ($cgi_variables['source_site_id']) : ''; $this->clone_database = isset($cgi_variables['clone_database']) ? ($cgi_variables['clone_database']) : ''; $this->no_root_db_access = isset($cgi_variables['no_root_db_access']) ? ($cgi_variables['no_root_db_access']) : ''; // no root access to database. user/privileges pre-configured $this->development_translations = isset($cgi_variables['development_translations']) ? ($cgi_variables['development_translations']) : ''; $this->new_theme = isset($cgi_variables['new_theme']) ? ($cgi_variables['new_theme']) : ''; // Make this true for IPPF. $this->ippf_specific = false; // Record name of sql access file $GLOBALS['OE_SITES_BASE'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../sites'; $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] = $GLOBALS['OE_SITES_BASE'] . '/' . $this->site; $this->conffile = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/sqlconf.php'; // Record names of sql table files $this->main_sql = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../sql/database.sql'; $this->translation_sql = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../contrib/util/language_translations/currentLanguage_utf8.sql'; $this->devel_translation_sql = "http://translations.openemr.io/languageTranslations_utf8.sql"; $this->ippf_sql = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../sql/ippf_layout.sql"; $this->icd9 = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../sql/icd9.sql"; $this->cvx = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../sql/cvx_codes.sql"; $this->additional_users = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../sql/official_additional_users.sql"; // Prepare the dumpfile list $this->initialize_dumpfile_list(); // Entities to hold error and debug messages $this->error_message = ''; $this->debug_message = ''; // Entity to hold sql connection $this->dbh = false; } public function login_is_valid() { if (($this->login == '') || (! isset($this->login))) { $this->error_message = "login is invalid: '$this->login'"; return false; } return true; } public function char_is_valid($input_text) { // to prevent php injection trim($input_text); if ($input_text == '') { return false; } if (preg_match('@[\\\\;()<>/\'"]@', $input_text)) { return false; } return true; } public function databaseNameIsValid($name) { if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', $name)) { return false; } return true; } public function collateNameIsValid($name) { if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', $name)) { return false; } return true; } public function iuser_is_valid() { if (strpos($this->iuser, " ")) { $this->error_message = "Initial user is invalid: '$this->iuser'"; return false; } return true; } public function iuname_is_valid() { if ($this->iuname == "" || !isset($this->iuname)) { $this->error_message = "Initial user last name is invalid: '$this->iuname'"; return false; } return true; } public function password_is_valid() { if ($this->pass == "" || !isset($this->pass)) { $this->error_message = "The password for the new database account is invalid: '$this->pass'"; return false; } return true; } public function user_password_is_valid() { if ($this->iuserpass == "" || !isset($this->iuserpass)) { $this->error_message = "The password for the user is invalid: '$this->iuserpass'"; return false; } return true; } public function root_database_connection() { $this->dbh = $this->connect_to_database($this->server, $this->root, $this->rootpass, $this->port); if ($this->dbh) { if (! $this->set_sql_strict()) { $this->error_message = 'unable to set strict sql setting'; return false; } return true; } else { $this->error_message = 'unable to connect to database as root'; return false; } } public function user_database_connection() { $this->dbh = $this->connect_to_database($this->server, $this->login, $this->pass, $this->port, $this->dbname); if (! $this->dbh) { $this->error_message = "unable to connect to database as user: '$this->login'"; return false; } if (! $this->set_sql_strict()) { $this->error_message = 'unable to set strict sql setting'; return false; } if (! $this->set_collation()) { $this->error_message = 'unable to set sql collation'; return false; } if (! mysqli_select_db($this->dbh, $this->dbname)) { $this->error_message = "unable to select database: '$this->dbname'"; return false; } return true; } public function create_database() { $sql = "create database " . $this->escapeDatabaseName($this->dbname); if (empty($this->collate) || ($this->collate == 'utf8_general_ci')) { $this->collate = 'utf8mb4_general_ci'; } $sql .= " character set utf8mb4 collate " . $this->escapeCollateName($this->collate); $this->set_collation(); return $this->execute_sql($sql); } public function drop_database() { $sql = "drop database if exists " . $this->escapeDatabaseName($this->dbname); return $this->execute_sql($sql); } public function create_database_user() { // First, check for database user in the mysql.user table (this works for all except mariadb 10.4+) $checkUser = $this->execute_sql("SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '" . $this->escapeSql($this->login) . "' AND host = '" . $this->escapeSql($this->loginhost) . "'", false); if ($checkUser === false) { // Above caused error, so is MariaDB 10.4+, and need to do below query instead in the mysql.global_priv table $checkUser = $this->execute_sql("SELECT user FROM mysql.global_priv WHERE user = '" . $this->escapeSql($this->login) . "' AND host = '" . $this->escapeSql($this->loginhost) . "'"); } if ($checkUser === false) { // there was an error in the check database user query, so return false return false; } elseif ($checkUser->num_rows > 0) { // the mysql user already exists, so do not need to create the user, but need to set the password // Note need to try two different methods, first is for newer mysql versions and second is for older mysql versions (if the first method fails) $returnSql = $this->execute_sql("ALTER USER '" . $this->escapeSql($this->login) . "'@'" . $this->escapeSql($this->loginhost) . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . $this->escapeSql($this->pass) . "'", false); if ($returnSql === false) { error_log("Using older mysql version method to set password for the mysql user"); $returnSql = $this->execute_sql("SET PASSWORD FOR '" . $this->escapeSql($this->login) . "'@'" . $this->escapeSql($this->loginhost) . "' = PASSWORD('" . $this->escapeSql($this->pass) . "')"); } return $returnSql; } else { // the mysql user does not yet exist, so create the user return $this->execute_sql("CREATE USER '" . $this->escapeSql($this->login) . "'@'" . $this->escapeSql($this->loginhost) . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . $this->escapeSql($this->pass) . "'"); } } public function grant_privileges() { return $this->execute_sql("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON " . $this->escapeDatabaseName($this->dbname) . ".* TO '" . $this->escapeSql($this->login) . "'@'" . $this->escapeSql($this->loginhost) . "'"); } public function disconnect() { return mysqli_close($this->dbh); } /** * This method creates any dumpfiles necessary. * This is actually only done if we're cloning an existing site * and we need to dump their database into a file. * @return bool indicating success */ public function create_dumpfiles() { return $this->dumpSourceDatabase(); } public function load_dumpfiles() { $sql_results = ''; // information string which is returned foreach ($this->dumpfiles as $filename => $title) { $sql_results_temp = ''; $sql_results_temp = $this->load_file($filename, $title); if ($sql_results_temp == false) { return false; } $sql_results .= $sql_results_temp; } return $sql_results; } public function load_file($filename, $title) { $sql_results = ''; // information string which is returned $sql_results .= "Creating $title tables...\n"; $fd = fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($fd == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Could not open dumpfile '$filename'.\n"; return false; } $query = ""; $line = ""; // Settings to drastically speed up installation with InnoDB if (! $this->execute_sql("SET autocommit=0;")) { return false; } if (! $this->execute_sql("START TRANSACTION;")) { return false; } while (!feof($fd)) { $line = fgets($fd, 1024); $line = rtrim($line); if (substr($line, 0, 2) == "--") { // Kill comments continue; } if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { // Kill comments continue; } if ($line == "") { continue; } $query = $query . $line; // Check for full query $chr = substr($query, strlen($query) - 1, 1); if ($chr == ";") { // valid query, execute $query = rtrim($query, ";"); if (! $this->execute_sql($query)) { return false; } $query = ""; } } // Settings to drastically speed up installation with InnoDB if (! $this->execute_sql("COMMIT;")) { return false; } if (! $this->execute_sql("SET autocommit=1;")) { return false; } $sql_results .= "OK.
\n"; fclose($fd); return $sql_results; } public function add_version_info() { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../version.php"; if ($this->execute_sql("UPDATE version SET v_major = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_major) . "', v_minor = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_minor) . "', v_patch = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_patch) . "', v_realpatch = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_realpatch) . "', v_tag = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_tag) . "', v_database = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_database) . "', v_acl = '" . $this->escapeSql($v_acl) . "'") == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Unable insert version information into database\n" . "

" . mysqli_error($this->dbh) . " (#" . mysqli_errno($this->dbh) . ")\n"; return false; } return true; } public function add_initial_user() { if ($this->execute_sql("INSERT INTO `groups` (id, name, user) VALUES (1,'" . $this->escapeSql($this->igroup) . "','" . $this->escapeSql($this->iuser) . "')") == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Unable to add initial user group\n" . "

" . mysqli_error($this->dbh) . " (#" . mysqli_errno($this->dbh) . ")\n"; return false; } if ($this->execute_sql("INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, authorized, lname, fname, facility_id, calendar, cal_ui) VALUES (1,'" . $this->escapeSql($this->iuser) . "','NoLongerUsed',1,'" . $this->escapeSql($this->iuname) . "','" . $this->escapeSql($this->iufname) . "',3,1,3)") == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Unable to add initial user\n" . "

" . mysqli_error($this->dbh) . " (#" . mysqli_errno($this->dbh) . ")\n"; return false; } $hash = password_hash($this->iuserpass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); if (empty($hash)) { // Something is seriously wrong error_log('OpenEMR Error : OpenEMR is not working because unable to create a hash.'); die("OpenEMR Error : OpenEMR is not working because unable to create a hash."); } if ($this->execute_sql("INSERT INTO users_secure (id, username, password, last_update_password) VALUES (1,'" . $this->escapeSql($this->iuser) . "','" . $this->escapeSql($hash) . "',NOW())") == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Unable to add initial user login credentials\n" . "

" . mysqli_error($this->dbh) . " (#" . mysqli_errno($this->dbh) . ")\n"; return false; } // Create new 2fa if enabled if (($this->i2faEnable) && (!empty($this->i2faSecret)) && (class_exists('Totp')) && (class_exists('OpenEMR\Common\Crypto\CryptoGen'))) { // Encrypt the new secret with the hashed password $cryptoGen = new OpenEMR\Common\Crypto\CryptoGen(); $secret = $cryptoGen->encryptStandard($this->i2faSecret, $hash); if ($this->execute_sql("INSERT INTO login_mfa_registrations (user_id, name, method, var1, var2) VALUES (1, 'App Based 2FA', 'TOTP', '" . $this->escapeSql($secret) . "', '')") == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Unable to add initial user's 2FA credentials\n" . "

" . mysqli_error($this->dbh) . " (#" . mysqli_errno($this->dbh) . ")\n"; return false; } } return true; } /** * Handle the additional users now that our gacl's have finished installing. * @return bool */ public function install_additional_users() { // Add the official openemr users (services) if ($this->load_file($this->additional_users, "Additional Official Users") == false) { return false; } return true; } public function on_care_coordination() { $resource = $this->execute_sql("SELECT `mod_id` FROM `modules` WHERE `mod_name` = 'Carecoordination' LIMIT 1"); $resource_array = mysqli_fetch_array($resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $modId = $resource_array['mod_id']; if (empty($modId)) { $this->error_message = "ERROR configuring Care Coordination module. Unable to get mod_id for Carecoordination module\n"; return false; } $resource = $this->execute_sql("SELECT `section_id` FROM `module_acl_sections` WHERE `section_identifier` = 'carecoordination' LIMIT 1"); $resource_array = mysqli_fetch_array($resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $sectionId = $resource_array['section_id']; if (empty($sectionId)) { $this->error_message = "ERROR configuring Care Coordination module. Unable to get section_id for carecoordination module section\n"; return false; } $resource = $this->execute_sql("SELECT `id` FROM `gacl_aro_groups` WHERE `value` = 'admin' LIMIT 1"); $resource_array = mysqli_fetch_array($resource, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $groupId = $resource_array['id']; if (empty($groupId)) { $this->error_message = "ERROR configuring Care Coordination module. Unable to get id for gacl_aro_groups admin section\n"; return false; } if ($this->execute_sql("INSERT INTO `module_acl_group_settings` (`module_id`, `group_id`, `section_id`, `allowed`) VALUES ('" . $this->escapeSql($modId) . "', '" . $this->escapeSql($groupId) . "', '" . $this->escapeSql($sectionId) . "', 1)") == false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR configuring Care Coordination module. Unable to add the module_acl_group_settings acl entry\n"; return false; } return true; } /** * Generates the initial user's 2FA QR Code * @return bool|string|void */ public function get_initial_user_2fa_qr() { if (($this->i2faEnable) && (!empty($this->i2faSecret)) && (class_exists('Totp'))) { $adminTotp = new Totp($this->i2faSecret, $this->iuser); $qr = $adminTotp->generateQrCode(); return $qr; } return false; } /** * Create site directory if it is missing. * @global string $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] contains the name of the site directory to create * @return name of the site directory or False */ public function create_site_directory() { if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'])) { $source_directory = $GLOBALS['OE_SITES_BASE'] . "/" . $this->source_site_id; $destination_directory = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR']; if (! $this->recurse_copy($source_directory, $destination_directory)) { $this->error_message = "unable to copy directory: '$source_directory' to '$destination_directory'. " . $this->error_message; return false; } // the new site will create it's own keys so okay to delete these copied from the source site if (!$this->clone_database) { array_map('unlink', glob($destination_directory . "/documents/logs_and_misc/methods/*")); } } return true; } public function write_configuration_file() { @touch($this->conffile); // php bug $fd = @fopen($this->conffile, 'w'); if (! $fd) { $this->error_message = 'unable to open configuration file for writing: ' . $this->conffile; return false; } $string = 'server';\n") or $it_died++; fwrite($fd, "\$port\t= '$this->port';\n") or $it_died++; fwrite($fd, "\$login\t= '$this->login';\n") or $it_died++; fwrite($fd, "\$pass\t= '$this->pass';\n") or $it_died++; fwrite($fd, "\$dbase\t= '$this->dbname';\n") or $it_died++; fwrite($fd, "\$db_encoding\t= 'utf8mb4';\n") or $it_died++; $string = ' $sqlconf = array(); global $sqlconf; $sqlconf["host"]= $host; $sqlconf["port"] = $port; $sqlconf["login"] = $login; $sqlconf["pass"] = $pass; $sqlconf["dbase"] = $dbase; $sqlconf["db_encoding"] = $db_encoding; ////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// //////DO NOT TOUCH THIS/// $config = 1; ///////////// ////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// ?> '; fwrite($fd, $string) or $it_died++; fclose($fd) or $it_died++; //it's rather irresponsible to not report errors when writing this file. if ($it_died != 0) { $this->error_message = "ERROR. Couldn't write $it_died lines to config file '$this->conffile'.\n"; return false; } // Tell PHP that its cached bytecode version of sqlconf.php is no longer usable. if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { opcache_invalidate($this->conffile, true); } return true; } public function insert_globals() { if (!(function_exists('xl'))) { function xl($s) { return $s; } } else { $GLOBALS['temp_skip_translations'] = true; } $skipGlobalEvent = true; //use in globals.inc.php script to skip event stuff require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../globals.inc.php'); foreach ($GLOBALS_METADATA as $grpname => $grparr) { foreach ($grparr as $fldid => $fldarr) { list($fldname, $fldtype, $flddef, $flddesc) = $fldarr; if (is_array($fldtype) || substr($fldtype, 0, 2) !== 'm_') { $res = $this->execute_sql("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM globals WHERE gl_name = '" . $this->escapeSql($fldid) . "'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (empty($row['count'])) { $this->execute_sql("INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) " . "VALUES ( '" . $this->escapeSql($fldid) . "', '0', '" . $this->escapeSql($flddef) . "' )"); } } } } return true; } public function install_gacl() { $gacl = new GaclApi(); // Create the ACO sections. Every ACO must have a section. // if ($gacl->add_object_section('Accounting', 'acct', 10, 0, 'ACO') === false) { $this->error_message = "ERROR, Unable to create the access controls for OpenEMR."; return false; } // xl('Accounting') $gacl->add_object_section('Administration', 'admin', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Administration') $gacl->add_object_section('Encounters', 'encounters', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Encounters') $gacl->add_object_section('Lists', 'lists', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Lists') $gacl->add_object_section('Patients', 'patients', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Patients') $gacl->add_object_section('Squads', 'squads', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Squads') $gacl->add_object_section('Sensitivities', 'sensitivities', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Sensitivities') $gacl->add_object_section('Placeholder', 'placeholder', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Placeholder') $gacl->add_object_section('Nation Notes', 'nationnotes', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Nation Notes') $gacl->add_object_section('Patient Portal', 'patientportal', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Patient Portal') $gacl->add_object_section('Menus', 'menus', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Menus') $gacl->add_object_section('Groups', 'groups', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Groups') $gacl->add_object_section('Inventory', 'inventory', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Inventory') // Create Accounting ACOs. // $gacl->add_object('acct', 'Billing (write optional)', 'bill', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Billing (write optional)') $gacl->add_object('acct', 'Price Discounting', 'disc', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Price Discounting') $gacl->add_object('acct', 'EOB Data Entry', 'eob', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('EOB Data Entry') $gacl->add_object('acct', 'Financial Reporting - my encounters', 'rep', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Financial Reporting - my encounters') $gacl->add_object('acct', 'Financial Reporting - anything', 'rep_a', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Financial Reporting - anything') // Create Administration ACOs. // $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Superuser', 'super', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Superuser') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Calendar Settings', 'calendar', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Calendar Settings') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Database Reporting', 'database', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Database Reporting') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Forms Administration', 'forms', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Forms Administration') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Practice Settings', 'practice', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Practice Settings') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Superbill Codes Administration', 'superbill', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Superbill Codes Administration') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Users/Groups/Logs Administration', 'users', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Users/Groups/Logs Administration') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Batch Communication Tool', 'batchcom', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Batch Communication Tool') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Language Interface Tool', 'language', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Language Interface Tool') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Inventory Administration', 'drugs', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Inventory Administration') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'ACL Administration', 'acl', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('ACL Administration') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Multipledb', 'multipledb', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Multipledb') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Menu', 'menu', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Menu') $gacl->add_object('admin', 'Manage modules', 'manage_modules', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Manage modules') // Create ACOs for encounters. // $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Authorize - my encounters', 'auth', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Authorize - my encounters') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Authorize - any encounters', 'auth_a', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Authorize - any encounters') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Coding - my encounters (write,wsome optional)', 'coding', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Coding - my encounters (write,wsome optional)') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Coding - any encounters (write,wsome optional)', 'coding_a', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Coding - any encounters (write,wsome optional)') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Notes - my encounters (write,addonly optional)', 'notes', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Notes - my encounters (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Notes - any encounters (write,addonly optional)', 'notes_a', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Notes - any encounters (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Fix encounter dates - any encounters', 'date_a', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Fix encounter dates - any encounters') $gacl->add_object('encounters', 'Less-private information (write,addonly optional)', 'relaxed', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Less-private information (write,addonly optional)') // Create ACOs for lists. // $gacl->add_object('lists', 'Default List (write,addonly optional)', 'default', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Default List (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('lists', 'State List (write,addonly optional)', 'state', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('State List (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('lists', 'Country List (write,addonly optional)', 'country', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Country List (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('lists', 'Language List (write,addonly optional)', 'language', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Language List (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('lists', 'Ethnicity-Race List (write,addonly optional)', 'ethrace', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Ethnicity-Race List (write,addonly optional)') // Create ACOs for patientportal. // $gacl->add_object('patientportal', 'Patient Portal', 'portal', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Patient Portal') // Create ACOs for modules. // $gacl->add_object('menus', 'Modules', 'modle', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Modules') // Create ACOs for patients. // $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Appointments (write,wsome optional)', 'appt', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Appointments (write,wsome optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Demographics (write,addonly optional)', 'demo', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Demographics (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Medical/History (write,addonly optional)', 'med', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Medical/History (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Transactions (write optional)', 'trans', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Transactions (write optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Documents (write,addonly optional)', 'docs', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Documents (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Documents Delete', 'docs_rm', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Documents Delete') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Patient Notes (write,addonly optional)', 'notes', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Patient Notes (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Sign Lab Results (write,addonly optional)', 'sign', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Sign Lab Results (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)', 'reminder', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)', 'alert', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Disclosures (write,addonly optional)', 'disclosure', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Disclosures (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)', 'rx', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Amendments (write,addonly optional)', 'amendment', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Amendments (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Lab Results (write,addonly optional)', 'lab', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Lab Results (write,addonly optional)') $gacl->add_object('patients', 'Patient Report', 'pat_rep', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Patient Report') $gacl->add_object('groups', 'View/Add/Update groups', 'gadd', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('View/Add/Update groups') $gacl->add_object('groups', 'View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar', 'gcalendar', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar') $gacl->add_object('groups', 'Group encounter log', 'glog', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Group encounter log') $gacl->add_object('groups', 'Group detailed log of appointment in patient record', 'gdlog', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Group detailed log of appointment in patient record') $gacl->add_object('groups', 'Send message from the permanent group therapist to the personal therapist', 'gm', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Send message from the permanent group therapist to the personal therapist') // Create ACOs for sensitivities. // $gacl->add_object('sensitivities', 'Normal', 'normal', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Normal') $gacl->add_object('sensitivities', 'High', 'high', 20, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('High') // Create ACO for placeholder. // $gacl->add_object('placeholder', 'Placeholder (Maintains empty ACLs)', 'filler', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Placeholder (Maintains empty ACLs)') // Create ACO for nationnotes. // $gacl->add_object('nationnotes', 'Nation Notes Configure', 'nn_configure', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Nation Notes Configure') // Create ACOs for Inventory. // $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Lots', 'lots', 10, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Lots') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Sales', 'sales', 20, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Sales') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Purchases', 'purchases', 30, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Purchases') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Transfers', 'transfers', 40, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Transfers') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Adjustments', 'adjustments', 50, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Adjustments') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Consumption', 'consumption', 60, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Consumption') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Destruction', 'destruction', 70, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Destruction') $gacl->add_object('inventory', 'Reporting', 'reporting', 80, 0, 'ACO'); // xl('Reporting') // Create ARO groups. // $users = $gacl->add_group('users', 'OpenEMR Users', 0, 'ARO'); // xl('OpenEMR Users') $admin = $gacl->add_group('admin', 'Administrators', $users, 'ARO'); // xl('Administrators') $clin = $gacl->add_group('clin', 'Clinicians', $users, 'ARO'); // xl('Clinicians') $doc = $gacl->add_group('doc', 'Physicians', $users, 'ARO'); // xl('Physicians') $front = $gacl->add_group('front', 'Front Office', $users, 'ARO'); // xl('Front Office') $back = $gacl->add_group('back', 'Accounting', $users, 'ARO'); // xl('Accounting') $breakglass = $gacl->add_group('breakglass', 'Emergency Login', $users, 'ARO'); // xl('Emergency Login') // Create a Users section for the AROs (humans). // $gacl->add_object_section('Users', 'users', 10, 0, 'ARO'); // xl('Users') // Create the Administrator in the above-created "users" section // and add him/her to the above-created "admin" group. // If this script is being used by OpenEMR's setup, then will // incorporate the installation values. Otherwise will // hardcode the 'admin' user. if (isset($this) && isset($this->iuser)) { $gacl->add_object('users', $this->iuname, $this->iuser, 10, 0, 'ARO'); $gacl->add_group_object($admin, 'users', $this->iuser, 'ARO'); } else { $gacl->add_object('users', 'Administrator', 'admin', 10, 0, 'ARO'); $gacl->add_group_object($admin, 'users', 'admin', 'ARO'); } // Declare return terms for language translations // xl('write') xl('wsome') xl('addonly') xl('view') // Set permissions for administrators. // $gacl->add_acl( array( 'acct' => array('bill', 'disc', 'eob', 'rep', 'rep_a'), 'admin' => array('calendar', 'database', 'forms', 'practice', 'superbill', 'users', 'batchcom', 'language', 'super', 'drugs', 'acl','multipledb','menu','manage_modules'), 'encounters' => array('auth_a', 'auth', 'coding_a', 'coding', 'notes_a', 'notes', 'date_a', 'relaxed'), 'inventory' => array('lots', 'sales', 'purchases', 'transfers', 'adjustments', 'consumption', 'destruction', 'reporting'), 'lists' => array('default','state','country','language','ethrace'), 'patients' => array('appt', 'demo', 'med', 'trans', 'docs', 'notes', 'sign', 'reminder', 'alert', 'disclosure', 'rx', 'amendment', 'lab', 'docs_rm','pat_rep'), 'sensitivities' => array('normal', 'high'), 'nationnotes' => array('nn_configure'), 'patientportal' => array('portal'), 'menus' => array('modle'), 'groups' => array('gadd','gcalendar','glog','gdlog','gm') ), null, array($admin), null, null, 1, 1, 'write', 'Administrators can do anything' ); // xl('Administrators can do anything') // Set permissions for physicians. // $gacl->add_acl( array( 'patients' => array('pat_rep') ), null, array($doc), null, null, 1, 1, 'view', 'Things that physicians can only read' ); // xl('Things that physicians can only read') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($doc), null, null, 1, 1, 'addonly', 'Things that physicians can read and enter but not modify' ); // xl('Things that physicians can read and enter but not modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($doc), null, null, 1, 1, 'wsome', 'Things that physicians can read and partly modify' ); // xl('Things that physicians can read and partly modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'acct' => array('disc', 'rep'), 'admin' => array('drugs'), 'encounters' => array('auth_a', 'auth', 'coding_a', 'coding', 'notes_a', 'notes', 'date_a', 'relaxed'), 'patients' => array('appt', 'demo', 'med', 'trans', 'docs', 'notes', 'sign', 'reminder', 'alert', 'disclosure', 'rx', 'amendment', 'lab'), 'sensitivities' => array('normal', 'high'), 'groups' => array('gcalendar','glog') ), null, array($doc), null, null, 1, 1, 'write', 'Things that physicians can read and modify' ); // xl('Things that physicians can read and modify') // Set permissions for clinicians. // $gacl->add_acl( array( 'patients' => array('pat_rep') ), null, array($clin), null, null, 1, 1, 'view', 'Things that clinicians can only read' ); // xl('Things that clinicians can only read') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'encounters' => array('notes', 'relaxed'), 'patients' => array('demo', 'med', 'docs', 'notes','trans', 'reminder', 'alert', 'disclosure', 'rx', 'amendment', 'lab'), 'sensitivities' => array('normal') ), null, array($clin), null, null, 1, 1, 'addonly', 'Things that clinicians can read and enter but not modify' ); // xl('Things that clinicians can read and enter but not modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($clin), null, null, 1, 1, 'wsome', 'Things that clinicians can read and partly modify' ); // xl('Things that clinicians can read and partly modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'admin' => array('drugs'), 'encounters' => array('auth', 'coding', 'notes'), 'patients' => array('appt'), 'groups' => array('gcalendar', 'glog') ), null, array($clin), null, null, 1, 1, 'write', 'Things that clinicians can read and modify' ); // xl('Things that clinicians can read and modify') // Set permissions for front office staff. // $gacl->add_acl( array( 'patients' => array('alert') ), null, array($front), null, null, 1, 1, 'view', 'Things that front office can only read' ); // xl('Things that front office can only read') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($front), null, null, 1, 1, 'addonly', 'Things that front office can read and enter but not modify' ); // xl('Things that front office can read and enter but not modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($front), null, null, 1, 1, 'wsome', 'Things that front office can read and partly modify' ); // xl('Things that front office can read and partly modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'patients' => array('appt', 'demo'), 'groups' => array('gcalendar') ), null, array($front), null, null, 1, 1, 'write', 'Things that front office can read and modify' ); // xl('Things that front office can read and modify') // Set permissions for back office staff. // $gacl->add_acl( array( 'patients' => array('alert') ), null, array($back), null, null, 1, 1, 'view', 'Things that back office can only read' ); // xl('Things that back office can only read') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($back), null, null, 1, 1, 'addonly', 'Things that back office can read and enter but not modify' ); // xl('Things that back office can read and enter but not modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'placeholder' => array('filler') ), null, array($back), null, null, 1, 1, 'wsome', 'Things that back office can read and partly modify' ); // xl('Things that back office can read and partly modify') $gacl->add_acl( array( 'acct' => array('bill', 'disc', 'eob', 'rep', 'rep_a'), 'admin' => array('practice', 'superbill'), 'encounters' => array('auth_a', 'coding_a', 'date_a'), 'patients' => array('appt', 'demo') ), null, array($back), null, null, 1, 1, 'write', 'Things that back office can read and modify' ); // xl('Things that back office can read and modify') // Set permissions for Emergency Login. // $gacl->add_acl( array( 'acct' => array('bill', 'disc', 'eob', 'rep', 'rep_a'), 'admin' => array('calendar', 'database', 'forms', 'practice', 'superbill', 'users', 'batchcom', 'language', 'super', 'drugs', 'acl','multipledb','menu','manage_modules'), 'encounters' => array('auth_a', 'auth', 'coding_a', 'coding', 'notes_a', 'notes', 'date_a', 'relaxed'), 'inventory' => array('lots', 'sales', 'purchases', 'transfers', 'adjustments', 'consumption', 'destruction', 'reporting'), 'lists' => array('default','state','country','language','ethrace'), 'patients' => array('appt', 'demo', 'med', 'trans', 'docs', 'notes', 'sign', 'reminder', 'alert', 'disclosure', 'rx', 'amendment', 'lab', 'docs_rm','pat_rep'), 'sensitivities' => array('normal', 'high'), 'nationnotes' => array('nn_configure'), 'patientportal' => array('portal'), 'menus' => array('modle'), 'groups' => array('gadd','gcalendar','glog','gdlog','gm') ), null, array($breakglass), null, null, 1, 1, 'write', 'Emergency Login user can do anything' ); // xl('Emergency Login user can do anything') return true; } public function quick_install() { // Validation of OpenEMR user settings // (applicable if not cloning from another database) if (empty($this->clone_database)) { if (! $this->login_is_valid()) { return false; } if (! $this->iuser_is_valid()) { return false; } if (! $this->user_password_is_valid()) { return false; } } // Validation of mysql database password if (! $this->password_is_valid()) { return false; } if (! $this->no_root_db_access) { // Connect to mysql via root user if (! $this->root_database_connection()) { return false; } // Create the dumpfile // (applicable if cloning from another database) if (! empty($this->clone_database)) { if (! $this->create_dumpfiles()) { return false; } } // Create the site directory // (applicable if mirroring another local site) if (! empty($this->source_site_id)) { if (! $this->create_site_directory()) { return false; } } $this->disconnect(); // Using @ in below call to hide the php warning in cases where the // below connection does not work, which is expected behavior. // Using try in below call to catch the mysqli exception when the // below connection does not work, which is expected behavior (needed to // add this try/catch clause for PHP 8.1). try { $checkUserDatabaseConnection = @$this->user_database_connection(); } catch (Exception $e) { $checkUserDatabaseConnection = false; } if (! $checkUserDatabaseConnection) { // Re-connect to mysql via root user if (! $this->root_database_connection()) { return false; } // Create the mysql database if (! $this->create_database()) { return false; } // Create the mysql user if (! $this->create_database_user()) { return false; } // Grant user privileges to the mysql database if (! $this->grant_privileges()) { return false; } } $this->disconnect(); } // Connect to mysql via created user if (! $this->user_database_connection()) { return false; } // Build the database if (! $this->load_dumpfiles()) { return false; } // Write the sql configuration file if (! $this->write_configuration_file()) { return false; } // Load the version information, globals settings, // initial user, and set up gacl access controls. // (applicable if not cloning from another database) if (empty($this->clone_database)) { if (! $this->add_version_info()) { return false; } if (! $this->insert_globals()) { return false; } if (! $this->add_initial_user()) { return false; } if (! $this->install_gacl()) { return false; } if (! $this->install_additional_users()) { return false; } if (! $this->on_care_coordination()) { return false; } } return true; } private function escapeSql($sql) { return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->dbh, $sql); } private function escapeDatabaseName($name) { if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', $name)) { error_log("Illegal character(s) in database name"); die("Illegal character(s) in database name"); } return $name; } private function escapeCollateName($name) { if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', $name)) { error_log("Illegal character(s) in collation name"); die("Illegal character(s) in collation name"); } return $name; } private function execute_sql($sql, $showError = true) { $this->error_message = ''; if (! $this->dbh) { $this->user_database_connection(); } $results = mysqli_query($this->dbh, $sql); if ($results) { return $results; } else { if ($showError) { $error_mes = mysqli_error($this->dbh); $this->error_message = "unable to execute SQL: '$sql' due to: " . $error_mes; error_log("ERROR IN OPENEMR INSTALL: Unable to execute SQL: " . htmlspecialchars($sql, ENT_QUOTES) . " due to: " . htmlspecialchars($error_mes, ENT_QUOTES)); } return false; } } private function connect_to_database($server, $user, $password, $port, $dbname = '') { $pathToCerts = __DIR__ . "/../../sites/" . $this->site . "/documents/certificates/"; $mysqlSsl = false; $mysqli = mysqli_init(); if (defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL') && file_exists($pathToCerts . "mysql-ca")) { $mysqlSsl = true; if ( file_exists($pathToCerts . "mysql-key") && file_exists($pathToCerts . "mysql-cert") ) { // with client side certificate/key mysqli_ssl_set( $mysqli, $pathToCerts . "mysql-key", $pathToCerts . "mysql-cert", $pathToCerts . "mysql-ca", null, null ); } else { // without client side certificate/key mysqli_ssl_set( $mysqli, null, null, $pathToCerts . "mysql-ca", null, null ); } } if ($mysqlSsl) { $ok = mysqli_real_connect($mysqli, $server, $user, $password, $dbname, (int)$port != 0 ? (int)$port : 3306, '', MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL); } else { $ok = mysqli_real_connect($mysqli, $server, $user, $password, $dbname, (int)$port != 0 ? (int)$port : 3306); } if (!$ok) { $this->error_message = 'unable to connect to sql server because of: (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') ' . mysqli_connect_error(); return false; } return $mysqli; } private function set_sql_strict() { // Turn off STRICT SQL return $this->execute_sql("SET sql_mode = ''"); } private function set_collation() { return $this->execute_sql("SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'"); } /** * innitialize $this->dumpfiles, an array of the dumpfiles that will * be loaded into the database, including the correct translation * dumpfile. * The keys are the paths of the dumpfiles, and the values are the titles * @return array */ private function initialize_dumpfile_list() { if ($this->clone_database) { $this->dumpfiles = array( $this->get_backup_filename() => 'clone database' ); } else { $dumpfiles = array( $this->main_sql => 'Main' ); if (! empty($this->development_translations)) { // Use the online development translation set $dumpfiles[ $this->devel_translation_sql ] = "Online Development Language Translations (utf8)"; } else { // Use the local translation set $dumpfiles[ $this->translation_sql ] = "Language Translation (utf8)"; } if ($this->ippf_specific) { $dumpfiles[ $this->ippf_sql ] = "IPPF Layout"; } // Load ICD-9 codes if present. if (file_exists($this->icd9)) { $dumpfiles[ $this->icd9 ] = "ICD-9"; } // Load CVX codes if present if (file_exists($this->cvx)) { $dumpfiles[ $this->cvx ] = "CVX Immunization Codes"; } $this->dumpfiles = $dumpfiles; } return $this->dumpfiles; } /** * * Directory copy logic borrowed from a user comment at * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.copy.php * @param string $src name of the directory to copy * @param string $dst name of the destination to copy to * @return bool indicating success */ private function recurse_copy($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); if (! @mkdir($dst)) { $this->error_message = "unable to create directory: '$dst'"; return false; } while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { $this->recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); return true; } /** * * dump a site's database to a temporary file. * @param string $source_site_id the site_id of the site to dump * @return filename of the backup */ private function dumpSourceDatabase() { global $OE_SITES_BASE; $source_site_id = $this->source_site_id; include("$OE_SITES_BASE/$source_site_id/sqlconf.php"); if (empty($config)) { die("Source site $source_site_id has not been set up!"); } $backup_file = $this->get_backup_filename(); $cmd = "mysqldump -u " . escapeshellarg($login) . " -h " . $host . " -p" . escapeshellarg($pass) . " --ignore-table=" . escapeshellarg($dbase . ".onsite_activity_view") . " --hex-blob --opt --skip-extended-insert --quote-names -r $backup_file " . escapeshellarg($dbase); $tmp1 = []; $tmp0 = exec($cmd, $tmp1, $tmp2); if ($tmp2) { die("Error $tmp2 running \"$cmd\": $tmp0 " . implode(' ', $tmp1)); } return $backup_file; } /** * @return filename of the source backup database for cloning */ private function get_backup_filename() { if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $backup_file = 'C:/windows/temp/setup_dump.sql'; } else { $backup_file = '/tmp/setup_dump.sql'; } return $backup_file; } //RP_ADDED public function getCurrentTheme() { $current_theme = $this->execute_sql("SELECT gl_value FROM globals WHERE gl_name LIKE '%css_header%'"); $current_theme = mysqli_fetch_array($current_theme); return $current_theme[0]; } public function setCurrentTheme() { $current_theme = $this->getCurrentTheme(); // for cloned sites since they're not asked about a new theme if (!$this->new_theme) { $this->new_theme = $current_theme; } return $this->execute_sql("UPDATE globals SET gl_value='" . $this->escapeSql($this->new_theme) . "' WHERE gl_name LIKE '%css_header%'"); } public function listThemes() { $themes_img_dir = "public/images/stylesheets/"; $arr_themes_img = array_values(array_filter(scandir($themes_img_dir), function ($item) { return $item[0] !== '.'; })); return $arr_themes_img; } private function extractFileName($theme_file_name = '') { $this->theme_file_name = $theme_file_name; $under_score = strpos($theme_file_name, '_') + 1; $dot = strpos($theme_file_name, '.'); $theme_value = substr($theme_file_name, $under_score, ($dot - $under_score)); $theme_title = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $theme_value)); return array('theme_value' => $theme_value, 'theme_title' => $theme_title); } public function displayThemesDivs() { $themes_number = count($this->listThemes()); for ($i = 0; $i < $themes_number; $i++) { $id = $i + 1; $arr_theme_name = $this->listThemes(); $theme_file_name = $arr_theme_name[$i]; $arr_extracted_file_name = $this->extractFileName($theme_file_name); $theme_value = $arr_extracted_file_name['theme_value']; $theme_title = $arr_extracted_file_name['theme_title']; $img_path = "public/images/stylesheets/"; $theme_file_path = $img_path . $theme_file_name; $div_start = "

"; $div_end = "
"; $img_div = "

" . text($theme_title) . "

"; $theme_img_number = $i % 6; //to ensure that last file in array will always generate 5 and will end the row switch ($theme_img_number) { case 0: //start row echo $div_start . "\r\n"; echo $img_div . "\r\n"; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: echo $img_div . "\r\n"; break; case 5://end row echo $img_div . "\r\n"; echo $div_end . "\r\n"; echo "
" . "\r\n"; break; default: echo $div_start . "\r\n"; echo "
Sorry no stylesheet images in directory
"; echo $div_end . "\r\n"; break; } } return; } public function displaySelectedThemeDiv() { $theme_file_name = $this->getCurrentTheme(); $arr_extracted_file_name = $this->extractFileName($theme_file_name); $theme_value = $arr_extracted_file_name['theme_value']; $theme_title = $arr_extracted_file_name['theme_title']; $img_path = "public/images/stylesheets/"; $theme_file_path = $img_path . "style_" . $theme_value . ".png"; $display_selected_theme_div = <<

Current Theme:


DSTD; echo $display_selected_theme_div . "\r\n"; return; } public function displayNewThemeDiv() { // cloned sites don't get a chance to set a new theme if (!$this->new_theme) { $this->new_theme = $this->getCurrentTheme(); } $theme_file_name = $this->new_theme; $arr_extracted_file_name = $this->extractFileName($theme_file_name); $theme_value = $arr_extracted_file_name['theme_value']; $theme_title = $arr_extracted_file_name['theme_title']; $img_path = "public/images/stylesheets/"; $theme_file_path = $img_path . "style_" . $theme_value . ".png"; $display_selected_theme_div = <<


DSTD; echo $display_selected_theme_div . "\r\n"; return; } public function setupHelpModal() { $setup_help_modal = << SETHLP; echo $setup_help_modal . "\r\n"; return; } }