* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Jerry Padgett * * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @package OpenEMR * @author Rod Roark * @author Jerry Padgett * 07-2015: Ensoftek: Edited for MU2 170.314(b)(5)(A) */ require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'] . "/forms.inc"); require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'] . "/pnotes.inc"); use OpenEMR\Common\Crypto\CryptoGen; use OpenEMR\Common\Logging\EventAuditLogger; use phpseclib\Net\SFTP; $rhl7_return = array(); function parseZPS($segment) { $composites = $segment; //explode('|', $segment); // Try to parse composites foreach ($composites as $key => $composite) { // If it is a composite ... if (!(strpos($composite, '^') === false)) { $composites[$key] = explode('^', $composite); } } // Find out where we are $pos = 0; [ $__garbage, // Skip index [0], it's the type $zps[$pos]['set_id'], $zps[$pos]['lab_id'], $zps[$pos]['lab_name'], $zps[$pos]['lab_address'], $zps[$pos]['lab_phone'], $__garbage, $zps[$pos]['lab_director'], $__garbage, $zps[$pos]['lab_clia'] ] = $composites; $labdir = $zps[0]['lab_director'][0] . " " . $zps[0]['lab_director'][1] . ", " . $zps[0]['lab_director'][2]; $address = $zps[0]['lab_address'][0] . "\n" . $zps[0]['lab_address'][2] . " " . $zps[0]['lab_address'][3] . " " . $zps[0]['lab_address'][4]; $r = $zps[0]['lab_name'] . "\n" . $address . "\n" . $zps[0]['lab_phone'] . "\n" . $labdir . "\n"; return $r; } function rhl7LogMsg($msg, $fatal = true) { global $rhl7_return; if ($fatal) { $rhl7_return['mssgs'][] = '*' . $msg; $rhl7_return['fatal'] = true; EventAuditLogger::instance()->newEvent( "lab-results-error", $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], 0, $msg ); } else { $rhl7_return['mssgs'][] = '>' . $msg; } return $rhl7_return; } function rhl7InsertRow(&$arr, $tablename) { if (empty($arr)) { return; } // echo "\n"; $query = "INSERT INTO $tablename SET"; $binds = array(); $sep = ''; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $query .= "$sep `$key` = ?"; $sep = ','; $binds[] = $value; } $arr = array(); return sqlInsert($query, $binds); } // Write all of the accumulated reports and their results. function rhl7FlushMain(&$amain, $commentdelim = "\n") { foreach ($amain as $arr) { if (!isset($amain[0]['rep']['procedure_order_id'])) { if (!isset($arr['rep']['procedure_order_id'])) { continue; } elseif (isset($amain[0]['rep']['report_notes'])) { $arr['rep']['report_notes'] .= $amain[0]['rep']['report_notes']; unset($amain[0]); } } $procedure_report_id = rhl7InsertRow($arr['rep'], 'procedure_report'); foreach ($arr['res'] as $ares) { $ares['procedure_report_id'] = $procedure_report_id; // obxkey was used to identify parent results but is not stored. unset($ares['obxkey']); // If TX result is not over 10 characters, move it from comments to result field. if ($ares['result'] === '' && $ares['result_data_type'] == 'L') { $i = strpos($ares['comments'], $commentdelim); if ($i && $i <= 10) { $ares['result'] = substr($ares['comments'], 0, $i); $ares['comments'] = substr($ares['comments'], $i); } } rhl7InsertRow($ares, 'procedure_result'); } } } // Write the MDM document if appropriate. // function rhl7FlushMDM($patient_id, $mdm_docname, $mdm_datetime, $mdm_text, $mdm_category_id, $provider) { if ($patient_id) { if (!empty($mdm_docname)) { $mdm_docname .= '_'; } $mdm_docname .= preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $mdm_datetime); $filename = $mdm_docname . '.txt'; $d = new Document(); $rc = $d->createDocument($patient_id, $mdm_category_id, $filename, 'text/plain', $mdm_text); if (!$rc) { rhl7LogMsg(xl('Document created') . ": $filename", false); if ($provider) { $d->postPatientNote($provider, $mdm_category_id, xl('Electronic document received')); rhl7LogMsg(xl('Notification sent to') . ": $provider", false); } else { rhl7LogMsg(xl('No provider was matched'), false); } } return $rc; } return ''; } function rhl7Text($s, $allow_newlines = false) { $s = str_replace('\\S\\', '^', $s); $s = str_replace('\\F\\', '|', $s); $s = str_replace('\\R\\', '~', $s); $s = str_replace('\\T\\', '&', $s); $s = str_replace('\\X0d\\', "\r", $s); $s = str_replace('\\E\\', '\\', $s); if ($allow_newlines) { $s = str_replace('\\.br\\', "\n", $s); } else { $s = str_replace('\\.br\\', '~', $s); } return $s; } function rhl7DateTime($s) { // Remove UTC offset if present. if (preg_match('/^([0-9.]+)[+-]/', $s, $tmp)) { $s = $tmp[1]; } $s = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $s); if (empty($s)) { return '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; } $ret = substr($s, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($s, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($s, 6, 2); if (strlen($s) > 8) { $ret .= ' ' . substr($s, 8, 2) . ':' . substr($s, 10, 2) . ':'; if (strlen($s) > 12) { $ret .= substr($s, 12, 2); } else { $ret .= '00'; } } return $ret; } function rhl7DateTimeZone($s) { // UTC offset if present always begins with "+" or "-". if (preg_match('/^[0-9.]+([+-].*)$/', $s, $tmp)) { return trim($tmp[1]); } return ''; } function rhl7Date($s) { return substr(rhl7DateTime($s), 0, 10); } function rhl7Abnormal($s) { if ($s == '') { return 'no'; } if ($s == 'N') { return 'no'; } if ($s == 'A') { return 'yes'; } if ($s == 'H') { return 'high'; } if ($s == 'L') { return 'low'; } if ($s == 'HH') { return 'vhigh'; } if ($s == 'LL') { return 'vlow'; } return rhl7Text($s); } function rhl7ReportStatus($s) { if ($s == 'F') { return 'final'; } if ($s == 'P') { return 'prelim'; } if ($s == 'C') { return 'correct'; } if ($s == 'X') { return 'error'; } return rhl7Text($s); } /** * Convert a lower case file extension to a MIME type. * The extension comes from OBX[5][0] which is itself a huge assumption that * the HL7 2.3 standard does not help with. Don't be surprised when we have to * adapt to conventions of various other labs. * * @param string $fileext The lower case extension. * @return string MIME type. */ function rhl7MimeType($fileext) { if ($fileext == 'pdf') { return 'application/pdf'; } if ($fileext == 'doc') { return 'application/msword'; } if ($fileext == 'rtf') { return 'application/rtf'; } if ($fileext == 'txt') { return 'text/plain'; } if ($fileext == 'zip') { return 'application/zip'; } return 'application/octet-stream'; } /** * Extract encapsulated document data according to its encoding type. * * @param string $enctype Encoding type from OBX[5][3]. * @param string &$src Encoded data from OBX[5][4]. * @return string Decoded data, or FALSE if error. */ function rhl7DecodeData($enctype, &$src) { if ($enctype == 'Base64') { return base64_decode($src); } if ($enctype == 'A') { return rhl7Text($src); } if ($enctype == 'Hex') { $data = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($src) - 1; $i += 2) { $data .= chr(hexdec($src[$i] . $src[$i + 1])); } return $data; } return false; } function rhl7CWE($s, $componentdelimiter) { $out = ''; if ($s === '') { return $out; } $arr = explode($componentdelimiter, $s); if (!empty($arr[8])) { $out = $arr[8]; } else { $out = $arr[0]; if (isset($arr[1])) { $out .= " (" . $arr[1] . ")"; } } return $out; } /** * Parse the SPM segment and get the specimen display name and update the table. * * @param string $specimen Encoding type from SPM. */ function rhl7UpdateReportWithSpecimen(&$amain, $specimen, $d2) { $specimen_display = ''; // SPM4: Specimen Type: Example: 119297000^BLD^SCT^BldSpc^Blood^99USA^^^Blood Specimen $specimen_display = rhl7CWE($specimen[4], $d2); $tmpnotes = xl('Specimen type') . ': ' . $specimen_display; $tmp = rhl7CWE($specimen[21], $d2); if ($tmp) { $tmpnotes .= '; ' . xl('Rejected') . ': ' . $tmp; } $tmp = rhl7CWE($specimen[24], $d2); if ($tmp) { $tmpnotes .= '; ' . xl('Condition') . ': ' . $tmp; } $alast = count($amain) - 1; $amain[$alast]['rep']['specimen_num'] = $specimen_display; $amain[$alast]['rep']['report_notes'] .= rhl7Text($tmpnotes) . "\n"; } /** * Get the Performing Lab Details from the OBX segment. Mandatory for MU2. * * @param string $obx23 Encoding type from OBX23. * @param string $obx23 Encoding type from OBX24. * @param string $obx23 Encoding type from OBX25. * @param string $obx23 New line character. */ function getPerformingOrganizationDetails($obx23, $obx24, $obx25, $componentdelimiter, $commentdelim) { $s = null; if (!empty($obx23) || !empty($obx24) || !empty($obx25)) { // Organization Name // OBX23 Example: "Century Hospital^^^^^NIST-AA-1&2.16.840.1.113883.^XX^^^987" $obx23_segs = explode($componentdelimiter, $obx23); if (!empty($obx23_segs[0])) { $s .= $obx23_segs[0] . $commentdelim; } // Medical Director // OBX25 Example: "2343242^Knowsalot^Phil^J.^III^Dr.^^^NIST-AA-1&2.16.840.1.113883.^L^^^DNSPM" // Dr. Phil Knowsalot J. III if (!empty($obx25)) { $obx25_segs = explode($componentdelimiter, $obx25); $s .= "$obx25_segs[5] $obx25_segs[2] $obx25_segs[1] $obx25_segs[3] $obx25_segs[4]" . $commentdelim; } // Organization Address // OBX24 Example: "2070 Test Park^^Los Angeles^CA^90067^USA^B^^06037" if (!empty($obx24)) { $obx24 = str_replace('~', ' ', $obx24); $obx24_segs = explode($componentdelimiter, $obx24); $s .= "$obx24_segs[0]$commentdelim$obx24_segs[1]$commentdelim$obx24_segs[2], " . "$obx24_segs[3] $obx24_segs[4]$commentdelim$obx24_segs[5]$commentdelim"; if (!empty($obx24_segs[6])) { $s .= "$obx24_segs[6]$commentdelim"; } if (!empty($obx24_segs[8])) { $s .= "County/Parish Code: $obx24_segs[8]$commentdelim"; } } } return $s; } /** * Look for a patient matching the given data. * Return values are: * >0 Definite match, this is the pid. * 0 No patient is close to a match. * -1 It's not clear if there is a match. */ function match_patient($ptarr) { $in_ss = str_replace('-', '', $ptarr['ss']); $in_fname = $ptarr['fname']; $in_lname = $ptarr['lname']; $in_dob = $ptarr['DOB']; $in_sex = strtoupper($ptarr['sex']) == 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female'; // AND sex IS NOT NULL AND sex = ? $patient_id = 0; $res = sqlStatement( "SELECT pid FROM patient_data WHERE " . "((ss IS NULL OR ss = '' OR '' = ?) AND " . "fname IS NOT NULL AND fname != '' AND fname = ? AND " . "lname IS NOT NULL AND lname != '' AND lname = ? AND " . "DOB IS NOT NULL AND DOB = ?) OR " . "(ss IS NOT NULL AND ss != '' AND REPLACE(ss, '-', '') = ? AND (" . "fname IS NOT NULL AND fname != '' AND fname = ? OR " . "lname IS NOT NULL AND lname != '' AND lname = ? OR " . "DOB IS NOT NULL AND DOB = ?)) " . "ORDER BY ss DESC, pid DESC LIMIT 2", array($in_ss, $in_fname, $in_lname, $in_dob, $in_ss, $in_fname, $in_lname, $in_dob) ); if (sqlNumRows($res) > 1) { // Multiple matches, so ambiguous. $patient_id = -1; } elseif (sqlNumRows($res) == 1) { // Got exactly one match, so use it. $tmp = sqlFetchArray($res); $patient_id = intval($tmp['pid']); } else { // No match good enough, figure out if there's enough ambiguity to ask the user. $tmp = sqlQuery( "SELECT pid FROM patient_data WHERE " . "(ss IS NOT NULL AND ss != '' AND REPLACE(ss, '-', '') = ?) OR " . "(fname IS NOT NULL AND fname != '' AND fname = ? AND " . "lname IS NOT NULL AND lname != '' AND lname = ?) OR " . "(DOB IS NOT NULL AND DOB = ?) " . "LIMIT 1", array($in_ss, $in_fname, $in_lname, $in_dob) ); if (!empty($tmp['pid'])) { $patient_id = -1; } } return $patient_id; } /** * Look for a lab matching the given XCN field from some segment. * * @param array $seg MSH seg identifying a provider. * @return mixed TRUE, or FALSE if no match. */ function match_lab(&$hl7, $send_acct, $lab_acct = '', $lab_app = '', $lab_npi = '') { if (empty($hl7)) { return false; } $d0 = "\r"; $d1 = substr($hl7, 3, 1); // typically | $segs = explode($d0, $hl7); $a = explode($d1, $segs[0]); if ($a[0] != 'MSH') { unset($segs); return false; } unset($segs); // CMS has deactivated NPI 1891752424, not sure who AMMON is if ($lab_npi == '1891752424' || strtoupper($lab_npi) == 'AMMON') { if (strtoupper(trim($a[5])) == strtoupper(trim($send_acct))) { $srch = '|' . strtoupper(trim($send_acct)) . '-'; $hl7 = str_replace($srch, "|", $hl7); return true; } return false; } if ( strtoupper(trim($a[5])) == strtoupper(trim($send_acct)) || strtoupper(trim($a[3])) == strtoupper(trim($lab_acct)) || strtoupper(trim($a[2])) == strtoupper(trim($lab_app)) ) { return true; } return false; } // lookup code from configuration to validate codes after order submit ie manual/batch function lookupTestCode($labid, $procedure_code) { $query = "SELECT procedure_type_id, procedure_code, procedure_type, name, transport " . "FROM procedure_type WHERE " . "lab_id = ? AND " . "(procedure_type LIKE 'ord' OR procedure_type LIKE 'pro') AND " . "activity = 1 AND procedure_code = ? " . "LIMIT 1"; $res = sqlQuery($query, array($labid, $procedure_code)); return $res; } // create encounter function create_encounter($pid, $provider_id, $order_date, $lab_name) { global $orphanLog; $conn = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; $encounter = $conn->GenID("sequences"); addForm( $encounter, "Auto Generated Lab Encounter", sqlInsert( "INSERT INTO form_encounter SET " . "date = ?, " . "onset_date = '', " . "reason = ?, " . "sensitivity = 'normal', " . "referral_source = '', " . "pid = ?, " . "encounter = ?, " . "provider_id = ?", array( date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($order_date)), "Generated encounter for " . strtoupper($lab_name) . " result", $pid, $encounter, ($provider_id ?? '') ) ), "newpatient", $pid, 0, date('Y-m-d'), 'SYSTEM' ); $orphanLog .= "New Encounter: $encounter created. "; return $encounter ?: 0; } // send a message (pnote) to provider to inform about orders creation function labNotice($pid, $newtext, $assigned_to = 'admin', $datetime = '', $labname = '') { if ($pid > 999999990) { return; } $message_sender = $_SESSION['authUser']; $message_group = 'Default'; $authorized = '0'; $activity = '1'; $title = 'Lab Results'; $message_status = 'New'; if (empty($datetime)) { $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } if (!$assigned_to) { $assigned_to = $_SESSION['authUser']; } $notify = $assigned_to; //@todo get user lookup $body = date('Y-m-d H:i') . ' (' . $labname . ' to ' . $notify . ') ' . $newtext; return sqlInsert( "INSERT INTO pnotes (date, body, pid, user, groupname, " . "authorized, activity, title, assigned_to, message_status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array( $datetime, $body, $pid, $message_sender, $message_group, $authorized, $activity, $title, $notify, $message_status ) ); } /** * Look for a local provider matching the given XCN field from some segment. * * @param array $arr array(NPI, lastname, firstname) identifying a provider. * @return mixed Array(id, username), or FALSE if no match. */ function match_provider($arr) { if (empty($arr)) { return false; } $op_lname = $op_fname = ''; $op_npi = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $arr[0]); if (!empty($arr[1])) { $op_lname = $arr[1]; } if (!empty($arr[2])) { $op_fname = $arr[2]; } if ($op_npi || ($op_fname && $op_lname)) { if ($op_npi) { if ($op_fname && $op_lname) { $where = "((npi IS NOT NULL AND npi = ?) OR ((npi IS NULL OR npi = ?) AND lname = ? AND fname = ?))"; $qarr = array($op_npi, '', $op_lname, $op_fname); } else { $where = "npi IS NOT NULL AND npi = ?"; $qarr = array($op_npi); } } else { $where = "lname = ? AND fname = ?"; $qarr = array($op_lname, $op_fname); } $oprow = sqlQuery( "SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE " . "username IS NOT NULL AND username != '' AND $where " . "ORDER BY active DESC, authorized DESC, username, id LIMIT 1", $qarr ); if (!empty($oprow)) { return $oprow; } } return false; } function ucname($string) { $string = ucwords(strtolower($string)); foreach (array('-', '\'') as $delimiter) { if (strpos($string, $delimiter) !== false) { $string = implode($delimiter, array_map('ucfirst', explode($delimiter, $string))); } } return $string; } /** * Create a patient using whatever patient_data attributes are provided. */ function create_skeleton_patient($patient_data) { global $orphanLog; $employer_data = array(); $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT MAX(pid)+1 AS pid FROM patient_data"); $ptid = empty($tmp['pid']) ? 1 : intval($tmp['pid']); if (!isset($patient_data['pubpid'])) { $patient_data['pubpid'] = $ptid; } updatePatientData($ptid, $patient_data, true); updateEmployerData($ptid, $employer_data, true); newHistoryData($ptid); $tmp = "Pid: $ptid " . $patient_data['fname'] . ' ' . $patient_data['lname'] . ' ' . $patient_data['DOB']; $orphanLog .= "New Patient for $tmp created. "; return $ptid; } /** * Parse and save. * * @param string &$hl7 The input HL7 text * @param string &$matchreq Array of shared patient matching requests * @param int $lab_id Lab ID * @param char $direction B=Bidirectional, R=Results-only * @param bool $dryrun True = do not update anything, just report errors * @param array $matchresp Array of responses to match requests; key is relative segment number, * value is an existing pid or 0 to specify creating a patient * @return array Array of errors and match requests, if any */ function receive_hl7_results(&$hl7, &$matchreq, $lab_id = 0, $direction = 'B', $dryrun = false, $matchresp = null) { global $rhl7_return; global $orphanLog; global $lab_npi; //$direction = 'R'; // This will hold returned error messages and related variables. $rhl7_return = array(); $rhl7_return['mssgs'] = array(); $rhl7_return['needmatch'] = false; // indicates if this file is pending a match request $rhl7_segnum = 0; $obrPerformingOrganization = ''; if (substr($hl7, 0, 3) != 'MSH') { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Input does not begin with a MSH segment'), true); } // This array holds everything to be written to the database. // We save and postpone these writes in case of errors while processing the message, // so we can look up data from parent results when child results are encountered, // and for other logic simplification. // Each element of this array is another array containing the following possible keys: // 'rep' - row of data to write to procedure_report // 'res' - array of rows to write to procedure_result for this procedure_report // 'fid' - unique lab-provided identifier for this report // $amain = array(); // End-of-line delimiter for text in procedure_result.comments and other multi-line notes. $commentdelim = "\n"; // Ensoftek: Different labs seem to send different EOLs. Edit HL7 input to a character we know. $hl7 = (string)str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "\r", $hl7); $today = time(); $in_message_lab_name = ''; $in_message_id = ''; $in_ssn = ''; $in_dob = ''; $in_lname = ''; $in_fname = ''; $in_orderid = 0; $in_procedure_code = ''; $in_report_status = ''; $in_encounter = 0; $patient_id = 0; // for results-only patient matching logic $porow = false; $pcrow = false; $oprow = false; $code_seq_array = array(); // tracks sequence numbers of order codes $results_category_id = 0; // document category ID for lab results // This is so we know where we are if a segment like NTE that can appear in // different places is encountered. $context = ''; // This will be "ORU" or "MDM". $msgtype = ''; // Stuff collected for MDM documents. $mdm_datetime = ''; $mdm_docname = ''; $mdm_text = ''; // Delimiters $d0 = "\r"; $d1 = substr($hl7, 3, 1); // typically | $d2 = substr($hl7, 4, 1); // typically ^ $d3 = substr($hl7, 5, 1); // typically ~ $d4 = substr($hl7, 6, 1); // typically \ $d5 = substr($hl7, 7, 1); // typically & // We'll need the document category IDs for any embedded documents. $catrow = sqlQuery( "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE name = ?", array($GLOBALS['lab_results_category_name']) ); if (empty($catrow['id'])) { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Document category for lab results does not exist') . ': ' . $GLOBALS['lab_results_category_name'], true); } else { $results_category_id = $catrow['id']; $mdm_category_id = $results_category_id; $catrow = sqlQuery( "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE name = ?", array($GLOBALS['gbl_mdm_category_name']) ); if (!empty($catrow['id'])) { $mdm_category_id = $catrow['id']; } } $segs = explode($d0, $hl7); foreach ($segs as $seg) { if (empty($seg)) { continue; } if ($seg == chr(28)) { continue; } // echo "\n"; // debugging ++$rhl7_segnum; $a = explode($d1, $seg); if ($a[0] == 'MSH') { if (!$dryrun) { rhl7FlushMain($amain, $commentdelim); } $amain = array(); if ('MDM' == $msgtype && !$dryrun) { $rc = rhl7FlushMDM( $patient_id, $mdm_docname, $mdm_datetime, $mdm_text, $mdm_category_id, $oprow ? $oprow['username'] : 0 ); if ($rc) { return rhl7LogMsg($rc); } $patient_id = 0; } $context = $a[0]; // Ensoftek: Could come is as 'ORU^R01^ORU_R01'. Handle all cases when 'ORU^R01' is seen. if (strstr($a[8], "ORU^R01")) { $msgtype = 'ORU'; } elseif ($a[8] == 'MDM^T02' || $a[8] == 'MDM^T04' || $a[8] == 'MDM^T08') { $msgtype = 'MDM'; $mdm_datetime = ''; $mdm_docname = ''; $mdm_text = ''; } elseif (strstr($a[8], "ORU")) { // Labcorp does not send trigger $msgtype = 'ORU'; } else { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('MSH.8 message type is not supported') . ": '" . $a[8] . "'", true); } $in_message_id = $a[9]; $in_message_lab_name = rhl7Text($a[3]); } elseif ($a[0] == 'PID') { $context = $a[0]; if ('MDM' == $msgtype && !$dryrun) { $rc = rhl7FlushMDM( $patient_id, $mdm_docname, $mdm_datetime, $mdm_text, $mdm_category_id, $oprow ? $oprow['username'] : 0 ); if ($rc) { return rhl7LogMsg($rc); } } $porow = false; $pcrow = false; $oprow = false; $in_orderid = 0; $in_ssn = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $a[4]); $in_dob = rhl7Date($a[7]); // foreign MRN $in_pubpid = rhl7Text($a[3] ?? ''); $tmp = explode($d2, $a[11]); $in_street = rhl7Text($tmp[0]) ?? ''; $in_street1 = rhl7Text($tmp[1] ?? ''); $in_city = rhl7Text($tmp[2] ?? ''); $in_state = rhl7Text($tmp[3] ?? ''); $in_zip = rhl7Text($tmp[4] ?? ''); $in_phone = rhl7Text($a[13]) ?? ''; switch (strtoupper($a[8])) { case 'M': $in_sex = 'Male'; break; case 'F': $in_sex = 'Female'; break; case 'T': $in_sex = 'Transgender'; break; default: $in_sex = 'Unassigned'; } $tmp = explode($d2, $a[5]); $in_lname = rhl7Text($tmp[0]); $in_fname = rhl7Text($tmp[1]); $in_mname = rhl7Text($tmp[2] ?? ''); $patient_id = 0; // Patient matching is needed for a results-only interface or MDM message type. if ('R' == $direction || 'MDM' == $msgtype) { $ptarr = array( 'ss' => strtoupper($in_ssn), 'fname' => ucname($in_fname), 'lname' => ucname($in_lname), 'mname' => ucname($in_mname), 'DOB' => strtoupper($in_dob), 'sex' => $in_sex, 'street' => $in_street, 'city' => $in_city, 'state' => $in_state, 'postal_code' => $in_zip, 'phone_home' => $in_phone, 'pubpid' => $in_pubpid ); $patient_id = match_patient($ptarr); if ($patient_id == -1) { // Result is indeterminate. // Make a stringified form of $ptarr to use as a key. $ptstring = serialize($ptarr); // Check if the user has specified the patient. if (isset($matchresp[$ptstring])) { // This will be an existing pid, or 0 to specify creating a patient. $patient_id = intval($matchresp[$ptstring]); } else { if ($dryrun) { // Nope, ask the user to match. $matchreq[$ptstring] = true; $rhl7_return['needmatch'] = true; } else { // Should not happen, but it would be bad to abort now. Create the patient. $patient_id = 0; rhl7LogMsg(xl('Unexpected non-match, creating new patient for segment') . ' ' . $rhl7_segnum, false); } } } if ($patient_id == 0 && !$dryrun) { // We must create the patient. $patient_id = create_skeleton_patient($ptarr); } if ($patient_id == -1) { $patient_id = 0; } } // end results-only/MDM logic } elseif ('PD1' == $a[0]) { // TBD: Save primary care provider name ($a[4]) somewhere? } elseif ('PV1' == $a[0]) { if ('ORU' == $msgtype) { // Save placer encounter number if present. if ($direction != 'R' && !empty($a[19])) { $tmp = explode($d2, $a[19]); $in_encounter = intval($tmp[0]); } } elseif ('MDM' == $msgtype) { // For documents we want the ordering provider. // Try Referring Provider first. $oprow = match_provider(explode($d2, $a[8])); // If no match, try Other Provider. if (empty($oprow)) { $oprow = match_provider(explode($d2, $a[52])); } } } elseif ('ORC' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { $context = $a[0]; $arep = array(); $porow = false; $pcrow = false; if ($direction != 'R' && $a[2]) { $in_orderid = intval($a[2]); } } elseif ('TXA' == $a[0] && 'MDM' == $msgtype) { $context = $a[0]; $mdm_datetime = rhl7DateTime($a[4]); $mdm_docname = rhl7Text($a[12]); } elseif ($a[0] == 'NTE' && ($context == 'ORC' || $context == 'TXA')) { // Is this ever used? } elseif ('OBR' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { $context = $a[0]; $arep = array(); if ($direction != 'R' && $a[2]) { $in_orderid = intval($a[2]); $porow = false; $pcrow = false; } $tmp = explode($d2, $a[4]); $in_procedure_code = $tmp[0]; $in_procedure_name = rhl7Text($tmp[1]); $in_report_status = rhl7ReportStatus($a[25]); if ($lab_npi == "QUEST") { // for profiles that may return dif component codes for profile code. $tmp = explode($d2, $a[20]); if (!empty($tmp[3]) && !empty($tmp[4])) { $in_procedure_code = $tmp[3]; $in_procedure_name = $tmp[4]; } } // Filler identifier is supposed to be unique for each incoming report. $in_filler_id = $a[3]; // Child results will have these pointers to their parent. $in_parent_obrkey = ''; $in_parent_obxkey = ''; $parent_arep = false; // parent report, if any $parent_ares = false; // parent result, if any if (!empty($a[29])) { // This is a child so there should be a parent. $tmp = explode($d2, $a[29]); $in_parent_obrkey = str_replace($d5, $d2, $tmp[1]); $tmp = explode($d2, $a[26]); $in_parent_obxkey = str_replace($d5, $d2, $tmp[0]) . $d1 . $tmp[1]; // Look for the parent report. foreach ($amain as $arr) { if (isset($arr['fid']) && $arr['fid'] == $in_parent_obrkey) { $parent_arep = $arr['rep']; // Now look for the parent result within that report. foreach ($arr['res'] as $tmpres) { if (isset($tmpres['obxkey']) && $tmpres['obxkey'] == $in_parent_obxkey) { $parent_ares = $tmpres; break; } } break; } } } if ($parent_arep) { $in_orderid = $parent_arep['procedure_order_id']; } if ($direction == 'R') { // Save their order ID to procedure_order.control_id. // Look for an existing order using that plus lab_id. // Ordering provider is OBR.16 (NPI^Last^First). // Might not need to create a dummy encounter. // Need also provider_id (probably), patient_id, date_ordered, lab_id. // We have observation date/time in OBR.7. // We have report date/time in OBR.22. // We do not have an order date. $external_order_id = empty((int)$a[2]) ? $a[3] : $a[2]; $porow = false; if (!$in_orderid && $external_order_id) { $porow = sqlQuery( "SELECT * FROM procedure_order " . "WHERE lab_id = ? AND control_id = ? " . "ORDER BY procedure_order_id DESC LIMIT 1", array($lab_id, $external_order_id) ); } if (!empty($porow)) { $in_orderid = intval($porow['procedure_order_id']); } if (!$in_orderid) { // Create order. // Need to identify the ordering provider and, if possible, a recent encounter. $datetime_report = rhl7DateTime($a[22]); $date_report = substr($datetime_report, 0, 10) . ' 00:00:00'; $encounter_id = 0; $provider_id = 0; $external_id = rhl7Text($a[3]) ?? null; // Look for the most recent encounter within 30 days of the report date. $encrow = sqlQuery( "SELECT encounter FROM form_encounter WHERE " . "pid = ? AND date <= ? AND DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL 30 DAY) > ? " . "ORDER BY date DESC, encounter DESC LIMIT 1", array($patient_id, $date_report, $date_report) ); if (!empty($encrow)) { $encounter_id = intval($encrow['encounter']); $provider_id = intval($encrow['provider_id'] ?? ''); } if (!$provider_id) { // Attempt ordering provider matching by name or NPI. $oprow = match_provider(explode($d2, $a[16])); if (!empty($oprow)) { $provider_id = (int)$oprow['id']; $provider_username = $oprow['username']; } } if (!$dryrun) { // create an encounter. I mean, why not... if (empty($encrow) && !$encounter_id) { $encounter_id = create_encounter( $patient_id, $provider_id, $datetime_report, $in_message_lab_name ); } // Now create the procedure order. $in_orderid = sqlInsert( "INSERT INTO procedure_order SET " . "date_ordered = ?, " . "provider_id = ?, " . "lab_id = ?, " . "date_collected = ?, " . "date_transmitted = ?, " . "patient_id = ?, " . "encounter_id = ?, " . "control_id = ?, " . "external_id = ?", array( $datetime_report, $provider_id, $lab_id, rhl7DateTime($a[22]), rhl7DateTime($a[7]), $patient_id, $encounter_id, $external_order_id, $external_id ) ); // If an encounter was identified then link the order to it. $form_name = ($lab_npi > '' ? $lab_npi : "Auto Result") . "-" . $in_orderid; if ($encounter_id && $in_orderid) { addForm($encounter_id, $form_name, $in_orderid, "procedure_order", $patient_id); } // create a note to provider about these actions $txdate = rhl7DateTime($a[7]); $ptext = "$orphanLog $form_name Order ordered by" . ($provider_username ?? '') . " with lab result file " . "creation date on $datetime_report and specimen collections on $txdate has been created. " . "Please review these items to ensure proper resolution of order results."; $dumb = labNotice($patient_id, $ptext, ($provider_username ?? ''), '', $in_message_lab_name); } } // end no $porow } // end results-only if (empty($porow)) { $porow = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM procedure_order WHERE " . "procedure_order_id = ?", array($in_orderid)); // The order must already exist. Currently we do not handle electronic // results returned for manual orders. if (empty($porow) && !($dryrun && $direction == 'R')) { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Procedure order not found') . ": $in_orderid", true); } if ($in_encounter) { if ($direction != 'R' && $porow['encounter_id'] != $in_encounter) { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Encounter ID') . " '" . $porow['encounter_id'] . "' " . xl('for OBR placer order number') . " '$in_orderid' " . xl('does not match the PV1 encounter number') . " '$in_encounter'"); } } else { // They did not return an encounter number to verify, so more checking // might be done here to make sure the patient seems to match. } // Save the lab's control ID if there is one. $tmp = explode($d2, $a[3]); $control_id = $tmp[0]; if ($control_id && empty($porow['control_id']) && $in_orderid) { sqlStatement("UPDATE procedure_order SET control_id = ? WHERE " . "procedure_order_id = ?", array($control_id, $in_orderid)); } $code_seq_array = array(); } // Find the order line item (procedure code) that matches this result. // If there is more than one, then we select the one whose sequence number // is next after the last sequence number encountered for this procedure // code; this assumes that result OBRs are returned in the same sequence // as the corresponding OBRs in the order. if (!isset($code_seq_array[$in_procedure_code])) { $code_seq_array[$in_procedure_code] = 0; } $pcquery = "SELECT pc.* FROM procedure_order_code AS pc " . "WHERE pc.procedure_order_id = ? AND pc.procedure_code = ? " . "ORDER BY (procedure_order_seq <= ?), procedure_order_seq LIMIT 1"; $pcqueryargs = array($in_orderid, $in_procedure_code, $code_seq_array[$in_procedure_code]); $pcrow = sqlQuery($pcquery, $pcqueryargs); if (empty($pcrow)) { // There is no matching procedure in the order, so it must have been // added after the original order was sent, either as a manual request // from the physician or as a "reflex" from the lab. // procedure_source = '2' indicates this. if (!$dryrun) { $lkup = lookupTestCode($lab_id, $in_procedure_code); $code_type = ($lkup['procedure_type'] ?? '') ? trim($lkup['procedure_type']) : ''; $code_transport = ($lkup['transport'] ?? '') ? trim($lkup['transport']) : ''; sqlBeginTrans(); $procedure_order_seq = sqlQuery( "SELECT IFNULL(MAX(procedure_order_seq),0) + 1 AS increment FROM procedure_order_code " . "WHERE procedure_order_id = ? ", array($in_orderid) ); sqlInsert( "INSERT INTO procedure_order_code SET " . "procedure_order_id = ?, " . "procedure_order_seq = ?, " . "procedure_code = ?, " . "procedure_name = ?, " . "procedure_type = ?, " . "transport = ?, " . "procedure_source = '2'", array( $in_orderid, $procedure_order_seq['increment'], $in_procedure_code, $in_procedure_name, $code_type, $code_transport ) ); $pcrow = sqlQuery($pcquery, $pcqueryargs); sqlCommitTrans(); } else { // Dry run, make a dummy procedure_order_code row. $pcrow = array( 'procedure_order_id' => $in_orderid, 'procedure_order_seq' => 0, // TBD? ); } } if (!empty($a[21])) { $obrPerformingOrganization = getPerformingOrganizationDetails('', $a[21], '', $d2, $commentdelim); } $code_seq_array[$in_procedure_code] = 0 + $pcrow['procedure_order_seq']; $arep = array(); $arep['procedure_order_id'] = $in_orderid; $arep['procedure_order_seq'] = $pcrow['procedure_order_seq']; $arep['date_collected'] = rhl7DateTime($a[7]); $arep['date_collected_tz'] = rhl7DateTimeZone($a[7]); $arep['date_report'] = rhl7DateTime($a[22]); $arep['date_report_tz'] = rhl7DateTimeZone($a[22]); $arep['report_status'] = $in_report_status; $arep['report_notes'] = ''; $arep['specimen_num'] = ''; // If this is a child report, add some info from the parent. if (!empty($parent_ares)) { $arep['report_notes'] .= xl('This is a child of result') . ' ' . $parent_ares['result_code'] . ' ' . xl('with value') . ' "' . $parent_ares['result'] . '".' . "\n"; } if (!empty($parent_arep)) { $arep['report_notes'] .= $parent_arep['report_notes']; $arep['specimen_num'] = $parent_arep['specimen_num']; } // Create the main array entry for this report and its results. $i = count($amain); $amain[$i] = array(); $amain[$i]['rep'] = $arep; $amain[$i]['fid'] = $in_filler_id; $amain[$i]['res'] = array(); } elseif ($a[0] == 'NTE' && $context == 'OBR') { // Append this note to those for the most recent report. $amain[count($amain) - 1]['rep']['report_notes'] .= rhl7Text($a[3], true) . "\n"; } elseif ('OBX' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { $tmp = explode($d2, $a[3]); $result_code = rhl7Text($tmp[0]); $result_text = rhl7Text($tmp[1]); if ($lab_npi == "QUEST") { if (empty($result_code)) { $result_code = rhl7Text($tmp[3]); } $result_text = rhl7Text($tmp[4]); } // If this is a text result that duplicates the previous result except // for its value, then treat it as an extension of that result's value. $i = count($amain) - 1; $j = count($amain[$i]['res']) - 1; if ( $j >= 0 && $context == 'OBX' && $a[2] == 'TX' && $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['result_data_type'] == 'L' && $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['result_code'] == $result_code && $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['date'] == rhl7DateTime($a[14] ?? '') && ($amain[$i]['res'][$j]['facility'] ?? '') == rhl7Text($a[15] ?? '') && $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['abnormal'] == rhl7Abnormal($a[8] ?? '') && $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['result_status'] == rhl7ReportStatus($a[11] ?? '') ) { $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['comments'] = substr( $amain[$i]['res'][$j]['comments'], 0, strlen($amain[$i]['res'][$j]['comments']) ) . rhl7Text($a[5] ?? '') . $commentdelim; continue; } $context = $a[0]; $ares = array(); $ares['result_data_type'] = substr($a[2], 0, 1); // N, S, F or E $ares['comments'] = $commentdelim; if ($a[2] == 'ED') { // This is the case of results as an embedded document. We will create // a normal patient document in the assigned category for lab results. $tmp = explode($d2, $a[5]); $fileext = strtolower($tmp[2]); $filename = date("Ymd_His") . '_orderid_' . $in_orderid . '.' . $fileext; if ($tmp[4] != 'EMBEDDED DOCUMENT') { // an OBX indicating a document in next Seg ZEF so pass this by. $data = rhl7DecodeData($tmp[3], $tmp[4]); if ($data === false) { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Invalid encapsulated data encoding type') . ': ' . $tmp[3]); } if (!$dryrun) { $d = new Document(); $rc = $d->createDocument( $porow['patient_id'], $results_category_id, // TBD: Make sure not 0 $filename, rhl7MimeType($fileext), $data ); if ($rc) { return rhl7LogMsg($rc); } $ares['document_id'] = $d->get_id(); } } // @todo suspect below!! $ares['date'] = $arep['date_report']; // $arep is left over from the OBR logic. // Append this result to those for the most recent report. // Note the 'procedure_report_id' item is not yet present. //$amain[count($amain) - 1]['res'][] = $ares; } elseif ($a[2] == 'CWE') { $ares['result'] = rhl7CWE($a[5], $d2); } elseif ($a[2] == 'SN') { $ares['result'] = trim(str_replace($d2, ' ', $a[5])); } elseif ($a[2] == 'TX' || strlen($a[5]) > 200) { // OBX-5 can be a very long string of text with "~" as line separators. // The first line of comments is reserved for such things. $ares['result_data_type'] = 'L'; $ares['result'] = ''; if (empty($a[5])) { $vTx = rhl7Text(str_replace('^', ' ', $a[3])); } else { $vTx = rhl7Text($a[5]); } $ares['comments'] = $vTx . $commentdelim; } else { $ares['result'] = rhl7Text($a[5]); } $ares['result_code'] = $result_code; $ares['result_text'] = $result_text; $ares['date'] = rhl7DateTime($a[14] ?? ''); //$ares['facility'] = rhl7Text($a[15]); // Ensoftek: Units may have mutiple segments(as seen in MU2 samples), parse and take just first segment. $tmp = explode($d2, ($a[6] ?? '')); $ares['units'] = rhl7Text($tmp[0]); $ares['range'] = rhl7Text($a[7] ?? ''); $ares['abnormal'] = rhl7Abnormal($a[8] ?? ''); // values are lab dependent $ares['result_status'] = rhl7ReportStatus($a[11] ?? ''); // Ensoftek: Performing Organization Details. // Goes into "Pending Review/Patient Results--->Notes--->Facility" section. if (empty($obrPerformingOrganization)) { $performingOrganization = getPerformingOrganizationDetails( $a[23] ?? '', $a[24] ?? '', $a[25] ?? '', $d2, $commentdelim ); } else { $performingOrganization = $obrPerformingOrganization; } if (!empty($performingOrganization)) { $ares['facility'] .= $performingOrganization . $commentdelim; } /**** * // Probably need a better way to report this, if it matters. * if (!empty($a[19])) { * $ares['comments'] .= xl('Analyzed') . ' ' . rhl7DateTime($a[19]) . '.' . $commentdelim; * } ****/ // obxkey is to allow matching this as a parent result. $ares['obxkey'] = $a[3] . $d1 . ($a[4] ?? ''); // Append this result to those for the most recent report. // Note the 'procedure_report_id' item is not yet present. $amain[count($amain) - 1]['res'][] = $ares; } elseif ('OBX' == $a[0] && 'MDM' == $msgtype) { $context = $a[0]; if ($a[2] == 'TX') { if ($mdm_text !== '') { $mdm_text .= "\r\n"; } $mdm_text .= rhl7Text($a[5]); } else { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Unsupported MDM OBX result type') . ': ' . $a[2]); } } elseif ('ZEF' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { // ZEF segment is treated like an OBX with an embedded Base64-encoded PDF. $context = 'OBX'; $ares = array(); $ares['result_data_type'] = 'E'; $ares['comments'] = $commentdelim; // $fileext = 'pdf'; $filename = date("Ymd_His") . '_orderid_' . $in_orderid . '.' . $fileext; $data = rhl7DecodeData('Base64', $a[2]); if ($data === false) { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('ZEF segment internal error')); } if (!$dryrun) { $d = new Document(); $rc = $d->createDocument( $porow['patient_id'], $results_category_id, // TBD: Make sure not 0 $filename, rhl7MimeType($fileext), $data ); if ($rc) { return rhl7LogMsg($rc); } $ares['document_id'] = $d->get_id(); } $ares['date'] = $arep['date_report']; // $arep is left over from the OBR logic. // Append this result to those for the most recent report. // Note the 'procedure_report_id' item is not yet present. $amain[count($amain) - 1]['res'][] = $ares; } elseif ('NTE' == $a[0] && 'OBX' == $context && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { // Append this note to the most recent result item's comments. $alast = count($amain) - 1; $rlast = count($amain[$alast]['res']) - 1; $amain[$alast]['res'][$rlast]['comments'] .= rhl7Text($a[3] ?? '', true) . $commentdelim; // Ensoftek: Get data from SPM segment for specimen. // SPM segment always occurs after the OBX segment. } elseif ('SPM' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { rhl7UpdateReportWithSpecimen($amain, $a, $d2); // Add code here for any other segment types that may be present. // Ensoftek: Get data from SPM segment for specimen. Comes in with MU2 samples, but can be ignored. } elseif ('TQ1' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { // Ignore and do nothing. } elseif ($a[0] == 'NTE' && 'PID' == $context) { // will get orderid on save. if (!empty($amain[0])) { $amain[0]['rep']['report_notes'] .= rhl7Text($a[3], true) . "\n"; } } elseif ('ZPS' == $a[0] && 'ORU' == $msgtype) { //global $ares; $performingOrganization = parseZPS($a); if (!empty($performingOrganization)) { $alast = count($amain) - 1; $amain[$alast]['res'][0]['facility'] .= $performingOrganization . $commentdelim; } } else { return rhl7LogMsg(xl('Segment name') . " '${a[0]}' " . xl('is misplaced or unknown')); } } // Write all reports and their results to the database. // This will do nothing if a dry run or MDM message type. if ('ORU' == $msgtype && !$dryrun) { rhl7FlushMain($amain, $commentdelim); } if ('MDM' == $msgtype && !$dryrun) { // Write documents. $rc = rhl7FlushMDM( $patient_id, $mdm_docname, $mdm_datetime, $mdm_text, $mdm_category_id, $oprow ? $oprow['username'] : 0 ); if ($rc) { return rhl7LogMsg($rc); } } return $rhl7_return; } /** * Poll all eligible labs for new results and store them in the database. * * @param array &$info Conveys information to and from the caller: * FROM THE CALLER: * $info["$ppid/$filename"]['delete'] = a non-empty value if file deletion is requested. * $info['select'] = array of patient matching responses where key is serialized patient * attributes and value is selected pid for this patient, or 0 to create the patient. * TO THE CALLER: * $info["$ppid/$filename"]['mssgs'] = array of messages from this function. * $info['match'] = array of patient matching requests where key is serialized patient * attributes (ss, fname, lname, DOB) and value is TRUE (irrelevant). * * @return string Error text, or empty if no errors. */ function poll_hl7_results(&$info, $labs = 0) { global $srcdir, $orphanLog, $lab_npi; $labs = (int)$labs + 0; // echo "\n"; // debugging // echo "\n"; // debugging $filecount = 0; $badcount = 0; $maxdl = $_REQUEST['form_max_results'] ?? 9999; // in case to prevent not running report. if (!isset($info['match'])) { $info['match'] = array(); // match requests } if (!isset($info['select'])) { $info['select'] = array(); // match request responses } $ppres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM procedure_providers ORDER BY name"); while ($pprow = sqlFetchArray($ppres)) { $ppid = (int)$pprow['ppid']; $protocol = $pprow['protocol']; $remote_host = $pprow['remote_host']; $send_account = $pprow['send_fac_id']; $recv_account = $pprow['recv_fac_id']; $lab_app = $pprow['recv_app_id']; $lab_name = $pprow['name']; $lab_npi = strtoupper(trim($pprow['npi'])); $debug = trim($pprow['DorP']) === 'D'; $hl7 = ''; $orphanLog = ''; $log = ''; $logpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/procedure_results/logs/$lab_npi"; if ($ppid !== $labs && $labs > 0) { continue; } $filecount = 0; // Support manual results when doing electronic orders // without an existing patient and/or procedure and/or order. // if (isset($info['orphaned_order'])) { $pprow['direction'] = $info['orphaned_order']; // manual results or order not found } if ($protocol == 'SFTP') { $remote_port = 22; // Hostname may have ":port" appended to specify a nonstandard port number. if ($i = strrpos($remote_host, ':')) { $remote_port = (int)substr($remote_host, $i + 1); $remote_host = substr($remote_host, 0, $i); } // Compute the target path name. $pathname = '.'; if ($pprow['results_path']) { $pathname = $pprow['results_path'] . '/' . $pathname; } // Connect to the server and enumerate files to process. $sftp = new SFTP($remote_host, $remote_port); if (!$sftp->login($pprow['login'], $pprow['password'])) { return xl('Login to remote host') . " '$remote_host' " . xl('failed'); } $files = $sftp->nlist($pathname); foreach ($files as $file) { if (str_starts_with($file, '.')) { continue; } if (!isset($info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"])) { $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"] = array(); } // Ensure that archive directory exists. $prpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/procedure_results"; if (!file_exists($prpath)) { if (!mkdir($prpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($prpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $prpath)); } } $prpath .= '/' . $pprow['ppid'] . '-' . $pprow['npi']; if (!file_exists($prpath)) { if (!mkdir($prpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($prpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $prpath)); } } // Get file contents. $hl7 = $sftp->get("$pathname/$file"); ++$filecount; $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file", 'w'); if ($fh) { // Store the file, encrypted when enabled $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); $log .= "Retrieved and Saved File #$filecount: $file\n"; } else { $log .= "Retrieved but Couldn't Save File #$filecount: $file\n"; //return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file" . '"'; } // If user requested reject and delete, do that. if (!empty($info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['delete'])) { $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file.rejected", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); } else { $log .= "Retrieved but Couldn't Save Rejected File #$filecount: $file\n"; //return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file.rejected" . '"'; } if (strtoupper($lab_npi) != 'LABCORP') { // this is nuts if (!$sftp->delete("$pathname/$file")) { return xl('Cannot delete (from SFTP server) file') . ' "' . "$pathname/$file" . '"'; } } continue; } if (!match_lab($hl7, $send_account, $recv_account, $lab_app, $lab_npi)) { $log .= "No Lab Account Matched for File #$filecount: Account: $send_account\n"; continue; } if ($filecount > $maxdl) { break; } // Do a dry run of its contents and check for errors and match requests. $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], true, $info['select']); $log .= "Lab matched account $send_account. Results Dry Run Parse for Errors: " . $tmp['mssgs'] ? print_r($tmp['mssgs'], true) : "None" . "\n"; $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs']; // $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match']; if (!empty($tmp['fatal']) || !empty($tmp['needmatch'])) { // There are errors or matching requests so skip this file. continue; } $orphanLog = ''; // Now the money shot - not a dry run. $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], false, $info['select']); $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs']; // $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match']; if (empty($tmp['fatal']) && empty($tmp['needmatch'])) { // It worked, archive and delete the file. $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); $log .= "Success Saved Results #$filecount to: $file\n"; } else { $log .= "Success but Couldn't Save File #$filecount: $file\n"; return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file" . '"'; } if (strtoupper($lab_npi) != 'LABCORP') { // this is nuts if (!$sftp->delete("$pathname/$file")) { return xl('Cannot delete (from SFTP server) file') . ' "' . "$pathname/$file" . '"'; } } } } // end of this file if (!file_exists($logpath)) { if (!mkdir($logpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($logpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $logpath)); } } $logfile = "batchrun_" . date("m-d-y_His") . ".log"; $fh = fopen("$logpath/$logfile", 'w'); if ($fh) { $logadd = print_r($info, true); $log .= "Done Batch Run. Debug shows:\n" . $logadd . "\n"; fwrite($fh, $log); fclose($fh); } } elseif ($protocol == 'FS') { // Filesystem directory containing results files. $pathname = $pprow['results_path']; if (!($dh = opendir($pathname))) { return xl('Unable to access directory for lab npi:') . " $lab_npi"; } // Sort by filename just because. $files = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if (str_starts_with($file, '.')) { continue; } if (is_dir($file)) { continue; } $files[$file] = $file; } closedir($dh); ksort($files); // For each file... foreach ($files as $file) { if (!isset($info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"])) { $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"] = array(); } // Ensure that archive directory exists. $prpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/procedure_results"; if (!file_exists($prpath) && !mkdir($prpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($prpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $prpath)); } $prpath .= '/' . $pprow['ppid'] . '-' . $pprow['npi']; if (!file_exists($prpath) && !mkdir($prpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($prpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $prpath)); } // Get file contents. $hl7 = file_get_contents("$pathname/$file"); ++$filecount; if (empty($hl7)) { $log .= "Result file empty for some reason. #$filecount: $file\n"; continue; } $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); $log .= "Retrieved and Saved File #$filecount: $file\n"; } // If user requested reject and delete, do that. if (!empty($info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['delete'])) { $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file.rejected", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); } else { return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file.rejected" . '"'; } if (!unlink("$pathname/$file")) { return xl('Cannot delete file') . ' "' . "$pathname/$file" . '"'; } continue; } if (!match_lab($hl7, $send_account, $recv_account, $lab_app, $lab_npi)) { $log .= "No Lab Match File #$filecount: Account: $send_account\n"; continue; } if ($filecount > $maxdl) { break; } // Do a dry run of its contents and check for errors and match requests. $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], true, $info['select']); if (!empty($tmp['mssgs'])) { $log .= "Lab matched account $send_account. Results Dry Run Parse for Errors: " . $tmp['mssgs'] ? print_r($tmp['mssgs'][0], true) : "None" . "\n"; } $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs']; // $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match']; if (!empty($tmp['fatal']) || !empty($tmp['needmatch'])) { // There are errors or matching requests so skip this file. continue; } $orphanLog = ''; // Now the money shot - not a dry run. $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], false, $info['select']); $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs']; // $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match']; if (empty($tmp['fatal']) && empty($tmp['needmatch'])) { // It worked, archive and delete the file. $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); $log .= "Success Saved Results #$filecount to: $prpath/$file\n"; } else { return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file" . '"'; } if (!unlink("$pathname/$file")) { return xl('Cannot delete file') . ' "' . "$pathname/$file" . '"'; } } } // end of this file if (!file_exists($logpath)) { if (!mkdir($logpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($logpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $logpath)); } } $logfile = "batchrun_" . date("m-d-y_His") . ".log"; $fh = fopen("$logpath/$logfile", 'w'); if ($fh) { $logadd = print_r($info, true); $log .= "End of Run Debug Log is:\n" . $logadd . "\n"; fwrite($fh, $log); fclose($fh); } } elseif ($protocol == 'WS' && strtoupper($lab_npi) == 'QUEST') { if ($debug) { continue; } // Compute the target path name. $pathname = '.'; if ($pprow['results_path']) { $pathname = $pprow['results_path'] . '/' . $pathname; } $client = new QuestResultClient($ppid); // Connect to the web service and enumerate files to process. $client->buildRequest(20); $order_results = $client->getResultsBatch(false); $request_id = $order_results->requestId; $results = $order_results->results; if (empty($results)) { return ''; // nothing to do } foreach ($results as $result) { $control_id = $result->HL7Message->controlId; $file = "result_" . $control_id . ".hl7"; ++$filecount; if (!isset($info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"])) { $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"] = array(); } // Ensure that archive directory exists. $prpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/procedure_results"; if (!file_exists($prpath)) { if (!mkdir($prpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($prpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $prpath)); } } $prpath .= '/' . $pprow['ppid'] . '-' . $pprow['npi']; if (!file_exists($prpath)) { if (!mkdir($prpath, 0755, true) && !is_dir($prpath)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $prpath)); } } // Get result contents. $hl7 = $result->HL7Message->message; if (!$hl7) { break; } $segs = explode("\r", $result->HL7Message->message); $a = explode('|', $segs[0]); $client->SENDING_FACILITY = $a[5]; $client->RECEIVING_APPLICATION = $a[2]; $client->RECEIVING_FACILITY = $a[3]; unset($segs); // If user requested reject and delete, do that. if (!empty($info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['delete'])) { $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file.rejected", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); } else { return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file.rejected" . '"'; } $acks = $client->buildResultAck($control_id); $response = $client->sendResultAck($request_id, $acks, false); continue; } if (!match_lab($hl7, $send_account, $recv_account, $lab_app, $lab_npi)) { $log .= "No Lab Match Account: $send_account\n"; continue; } // Do a dry run of its contents and check for errors and match requests. $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], true, $info['select']); $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs']; // $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['match'] = $tmp['match']; if (!empty($tmp['fatal']) || !empty($tmp['needmatch'])) { // There are errors or matching requests so skip this file. continue; } $orphanLog = ''; // Now the money shot - not a dry run. $tmp = receive_hl7_results($hl7, $info['match'], $ppid, $pprow['direction'], false, $info['select']); $info["$lab_name/$ppid/$file"]['mssgs'] = $tmp['mssgs']; if (empty($tmp['fatal']) && empty($tmp['needmatch'])) { // It worked, archive and delete the file. $fh = fopen("$prpath/$file", 'w'); if ($fh) { $hl7_crypt = hl7Crypt($hl7); fwrite($fh, $hl7_crypt); fclose($fh); } else { return xl('Cannot create file') . ' "' . "$prpath/$file" . '"'; } // remove ie ack $acks = $client->buildResultAck($control_id); $response = $client->sendResultAck($request_id, $acks, false); } } // end of this file // remove from service. } // end quest // TBD: Insert "else if ($protocol == '???') {...}" to support other protocols. } // end procedure provider // echo "\n"; // debugging return ''; } /** * Encrypt the content of the hl7 file if the global is turned on. * * @param string $content The unencrypted content of the hl7. * @return string The encrypted content of the hl7 if the global is set. */ function hl7Crypt($content) { if ($GLOBALS['drive_encryption']) { $content = (new CryptoGen())->encryptStandard($content, null, 'database'); } return $content; }