getTwig()->render('core/unauthorized.html.twig', ['pageTitle' => xl("ACL Administration")]); exit; } require_once(''); //GET takes precedence. if ($_GET['group_type'] != '') { $group_type = $_GET['group_type']; } else { $group_type = $_POST['group_type']; } switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { case 'axo': $group_type = 'axo'; $table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'axo'; $group_table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'axo_groups'; $group_sections_table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'axo_sections'; $group_map_table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'groups_axo_map'; $object_type = 'Access eXtension Object'; break; default: $group_type = 'aro'; $table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'aro'; $group_table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'aro_groups'; $group_sections_table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'aro_sections'; $group_map_table = $gacl_api->_db_table_prefix . 'groups_aro_map'; $object_type = 'Access Request Object'; break; } $postAction = $_POST['action'] ?? null; switch ($postAction) { case 'Remove': $gacl_api->debug_text('Delete!!'); //Parse the form values //foreach ($_POST['delete_assigned_aro'] as $aro_value) { foreach ($_POST['delete_assigned_object'] as $object_value) { $split_object_value = explode('^', $object_value); $selected_object_array[$split_object_value[0]][] = $split_object_value[1]; } //Insert Object -> GROUP mappings foreach ($selected_object_array as $object_section_value => $object_array) { $gacl_api->debug_text('Assign: Object ID: '. $object_section_value .' to Group: '. $_POST['group_id']); foreach ($object_array as $object_value) { $gacl_api->del_group_object($_POST['group_id'], $object_section_value, $object_value, $group_type); } } //Return page. $gacl_api->return_page($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?group_type='. urlencode($_POST['group_type']) .'&group_id='. urlencode($_POST['group_id'])); break; case 'Submit': $gacl_api->debug_text('Submit!!'); //showarray($_POST['selected_'.$_POST['group_type']]); //Parse the form values //foreach ($_POST['selected_aro'] as $aro_value) { foreach ($_POST['selected_'.$_POST['group_type']] as $object_value) { $split_object_value = explode('^', $object_value); $selected_object_array[$split_object_value[0]][] = $split_object_value[1]; } //Insert ARO -> GROUP mappings foreach ($selected_object_array as $object_section_value => $object_array) { $gacl_api->debug_text('Assign: Object ID: '. $object_section_value .' to Group: '. $_POST['group_id']); foreach ($object_array as $object_value) { $gacl_api->add_group_object($_POST['group_id'], $object_section_value, $object_value, $group_type); } } $gacl_api->return_page($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?group_type='. urlencode($_POST['group_type']) .'&group_id='. urlencode($_POST['group_id'])); break; default: // //Grab all sections for select box // $query = 'SELECT value,name FROM '. $group_sections_table .' ORDER BY order_value,name'; $rs = $db->Execute($query); $options_sections = array(); if (is_object($rs)) { while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { $options_sections[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } //showarray($options_sections); $smarty->assign('options_sections', $options_sections); $smarty->assign('section_value', reset($options_sections)); // //Grab all objects for select box // $query = 'SELECT section_value,value,name FROM '. $table .' ORDER BY section_value,order_value,name'; $rs = $db->SelectLimit($query, $gacl_api->_max_select_box_items); $js_array_name = 'options[\''. $group_type .'\']'; //Init the main aro js array. $js_array = 'var options = new Array();' . "\n"; $js_array .= $js_array_name .' = new Array();' . "\n"; unset($tmp_section_value); if (is_object($rs)) { while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { //list($section_value, $value, $name) = $row; $section_value = addslashes($row[0]); $value = addslashes($row[1]); $name = addslashes($row[2]); //Prepare javascript code for dynamic select box. //Init the javascript sub-array. if (!isset($tmp_section_value) OR $section_value != $tmp_section_value) { $i = 0; $js_array .= $js_array_name .'[\''. $section_value .'\'] = new Array();' . "\n"; } //Add each select option for the section $js_array .= $js_array_name .'[\''. $section_value .'\']['. $i .'] = new Array(\''. $value .'\', \''. $name ."');\n"; $tmp_section_value = $section_value; $i++; } } $smarty->assign('js_array', $js_array); $smarty->assign('js_array_name', $group_type); //Grab list of assigned Objects $query = ' SELECT b.section_value,b.value, AS b_name, AS c_name FROM '. $group_map_table .' a INNER JOIN '. $table .' b ON'. $group_type .'_id INNER JOIN '. $group_sections_table .' c ON c.value=b.section_value WHERE a.group_id='. $db->qstr($_GET['group_id']) .' ORDER BY,'; //$rs = $db->Execute($query); $rs = $db->PageExecute($query, $gacl_api->_items_per_page, ($_GET['page'] ?? null)); $object_rows = array(); if (is_object($rs)) { while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { list($section_value, $value, $name, $section) = $row; $object_rows[] = array( 'section_value' => $row[0], 'value' => $row[1], 'name' => $row[2], 'section' => $row[3] ); } $smarty->assign('total_objects', $rs->_maxRecordCount); $smarty->assign('paging_data', $gacl_api->get_paging_data($rs)); } //showarray($aros); $smarty->assign('rows', $object_rows); //Get group name. $group_data = $gacl_api->get_group_data($_GET['group_id'], $group_type); $smarty->assign('group_name', $group_data[2]); $smarty->assign('group_id', $_GET['group_id']); $smarty->assign('group_id_escaped', attr($_GET['group_id'])); break; } $smarty->assign('group_type', $group_type); $smarty->assign('group_type_escaped', attr($group_type)); $smarty->assign('object_type', $object_type); $smarty->assign('return_page', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); $smarty->assign('current','assign_group_'. $group_type); $smarty->assign('page_title', 'Assign Group - '. strtoupper($group_type)); $smarty->assign('phpgacl_version', $gacl_api->get_version() ); $smarty->assign('phpgacl_schema_version', $gacl_api->get_schema_version() ); $smarty->assign("CSRF_TOKEN_FORM", CsrfUtils::collectCsrfToken()); $smarty->display('phpgacl/assign_group.tpl'); ?>