Mike Benoit Wrote initial "proof of concept" implementation, and maintains documentation & code base. Dan Cech Implemented the MPTT code, '_group_' feature, and ACL checks in the test suite. Gordon Luk Native ACL_Check module for Perl, and wrote comments for phpDocumentor. Ben Margolin Caught and fixed several bugs. R. Kunoth Caught and fixed several bugs. Karsten Dambekalns Sent in several patches to fix PHP warnings, and helped with the documentation. Martino Piccinato Modified several API functions to help keep data in sync across tables. Paul Munn Sent in Postgres7 table schema, plus some very good suggestions. As well helped with the documentation. Fred Cohen Sent in Oracle 8i table schema. Eric Batchelor Always there to bounce ideas off of, he has consistently helped me out in many areas, including testing. Monte Ohrt Andrei Zmievski Together they made the best template engine available for PHP. Awesome job. John Lim Author of ADODB, also the best database abstraction layer for PHP. Rasmus Lerdorf For starting what eventually became the coolest programming language ever.