* @author Roberto Vasquez * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005 Rod Roark * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Roberto Vasquez * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ require_once("../interface/globals.php"); require_once("../library/patient.inc"); use OpenEMR\Core\Header; $out = ""; $indent = 0; // Add a string to output with some basic sanitizing. function Add($tag, $text) { global $out, $indent; $text = trim(str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), " ", ($text ?? ''))); if ($text) { for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; ++$i) { $out .= "\t"; } $out .= "<$tag>$text\n"; } } function OpenTag($tag) { global $out, $indent; for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; ++$i) { $out .= "\t"; } ++$indent; $out .= "<$tag>\n"; } function CloseTag($tag) { global $out, $indent; --$indent; for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; ++$i) { $out .= "\t"; } $out .= "\n"; } // Remove all non-digits from a string. function Digits($field) { return preg_replace("/\D/", "", $field); } // Translate sex. function Sex($field) { $sex = strtoupper(substr(trim($field), 0, 1)); if ($sex != "M" && $sex != "F") { $sex = "U"; } return $sex; } // Translate a date. function LWDate($field) { return fixDate($field); } // Add an insurance section. function addInsurance($row, $seq) { if ($row["name$seq"]) { OpenTag("insurance"); Add("priority", $seq); Add("group", $row["group$seq"]); Add("policy", $row["policy$seq"]); Add("provider", $row["provider$seq"]); Add("name", $row["name$seq"]); Add("street1", $row["street1$seq"]); Add("street2", $row["street2$seq"]); Add("city", $row["city$seq"]); Add("state", $row["state$seq"]); Add("zip", $row["zip$seq"]); Add("country", $row["country$seq"]); Add("type", $row["instype$seq"]); Add("copay", $row["copay$seq"]); OpenTag("subscriber"); Add("relationship", $row["relationship$seq"]); Add("lname", $row["lname$seq"]); Add("fname", $row["fname$seq"]); Add("mname", $row["mname$seq"]); Add("street", $row["sstreet$seq"]); Add("city", $row["scity$seq"]); Add("state", $row["sstate$seq"]); Add("zip", $row["szip$seq"]); Add("country", $row["scountry$seq"]); Add("dob", $row["sdob$seq"]); Add("ss", $row["sss$seq"]); Add("phone", $row["sphone$seq"]); Add("employer", $row["semployer$seq"]); Add("sex", $row["ssex$seq"]); Add("employer_street", $row["semployer_street$seq"]); Add("employer_city", $row["semployer_city$seq"]); Add("employer_state", $row["semployer_state$seq"]); Add("employer_zip", $row["semployer_zip$seq"]); Add("employer_country", $row["semployer_country$seq"]); CloseTag("subscriber"); CloseTag("insurance"); } } // This mess gets all the info for the patient. //~Well, now it does...-Art $insrow = array(); foreach (array('primary','secondary','tertiary') as $value) { $insrow[] = sqlQuery("SELECT id FROM insurance_data WHERE " . "pid = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1", array($pid, $value)); } $query = "SELECT " . "p.*, " . "i1.policy_number AS policy1, i1.group_number AS group1, i1.provider as provider1, " . "i1.subscriber_fname AS fname1, i1.subscriber_mname AS mname1, i1.subscriber_lname AS lname1, " . "i1.subscriber_street AS sstreet1, i1.subscriber_city AS scity1, i1.subscriber_state AS sstate1, " . "i1.subscriber_postal_code AS szip1, i1.subscriber_relationship AS relationship1, " . "i1.subscriber_DOB AS sdob1, i1.subscriber_ss AS sss1, i1.subscriber_phone AS sphone1, " . "i1.subscriber_sex AS ssex1, i1.subscriber_country AS scountry1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer AS semployer1, i1.subscriber_employer_street AS semployer_street1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer_city AS semployer_city1, i1.subscriber_employer_state AS semployer_state1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer_postal_code AS semployer_zip1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer_country AS semployer_country1, i1.copay AS copay1, " . "c1.name AS name1, c1.ins_type_code AS instype1, " . "a1.line1 AS street11, a1.line2 AS street21, a1.city AS city1, a1.state AS state1, " . "a1.zip AS zip1, a1.plus_four AS zip41, a1.country AS country1, " . "i2.policy_number AS policy2, i2.group_number AS group2, i2.provider as provider2, " . "i2.subscriber_fname AS fname2, i2.subscriber_mname AS mname2, i2.subscriber_lname AS lname2, " . "i2.subscriber_postal_code AS szip2, i2.subscriber_relationship AS relationship2, " . "i2.subscriber_DOB AS sdob2, i2.subscriber_ss AS sss2, i2.subscriber_phone AS sphone2, " . "i2.subscriber_sex AS ssex2, i2.subscriber_country AS scountry2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer AS semployer2, i2.subscriber_employer_street AS semployer_street2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer_city AS semployer_city2, i2.subscriber_employer_state AS semployer_state2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer_postal_code AS semployer_zip2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer_country AS semployer_country2, i2.copay AS copay2, " . "c2.name AS name2, c2.ins_type_code AS instype2, " . "a2.line1 AS street12, a2.line2 AS street22, a2.city AS city2, a2.state AS state2, " . "a2.zip AS zip2, a2.plus_four AS zip42, a2.country AS country2, " . "i3.policy_number AS policy3, i3.group_number AS group3, i3.provider as provider3, " . "i3.subscriber_fname AS fname3, i3.subscriber_mname AS mname3, i3.subscriber_lname AS lname3, " . "i3.subscriber_postal_code AS szip3, i3.subscriber_relationship AS relationship3, " . "i3.subscriber_DOB AS sdob3, i3.subscriber_ss AS sss3, i3.subscriber_phone AS sphone3, " . "i3.subscriber_sex AS ssex3, i3.subscriber_country AS scountry3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer AS semployer3, i3.subscriber_employer_street AS semployer_street3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer_city AS semployer_city3, i3.subscriber_employer_state AS semployer_state3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer_postal_code AS semployer_zip3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer_country AS semployer_country3, i3.copay AS copay3, " . "c3.name AS name3, c3.ins_type_code AS instype3, " . "a3.line1 AS street13, a3.line2 AS street23, a3.city AS city3, a3.state AS state3, " . "a3.zip AS zip3, a3.plus_four AS zip43, a3.country AS country3 " . "FROM patient_data AS p " . // "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i1 ON i1.pid = p.pid AND i1.type = 'primary' " . // "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i2 ON i2.pid = p.pid AND i2.type = 'secondary' " . // "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i3 ON i3.pid = p.pid AND i3.type = 'tertiary' " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i1 ON i1.id = ? " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i2 ON i2.id = ? " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i3 ON i3.id = ? " . // "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c1 ON c1.id = i1.provider " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c2 ON c2.id = i2.provider " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c3 ON c3.id = i3.provider " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a1 ON a1.foreign_id = c1.id " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a2 ON a2.foreign_id = c2.id " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a3 ON a3.foreign_id = c3.id " . "WHERE p.pid = ? LIMIT 1"; $row = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement($query, array(($insrow[0]['id'] ?? null), ($insrow[1]['id'] ?? null), ($insrow[2]['id'] ?? null), $pid))); $rowed = getEmployerData($pid); OpenTag("patient"); // Patient Section. // Add("pid", $pid); Add("pubpid", $row['pubpid']); Add("lname", $row['lname']); Add("fname", $row['fname']); Add("mname", $row['mname']); Add("title", $row['title']); Add("ss", Digits($row['ss'])); Add("dob", LWDate($row['DOB'])); Add("sex", Sex($row['sex'])); Add("street", $row['street']); Add("city", $row['city']); Add("state", $row['state']); Add("zip", $row['postal_code']); Add("country", $row['country_code']); Add("phone_home", Digits($row['phone_home'])); Add("phone_biz", Digits($row['phone_biz'])); Add("phone_contact", Digits($row['phone_contact'])); Add("phone_cell", Digits($row['phone_cell'])); Add("occupation", $row['occupation']); Add("status", $row['status']); Add("contact_relationship", $row['contact_relationship']); Add("referrer", $row['referrer']); Add("referrerID", $row['referrerID']); Add("email", $row['email']); Add("language", $row['language']); Add("ethnoracial", $row['ethnoracial']); Add("interpreter", $row['interpretter']); Add("migrantseasonal", $row['migrantseasonal']); Add("family_size", $row['family_size']); Add("monthly_income", $row['monthly_income']); Add("homeless", $row['homeless']); Add("financial_review", LWDate(substr($row['financial_review'], 0, 10))); Add("genericname1", $row['genericname1']); Add("genericval1", $row['genericval1']); Add("genericname2", $row['genericname2']); Add("genericval2", $row['genericval2']); Add("billing_note", $row['billing_note']); Add("hipaa_mail", $row['hipaa_mail']); Add("hipaa_voice", $row['hipaa_voice']); // Insurance Sections. // addInsurance($row, '1'); addInsurance($row, '2'); addInsurance($row, '3'); // Primary Care Physician Section. // if ($row['providerID']) { $query = "select id, fname, mname, lname from users where authorized = 1"; $query .= " AND id = ?"; $prow = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement($query, array($row['providerID']))); OpenTag("pcp"); Add("id", $prow['id']); Add("lname", $prow['lname']); Add("fname", $prow['fname']); Add("mname", $prow['mname']); CloseTag("pcp"); } // Employer Section. // if (!empty($rowed['id'])) { OpenTag("employer"); Add("name", $rowed['name']); Add("street", $rowed['street']); Add("zip", $rowed['postal_code']); Add("city", $rowed['city']); Add("state", $rowed['state']); Add("country", $rowed['country']); CloseTag("employer"); } // All done. CloseTag("patient"); // header('Content-type: text/xml'); // header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pid' . $pid . '.xml"'); // echo $out; ?> <?php echo xlt('Export Patient Demographics XML'); ?>