/** * @package OpenEMR CCDAServer * @link http://www.open-emr.org * * @author Jerry Padgett * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Jerry Padgett * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ "use strict"; const enableDebug = true; const net = require('net'); const server = net.createServer(); const to_json = require('xmljson').to_json; const bbg = require(__dirname + '/oe-blue-button-generate'); const fs = require('fs'); var conn = ''; // make our connection scope global to script var oidFacility = ""; var all = ""; var npiProvider = ""; var npiFacility = ""; var webRoot = ""; var authorDateTime = ''; var documentLocation = ''; class DataStack { constructor(delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter; this.buffer = ""; } endOfCcda() { return this.buffer.length === 0 || this.buffer.indexOf(this.delimiter) === -1; } pushToStack(data) { this.buffer += data; } fetchBuffer() { const delimiterIndex = this.buffer.indexOf(this.delimiter); if (delimiterIndex !== -1) { const bufferMsg = this.buffer.slice(0, delimiterIndex); this.buffer = this.buffer.replace(bufferMsg + this.delimiter, ""); return bufferMsg; } return null } returnData() { return this.fetchBuffer(); } clearStack() { this.buffer = ""; } readStackByDelimiter(delimiter) { let backup = this.delimiter; let part = ''; this.delimiter = delimiter; part = this.fetchBuffer(); this.delimiter = backup; return part; } } function trim(s) { if (typeof s === 'string') return s.trim(); return s; } function cleanText(s) { if (typeof s === 'string') { //s = s.replace(new RegExp('\r?\n','g'), '
'); return s.trim(); } return s; } // do a recursive descent transformation of the node object populating the timezone offset value if we have // a precision property (inside a date) with the value of timezone. function populateTimezones(node, tzOffset, depthCheck) { if (!node || typeof node !== 'object') { return node; } // we should NEVER go farther than 25 recursive loops down in our heirarchy, if we do it means we have an infinite loop if (depthCheck > 25) { console.error("Max depth traversal reached. Potential infinite loop. Breaking out of loop") return node; } if (node.hasOwnProperty('precision') && node.precision == 'tz' && !node.hasOwnProperty('timezoneOffset')) { node.timezoneOffset = tzOffset; } else { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(node)) { node[key] = populateTimezones(value, tzOffset, depthCheck + 1); } } return node; } function fDate(str, lim8 = false) { str = String(str); if (lim8) { let rtn = str.substring(0, 8); return rtn; } if (Number(str) === 0) { return (new Date()).toISOString(); } if (str.length === 1 || str === "0000-00-00") return (new Date()).toISOString(); if (str.length === 8 || (str.length === 14 && (1 * str.substring(12, 14)) === 0)) { return [str.slice(0, 4), str.slice(4, 6), str.slice(6, 8)].join('-'); } else if (str.length === 10 && (1 * str.substring(0, 2)) <= 12) { // case mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy return [str.slice(6, 10), str.slice(0, 2), str.slice(3, 5)].join('-'); } else if (str.length === 17) { str = str.split(' '); str = [str[0].slice(0, 4), str[0].slice(4, 6), str[0].slice(6, 8)].join('-') + ' ' + str[1]; return str; } else if (str.length === 19 && (str.substring(14, 15)) == '-') { let strZone = str.split('-'); let strDate = [strZone[0].substring(0, 4), strZone[0].substring(4, 6), strZone[0].substring(6, 8)].join('-'); let strTime = [str.substring(8, 10), str.substring(10, 12), str.substring(12, 14)].join(':'); let str1 = strDate + ' ' + strTime + '-' + strZone[1]; return str1; } else { return str; } return str; } function getPrecision(str) { str = String(str); let pflg = "day"; if (Number(str) === 0) { return "day"; } if (str.length > 8) { pflg = "day"; } if (str.length > 12) { pflg = "second"; } if (str.length > 23) { pflg = "tz"; } return pflg; } function templateDate(date, precision) { return {'date': fDate(date), 'precision': precision} } function cleanCode(code) { if (typeof code === 'undefined') { return "null_flavor"; } if (code.length < 2) { code = "null_flavor"; return code; } return code.replace(/[.#]/, ""); } function isOne(who) { try { if (who !== null && typeof who === 'object') { return (who.hasOwnProperty('npi') || who.hasOwnProperty('code') || who.hasOwnProperty('extension') || who.hasOwnProperty('id') || who.hasOwnProperty('date') || who.hasOwnProperty('use') || who.hasOwnProperty('type') ) ? 1 : Object.keys(who).length; } } catch (e) { return false; } return 0; } function headReplace(content, xslUrl = "") { let xsl = "CDA.xsl"; if (typeof xslUrl == "string" && xslUrl.trim() != "") { xsl = xslUrl; } let r = '' + "\n" + ''; r += "\n" + content.substring(content.search(/ 0) { streetLine = [pd.street[0], pd.street[1]]; } addressArray.push({ "use": "HP", "street_lines": streetLine, "city": pd.city, "state": pd.state, "zip": pd.postalCode, "country": pd.country || "US", "date_time": { // use current date for current residence "low": { "date": fDate(""), "precision": "day" } } }); let count = isOne(pa); // how do we ever get here where we just have one object? if (count === 1) { streetLine = [pa.street[0]]; if (pa.street[1].length > 0) { streetLine = [pa.street[0], pa.street[1]]; } addressArray.push({ "use": pa.use, "street_lines": streetLine, "city": pa.city, "state": pa.state, "zip": pa.postalCode, "country": pa.country || "US", "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pa.period_start), "precision": "day" }, "high": { "date": fDate(pa.period_end) || fDate(""), "precision": "day" } } }); } else if (count > 1) { for (let i in pa) { streetLine = [pa[i].street[0]]; if (pa[i].street[1].length > 0) { streetLine = [pa[i].street[0], pa[i].street[1]]; } addressArray.push({ "use": pa[i].use, "street_lines": streetLine, "city": pa[i].city, "state": pa[i].state, "zip": pa[i].postalCode, "country": pa[i].country || "US", "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pa[i].period_start), "precision": "day" }, "high": { "date": fDate(pa[i].period_end) || fDate(""), "precision": "day" } } }); } } return addressArray; } function populateDemographic(pd, g) { let guardian = [{ "relation": g.relation, "addresses": [{ "street_lines": [g.address], "city": g.city, "state": g.state, "zip": g.postalCode, "country": g.country || "US", "use": "primary home" }], "names": [{ "last": g.display_name, //@todo parse first/last "first": g.display_name }], "phone": [{ "number": g.telecom, "type": "primary home" }] }]; if (pd.race === 'Declined To Specify' || pd.race === '') { pd.race = "null_flavor"; } if (pd.race_group === 'Declined To Specify' || pd.race_group === '') { pd.race_group = "null_flavor"; } if (pd.ethnicity === 'Declined To Specify' || pd.ethnicity === '') { pd.ethnicity = "null_flavor"; } let addressArray = fetchPreviousAddresses(pd); return { "name": { "prefix": pd.prefix, "suffix": pd.suffix, "middle": [pd.mname] || "", "last": pd.lname, "first": pd.fname }, "birth_name": { "middle": pd.birth_mname || "", "last": pd.birth_lname || "", "first": pd.birth_fname || "" }, "dob": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.dob), "precision": "day" } }, "gender": pd.gender.toUpperCase() || "null_flavor", "identifiers": [{ "identifier": oidFacility, "extension": "PT-" + pd.id }], "marital_status": pd.status.toUpperCase(), "addresses": addressArray, "phone": [ { "number": pd.phone_home, "type": "primary home" }, { "number": pd.phone_mobile, "type": "primary mobile" }, { "email": pd.email, "type": "contact_email" } ], "ethnicity": pd.ethnicity || "", "race": pd.race || "null_flavor", "race_additional": pd.race_group || "null_flavor", "languages": [{ "language": pd.language === 'English' ? "en-US" : pd.language === 'Spanish' ? "sp-US" : 'en-US', "preferred": true, "mode": "Expressed spoken", "proficiency": "Good" }], //"religion": pd.religion.toUpperCase() || "", /*"birthplace":'', { "city": "", "state": "", "zip": "", "country": "" },*/ "attributed_provider": { "identity": [ { "root": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "phone": [{ "number": all.encounter_provider.facility_phone || "", }], "name": [ { "full": all.encounter_provider.facility_name || "" } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_street ], "city": all.encounter_provider.facility_city, "state": all.encounter_provider.facility_state, "zip": all.encounter_provider.facility_postal_code, "country": all.encounter_provider.facility_country_code || "US", "use": "work place" } ], }, //"guardians": g.display_name ? guardian : '' //not required } } function populateProvider(provider) { // The provider role is a maybe and will only be provided for physicians as a // primary care role. All other team members will id via taxonomy only and if not physicians. return { "function_code": provider.physician_type ? "PP" : "", "date_time": { "low": { "date": provider.provider_since ? fDate(provider.provider_since) : fDate(""), "precision": "tz" } }, "identity": [ { "root": provider.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : oidFacility, "extension": provider.npi || provider.table_id || "" } ], "type": [ { "name": provider.taxonomy_description || "", "code": cleanCode(provider.taxonomy) || "", "code_system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.101", "code_system_name": "NUCC Health Care Provider Taxonomy" } ], "name": [ { "last": provider.lname || "", "first": provider.fname || "" } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_street ], "city": all.encounter_provider.facility_city, "state": all.encounter_provider.facility_state, "zip": all.encounter_provider.facility_postal_code, "country": all.encounter_provider.facility_country_code || "US" } ], "phone": [{ "number": all.encounter_provider.facility_phone || "" }] } } function populateProviders(all) { let providerArray = []; // primary provider let provider = populateProvider(all.primary_care_provider.provider); providerArray.push(provider); let count = isOne(all.care_team.provider); if (count === 1) { provider = populateProvider(all.care_team.provider); providerArray.push(provider); } else if (count > 1) { for (let i in all.care_team.provider) { provider = populateProvider(all.care_team.provider[i]); providerArray.push(provider); } } return { "providers": { "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(all.time_start) || fDate(""), "precision": "tz" }, "high": { "date": fDate(all.time_end) || fDate(""), "precision": "tz" } }, "code": { "name": all.primary_diagnosis.text || "", "code": cleanCode(all.primary_diagnosis.code || ""), "code_system_name": all.primary_diagnosis.code_type || "" }, "provider": providerArray, } } } function populateCareTeamMember(provider) { return { //"function_code": provider.physician_type ? "PP" : "", "function_code": { "xmlns": "urn:hl7-org:sdtc", "name": provider.taxonomy_description || "", "code": cleanCode(provider.taxonomy) || "", "code_system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.101", "code_system_name": "NUCC Health Care Provider Taxonomy" }, "status": "active", "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(provider.provider_since) || fDate(""), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": provider.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : oidFacility, "extension": provider.npi || provider.table_id } ], "full_name": provider.fname + " " + provider.lname, "name": { "last": provider.lname || "", "first": provider.fname || "" }, "address": { "street_lines": [ provider.street ], "city": provider.city, "state": provider.state, "zip": provider.zip, "country": all.encounter_provider.facility_country_code || "US" }, "phone": [ { "number": provider.telecom, "type": "work place" } ] } } function populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd) { let author = pd.author || {}; return { "code": { "name": author.physician_type || '', "code": author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : author.id, "extension": author.npi ? author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": author.lname || "", "first": author.fname || "" } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ author.facility_name || "" ] } ] }; } function populateCareTeamMembers(pd) { let providerArray = []; // primary provider let primaryCareProvider = pd.primary_care_provider || {provider: {}}; let providerSince = fDate(primaryCareProvider.provider.provider_since || ''); if (pd.primary_care_provider) { let provider = populateCareTeamMember(pd.primary_care_provider.provider); providerArray.push(provider); let count = isOne(pd.care_team.provider); if (count === 1) { provider = populateCareTeamMember(pd.care_team.provider); providerSince = providerSince || fDate(provider.provider_since); providerArray.push(provider); } else if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.care_team.provider) { provider = populateCareTeamMember(pd.care_team.provider[i]); providerSince = providerSince || fDate(provider.provider_since); providerArray.push(provider); } } } return { "providers": { "provider": providerArray, }, "status": "active", "date_time": { "low": { "date": providerSince || fDate(""), "precision": "tz" } }, // we treat this author a bit differently since we are working at the main pd object instead of the sub pd.care_team "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd.care_team) } } function populateMedication(pd) { pd.status = 'Completed'; //@todo invoke prescribed return { "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date), "precision": "tz" }/*, "high": { "date": fDate(pd.end_date), "precision": "day" }*/ }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension || "" }], "status": pd.status, "sig": pd.direction, "product": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension || "2a620155-9d11-439e-92b3-5d9815ff4ee8", "extension": pd.extension + 1 || "" }], "unencoded_name": pd.drug, "product": { "name": pd.drug, "code": cleanCode(pd.rxnorm), "code_system_name": "RXNORM" /*"translations": [{ "name": pd.drug, "code": pd.rxnorm, "code_system_name": "RXNORM" }],*/ }, //"manufacturer": "" }, "author": { "code": { "name": pd.author.physician_type || '', "code": pd.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": pd.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": pd.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": pd.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : pd.author.id, "extension": pd.author.npi ? pd.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": pd.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ pd.author.facility_name ] } ] }, "supply": { "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date), "precision": "day" }, "high": { "date": fDate(pd.end_date), "precision": "day" } }, "repeatNumber": "0", "quantity": "0", "product": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension || "2a620155-9d11-439e-92b3-5d9815ff4ee8", "extension": pd.extension + 1 || "" }], "unencoded_name": pd.drug, "product": { "name": pd.drug, "code": cleanCode(pd.rxnorm), /*"translations": [{ "name": pd.drug, "code": pd.rxnorm, "code_system_name": "RXNORM" }],*/ "code_system_name": "RXNORM" }, //"manufacturer": "" }, "author": { "code": { "name": all.author.physician_type || '', "code": all.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": all.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": all.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": authorDateTime, "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": all.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : all.author.id, "extension": all.author.npi ? all.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": all.author.lname, "first": all.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": oidFacility || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "name": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_name ] } ] }, "instructions": { "code": { "name": "instruction", "code": "409073007", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "free_text": pd.instructions || "No Instructions" }, }, "administration": { "route": { "name": pd.route || "", "code": cleanCode(pd.route_code) || "", "code_system_name": "Medication Route FDA" }, "form": { "name": pd.form, "code": cleanCode(pd.form_code), "code_system_name": "Medication Route FDA" }, "dose": { "value": parseFloat(pd.size), "unit": pd.unit, }, /*"rate": { "value": parseFloat(pd.dosage), "unit": "" },*/ "interval": { "period": { "value": parseFloat(pd.dosage), "unit": pd.interval }, "frequency": true } }, "performer": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.npi || "" }], "organization": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension || "" }], "name": [pd.performer_name] }] }, "drug_vehicle": { "name": pd.form, "code": cleanCode(pd.form_code), "code_system_name": "RXNORM" }, /*"precondition": { "code": { "code": "ASSERTION", "code_system_name": "ActCode" }, "value": { "name": "none", "code": "none", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" } }, "indication": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "db734647-fc99-424c-a864-7e3cda82e703", "extension": "45665" }], "code": { "name": "Finding", "code": "404684003", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date), "precision": "day" } }, "value": { "name": pd.indications, "code": pd.indications_code, "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" } }, "dispense": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "", "extension": "cb734647-fc99-424c-a864-7e3cda82e704" }], "performer": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.9999.456", "extension": "2981823" }], "address": [{ "street_lines": [pd.address], "city": pd.city, "state": pd.state, "zip": pd.zip, "country": "US" }], "organization": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.9999.1393" }], "name": [pd.performer_name] }] }, "product": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2a620155-9d11-439e-92b3-5d9815ff4ee8" }], "unencoded_name": pd.drug, "product": { "name": pd.drug, "code": pd.rxnorm, "translations": [{ "name": pd.drug, "code": pd.rxnorm, "code_system_name": "RXNORM" }], "code_system_name": "RXNORM" }, "manufacturer": "" } }*/ }; } function populateEncounter(pd) { let name = ''; let code = ''; let code_system_name = ""; let status = "Active"; // just to get diagnosis. for findings.. if (typeof pd.encounter_diagnosis !== 'undefined') { name = pd.encounter_diagnosis.text; code = cleanCode(pd.encounter_diagnosis.code); code_system_name = pd.encounter_diagnosis.code_type; status = pd.encounter_diagnosis.status; } return { "encounter": { "name": pd.visit_category ? pd.visit_category : 'UNK', "code": "185347001", "code_system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT", "translations": [{ "name": "Ambulatory", "code": "AMB", "code_system_name": "ActCode" }] }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension }], "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "tz" } }, "performers": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.npi || "" }], "code": [{ "name": pd.physician_type, "code": cleanCode(pd.physician_type_code), "code_system_name": pd.physician_code_type }], "name": [ { "last": pd.lname || "", "first": pd.fname || "" } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.work_phone, "type": "work place" } ] }], "locations": [{ "name": pd.location, "location_type": { "name": pd.location_details, "code": "1160-1", "code_system_name": "HealthcareServiceLocation" }, "address": [{ "street_lines": [pd.facility_address], "city": pd.facility_city, "state": pd.facility_state, "zip": pd.facility_zip, "country": pd.facility_country || "US" }], "phone": [ { "number": pd.facility_phone, "type": "work place" } ] }], "findings": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension }], "value": { "name": name, "code": cleanCode(code), "code_system_name": code_system_name }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "day" } }, "status": status, "reason": pd.encounter_reason, "author": { "code": { "name": all.author.physician_type || '', "code": all.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": all.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": all.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": authorDateTime, "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": all.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : all.author.id, "extension": all.author.npi ? all.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": all.author.lname, "first": all.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": oidFacility || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "name": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_name ] } ] }, }] }; } function populateAllergy(pd) { if (!pd) { return { "no_know_allergies": "No Known Allergies", "date_time": { "low": templateDate("", "day"), //"high": templateDate(pd.enddate, "day") } } } let allergyAuthor = { "code": { "name": pd.author.physician_type || '', "code": pd.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": pd.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": pd.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": pd.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : pd.author.id, "extension": pd.author.npi ? pd.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": pd.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ pd.author.facility_name ] } ] }; return { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_id, "extension": pd.id || "" }], "date_time": { "low": templateDate(pd.startdate, "day"), //"high": templateDate(pd.enddate, "day") }, "author": allergyAuthor, "observation": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension || "2a620155-9d11-439e-92b3-5d9815ff4ee8", "extension": pd.id + 1 || "" }], "author": allergyAuthor, "allergen": { "name": pd.title || "", "code": pd.rxnorm_code_text ? cleanCode(pd.rxnorm_code) : pd.snomed_code_text ? cleanCode(pd.snomed_code) : cleanCode(""), "code_system_name": pd.rxnorm_code_text ? "RXNORM" : pd.snomed_code_text ? "SNOMED CT" : "" }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.startdate) || fDate(""), "precision": "day" } }, "intolerance": { "name": "Propensity to adverse reactions to drug", "code": "420134006", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "severity": { "code": { "name": pd.outcome || "", "code": cleanCode(pd.outcome_code) || "", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" } }, "status": { "name": pd.status_table || "", "code": cleanCode(pd.status_code), "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "reactions": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "4adc1020-7b14-11db-9fe1-0800200c9a64" }], "date_time": { "low": templateDate(pd.startdate, "day"), "high": templateDate(pd.enddate, "day") }, "reaction": { "name": pd.reaction_text, "code": cleanCode(pd.reaction_code) || "", "code_system_name": pd.reaction_code_type || "SNOMED CT" }, "severity": { "code": { "name": pd.outcome || "", "code": cleanCode(pd.outcome_code), "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" } } }] } } } function populateProblem(pd) { let primary_care_provider = all.primary_care_provider || {provider: {}}; return { "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date_table), "precision": "day" }, /*"high": { "date": fDate(pd.end_date), "precision": "day" }*/ }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension || "" }], "translations": [{ "name": "Condition", "code": "75323-6", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }], "problem": { "code": { "name": trim(pd.title), "code": cleanCode(pd.code), "code_system_name": trim(pd.code_type) }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date), "precision": "day" }, /*"high": { "date": fDate(pd.end_date), "precision": getPrecision() }*/ } }, "author": { "code": { "name": pd.author.physician_type || '', "code": pd.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": pd.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": pd.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": pd.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : pd.author.id, "extension": pd.author.npi ? pd.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": pd.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ pd.author.facility_name ] } ] }, "performer": [ { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": primary_care_provider.provider.npi || "" } ], "name": [ { "last": primary_care_provider.provider.lname || "", "first": primary_care_provider.provider.fname || "" } ] }], "onset_age": pd.age, "onset_age_unit": "Year", "status": { "name": pd.status_table, "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date), "precision": "day" }, /*"high": { "date": fDate(pd.end_date), "precision": getPrecision() }*/ } }, "patient_status": pd.observation, "source_list_identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension || "" }] }; } function populateProcedure(pd) { return { "procedure": { "name": pd.description, "code": cleanCode(pd.code), //"code_system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.12", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "d68b7e32-7810-4f5b-9cc2-acd54b0fd85d", "extension": pd.extension }], "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "day" } }, /*"body_sites": [{ "name": "", "code": "", "code_system_name": "" }], "specimen": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "c2ee9ee9-ae31-4628-a919-fec1cbb58683" }], "code": { "name": "", "code": "", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" } },*/ "performers": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.npi || "" }], "address": [{ "street_lines": [pd.address], "city": pd.city, "state": pd.state, "zip": pd.zip, "country": "US" }], "phone": [{ "number": pd.work_phone, "type": "work place" }], "organization": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.facility_sha_extension, "extension": pd.facility_extension }], "name": [pd.facility_name], "address": [{ "street_lines": [pd.facility_address], "city": pd.facility_city, "state": pd.facility_state, "zip": pd.facility_zip, "country": pd.facility_country || "US" }], "phone": [{ "number": pd.facility_phone, "type": "work place" }] }] }], "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), "procedure_type": "procedure" }; } function populateMedicalDevice(pd) { return { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension }], "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(pd.start_date), "precision": "day" }/*, "high": { "date": fDate(pd.end_date), "precision": "day" }*/ }, "device_type": "UDI", "device": { "name": pd.code_text, "code": cleanCode(pd.code), "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT", "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.3.3719", "extension": pd.udi }], "status": "completed", "body_sites": [{ "name": "", "code": "", "code_system_name": "" }], "udi": pd.udi }, "author": { "code": { "name": pd.author.physician_type || '', "code": pd.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": pd.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": pd.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": pd.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : pd.author.id, "extension": pd.author.npi ? pd.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": pd.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ pd.author.facility_name ] } ] } } } function populateResult(pd) { let icode = pd.subtest.abnormal_flag; let value = parseFloat(pd.subtest.result_value) || pd.subtest.result_value || ""; let type = isNaN(value) ? "ST" : "PQ"; type = !pd.subtest.unit ? "ST" : type; value += ""; let range_type = pd.subtest.range.toUpperCase() == "NEGATIVE" ? "CO" : type; type = value.toUpperCase() == "NEGATIVE" ? "CO" : type; switch (pd.subtest.abnormal_flag.toUpperCase()) { case "NO": icode = "Normal"; break; case "YES": icode = "Abnormal"; break; case "": icode = ""; break; } let result = { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.subtest.root, "extension": pd.subtest.extension }], "result": { "name": pd.title, "code": cleanCode(pd.subtest.result_code) || "", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date_ordered), "precision": "day" } }, "status": pd.order_status, "reference_range": { "low": pd.subtest.low, "high": pd.subtest.high, "unit": pd.subtest.unit, "type": type, "range_type": range_type }, "value": value + "", "unit": pd.subtest.unit, "type": type, "range": pd.subtest.range, "range_type": range_type }; // interpretation cannot be an empty value so we skip it if it is // empty as Observation.interpretationCode is [0..*] if (icode !== "") { result["interpretations"] = [icode]; } return result; } function getResultSet(results) { if (!results) return ''; // not sure if the result set should be grouped better on the backend as the author information needs to be more nuanced here let tResult = results.result[0] || results.result; var resultSet = { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": tResult.root, "extension": tResult.extension }], "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(tResult), "result_set": { "name": tResult.test_name, "code": cleanCode(tResult.test_code), "code_system_name": "LOINC" } }; var rs = []; var many = []; var theone = {}; var count = 0; many.results = []; try { count = isOne(results.result); } catch (e) { count = 0; } if (count > 1) { for (let i in results.result) { theone[i] = populateResult(results.result[i]); many.results.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = populateResult(results.result); many.results.push(theone); } rs.results = Object.assign(resultSet); rs.results.results = Object.assign(many.results); return rs; } function getPlanOfCare(pd) { let name = ''; let code = ''; let code_system_name = ""; let status = "Active"; let one = true; let encounter; let planType = "observation"; switch (pd.care_plan_type) { case 'plan_of_care': planType = "observation"; // mood code INT. sets code in template break; case 'test_or_order': planType = "observation"; // mood code RQO break; case 'procedure': planType = "procedure"; break; case 'appointments': planType = "encounter"; break; case 'instructions': planType = "instructions"; break; case 'referral': planType = ""; // for now exclude. unsure how to template. break; default: planType = "observation"; } if (pd.code_type === 'RXCUI') { pd.code_type = 'RXNORM'; } if (pd.code_type === 'RXNORM') { planType = "substanceAdministration"; } if (planType === "") { return false; } for (let key in all.encounter_list.encounter) { // skip loop if the property is from prototype if (!all.encounter_list.encounter.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } encounter = all.encounter_list.encounter[key]; if (pd.encounter == encounter.encounter_id) { one = false; name = encounter.encounter_diagnosis.text; code = cleanCode(encounter.encounter_diagnosis.code); code_system_name = encounter.encounter_diagnosis.code_type; status = encounter.encounter_diagnosis.status; encounter = all.encounter_list.encounter[key]; // to be sure. break; } } if (one) { let value = ""; if (all.encounter_list && all.encounter_list.encounter && all.encounter_list.encounter.encounter_diagnosis) { value = all.encounter_list.encounter.encounter_diagnosis; } name = value.text; code = cleanCode(value.code); code_system_name = value.code_type; status = value.status; encounter = all.encounter_list.encounter; } return { "plan": { "name": pd.code_text || "", "code": cleanCode(pd.code) || "", "code_system_name": pd.code_type || "SNOMED CT" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension }], "goal": { "code": cleanCode(pd.code) || "", "name": cleanText(pd.description) || "" }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "day" } }, "type": planType, "status": { "code": cleanCode(pd.status) }, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), "performers": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": encounter.npi || "" }], "code": [{ "name": encounter.physician_type, "code": cleanCode(encounter.physician_type_code), "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }], "name": [ { "last": encounter.lname || "", "first": encounter.fname || "" } ], "phone": [ { "number": encounter.work_phone, "type": "work place" } ] }], "locations": [{ "name": encounter.location, "location_type": { "name": encounter.location_details, "code": "1160-1", "code_system_name": "HealthcareServiceLocation" }, "address": [{ "street_lines": [encounter.facility_address], "city": encounter.facility_city, "state": encounter.facility_state, "zip": encounter.facility_zip, "country": encounter.facility_country || "US" }], "phone": [ { "number": encounter.facility_phone, "type": "work place" } ] }], "findings": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": encounter.sha_extension, "extension": encounter.extension }], "value": { "name": name, "code": code, "code_system_name": code_system_name }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": fDate(encounter.date), "precision": "day" } }, "status": status, "reason": encounter.encounter_reason }], "name": cleanText(pd.description), "mood_code": pd.moodCode }; } function getGoals(pd) { return { "goal_code": { "name": pd.code_text !== "NULL" ? pd.code_text : "", "code": cleanCode(pd.code) || "", "code_system_name": pd.code_type || "" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension }], "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "day" } }, "type": "observation", "status": { "code": "active", //cleanCode(pd.status) }, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), "name": pd.description }; } function getFunctionalStatus(pd) { let functionalStatusAuthor = { "code": { "name": all.author.physician_type || '', "code": all.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": all.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": all.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": authorDateTime, "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": all.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : all.author.id, "extension": all.author.npi ? all.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": all.author.lname, "first": all.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": oidFacility || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "name": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_name ] } ] }; return { "status": "completed", "author": functionalStatusAuthor, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "9a6d1bac-17d3-4195-89a4-1121bc809000" }], "observation": { "value": { "name": pd.code_text !== "NULL" ? cleanText(pd.code_text) : "", "code": cleanCode(pd.code) || "", "code_system_name": pd.code_type || "SNOMED-CT" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "9a6d1bac-17d3-4195-89a4-1121bc8090ab" }], "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "day" } }, "status": "completed", "author": functionalStatusAuthor } }; } function getMentalStatus(pd) { return { "value": { "name": pd.code_text !== "NULL" ? pd.code_text : "", "code": cleanCode(pd.code) || "", "code_system_name": pd.code_type || "" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "9a6d1bac-17d3-4195-89a4-1121bc809ccc" }], "note": cleanText(pd.description), "date_time": { "low": templateDate(pd.date, "day") //"high": templateDate(pd.date, "day") }, "author": { "code": { "name": all.author.physician_type || '', "code": all.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": all.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": all.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": authorDateTime, "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": all.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : all.author.id, "extension": all.author.npi ? all.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": all.author.lname, "first": all.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": oidFacility || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "name": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_name ] } ] } }; } function getAssessments(pd) { return { "description": cleanText(pd.description), "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd) }; } function getHealthConcerns(pd) { let one = true; let issue_uuid; let problems = [], problem = {}; if (isOne(pd.issues.issue_uuid) !== 0) { for (let key in pd.issues.issue_uuid) { issue_uuid = pd.issues.issue_uuid[key]; if (issue_uuid) { one = false; } problem = { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": issue_uuid }] }; problems.push(problem); } } if (one) { if (pd.issues.issue_uuid) { problem = { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.issues.issue_uuid }] }; problems.push(problem); } } return { "type": "act", "text": cleanText(pd.text), "value": { "name": pd.code_text || "", "code": cleanCode(pd.code) || "", "code_system_name": pd.code_type || "SNOMED CT" }, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension }], problems: problems } } function getReferralReason(pd) { return { "reason": cleanText(pd.text), "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd) }; } function populateVital(pd) { return { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension }], "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, // our list of vitals per organizer. "vital_list": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_bps }], "vital": { "name": "Blood Pressure Systolic", "code": "8480-6", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.bps) || pd.bps, "unit": "mm[Hg]", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_bpd }], "vital": { "name": "Blood Pressure Diastolic", "code": "8462-4", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.bpd) || pd.bpd, "unit": "mm[Hg]", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_height }], "vital": { "name": "Height", "code": "8302-2", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.height) || pd.height, "unit": pd.unit_height, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_weight }], "vital": { "name": "Weight Measured", "code": "29463-7", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.weight) || "", "unit": pd.unit_weight, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_BMI }], "vital": { "name": "BMI (Body Mass Index)", "code": "39156-5", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": [pd.BMI_status == 'Overweight' ? 'High' : pd.BMI_status == 'Overweight' ? 'Low' : 'Normal'], "value": parseFloat(pd.BMI) || "", "unit": "kg/m2", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_pulse }], "vital": { "name": "Heart Rate", "code": "8867-4", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.pulse) || "", "unit": "/min", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.", "extension": pd.extension_breath }], "vital": { "name": "Respiratory Rate", "code": "9279-1", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.breath) || "", "unit": "/min", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.", "extension": pd.extension_temperature }], "vital": { "name": "Body Temperature", "code": "8310-5", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.temperature) || "", "unit": pd.unit_temperature, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_oxygen_saturation }], "vital": { "name": "O2 % BldC Oximetry", "code": "59408-5", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.oxygen_saturation) || "", "unit": "%", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_ped_weight_height }], "vital": { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "name": "Weight for Height Percentile", "code": "77606-2", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.ped_weight_height) || "", "unit": "%", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_inhaled_oxygen_concentration }], "vital": { "name": "Inhaled Oxygen Concentration", "code": "3150-0", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.inhaled_oxygen_concentration) || "", "unit": "%", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_ped_bmi }], "vital": { "name": "BMI Percentile", "code": "59576-9", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.ped_bmi) || "", "unit": "%", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), }, { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension_ped_head_circ }], "vital": { "name": "Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile", "code": "8289-1", "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "status": "completed", "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.effectivetime), "precision": "day" } }, "interpretations": ["Normal"], "value": parseFloat(pd.ped_head_circ) || "", "unit": "%", "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), } ] } } function populateSocialHistory(pd) { return { "date_time": { "low": templateDate(pd.date, "day") //"high": templateDate(pd.date, "day") }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": pd.sha_extension, "extension": pd.extension }], "code": { "name": pd.code }, "element": pd.element, "value": pd.description, "gender": all.patient.gender, "author": { "code": { "name": pd.author.physician_type || '', "code": pd.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": pd.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": pd.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": pd.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : pd.author.id, "extension": pd.author.npi ? pd.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": pd.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ pd.author.facility_name ] } ] } , "gender_author": { "code": { "name": all.patient.author.physician_type || '', "code": all.patient.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": all.patient.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": all.patient.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(all.patient.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": all.patient.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : all.patient.author.id, "extension": all.patient.author.npi ? all.patient.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": all.patient.author.lname, "first": all.patient.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": all.patient.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": all.patient.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ all.patient.author.facility_name ] } ] } }; } function populateImmunization(pd) { return { "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.administered_on), "precision": "month" } }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "e6f1ba43-c0ed-4b9b-9f12-f435d8ad8f92", "extension": pd.extension || "" }], "status": "complete", "product": { "product": { "name": pd.code_text, "code": cleanCode(pd.cvx_code), "code_system_name": "CVX" /*"translations": [{ "name": "", "code": "", "code_system_name": "CVX" }]*/ }, "lot_number": "", "manufacturer": "" }, "administration": { "route": { "name": pd.route_of_administration, "code": cleanCode(pd.route_code) || "", "code_system_name": "Medication Route FDA" }/*, "dose": { "value": 50, "unit": "mcg" }*/ }, "performer": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.npi || "" }], "name": [{ "last": pd.lname, "first": pd.fname }], "address": [{ "street_lines": [pd.address], "city": pd.city, "state": pd.state, "zip": pd.zip, "country": "US" }], "organization": [{ "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" }], "name": [pd.facility_name] }] }, "instructions": { "code": { "name": "immunization education", "code": "171044003", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "free_text": "Needs Attention for more data." }, "author": { "code": { "name": pd.author.physician_type || '', "code": pd.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": pd.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": pd.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.author.time), "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": pd.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : pd.author.id, "extension": pd.author.npi ? pd.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": pd.author.facility_oid || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": pd.author.facility_npi || "" } ], "name": [ pd.author.facility_name ] } ] } }; } function populatePayer(pd) { return { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "1fe2cdd0-7aad-11db-9fe1-0800200c9a66" }], "policy": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "3e676a50-7aac-11db-9fe1-0800200c9a66" }], "code": { "code": "SELF", "code_system_name": "HL7 RoleCode" }, "insurance": { "code": { "code": "PAYOR", "code_system_name": "HL7 RoleCode" }, "performer": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.19" }], "address": [{ "street_lines": ["123 Insurance Road"], "city": "Blue Bell", "state": "MA", "zip": "02368", "country": "US", "use": "work place" }], "phone": [{ "number": "(781)555-1515", "type": "work place" }], "organization": [{ "name": ["Good Health Insurance"], "address": [{ "street_lines": ["123 Insurance Road"], "city": "Blue Bell", "state": "MA", "zip": "02368", "country": "US", "use": "work place" }], "phone": [{ "number": "(781)555-1515", "type": "work place" }] }], "code": [{ "code": "PAYOR", "code_system_name": "HL7 RoleCode" }] } } }, "guarantor": { "code": { "code": "GUAR", "code_system_name": "HL7 Role" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "329fcdf0-7ab3-11db-9fe1-0800200c9a66" }], "name": [{ "prefix": "Mr.", "middle": ["Frankie"], "last": "Everyman", "first": "Adam" }], "address": [{ "street_lines": ["17 Daws Rd."], "city": "Blue Bell", "state": "MA", "zip": "02368", "country": "US", "use": "primary home" }], "phone": [{ "number": "(781)555-1212", "type": "primary home" }] }, "participant": { "code": { "name": "Self", "code": "SELF", "code_system_name": "HL7 Role" }, "performer": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "14d4a520-7aae-11db-9fe1-0800200c9a66", "extension": "1138345" }], "address": [{ "street_lines": ["17 Daws Rd."], "city": "Blue Bell", "state": "MA", "zip": "02368", "country": "US", "use": "primary home" }], "code": [{ "name": "Self", "code": "SELF", "code_system_name": "HL7 Role" }] }, "name": [{ "prefix": "Mr.", "middle": ["A."], "last": "Everyman", "first": "Frank" }] }, "policy_holder": { "performer": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.19", "extension": "1138345" }], "address": [{ "street_lines": ["17 Daws Rd."], "city": "Blue Bell", "state": "MA", "zip": "02368", "country": "US", "use": "primary home" }] } }, "authorization": { "identifiers": [{ "identifier": "f4dce790-8328-11db-9fe1-0800200c9a66" }], "procedure": { "code": { "name": "Colonoscopy", "code": "73761001", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" } } } }; } function populateNote(pd) { return { "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.date), "precision": "day" } }, "translations": { code_system: "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1", code_system_name: "LOINC", code: cleanCode(pd.code), name: pd.code_text || "" }, "author": populateAuthorFromAuthorContainer(pd), "note": cleanText(pd.description), }; } function populateParticipant(participant) { return { "name": { "prefix": participant.prefix || "", "suffix": participant.suffix || "", "middle": [participant.mname] || "", "last": participant.lname || "", "first": participant.fname || "" }, "typeCode": participant.type || "", "classCode": "ASSIGNED", "code": { "name": participant.organization_taxonomy_description || "", "code": cleanCode(participant.organization_taxonomy) || "", "code_system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.101", "code_system_name": "NUCC Health Care Provider Taxonomy" }, "identifiers": [{ "identifier": participant.organization_npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : participant.organization_id, "extension": participant.organization_npi ? participant.organization_npi : '' }], "date_time": { "point": { "date": participant.date_time, "precision": "tz" } }, "phone": [ { "number": participant.phonew1 || "", "type": "WP" } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ participant.street ], "city": participant.city, "state": participant.state, "zip": participant.postalCode, "country": participant.country || "US", "use": participant.address_use || "WP" } ], } } function populateHeader(pd) { // default doc type ToC CCD let name = "Summarization of Episode Note"; let docCode = "34133-9"; let docOid = "2.16.840.1.113883."; if (pd.doc_type == 'referral') { name = "Referral Note"; docCode = "57133-1"; docOid = "2.16.840.1.113883."; } const head = { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": oidFacility, "extension": "123456" } ], "code": { "name": name, "code": docCode, "code_system_name": "LOINC" }, "template": { "root": docOid, "extension": "2015-08-01" }, "title": name, "date_time": { "point": { "date": fDate(pd.created_time_timezone), "precision": "tz" } }, "author": { "code": { "name": all.author.physician_type || '', "code": all.author.physician_type_code || '', "code_system": all.author.physician_type_system, "code_system_name": all.author.physician_type_system_name }, "date_time": { "point": { "date": authorDateTime, "precision": "tz" } }, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": all.author.npi ? "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" : all.author.id, "extension": all.author.npi ? all.author.npi : '' } ], "name": [ { "last": all.author.lname, "first": all.author.fname } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ all.author.streetAddressLine ], "city": all.author.city, "state": all.author.state, "zip": all.author.postalCode, "country": all.author.country || "US", "use": "work place" } ], "phone": [ { "number": all.author.telecom || "", "type": "WP" } ], "organization": [ { "identity": [ { "root": oidFacility || "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "name": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_name ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ all.encounter_provider.facility_street ], "city": all.encounter_provider.facility_city, "state": all.encounter_provider.facility_state, "zip": all.encounter_provider.facility_postal_code, "country": all.encounter_provider.facility_country_code || "US", "use": "work place" } ], "phone": [ { "number": all.encounter_provider.facility_phone, "type": "work primary" } ] } ] }, "custodian": { "identity": [ { "root": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiFacility || "" } ], "name": [ pd.custodian.organization || pd.custodian.name ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ pd.custodian.streetAddressLine ], "city": pd.custodian.city, "state": pd.custodian.state, "zip": pd.custodian.postalCode, "country": pd.custodian.country || "US" } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.custodian.telecom, "type": "work primary" } ] }, "information_recipient": { "name": { "prefix": pd.information_recipient.prefix || "", "suffix": pd.information_recipient.suffix || "", "middle": [pd.information_recipient.mname] || "", "last": pd.information_recipient.lname || "", "first": pd.information_recipient.fname || "" }, "organization": { "name": pd.information_recipient.organization || "org" }, } }; let participants = []; let docParticipants = pd.document_participants || {participant: []}; let count = 0; try { count = isOne(docParticipants.participant); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count === 1) { participants = [populateParticipant(docParticipants.participant)]; } else { // grab the values of our object participants = Object.values(docParticipants.participant).filter(pcpt => pcpt.type).map(pcpt => populateParticipant(pcpt)); } if (participants.length) { head.participants = participants; } if (isOne(all.encounter_list.encounter) === 1) { let primary_care_provider = pd.primary_care_provider || {provider: {}}; head.component_of = { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": oidFacility || "", "extension": "PT-" + (pd.patient.id || "") } ], "code": { "name": pd.primary_diagnosis.text || "", "code": pd.primary_diagnosis.code || "", "code_system_name": pd.primary_diagnosis.code_type || "" }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": pd.primary_diagnosis.encounter_date || "", "precision": "tz" }, "high": { "date": pd.primary_diagnosis.encounter_end_date || "", "precision": "tz" } }, "responsible_party": { "root": oidFacility, "name": { "last": pd.author.lname, "first": pd.author.fname }, }, "encounter_participant": { "root": oidFacility, "name": { "last": primary_care_provider.provider.lname || "", "first": primary_care_provider.provider.fname || "" }, "address": [ { "street_lines": [ pd.encounter_provider.facility_street ], "city": pd.encounter_provider.facility_city, "state": pd.encounter_provider.facility_state, "zip": pd.encounter_provider.facility_postal_code, "country": pd.encounter_provider.facility_country_code || "US", "use": "work place" } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.encounter_provider.facility_phone, "type": "work primary" } ] } } } return head; } function getMeta(pd) { var meta = {}; meta = { "type": pd.doc_type, "identifiers": [ { "identifier": oidFacility || "", "extension": "TT988" } ], "confidentiality": "Normal", "set_id": { "identifier": oidFacility || "", "extension": "sTT988" } } return meta; } /** / * function genCcda /* The main document builder /* pd array the xml parsed array of data sent from CCM. */ function genCcda(pd) { let doc = {}; let data = {}; let count = 0; let many = []; let theone = {}; let primary_care_provider = all.primary_care_provider || {}; all = pd; npiProvider = primary_care_provider.provider ? primary_care_provider.provider.npi : ""; oidFacility = all.encounter_provider.facility_oid ? all.encounter_provider.facility_oid : "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.99999.1"; npiFacility = all.encounter_provider.facility_npi; webRoot = all.serverRoot; documentLocation = all.document_location; authorDateTime = pd.created_time_timezone; if (pd.author.time.length > 7) { authorDateTime = pd.author.time; } else if (all.encounter_list && all.encounter_list.encounter) { if (isOne(all.encounter_list.encounter) === 1) { authorDateTime = all.encounter_list.encounter.date; } else { authorDateTime = all.encounter_list.encounter[0].date; } } authorDateTime = fDate(authorDateTime); // Demographics let demographic = populateDemographic(pd.patient, pd.guardian, pd); // This populates documentationOf. We are using providerOrganization also. if (pd.primary_care_provider) { Object.assign(demographic, populateProviders(pd)); } data.demographics = Object.assign(demographic); // Encounters let encs = []; let enc = {}; encs.encounters = []; try { count = isOne(pd.encounter_list.encounter); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.encounter_list.encounter) { enc[i] = populateEncounter(pd.encounter_list.encounter[i]); encs.encounters.push(enc[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { enc = populateEncounter(pd.encounter_list.encounter); encs.encounters.push(enc); } if (count !== 0) { data.encounters = Object.assign(encs.encounters); } // vitals many.vitals = []; try { count = isOne(pd.history_physical.vitals_list.vitals); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count !== 0) { data.vitals = Object.assign(populateVital(pd.history_physical.vitals_list.vitals)); } // Medications let meds = []; let m = {}; meds.medications = []; try { count = isOne(pd.medications.medication); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.medications.medication) { m[i] = populateMedication(pd.medications.medication[i]); meds.medications.push(m[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { m = populateMedication(pd.medications.medication); meds.medications.push(m); } if (count !== 0) { data.medications = Object.assign(meds.medications); } // Allergies let allergies = []; let allergy = {}; allergies.allergies = []; try { count = isOne(pd.allergies.allergy); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.allergies.allergy) { allergy[i] = populateAllergy(pd.allergies.allergy[i]); allergies.allergies.push(allergy[i]); } } else if (count <= 1) { allergy = populateAllergy(pd.allergies.allergy); allergies.allergies.push(allergy); count = 1; } if (count !== 0) { data.allergies = Object.assign(allergies.allergies); } // Problems let problems = []; let problem = {}; problems.problems = []; try { count = isOne(pd.problem_lists.problem); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.problem_lists.problem) { problem[i] = populateProblem(pd.problem_lists.problem[i], pd); problems.problems.push(problem[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { problem = populateProblem(pd.problem_lists.problem); problems.problems.push(problem); } if (count !== 0) { data.problems = Object.assign(problems.problems); } // Procedures many = []; theone = {}; many.procedures = []; try { count = isOne(pd.procedures.procedure); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.procedures.procedure) { theone[i] = populateProcedure(pd.procedures.procedure[i]); many.procedures.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = populateProcedure(pd.procedures.procedure); many.procedures.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.procedures = Object.assign(many.procedures); } // Medical Devices many = []; theone = {}; many.medical_devices = []; try { count = isOne(pd.medical_devices.device); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.medical_devices.device) { theone[i] = populateMedicalDevice(pd.medical_devices.device[i]); many.medical_devices.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = populateMedicalDevice(pd.medical_devices.device); many.medical_devices.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.medical_devices = Object.assign(many.medical_devices); } // Results if (pd.results) { data.results = Object.assign(getResultSet(pd.results, pd)['results']); } // Referral TODO sjp I'm not happy with this. // different referral sources. 1st is dynamic with doc gen from CCM. // 2nd is the latest referral from transactions. if (pd.referral_reason[0].text !== "") { data.referral_reason = Object.assign(getReferralReason(pd.referral_reason[0], pd)); } else if (pd.referral_reason[1].text !== "" && typeof pd.referral_reason[1].text !== 'undefined') { data.referral_reason = Object.assign(getReferralReason(pd.referral_reason[1], pd)); } else { data.referral_reason = {}; // leave as empty so we can get our null flavor section. } // Health Concerns many = []; theone = {}; many.health_concerns = []; try { count = isOne(pd.health_concerns.concern); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.health_concerns.concern) { theone[i] = getHealthConcerns(pd.health_concerns.concern[i]); many.health_concerns.push(theone[i]); break; } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = getHealthConcerns(pd.health_concerns.concern); many.health_concerns.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.health_concerns = Object.assign(many.health_concerns); } else { data.health_concerns = {"type": "act"}; // leave it as an empty section that we'll null flavor } // Immunizations many = []; theone = {}; many.immunizations = []; try { count = isOne(pd.immunizations.immunization); } catch (e) { count = 0; } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.immunizations.immunization) { theone[i] = populateImmunization(pd.immunizations.immunization[i]); many.immunizations.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = populateImmunization(pd.immunizations.immunization); many.immunizations.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.immunizations = Object.assign(many.immunizations); } // Plan of Care many = []; theone = {}; many.plan_of_care = []; try { count = isOne(pd.planofcare.item); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.planofcare.item) { if (cleanCode(pd.planofcare.item[i].date) === '') { i--; continue; } theone[i] = getPlanOfCare(pd.planofcare.item[i]); if (theone[i]) { many.plan_of_care.push(theone[i]); } } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = getPlanOfCare(pd.planofcare.item); if (theone) { many.plan_of_care.push(theone); } } if (count !== 0) { data.plan_of_care = Object.assign(many.plan_of_care); } // Goals many = []; theone = {}; many.goals = []; try { count = isOne(pd.goals.item); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.goals.item) { theone[i] = getGoals(pd.goals.item[i]); many.goals.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = getGoals(pd.goals.item); many.goals.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.goals = Object.assign(many.goals); } // Assessments. many = []; theone = {}; many.clinicalNoteAssessments = []; try { count = isOne(pd.clinical_notes.evaluation_note); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.clinical_notes.evaluation_note) { theone[i] = getAssessments(pd.clinical_notes.evaluation_note[i]); many.clinicalNoteAssessments.push(theone[i]); break; // for now only one assessment. @todo concat notes to one. } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = getAssessments(pd.clinical_notes.evaluation_note); many.clinicalNoteAssessments.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.clinicalNoteAssessments = Object.assign(many.clinicalNoteAssessments); } // Functional Status. many = []; theone = {}; many.functional_status = []; try { count = isOne(pd.functional_status.item); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.functional_status.item) { theone[i] = getFunctionalStatus(pd.functional_status.item[i]); many.functional_status.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = getFunctionalStatus(pd.functional_status.item); many.functional_status.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.functional_status = Object.assign(many.functional_status); } // Mental Status. many = []; theone = {}; many.mental_status = []; try { count = isOne(pd.mental_status.item); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.mental_status.item) { theone[i] = getMentalStatus(pd.mental_status.item[i]); many.mental_status.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = getMentalStatus(pd.mental_status.item); many.mental_status.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.mental_status = Object.assign(many.mental_status); } // Social History many = []; theone = {}; many.social_history = []; try { count = isOne(pd.history_physical.social_history.history_element); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.history_physical.social_history.history_element) { if (i > 0) break; theone[i] = populateSocialHistory(pd.history_physical.social_history.history_element[i]); many.social_history.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = populateSocialHistory(pd.history_physical.social_history.history_element); many.social_history.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data.social_history = Object.assign(many.social_history); } // Notes for (let currentNote in pd.clinical_notes) { many = []; theone = {}; switch (pd.clinical_notes[currentNote].clinical_notes_type) { case 'evaluation_note': continue; break; case 'progress_note': break; case 'history_physical': pd.clinical_notes[currentNote].code_text = "History and Physical"; break; case 'nurse_note': break; case 'general_note': break; case 'discharge_summary': break; case 'procedure_note': break; case 'consultation_note': break; case 'imaging_narrative': break; case 'laboratory_report_narrative': break; case 'pathology_report_narrative': break; default: continue; } try { count = isOne(pd.clinical_notes[currentNote]); } catch (e) { count = 0 } if (count > 1) { for (let i in pd.clinical_notes[currentNote]) { theone[i] = populateNote(pd.clinical_notes[currentNote]); many.push(theone[i]); } } else if (count !== 0) { theone = populateNote(pd.clinical_notes[currentNote]); many.push(theone); } if (count !== 0) { data[currentNote] = Object.assign(many); } } // Care Team and members if (pd.care_team.is_active == 'active') { data.care_team = Object.assign(populateCareTeamMembers(pd)); } // ------------------------------------------ End Sections ----------------------------------------// doc.data = Object.assign(data); let meta = getMeta(pd); let header = populateHeader(pd); meta.ccda_header = Object.assign(header); doc.meta = Object.assign(meta); if (pd.timezone_local_offset) { populateTimezones(doc, pd.timezone_local_offset, 0); } // build to cda let xml = bbg.generateCCD(doc); /* Debug */ if (enableDebug === true) { let place = documentLocation + "/documents/temp/"; if (fs.existsSync(place)) { fs.writeFile(place + "ccda.json", JSON.stringify(all, null, 4), function (err) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } //console.log("Json saved!"); }); fs.writeFile(place + "ccda.xml", xml, function (err) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } //console.log("Xml saved!"); }); } } return xml; } function processConnection(connection) { conn = connection; // make it global let remoteAddress = conn.remoteAddress + ':' + conn.remotePort; conn.setEncoding('utf8'); let xml_complete = ""; function eventData(xml) { xml_complete = xml.toString(); //console.log("length: " + xml.length + " " + xml_complete); // ensure we have an array start and end if (xml_complete.match(/^$/g)) { let doc = ""; let xslUrl = ""; xml_complete = xml_complete.replace(/(\u000b|\u001c)/gm, "").trim(); // let's not allow windows CR/LF xml_complete = xml_complete.replace(/[\r\n]/gm, '').trim(); xml_complete = xml_complete.replace(/\t\s+/g, ' ').trim(); // convert xml data set for document to json array to_json(xml_complete, function (error, data) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)); if (error) { // need try catch console.log('toJson error: ' + error + 'Len: ' + xml_complete.length); return; } // create document doc = genCcda(data.CCDA); if (data.CCDA.xslUrl) { xslUrl = data.CCDA.xslUrl || ""; } }); doc = headReplace(doc, xslUrl); doc = doc.toString().replace(/(\u000b|\u001c|\r)/gm, "").trim(); let chunk = ""; let numChunks = Math.ceil(doc.length / 1024); for (let i = 0, o = 0; i < numChunks; ++i, o += 1024) { chunk = doc.substring(o, o + 1024); conn.write(chunk); } conn.write(String.fromCharCode(28) + "\r\r" + ''); conn.end(); } } function eventCloseConn() { //console.log('connection from %s closed', remoteAddress); } function eventErrorConn(err) { console.log('Connection %s error: %s', remoteAddress, err.message); } // Connection Events // // CCM will send two File Separator characters to mark end of array. let received = new DataStack(String.fromCharCode(28)); conn.on("data", data => { received.pushToStack(data); while (!received.endOfCcda() && data.length > 0) { data = ""; eventData(received.returnData()) } }); conn.once('close', eventCloseConn); conn.on('error', eventErrorConn); } function setUp(server) { server.on('connection', processConnection); server.listen(6661, 'localhost', function () { // never change port! //console.log('server listening to %j', server.address()); }); } // start up listener for requests from CCM or others. setUp(server); /* ---------------------------------For future use in header. Do not remove!-------------------------------------------- */ /*"data_enterer": { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": "999999943252" } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.data_enterer.lname, "first": pd.data_enterer.fname } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ pd.data_enterer.streetAddressLine ], "city": pd.data_enterer.city, "state": pd.data_enterer.state, "zip": pd.data_enterer.postalCode, "country": pd.data_enterer.country } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.data_enterer.telecom, "type": "work place" } ] }, "informant": { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5", "extension": "KP00017" } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.informer.lname || "", "first": pd.informer.fname || "" } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ pd.informer.streetAddressLine || "" ], "city": pd.informer.city, "state": pd.informer.state, "zip": pd.informer.postalCode, "country": pd.informer.country } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.informer.telecom || "", "type": "work place" } ] },*/ /*"service_event": { "code": { "name": "", "code": "", "code_system_name": "SNOMED CT" }, "date_time": { "low": { "date": "2021-03-11", "precision": "day" }, "high": { "date": pd.created_time, "precision": "day" } }, "performer": [ { "performer": [ { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6", "extension": npiProvider } ], "name": [ { "last": pd.information_recipient.lname || "DAH", "first": pd.information_recipient.fname || "DAH" } ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ pd.information_recipient.streetAddressLine ], "city": pd.information_recipient.city, "state": pd.information_recipient.state, "zip": pd.information_recipient.postalCode, "country": pd.information_recipient.country || "US" } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.information_recipient.telecom, "type": "work place" } ], "organization": [ { "identifiers": [ { "identifier": "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.9999.1393" } ], "name": [ pd.encounter_provider.facility_name ], "address": [ { "street_lines": [ pd.encounter_provider.facility_street ], "city": pd.encounter_provider.facility_city, "state": pd.encounter_provider.facility_state, "zip": pd.encounter_provider.facility_postal_code, "country": pd.encounter_provider.facility_country_code || "US" } ], "phone": [ { "number": pd.encounter_provider.facility_phone, "type": "primary work" } ] } ], "code": [ { "name": "", "code": "", "code_system_name": "Provider Codes" } ] } ], "code": { "name": "Primary Performer", "code": "PP", "code_system_name": "Provider Role" } } ] }*/