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namespace OpenEMR\Tests\E2e\Pages;
use Symfony\Component\Panther\PantherTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Panther\Client;
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;
class UsersTab
private const ADMIN_IFRAME = "//*[@id='framesDisplay']//iframe[@name='adm']";
private const NEW_USER_IFRAME = "//*[@id='modalframe']";
private const ADD_USER_BUTTON = "/html//a[text()='Add User']";
private const NEW_USER_BUTTON = "//form[@id='new_user']";
private const CREATE_USER_BUTTON = "//a[@id='form_save']";
private $crawler;
private $client;
private $test;
public function __construct($crawler, $client, $test)
$this->crawler = $crawler;
$this->client = $client;
$this->test = $test;
public function addUser($username): void
// need to switch to the iframe
$crawler = $this->switchToIFrame(WebDriverBy::xpath(UsersTab::ADMIN_IFRAME));
$crawler = $this->switchToIFrame(WebDriverBy::xpath(UsersTab::NEW_USER_IFRAME));
$newUser = $crawler->filterXPath(UsersTab::NEW_USER_BUTTON)->form();
$newUser['rumple'] = $username;
$newUser['stiltskin'] = 'Test12te$t';
$newUser['fname'] = 'Foo';
$newUser['lname'] = 'Bar';
$newUser['adminPass'] = 'pass';
public function assertUserPresent($username): void
$crawler = $this->switchToIFrame(WebDriverBy::xpath(UsersTab::ADMIN_IFRAME));
try {
} catch (\Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\TimeoutException $e) {
// see if the issue is screen refresh too fast or if the new user really didn't get added to the database
$usernameDatabase = sqlQuery("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = ?", [$username]);
if (!empty($usernameDatabase['username'])) {
$this->test->fail("FAIL, User with name $username not found in displayed users list, however the new user was found in database.");
} else {
$this->test->fail("FAIL, User with name $username not found in displayed users list and not found in the database.");
// assert that new user is in database
$usernameDatabase = sqlQuery("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = ?", [$username]);
$this->test->assertSame(($usernameDatabase['username'] ?? ''), $username);
private function switchToIFrame($selector)
$iframe = $this->client->findElement($selector);
$crawler = $this->client->refreshCrawler();
return $crawler;