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use OpenEMR\Common\Acl\AclMain;
use OpenEMR\Services\FormService;
$GLOBALS['form_exit_url'] = "javascript:parent.closeTab(, false)";
function getFormByEncounter(
$cols = "form_id, form_name",
$name = "",
$orderby = "FIND_IN_SET(formdir,'vitals') DESC, date DESC"
) {
$formService = new FormService();
return $formService->getFormByEncounter($attendant_id, $encounter, $cols, $name, $orderby);
function addForm(
$authorized = "0",
$date = "NOW()",
$user = "",
$group = "",
$therapy_group = 'not_given'
) {
global $attendant_type;
if (!$user) {
$user = $_SESSION['authUser'] ?? null;
if (!$group) {
$group = $_SESSION['authProvider'] ?? null;
if ($therapy_group == 'not_given') {
$therapy_group = $attendant_type == 'pid' ? null : $_SESSION['therapy_group'];
$arraySqlBind = array();
$sql = "insert into forms (date, encounter, form_name, form_id, pid, " .
"user, groupname, authorized, formdir, therapy_group_id) values (";
if ($date == "NOW()") {
$sql .= "$date";
} else {
$sql .= "?";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $date);
$sql .= ", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $encounter, $form_name, $form_id, $pid, $user, $group, $authorized, $formdir, $therapy_group);
return sqlInsert($sql, $arraySqlBind);
function authorizeForm($id, $authorized = "1")
sqlQuery("UPDATE forms SET authorized = ? WHERE id = ? AND deleted = 0", array($authorized, $id));
function getEncounters($pid, $dateStart = '', $dateEnd = '', $encounterRuleType = '')
$arraySqlBind = array();
if ($encounterRuleType) {
// Only collect certain type of encounters (list_options item from the rule_enc_types list that is mapped via enc_category_map table)
$from = "form_encounter LEFT JOIN enc_category_map ON (form_encounter.pc_catid = enc_category_map.main_cat_id)";
$where = "enc_category_map.rule_enc_id = ? and ";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $encounterRuleType);
} else {
// Collect all encounters
$from = "form_encounter";
if ($dateStart && $dateEnd) {
$where .= " = ? and >= ? and <= ?";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $pid, $dateStart, $dateEnd);
} elseif ($dateStart && !$dateEnd) {
$where .= " = ? and >= ?";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $pid, $dateStart);
} elseif (!$dateStart && $dateEnd) {
$where .= " = ? and <= ?";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $pid, $dateEnd);
} else {
$where .= " = ?";
array_push($arraySqlBind, $pid);
//Not table escaping $from since this is hard-coded above and can include more than just a table name
$res = sqlStatement("SELECT distinct encounter FROM " . $from . " WHERE " . $where . " ORDER by date desc", $arraySqlBind);
$all = [];
for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($res); $iter++) {
$all[$iter] = $row;
return $all;
function getEncounterDateByEncounter($encounter)
global $attendant_type;
$table = $attendant_type == 'pid' ? 'form_encounter' : 'form_groups_encounter';
// $sql = "select date from forms where encounter='$encounter' order by date";
$sql = "SELECT date FROM " . escape_table_name($table) . " WHERE encounter = ? ORDER BY date";
return sqlQuery($sql, array($encounter));
function getProviderIdOfEncounter($encounter)
global $attendant_type;
$table = $attendant_type == 'pid' ? 'form_encounter' : 'form_groups_encounter';
$sql = "SELECT provider_id FROM " . escape_table_name($table) . " WHERE encounter=? ORDER BY date";
$res = sqlQuery($sql, array($encounter));
return $res['provider_id'];
function getFormNameByFormdirAndFormid($formdir, $form_id)
return sqlQuery("SELECT form_name FROM forms WHERE formdir = ? AND form_id = ? AND deleted = 0", array($formdir, $form_id));
function getFormIdByFormdirAndFormid($formdir, $form_id)
$result = sqlQuery("select id from forms where formdir = ? and form_id = ? and deleted = 0 ", array( $formdir, $form_id ));
return $result['id'];
function getFormNameByFormdir($formdir)
return sqlQuery("SELECT form_name FROM forms WHERE formdir = ? AND deleted = 0", array($formdir));
function getDocumentsByEncounter($patientID = null, $encounterID = null)
$allDocuments = null;
$currentEncounter = ( $encounterID ) ? $encounterID : $_SESSION['encounter'];
$currentPatient = ( $patientID ) ? $patientID : $_SESSION['pid'];
if ($currentPatient != "" && $currentEncounter != "") {
$sql = "SELECT, d.type, d.url, as document_name, d.docdate, d.list_id,, d.encounter_id FROM documents AS d, categories_to_documents AS cd,
categories AS c WHERE d.foreign_id = ? AND d.encounter_id=? AND cd.document_id = AND = cd.category_id ORDER BY d.docdate DESC, DESC";
$res = sqlStatement($sql, array($currentPatient,$currentEncounter));
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$allDocuments[] = $row;
return $allDocuments;
function hasFormPermission($formDir)
// get the aco spec from registry table
$formRow = sqlQuery("SELECT aco_spec FROM registry WHERE directory = ?", array($formDir));
$permission = explode('|', $formRow['aco_spec']);
return AclMain::aclCheckCore($permission[0], $permission[1]);