You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
5.0 KiB

require_once($GLOBALS["srcdir"] . "/");
$si_report_cols = 2;
$si_report_colno = 0;
// Helper function used by soccer_injury_report().
// Writes a title/value pair to a table cell.
function si_report_item($title, $value)
global $si_report_cols, $si_report_colno;
if (!$value) {
if (++$si_report_colno > $si_report_cols) {
$si_report_colno = 1;
echo " </tr>\n <tr>\n";
echo " <td valign='top'><span class='bold'>" . text($title) . ": </span>" .
"<span class='text'>" . text($value) . " &nbsp;</span></td>\n";
// This function is invoked from printPatientForms in
// when viewing a "comprehensive patient report". Also from
// interface/patient_file/encounter/forms.php.
function soccer_injury_report($pid, $encounter, $cols, $id)
global $si_report_cols;
$arr_gameplay = array(
'1' => '1st Quarter',
'2' => '2nd Quarter',
'3' => '3rd Quarter',
'4' => '4th Quarter',
'5' => 'Warm Up',
'6' => 'Extra Time',
'7' => 'Cool Down',
'11' => 'Training Warm Up',
'12' => 'Training Session',
'13' => 'Training Cool Down',
$arr_activity = array(
'1' => 'Tackling',
'2' => 'Tackled',
'3' => 'Collision',
'4' => 'Kicked',
'5' => 'Use of Elbow',
'6' => 'Hit by Ball',
'7' => 'Other:',
'11' => 'Passing',
'12' => 'Shooting',
'13' => 'Running',
'14' => 'Dribbling',
'15' => 'Heading',
'16' => 'Jumping',
'17' => 'Landing',
'18' => 'Fall',
'19' => 'Stretching',
'20' => 'Twist/Turning',
'21' => 'Throwing',
'22' => 'Diving',
'23' => 'Other NC:',
$arr_surface = array(
'1' => 'Pitch' ,
'2' => 'Training' ,
'3' => 'Artificial' ,
'4' => 'All Weather',
'5' => 'Indoor' ,
'6' => 'Gym' ,
'7' => 'Other' ,
$arr_position = array(
'1' => 'Defender' ,
'2' => 'Midfield Offense',
'3' => 'Midfield Defense',
'4' => 'Wing Back' ,
'5' => 'Forward' ,
'6' => 'Striker' ,
'7' => 'Goal Keeper' ,
'8' => 'Starting Lineup' ,
'9' => 'Substitute' ,
$arr_footwear = array(
'1' => 'Molded Cleat' ,
'2' => 'Detachable Cleats',
'3' => 'Indoor Shoes' ,
'4' => 'Turf Shoes' ,
$arr_equip = array(
'1' => 'Shin Pads' ,
'2' => 'Gloves' ,
'3' => 'Ankle Strapping',
'4' => 'Knee Strapping' ,
'5' => 'Bracing' ,
'6' => 'Synthetic Cast' ,
$arr_side = array(
'1' => 'Left' ,
'2' => 'Right' ,
'3' => 'Bilateral' ,
'4' => 'Not Applicable',
$arr_removed = array(
'1' => 'Immediately',
'2' => 'Later' ,
'3' => 'Not at All' ,
$arr_treat = array(
'1' => 'Hospital A&amp;E Dept',
'2' => 'General Practitioner' ,
'3' => 'Physiotherapist' ,
'4' => 'Nurse' ,
'5' => 'Hospital Specialist' ,
'6' => 'Osteopath' ,
'7' => 'Chiropractor' ,
'8' => 'Sports Massage Th' ,
'9' => 'Sports Physician' ,
$row = sqlQuery ("SELECT AS occdate, si.* " .
"FROM forms, form_soccer_injury AS si WHERE " .
"forms.formdir = 'soccer_injury' AND forms.form_id = '$id' AND " .
" = '$id' AND si.activity = '1'");
$row = sqlQuery("SELECT form_encounter.onset_date AS occdate, si.* " .
"FROM forms, form_encounter, form_soccer_injury AS si WHERE " .
"forms.formdir = 'soccer_injury' AND " .
"forms.form_id = ? AND " .
" = ? AND si.activity = '1' AND " .
"form_encounter.encounter = forms.encounter AND " .
" =", array($id));
if (!$row) {
$si_report_cols = $cols;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
si_report_item("Occurred", substr($row['occdate'], 0, 10) . " " . substr($row['siinjtime'], 0, 5));
si_report_item("During", $arr_gameplay[$row['sigametime']]);
si_report_item("Mechanism", $arr_activity[$row['simechanism']] . ' ' . $row['simech_other']);
si_report_item("Surface", $arr_surface[$row['sisurface']]);
si_report_item("Position", $arr_position[$row['siposition']]);
si_report_item("Footwear", $arr_footwear[$row['sifootwear']]);
foreach ($arr_equip as $key => $value) {
if ($row["siequip_$key"]) {
si_report_item("Equipment", $value);
si_report_item("Side", $arr_side[$row['siside']]);
si_report_item("Removed", $arr_removed[$row['siremoved']]);
foreach ($arr_treat as $key => $value) {
if ($row["sitreat_$key"]) {
si_report_item("Treatment", $value);
if ($row["sitreat_other"]) {
si_report_item("Treatment", $row["sitreat_other"]);
si_report_item("To Return", $row['sinoreturn'] ? "No" : "Yes");
echo " </tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";