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# OpenEMR Docker Documentation
## Overview
The OpenEMR community loves Docker. We eat and breathe Docker. The OpenEMR dockers can be found on
[dockerhub]( There are two main categories of dockers for
OpenEMR, Production Dockers and Development Dockers. Production dockers are meant for production use
with tags such as `6.0.0` and `latest`. Development dockers are meant for development and include the
`flex` series.
## Production Dockers
Production dockers are meant for production use with tags such as `6.0.0` and `latest` and can be found
on [dockerhub]( Several example docker-compose.yml scripts are
discussed below.
### Production example
An example docker-compose.yml script can be found at
[docker/production/docker-compose.yml](docker/production/docker-compose.yml). After modifying the
script for your purposes, it can then be started with `docker-compose up`, which will then take about 5-10
minutes to complete.
### Production example for Raspberry Pi
An example docker-compose.yml script for Raspberry Pi can be found at
[docker/production-arm/docker-compose.yml](docker/production-arm/docker-compose.yml). After modifying the
script for your purposes, it can then be started with `docker-compose up`, which will then take about 5-10
minutes to complete.
## Development Dockers
Development dockers are meant for development and include the `flex` series and can be found on
[dockerhub]( It is strongly recommended to not use these dockers
for production purposes unless you know what you are doing. There are 2 OpenEMR development environments,
which are based on these development dockers. The main development environment is the Easy Development Docker
environment, which is documented at [](;
note this environment can also be run on Raspberry Pi. The other development environment, which is much more
complex, is the Insane Development Docker environment, which is documented at