An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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Scripting commands



Use comments to record design notes and reminders about your game.

Defined in Fungus.Comment

Property Type Description
Commenter Name System.String Name of Commenter
Comment Text System.String Text to display for this comment

Call Method

Calls a named method on a GameObject using the GameObject.SendMessage() system.

Defined in Fungus.CallMethod

Property Type Description
Target Object UnityEngine.GameObject Target monobehavior which contains the method we want to call
Method Name System.String Name of the method to call
Delay System.Single Delay (in seconds) before the method will be called

Debug Log

Writes a log message to the debug console.

Defined in Fungus.DebugLog

Property Type Description
Log Type Fungus.DebugLogType Display type of debug log info
Log Message Fungus.StringDataMulti Text to write to the debug log. Supports variable substitution, e.g. {$Myvar}


Destroys a specified game object in the scene.

Defined in Fungus.Destroy

Property Type Description
_target Game Object Fungus.GameObjectData Reference to game object to destroy

Execute Lua

Executes a Lua code chunk using a Lua Environment.

Defined in Fungus.ExecuteLua

Property Type Description
Lua Environment Fungus.LuaEnvironment Lua Environment to use to execute this Lua script
Lua File UnityEngine.TextAsset A text file containing Lua script to execute.
Lua Script System.String Lua script to execute. This text is appended to the contents of Lua file (if one is specified).
Run As Coroutine System.Boolean Execute this Lua script as a Lua coroutine
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Pause command execution until the Lua script has finished execution
Return Variable Fungus.Variable A Flowchart variable to store the returned value in.

Invoke Event

Calls a list of component methods via the Unity Event System (as used in the Unity UI). This command is more efficient than the Invoke Method command but can only pass a single parameter and doesn't support return values.

Defined in Fungus.InvokeEvent

Property Type Description
Delay System.Single Delay (in seconds) before the methods will be called
Invoke Type Fungus.InvokeType Selects type of method parameter to pass
Static Event UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent List of methods to call. Supports methods with no parameters or exactly one string, int, float or object parameter.
Boolean Parameter Fungus.BooleanData Boolean parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Boolean Event Fungus.InvokeEvent+BooleanEvent List of methods to call. Supports methods with one boolean parameter.
Integer Parameter Fungus.IntegerData Integer parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Integer Event Fungus.InvokeEvent+IntegerEvent List of methods to call. Supports methods with one integer parameter.
Float Parameter Fungus.FloatData Float parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
Float Event Fungus.InvokeEvent+FloatEvent List of methods to call. Supports methods with one float parameter.
String Parameter Fungus.StringDataMulti String parameter to pass to the invoked methods.
String Event Fungus.InvokeEvent+StringEvent List of methods to call. Supports methods with one string parameter.

Invoke Method

Invokes a method of a component via reflection. Supports passing multiple parameters and storing returned values in a Fungus variable.

Defined in Fungus.InvokeMethod

Property Type Description
Target Object UnityEngine.GameObject GameObject containing the component method to be invoked
Target Component Assembly Name System.String Name of assembly containing the target component
Target Component Fullname System.String Full name of the target component
Target Component Text System.String Display name of the target component
Target Method System.String Name of target method to invoke on the target component
Target Method Text System.String Display name of target method to invoke on the target component
Method Parameters Fungus.InvokeMethodParameter[] List of parameters to pass to the invoked method
Save Return Value System.Boolean If true, store the return value in a flowchart variable of the same type.
Return Value Variable Key System.String Name of Fungus variable to store the return value in
Return Value Type System.String The type of the return value
Show Inherited System.Boolean If true, list all inherited methods for the component
Call Mode Fungus.CallMode The coroutine call behavior for methods that return IEnumerator

Open URL

Opens the specified URL in the browser.

Defined in Fungus.LinkToWebsite

Property Type Description
Url Fungus.StringData URL to open in the browser

Set Active

Sets a game object in the scene to be active / inactive.

Defined in Fungus.SetActive

Property Type Description
_target Game Object Fungus.GameObjectData Reference to game object to enable / disable
Active State Fungus.BooleanData Set to true to enable the game object

Spawn Object

Spawns a new object based on a reference to a scene or prefab game object.

Defined in Fungus.SpawnObject

Property Type Description
_source Object Fungus.GameObjectData Game object to copy when spawning. Can be a scene object or a prefab.
_parent Transform Fungus.TransformData Transform to use for position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Position Fungus.Vector3Data Local position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Rotation Fungus.Vector3Data Local rotation of newly spawned object.