An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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Narrative commands


Clear Menu

Clears the options from a menu dialogue

Defined in Fungus.ClearMenu

Property Type Description
Menu Dialog Fungus.MenuDialog Menu Dialog to clear the options on

Control Stage

Controls the stage on which character portraits are displayed.

Defined in Fungus.ControlStage

Property Type Description
Stage Fungus.Stage Stage to display characters on
Replaced Stage Fungus.Stage Stage to swap with
Use Default Settings System.Boolean Use Default Settings
Fade Duration System.Single Fade Duration
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command
Display Fungus.StageDisplayType Display type


Do multiple say and portrait commands in a single block of text. Format is: [character] [portrait] [stage position] [: Story text]

Defined in Fungus.Conversation


Displays a button in a multiple choice menu

Defined in Fungus.Menu

Property Type Description
Text System.String Text to display on the menu button
Description System.String Notes about the option text for other authors, localization, etc.
Target Block Fungus.Block Block to execute when this option is selected
Hide If Visited System.Boolean Hide this option if the target block has been executed previously
Interactable Fungus.BooleanData If false, the menu option will be displayed but will not be selectable
Set Menu Dialog Fungus.MenuDialog A custom Menu Dialog to use to display this menu. All subsequent Menu commands will use this dialog.

Menu Timer

Displays a timer bar and executes a target block if the player fails to select a menu option in time.

Defined in Fungus.MenuTimer

Property Type Description
_duration Fungus.FloatData Length of time to display the timer for
Target Block Fungus.Block Block to execute when the timer expires


Controls a character portrait.

Defined in Fungus.Portrait

Property Type Description
Stage Fungus.Stage Stage to display portrait on
Character Fungus.Character Character to display
Replaced Character Fungus.Character Character to swap with
Portrait UnityEngine.Sprite Portrait to display
Offset Fungus.PositionOffset Move the portrait from/to this offset position
From Position UnityEngine.RectTransform Move the portrait from this position
To Position UnityEngine.RectTransform Move the portrait to this position
Facing Fungus.FacingDirection Direction character is facing
Use Default Settings System.Boolean Use Default Settings
Fade Duration System.Single Fade Duration
Move Duration System.Single Movement Duration
Shift Offset UnityEngine.Vector2 Shift Offset
Move System.Boolean Move portrait into new position
Shift Into Place System.Boolean Start from offset position
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command
Display Fungus.DisplayType Display type


Writes text in a dialog box.

Defined in Fungus.Say

Property Type Description
Description System.String Notes about this story text for other authors, localization, etc.
Character Fungus.Character Character that is speaking
Portrait UnityEngine.Sprite Portrait that represents speaking character
Voice Over Clip UnityEngine.AudioClip Voiceover audio to play when writing the text
Show Always System.Boolean Always show this Say text when the command is executed multiple times
Show Count System.Int32 Number of times to show this Say text when the command is executed multiple times
Extend Previous System.Boolean Type this text in the previous dialog box.
Fade When Done System.Boolean Fade out the dialog box when writing has finished and not waiting for input.
Wait For Click System.Boolean Wait for player to click before continuing.
Stop Voiceover System.Boolean Stop playing voiceover when text finishes writing.
Set Say Dialog Fungus.SayDialog Sets the active Say dialog with a reference to a Say Dialog object in the scene. All story text will now display using this Say Dialog.

Set Language

Set the active language for the scene. A Localization object with a localization file must be present in the scene.

Defined in Fungus.SetLanguage

Property Type Description
_language Code Fungus.StringData Code of the language to set. e.g. ES, DE, JA

Set Menu Dialog

Sets a custom menu dialog to use when displaying multiple choice menus

Defined in Fungus.SetMenuDialog

Property Type Description
Menu Dialog Fungus.MenuDialog The Menu Dialog to use for displaying menu buttons

Set Say Dialog

Sets a custom say dialog to use when displaying story text

Defined in Fungus.SetSayDialog

Property Type Description
Say Dialog Fungus.SayDialog The Say Dialog to use for displaying Say story text