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LeanTween commands

Fungus Commands that apply LeanTweens to a GameObject.



Moves a game object to a specified position over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive.

Defined in Fungus.MoveLean

Property Type Description
_targetObject Fungus.GameObjectData GameObject to tween
_duration Fungus.FloatData Time in seconds for the tween to complete
_toFrom System.Enum 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current.
_absAdd System.Enum 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination.
easeType LeanTweenType Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad
loopType LeanTweenType If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc.
repeats System.Int32 Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.
stopPreviousTweens System.Boolean If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.
waitUntilFinished System.Boolean If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished.
_toTransform Fungus.TransformData Target transform that the GameObject will move to. Often easier to configure tweens with the use of a target gameobject than a hard coded world position. (if this is not set then the _toPosition vector3 will be used)
_toPosition Fungus.Vector3Data Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set. This is only used if the _toTransform is null
isLocal System.Boolean Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.


Scales a game object to a specified scale over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive.

Defined in Fungus.ScaleLean

Property Type Description
_targetObject Fungus.GameObjectData GameObject to tween
_duration Fungus.FloatData Time in seconds for the tween to complete
_toFrom System.Enum 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current.
_absAdd System.Enum 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination.
easeType LeanTweenType Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad
loopType LeanTweenType If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc.
repeats System.Int32 Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.
stopPreviousTweens System.Boolean If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.
waitUntilFinished System.Boolean If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished.
_toTransform Fungus.TransformData Target scale for the tween to use. If null then the _toScale vector3 is used instead.
_toScale Fungus.Vector3Data Target scale that the GameObject will scale to. Only used if _toTransform is null. Default is 1,1,1


Rotate a game object to a specified rotation (matching another transform or eulerAngle) over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive.

Defined in Fungus.RotateLean

Property Type Description
_targetObject Fungus.GameObjectData GameObject to tween
_duration Fungus.FloatData Time in seconds for the tween to complete
_toFrom System.Enum 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current.
_absAdd System.Enum 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination.
easeType LeanTweenType Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad
loopType LeanTweenType If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc.
repeats System.Int32 Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.
stopPreviousTweens System.Boolean If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.
waitUntilFinished System.Boolean If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished.
_toTransform Fungus.TransformData Rotation for the tween to match. If not set _toRotation will be used.
_ToRotation Fungus.FloatData Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set
isLocal System.Boolean Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
rotateMode System.Enum 'PureRotate', 'LookAt2D' or 'LookAt3D'. Determines how to use the supplied rotation information. PureRotate is a simply euler/quaternion match. LookAt2D matches the euler z only. LookAt3D rotations the objects forward to point at the given direction/target.

Stop Tweens

Stops the all active LeanTweens, made by fungus or otherwise, on the target GameObject

Defined in Fungus.StopTweensLean

Property Type Description
_target Object Fungus.GameObjectData Target game object stop LeanTweens on