An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

72 lines
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// This code is part of the Fungus library ( maintained by Chris Gregan (
// It is released for free under the MIT open source license (
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
/// <summary>
/// Applies a camera shake effect to the main camera.
/// </summary>
"Shake Camera",
"Applies a camera shake effect to the main camera.")]
public class ShakeCamera : Command
[Tooltip("Time for camera shake effect to complete")]
[SerializeField] protected float duration = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Magnitude of shake effect in x & y axes")]
[SerializeField] protected Vector2 amount = new Vector2(1, 1);
[Tooltip("Wait until the shake effect has finished before executing next command")]
[SerializeField] protected bool waitUntilFinished;
protected virtual void OniTweenComplete(object param)
Command command = param as Command;
if (command != null && command.Equals(this))
if (waitUntilFinished)
#region Public members
public override void OnEnter()
Vector3 v = new Vector3();
v = amount;
Hashtable tweenParams = new Hashtable();
tweenParams.Add("amount", v);
tweenParams.Add("time", duration);
tweenParams.Add("oncomplete", "OniTweenComplete");
tweenParams.Add("oncompletetarget", gameObject);
tweenParams.Add("oncompleteparams", this);
iTween.ShakePosition(Camera.main.gameObject, tweenParams);
if (!waitUntilFinished)
public override string GetSummary()
return "For " + duration + " seconds.";
public override Color GetButtonColor()
return new Color32(216, 228, 170, 255);