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storyText: You hold your breath and strain to hear anything. There's a faint machine-like |
hum, barely perceptible, coming from the ceiling. You think you can hear voices |
for a moment, but after holding your breath another couple of times, you hear |
nothing. |
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storyText: 'The fabric feels natural, like cotton, but the design and quality is |
like nothing you''ve seen. There are no seams anywhere, not a stitch of thread, |
not even around the curious plastic zip that moves like the top of a ziploc bag, |
completely silently and securely. |
You can find no pockets, and the hems around your neck, ankles and wrists are |
clean ends, not stitched back or sealed, just ending cleanly and perfectly. |
The colour is a simple blue, no markings, numbers or insignia. It''s spotless |
and breathable, like you could wear it for a week. Almost certainly a uniform |
of some kind, though made to fit you and you alone.' |
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storyText: 'You take a closer look at the door. There are no handles or controls |
of any kind that you can see. |
Because the light is so faint, it''s impossible to tell if there''s any writing |
or labelling on the door, but you do spot a discreet grille in the wall beside |
the door. |
{wc}Getting in closer, you try waving your hand in front of it, but nothing happens. |
When you press your ear to the grille, you hear nothing, not even the movement |
of air. You try speaking into it, politely. |
"Hello? Can anybody hear me?" |
You hear nothing back.' |
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The lamp switches on obediently. Too bright for your dark-accustomed eyes.{wi} |
"Lamp off" |
The lamp switches back off.{wc} |
"Lamp dim" |
The lamp dims to a more useable level.' |
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Nothing. |
"Open door." |
Nothing. Oh well.' |
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storyText: 'The door slides shut just as quick as it opened, before you get a chance |
to leave. So close to getting away! |
Poor Samson is still being screamed at by his supervisor.{wi} |
You wait until the screaming subsides. |
"Hey Samson, sorry man, I had no idea that would happen. I was just asking a question." |
"It''s OK. It was my own fault. I just need to be more careful."' |
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storyText: 'You put your hand over the grille and mumble, "Can you open door A147?" |
You take your hand off. |
"What?" |
Too much. You try again, putting your hand on the grille and saying, more clearly, |
"Can you open door A147?" |
You snap your hand back in time to hear him say "Open door A147? You''re having |
a laugh, I''d get-" |
You stop listening to him as you watch the door slide noiselessly into the wall |
revealing an unoccupied corridor.{wc} |
Your jubilation is interrupted by a shriek of rage from the grille. |
"Samson! What the hell are you opening that cell for?"' |
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--- !u!114 &771014165 |
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storyText: '"Hey, can you truck theck on troll rum atop spede?" |
Samson pauses for a second.{w=1} |
"Can I do what?" |
You reply again, carefully pronouncing each word. |
"Truck theck on troll rum atop spede?" |
"Truck the control room at top speed?" |
You wait.{w=1} |
"I don''t- wait, no no no no! ARG"{wc} |
"The intercom goes dead as you hear a dull boom from somewhere overhead. You feel |
the room rumble for a moment before the door slides open. |
' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
sayDialog: {fileID: 0} |
portrait: {fileID: 0} |
voiceOverClip: {fileID: 0} |
showAlways: 1 |
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--- !u!114 &771014167 |
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chooseText: What do you want to say? |
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timeoutDuration: 0 |
--- !u!114 &771014171 |
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storyText: 'Time for a charm offensive. |
"How are you doing?" |
That seems to have taken him aback.{w=1} |
"Oh, em...I''m fine, thanks. Why do you ask?" |
"You just seem stressed. Upset, even. Is everything OK?" |
"Sure, I guess." |
{wc} |
"You guess? What''s wrong?" |
"Ah, it''s just my stupid boss, he was shouting at me this morning ''cause I keep |
making this mistake at work and apparently I''m on my last chance." |
You decide to pull at this thread. |
{wc}"That sounds rough. How come you keep making the same mistake?" |
"That nifty new voice recognition system we have is broken, it''s supposed to |
listen for trigger words, but the staff need to be careful what they say in case |
they cause something mad to happen." |
{wc} |
You make noises to show you''re listening. |
"It''s bad for us in the control room, sure, but the really dangerous stuff is |
with all the automated trucks. Very nasty business."' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
sayDialog: {fileID: 0} |
portrait: {fileID: 0} |
voiceOverClip: {fileID: 0} |
showAlways: 0 |
showCount: 1 |
--- !u!114 &771014172 |
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--- !u!114 &771014173 |
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storyText: '"Alright, but why am I here? Orientation for what?" |
"Your orientation will explain that tomorrow." |
You sigh deeply. |
"Why are you being so difficult? Please, just answer some of my questions." |
"Why are {i}you{/i} being so difficult? I''m just trying to do my job, here."' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
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--- !u!114 &771014175 |
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optionText: Ask where you are. |
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--- !u!114 &771014176 |
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--- !u!114 &771014177 |
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storyText: 'You decide to lead with an unambiguous question. |
"Where am I?" |
"Oh, well, that''s complicated, you''re underground in a facility that, well, |
you know what, never mind, like I said, it''ll all be covered at tomorrow''s orientation."' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
sayDialog: {fileID: 0} |
portrait: {fileID: 0} |
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--- !u!114 &771014183 |
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storyText: 'You approach the door, looking at it more closely in the bright light |
and you spot, very faint, the outline of a label on the smooth metal.{wi} |
It says {b}Door A147{/b}{w=1} |
This is an interesting development. |
"Open Door A147," you say. |
From the grille comes a smooth artificial voice. "Cannot comply, you do not have |
required clearance." |
There''s a pop and you hear a human throat being cleared. |
{wc} |
"Hello? What''s that going on down there?" |
You struggle for something to say. |
"Eh, what up?" |
Oh dear.{w=2} |
"What?" |
You decide to try again.{wc} |
"Em, hello. I''m just trying to figure out what''s going on." |
"Oh, well, that''ll all be covered in orientation tomorrow, just try to relax |
and remain calm until then."{wi}' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
sayDialog: {fileID: 0} |
portrait: {fileID: 0} |
voiceOverClip: {fileID: 0} |
showAlways: 1 |
showCount: 1 |
--- !u!114 &771014186 |
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storyText: The desk looks even cleaner and smoother in this light. There doesn't |
seem to be anything worth looking at. |
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storyText: '"Lights on!" |
The lights quickly fade up. You shield your eyes for a moment but you quickly |
adapt. Everything looks more or less the way it did, just, well, brighter.' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
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--- !u!114 &771014199 |
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storyText: 'The lamp looks like a futuristic version of a normal desk lamp. There''s |
a thin round base, a narrow stem and, at the top, a lampshade. Instead of a bulb, |
there''s a curved lens that sits almost seamlessly into the shade, as though it |
were all one solid piece.{wc} |
Even though it looks solid, you discover that the lamp will turn and bend, that |
the stem is flexible and fixable, but with no visible joins. |
You try to push on various parts of the metal, stroke it, tap it. You try clapping |
your hands. You wave your fingers in front of the lens that presumably lights |
up. |
Nothing.{wc} |
You sigh with frustration. |
"How am I supposed to turn this lamp on if ther-" |
You stop in your tracks. {w=0.2}The lamp turned on.{wi} |
Squinting in the sudden glare, you clear your throat and try again, cautiously. |
"Lamp off" |
The lamp switches off obediently.{wi} |
"Lamp on" |
The lamp switches back on, too bright again.{wc} |
"Lamp dim" |
The lamp dims to a more useable level.' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
sayDialog: {fileID: 0} |
portrait: {fileID: 0} |
voiceOverClip: {fileID: 0} |
showAlways: 1 |
showCount: 1 |
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storyText: 'You open the drawer and take out a thin sheaf of paper, no more than |
ten sheets. Each sheet is quite heavy for size, though it''s not particularly |
thick. It has a strange sheen to it visible even in this dim light.{wc} |
"I wonder why they''d give me paper without anything to write with." |
Your mouth drops as you see the word {b} With {/b} appear on the page as though |
written by hand. With trembling fingers you place the pages down on the desk. |
"Write this down." |
The words {b}this down{/b} appear after {b}With{/b}.' |
character: {fileID: 0} |
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chooseText: Underneath the lip of the desktop sit two drawers, one on either side. |
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timeoutDuration: 0 |
--- !u!114 &771014206 |
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storyText: The left drawer is as empty as your memories. |
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storyText: 'The desk is simple and sturdy, a little impersonal. The lamp looks like |
a solid piece of chrome and it''s currently switched off. ' |
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storyText: You sit up gingerly and swing your legs off the bed. The jumpsuit includes |
neat little slippers, and you don't feel any aches or pains. If anything, you're |
incredibly well-rested.{wc} You stretch out your arms and stand up. |
character: {fileID: 0} |
sayDialog: {fileID: 0} |
portrait: {fileID: 0} |
voiceOverClip: {fileID: 0} |
showAlways: 0 |
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--- !u!114 &771014218 |
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storyText: 'You shout out as loud as you can. |
"HELLO?" |
Nothing. |
Nothing.{wc} |
Weird.' |
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portrait: {fileID: 0} |
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--- !u!114 &771014220 |
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desk with a couple of drawers and a lamp. You\u2019re dressed in a light blue |
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