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Sprite commands


Fade Sprite

Fades a sprite to a target color over a period of time.

Defined in Fungus.FadeSprite

Property Type Description
Sprite Renderer UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer Sprite object to be faded
_duration Fungus.FloatData Length of time to perform the fade
_target Color Fungus.ColorData Target color to fade to. To only fade transparency level, set the color to white and set the alpha to required transparency.
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the fade has finished before executing the next command

Set Clickable 2D

Sets a Clickable2D component to be clickable / non-clickable.

Defined in Fungus.SetClickable2D

Property Type Description
Target Clickable2 D Fungus.Clickable2D Reference to Clickable2D component on a gameobject
Active State Fungus.BooleanData Set to true to enable the component

Set Collider

Sets all collider (2d or 3d) components on the target objects to be active / inactive

Defined in Fungus.SetCollider

Property Type Description
Target Objects System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject] A list of gameobjects containing collider components to be set active / inactive
Target Tag System.String All objects with this tag will have their collider set active / inactive
Active State Fungus.BooleanData Set to true to enable the collider components

Set Draggable 2D

Sets a Draggable2D component to be draggable / non-draggable.

Defined in Fungus.SetDraggable2D

Property Type Description
Target Draggable2 D Fungus.Draggable2D Reference to Draggable2D component on a gameobject
Active State Fungus.BooleanData Set to true to enable the component

Set Mouse Cursor

Sets the mouse cursor sprite.

Defined in Fungus.SetMouseCursor

Property Type Description
Cursor Texture UnityEngine.Texture2D Texture to use for cursor. Will use default mouse cursor if no sprite is specified
Hot Spot UnityEngine.Vector2 The offset from the top left of the texture to use as the target point

Set Sorting Layer

Sets the Renderer sorting layer of every child of a game object. Applies to all Renderers (including mesh, skinned mesh, and sprite).

Defined in Fungus.SetSortingLayer

Property Type Description
Target Object UnityEngine.GameObject Root Object that will have the Sorting Layer set. Any children will also be affected
Sorting Layer System.String The New Layer Name to apply

Set Sprite Order

Controls the render order of sprites by setting the Order In Layer property of a list of sprites.

Defined in Fungus.SetSpriteOrder

Property Type Description
Target Sprites System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer] List of sprites to set the order in layer property on
Order In Layer Fungus.IntegerData The order in layer value to set on the target sprites

Show Sprite

Makes a sprite visible / invisible by setting the color alpha.

Defined in Fungus.ShowSprite

Property Type Description
Sprite Renderer UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer Sprite object to be made visible / invisible
_visible Fungus.BooleanData Make the sprite visible or invisible
Affect Children System.Boolean Affect the visibility of child sprites