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Math commands
Provides a way for Fungus.FloatData to be used in conjunction with most of Mathf and more.
Sets the outValue to the be Absolute value of the inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Abs
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
Sets the outValue to the result of a clamp of value, between lower and upper.
Defined in Fungus.Clamp
Property | Type | Description |
mode | System.Enum | Clamp or Repeat or Pingpong. See Repeat and Pingpong for more details. |
lower | Fungus.FloatData | The lower bound of the clamp |
upper | Fungus.FloatData | The upper bound of the clamp |
value | Fungus.FloatData | The value to be clamped |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
Sets the outValue to the evaluation at inValue of the supplied animation curve. Useful for non linearly remapping values.
Defined in Fungus.Curve
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
curve | Unity.AnimationCurve | See AnimationCurve for more info. Defaults to a Linear 0,0, to 1,1 AnimationCurve. |
Sets the outValue to the be Exp (e^) value of the inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Exp
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
Sets the outValue to the be mutliplicative inverse of the inValue, 1 / inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Inv
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
Sets the outValue to the Calculates the inverse lerp, the percentage a value is between two others.
Defined in Fungus.InvLerp
Property | Type | Description |
clampResult | System.Boolean | Clamp percentage to 0-1? |
a | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the range |
b | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the range |
value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to determine precentage between a and b. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
Sets the outValue to the linear interpolation of a percentage between two other values.
Defined in Fungus.Lerp
Property | Type | Description |
mode | System.Enum | Lerp or LerpUnclamped or LerpAngle. See Lerp functions in Mathf for more details. |
a | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the range, default 0. |
b | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the range, default 1. |
percentage | Fungus.FloatData | percentage between a and b. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
Sets the outValue to the be Log or Ln of the inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Log
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | Base10 or Natural. Base10 is the standard Log, Natural log is often seen as Ln. |
Sets the outValue mapping of a value that currently exists between a set of numbers to another set of numbers. E.g. a value of 5 between 0 and 10, mapped to 0-20 would result in 10.
Does not clamp between ranges, use a Fungus.Clamp before or after this command for that if is desired.
Defined in Fungus.Map
Property | Type | Description |
initialRangeLower | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the initial range, default 0. |
initialRangeupper | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the initial range, default 1. |
value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be mapped from initial to new range. |
newRangeLower | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the new target range, default 0. |
newRangeUpper | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the new target range, default 1. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
Sets the outValue to minimum or the maximum of 2 given values.
Defined in Fungus.MinMax
Property | Type | Description |
function | System.Enum | Min or Max. |
inLHSValue | Fungus.FloatData | lhs given to min or max function. |
inRHSValue | Fungus.FloatData | rhs given to min or max function. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function min or max. |
Sets the outValue to the be addative inverse of the inValue, becomes -inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Neg
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
Sets the outValue to result of a base value rasied to an exponent. E.g. 2^5 2 is the base 5 is the exponent.
Defined in Fungus.Pow
Property | Type | Description |
baseValue | Fungus.FloatData | Base value. |
exponentValue | Fungus.FloatData | Exponent value |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the pow function. |
Sets the outValue to the Rounded result of inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Round
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | Round or Floor or Ceil. Round is closest whole number, Floor is the smaller whole number, Ceil is the larger whole number. |
Sets the outValue to the be mutliplicative sign of the inValue. -1 for negative number otherwise it is 1.
Defined in Fungus.Sign
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
Sets the outValue to the be square root of the inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Sqrt
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
Sets the outValue to the Rounded to Int result of inValue.
Defined in Fungus.ToInt
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.IntData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | RoundToInt or FloorToInt or CeilToInt. Round is closest integer, Floor is the smaller integer, Ceil is the larger integer. |
Sets the outValue to the of a trigonmetric function performed on inValue.
Defined in Fungus.Trig
Property | Type | Description |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.IntData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
function | System.Enum | Rad2Deg, Deg2Rad, ACos, ASin, ATan, Cos, Sin, Tan. Default is Sin. |