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MonoBehaviour Events
See Unity MonoBehaviour Messages for more context.
The block will execute on the selected OnAnimator messages from Unity.
Defined in Fungus.AnimatorState
Property | Type | Description |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnAnimatorIK, OnAnimatorMove. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
IKLayer | System.Int32 | IK layer to trigger on. Negative is all. |
The block will execute on the selected OnApplication messages from Unity.
Defined in Fungus.ApplicationState
Property | Type | Description |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnApplicationGetFocus, OnApplicationLoseFocus, OnApplicationPause, OnApplicationResume, OnApplicationQuit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the OnControllerColliderHit messages from Unity & tags pass tests.
Defined in Fungus.CharacterControllerCollide
Property | Type | Description |
tagFilter | System.String[] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
The block will execute on the OnCollision related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 3D physics system, see the collision detection occurs section for more info.
Defined in Fungus.Collision
Property | Type | Description |
tagFilter | System.String[] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the OnCollision related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 2D physics system, see the collision detection occurs section for more info.
Defined in Fungus.Collision2D
Property | Type | Description |
tagFilter | System.String[] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the selected OnMouse messages from Unity.
Defined in Fungus.Mouse
Property | Type | Description |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnMouseDown, OnMouseDrag, OnMouseEnter, OnMouseExit, OnMouseOver, OnMouseUp, OnMouseUpAsButton. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the OnParticle related messages from Unity & tags pass tests.
Defined in Fungus.Particle
Property | Type | Description |
tagFilter | System.String[] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnParticleCollision, OnParticleTrigger. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. OnParticleCollision uses the tag filter, OnParticleTrigger has no parameters provided by Unity. |
The block will execute on the selected On*Render messages from Unity.
Defined in Fungus.Render
Property | Type | Description |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnPostRender, OnPreCull, OnPreRender, OnRenderObject, OnWillRenderObject, OnBecameInvisible, OnBecameVisible. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the selected transform changed messages from Unity.
Defined in Fungus.TransformChanged
Property | Type | Description |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnTransformChildrenChanged, OnTransformParentChanged. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the OnTrigger related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 3D physics system, see the trigger messages sent upon section for more info.
Defined in Fungus.Trigger
Property | Type | Description |
tagFilter | System.String[] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the OnTrigger*2D related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 2D physics system, see the trigger messages sent upon section for more info.
Defined in Fungus.Trigger2D
Property | Type | Description |
tagFilter | System.String[] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
The block will execute on the selected update messages from Unity.
Defined in Fungus.UpdateTick
Property | Type | Description |
FireOn | System.Enum | Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |