7750 lines
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7750 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<doc> |
<assembly> |
<name>MoonSharp.Interpreter</name> |
</assembly> |
<members> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.CoroutineModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing coroutine Lua functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.BasicModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing basic Lua functions (print, type, tostring, etc) as a MoonSharp module. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.DebugModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing debug Lua functions. Support for the debug module is partial. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.DynamicModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing dynamic expression evaluations at runtime (a MoonSharp addition). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.ErrorHandlingModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing error handling Lua functions (pcall and xpcall) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IO.FileUserData"> |
<summary> |
Abstract class implementing a file Lua userdata. Methods are meant to be called by Lua code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IO.FileUserDataBase"> |
<summary> |
Abstract class implementing a file Lua userdata. Methods are meant to be called by Lua code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IO.StandardIOFileUserDataBase"> |
<summary> |
Abstract class implementing an unclosable file Lua userdata. Methods are meant to be called by Lua code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IO.StreamFileUserDataBase"> |
<summary> |
Abstract class implementing a file Lua userdata. Methods are meant to be called by Lua code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IO.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing userdata classes for the 'io' module |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IoModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing io Lua functions. Proper support requires a compatible IPlatformAccessor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.LoadModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing loading Lua functions like 'require', 'load', etc. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.Bit32Module"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing bit32 Lua functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.MathModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing math Lua functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.MetaTableModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing metatable related Lua functions (xxxmetatable and rawxxx). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.OsSystemModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing system related Lua functions from the 'os' module. |
Proper support requires a compatible IPlatformAccessor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.OsTimeModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing time related Lua functions from the 'os' module. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.StringModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing string Lua functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.TableIteratorsModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing table Lua iterators (pairs, ipairs, next) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.TableModule"> |
<summary> |
Class implementing table Lua functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.TableModule_Globals"> |
<summary> |
Class exposing table.unpack and table.pack in the global namespace (to work around the most common Lua 5.1 compatibility issue). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing the implementation of the Lua standard library, as MoonSharp modules. |
There's seldom the need to access these classes directly. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2"> |
<summary> |
A Dictionary where multiple values can be associated to the same key |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="K">The key type</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="V">The value type</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{`0})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="eqComparer">The equality comparer to use in the underlying dictionary.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.Add(`0,`1)"> |
<summary> |
Adds the specified key. Returns true if this is the first value for a given key |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.Find(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Finds all the values associated with the specified key. |
An empty collection is returned if not found. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.ContainsKey(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this contains the specified key |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.Keys"> |
<summary> |
Gets the keys. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.Clear"> |
<summary> |
Clears this instance. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.Remove(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the specified key and all its associated values from the multidictionary |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.MultiDictionary`2.RemoveValue(`0,`1)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the value. Returns true if the removed value was the last of a given key |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.ReferenceEqualityComparer"> |
<summary> |
Implementation of IEqualityComparer enforcing reference equality |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.FastStackDynamic`1"> |
<summary> |
A non preallocated, non_fixed size stack |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T"></typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2"> |
<summary> |
An index to accelerate operations on a LinkedList<typeparamref name="TValue"/> using a single key of type <typeparamref name="TKey"/> |
More than one LinkedListIndex can index the same linked list, but every node in the linked list must be indexed by one and only one |
LinkedListIndex object. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key. Must implement Equals and GetHashCode appropriately.</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="TValue">The type of the values contained in the linked list.</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList{`1})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="linkedList">The linked list to be indexed.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.Find(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Finds the node indexed by the specified key, or null. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.Set(`0,`1)"> |
<summary> |
Updates or creates a new node in the linked list, indexed by the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<returns>The previous value of the element</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.Add(`0,`1)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new node in the linked list, indexed by the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.Remove(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the specified key from the index, and the node indexed by the key from the linked list. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.ContainsKey(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the index contains the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.LinkedListIndex`2.Clear"> |
<summary> |
Clears this instance (removes all elements) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1"> |
<summary> |
Provides facility to create a "sliced" view over an existing IList<typeparamref name="T"/> |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type of the items contained in the collection</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{`0},System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="list">The list to apply the Slice view on</param> |
<param name="from">From which index</param> |
<param name="length">The length of the slice</param> |
<param name="reversed">if set to <c>true</c> the view is in reversed order.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Item(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the element at the specified index. |
</summary> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.From"> |
<summary> |
Gets the index from which the slice starts |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Count"> |
<summary> |
Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />. |
</summary> |
<returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Reversed"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1"/> operates in a reversed direction. |
</summary> |
<value> |
<c>true</c> if this <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1"/> operates in a reversed direction; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.CalcRealIndex(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Calculates the real index in the underlying collection |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.GetEnumerator"> |
<summary> |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> that can be used to iterate through the collection. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator"> |
<summary> |
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.ToArray"> |
<summary> |
Converts to an array. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.ToList"> |
<summary> |
Converts to an list. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.IndexOf(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Determines the index of a specific item in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />. |
</summary> |
<param name="item">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</param> |
<returns> |
The index of <paramref name="item" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Insert(System.Int32,`0)"> |
<summary> |
Inserts an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> at the specified index. |
</summary> |
<param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item" /> should be inserted.</param> |
<param name="item">The object to insert into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Slices are readonly</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.RemoveAt(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> item at the specified index. |
</summary> |
<param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Slices are readonly</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Add(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Adds an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />. |
</summary> |
<param name="item">The object to add to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Slices are readonly</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Clear"> |
<summary> |
Removes all items from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />. |
</summary> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Slices are readonly</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Contains(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> contains a specific value. |
</summary> |
<param name="item">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param> |
<returns> |
true if <paramref name="item" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />; otherwise, false. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Copies to. |
</summary> |
<param name="array">The array.</param> |
<param name="arrayIndex">Index of the array.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.IsReadOnly"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only. |
</summary> |
<returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.Slice`1.Remove(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />. |
</summary> |
<param name="item">The object to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param> |
<returns> |
true if <paramref name="item" /> was successfully removed from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if <paramref name="item" /> is not found in the original <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Slices are readonly</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs.FastStack`1"> |
<summary> |
A preallocated, non-resizable, stack |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T"></typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.ClosureContext"> |
<summary> |
The scope of a closure (container of upvalues) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.ClosureContext.Symbols"> |
<summary> |
Gets the symbols. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Marks a property as a configruation property |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute.Name"> |
<summary> |
The metamethod name (like '__div', '__ipairs', etc.) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name for this property</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Marks a method as the handler of metamethods of a userdata type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute.Name"> |
<summary> |
The metamethod name (like '__div', '__ipairs', etc.) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The metamethod name (like '__div', '__ipairs', etc.)</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpHideMemberAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Lists a userdata member not to be exposed to scripts referencing it by name. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpHideMemberAttribute.MemberName"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the member to be hidden. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpHideMemberAttribute.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpHideMemberAttribute"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="memberName">Name of the member to hide.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpHiddenAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Forces a class member visibility to scripts. Can be used to hide public members. Equivalent to MoonSharpVisible(false). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Base interface to describe access to members of a given type. |
While it's not infrastructural to implement custom type descriptors, it's needed for |
classes extending <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor"/>. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described member is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue"/> to be exposed to scripts. |
Implementors should raise exceptions if the value cannot be read or if access to an |
instance member through a static userdata is attempted. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<returns>The value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue"/>.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value of this member from a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue"/>. |
Implementors should raise exceptions if the value cannot be read or if access to an |
instance member through a static userdata is attempted. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Extension methods for <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor" /> and <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess"/> . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.HasAllFlags(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified MemberDescriptorAccess has ALL the specified flags. |
</summary> |
<param name="access">The access.</param> |
<param name="flag">The flag.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.CanRead(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance can be read |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The descriptor instance.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.CanWrite(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance can be written to |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The descriptor instance.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.CanExecute(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance can be executed (called as a function) |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The descriptor instance.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.GetGetterCallbackAsDynValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the getter of the member as a DynValue containing a callback |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The descriptor instance.</param> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.WithAccessOrNull(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess)"> |
<summary> |
Returns the specified descriptor if it supports all the specified access modes, otherwise returns null. |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The descriptor instance.</param> |
<param name="access">The access mode(s).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptor.CheckAccess(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Raises an appropriate ScriptRuntimeException if the specified access is not supported. |
Checks are made for the MemberDescriptorAccess permissions AND for the access of instance |
members through static userdatas. |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The desc.</param> |
<param name="access">The access.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object to be checked for access.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOptimizableDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Interface for descriptors of any kind which support optimizations of their implementation according to InteropAccessMode |
modes. This should seldom - if ever - be implemented in user code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOptimizableDescriptor.Optimize"> |
<summary> |
Called by standard descriptors when background optimization or preoptimization needs to be performed. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Specialized <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor"/> for members supporting overloads resolution. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor.Execute(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments)"> |
<summary> |
Invokes the member from script. |
Implementors should raise exceptions if the value cannot be executed or if access to an |
instance member through a static userdata is attempted. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor.ExtensionMethodType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type which this extension method extends, null if this is not an extension method. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor.Parameters"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of the arguments of the underlying CLR function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor.VarArgsArrayType"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating the type of the ParamArray parameter of a var-args function. If the function is not var-args, |
null is returned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor.VarArgsElementType"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating the type of the elements of the ParamArray parameter of a var-args function. If the function is not var-args, |
null is returned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor.SortDiscriminant"> |
<summary> |
Gets a sort discriminant to give consistent overload resolution matching in case of perfectly equal scores |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IWireableDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Interface for descriptors with the capability of being serialized |
for later hardwiring. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IWireableDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess"> |
<summary> |
Permissions for members access |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess.CanRead"> |
<summary> |
The member can be read from |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess.CanWrite"> |
<summary> |
The member can be written to |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.MemberDescriptorAccess.CanExecute"> |
<summary> |
The can be invoked |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Descriptor of parameters used in <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor"/> implementations. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the parameter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of the parameter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.HasDefaultValue"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has a default value. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.DefaultValue"> |
<summary> |
Gets the default value |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.IsOut"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an out parameter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.IsRef"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a "ref" parameter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.IsVarArgs"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a variable arguments param |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.HasBeenRestricted"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been restricted. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.OriginalType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the original type of the parameter before any restriction has been applied. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.m_OriginalType"> |
<summary> |
If the type got restricted, the original type before the restriction. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Object,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="hasDefaultValue">if set to <c>true</c> the parameter has default value.</param> |
<param name="defaultValue">The default value.</param> |
<param name="isOut">if set to <c>true</c>, is an out param.</param> |
<param name="isRef">if set to <c>true</c> is a ref param.</param> |
<param name="isVarArgs">if set to <c>true</c> is variable arguments param.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Object,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="hasDefaultValue">if set to <c>true</c> the parameter has default value.</param> |
<param name="defaultValue">The default value.</param> |
<param name="isOut">if set to <c>true</c>, is an out param.</param> |
<param name="isRef">if set to <c>true</c> is a ref param.</param> |
<param name="isVarArgs">if set to <c>true</c> is variable arguments param.</param> |
<param name="typeRestriction">The type restriction, or nll.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.#ctor(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="pi">A ParameterInfo taken from reflection.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.RestrictType(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Restricts the type of this parameter to a tighter constraint. |
Restrictions must be applied before the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor"/> containing this |
parameter is used in any way. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The new type.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException"> |
Cannot restrict a ref/out or varargs param |
or |
Specified operation is not a restriction |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
An abstract user data descriptor which accepts members described by <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor"/> objects and |
correctly dispatches to them. |
Metamethods are also by default dispatched to operator overloads and other similar methods - see |
<see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"/> . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.SPECIALNAME_INDEXER_GET"> |
<summary> |
The special name used by CLR for indexer getters |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.SPECIALNAME_INDEXER_SET"> |
<summary> |
The special name used by CLR for indexer setters |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.SPECIALNAME_CAST_EXPLICIT"> |
<summary> |
The special name used by CLR for explicit cast conversions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.SPECIALNAME_CAST_IMPLICIT"> |
<summary> |
The special name used by CLR for implicit cast conversions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the descriptor (usually, the name of the type described). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type this descriptor refers to |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.FriendlyName"> |
<summary> |
Gets a human readable friendly name of the descriptor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.#ctor(System.Type,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type this descriptor refers to.</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">A friendly name for the type, or null.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.AddMetaMember(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Adds a member to the meta-members list. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name of the metamethod.</param> |
<param name="desc">The desc.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> |
Thrown if a name conflict is detected and one of the conflicting members does not support overloads. |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.AddDynValue(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Adds a DynValue as a member |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.AddMember(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Adds a property to the member list |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="desc">The descriptor.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> |
Thrown if a name conflict is detected and one of the conflicting members does not support overloads. |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.MemberNames"> |
<summary> |
Gets the member names. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.Members"> |
<summary> |
Gets the members. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.FindMember(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Finds the member with a given name. If not found, null is returned. |
</summary> |
<param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.RemoveMember(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the member with a given name. In case of overloaded functions, all overloads are removed. |
</summary> |
<param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.MetaMemberNames"> |
<summary> |
Gets the meta member names. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.MetaMembers"> |
<summary> |
Gets the meta members. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.FindMetaMember(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Finds the meta member with a given name. If not found, null is returned. |
</summary> |
<param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.RemoveMetaMember(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Removes the meta member with a given name. In case of overloaded functions, all overloads are removed. |
</summary> |
<param name="memberName">Name of the member.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "get" operation. This tries to resolve minor variations of member names. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.TryIndexOnExtMethod(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to perform an indexing operation by checking newly added extension methods for the given indexName. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="indexName">Member name to be indexed.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.HasMember(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the descriptor contains the specified member (by exact name) |
</summary> |
<param name="exactName">Name of the member.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.HasMetaMember(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the descriptor contains the specified member in the meta list (by exact name) |
</summary> |
<param name="exactName">Name of the meta-member.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.TryIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to perform an indexing operation by checking methods and properties for the given indexName |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="indexName">Member name to be indexed.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "set" operation. This tries to resolve minor variations of member names. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.TrySetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to perform an indexing "set" operation by checking methods and properties for the given indexName |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="indexName">Member name to be indexed.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.Camelify(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified name from underscore_case to camelCase. |
Just a wrapper over the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers"/> method with the same name, |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.UpperFirstLetter(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified name to one with an uppercase first letter (something to Something). |
Just a wrapper over the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers"/> method with the same name, |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.AsString(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts this userdata to string |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.ExecuteIndexer(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Executes the specified indexer method. |
</summary> |
<param name="mdesc">The method descriptor</param> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="index">The indexer parameter</param> |
<param name="value">The dynvalue to set on a setter, or null.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. If a descriptor does not support this functionality, |
it should return "null" (not a nil). |
See <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)" /> for further details. |
If a method exists marked with <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute" /> for the specific |
metamethod requested, that method is returned. |
If the above fails, the following dispatching occur: |
__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __mod and __unm are dispatched to C# operator overloads (if they exist) |
__eq is dispatched to System.Object.Equals. |
__lt and __le are dispatched IComparable.Compare, if the type implements IComparable or IComparable{object} |
__len is dispatched to Length and Count properties, if those exist. |
__iterator is handled if the object implements IEnumerable or IEnumerator. |
__tonumber is dispatched to implicit or explicit conversion operators to standard numeric types. |
__tobool is dispatched to an implicit or explicit conversion operator to bool. If that fails, operator true is used. |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="metaname">The name of the metamember.</param> |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.DispatchingUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified object is compatible with the specified type. |
Unless a very specific behaviour is needed, the correct implementation is a |
simple " return type.IsInstanceOfType(obj); " |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.ClrToScriptConversions.TryObjectToSimpleDynValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to convert a CLR object to a MoonSharp value, using "simple" logic. |
Does NOT throw on failure. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.ClrToScriptConversions.ObjectToDynValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to convert a CLR object to a MoonSharp value, using more in-depth analysis |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.ClrToScriptConversions.EnumerationToDynValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts an IEnumerable or IEnumerator to a DynValue |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.NumericConversions"> |
<summary> |
Static functions to handle conversions of numeric types |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.NumericConversions.NumericTypes"> |
<summary> |
HashSet of numeric types |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.NumericConversions.NumericTypesOrdered"> |
<summary> |
Array of numeric types in order used for some conversions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.NumericConversions.DoubleToType(System.Type,System.Double)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a double to another type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.NumericConversions.TypeToDouble(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a type to double |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.ScriptToClrConversions.DynValueToObject(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a DynValue to a CLR object [simple conversion] |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.ScriptToClrConversions.DynValueToObjectOfType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Type,System.Object,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a DynValue to a CLR object of a specific type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.ScriptToClrConversions.DynValueToObjectOfTypeWeight(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Type,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a relative weight of how much the conversion is matching the given types. |
Implementation must follow that of DynValueToObjectOfType.. it's not very DRY in that sense. |
However here we are in perf-sensitive path.. TODO : double-check the gain and see if a DRY impl is better. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.ConvertIListToTable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Collections.IList)"> |
<summary> |
Converts an IList to a Lua table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.ConvertIDictionaryToTable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Collections.IDictionary)"> |
<summary> |
Converts an IDictionary to a Lua table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.CanConvertTableToType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified table can be converted to the specified type |
</summary> |
<param name="table">The table.</param> |
<param name="t">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.ConvertTableToType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a table to a CLR object of a given type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.ConvertTableToDictionaryOfGenericType(System.Type,System.Type,System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a table to a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2"/> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.ConvertTableToArrayOfGenericType(System.Type,System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a table to a T[] |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.ConvertTableToListOfGenericType(System.Type,System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a table to a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1"/> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.TableToList``1(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,``0})"> |
<summary> |
Converts a table to a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1"/>, known in advance |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters.TableConversions.TableToDictionary``2(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,``0},System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,``1})"> |
<summary> |
Converts a table to a Dictionary, known in advance |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection"> |
<summary> |
A collection of custom converters between MoonSharp types and CLR types. |
If a converter function is not specified or returns null, the standard conversion path applies. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.SetScriptToClrCustomConversion(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Type,System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Object})"> |
<summary> |
Sets a custom converter from a script data type to a CLR data type. Set null to remove a previous custom converter. |
</summary> |
<param name="scriptDataType">The script data type</param> |
<param name="clrDataType">The CLR data type.</param> |
<param name="converter">The converter, or null.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.GetScriptToClrCustomConversion(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a custom converter from a script data type to a CLR data type, or null |
</summary> |
<param name="scriptDataType">The script data type</param> |
<param name="clrDataType">The CLR data type.</param> |
<returns>The converter function, or null if not found</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.SetClrToScriptCustomConversion(System.Type,System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})"> |
<summary> |
Sets a custom converter from a CLR data type. Set null to remove a previous custom converter. |
</summary> |
<param name="clrDataType">The CLR data type.</param> |
<param name="converter">The converter, or null.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.SetClrToScriptCustomConversion``1(System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,``0,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})"> |
<summary> |
Sets a custom converter from a CLR data type. Set null to remove a previous custom converter. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The CLR data type.</typeparam> |
<param name="converter">The converter, or null.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.GetClrToScriptCustomConversion(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a custom converter from a CLR data type, or null |
</summary> |
<param name="clrDataType">Type of the color data.</param> |
<returns>The converter function, or null if not found</returns> |
</member> |
<!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.SetClrToScriptCustomConversion(System.Type,System.Func{System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})" --> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.SetClrToScriptCustomConversion``1(System.Func{``0,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})"> |
<summary> |
Sets a custom converter from a CLR data type. Set null to remove a previous custom converter. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The CLR data type.</typeparam> |
<param name="converter">The converter, or null.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CustomConvertersCollection.Clear"> |
<summary> |
Removes all converters. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers"> |
<summary> |
Helper extension methods used to simplify some parts of userdata descriptor implementations |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetVisibilityFromAttributes(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether a |
<see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MoonSharpVisibleAttribute" /> or a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpHiddenAttribute" /> is changing visibility of a member |
to scripts. |
</summary> |
<param name="mi">The member to check.</param> |
<returns> |
<c>true</c> if visibility is forced visible, |
<c>false</c> if visibility is forced hidden or the specified MemberInfo is null, |
<c>if no attribute was found</c> |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">If both MoonSharpHiddenAttribute and MoonSharpVisibleAttribute are specified and they convey different messages.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetClrVisibility(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the visibility of the type as a string |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetClrVisibility(System.Reflection.FieldInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a string representing visibility of the given member type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetClrVisibility(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a string representing visibility of the given member type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetClrVisibility(System.Reflection.MethodBase)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a string representing visibility of the given member type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.IsPropertyInfoPublic(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified PropertyInfo is visible publicly (either the getter or the setter is public). |
</summary> |
<param name="pi">The PropertyInfo.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetMetaNamesFromAttributes(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the list of metamethod names from attributes - in practice the list of metamethods declared through |
<see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute" /> . |
</summary> |
<param name="mi">The mi.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.SafeGetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the Types implemented in the assembly, catching the ReflectionTypeLoadException just in case.. |
</summary> |
<param name="asm">The assebly</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetConversionMethodName(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of a conversion method to be exposed to Lua scripts |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.GetAllImplementedTypes(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets all implemented types by a given type |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The t.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.IsValidSimpleIdentifier(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the string is a valid simple identifier (starts with letter or underscore |
and contains only letters, digits and underscores). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.ToValidSimpleIdentifier(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the string to a valid simple identifier (starts with letter or underscore |
and contains only letters, digits and underscores). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.Camelify(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified name from underscore_case to camelCase. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DescriptorHelpers.UpperFirstLetter(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified name to one with an uppercase first letter (something to Something). |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IGeneratorUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
An interface for type descriptors having the ability to generate other descriptors on the fly. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IGeneratorUserDataDescriptor.Generate(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Generates a new descriptor for the specified type. |
The purpose is to allow a mechanism by which a type descriptor can replace itself with another |
descriptor for a specific type. For example, descriptors can be created on the fly to support |
generic types through this mechanism. |
The return value should be: |
null - if this descriptor is simply skipped for the specified type |
this - acts as if the descriptor was a vanilla descriptor |
a new descriptor - if a new descriptor should be used in place of this one |
It's recommended that instances of descriptors are cached for future references. One possible way, |
to do the caching is to have the generator register the descriptor through <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"/>. |
In that case, it should query whether the type is exactly registered, through <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.IsTypeRegistered(System.Type)"/> |
NOTE-1 : the search for descriptors does NOT stop with the descriptor returned by this type, but |
other descriptors (e.g. for interfaces) might still be added. |
NOTE-2 : the descriptor generation mechanism is not triggered on an exact match of types. |
NOTE-3 : the method is called in the context of a lock over the descriptors registry so no unpredictable changes to the |
registry can come from other threads during the execution of this method. However this method should not take other |
locks, to avoid deadlocks. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns>Null, this object instance or a new descriptor.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1"> |
<summary> |
Utility class which may be used to set properties on an object of type T, from values contained in a Lua table. |
Properties must be decorated with the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute"/>. |
This is a generic version of <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner"/>. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type of the object.</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.#ctor(System.String[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="expectedMissingProperties">The expected missing properties, that is expected fields in the table with no corresponding property in the object.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.AddExpectedMissingProperty(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Adds an expected missing property, that is an expected field in the table with no corresponding property in the object. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.AssignObject(`0,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Assigns properties from tables to an object. |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="data">The table.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Object is null</exception> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">A field does not correspond to any property and that property is not one of the expected missing ones.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.GetTypeUnsafeAssigner"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type-unsafe assigner corresponding to this object. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.SetSubassignerForType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IPropertyTableAssigner)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the subassigner for the given type. Pass null to remove usage of subassigner for the given type. |
</summary> |
<param name="propertyType">Type of the property for which the subassigner will be used.</param> |
<param name="assigner">The property assigner.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.SetSubassigner``1(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner{``0})"> |
<summary> |
Sets the subassigner for the given type |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="SubassignerType">Type of the property for which the subassigner will be used.</typeparam> |
<param name="assigner">The property assigner.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1.MoonSharp#Interpreter#Interop#IPropertyTableAssigner#AssignObjectUnchecked(System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Assigns the properties of the specified object without checking the type. |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object.</param> |
<param name="data">The data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner"> |
<summary> |
Utility class which may be used to set properties on an object from values contained in a Lua table. |
Properties must be decorated with the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpPropertyAttribute"/>. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner`1"/> for a generic compile time type-safe version. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner.#ctor(System.Type,System.String[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type of the object.</param> |
<param name="expectedMissingProperties">The expected missing properties, that is expected fields in the table with no corresponding property in the object.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> |
Type cannot be a value type. |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner.AddExpectedMissingProperty(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Adds an expected missing property, that is an expected field in the table with no corresponding property in the object. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner.AssignObject(System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Assigns properties from tables to an object. |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="data">The table.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Object is null</exception> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The object is of an incompatible type.</exception> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">A field does not correspond to any property and that property is not one of the expected missing ones.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner.SetSubassignerForType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IPropertyTableAssigner)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the subassigner for the given type. Pass null to remove usage of subassigner for the given type. |
</summary> |
<param name="propertyType">Type of the property for which the subassigner will be used.</param> |
<param name="assigner">The property assigner.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyTableAssigner.MoonSharp#Interpreter#Interop#IPropertyTableAssigner#AssignObjectUnchecked(System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Assigns the properties of the specified object without checking the type. |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object.</param> |
<param name="data">The data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IPropertyTableAssigner"> |
<summary> |
Common interface for property assigners - basically used for sub-assigners |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IPropertyTableAssigner.AssignObjectUnchecked(System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Assigns the properties of the specified object without checking the type. |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object.</param> |
<param name="data">The data.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2"> |
<summary> |
Implementation of IProxyFactory taking two delegates for simple instancing of proxies. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="TProxy">The type of the proxy.</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target.</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2.#ctor(System.Func{`1,`0})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="wrapDelegate">The proxy.</param> |
<param name="unwrapDelegate">The deproxy.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2.CreateProxyObject(`1)"> |
<summary> |
Takes an instance of a target object and returns a proxy object wrapping it |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2.CreateProxyObject(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Takes an instance of a target object and returns a proxy object wrapping it |
</summary> |
<param name="o"></param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2.TargetType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the proxied type |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DelegateProxyFactory`2.ProxyType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the proxy type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory"> |
<summary> |
Interface for proxy objects (type unsafe version) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory.CreateProxyObject(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Takes an instance of a target object and returns a proxy object wrapping it |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory.TargetType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the proxied type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory.ProxyType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the proxy type |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory`2"> |
<summary> |
Interface for proxy objects (type safe version) |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="TProxy">The type of the proxy.</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target.</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory`2.CreateProxyObject(`1)"> |
<summary> |
Takes an instance of a target object and returns a proxy object wrapping it |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ReflectionSpecialNameType"> |
<summary> |
Helps identifying a reflection special name |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ReflectionSpecialName"> |
<summary> |
Class helping identifying special names found with reflection |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.AutomaticRegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
Similar to <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.DefaultRegistrationPolicy"/>, but with automatic type registration is disabled. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.AutomaticRegistrationPolicy.AllowTypeAutoRegistration(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Allows type automatic registration for the specified type. |
NOTE: automatic type registration is NOT recommended. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns> |
True to register the type automatically, false otherwise. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.DefaultRegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
The default registration policy used by MoonSharp unless explicitely replaced. |
Deregistrations are allowed, but registration of a new descriptor are not allowed |
if a descriptor is already registered for that type. |
Automatic type registration is disabled. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.DefaultRegistrationPolicy.HandleRegistration(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Called to handle the registration or deregistration of a type descriptor. Must return the type descriptor to be registered, or null to remove the registration. |
</summary> |
<param name="newDescriptor">The new descriptor, or null if this is a deregistration.</param> |
<param name="oldDescriptor">The old descriptor, or null if no descriptor was previously registered for this type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.DefaultRegistrationPolicy.AllowTypeAutoRegistration(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Allows type automatic registration for the specified type. |
NOTE: automatic type registration is NOT recommended. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns> |
True to register the type automatically, false otherwise. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.PermanentRegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
A registration policy which makes registration permanent and not deletable. |
Deregistrations are not allowed and registrations of a new descriptor are not allowed |
if a descriptor is already registered for that type. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.PermanentRegistrationPolicy.HandleRegistration(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Called to handle the registration or deregistration of a type descriptor. Must return the type descriptor to be registered, or null to remove the registration. |
</summary> |
<param name="newDescriptor">The new descriptor, or null if this is a deregistration.</param> |
<param name="oldDescriptor">The old descriptor, or null if no descriptor was previously registered for this type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.PermanentRegistrationPolicy.AllowTypeAutoRegistration(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Allows type automatic registration for the specified type. |
NOTE: automatic type registration is NOT recommended. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns> |
True to register the type automatically, false otherwise. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.IRegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
Interface for managing how to handle |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.IRegistrationPolicy.HandleRegistration(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Called to handle the registration or deregistration of a type descriptor. Must return the type descriptor to be registered, or null to remove the registration. |
</summary> |
<param name="newDescriptor">The new descriptor, or null if this is a deregistration.</param> |
<param name="oldDescriptor">The old descriptor, or null if no descriptor was previously registered for this type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.IRegistrationPolicy.AllowTypeAutoRegistration(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Allows type automatic registration for the specified type. |
NOTE: automatic type registration is NOT recommended. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns>True to register the type automatically, false otherwise.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ArrayMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Member descriptor for indexer of array types |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ArrayMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ArrayMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="isSetter">if set to <c>true</c> is a setter indexer.</param> |
<param name="indexerParams">The indexer parameters.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ArrayMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ArrayMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="isSetter">if set to <c>true</c> [is setter].</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ArrayMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Data descriptor used for proxy objects |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.InnerDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Gets the descriptor which describes the proxy object |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the descriptor (usually, the name of the type described). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type this descriptor refers to |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.Proxy(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Proxies the specified object. |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "get" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "set" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.AsString(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts this userdata to string |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. If a descriptor does not support this functionality, |
it should return "null" (not a nil). |
These standard metamethods can be supported (the return value should be a function accepting the |
classic parameters of the corresponding metamethod): |
__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __div, __pow, __unm, __eq, __lt, __le, __lt, __len, __concat, |
__pairs, __ipairs, __iterator, __call |
These standard metamethods are supported through other calls for efficiency: |
__index, __newindex, __tostring |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="metaname">The name of the metamember.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ProxyUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified object is compatible with the specified type. |
Unless a very specific behaviour is needed, the correct implementation is a |
simple " return type.IsInstanceOfType(obj); " |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Member descriptor which allows to define new members which behave similarly to class instance members |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
A new member descriptor is defined, which is a function taking no parameters and returning void, doing nothing. |
</summary> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,System.Object})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
The function described by descriptors created by this callback are defined as if they take no parameters |
and thus don't support overload resolution well (unless they really take no parameters) but can freely be |
used if no overload resolution is required. |
</summary> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<param name="callBack">The callback function.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,System.Object},MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
Members defined with this constructor will support overload resolution. |
</summary> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<param name="callBack">The call back.</param> |
<param name="parameters">The parameters.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ObjectCallbackMemberDescriptor.Execute(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments)"> |
<summary> |
The internal callback which actually executes the method |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase"> |
<summary> |
Class providing easier marshalling of CLR functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described method is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the described method |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.SortDiscriminant"> |
<summary> |
Gets a sort discriminant to give consistent overload resolution matching in case of perfectly equal scores |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.Parameters"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of the arguments of the underlying CLR function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.ExtensionMethodType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type which this extension method extends, null if this is not an extension method. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.VarArgsArrayType"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating the type of the ParamArray parameter of a var-args function. If the function is not var-args, |
null is returned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.VarArgsElementType"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating the type of the elements of the ParamArray parameter of a var-args function. If the function is not var-args, |
null is returned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.Initialize(System.String,System.Boolean,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.ParameterDescriptor[],System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes this instance. |
This *MUST* be called by the constructors extending this class to complete initialization. |
</summary> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<param name="isStatic">if set to <c>true</c> [is static].</param> |
<param name="parameters">The parameters.</param> |
<param name="isExtensionMethod">if set to <c>true</c> [is extension method].</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.GetCallback(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a callback function as a delegate |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script for which the callback must be generated.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null for static).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.GetCallbackFunction(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the callback function. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script for which the callback must be generated.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null for static).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.GetCallbackAsDynValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the callback function as a DynValue. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script for which the callback must be generated.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null for static).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.CreateCallbackDynValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a callback DynValue starting from a MethodInfo. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="mi">The mi.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.BuildArgumentList(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Int32}@)"> |
<summary> |
Builds the argument list. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<param name="outParams">Output: A list containing the indices of all "out" parameters, or null if no out parameters are specified.</param> |
<returns>The arguments, appropriately converted.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.BuildReturnValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Int32},System.Object[],System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Builds the return value of a call |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="outParams">The out parameters indices, or null. See <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.BuildArgumentList(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Int32}@)" />.</param> |
<param name="pars">The parameters passed to the function.</param> |
<param name="retv">The return value from the function. Use DynValue.Void if the function returned no value.</param> |
<returns>A DynValue to be returned to scripts</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.Execute(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments)"> |
<summary> |
The internal callback which actually executes the method |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" /> to be exposed to scripts. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<returns> |
The value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FunctionMemberDescriptorBase.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="v">The v.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Standard descriptor for Enum values |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.UnderlyingType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the underlying type of the enum. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.IsUnsigned"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether underlying type of the enum is unsigned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.IsFlags"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance describes a flags enumeration. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.#ctor(System.Type,System.String,System.String[],System.Object[],System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="enumType">Type of the enum.</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">Name of the friendly.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">enumType must be an enum!</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.FillMemberList(System.String[],System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Fills the member list. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.AddEnumMethod(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Adds an enum method to the object |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="dynValue">The dyn value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.GetValueSigned(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of the enum as a long |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.GetValueUnsigned(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of the enum as a ulong |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.CreateValueSigned(System.Int64)"> |
<summary> |
Creates an enum value from a long |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.CreateValueUnsigned(System.UInt64)"> |
<summary> |
Creates an enum value from a ulong |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.CreateSignedConversionFunctions"> |
<summary> |
Creates conversion functions for signed enums |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.CreateUnsignedConversionFunctions"> |
<summary> |
Creates conversion functions for unsigned enums |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified object is compatible with the specified type. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardEnumUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. |
In this specific case, only the concat operator is supported, only on flags enums and it implements the |
'or' operator. |
</summary> |
<param name="script"></param> |
<param name="obj"></param> |
<param name="metaname"></param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing a simple descriptor for constant DynValues in userdata |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="serializedTableValue">A string containing a table whose first member is the dynvalue to be deserialized (convoluted...).</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described member is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.Value"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value wrapped by this descriptor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" /> to be exposed to scripts. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<returns> |
The value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value of this member from a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set.</param> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">userdata '{0}' cannot be written to.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.DynValueMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing easier marshalling of CLR events. Handling is limited to a narrow range of handler signatures, which, |
however, covers in practice most of all available events. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.MAX_ARGS_IN_DELEGATE"> |
<summary> |
The maximum number of arguments supported in an event handler delegate |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.TryCreateIfVisible(System.Reflection.EventInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to create a new StandardUserDataEventDescriptor, returning <c>null</c> in case the method is not |
visible to script code. |
</summary> |
<param name="ei">The EventInfo.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /></param> |
<returns>A new StandardUserDataEventDescriptor or null.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.CheckEventIsCompatible(System.Reflection.EventInfo,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if the event is compatible with a standard descriptor |
</summary> |
<param name="ei">The EventInfo.</param> |
<param name="throwException">if set to <c>true</c> an exception with the proper error message is thrown if not compatible.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> |
Thrown if throwException is <c>true</c> and one of this applies: |
The event is declared in a value type |
or |
The event does not have both add and remove methods |
or |
The event handler type doesn't implement a public Invoke method |
or |
The event handler has a return type which is not System.Void |
or |
The event handler has more than MAX_ARGS_IN_DELEGATE parameters |
or |
The event handler has a value type parameter or a by ref parameter |
or |
The event handler signature is not a valid method according to <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.CheckMethodIsCompatible(System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.Boolean)"/> |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.Reflection.EventInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="ei">The ei.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.EventInfo"> |
<summary> |
Gets the EventInfo object of the event described by this descriptor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the event described by this descriptor is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a dynvalue which is a facade supporting add/remove methods which is callable from scripts |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object for which the facade should be written.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EventMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="v">The v.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing easier marshalling of overloaded CLR functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.OverloadableMemberDescriptorComparer"> |
<summary> |
Comparer class for IOverloadableMemberDescriptor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.IgnoreExtensionMethods"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance ignores extension methods. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="declaringType">The declaring type.</param> |
<param name="descriptor">The descriptor of the first overloaded method.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,System.Type,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="declaringType">The declaring type.</param> |
<param name="descriptors">The descriptors of the overloaded methods.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.SetExtensionMethodsSnapshot(System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor})"> |
<summary> |
Sets the extension methods snapshot. |
</summary> |
<param name="version">The version.</param> |
<param name="extMethods">The ext methods.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the first described overload |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.DeclaringType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the first described overload |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.AddOverload(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Adds an overload. |
</summary> |
<param name="overload">The overload.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.OverloadCount"> |
<summary> |
Gets the number of overloaded methods contained in this collection |
</summary> |
<value> |
The overload count. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.PerformOverloadedCall(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments)"> |
<summary> |
Performs the overloaded call. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">function call doesn't match any overload</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.CalcScoreForOverload(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IOverloadableMemberDescriptor,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Calculates the score for the overload. |
</summary> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<param name="method">The method.</param> |
<param name="isExtMethod">if set to <c>true</c>, is an extension method.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.GetCallback(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a callback function as a delegate |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script for which the callback must be generated.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null for static).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.GetCallbackFunction(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the callback function. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script for which the callback must be generated.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null for static).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether there is at least one static method in the resolution list |
</summary> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" /> to be exposed to scripts. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<returns> |
The value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value of this member from a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.OverloadedMethodMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing easier marshalling of CLR fields |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.FieldInfo"> |
<summary> |
Gets the FieldInfo got by reflection |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.AccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described property is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the property |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.IsConst"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a constant |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.IsReadonly"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is readonly |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.TryCreateIfVisible(System.Reflection.FieldInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to create a new StandardUserDataFieldDescriptor, returning <c>null</c> in case the field is not |
visible to script code. |
</summary> |
<param name="fi">The FieldInfo.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /></param> |
<returns>A new StandardUserDataFieldDescriptor or null.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.Reflection.FieldInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="fi">The FieldInfo.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /> </param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of the property |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value of the property |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="v">The value to set.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.FieldMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Member descriptor for the default constructor of value types. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described method is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the described method |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.ValueTypeDefaultCtor"> |
<summary> |
This property is equal to the value type to be constructed. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.Parameters"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of the arguments of the underlying CLR function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.ExtensionMethodType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type which this extension method extends, null if this is not an extension method. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.VarArgsArrayType"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating the type of the ParamArray parameter of a var-args function. If the function is not var-args, |
null is returned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.VarArgsElementType"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating the type of the elements of the ParamArray parameter of a var-args function. If the function is not var-args, |
null is returned. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the |
<see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor" /> class |
representing the default empty ctor for a value type. |
</summary> |
<param name="valueType">Type of the value.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">valueType is not a value type</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.Execute(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments)"> |
<summary> |
Invokes the member from script. |
Implementors should raise exceptions if the value cannot be executed or if access to an |
instance member through a static userdata is attempted. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.SortDiscriminant"> |
<summary> |
Gets a sort discriminant to give consistent overload resolution matching in case of perfectly equal scores |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of this member as a |
<see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" /> to be exposed to scripts. |
Implementors should raise exceptions if the value cannot be read or if access to an |
instance member through a static userdata is attempted. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<returns> |
The value of this member as a <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value of this member from a |
<see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" />. |
Implementors should raise exceptions if the value cannot be read or if access to an |
instance member through a static userdata is attempted. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object owning this member, or null if static.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.ValueTypeDefaultCtorMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Standard user data descriptor used to instantiate generics. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.AccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets the interop access mode this descriptor uses for members access |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.#ctor(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type this descriptor refers to.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The interop access mode this descriptor uses for members access</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.Name"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.Type"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.AsString(System.Object)"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardGenericsUserDataDescriptor.Generate(System.Type)"> |
<inheritdoc/> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.ExtensionMethodsRegistry"> |
<summary> |
Registry of all extension methods. Use UserData statics to access these. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.ExtensionMethodsRegistry.RegisterExtensionType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Registers an extension Type (that is a type containing extension methods) |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="mode">The InteropAccessMode.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.ExtensionMethodsRegistry.GetExtensionMethodsByName(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets all the extension methods which can match a given name |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.ExtensionMethodsRegistry.GetExtensionMethodsChangeVersion"> |
<summary> |
Gets a number which gets incremented everytime the extension methods registry changes. |
Use this to invalidate caches based on extension methods |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.ExtensionMethodsRegistry.GetExtensionMethodsByNameAndType(System.String,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets all the extension methods which can match a given name and extending a given Type |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="extendedType">The extended type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry"> |
<summary> |
Registry of all type descriptors. Use UserData statics to access these. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Registers all types marked with a MoonSharpUserDataAttribute that ar contained in an assembly. |
</summary> |
<param name="asm">The assembly.</param> |
<param name="includeExtensionTypes">if set to <c>true</c> extension types are registered to the appropriate registry.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.IsTypeRegistered(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified type is registered. Note that this should be used only to check if a descriptor |
has been registered EXACTLY. For many types a descriptor can still be created, for example through the descriptor |
of a base type or implemented interfaces. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.UnregisterType(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Unregisters a type. |
WARNING: unregistering types at runtime is a dangerous practice and may cause unwanted errors. |
Use this only for testing purposes or to re-register the same type in a slightly different way. |
Additionally, it's a good practice to discard all previous loaded scripts after calling this method. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The The type to be unregistered</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.DefaultAccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the default access mode to be used in the whole application |
</summary> |
<value> |
The default access mode. |
</value> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">InteropAccessMode is InteropAccessMode.Default</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterProxyType_Impl(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a proxy type. |
</summary> |
<param name="proxyFactory">The proxy factory.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">Name of the friendly.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterType_Impl(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a type |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode (used only if a default type descriptor is created).</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">Friendly name of the descriptor.</param> |
<param name="descriptor">The descriptor, or null to use a default one.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.ResolveDefaultAccessModeForType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Resolves the default type of the access mode for the given type |
</summary> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.GetDescriptorForType(System.Type,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the best possible type descriptor for a specified CLR type. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The CLR type for which the descriptor is desired.</param> |
<param name="searchInterfaces">if set to <c>true</c> interfaces are used in the search.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.IsTypeBlacklisted(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified type is blacklisted. |
Blacklisted types CANNOT be registered using default descriptors but they can still be registered |
with custom descriptors. Forcing registration of blacklisted types in this way can introduce |
side effects. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The t.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisteredTypes"> |
<summary> |
Gets the list of registered types. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The registered types. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisteredTypesHistory"> |
<summary> |
Gets the list of registered types, including unregistered types. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The registered types. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries.TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the registration policy. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.InteropRegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
Collection of the standard policies to handle UserData type registrations. |
Provided mostly for compile-time backward compatibility with old code. |
See also : <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies.IRegistrationPolicy"/> . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.InteropRegistrationPolicy.Default"> |
<summary> |
The default registration policy used by MoonSharp unless explicitely replaced. |
Deregistrations are allowed, but registration of a new descriptor are not allowed |
if a descriptor is already registered for that type. |
Types must be explicitly registered. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.InteropRegistrationPolicy.Explicit"> |
<summary> |
The default registration policy used by MoonSharp unless explicitely replaced. |
Deregistrations are allowed, but registration of a new descriptor are not allowed |
if a descriptor is already registered for that type. |
Types must be explicitly registered. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.InteropRegistrationPolicy.Automatic"> |
<summary> |
Types are automatically registered if not found in the registry. This is easier to use but potentially unsafe. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataType"> |
<summary> |
As a convenience, every type deriving from IUserDataType is "self-described". That is, no descriptor is needed/generated |
and the object itself is used to describe the type for interop. See also <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData"/>, <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor"/> |
and <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor"/> . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataType.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "get" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataType.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "set" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataType.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. If a descriptor does not support this functionality, |
it should return "null" (not a nil). |
These standard metamethods can be supported (the return value should be a function accepting the |
classic parameters of the corresponding metamethod): |
__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __div, __pow, __unm, __eq, __lt, __le, __lt, __len, __concat, |
__pairs, __ipairs, __iterator, __call |
These standard metamethods are supported through other calls for efficiency: |
__index, __newindex, __tostring |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="metaname">The name of the metamember.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper"> |
<summary> |
Internal type used by <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1"/> for registration |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1"> |
<summary> |
Wrapper which allows for easier management of userdata without registering a new userdata type - useful |
if a type which is not exposed to scripts but can be managed as a "black box" by scripts is desired. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type to wrap</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1.#ctor(`0)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The o.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.AnonWrapper`1.Value"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the value this instance wraps. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Interface used by MoonSharp to access objects of a given type from scripts. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the descriptor (usually, the name of the type described). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type this descriptor refers to |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "get" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "set" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.AsString(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts this userdata to string |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. If a descriptor does not support this functionality, |
it should return "null" (not a nil). |
These standard metamethods can be supported (the return value should be a function accepting the |
classic parameters of the corresponding metamethod): |
__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __div, __pow, __unm, __eq, __lt, __le, __lt, __len, __concat, |
__pairs, __ipairs, __iterator, __call |
These standard metamethods are supported through other calls for efficiency: |
__index, __newindex, __tostring |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="metaname">The name of the metamember.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified object is compatible with the specified type. |
Unless a very specific behaviour is needed, the correct implementation is a |
simple " return type.IsInstanceOfType(obj); " |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.LuaBase"> |
<summary> |
Classes using the classic interface should inherit from this class. |
This class defines only static methods and is really meant to be used only |
from C# and not other .NET languages. |
For easier operation they should also define: |
using ptrdiff_t = System.Int32; |
using lua_Integer = System.Int32; |
using LUA_INTFRM_T = System.Int64; |
using UNSIGNED_LUA_INTFRM_T = System.UInt64; |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.LuaBase.LuaCall(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.LuaState,System.Int32,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Calls a function. |
To call a function you must use the following protocol: first, the function to be called is pushed onto the stack; then, |
the arguments to the function are pushed in direct order; that is, the first argument is pushed first. Finally you call |
lua_call; nargs is the number of arguments that you pushed onto the stack. All arguments and the function value are |
popped from the stack when the function is called. The function results are pushed onto the stack when the function |
returns. The number of results is adjusted to nresults, unless nresults is LUA_MULTRET. In this case, all results from |
the function are pushed. Lua takes care that the returned values fit into the stack space. The function results are |
pushed onto the stack in direct order (the first result is pushed first), so that after the call the last result is on |
the top of the stack. |
</summary> |
<param name="L">The LuaState</param> |
<param name="nargs">The number of arguments.</param> |
<param name="nresults">The number of expected results.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.Tools.IsNumericType(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified value is of numeric type. |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object to check.</param> |
<returns> |
<c>true</c> if o is a numeric type; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.Tools.IsPositive(System.Object,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified value is positive. |
</summary> |
<param name="Value">The value.</param> |
<param name="ZeroIsPositive">if set to <c>true</c> treats 0 as positive.</param> |
<returns> |
<c>true</c> if the specified value is positive; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.Tools.ToUnsigned(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified values boxed type to its correpsonding unsigned |
type. |
</summary> |
<param name="Value">The value.</param> |
<returns>A boxed numeric object whos type is unsigned.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.Tools.ToInteger(System.Object,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified values boxed type to its correpsonding integer |
type. |
</summary> |
<param name="Value">The value.</param> |
<param name="Round">if set to <c>true</c> [round].</param> |
<returns> |
A boxed numeric object whos type is an integer type. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.Tools.ReplaceMetaChars(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Replaces the string representations of meta chars with their corresponding |
character values. |
</summary> |
<param name="input">The input.</param> |
<returns>A string with all string meta chars are replaced</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.LuaState"> |
<summary> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing classes used to provide a minimal support for porting code based on the classic |
"LuaState" model (e.g. code based on KopiLua, UniLua or Lua itself). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.EnumerableWrapper"> |
<summary> |
Wrappers for enumerables as return types |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MoonSharpVisibleAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Forces a class member visibility to scripts. Can be used to hide public members or to expose non-public ones. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MoonSharpVisibleAttribute.Visible"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MoonSharpVisibleAttribute"/> is set to "visible". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MoonSharpVisibleAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MoonSharpVisibleAttribute"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="visible">if set to true the member will be exposed to scripts, if false the member will be hidden.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
A user data descriptor which aggregates multiple descriptors and tries dispatching members |
on them, in order. |
Used, for example, for objects implementing multiple interfaces but for which no descriptor is |
specifically registered. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor},System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="descriptors">The descriptors.</param> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.Descriptors"> |
<summary> |
Gets the descriptors aggregated by this object, allowing changes to the descriptor list |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the descriptor (usually, the name of the type described). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type this descriptor refers to |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "get" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "set" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.AsString(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts this userdata to string |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. If a descriptor does not support this functionality, |
it should return "null" (not a nil). |
These standard metamethods can be supported (the return value should be a function accepting the |
classic parameters of the corresponding metamethod): |
__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __div, __pow, __unm, __eq, __lt, __le, __lt, __len, __concat, |
__pairs, __ipairs, __iterator, __call |
These standard metamethods are supported through other calls for efficiency: |
__index, __newindex, __tostring |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="metaname">The name of the metamember.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.CompositeUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified object is compatible with the specified type. |
Unless a very specific behaviour is needed, the correct implementation is a |
simple " return type.IsInstanceOfType(obj); " |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Standard descriptor for userdata types. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor.AccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets the interop access mode this descriptor uses for members access |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor.#ctor(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type this descriptor refers to.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The interop access mode this descriptor uses for members access</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">A human readable friendly name of the descriptor.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardUserDataDescriptor.FillMemberList"> |
<summary> |
Fills the member list. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing easier marshalling of CLR functions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.MethodInfo"> |
<summary> |
Gets the method information (can be a MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.AccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets the access mode used for interop |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.IsConstructor"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described method is a constructor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.Reflection.MethodBase,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="methodBase">The MethodBase (MethodInfo or ConstructorInfo) got through reflection.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The interop access mode.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Invalid accessMode</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.TryCreateIfVisible(System.Reflection.MethodBase,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to create a new MethodMemberDescriptor, returning |
<c>null</c> in case the method is not |
visible to script code. |
</summary> |
<param name="methodBase">The MethodBase.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /></param> |
<param name="forceVisibility">if set to <c>true</c> forces visibility.</param> |
<returns> |
A new MethodMemberDescriptor or null. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.CheckMethodIsCompatible(System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if the method is compatible with a standard descriptor |
</summary> |
<param name="methodBase">The MethodBase.</param> |
<param name="throwException">if set to <c>true</c> an exception with the proper error message is thrown if not compatible.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> |
Thrown if throwException is <c>true</c> and one of this applies: |
The method contains unresolved generic parameters, or has an unresolved generic return type |
or |
The method contains pointer parameters, or has a pointer return type |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.Execute(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments)"> |
<summary> |
The internal callback which actually executes the method |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.MoonSharp#Interpreter#Interop#BasicDescriptors#IOptimizableDescriptor#Optimize"> |
<summary> |
Called by standard descriptors when background optimization or preoptimization needs to be performed. |
</summary> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InternalErrorException">Out/Ref params cannot be precompiled.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.MethodMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing easier marshalling of CLR properties |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.PropertyInfo"> |
<summary> |
Gets the PropertyInfo got by reflection |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.AccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.IsStatic"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether the described property is static. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the property |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.CanRead"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be read from |
</summary> |
<value> |
<c>true</c> if this instance can be read from; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.CanWrite"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be written to. |
</summary> |
<value> |
<c>true</c> if this instance can be written to; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.TryCreateIfVisible(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to create a new StandardUserDataPropertyDescriptor, returning <c>null</c> in case the property is not |
visible to script code. |
</summary> |
<param name="pi">The PropertyInfo.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /></param> |
<returns>A new StandardUserDataPropertyDescriptor or null.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor"/> class. |
NOTE: This constructor gives get/set visibility based exclusively on the CLR visibility of the |
getter and setter methods. |
</summary> |
<param name="pi">The pi.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.#ctor(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Reflection.MethodInfo)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="pi">The PropertyInfo.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode" /></param> |
<param name="getter">The getter method. Use null to make the property writeonly.</param> |
<param name="setter">The setter method. Use null to make the property readonly.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.GetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of the property |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.SetValue(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value of the property |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<param name="v">The value to set.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.MemberAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets the types of access supported by this member |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.MoonSharp#Interpreter#Interop#BasicDescriptors#IOptimizableDescriptor#Optimize"> |
<summary> |
Called by standard descriptors when background optimization or preoptimization needs to be performed. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.PropertyMemberDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Prepares the descriptor for hard-wiring. |
The descriptor fills the passed table with all the needed data for hardwire generators to generate the appropriate code. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The table to be filled</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing classes used to customize and support advanced interoperations between |
scripts and CLR code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.IO.BinDumpBinaryReader"> |
<summary> |
"Optimized" BinaryReader which shares strings and use a dumb compression for integers |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.IO.BinDumpBinaryWriter"> |
<summary> |
"Optimized" BinaryWriter which shares strings and use a dumb compression for integers |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.IO.UndisposableStream"> |
<summary> |
An adapter over Stream which bypasses the Dispose and Close methods. |
Used to work around the pesky wrappers .NET has over Stream (BinaryReader, StreamWriter, etc.) which think they |
own the Stream and close them when they shouldn't. Damn. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptFunctionDelegate"> |
<summary> |
A Delegate type which can wrap a script function |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns>The return value of the script function</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptFunctionDelegate`1"> |
<summary> |
A Delegate type which can wrap a script function with a generic typed return value |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T"></typeparam> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns>The return value of the script function</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags"> |
<summary> |
Flags to alter the way the DynValue.CheckType and other related functions operate on data types for |
validation. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags.None"> |
<summary> |
No type validation specific behaviour |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags.AllowNil"> |
<summary> |
Nil and Void values are allowed (and returned by the call) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags.AutoConvert"> |
<summary> |
Simple autoconversions are attempted: |
1) Numbers are convertible to strings |
2) Strings are convertible to numbers if they contain a number |
3) Everything is convertible to boolean (with void and nil converting to 'false', everything else converting to 'true') |
Note: if both AutoConvert and AllowNil are specified, nils will NOT be converted to false booleans. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags.Default"> |
<summary> |
The default : Autoconverting values, no nils. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpressionException"> |
<summary> |
Exception thrown when a dynamic expression is invalid |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpressionException.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpressionException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="format">The format.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpressionException.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpressionException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="message">The message.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression"> |
<summary> |
Represents a dynamic expression in the script |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.ExpressionCode"> |
<summary> |
The code which generated this expression |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.Evaluate(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext)"> |
<summary> |
Evaluates the expression |
</summary> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.FindSymbol(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext)"> |
<summary> |
Finds a symbol in the expression |
</summary> |
<param name="context">The context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this resource. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The script owning this resource. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.IsConstant"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance is a constant expression |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.GetHashCode"> |
<summary> |
Returns a hash code for this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynamicExpression.Equals(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Object" />, is equal to this instance. |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to compare with this instance.</param> |
<returns> |
<c>true</c> if the specified <see cref="T:System.Object" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Extension_Methods"> |
<summary> |
Extension methods used in the whole project. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Extension_Methods.GetOrDefault``2(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{``0,``1},``0)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value from the dictionary or returns the default value |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key.</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="TValue">The type of the value.</typeparam> |
<param name="dictionary">The dictionary.</param> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Extension_Methods.GetOrCreate``2(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{``0,``1},``0,System.Func{``1})"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value from the dictionary or creates it |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key.</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="TValue">The type of the value.</typeparam> |
<param name="dictionary">The dictionary.</param> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="creator">A function which will create the value if it doesn't exist.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine"> |
<summary> |
A class representing a script coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.CoroutineType"> |
<summary> |
Possible types of coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.CoroutineType.Coroutine"> |
<summary> |
A valid coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.CoroutineType.ClrCallback"> |
<summary> |
A CLR callback assigned to a coroutine. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.CoroutineType.ClrCallbackDead"> |
<summary> |
A CLR callback assigned to a coroutine and already executed. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.AsTypedEnumerable"> |
<summary> |
Gets this coroutine as a typed enumerable which can be looped over for resuming. |
Returns its result as DynValue(s) |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.AsEnumerable"> |
<summary> |
Gets this coroutine as a typed enumerable which can be looped over for resuming. |
Returns its result as System.Object. Only the first element of tuples is returned. |
Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this method. Use an overload of the Resume method accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.AsEnumerable``1"> |
<summary> |
Gets this coroutine as a typed enumerable which can be looped over for resuming. |
Returns its result as the specified type. Only the first element of tuples is returned. |
Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this method. Use an overload of the Resume method accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.AsUnityCoroutine"> |
<summary> |
The purpose of this method is to convert a MoonSharp/Lua coroutine to a Unity3D coroutine. |
This loops over the coroutine, discarding returned values, and returning null for each invocation. |
This means however that the coroutine will be invoked each frame. |
Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this method. Use an overload of the Resume method accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Resume(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Resumes the coroutine. |
Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Resume(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Resumes the coroutine. |
</summary> |
<param name="context">The ScriptExecutionContext.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Resume"> |
<summary> |
Resumes the coroutine. |
Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Resume(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext)"> |
<summary> |
Resumes the coroutine. |
</summary> |
<param name="context">The ScriptExecutionContext.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Resume(System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Resumes the coroutine. |
Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.Resume(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Resumes the coroutine |
</summary> |
<param name="context">The ScriptExecutionContext.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.State"> |
<summary> |
Gets the coroutine state. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.GetStackTrace(System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the coroutine stack trace for debug purposes |
</summary> |
<param name="skip">The skip.</param> |
<param name="entrySourceRef">The entry source reference.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this resource. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The script owning this resource. |
</value> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine.AutoYieldCounter"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the automatic yield counter. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The automatic yield counter. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.IScriptPrivateResource"> |
<summary> |
Common interface for all resources which are uniquely bound to a script. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.IScriptPrivateResource.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this resource. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The script owning this resource. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.RefIdObject"> |
<summary> |
A base class for many MoonSharp objects. |
Helds a ReferenceID property which gets a different value for every object instance, for debugging |
purposes. Note that the ID is not assigned in a thread safe manner for speed reason, so the IDs |
are guaranteed to be unique only if everything is running on one thread at a time. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.RefIdObject.ReferenceID"> |
<summary> |
Gets the reference identifier. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The reference identifier. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.RefIdObject.FormatTypeString(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Formats a string with a type name and a ref-id |
</summary> |
<param name="typeString">The type name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData"> |
<summary> |
Class used to support "tail" continuations - a way for C# / Lua interaction which supports |
coroutine yielding (at the expense of a LOT of added complexity in calling code). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData.Function"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the function to call |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData.Args"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the arguments to the function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData.Continuation"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the callback to be used as a continuation. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData.ErrorHandler"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the callback to be used in case of errors. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData.ErrorHandlerBeforeUnwind"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the error handler to be called before stack unwinding |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData"> |
<summary> |
Class exposing C# objects as Lua userdata. |
For efficiency, a global registry of types is maintained, instead of a per-script one. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.UserValue"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the "uservalue". See debug.getuservalue and debug.setuservalue. |
http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-debug.setuservalue |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.Object"> |
<summary> |
Gets the object associated to this userdata (null for statics) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.Descriptor"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type descriptor of this userdata |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterType``1(MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a type for userdata interop |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type to be registered</typeparam> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode (optional).</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">Friendly name for the type (optional)</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a type for userdata interop |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type to be registered</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode (optional).</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">Friendly name for the type (optional)</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterProxyType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IProxyFactory,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a proxy type. |
</summary> |
<param name="proxyFactory">The proxy factory.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">A friendly name for the descriptor.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterProxyType``2(System.Func{``1,``0},MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a proxy type using a delegate. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="TProxy">The type of the proxy.</typeparam> |
<typeparam name="TTarget">The type of the target.</typeparam> |
<param name="wrapDelegate">A delegate creating a proxy object from a target object.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">A friendly name for the descriptor.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterType``1(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a type with a custom userdata descriptor |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type to be registered</typeparam> |
<param name="customDescriptor">The custom descriptor.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a type with a custom userdata descriptor |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type to be registered</param> |
<param name="customDescriptor">The custom descriptor.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a type with a custom userdata descriptor |
</summary> |
<param name="customDescriptor">The custom descriptor.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Registers all types marked with a MoonSharpUserDataAttribute that ar contained in an assembly. |
</summary> |
<param name="asm">The assembly.</param> |
<param name="includeExtensionTypes">if set to <c>true</c> extension types are registered to the appropriate registry.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.IsTypeRegistered(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified type is registered. Note that this should be used only to check if a descriptor |
has been registered EXACTLY. For many types a descriptor can still be created, for example through the descriptor |
of a base type or implemented interfaces. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.IsTypeRegistered``1"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified type is registered. Note that this should be used only to check if a descriptor |
has been registered EXACTLY. For many types a descriptor can still be created, for example through the descriptor |
of a base type or implemented interfaces. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type.</typeparam> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.UnregisterType``1"> |
<summary> |
Unregisters a type. |
WARNING: unregistering types at runtime is a dangerous practice and may cause unwanted errors. |
Use this only for testing purposes or to re-register the same type in a slightly different way. |
Additionally, it's a good practice to discard all previous loaded scripts after calling this method. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type to be unregistered</typeparam> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.UnregisterType(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Unregisters a type. |
WARNING: unregistering types at runtime is a dangerous practice and may cause unwanted errors. |
Use this only for testing purposes or to re-register the same type in a slightly different way. |
Additionally, it's a good practice to discard all previous loaded scripts after calling this method. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The The type to be unregistered</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.Create(System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a userdata DynValue from the specified object, using a specific descriptor |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object</param> |
<param name="descr">The descriptor.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.Create(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a userdata DynValue from the specified object |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.CreateStatic(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a static userdata DynValue from the specified IUserDataDescriptor |
</summary> |
<param name="descr">The IUserDataDescriptor</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.CreateStatic(System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a static userdata DynValue from the specified Type |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The type</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.CreateStatic``1"> |
<summary> |
Creates a static userdata DynValue from the specified Type |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The Type</typeparam> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegistrationPolicy"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the registration policy to be used in the whole application |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.DefaultAccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the default access mode to be used in the whole application |
</summary> |
<value> |
The default access mode. |
</value> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">InteropAccessMode is InteropAccessMode.Default</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.RegisterExtensionType(System.Type,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Registers an extension Type (that is a type containing extension methods) |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="mode">The InteropAccessMode.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetExtensionMethodsByNameAndType(System.String,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Gets all the extension methods which can match a given name and extending a given Type |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="extendedType">The extended type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetExtensionMethodsChangeVersion"> |
<summary> |
Gets a number which gets incremented everytime the extension methods registry changes. |
Use this to invalidate caches based on extension methods |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetDescriptorForType``1(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the best possible type descriptor for a specified CLR type. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The CLR type for which the descriptor is desired.</typeparam> |
<param name="searchInterfaces">if set to <c>true</c> interfaces are used in the search.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetDescriptorForType(System.Type,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the best possible type descriptor for a specified CLR type. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The CLR type for which the descriptor is desired.</param> |
<param name="searchInterfaces">if set to <c>true</c> interfaces are used in the search.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetDescriptorForObject(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the best possible type descriptor for a specified CLR object. |
</summary> |
<param name="o">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetDescriptionOfRegisteredTypes(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a table with the description of registered types. |
</summary> |
<param name="useHistoricalData">if set to true, it will also include the last found descriptor of all unregistered types.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData.GetRegisteredTypes(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets all the registered types. |
</summary> |
<param name="useHistoricalData">if set to true, it will also include the last found descriptor of all unregistered types.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.WellKnownSymbols"> |
<summary> |
Constants of well known "symbols" in the MoonSharp grammar |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.WellKnownSymbols.VARARGS"> |
<summary> |
The variadic argument symbol ("...") |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.WellKnownSymbols.ENV"> |
<summary> |
The environment symbol ("_ENV") |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.YieldRequest"> |
<summary> |
Class wrapping a request to yield a coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.YieldRequest.ReturnValues"> |
<summary> |
The return values of the coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.YieldRequest.Forced"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.YieldRequest"/> is a forced yield. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction"> |
<summary> |
Wrapper for a debugger initiated action |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType"> |
<summary> |
Type of the action |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.ByteCodeStepIn"> |
<summary> |
Step-in at the bytecode level |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.ByteCodeStepOver"> |
<summary> |
Step-over at the bytecode level |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.ByteCodeStepOut"> |
<summary> |
Step-out at the bytecode level |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.StepIn"> |
<summary> |
Step-in at the source level |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.StepOver"> |
<summary> |
Step-over at the source level |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.StepOut"> |
<summary> |
Step-out at the source level |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.Run"> |
<summary> |
Continue execution "freely" |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.ToggleBreakpoint"> |
<summary> |
Toggles breakpoint |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.SetBreakpoint"> |
<summary> |
Sets a breakpoint |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.ClearBreakpoint"> |
<summary> |
Clears a breakpoint |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.Refresh"> |
<summary> |
Refresh the data |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.HardRefresh"> |
<summary> |
Hard refresh of data |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ActionType.None"> |
<summary> |
No action |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.Action"> |
<summary> |
The type of action |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.TimeStampUTC"> |
<summary> |
Gets the time stamp UTC of this action |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.SourceID"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the source identifier this action refers to. <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.GetSourceCode(System.Int32)"/> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.SourceLine"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the source line this action refers to. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.SourceCol"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the source column this action refers to. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.Age"> |
<summary> |
Gets the age of this debugger action |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.DebuggerAction.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger"> |
<summary> |
Interface for debuggers to implement, in order to provide debugging facilities to Scripts. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.SetSourceCode(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode)"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine when a source code is added or changed. |
</summary> |
<param name="sourceCode">The source code object.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.SetByteCode(System.String[])"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine when the bytecode changes. |
</summary> |
<param name="byteCode">The bytecode source</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.IsPauseRequested"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine at execution time to check if a break has |
been requested. Should return pretty fast as it's called A LOT. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.SignalRuntimeException(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException)"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine when a runtime error occurs. |
The debugger can return true to signal the engine that it wants to break |
into the source of the error. If it does so, it should also return true |
to subsequent calls to IsPauseRequested(). |
</summary> |
<param name="ex">The runtime exception.</param> |
<returns>True if this error should break execution.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.GetAction(System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef)"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine to get what action to do next. |
</summary> |
<param name="ip">The instruction pointer in bytecode.</param> |
<param name="sourceref">The source reference.</param> |
<returns>T</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.SignalExecutionEnded"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine when the execution ends. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.Update(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem})"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine to update watches of a given type. Note |
that this method is not called only for watches in the strictest term, |
but also for the stack, etc. |
</summary> |
<param name="watchType">Type of the watch.</param> |
<param name="items">The items.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.GetWatchItems"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine to get which expressions are active |
watches in the debugger. |
</summary> |
<returns>A list of watches</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger.RefreshBreakpoints(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef})"> |
<summary> |
Called by the script engine to refresh the breakpoint list. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef"> |
<summary> |
Class representing a reference to source code interval |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.IsClrLocation"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this location is inside CLR . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.SourceIdx"> |
<summary> |
Gets the index of the source. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.FromChar"> |
<summary> |
Gets from which column the source code ref starts |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.ToChar"> |
<summary> |
Gets to which column the source code ref ends |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.FromLine"> |
<summary> |
Gets from which line the source code ref starts |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.ToLine"> |
<summary> |
Gets to which line the source code ref ends |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.IsStepStop"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a stop "step" in source mode |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.Breakpoint"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a breakpoint |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.CannotBreakpoint"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance cannot be set as a breakpoint |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.IncludesLocation(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets whether the source ref includes the specified location |
</summary> |
<param name="sourceIdx">Index of the source.</param> |
<param name="line">The line.</param> |
<param name="col">The column.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.SetNoBreakPoint"> |
<summary> |
Sets the CannotBreakpoint flag. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef.FormatLocation(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Formats the location according to script preferences |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="forceClassicFormat">if set to <c>true</c> the classic Lua format is forced.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem"> |
<summary> |
A watch item for the debugger to consume. |
Most properties make or not sense depending on the WatchType. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.Address"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the address of the item |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.BasePtr"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the base pointer (base value of v-stack at entering the function). |
Valid only for call-stack items |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.RetAddress"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the return address. |
Valid only for call-stack items |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the name of the item |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.Value"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the value of the item |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.LValue"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the symbol reference of the item |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.IsError"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is generating an error. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.Location"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the source location this item refers to. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchItem.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration of the possible watch types |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType.Watches"> |
<summary> |
A real variable watch |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType.VStack"> |
<summary> |
The status of the v-stack |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType.CallStack"> |
<summary> |
The call stack |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType.Coroutines"> |
<summary> |
The list of coroutines |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.WatchType.MaxValue"> |
<summary> |
The maximum value of this enum |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode"> |
<summary> |
Class representing the source code of a given script |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the source code |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode.Code"> |
<summary> |
Gets the source code as a string |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode.Lines"> |
<summary> |
Gets the source code lines. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this resource. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode.SourceID"> |
<summary> |
Gets the source identifier inside a script |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceCode.GetCodeSnippet(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.SourceRef)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the code snippet represented by a source ref |
</summary> |
<param name="sourceCodeRef">The source code reference.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing classes used to support debuggers |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounters.GlobalPerformanceStopwatch"> |
<summary> |
This class is not *really* IDisposable.. it's just use to have a RAII like pattern. |
You are free to reuse this instance after calling Dispose. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounters.PerformanceStopwatch"> |
<summary> |
This class is not *really* IDisposable.. it's just use to have a RAII like pattern. |
You are free to reuse this instance after calling Dispose. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration of the possible performance counters |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.AstCreation"> |
<summary> |
Measures the time spent parsing the source creating the AST |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.Compilation"> |
<summary> |
Measures the time spent converting ASTs in bytecode |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.Execution"> |
<summary> |
Measures the time spent in executing scripts |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.AdaptersCompilation"> |
<summary> |
Measures the on the fly creation/compilation of functions in userdata descriptors |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.LastValue"> |
<summary> |
Sentinel value to get the enum size |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration of unit of measures of the performance counters |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.MemoryBytes"> |
<summary> |
The performance counter is specified in bytes (of memory) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.TimeMilliseconds"> |
<summary> |
The performance counter is specified in milliseconds |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceStatistics"> |
<summary> |
A single object of this type exists for every script and gives access to performance statistics. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceStatistics.Enabled"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this collection of performance stats is enabled. |
</summary> |
<value> |
<c>true</c> if enabled; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceStatistics.GetPerformanceCounterResult(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the result of the specified performance counter . |
</summary> |
<param name="pc">The PerformanceCounter.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceStatistics.StartStopwatch(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter)"> |
<summary> |
Starts a stopwatch. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceStatistics.StartGlobalStopwatch(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter)"> |
<summary> |
Starts a stopwatch. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceStatistics.GetPerformanceLog"> |
<summary> |
Gets a string with a complete performance log. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult"> |
<summary> |
The result of a performance counter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the performance counter which generated this result. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.Counter"> |
<summary> |
Gets the quantity monitored - see Type to understand what this field contains |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.Instances"> |
<summary> |
Gets the number of instances which led to the specified counter being incremented - e.g. the times a specific |
code is executed, or object instanced |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.Global"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult"/> is global or relative to the resource |
for which it's called. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the unit of measure of the Counter field. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceResult.PerformanceCounterTypeToString(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a PerformanceCounterType to a string. |
</summary> |
<param name="Type">The type.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing classes used to support self diagnostics (e.g. performance counters) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException"> |
<summary> |
Exception for all runtime errors. In addition to constructors, it offers a lot of static methods |
generating more "standard" Lua errors. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.#ctor(System.Exception)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="ex">The ex.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="message">The message that describes the error.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="format">The format.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.DoNotDecorateMessage"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the message should not be decorated |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.ArithmeticOnNonNumber(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an arithmetic operation was attempted on non-numbers |
</summary> |
<param name="l">The left operand.</param> |
<param name="r">The right operand (or null).</param> |
<returns>The exception to be raised.</returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InternalErrorException">If both are numbers</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.ConcatOnNonString(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a concat operation was attempted on non-strings |
</summary> |
<param name="l">The left operand.</param> |
<param name="r">The right operand.</param> |
<returns>The exception to be raised.</returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InternalErrorException">If both are numbers or strings</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.LenOnInvalidType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a len operator was applied on an invalid operand |
</summary> |
<param name="r">The operand.</param> |
<returns>The exception to be raised.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.CompareInvalidType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a comparison operator was applied on an invalid combination of operand types |
</summary> |
<param name="l">The left operand.</param> |
<param name="r">The right operand.</param> |
<returns>The exception to be raised.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgument(System.Int32,System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with a bad argument |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<param name="message">The error message.</param> |
<returns>The exception to be raised.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentUserData(System.Int32,System.String,System.Type,System.Object,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with a bad userdata argument |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<param name="expected">The expected System.Type.</param> |
<param name="got">The object which was used.</param> |
<param name="allowNil">True if nils were allowed in this call.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgument(System.Int32,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with a bad argument |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<param name="expected">The expected data type.</param> |
<param name="got">The data type received.</param> |
<param name="allowNil">True if nils were allowed in this call.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgument(System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with a bad argument |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<param name="expected">The expected type description.</param> |
<param name="got">The description of the type received.</param> |
<param name="allowNil">True if nils were allowed in this call.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentNoValue(System.Int32,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with no value when a value was required. |
This function creates a message like "bad argument #xxx to 'yyy' (zzz expected, got no value)" |
while <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentValueExpected(System.Int32,System.String)" /> creates a message like "bad argument #xxx to 'yyy' (value expected)" |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<param name="expected">The expected data type.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentIndexOutOfRange(System.String,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an out of range index was specified |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentNoNegativeNumbers(System.Int32,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with a negative number when a positive one was expected. |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentValueExpected(System.Int32,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a function was called with no value when a value was required. |
This function creates a message like "bad argument #xxx to 'yyy' (value expected)" |
while <see cref="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentNoValue(System.Int32,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)" /> creates a message like "bad argument #xxx to 'yyy' (zzz expected, got no value)" |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number (0-based).</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function generating this error.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.IndexType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an invalid attempt to index the specified object was made |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.LoopInIndex"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a loop was detected when performing __index over metatables. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.LoopInNewIndex"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a loop was detected when performing __newindex over metatables. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.LoopInCall"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a loop was detected when performing __call over metatables. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNil"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a table indexing operation used nil as the key. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNaN"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a table indexing operation used a NaN as the key. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.ConvertToNumberFailed(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a conversion to number failed. |
</summary> |
<param name="stage"> |
Selects the correct error message: |
0 - "value must be a number" |
1 - "'for' initial value must be a number" |
2 - "'for' step must be a number" |
3 - "'for' limit must be a number" |
</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.ConvertObjectFailed(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a conversion of a CLR type to a Lua type has failed. |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object which could not be converted.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.ConvertObjectFailed(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a conversion of a Lua type to a CLR type has failed. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The Lua type.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.ConvertObjectFailed(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a constrained conversion of a Lua type to a CLR type has failed. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The Lua type.</param> |
<param name="t2">The expected CLR type.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.UserDataArgumentTypeMismatch(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
a userdata of a specific CLR type was expected and a non-userdata type was passed. |
</summary> |
<param name="t">The Lua type.</param> |
<param name="clrType">The expected CLR type.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.UserDataMissingField(System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt to index an invalid member of a userdata was done. |
</summary> |
<param name="typename">The name of the userdata type.</param> |
<param name="fieldname">The field name.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.CannotResumeNotSuspended(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt resume a coroutine in an invalid state was done. |
</summary> |
<param name="state">The state of the coroutine.</param> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.CannotYield"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt to yield across a CLR boundary was made. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.CannotYieldMain"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt to yield from the main coroutine was made. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The exception to be raised. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.AttemptToCallNonFunc(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt to call a non-function was made |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The lua non-function data type.</param> |
<param name="debugText">The debug text to aid location (appears as "near 'xxx'").</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.AccessInstanceMemberOnStatics(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt to access a non-static member from a static userdata was made |
</summary> |
<param name="desc">The member descriptor.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException.AccessInstanceMemberOnStatics(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataDescriptor,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors.IMemberDescriptor)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a ScriptRuntimeException with a predefined error message specifying that |
an attempt to access a non-static member from a static userdata was made |
</summary> |
<param name="typeDescr">The type descriptor.</param> |
<param name="desc">The member descriptor.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InternalErrorException"> |
<summary> |
Exception thrown when an inconsistent state is reached in the interpreter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException"> |
<summary> |
Base type of all exceptions thrown in MoonSharp |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException.#ctor(System.Exception)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="ex">The ex.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="message">The message that describes the error.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="format">The format.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException.InstructionPtr"> |
<summary> |
Gets the instruction pointer of the execution (if it makes sense) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException.CallStack"> |
<summary> |
Gets the interpreter call stack. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InterpreterException.DecoratedMessage"> |
<summary> |
Gets the decorated message (error message plus error location in script) if possible. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SyntaxErrorException"> |
<summary> |
Exception for all parsing/lexing errors. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SyntaxErrorException.IsPrematureStreamTermination"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this exception was caused by premature stream termination (that is, unexpected EOF). |
This can be used in REPL interfaces to tell between unrecoverable errors and those which can be recovered by extra input. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments"> |
<summary> |
This class is a container for arguments received by a CallbackFunction |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue},System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<param name="isMethodCall">if set to <c>true</c> [is method call].</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.Count"> |
<summary> |
Gets the count of arguments |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.IsMethodCall"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is a method call. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.Item(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue"/> at the specified index, or Void if not found |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.RawGet(System.Int32,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" /> at the specified index, or null. |
</summary> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="translateVoids">if set to <c>true</c> all voids are translated to nils.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.GetArray(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the arguments to an array |
</summary> |
<param name="skip">The number of elements to skip (default= 0).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.AsType(System.Int32,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the specified argument as as an argument of the specified type. If not possible, |
an exception is raised. |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number.</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<param name="type">The type desired.</param> |
<param name="allowNil">if set to <c>true</c> nil values are allowed.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.AsUserData``1(System.Int32,System.String,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the specified argument as as an argument of the specified user data type. If not possible, |
an exception is raised. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The desired userdata type</typeparam> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number.</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<param name="allowNil">if set to <c>true</c> nil values are allowed.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.AsInt(System.Int32,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the specified argument as an integer |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number.</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.AsLong(System.Int32,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the specified argument as a long integer |
</summary> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number.</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.AsStringUsingMeta(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,System.Int32,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the specified argument as a string, calling the __tostring metamethod if needed, in a NON |
yield-compatible way. |
</summary> |
<param name="executionContext">The execution context.</param> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number.</param> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">'tostring' must return a string to '{0}'</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments.SkipMethodCall"> |
<summary> |
Returns a copy of CallbackArguments where the first ("self") argument is skipped if this was a method call, |
otherwise returns itself. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure"> |
<summary> |
A class representing a script function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.UpvaluesType"> |
<summary> |
Type of closure based on upvalues |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.UpvaluesType.None"> |
<summary> |
The closure has no upvalues (thus, technically, it's a function and not a closure!) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.UpvaluesType.Environment"> |
<summary> |
The closure has _ENV as its only upvalue |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.UpvaluesType.Closure"> |
<summary> |
The closure is a "real" closure, with multiple upvalues |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.EntryPointByteCodeLocation"> |
<summary> |
Gets the entry point location in bytecode . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.emptyClosure"> |
<summary> |
Shortcut for an empty closure |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.ClosureContext"> |
<summary> |
The current closure context |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef[],System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="idx">The index.</param> |
<param name="symbols">The symbols.</param> |
<param name="resolvedLocals">The resolved locals.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.Call"> |
<summary> |
Calls this function with the specified args |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.Call(System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Calls this function with the specified args |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments to pass to the function.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.Call(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Calls this function with the specified args |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments to pass to the function.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.GetDelegate"> |
<summary> |
Gets a delegate wrapping calls to this scripted function |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.GetDelegate``1"> |
<summary> |
Gets a delegate wrapping calls to this scripted function |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The type of return value of the delegate.</typeparam> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.GetUpvaluesCount"> |
<summary> |
Gets the number of upvalues in this closure |
</summary> |
<returns>The number of upvalues in this closure</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.GetUpvalueName(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the specified upvalue. |
</summary> |
<param name="idx">The index of the upvalue.</param> |
<returns>The upvalue name</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.GetUpvalue(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value of an upvalue. To set the value, use GetUpvalue(idx).Assign(...); |
</summary> |
<param name="idx">The index of the upvalue.</param> |
<returns>The value of an upvalue </returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure.GetUpvaluesType"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of the upvalues contained in this closure |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction"> |
<summary> |
This class wraps a CLR function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.ClrCallback"> |
<summary> |
Gets the call back. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The call back. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.#ctor(System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue},System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction" /> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="callBack">The callback function to be called.</param> |
<param name="name">The callback name, used in stacktraces, debugger, etc..</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.Invoke(MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,System.Collections.Generic.IList{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue},System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Invokes the callback function |
</summary> |
<param name="executionContext">The execution context.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<param name="isMethodCall">if set to <c>true</c> this is a method call.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.DefaultAccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the default access mode used when marshalling delegates |
</summary> |
<value> |
The default access mode. Default, HideMembers and BackgroundOptimized are NOT supported. |
</value> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Default, HideMembers and BackgroundOptimized are NOT supported.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.FromDelegate(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Delegate,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a CallbackFunction from a delegate. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="del">The delegate.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a CallbackFunction from a MethodInfo relative to a function. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="mi">The MethodInfo object.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object to which the function applies, or null for static methods.</param> |
<param name="accessMode">The access mode.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The method is not static.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.AdditionalData"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets an object used as additional data to the callback function (available in the execution context). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction.CheckCallbackSignature(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Checks the callback signature of a method is compatible for callbacks |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue"> |
<summary> |
A class representing a value in a Lua/MoonSharp script. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ReferenceID"> |
<summary> |
Gets a unique reference identifier. This is guaranteed to be unique only for dynvalues created in a single thread as it's not thread-safe. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of the value. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Function"> |
<summary> |
Gets the function (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Function"/>) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Number"> |
<summary> |
Gets the numeric value (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Number"/>) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Tuple"> |
<summary> |
Gets the values in the tuple (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is Tuple). |
This field is currently also used to hold arguments in values whose <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.TailCallRequest"/>. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Coroutine"> |
<summary> |
Gets the coroutine handle. (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is Thread). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Table"> |
<summary> |
Gets the table (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Table"/>) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Boolean"> |
<summary> |
Gets the boolean value (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Boolean"/>) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.String"> |
<summary> |
Gets the string value (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.String"/>) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Callback"> |
<summary> |
Gets the CLR callback (valid only if the <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Type"/> is <see cref="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.ClrFunction"/>) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.TailCallData"> |
<summary> |
Gets the tail call data. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.YieldRequest"> |
<summary> |
Gets the yield request data. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.UserData"> |
<summary> |
Gets the tail call data. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ReadOnly"> |
<summary> |
Returns true if this instance is write protected. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewNil"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to Nil. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewBoolean(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified boolean. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewNumber(System.Double)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified number. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewString(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified string. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewString(System.Text.StringBuilder)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified StringBuilder. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewString(System.String,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified string using String.Format like syntax |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewCoroutine(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Coroutine)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified coroutine. |
Internal use only, for external use, see Script.CoroutineCreate |
</summary> |
<param name="coroutine">The coroutine object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewClosure(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Closure)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified closure (function). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewCallback(System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue},System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified CLR callback. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewCallback(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified CLR callback. |
See also CallbackFunction.FromDelegate and CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo factory methods. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to the specified table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewPrimeTable"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to an empty prime table (a |
prime table is a table made only of numbers, strings, booleans and other |
prime tables). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to an empty table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new writable value initialized to with array contents. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTailCallReq(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new request for a tail call. This is the preferred way to execute Lua/MoonSharp code from a callback, |
although it's not always possible to use it. When a function (callback or script closure) returns a |
TailCallRequest, the bytecode processor immediately executes the function contained in the request. |
By executing script in this way, a callback function ensures it's not on the stack anymore and thus a number |
of functionality (state savings, coroutines, etc) keeps working at full power. |
</summary> |
<param name="tailFn">The function to be called.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTailCallReq(MoonSharp.Interpreter.TailCallData)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new request for a tail call. This is the preferred way to execute Lua/MoonSharp code from a callback, |
although it's not always possible to use it. When a function (callback or script closure) returns a |
TailCallRequest, the bytecode processor immediately executes the function contained in the request. |
By executing script in this way, a callback function ensures it's not on the stack anymore and thus a number |
of functionality (state savings, coroutines, etc) keeps working at full power. |
</summary> |
<param name="tailCallData">The data for the tail call.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewYieldReq(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new request for a yield of the current coroutine. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The yield argumenst.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewForcedYieldReq"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new request for a yield of the current coroutine. |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The yield argumenst.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTuple(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new tuple initialized to the specified values. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewTupleNested(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new tuple initialized to the specified values - which can be potentially other tuples |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.NewUserData(MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new userdata value |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.AsReadOnly"> |
<summary> |
Returns this value as readonly - eventually cloning it in the process if it isn't readonly to start with. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Clone"> |
<summary> |
Clones this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Clone(System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Clones this instance, overriding the "readonly" status. |
</summary> |
<param name="readOnly">if set to <c>true</c> the new instance is set as readonly, or writeable otherwise.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.CloneAsWritable"> |
<summary> |
Clones this instance, returning a writable copy. |
</summary> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Can't clone Symbol values</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Void"> |
<summary> |
A preinitialized, readonly instance, equaling Void |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Nil"> |
<summary> |
A preinitialized, readonly instance, equaling Nil |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.True"> |
<summary> |
A preinitialized, readonly instance, equaling True |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.False"> |
<summary> |
A preinitialized, readonly instance, equaling False |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ToPrintString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a string which is what it's expected to be output by the print function applied to this value. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.GetHashCode"> |
<summary> |
Returns a hash code for this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Equals(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Object" />, is equal to this instance. |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to compare with this instance.</param> |
<returns> |
<c>true</c> if the specified <see cref="T:System.Object" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, <c>false</c>. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.CastToString"> |
<summary> |
Casts this DynValue to string, using coercion if the type is number. |
</summary> |
<returns>The string representation, or null if not number, not string.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.CastToNumber"> |
<summary> |
Casts this DynValue to a double, using coercion if the type is string. |
</summary> |
<returns>The string representation, or null if not number, not string or non-convertible-string.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.CastToBool"> |
<summary> |
Casts this DynValue to a bool |
</summary> |
<returns>False if value is false or nil, true otherwise.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.GetAsPrivateResource"> |
<summary> |
Returns this DynValue as an instance of <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.IScriptPrivateResource"/>, if possible, |
null otherwise |
</summary> |
<returns>False if value is false or nil, true otherwise.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ToScalar"> |
<summary> |
Converts a tuple to a scalar value. If it's already a scalar value, this function returns "this". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.Assign(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an assignment, overwriting the value with the specified one. |
</summary> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">If the value is readonly.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.GetLength"> |
<summary> |
Gets the length of a string or table value. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">Value is not a table or string.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.IsNil"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance is nil or void |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.IsNotNil"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance is not nil or void |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.IsVoid"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance is void |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.IsNotVoid"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this instance is not void |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.IsNilOrNan"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether is nil, void or NaN (and thus unsuitable for using as a table key). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.AssignNumber(System.Double)"> |
<summary> |
Changes the numeric value of a number DynValue. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.FromObject(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new DynValue from a CLR object |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ToObject"> |
<summary> |
Converts this MoonSharp DynValue to a CLR object. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.ToObject``1"> |
<summary> |
Converts this MoonSharp DynValue to a CLR object of the specified type. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.CheckType(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags)"> |
<summary> |
Checks the type of this value corresponds to the desired type. A propert ScriptRuntimeException is thrown |
if the value is not of the specified type or - considering the TypeValidationFlags - is not convertible |
to the specified type. |
</summary> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function requesting the value, for error message purposes.</param> |
<param name="desiredType">The desired data type.</param> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number, for error message purposes.</param> |
<param name="flags">The TypeValidationFlags.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">Thrown |
if the value is not of the specified type or - considering the TypeValidationFlags - is not convertible |
to the specified type.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue.CheckUserDataType``1(System.String,System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.TypeValidationFlags)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if the type is a specific userdata type, and returns it or throws. |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T"></typeparam> |
<param name="funcName">Name of the function.</param> |
<param name="argNum">The argument number.</param> |
<param name="flags">The flags.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TablePair"> |
<summary> |
A class representing a key/value pair for Table use |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TablePair.Key"> |
<summary> |
Gets the key. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TablePair.Value"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the value. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TablePair.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TablePair"/> struct. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="val">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.TablePair.Nil"> |
<summary> |
Gets the nil pair |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext"> |
<summary> |
Class giving access to details of the environment where the script is executing |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.IsDynamicExecution"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running a dynamic execution. |
Under a dynamic execution, most methods of ScriptExecutionContext are not reliable as the |
processing engine of the script is not "really" running or is not available. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.CallingLocation"> |
<summary> |
Gets the location of the code calling back |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.AdditionalData"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the additional data associated to this CLR function call. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.GetMetatable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the metatable associated with the given value. |
</summary> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.GetMetamethod(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the specified metamethod associated with the given value. |
</summary> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
<param name="metamethod">The metamethod name.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.GetMetamethodTailCall(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
prepares a tail call request for the specified metamethod, or null if no metamethod is found. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.GetBinaryMetamethod(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the metamethod to be used for a binary operation using op1 and op2. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.GetScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script object associated with this request |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.GetCallingCoroutine"> |
<summary> |
Gets the coroutine which is performing the call |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.EmulateClassicCall(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackArguments,System.String,System.Func{MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop.LuaState,System.Int32})"> |
<summary> |
Calls a callback function implemented in "classic way". |
Useful to port C code from Lua, or C# code from UniLua and KopiLua. |
Lua : http://www.lua.org/ |
UniLua : http://github.com/xebecnan/UniLua |
KopiLua : http://github.com/NLua/KopiLua |
</summary> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<param name="functionName">Name of the function - for error messages.</param> |
<param name="callback">The callback.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.Call(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Calls the specified function, supporting most cases. The called function must not yield. |
</summary> |
<param name="func">The function; it must be a Function or ClrFunction or have a call metamethod defined.</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">If the function yields, returns a tail call request with continuations/handlers or, of course, if it encounters errors.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.EvaluateSymbol(MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to get the reference of a symbol in the current execution state |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.EvaluateSymbolByName(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Tries to get the value of a symbol in the current execution state |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.FindSymbolByName(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Finds a symbol by name in the current execution state |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.CurrentGlobalEnv"> |
<summary> |
Gets the current global env, or null if not found. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.PerformMessageDecorationBeforeUnwind(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException)"> |
<summary> |
Performs a message decoration before unwinding after an error. To be used in the implementation of xpcall like functions. |
</summary> |
<param name="messageHandler">The message handler.</param> |
<param name="exception">The exception.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptExecutionContext.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this resource. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The script owning this resource. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState"> |
<summary> |
State of coroutines |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState.Main"> |
<summary> |
This is the main coroutine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState.NotStarted"> |
<summary> |
Coroutine has not started yet |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState.Suspended"> |
<summary> |
Coroutine is suspended |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState.ForceSuspended"> |
<summary> |
Coroutine has been forcefully suspended (i.e. auto-yielded) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState.Running"> |
<summary> |
Coroutine is running |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoroutineState.Dead"> |
<summary> |
Coroutine has terminated |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LinqHelpers"> |
<summary> |
LINQ helper methods |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LinqHelpers.Convert``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue},MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the specified enumerable dynvalues of a given script type to objects of a given type |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The desired type</typeparam> |
<param name="enumerable">The enumerable.</param> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LinqHelpers.OfDataType(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue},MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Filters an enumeration for items of the given script type |
</summary> |
<param name="enumerable">The enumerable.</param> |
<param name="type">The script type.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LinqHelpers.AsObjects(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})"> |
<summary> |
Converts the elements to CLR objects |
</summary> |
<param name="enumerable">The enumerable.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LinqHelpers.AsObjects``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue})"> |
<summary> |
Converts the elements to CLR objects of the desired type |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The desired type</typeparam> |
<param name="enumerable">The enumerable.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Marks a type of automatic registration as userdata (which happens only if UserData.RegisterAssembly is called). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataAttribute.AccessMode"> |
<summary> |
The interop access mode |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataAttribute.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpUserDataAttribute"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor"> |
<summary> |
Descriptor which acts as a non-containing adapter from IUserDataType to IUserDataDescriptor |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.#ctor(System.Type,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="friendlyName">Name of the friendly.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the descriptor (usually, the name of the type described). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type this descriptor refers to |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.Index(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "get" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.SetIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Boolean)"> |
<summary> |
Performs an "index" "set" operation. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="index">The index.</param> |
<param name="value">The value to be set</param> |
<param name="isDirectIndexing">If set to true, it's indexed with a name, if false it's indexed through brackets.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.AsString(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Converts this userdata to string |
</summary> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.MetaIndex(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Object,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a "meta" operation on this userdata. If a descriptor does not support this functionality, |
it should return "null" (not a nil). |
These standard metamethods can be supported (the return value should be a function accepting the |
classic parameters of the corresponding metamethod): |
__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __div, __pow, __unm, __eq, __lt, __le, __lt, __len, __concat, |
__pairs, __ipairs, __iterator, __call |
These standard metamethods are supported through other calls for efficiency: |
__index, __newindex, __tostring |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script originating the request</param> |
<param name="obj">The object (null if a static request is done)</param> |
<param name="metaname">The name of the metamember.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor.IsTypeCompatible(System.Type,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the specified object is compatible with the specified type. |
Unless a very specific behaviour is needed, the correct implementation is a |
simple " return type.IsInstanceOfType(obj); " |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<param name="obj">The object.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode"> |
<summary> |
Enumerations of the possible strategies to marshal CLR objects to MoonSharp userdata and functions |
when using automatic descriptors. |
Note that these are "hints" and MoonSharp is free to ignore the access mode specified (if different from |
HideMembers) and downgrade the access mode to "Reflection". |
This particularly happens when running on AOT platforms like iOS. |
See also : <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction"/> and <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData"/> . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.Reflection"> |
<summary> |
Optimization is not performed and reflection is used everytime to access members. |
This is the slowest approach but saves a lot of memory if members are seldomly used. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.LazyOptimized"> |
<summary> |
Optimization is done on the fly the first time a member is accessed. |
This saves memory for all members that are never accessed, at the cost of an increased script execution time. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.Preoptimized"> |
<summary> |
Optimization is done at registration time. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.BackgroundOptimized"> |
<summary> |
Optimization is done in a background thread which starts at registration time. |
If a member is accessed before optimization is completed, reflection is used. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.Hardwired"> |
<summary> |
Use the hardwired descriptor(s) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.HideMembers"> |
<summary> |
No optimization is done, and members are not accessible at all. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.NoReflectionAllowed"> |
<summary> |
No reflection is allowed, nor code generation. This is used as a safeguard when registering types which should not |
use a standard reflection based descriptor - for example for types implementing <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.IUserDataType" /> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.InteropAccessMode.Default"> |
<summary> |
Use the default access mode |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRefType"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration of the types of SymbolRef |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRefType.Local"> |
<summary> |
The symbol ref of a local variable |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRefType.Upvalue"> |
<summary> |
The symbol ref of an upvalue variable |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRefType.Global"> |
<summary> |
The symbol ref of a global variable |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRefType.DefaultEnv"> |
<summary> |
The symbol ref of the global environment |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef"> |
<summary> |
This class stores a possible l-value (that is a potential target of an assignment) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Type"> |
<summary> |
Gets the type of this symbol reference |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Index"> |
<summary> |
Gets the index of this symbol in its scope context |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of this symbol |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Environment"> |
<summary> |
Gets the environment this symbol refers to (for global symbols only) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.DefaultEnv"> |
<summary> |
Gets the default _ENV. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Global(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new symbol reference pointing to a global var |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="envSymbol">The _ENV symbol.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Local(System.String,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new symbol reference pointing to a local var |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="index">The index of the var in local scope.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.Upvalue(System.String,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new symbol reference pointing to an upvalue var |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The name.</param> |
<param name="index">The index of the var in closure scope.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.ToString"> |
<summary> |
Returns a <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</summary> |
<returns> |
A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that represents this instance. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.WriteBinary(System.IO.BinaryWriter)"> |
<summary> |
Writes this instance to a binary stream |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.SymbolRef.ReadBinary(System.IO.BinaryReader)"> |
<summary> |
Reads a symbolref from a binary stream |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration of possible data types in MoonSharp |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Nil"> |
<summary> |
A nil value, as in Lua |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Void"> |
<summary> |
A place holder for no value |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Boolean"> |
<summary> |
A Lua boolean |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Number"> |
<summary> |
A Lua number |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.String"> |
<summary> |
A Lua string |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Function"> |
<summary> |
A Lua function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Table"> |
<summary> |
A Lua table |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Tuple"> |
<summary> |
A set of multiple values |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.UserData"> |
<summary> |
A userdata reference - that is a wrapped CLR object |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.Thread"> |
<summary> |
A coroutine handle |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.ClrFunction"> |
<summary> |
A callback function |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.TailCallRequest"> |
<summary> |
A request to execute a tail call |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType.YieldRequest"> |
<summary> |
A request to coroutine.yield |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LuaTypeExtensions"> |
<summary> |
Extension methods to DataType |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LuaTypeExtensions.CanHaveTypeMetatables(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether this data type can have type metatables. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LuaTypeExtensions.ToErrorTypeString(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the DataType to the string returned by the "type(...)" Lua function |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">The DataType is not a Lua type</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LuaTypeExtensions.ToLuaDebuggerString(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the DataType to the string returned by the "type(...)" Lua function, with additional values |
to support debuggers |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">The DataType is not a Lua type</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.LuaTypeExtensions.ToLuaTypeString(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Converts the DataType to the string returned by the "type(...)" Lua function |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">The DataType is not a Lua type</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.EmbeddedResourcesScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
A script loader loading scripts from an assembly resources |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.EmbeddedResourcesScriptLoader.#ctor(System.Reflection.Assembly)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.EmbeddedResourcesScriptLoader"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="resourceAssembly">The assembly containing the scripts as embedded resources or null to use the calling assembly.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.EmbeddedResourcesScriptLoader.ScriptFileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a script file exists. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The script filename.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.EmbeddedResourcesScriptLoader.LoadFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Opens a file for reading the script code. |
It can return either a string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
If a byte[] is returned, the content is assumed to be a serialized (dumped) bytecode. If it's a string, it's |
assumed to be either a script or the output of a string.dump call. If a Stream, autodetection takes place. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.FileSystemScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
A script loader loading scripts directly from the file system (does not go through platform object) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.FileSystemScriptLoader.ScriptFileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a script file exists. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The script filename.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.FileSystemScriptLoader.LoadFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Opens a file for reading the script code. |
It can return either a string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
If a byte[] is returned, the content is assumed to be a serialized (dumped) bytecode. If it's a string, it's |
assumed to be either a script or the output of a string.dump call. If a Stream, autodetection takes place. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.InvalidScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
A script loader used for platforms we cannot initialize in any better way.. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase"> |
<summary> |
A base implementation of IScriptLoader, offering resolution of module names. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.ScriptFileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a script file exists. |
</summary> |
<param name="name">The script filename.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.LoadFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Opens a file for reading the script code. |
It can return either a string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
If a byte[] is returned, the content is assumed to be a serialized (dumped) bytecode. If it's a string, it's |
assumed to be either a script or the output of a string.dump call. If a Stream, autodetection takes place. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.ResolveModuleName(System.String,System.String[])"> |
<summary> |
Resolves the name of a module on a set of paths. |
</summary> |
<param name="modname">The modname.</param> |
<param name="paths">The paths.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.ResolveModuleName(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Resolves the name of a module to a filename (which will later be passed to OpenScriptFile). |
The resolution happens first on paths included in the LUA_PATH global variable (if and only if |
the IgnoreLuaPathGlobal is false), and - if the variable does not exist - by consulting the |
ScriptOptions.ModulesPaths array. Override to provide a different behaviour. |
</summary> |
<param name="modname">The modname.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.ModulePaths"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the modules paths used by the "require" function. If null, the default paths are used (using |
environment variables etc.). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.UnpackStringPaths(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Unpacks a string path in a form like "?;?.lua" to an array |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.GetDefaultEnvironmentPaths"> |
<summary> |
Gets the default environment paths. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.ResolveFileName(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Resolves a filename [applying paths, etc.] |
</summary> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.ScriptLoaderBase.IgnoreLuaPathGlobal"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the LUA_PATH global is checked or not to get the path where modules are contained. |
If true, the LUA_PATH global is NOT checked. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.IScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
Class dictating how requests to read scripts from files are handled. |
It's recommended that no class implement IScriptLoader directly, and rather extend ScriptLoaderBase. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.IScriptLoader.LoadFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Opens a file for reading the script code. |
It can return either a string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
If a byte[] is returned, the content is assumed to be a serialized (dumped) bytecode. If it's a string, it's |
assumed to be either a script or the output of a string.dump call. If a Stream, autodetection takes place. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.IScriptLoader.ResolveFileName(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Resolves a filename [applying paths, etc.] |
</summary> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.IScriptLoader.ResolveModuleName(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Resolves the name of a module to a filename (which will later be passed to OpenScriptFile) |
</summary> |
<param name="modname">The modname.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
A script loader which can load scripts from assets in Unity3D. |
Scripts should be saved as .txt files in a subdirectory of Assets/Resources. |
When MoonSharp is activated on Unity3D and the default script loader is used, |
scripts should be saved as .txt files in Assets/Resources/MoonSharp/Scripts. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.DEFAULT_PATH"> |
<summary> |
The default path where scripts are meant to be stored (if not changed) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.#ctor(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="assetsPath">The path, relative to Assets/Resources. For example |
if your scripts are stored under Assets/Resources/Scripts, you should |
pass the value "Scripts". If null, "MoonSharp/Scripts" is used. </param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="scriptToCodeMap">A dictionary mapping filenames to the proper Lua script code.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.LoadFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Opens a file for reading the script code. |
It can return either a string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
If a byte[] is returned, the content is assumed to be a serialized (dumped) bytecode. If it's a string, it's |
assumed to be either a script or the output of a string.dump call. If a Stream, autodetection takes place. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A string, a byte[] or a Stream. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.Exception">UnityAssetsScriptLoader.LoadFile : Cannot load + file</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.ScriptFileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a given file exists |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.UnityAssetsScriptLoader.GetLoadedScripts"> |
<summary> |
Gets the list of loaded scripts filenames (useful for debugging purposes). |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing classes used to customized how scripts are loaded from external files. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplHistoryInterpreter"> |
<summary> |
An implementation of <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter"/> which supports a very basic history of recent input lines. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplHistoryInterpreter.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplHistoryInterpreter"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="historySize">Size of the history.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplHistoryInterpreter.Evaluate(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Evaluate a REPL command. |
This method returns the result of the computation, or null if more input is needed for having valid code. |
In case of errors, exceptions are propagated to the caller. |
</summary> |
<param name="input">The input.</param> |
<returns> |
This method returns the result of the computation, or null if more input is needed for a computation. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplHistoryInterpreter.HistoryPrev"> |
<summary> |
Gets the previous item in history, or null |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplHistoryInterpreter.HistoryNext"> |
<summary> |
Gets the next item in history, or null |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreterScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
A script loader loading scripts directly from the file system (does not go through platform object) |
AND starts with module paths taken from environment variables (again, not going through the platform object). |
The paths are preconstructed using : |
* The MOONSHARP_PATH environment variable if it exists |
* The LUA_PATH_5_2 environment variable if MOONSHARP_PATH does not exists |
* The LUA_PATH environment variable if LUA_PATH_5_2 and MOONSHARP_PATH do not exists |
* The "?;?.lua" path if all the above fail |
Also, everytime a module is require(d), the "LUA_PATH" global variable is checked. If it exists, those paths |
will be used to load the module instead of the global ones. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreterScriptLoader.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreterScriptLoader"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreterScriptLoader.ResolveModuleName(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Resolves the name of a module to a filename (which will later be passed to OpenScriptFile). |
The resolution happens first on paths included in the LUA_PATH global variable, and - |
if the variable does not exist - by consulting the |
ScriptOptions.ModulesPaths array. Override to provide a different behaviour. |
</summary> |
<param name="modname">The modname.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Contains classes useful to implement REPL interpreters. |
See : <see href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop" /> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter"> |
<summary> |
This class provides a simple REPL intepreter ready to be reused in a simple way. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.HandleDynamicExprs"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instances handle inputs starting with a "?" as a |
dynamic expression to evaluate instead of script code (likely invalid) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.HandleClassicExprsSyntax"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instances handle inputs starting with a "=" as a |
non-dynamic expression to evaluate (just like the Lua interpreter does by default). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.HasPendingCommand"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has a pending command |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.CurrentPendingCommand"> |
<summary> |
Gets the current pending command. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.ClassicPrompt"> |
<summary> |
Gets the classic prompt (">" or ">>") given the current state of the interpreter |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL.ReplInterpreter.Evaluate(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Evaluate a REPL command. |
This method returns the result of the computation, or null if more input is needed for having valid code. |
In case of errors, exceptions are propagated to the caller. |
</summary> |
<param name="input">The input.</param> |
<returns>This method returns the result of the computation, or null if more input is needed for a computation.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute"> |
<summary> |
In a module type, mark fields with this attribute to have them exposed as a module constant. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleAttribute"/> for more information about modules. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the name of the constant - if different from the name of the field itself |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing all the most commonly used classes for MoonSharp operation. |
When in doubt, refer to <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script" /> and <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue" /> classes as starting points. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.NamespaceDoc"> |
<summary> |
Namespace containing classes used to customize how the interfacing with the operative system happens |
for the 'os' and 'io' modules, and for future modules/classes which may require OS access. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor"/> and <see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptGlobalOptions.Platform"/> . |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor"> |
<summary> |
Interface to abstract all accesses made to the underlying platform (OS, framework) by the scripting engine. |
Can be used both to support "non-standard" platforms (i.e. non-posix, non-windows) and/or to sandbox the behaviour |
of the scripting engine. |
It's recommended that no class implement IPlatformAccessor directly, and rather extend <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase"/>. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.FilterSupportedCoreModules(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules)"> |
<summary> |
Filters the CoreModules enumeration to exclude non-supported operations |
</summary> |
<param name="module">The requested modules.</param> |
<returns> |
The requested modules, with unsupported modules filtered out. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.GetEnvironmentVariable(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets an environment variable. Must be implemented, but an implementation is allowed |
to always return null if a more meaningful implementation cannot be achieved or is |
not desired. |
</summary> |
<param name="envvarname">The envvarname.</param> |
<returns> |
The environment variable value, or null if not found |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.IsRunningOnAOT"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the application is running in AOT (ahead-of-time) mode |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.GetPlatformName"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the platform (used for debug purposes). |
</summary> |
<returns>The name of the platform (used for debug purposes)</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.DefaultPrint(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Default handler for 'print' calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions |
</summary> |
<param name="content">The content.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.DefaultInput(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Default handler for interactive line input calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions. |
If a meaningful implementation cannot be provided, this method should return null. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.IO_OpenFile(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.String,System.Text.Encoding,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
A function used to open files in the 'io' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if 'io' module is filtered out. |
It should return a correctly initialized Stream for the given file and access |
</summary> |
<param name="script">The script.</param> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="encoding">The encoding.</param> |
<param name="mode">The mode (as per Lua usage - e.g. 'w+', 'rb', etc.).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.IO_GetStandardStream(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a standard stream (stdin, stdout, stderr). |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.IO_OS_GetTempFilename"> |
<summary> |
Gets a temporary filename. Used in 'io' and 'os' modules. |
Can have an invalid implementation if 'io' and 'os' modules are filtered out. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.OS_ExitFast(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Exits the process, returning the specified exit code. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="exitCode">The exit code.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.OS_FileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a file exists. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<returns>True if the file exists, false otherwise.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.OS_FileDelete(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Deletes the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.OS_FileMove(System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Moves the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="src">The source.</param> |
<param name="dst">The DST.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.IPlatformAccessor.OS_Execute(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Executes the specified command line, returning the child process exit code and blocking in the meantime. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="cmdline">The cmdline.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase"> |
<summary> |
An abstract class which offers basic services on top of IPlatformAccessor to provide easier implementation of platforms. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.GetPlatformNamePrefix"> |
<summary> |
Gets the platform name prefix |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.GetPlatformName"> |
<summary> |
Gets the name of the platform (used for debug purposes). |
</summary> |
<returns> |
The name of the platform (used for debug purposes) |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.DefaultPrint(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Default handler for 'print' calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions |
</summary> |
<param name="content">The content.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.DefaultInput"> |
<summary> |
This is kept for backward compatibility, see the overload taking a prompt as an input parameter. |
Default handler for interactive line input calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions. |
If an inheriting class whants to give a meaningful implementation, this method MUST be overridden. |
</summary> |
<returns>null</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.DefaultInput(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Default handler for interactive line input calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions. |
If an inheriting class whants to give a meaningful implementation, this method MUST be overridden. |
</summary> |
<returns>null</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.IO_OpenFile(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.String,System.Text.Encoding,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
A function used to open files in the 'io' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if 'io' module is filtered out. |
It should return a correctly initialized Stream for the given file and access |
</summary> |
<param name="script"></param> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="encoding">The encoding.</param> |
<param name="mode">The mode (as per Lua usage - e.g. 'w+', 'rb', etc.).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.IO_GetStandardStream(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a standard stream (stdin, stdout, stderr). |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.IO_OS_GetTempFilename"> |
<summary> |
Gets a temporary filename. Used in 'io' and 'os' modules. |
Can have an invalid implementation if 'io' and 'os' modules are filtered out. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.OS_ExitFast(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Exits the process, returning the specified exit code. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="exitCode">The exit code.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.OS_FileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a file exists. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<returns> |
True if the file exists, false otherwise. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.OS_FileDelete(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Deletes the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.OS_FileMove(System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Moves the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="src">The source.</param> |
<param name="dst">The DST.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.OS_Execute(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Executes the specified command line, returning the child process exit code and blocking in the meantime. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="cmdline">The cmdline.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.FilterSupportedCoreModules(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules)"> |
<summary> |
Filters the CoreModules enumeration to exclude non-supported operations |
</summary> |
<param name="module">The requested modules.</param> |
<returns> |
The requested modules, with unsupported modules filtered out. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.GetEnvironmentVariable(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets an environment variable. Must be implemented, but an implementation is allowed |
to always return null if a more meaningful implementation cannot be achieved or is |
not desired. |
</summary> |
<param name="envvarname">The envvarname.</param> |
<returns> |
The environment variable value, or null if not found |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAccessorBase.IsRunningOnAOT"> |
<summary> |
Determines whether the application is running in AOT (ahead-of-time) mode |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector"> |
<summary> |
A static class offering properties for autodetection of system/platform details |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnMono"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running on mono. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnClr4"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running on a CLR4 compatible implementation |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnUnity"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running on Unity-3D |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector.IsPortableFramework"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been built as a Portable Class Library |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnAOT"> |
<summary> |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running a system using Ahead-Of-Time compilation |
and not supporting JIT. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor"> |
<summary> |
A class implementing all the bits needed to have a minimal support of a platform. |
This does not support the 'io'/'file' modules and has partial support of the 'os' module. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.GetEnvironmentVariable(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets an environment variable. Must be implemented, but an implementation is allowed |
to always return null if a more meaningful implementation cannot be achieved or is |
not desired. |
</summary> |
<param name="envvarname">The envvarname.</param> |
<returns> |
The environment variable value, or null if not found |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.FilterSupportedCoreModules(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules)"> |
<summary> |
Filters the CoreModules enumeration to exclude non-supported operations |
</summary> |
<param name="module">The requested modules.</param> |
<returns> |
The requested modules, with unsupported modules filtered out. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.IO_OpenFile(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.String,System.Text.Encoding,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
A function used to open files in the 'io' module. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="script"></param> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="encoding">The encoding.</param> |
<param name="mode">The mode (as per Lua usage - e.g. 'w+', 'rb', etc.).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.IO_GetStandardStream(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a standard stream (stdin, stdout, stderr). |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.IO_OS_GetTempFilename"> |
<summary> |
Gets a temporary filename. Used in 'io' and 'os' modules. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.OS_ExitFast(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Exits the process, returning the specified exit code. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="exitCode">The exit code.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.OS_FileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a file exists. Used by the 'os' module. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<returns> |
True if the file exists, false otherwise. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.OS_FileDelete(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Deletes the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.OS_FileMove(System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Moves the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="src">The source.</param> |
<param name="dst">The DST.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.OS_Execute(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Executes the specified command line, returning the child process exit code and blocking in the meantime. |
LimitedPlatformAccessorBase does NOT offer a meaningful implementation of this method and |
thus does not support 'io' and 'os' modules. |
</summary> |
<param name="cmdline">The cmdline.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException">The current platform accessor does not support 'io' and 'os' operations. Provide your own implementation of platform to work around this limitation, if needed.</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.GetPlatformNamePrefix"> |
<summary> |
Gets the platform name prefix |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.LimitedPlatformAccessor.DefaultPrint(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Default handler for 'print' calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions |
</summary> |
<param name="content">The content.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration of standard file handles |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType.StdIn"> |
<summary> |
Standard Input |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType.StdOut"> |
<summary> |
Standard Output |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType.StdErr"> |
<summary> |
Standard Error Output |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor"> |
<summary> |
Class providing the IPlatformAccessor interface for standard full-feaured implementations. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.ParseFileAccess(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a Lua string access mode to a FileAccess enum |
</summary> |
<param name="mode">The mode.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.ParseFileMode(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Converts a Lua string access mode to a ParseFileMode enum |
</summary> |
<param name="mode">The mode.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.IO_OpenFile(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,System.String,System.Text.Encoding,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
A function used to open files in the 'io' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if 'io' module is filtered out. |
It should return a correctly initialized Stream for the given file and access |
</summary> |
<param name="script"></param> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="encoding">The encoding.</param> |
<param name="mode">The mode (as per Lua usage - e.g. 'w+', 'rb', etc.).</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.GetEnvironmentVariable(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets an environment variable. Must be implemented, but an implementation is allowed |
to always return null if a more meaningful implementation cannot be achieved or is |
not desired. |
</summary> |
<param name="envvarname">The envvarname.</param> |
<returns> |
The environment variable value, or null if not found |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.IO_GetStandardStream(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardFileType)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a standard stream (stdin, stdout, stderr). |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">type</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.DefaultPrint(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Default handler for 'print' calls. Can be customized in ScriptOptions |
</summary> |
<param name="content">The content.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.IO_OS_GetTempFilename"> |
<summary> |
Gets a temporary filename. Used in 'io' and 'os' modules. |
Can have an invalid implementation if 'io' and 'os' modules are filtered out. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.OS_ExitFast(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Exits the process, returning the specified exit code. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="exitCode">The exit code.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.OS_FileExists(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Checks if a file exists. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
<returns> |
True if the file exists, false otherwise. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.OS_FileDelete(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Deletes the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="file">The file.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.OS_FileMove(System.String,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Moves the specified file. Used by the 'os' module. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="src">The source.</param> |
<param name="dst">The DST.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.OS_Execute(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Executes the specified command line, returning the child process exit code and blocking in the meantime. |
Can have an invalid implementation if the 'os' module is filtered out. |
</summary> |
<param name="cmdline">The cmdline.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.FilterSupportedCoreModules(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules)"> |
<summary> |
Filters the CoreModules enumeration to exclude non-supported operations |
</summary> |
<param name="module">The requested modules.</param> |
<returns> |
The requested modules, with unsupported modules filtered out. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms.StandardPlatformAccessor.GetPlatformNamePrefix"> |
<summary> |
Gets the platform name prefix |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.NotImplementedException"></exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script"> |
<summary> |
This class implements a MoonSharp scripting session. Multiple Script objects can coexist in the same program but cannot share |
data among themselves unless some mechanism is put in place. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.VERSION"> |
<summary> |
The version of the MoonSharp engine |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.LUA_VERSION"> |
<summary> |
The Lua version being supported |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.#cctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script"/> class. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.#ctor"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script"/> clas.s |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="coreModules">The core modules to be pre-registered in the default global table.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.DefaultOptions"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the script loader which will be used as the value of the |
ScriptLoader property for all newly created scripts. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Options"> |
<summary> |
Gets access to the script options. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.GlobalOptions"> |
<summary> |
Gets the global options, that is options which cannot be customized per-script. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.PerformanceStats"> |
<summary> |
Gets access to performance statistics. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Globals"> |
<summary> |
Gets the default global table for this script. Unless a different table is intentionally passed (or setfenv has been used) |
execution uses this table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.LoadFunction(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Loads a string containing a Lua/MoonSharp function. |
</summary> |
<param name="code">The code.</param> |
<param name="globalTable">The global table to bind to this chunk.</param> |
<param name="funcFriendlyName">Name of the function used to report errors, etc.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing a function which will execute the loaded code. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.LoadString(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Loads a string containing a Lua/MoonSharp script. |
</summary> |
<param name="code">The code.</param> |
<param name="globalTable">The global table to bind to this chunk.</param> |
<param name="codeFriendlyName">Name of the code - used to report errors, etc.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing a function which will execute the loaded code. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.LoadStream(System.IO.Stream,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Loads a Lua/MoonSharp script from a System.IO.Stream. NOTE: This will *NOT* close the stream! |
</summary> |
<param name="stream">The stream containing code.</param> |
<param name="globalTable">The global table to bind to this chunk.</param> |
<param name="codeFriendlyName">Name of the code - used to report errors, etc.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing a function which will execute the loaded code. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Dump(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.IO.Stream)"> |
<summary> |
Dumps on the specified stream. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The function.</param> |
<param name="stream">The stream.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> |
function arg is not a function! |
or |
stream is readonly! |
or |
function arg has upvalues other than _ENV |
</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.LoadFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Loads a string containing a Lua/MoonSharp script. |
</summary> |
<param name="filename">The code.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global table to bind to this chunk.</param> |
<param name="friendlyFilename">The filename to be used in error messages.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing a function which will execute the loaded code. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.DoString(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Loads and executes a string containing a Lua/MoonSharp script. |
</summary> |
<param name="code">The code.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing the result of the processing of the loaded chunk. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.DoStream(System.IO.Stream,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Loads and executes a stream containing a Lua/MoonSharp script. |
</summary> |
<param name="stream">The stream.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing the result of the processing of the loaded chunk. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.DoFile(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Loads and executes a file containing a Lua/MoonSharp script. |
</summary> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns> |
A DynValue containing the result of the processing of the loaded chunk. |
</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.RunFile(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Runs the specified file with all possible defaults for quick experimenting. |
</summary> |
<param name="filename">The filename.</param> |
A DynValue containing the result of the processing of the executed script. |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.RunString(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Runs the specified code with all possible defaults for quick experimenting. |
</summary> |
<param name="code">The Lua/MoonSharp code.</param> |
A DynValue containing the result of the processing of the executed script. |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.MakeClosure(System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a closure from a bytecode address. |
</summary> |
<param name="address">The address.</param> |
<param name="envTable">The env table to create a 0-upvalue</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Call(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Calls the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The Lua/MoonSharp function to be called</param> |
<returns> |
The return value(s) of the function call. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Call(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Calls the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The Lua/MoonSharp function to be called</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments to pass to the function.</param> |
<returns> |
The return value(s) of the function call. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Call(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Calls the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The Lua/MoonSharp function to be called</param> |
<param name="args">The arguments to pass to the function.</param> |
<returns> |
The return value(s) of the function call. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Call(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Calls the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The Lua/MoonSharp function to be called</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Call(System.Object,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Calls the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The Lua/MoonSharp function to be called </param> |
<param name="args">The arguments to pass to the function.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.CreateCoroutine(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a coroutine pointing at the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The function.</param> |
<returns> |
The coroutine handle. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function or DataType.ClrFunction</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.CreateCoroutine(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a coroutine pointing at the specified function. |
</summary> |
<param name="function">The function.</param> |
<returns> |
The coroutine handle. |
</returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown if function is not of DataType.Function or DataType.ClrFunction</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.GetMainChunk"> |
<summary> |
Gets the main chunk function. |
</summary> |
<returns>A DynValue containing a function which executes the first chunk that has been loaded.</returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.DebuggerEnabled"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the debugger is enabled. |
Note that unless a debugger attached, this property returns a |
value which might not reflect the real status of the debugger. |
Use this property if you want to disable the debugger for some |
executions. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.AttachDebugger(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging.IDebugger)"> |
<summary> |
Attaches a debugger. This usually should be called by the debugger itself and not by user code. |
</summary> |
<param name="debugger">The debugger object.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.GetSourceCode(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the source code. |
</summary> |
<param name="sourceCodeID">The source code identifier.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.SourceCodeCount"> |
<summary> |
Gets the source code count. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The source code count. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.RequireModule(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Loads a module as per the "require" Lua function. http://www.lua.org/pil/8.1.html |
</summary> |
<param name="modname">The module name</param> |
<param name="globalContext">The global context.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptRuntimeException">Raised if module is not found</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.GetTypeMetatable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType)"> |
<summary> |
Gets a type metatable. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.SetTypeMetatable(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataType,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Sets a type metatable. |
</summary> |
<param name="type">The type. Must be Nil, Boolean, Number, String or Function</param> |
<param name="metatable">The metatable.</param> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Specified type not supported : + type.ToString()</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.WarmUp"> |
<summary> |
Warms up the parser/lexer structures so that MoonSharp operations start faster. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.CreateDynamicExpression(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new dynamic expression. |
</summary> |
<param name="code">The code of the expression.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.CreateConstantDynamicExpression(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a new dynamic expression which is actually quite static, returning always the same constant value. |
</summary> |
<param name="code">The code of the not-so-dynamic expression.</param> |
<param name="constant">The constant to return.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.CreateDynamicExecutionContext(MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction)"> |
<summary> |
Gets an execution context exposing only partial functionality, which should be used for |
those cases where the execution engine is not really running - for example for dynamic expression |
or calls from CLR to CLR callbacks |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.Registry"> |
<summary> |
MoonSharp (like Lua itself) provides a registry, a predefined table that can be used by any CLR code to |
store whatever Lua values it needs to store. |
Any CLR code can store data into this table, but it should take care to choose keys |
that are different from those used by other libraries, to avoid collisions. |
Typically, you should use as key a string GUID, a string containing your library name, or a |
userdata with the address of a CLR object in your code. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table"> |
<summary> |
A class representing a Lua table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script)"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="owner">The owner script.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.#ctor(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue[])"> |
<summary> |
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table"/> class. |
</summary> |
<param name="owner">The owner.</param> |
<param name="arrayValues">The values for the "array-like" part of the table.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.OwnerScript"> |
<summary> |
Gets the script owning this resource. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Clear"> |
<summary> |
Removes all items from the Table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.GetIntegralKey(System.Double)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the integral key from a double. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Item(System.Object,System.Object[])"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the |
<see cref="T:System.Object" /> with the specified key(s). |
This will marshall CLR and MoonSharp objects in the best possible way. |
Multiple keys can be used to access subtables. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The <see cref="T:System.Object" />. |
</value> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="subkeys">Optional subkeys to access subtables</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Item(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Object"/> with the specified key(s). |
This will marshall CLR and MoonSharp objects in the best possible way. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The <see cref="T:System.Object"/>. |
</value> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.GetWithObjectKey(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the dynvalue associated with the specified key (expressed as a System.Object) |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.GetAsObject(System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the dynvalue associated with the specified key (expressed as a System.Object) as a System.Object. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.SetAsObject(System.Object,System.Object)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the dynvalue associated with the specified key. Both expressed as System.Object. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Set(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value associated to the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Get(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value associated with the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Set(System.String,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value associated to the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Get(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value associated with the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.RawGet(System.String)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value associated with the specified key, without bringing to Nil the non-existant values. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Set(System.Int32,MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Sets the value associated to the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<param name="value">The value.</param> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Get(System.Int32)"> |
<summary> |
Gets the value associated with the specified key. |
</summary> |
<param name="key">The key.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.CollectDeadKeys"> |
<summary> |
Collects the dead keys. This frees up memory but invalidates pending iterators. |
It's called automatically internally when the semantics of Lua tables allow, but can be forced |
externally if it's known that no iterators are pending. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.NextKey(MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue)"> |
<summary> |
Returns the next pair from a value |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Length"> |
<summary> |
Gets the length of the "array part". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.MetaTable"> |
<summary> |
Gets the meta-table associated with this instance. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Pairs"> |
<summary> |
Enumerates the key/value pairs. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Keys"> |
<summary> |
Enumerates the keys. |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table.Values"> |
<summary> |
Enumerates the values |
</summary> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules"> |
<summary> |
Enumeration (combinable as flags) of all the standard library modules |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.None"> |
<summary> |
Value used to specify no modules to be loaded (equals 0). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Basic"> |
<summary> |
The basic methods. Includes "assert", "collectgarbage", "error", "print", "select", "type", "tonumber" and "tostring". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.GlobalConsts"> |
<summary> |
The global constants: "_G", "_VERSION" and "_MOONSHARP". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.TableIterators"> |
<summary> |
The table iterators: "next", "ipairs" and "pairs". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Metatables"> |
<summary> |
The metatable methods : "setmetatable", "getmetatable", "rawset", "rawget", "rawequal" and "rawlen". |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.String"> |
<summary> |
The string package |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.LoadMethods"> |
<summary> |
The load methods: "load", "loadsafe", "loadfile", "loadfilesafe", "dofile" and "require" |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Table"> |
<summary> |
The table package |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.ErrorHandling"> |
<summary> |
The error handling methods: "pcall" and "xpcall" |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Math"> |
<summary> |
The math package |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Coroutine"> |
<summary> |
The coroutine package |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Bit32"> |
<summary> |
The bit32 package |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.OS_Time"> |
<summary> |
The time methods of the "os" package: "clock", "difftime", "date" and "time" |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.OS_System"> |
<summary> |
The methods of "os" package excluding those listed for OS_Time. These are not supported under Unity. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.IO"> |
<summary> |
The methods of "io" and "file" packages. These are not supported under Unity. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Debug"> |
<summary> |
The "debug" package (it has limited support) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Dynamic"> |
<summary> |
The "dynamic" package (introduced by MoonSharp). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Preset_HardSandbox"> |
<summary> |
A sort of "hard" sandbox preset, including string, math, table, bit32 packages, constants and table iterators. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Preset_SoftSandbox"> |
<summary> |
A softer sandbox preset, adding metatables support, error handling, coroutine, time functions and dynamic evaluations. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Preset_Default"> |
<summary> |
The default preset. Includes everything except "debug" as now. |
Beware that using this preset allows scripts unlimited access to the system. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="F:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules.Preset_Complete"> |
<summary> |
The complete package. |
Beware that using this preset allows scripts unlimited access to the system. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ModuleRegister"> |
<summary> |
Class managing modules (mostly as extension methods) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ModuleRegister.RegisterCoreModules(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreModules)"> |
<summary> |
Register the core modules to a table |
</summary> |
<param name="table">The table.</param> |
<param name="modules">The modules.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ModuleRegister.RegisterConstants(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Registers the standard constants (_G, _VERSION, _MOONSHARP) to a table |
</summary> |
<param name="table">The table.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ModuleRegister.RegisterModuleType(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table,System.Type)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a module type to the specified table |
</summary> |
<param name="gtable">The table.</param> |
<param name="t">The type</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">If the module contains some incompatibility</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ModuleRegister.RegisterModuleType``1(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table)"> |
<summary> |
Registers a module type to the specified table |
</summary> |
<typeparam name="T">The module type</typeparam> |
<param name="table">The table.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">If the module contains some incompatibility</exception> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute"> |
<summary> |
In a module type, mark methods or fields with this attribute to have them exposed as module functions. |
Methods must have the signature "public static DynValue ...(ScriptExecutionContextCallbackArguments)". |
Fields must be static or const strings, with an anonymous Lua function inside. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleAttribute"/> for more information about modules. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute.Name"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the name of the function in the module (defaults to member name) |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleAttribute"> |
<summary> |
Marks a CLR type to be a MoonSharp module. |
Modules are the fastest way to bring interop between scripts and CLR code, albeit at the cost of a very increased |
complexity in writing them. Modules is what's used for the standard library, for maximum efficiency. |
Modules are basically classes containing only static methods, with the callback function signature. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Table"/> and <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ModuleRegister"/> for (extension) methods used to register modules to a |
table. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction"/> for information regarding the standard callback signature along with easier ways |
to marshal methods. |
See <see cref="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.UserData"/> for easier object marshalling. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.MoonSharpModuleAttribute.Namespace"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the namespace, that is the name of the table which will contain the defined functions. |
Can be null to be in the global table. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptGlobalOptions"> |
<summary> |
Class containing script global options, that is options which cannot be customized per-script. |
<see cref="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Script.GlobalOptions"/> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptGlobalOptions.CustomConverters"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the custom converters. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptGlobalOptions.Platform"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the platform abstraction to use. |
</summary> |
<value> |
The current platform abstraction. |
</value> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions"> |
<summary> |
This class contains options to customize behaviour of Script objects. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.ScriptLoader"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the current script-loader. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.DebugPrint"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the debug print handler |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.DebugInput"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the debug input handler (takes a prompt as an input, for interactive interpreters, like debug.debug). |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.UseLuaErrorLocations"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether error messages will use Lua error locations instead of MoonSharp |
improved ones. Use this for compatibility with legacy Lua code which parses error messages. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.Stdin"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the stream used as stdin. If null, a default stream is used. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.Stdout"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the stream used as stdout. If null, a default stream is used. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.Stderr"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the stream used as stderr. If null, a default stream is used. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.TailCallOptimizationThreshold"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets the stack depth threshold at which MoonSharp starts doing |
tail call optimizations. |
TCOs can provide the little benefit of avoiding stack overflows in corner case |
scenarios, at the expense of losing debug information and error stack traces |
in all other, more common scenarios. MoonSharp choice is to start performing |
TCOs only after a certain threshold of stack usage is reached - by default |
half the current stack depth (128K entries), thus 64K entries, on either |
the internal stacks. |
Set this to int.MaxValue to disable TCOs entirely, or to 0 to always have |
TCOs enabled. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="P:MoonSharp.Interpreter.ScriptOptions.CheckThreadAccess"> |
<summary> |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the thread check is enabled. |
A "lazy" thread check is performed everytime execution is entered to ensure that no two threads |
calls MoonSharp execution concurrently. However 1) the check is performed best effort (thus, it might |
not detect all issues) and 2) it might trigger in very odd legal situations (like, switching threads |
inside a CLR-callback without actually having concurrency. |
Disable this option if the thread check is giving problems in your scenario, but please check that |
you are not calling MoonSharp execution concurrently as it is not supported. |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Serialization.SerializationExtensions"> |
<summary> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="T:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expressions.BinaryOperatorExpression"> |
<summary> |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expressions.BinaryOperatorExpression.CreateSubTree(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expressions.BinaryOperatorExpression.LinkedList,MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.ScriptLoadingContext)"> |
<summary> |
Creates a sub tree of binary expressions |
</summary> |
</member> |
<member name="M:MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expression.PrimaryExp(MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.ScriptLoadingContext)"> |
<summary> |
Primaries the exp. |
</summary> |
<param name="lcontext">The lcontext.</param> |
<returns></returns> |
</member> |
</members> |